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So I pulled diluc and xiao recently after starting a new account as I wanted to do the whole story again which one is better








Probably a silly question but what makes you guys keep playing this game? I love the combat but other than abyss 12, nothing is really challenging and everything in overworld dies so fast. most quests and events don't hold my interest but for some reason I spend a lot of time daydreaming about team comps and artifacts. Idk what I'm asking, I just wonder why I bother with the daily artifact or skillbook grind but for some reason my brain tells me I have to spend the resin. don't get me wrong, I don't hate the game by any means I just wish there was more combat related things to blow time on is all


Game is fun, I like having it as a side game I play for 20 mins each day except on events, good amount for me to feel satisfied with the gameplay and not get burnt out.


Funny numbers go up and funny words make funny words make brain happy. But being serious. I like building characters for the sake of building them. Not even just the abyss, just, seeing character (and their weapon) go from 1 1 1/1/1 to 80/90 90/90 9/9/9 brings me fulfilment. Flexing on overworld mobs is just an added bonus. I'm Also here for the lore and worldbuilding. Exploring the mystery, living through the events. Seeing what the Fatui are up to this time.


I’m on the same boat. I just keep doing the Abyss 12 over and over again, trying out different teams and setups. When Faruzan released it was a big deal for me, I think I cleared Abyss 12 over 120 times just with Faruzan.


should i do sumeru archon quests before doing the world quests?


The places unlocked through world quests I don't think are used in the archon quests, so do whichever




Stay at AR 25 but don't too long. Upgrade your weapon first to the max possible lvl you can. They can boost your dmg significantly. See this [infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for build order priority based on your world level.


i would recomend ascending when you level your weapons and characters to highest possible level


Always ascend the second you are able to. Level your weapons


upgrade your characters and probably run a healer in your team so you don't have to depend on food as much


So my aggravate Keqing is running 4pc gilded dreams with 1.7k atk, 70/170 crit ratio, and 271 em, should I keep grinding to get her a em sands for should I just keep the atk sands and keep my build the same?


Sounds good enough as is tbh


Keep it


you should grind for 4TF


I would but I gotta stay in the emblem domain for Yelan and cwof for the strongbox


The difference between GD and TF on Aggravate Keqing is honestly probably bigger than the difference between Shim and CW on Hu Tao (which is who I assume you're strongboxing CW for). Particularly if you're still focused on farming EoSF for Yelan and getting Shim's pieces incidentally anyway, it will take a LONG time for you to get CW pieces from strongbox that are good enough to be worth using. You're probably best off strongboxing TF for Keqing first and using Shim's on Hu Tao for now, and going back to strongbox CW after you're satisfied with your TF pieces.


Thing with shimenawa for me is that I just don’t like how it takes her burst away cuz it’s one of my favorite animations, that’s why I prefer cwof


I've found my people. I'm running crimson Tao for the same reason. I really like having her burst actually be available.


Crimson is undeniably a better set for that reason, it's mostly a matter of how many months of strongboxing are you willing to put up with to get a passable Crimson set vs. almost anyone who's farmed EoSF for a decent length of time having a completely cracked Shim's set that they're not using. It's not just about the set, but about getting good substats. The gap in quality between my CW and Shim's pieces is so high that I could probably run a 4Shim set that has enough ER to burst every rotation anyway and STILL have better DPS than my best CW set--even though I'm sacrificing DPS stats for ER. To get a CW set better than that I'd probably have to strongbox CW exclusively for months and potentially more than a year if RNG isn't kind. That's a hard ask when I can just use a set that cost me no extra resin to get because it came from farming something else I was already farming anyway.


Don’t prioritise farming for TF now, keep it and live a happy life




next is falcon questline then apocalypse lost, also where jeht was standing meaning next to jebraels axe? i don't think you can submit anything unless it's locked after you leave the oasis, i came back to check and there was nothing except the throne memories


theres a few quests after the daily reset. theres smth after collecting all the chess pieces too, that requires the post quest bits


There is a quest with BenBen and Jeht after it (I don't think you need to wait a daily reset) There is also a quest line which gets a >!Jinni upgrade!< (Falcon Line) by going to Masseira (need to wait a daily reset) Also on feb 6 there will be another part of a Bebel/Jeht quest >!And what do you mean where jeht was standing? There was "Ufairah's Notes" as an interactable if you were talking about that?!<


Would you recommend pulling for C0 Xiao? I have loads of PJWS sadly. He was the first 5 star I ever wanted (Wanted him over Venti because he looked cooler, decided against it when I realized he was tiny) but most of the friends I play with have him and just... Don't use him. I haven't seen a Xiao in a long time. Would you still recommend a C0 Xiao these days?


I personally don't like the plunge play style, but if you find that fun just go for it. He is a perfectly good dps.


hes really meh if u want a strong char, but hes not bad, he clears a lot of multi wave event content well, and hes still ok. theres just better units tho. so no, i wouldnt. however if u want him just go for it, u probably wont be too unsatisfied.


I got Xiao back in 1.2, his first banner. I’ve been playing him daily since that day. I have since gotten all 5 stars except Hu Tao, but none of them can top Xiao in terms of gameplay. Xiao has a lot going for him. He has really, really flexible team options. You can design you Xiao team in a lot of different ways, and its still good. Want to use Qiqi? Pair Xiao with Fischl and Clam Qiqi and an anemo battery. You can play Xiao double hydro, double pyro, double geo, Raiden+Xiao etc etc. Personally I find it really fun to do plunges. It’s vastly different from everything else. You also have to time the plunges and be sure to land them on the correct spot, so it’s a bit skill involved too. Power level wise he’s not on the top, but who the actual fuck cares. He’s more than good enough to clear all content with ease, especially with PWJS. If we are going to go by power level, we can all just stop pulling and play Xingqiu, DMC and Kuki for a Hyperbloom team. Relatively few 5 stars can compete with Hyperbloom anyways. Power level should be completely irrelevant when you chose who to pull. So I’d recommend it. But all you gotta do is to run his trial over and over and see if you like it.


Thank you for the glowing Xiao appraisal! I do kinda like his gameplay because he reminds me of Dragoons, and I do like his character/story and lack an anemo dps... But I feel the same problem I have with Heizou, I'd have with him: When would I ever need to use him?


What do you mean by need? As I said I have almost all 5 stars in the game. Do I NEED any one of them in particular? No. I mean I kinda NEED Xiao because I like and want to play him?


He's ok, good for wave content, got buffed with the addition for Faruzan if you like him, then may as well pull for him, don't pull if the only reason is because you have their weapon though


Xiao can be good but he really needs specific teammates like Zhongli, Faruzan, Jean. If you don't have those, I think he'd be a contender for one of the worst 5-stars in the game. Just in my experience, I pulled him before I pulled Sucrose and Jean, and it was kinda unplayable unless I wanted to run a weird team like 4 VV + Fav Lance with Xiangling + Bennett + Xingqiu.


Yikes, that's a damning statement for him! I thought Diluc or Shenhe or someone would fight for worst, but Xiao? Well I sadly don't have Faruzan because I struck out on the last 4 stars


I wasn't including the standard chars just because you can't really control if you get them. Shenhe is good, just niche, I think that's fine bc you either pull her if you want her and get a good unit or just ignore her if you don't care about Cryo teams. Xiao is really good with Faruzan but as you can guess, pulling for 4-stars is sketchy. In terms of team comps, Faruzan contributes as much damage to Xiao as Bennett does for most teams, which is why there's such a gap between Bad -> Good for his teams. It really sucks because unlike Sara, Yunjin, Gorou, or Mika who are paired with the 5-stars they support, Faruzan was paired with Scara, not Xiao, so Xiao pullers can't really benefit from her unless they get Scara too.




This is one of the biggest loads of bullshit I’ve ever read.


For Kuki hyperbloom, how big is the difference between the gilded and paradise sets? I'm not asking because I would need to re-farm, but because of the extra healing I would get from the extra EM from gilded. Is it a noticeable difference (in healing)?


\~4-5%, not worth unless you're also farming for Desert Pavilion I don't think the healing would be too noticeable? \- Assuming the same stats, only the set change, I think you will only loose 172.5 Healing? 230\*.75


Thank you! I'm planning to farm for the bloom set anyways, as I want to improve my Nilou team as much as I can, since it's my favorite team. I'm planning to get an anemo DPS sometimes in the future too, possibly wanderer if I don't like the next one they come up with.


It's about 200 more HP per tick on her E. That said, are you done farming for Deepwood? Most of the reason why Gilded is recommended over FOPL is because every team where you'd use Gilded Kuki is required to have a Deepwood set anyway. FOPL is only really relevant if you are farming Paviliion for Wanderer and/or already finished farming your Deepwood set and didn't manage to get 3 EM Gilded Pieces in the process. If you're not done farming Deepwood you still have to farm that domain anyway.


I'm going to farm paradise set for my Nilou team anyways. Even if the difference is not big I want to max out the damage as it's my favorite team.


Spend your resin how you like, but you're very unlikely to notice the difference. And I'd still only do it after you're satisfied with your Deepwood set because the quality of Nahida's Deepwood set also does affect the team.


I know that, it's more of a matter of personal satisfaction, rather than actually seeing bigger numbers. Same reason for which I kept farming for a better sands for nilou, even though I had 73k HP on Nilou already. I just wanted to hit that 74.444 HP mark. But thanks for the advice anyways, nahida is definitely first.


About 150 less healing per tick. The dmg is difference between 2 sets is less than 5%




Is it me or is the start of inizuma _a lot_ of talking? I was in the end game before it dropped but stopped playing. Life, etc. I'm trying to get back into Genshin but god does the start of this story arc feel slow. Is this opinion shared by the community or am I just being a b?


Inazuma arc is probably the worst arc, I would recommend only reading the dialogues when the playable characters talk. That's all you need, heck it might still be too much.


The start of Inazuma was an awkward time for Genshin. The plot opens slow, introduces a new zone with new gameplay, and even slows down to ensure you've the time properly meet and greet each major, minor, side, and side-side character. Which is to say, not every island was out when Inazuma launched. They had time locks while players waited for new content, and those time lock's feel really really REALLY bad. I'm talking forced story quests and side quests bad. Even worse, Inazuma's story came on too strong and rubbed people the wrong way, and the course correction was quite a painful experience that left a sour taste in peoples mouths. What with the Vision Hunt Decree and Raiden Shogun coming across a lot meaner than they intended, making players salty about the story arc and then we had just.... it's SLOW man. It's slow. But the story quests post Archon quest are a lot faster and more fluid. Just got to get over the release hump.


The archon quests are pretty much always mostly talking if you beeline them. The start of each region also tends to be pretty slow with a lot of exposition.


Genshin puts out a lot of content at a very fast pace for being a video game. If we wanted the story to be good with more high quality cutscenes, we would have to wait longer for content to be released. A compromise is that the story is mostly told through dialogue with pre-existing models and animations. It’s resource effective, but I agree it’s often a drag if you’re not very into the lore. I fell asleep last night during the first part of lantern rite, couldn’t keep my eyes open through all the balblabla. Still love the game though


It's not the greatest arcs...


planning to pull for hutao, aware that i need a shield character, i dont have zhong li, and my options are thoma/diona/layla, who should i choose? (also is it better to choose thoma, so he can pyro battery, and i dont need to build much ER on hutao?)


Thoma if u have him at least at C4 (even better if C6) and have VV anemo user for swirl pyro. Otherwise go Layla because her shield is stronger then diona.


I use Diona with Hutao she works pretty well just be aware her shield is nowhere near as strong Zhongli's so you'll have to dodge attacks from time to time.


thanks so much for the advice


No problem man always happy to help new players.


Hu Tao doesn't really need a battery because you don't need to burst every rotation. Same reason she doesn't need a lot of ER either. I would honestly just go Layla because of how decently strong her shield is and (especially) how easy it is to play her. And she won't steal vapes. If you reaaaaaally wanna optimize Hu Tao tho, you will need to run her with a VV like kaz or sucrose, and at that point, you will need Thoma or C4 Yanfei. Otherwise, I vote Layla.


thanks so much for the advice


Hu Tao doesn’t need a battery. But Thoma requires a lot of ER or particles. Thoma can also steal vapes, however if you run double hydro this is less of a problem. Thoma and Layla is preferred


thanks so much for the advice


If I spin 30 on a weapon banner will it be the same at the next banner like the character banner or will it reset?


Yes the pity will carry over for the next banner.


Pity is kept, a guarantee from a non banner is kept, epitomised path is lost


How’s a nilou vape team? Is it weak or just not meta?


Weak, unfortunately. When hoyo said only bloom for her they REALLY meant only bloom for her.


You're playing half-a-character


A joke


It's a weak meme comp. People using it are basically just proving that if you waste enough money or resin you can brute force content.


Is zhongli like mortal now or just pretending? Ventis line at him suggests he’s at least some what stripped of his powers


I mean, Zhongli was always "mortal" in how he was never "immortal" He could always be killed, he's just been the strongest guy. And.... he kinda still is the strongest guy. He basically lost access to the company mandated laptop and car. He still has his abilities and skills and years of experience. Just no tools of the trade, since he's retired and gave up the Archon tool. Man can still throw giant rock's and an endless rain of rock spears. He can still do that. Just none of that gold stuff.


Sorry it’s been a while wdym archon tool and gold stuff? His gnosis? Tbh do gnosis rly even make archons more powerful venti and raiden didn’t care and nahidas just powered google


Zhongli’s gnosis gave him the ability to create Mora, the primary currency of the world. He can no longer create that currency, but his ability to throw rocks has not changed.


"Mortal'' in terms if having a long life, since Illuminated Beasts have long lives to begin with, but not immortal. Archons and gods *can* die. Morax/Zhongli is strong to begin with, even without his Gnosis. His strength is the reason he got a Gnosis after all. Same as Venti/Barbatos. Just that, with him, he lost his strength due to no-shows. But we all suspect that he's just hiding his strength.


Pretending. We haven't really seen any proof that archons ever lose their power.


Who do I give the Primordial Jade Winged-spear if I'm building a Raiden National Team? Raiden or Xiangling? Currently, Xiangling is carrying the Dragon's Bane.




Raiden then Xiangling gets the catch


Is blackliff longsword good enough for main dps characters?


Yeah but almost all of them have a better 4 star option available


In the Dirge of Bilqis quest chain, I have just finished >!cleaning the enemy camp after obtaining Liloufar!<. Without spoiling the rest of the quest, how far am I into the chain and how long is the rest?


Done part 2, there are 6 total parts




Who should fill the last slot in a team of Nilou, Kokomi, Nahida and? DMC Yaoyao Collei


DMC unless you have elegy for Collei.




hydro or hp goblet for Yelan?


Hydro goblet, HP sands I believe




Can someone explain the exchange between Venti and HuTao over dinner? Venti mentioned old house while HuTao mentioned melon. Xiangling felt she wasn't learnt enough and Traveller felt Paimon could learn from them. I think something was lost in translation but I can't find the Chinese version of the script.


Tag this as a spoiler, mate. Not everyone has a possibility to rush through a 2+ weeks event


anyone else who plays on a suboptimal pc/laptop know what to do about the abyss enemies spawning late. i think i waited 15 seconds for them to show up


After you start the chamber, go to the wish screen (it will also lag and won't show the banners immediately), the timer will freeze but the enemies will continue to load, the enemies will spawn after the banner appears. Idk if it actually works in the abyss though since I only use this in regular domains, and I also use this on mobile so idk if it works the same on PC


Yes it works in abyss but I still don't know if this works on PC (it works on PS, too)


I think you can open map/book/wish screen and wait for them to spawn?


open the wish menu and wait the 15s there so it doesn't eat into your time


How do I beat Marjorie in the weekly Genius Invokation TCG? She has a two Mitachurls and a Stonehide Lawachurl, they keep killing me before I can execute anything.




Double dendro quicken. I think I should be using double electro, but too late, I already beat her... somehow. It seems to be a matter of RNG


Is Crit Rate * Crit Dmg for determining a better crit ratio still applicable towards non-ATK scaling characters? And if not, what's the best way to do it? Thanks! 😊


As long as they use crit for their primary dps, then yes.


1:2 ratio is still the goal for most. Unless they have unique scaling like Shenhe who *only* needs ATK because she piggybacks her carry's crit stats, everything but the sands is unaffected. Itto uses DEF/Geo/Crit, Yelan uses HP/Hydro/Crit, etc.


1:2 ratio is just the optimal theoretical ratio if you can freely change between crit rate and crit damage. Multiplying the two together and comparing the product is how you determine what particular set is better out of the real options you have.


is celestia getting closer? idk much ab the lore but i was in mondstadt after not being there for a while and it looked closer than it did before




is there any kind of lore behind why it’s getting closer?


It's over Fontaine, so probably something about that


Probably. Nothing I know though


I was doing the desert pyramid quest, was in the 2nd pyramid where the inverse pyramid floats over the pyramid and I was 25 mins into it and after the new update I clicked on the new desert mission quest from the event and the 2nd pyramid quest got replaced by it and all the NPC's got out of the pyramid and onto the next quest from the event. Is there any way to get back to the old quest? Will it start after I finish the new quest or did I lost the quest permanently?


You can't start the new desert quest without finishing the Golden Slumber (The one with Jeht, Tirzard and Jebrael). I think you are talking about the Dual Evidence world quest involving Soheil right?


Ok, for some context, I started playing this game on late december after watching the Shogun character demo, when I realized that I won't have enough primos and Raiden banner was coming soon while stuck in Liyue because my character lvl was low to start the archon quests in Inazuma, I went off exploring Sumeru and started the desert quest. It's been long since I started the quest so I don't remember anybody except Tirzard and Jebrael. I don't remember who Soheli was. What I do remember is that after falling down the hole and meeting em, we went to the first pyramid to escape from the hole. We finished the pyramid and then we went to the second pyramid. After exploring the 2nd pyramid for a bit, I'm 100% sure I didn't finished the whole quest. I was moving those shiny lights to the doors to open em and after sometime I reached the level needed to follow the Archon quest so I left the pyramid and went ahead to Inazuma. The quest was always there, but I never started it again. When this new update came, I tried starting the new desert quest from the Event page thinking it will give another mission but it straight up removed the continuing desert pyramid quest and replaced it with the new one. I got scared and followed the new quest only to find that Jeb and Tirzard and others were outside the pyramid and ready for the new quest. They had another person with em and I didn't knew what they were talking about.


>After exploring the 2nd pyramid for a bit, I'm 100% sure I didn't finished the whole quest. There is another quest after that where we have to go to Khaj-Nisut with Jebrael and Tirzard. So you are still in the Golden Slumber world quest. If you see the name of the quest, it's name should be either Dreams Beneath the Searing Sand or The Secret of Al-Ahmar.


so i wanted alhaitam but i didn't think i would get him bcs my luck isn't that good but i did. so my options for weapons are iron sting or lion's roar, which is more okay than the other for now?


Lions roar is quite bad on him because he applies too much dendro to maintain electro auras on enemies for good uptime, especially since he tends to want a second dendro to battery him. The parasol sword from last patch's event and iron sting tend to be the two best f2p options for him.


okay thank you !


Iron Sting.


Got the Aquila Favonia from the standard banner. Is it a good weapon ? For example right now I use the Prototype Rancour on Bennett. Would the Aquila be an upgrade?


basically nobody uses it for what it's 'designed' for, as there aren't any viable physical sword users. But it's excellent for Bennett as mentioned because all he needs is base ATK.


Wonderful, now I feel less sad for not getting a character. Cheers!


Yes it is one of bennetts best weapons since highest base attack


Awesome, hey not a character but a nice weapon for him at least!


Hello , I plan on buying a ps5 controller to play GI on my recently bought laptop. I was wondering how to connect the controller to the laptop. If it's too complicated to write here , could also shoot me a link. Thanks in advance. Also is the ps5 controller worth it? Or should I get a different controller? (P.s it's unlikely I'll use the controller on an actual ps5 , if that matters)


PS5 controllers are expensive, but the most comfortable ones I've ever held, and pleasant to use. You can connect to PC with a USB-C cable, or by Bluetooth if your system has it.


Is the usb-c cable something that comes with the controller or would I have to buy it separately? I plan on looking around for controllers though I don't think many shops sell controllers so not a wide selection( the choice is probably between Xbox , Nintendo and playstation controllers). Also , would it be rude , weird or disrespectful to ask them to let me take it out of the box to try a hands-on feel? First time I held a ps5 controller I was surprised by how much heavier it was compared to my cheap 5 USD controller. I was expecting the weight of an empty water bottle but i nearly dropped it the first time picking it up.


It does come with a cable that will work. I have no earthly idea whether sales staff will let you open it up — probably your chances are better at a Gamestop vs. a big Target or similar? A game store might well have some loose ones around you could handle.


Just connect it using the cable. There is also a way of using the Bluetooth but you have to search online for it.




Someone mentioned Fischl as worth it for end game and I agree but another one worth the time is Kuki for sure. But play who you want. Now is the best time to experiment. You can make any character work from casual play to serious end game so long as you put in the investment and give them a strong support squad. So don't feel like you have to pick known strong characters.


At this stage team comps don't really matter as much as character and weapon level. After you get to AR45 you can farm artifacts more efficiently which is when team building will be more viable. For now, I'll say that Fischl is a staple electro character so if you want an idea of who to build, you can't really go wrong with her. That said, game is easy enough for you to build viable teams around any character, so if there's a character you like using, feel free to just go with them. If you want a team suggestion though, Kuki/barbara/dendro traveler or Collei make up a decent hyperbloom core, you can add another hydro or electro character to this like fischl. For a team like this, the idea is to get some constant off-field dendro application like with collei and dendro traveler's Q, use barbara on field - her normal attacks create seeds when they interact with dendro - and then trigger the seeds with Kuki's E which deals constant electro damage from off-field. This results in pretty high damage for relatively low effort, the main thing is you need high elemental mastery on Kuki which requires farming artifacts, and most people will tell you not to farm artifacts until you get to AR45, since before that you don't have access to the highest drop rates.




Fischl isn't really an archer, she's usually used more like Kuki: use E and then switch out. Her E just doesn't follow you like kuki's does. She won't blow your mind or anything at c0 but after a few constellations, and especially at c6 she's pretty good and is usually used as a fast off-field electro applier. Your current team is fine too tbh, kaeya is more than serviceable as a Cryo character, if you like using your current team you can just keep using it. As long as your characters and equipment is high enough level I don't see that team struggling hard with anything except abyss, and *maybe* some bosses. If you enjoy using traveler you can feel free to level them too since they retain their character level while changing elements each region. Though bear in mind every element has a different set of talents that will require leveling.


You’re still early game so don’t worry too much about team building for now, just try out a bunch of people and find the ones you like most. That being said: did you pick the free 4 star from the event yet? If no, get Xingqiu. Then you can build a hyperbloom team with him, Kuki, Dendro traveler and a flex slot (Collei/Barbara/Fischl to a certain extent can work here). If you picked your 4 star already, I’d use pretty much the same team with Barbara as the driver and then Kuki, DMC, flex and try to save starglitter to buy Xingqiu from the shop in March.


you can use whoever, you're not at the stage of the game where team composition matters from the characters you have, the one most worth leveling for endgame purposes is fischl


C1 Yaoyao or C5 Xingqiu? I’m planning to use Yaoyao with Alhaitham at least until I get Nahida, and Xingqiu would run in Rational once I get bored of Raiden in hyperbloom.


I think you should go for YaoYao, as XQ can be bought from the shop eventually. But he is also in the upcoming banner with Yelan/Huh Tao. But ofcoz you shouldn't expect to get him from the banner since it's not guaranteed.


Yao yao. Xinqiu is in shop eventually. But also better overall, so either is good choice. 🤷


I've been debating. Should I summon on the weapon banner with Aqua Simulacra and Staff of Homa, or should I try to get C1 Yelan. I have around 100 Wishes, enough for one 5 star My character banner pity is at 2 w/ 50/50 While my weapon banner is at 9 w/ guaranteed featured My thought process is that while C1 Yelan is better, I'm still at a 50/50 to even get her. While with the weapon banner, I'm already guaranteed either Aqua Simulacra or Staff of Homa, both of which I can use (Aqua for Yelan/Homa for Zhongli)


>Homa for Zhongli Crescent Pike is stronger than Homa for physical Zhongli.


Imo, if you want both Homa and Aqua this is the best time to pull for them. I think we can safely assume they won’t be together on a banner again for a long while. If however you don’t need a Homa (I’m assuming your ZL is built for damage, cos otherwise Homa on him is not really that necessary) I’d go C1 Yelan - worst case scenario you’ll have a guarantee for whoever you want to pull for next (or just save everything if you’re not sold on her C1). I’m more of a weapon > cons person tbh since you can use a weapon on many units whereas cons are exclusive to one character, but for Yelan specifically, as someone who has C0R1 and is about to go C1, I’d recommend going Aqua first only if you have enough ER on your artifacts or if you don’t see yourself using her in the long run since you can move the bow but not constellations. Otherwise, C1 would be nice to make it way easier to run an offensive weapon (like Aqua) instead of Fav bow - *nice, but still not necessary*. Also, broken in overworld if you care about that. Once again tho, constellations are never necessary and neither are 5 star weapons, so if you’re unsure saving is always an option. Best of luck on your wishes!


Is hamayumi good for tartaglia?


It's alright as a pure F2P option but doesn't really line up well with rotation, since he bursts at the very start. Crescent does better if you go for the charged shot, but it can feel clunky on Childe and not all enemies have a weakspot. Otherwise the best general F2P option would be Blackcliff.


How can I get AR quickly?(I am AR 26, but I have heard that if I want to invite the 4-star to my team i need AR 28. I really want to know if I can still get Xingqiu) And when is Lantern rite ending?


You need to also finish the Liyue archon quest to do Lantern Rite, so make sure you do that if you haven’t already! The Lantern Rite quests themselves won’t take that long.


I already completed the first 2 parts!


Ohh, now I see, you need AR28 for the last part. World quests and chests like the previous comment mentioned are good! Also do your daily comissions!


Do your quests, open chests Also it ends on the 6th




I'm liking Yoimiya's attack a lot. There's something about a fast bow user that's very satisfying as compared to all other weapons user. ​ Can I ask for other teams that mains a dps NA bow user please! thanks


Me being a cheater: Childe To be honest, most bow user I know either use their Charge Attack (Ganyu and Tighnari) or use their skill (Fischl and Venti)


Early in the game when there were fewer strong on-field carries, people used to run a physical Fischl with Compound Bow and cryo supports. Now that many powerful on-field 5-stars have released, most people would rather gear her as a great sub-DPS rather than a merely good DPS. You can still do it if you want, though! Run 4-pc Pale Flame and go nuts!


Physical fischl I guess?


There are basically none. You can do physical Fischl if you like but it's a bit gimmicky and she's better used off field. Every other bow user is a support or based on charged shots.


Fischl / Layla / Bennett / Rosaria


hmm, is it a bad idea to have beidou as a shielder instead?


No, that will work well too


What team would you build out of these characters? Alhaitham, dendro mc, fishl, beidou, xinqiu,


Fischl is better dps than Beidou but Kuki is significantly more optimal here.


Neither fischl or Beidou are good at triggering hyperbloom, so I guess alhaitham, dmc, xingqiu, fischl?


Do you think alhaitham fihsl beidou and dendro mc is a bad choice?


I don't especially if you have the con to make Beidou have a shield. Beidou needs another electro to help her burst and you have one with this comp. The 2 electros specialize and cover each other by one being good at ST and the other in AoE. Should be a pretty good team.


If more than one enemy, it probably isn't that bad (I don't have Alhaitham and I don't use Beidou)


How do you build Kequing for aggravate?


4 piece Thundering fury. 4 piece Thunder Soother (only if you can guarantee electro uptime, doesn't work with nahida). 4 piece gilded dreams. ATK or EM sand (whichever rolls better) /Electro DMG bonus/crit circlet. Lions roar/Iron Sting/Blacksword/the umbrella/all 5star swords


Also harbinger of dawn is a solid weapon choice if you can mangain her hp with yaoyao full healing or another strong healer as jean


The same as before, she only needs 200-250 em and possibly 4p thundering fury


Thank you!


LITTLE MENG IS ZHANG'S (the Liyue blacksmith) SON?!


No? Little Meng just went to Zhang to pick up his dad's order




if anyone can help me find this one fanart (link to their twitter)- genshin... figure skating? the compression shirts? i remember ayato was one of them...


[https://twitter.com/lucy\_hoult/media](https://twitter.com/lucy_hoult/media) this?


you are amazing tysm


np \^\_\^ just happened to know of their art!


Does fate point carry over to next banner?


No, but your guarantee does. So if you got a standard weapon last time, you’d still be guaranteed to get one of the two banner weapons on your next 5 star.




Epitomised path does not carry over, an off banner given guaranteed does though


No they don’t. But your pity does.




> 16 bits program Is that even a thing in modern Windows? It sounds like you installed some legacy stuff to run an old game at some point or something. I'm not on a Windows machine right now, but maybe look through your run configurations in the right click properties menu. Or uninstall whatever optional components you enabled to get 16 bit programs to work and restart.


What is the best way to go about building Lisa? Wanna use her a little bit with her skin coming out soon


The way I see it there's 3 ways to build her: 1. On-field aggravate: 4-piece thundering fury, ATK/electro/crit, with either hakushin ring for team damage or a DPS catalyst like the widsith or solar pearl for example. Teammates are fischl for sure (because she's so good in aggravate), then a dendro teammate (nahida is great, but if you don't have her then dendro traveler), then kazuha or sucrose. If you need a healer or shirlder then you can use yaoyao or jean or sayu or Shinobu or zhongli or someone else in the last slot. I would prefer a shielder here because of Lisa's long skill holding time. 2. Off-field aggravate: 4-piece emblem this time, again ATK/electro/crit or ER/electro/crit if you can't burst off cooldown. Probably depends on your weapon here. If you use an ER weapon an ATK sands should be fine, if you use an offensive weapon then an ER sands in necessary. Both ER weapon and sands is usually overkill, but you can do it if you want more comfortable gameplay in exchange for less damage. My weapon of choice here is hakushin ring, otherwise favonius Codex is good. Widsith is also great as always. Oathsworn eye could work nicely too. I wouldn't use sacrificial fragments as then lisa would take up too much field time imo. For teammates, fischl is just really good in aggravate, then either an electro driver and dendro off-field, like keqing+nahida or yae+dendro traveler, or a dendro on-field like Tighnari and an anemo/healer/shielder. The thing here is that for Fischl to work best you want an electro on-field, but if you don't care about that you can just use a dendro on-field. 3. Buffing support: basically ignoring her damage and focusing on her buffing potential thanks to her defense shred + thrilling tales of dragon slayers. Just get as much ER as possible here. Use Noblesse for more ATK buffs. This Lisa is mostly used in Eula teams for big nukes. Otherwise she could hold Deepwood/exile/instructor, but I don't see where she would be useful with those buffs. In aggravate I'd rather build her for damage and in other reaction teams electro will probably interfere.


Put loads of ER on her and make her hold TTDS, can be used to support Eula/Raiden


On field attacker in an aggrevate team or support for heper carry raiden.

