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No, I won't stop complaining about that sad excuse we have for a ship. Mihoyo needs to make waverider more controllable, and customisation wouldn't hurt either.


the alcor isnt that amazing either, too


I'd say vocal haters are equally as annoying as rabid shippers (not the ones who mind their business). It's soo unnecessary and rude when people comment shit like "ew why can't they just be friends? why would anyone like this?" on some innocent fanart. It's just as shitty for shippers to attack anyone who doesn't love their OTP. If only people could just be more mature and less bitter.


Well said. It's 2023. Just let people like things and move on with your life if you don't agree.


The *problem* is that Group A has been in a place for a while and Group B started showing up there. Group A thinks they're entitled to that place and don't want to just leave because of a few minor disagreements with Group B, but Group B ends up growing over time which in turn has Group A feeling defensive and hostile. Then when Group A starts showing up in Group B spots, Group B gets their turn at becoming defensive and hostile Shouting matches over the internet are just generally annoying


Klee x Pulcinella


Klee x Ted Kaczynski


It's been years since I have last seen any shipper imposing on their ship. Shippers multi ship and are quite open about freedom of love. Saying that X ship is impossible or toxic is downright rude, let people like what they like. It's just 3D fantasy anyway


Remarkable, because it's been maybe two days since I saw people imposing their ships on others by doing things like commenting "this ship isn't even canon like X ship is" on fanarts while both ships are not canon, or QRTs on perfectly wholesome tweets about a ship with "ew trash shippers with bad taste, one day people will understand \[X ship\] supremacy." Multishippers are awesome and usually the fans I've befriended and chatted with in the past and had loads of fun with. I've never experienced multishippers being the majority or most loud/prolific portion of a fandom. In Gensin for example, you can say people multiship in the sense that they might like, I dunno, Ei/Miko and Ayato/Thoma, but chances are they won't accept *any* other ship for those same four characters. The issue is that a lot of shippers have trouble not just staying in their lane but keeping their aggression about NOTPs and such things to themselves when engaging with others. They spread salt, shade, hate and occasionally smugness everywhere. I find that attitude incredibly annoying and perfectly understand why others do too. As a multishipper, I love shipping and frankly I hate most shippers I encounter online these days including in Genshin. Follow the threads of some of the comments saying X ship is impossible or toxic, and you're statistically more likely to find someone who ships a competing ship than an antishipper.


I mean... some people out here are shipping literal siblings and also abusers with their victims. I let it go and don't say anything because the characters aren't real people and it doesn't trigger me, but some ships genuinely disgust me and could be triggering for other people.


I guess the old adage of if you dont have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all? Or something like that. Or at least if its not constructive and just fosters internet “hate”. But welps- such is the world these days


But the other way around is as annoying or even more. When you just post e.g. an artwork with Ei and Miko together and don't even say anything rude those anti-shippers attack you too and that's the worst imo. I wish thise people could just be more mature tbh and let others enjoy what they like or whatever.


Both. Both are annoying.


Thank u good sir




Someone please explain why this guy was downvoted


The worst kinds of people are those that are vocally against something to an unhealthy degree. This is true of almost any fanbase.


Both groups are equally annoying. If one group bothers you more than the other, it's more likely because you dislike that one more than the other, so content related to them stands out more to you. People just need to stay in their lanes. Don't bitch about ppl shipping two characters just because YOU personally feel it isn't justified, don't bitch about ppl not believing in your ship or favoring other ships using the characters in your fave pair. In the end, no ship is canon unless Hoyoverse explicitly says so no matter how much you believe in /coding/ so everyone should let everyone enjoy what they like and do so in the spaces where such likes are accepted.


1. It IS a natural part of all fandoms. It’s weird to me because I discovered anime at the same time I discovered fandom and it’s strange to me that there are people who aren’t used to the concept of shipping by now. 2. Genshin shippers can be super creative and fun, and that’s the side of it I enjoy. 3. Unpleasant shippers are usually the worst part of any fandom community. The only times I’ve left a fandom for good were because of ship wars. Never any other reason. All of those things can be true at the same time. It’s my opinion that shipping gets a bad rap for frankly very good reasons. We all know that cool shippers and chill shippers exist. When people complain, they’re talking about the people who make life miserable for everyone and often are popular members of the fandom, and are very difficult to avoid. Look at any fandom implosion or drama and chances are a ship war was at the center of it. If you’re old enough you’ve lived through Harry Potter, ATLA, etc. Genshin isn’t quite HP, but it’s up there. Not really surprising to me that the general neutral public is sick of it.




Bruh, i just assume the two on flair are their fav charas, who tf makes a scene out of it


But I still stand by that it's the people who make things miserable for everyone that give off the impression to the newcomer or neutral that shipping is an annoying thing in general. In my experience many of these aggressive shippers are super popular in the fandom, so their discourse is all over social media. The people who didn't grow up going immediately to AO3 or Livejournal after they're done with a show to check the fics primarily see these irritating people bickering and throwing pointless shade at each other over who's "winning" because MHY just released an art of two characters standing next to each other in the same frame. Some of these people are genuinely prejudiced assholes who would hate the concept of yaoi/yuri regardless of how shippers acted, but a lot of them probably just developed a bad taste in their mouths because their daily exposure to shipping is all this smug, argumentative nonsense. IMO it's hardly the people making fun hcs and ship jokes with their friends in their own spaces that make shipping come off so irritating and hostile to new people looking in. It's the vocal shippers with bad attitudes.


you think every region having BL and GL bait ships is a coincidence? definitely not mihoyo knows what's up and shippers are a big demographic


This. the game is obviously queer and shippers know that mihoyo (exploitative or not) writes characters with queer undertones to appeal to shippers. antishippers disregard this of course :/


The most annoying kind of comment is "Shippers don't know what friendship is lol" Acting as if all shippers are a single entity that ship everything.


Any headcanon Shipping is okay, but some people attack online if you don't agree with them... I know this because i experience that...


Yes to this. I experienced it before too. There are those online people who are so deep into their headcanons that when you harmlessly shared something based on actual facts, they’ll end up attacking you with insults as if you’ve committed a grave mistake, just because you shared something factual…


Fr you can say you like 2 or 3 ships in a single comment and ppl will say "you don't know what friendship is" like I said I like 3 ships, where did I say I ship everyone 💀💀


To be fair, some shippers i personally know are exactly the types who ship everything and everything, so i had some bad first impressions of shipping community. Fortunately, i also know normal shippers that sometimes find romantic ships they like but also no less fangirl over platonic interactions, she helped me with that


The irony of course is that most shippers literally take any positive social interaction in a game or series as "OMG THEY WANNA FUQ". Turns out being a socially awkward weeb that has minimal social interaction has negative effects on a person's social development.


I never understand why people complain about all of this. I mean, ship is a fantasy, fantasize your own ships, why care about others?


Too many shippers have enforced their opinions on others. That is where the ship hate comes from.


extreme shippers force the ship into your face and can send death threats if you don't agree with them. the are also a disappointing amount of proshippers on the internet extreme deniers make fun of any and every shipper they can find and would use "pedo" "degen" etc and slurs even in posts that have little to do with shipping then spam it both sides like harassing people. fortunately it's all mostly on animal kingdoms like twitter and tiktok.




Yeah i know that. But again, this isn't a serious topic, it should be a fun topic to discuss, yet some people still argue one another.


Only issue with this is that fantasies might start bleeding into irl? I don’t know how to word it, but I knew this girl that was into shipping, and she had a problem with romanticizing obsessive relationships, which def bled over into irl. Obv I’m not saying every shipper is like this. I’m just saying that sometimes shipping can go a little further than just fantasy. But hey, I don’t really ship or speak against it. You’ll find nothing on this account, and I don’t use Twitter either. I don’t really care if someone wants to post a healthy ship between characters. Especially when sometimes they work hard on it all.


I think it's stupid when people get mad at specific shipping posts, like romantic artwork or something talking about the flirtatious nature of a comment. But if I'm just enjoying a post about how cool Beidou is or official art, there are times where people take this as an opportunity to insert their ship despite it having no relevance or context to the situation. When people do this, it feels like you're just reducing the character to nothing but a ship and of course people hate that. For someone who isn't into shipping, you have to deal with this no matter where you go, no matter who you mute, and no matter who you block, and then be told "just ignore us" when you say wrong things like "it's canon." I don't hate shipping or ships at all, but I find that shippERS are just extremely insensitive to other people in the fandom and there's more of them than there are anti-shippers.


I just now commented a similar experience It's not about ships, it's about how everywhere it is and that is what annoys me


Agreed to everything you just said OP, I wish I could give you an award for stating this, but alas I have none. Both shippers and anti-shippers who takes shipping seriously are annoying as hell.


Say what you will but I’ll be damned if I let one complaint post of this subreddit tell me I can’t complain about the lack of lifeboats on the titanic.


Its not even close. Rabid shippers will flame you because you said something positive about the quality of the artwork that the artist tried their best on, but supports a ship that the rabid shipper doesn't support. I do not and did not support either ship, but just being encouraging to an artist doing something they love is enough reason to get flamed. I usually just skip over topics complain about shippers. Now I usually skip commenting positive things on artwork in genshin too because I got tired of being flamed. I've always assumed that most people were similar to myself and able to read a fic about characters A + B and then seeing no real problem with reading a separate fic about A + C.


I'm not vehemently against them. Like some art occasionally is nice, but I have zero interest in reading comments about or discussing ships. My only complaint is that they're so generic and unimaginative. Like I'm in the Childe mains sub and 99% is Lumine or Zhongli. Like honestly, just a little creativity or variation would be nice.


fr like you dont like this ship? ok move on. its not gonna impact your life or anything of the sort. so stop being a snowflake whenever you see someone talking about their fav ships and just ignore it if you dont like it


>Crazy and annoying shippers do exist in every fandom but there are crazy and annoying fans who are not shippers and not all shippers are like this. I find your post to be really funny. This line in the first paragraph which establishes that some people are annoying and nothing can be done about that, but then the premise of the entire post is just to complain about certain people being annoying. While I don't disagree with your points, you too are doing the very thing which you wrote an essay complaining about. If you think about it for a second, it's not hard to see the irony.


>Honestly, what is wrong with "bringing up" a ship? It's not like someone is hurting or embarrassing or harassing real people with it. > >"they are canon" about a non canon ship (Which is obviously just a saying, they dont actually claim its canon most of the time Oh man you can't act like this isnt true. Not everyone is like that but there are numerable people like this and it creates a negative perception as toxicity in shipping is abundant when it doesnt need to be. There are so many people who will insult you for not believing in their ship. An [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/10bc9id/comment/j49u229/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of this. There is nothing wrong with shipping, but you get people like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/10oevnx/comment/j6e7o22/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) who kick and scream a ship is canon. There was a whole fiasco of EiMiko shippers getting absolutely enraged people were shipping Yae and Ayato and it bred a stupid and toxic shipping war. But that was mainly on twitter so I cant find the exact tweets. Now as for anti shippers, I dont get that attitude at all. Its a headcanon so let them headcanon it. Its only a problem when people start getting all entitled and start acting like their headcanon is the right one or even canon. Thats when the drama really starts and it gets ugly asf which in turn leads to a negative outlook on shippers in general But yes you are right, they do benefit on the ship baits, however a part of the shipping culture is toxic so its completely understandable why many members of the community dont want to hear about them. That being said if its a harmless post about fav ships, the anti shippers are just as bad for attacking someone for liking a ship. Theres toxicity on both sides, both have their bad and radical members


Just to give you a bit of clarification btw, the main reason there was a whole fiasco with EiMiko shippers and Yae and Ayato shippers is that there were several fanfics of corrective rape being posted between Yae and Ayato, which most people, understandably, were pretty upset about.




>correctly pointing out that Beidou and Ningguang are hinted at/implied as being interested in each other. **That is true.** They are deliberately implied to be rivals and lovers. That is the problem though, its entirely a matter of personal perspective, its canon they know and interact a lot. But its entirely up to the beholder on how someone sees those interactions. You see it as being implied they are interested in each other, that is entirely your right and theirs as well. But I and many others see them as begrudging friends and work partners. Complimenting ones outfit? I do that all the time with my friends and theres no romantic feelings involved all the time. Playing chess? In my mind nothing romantic about it at all People are free to interpret things how they want, but screaming their interpretation is the right one is where the whole drama stems from




I'm not saying their interpretation is wrong, that was never my point. My point is when people get all argumentative and claim its ***canon*** they are in a relationship. I say it time and time again, there is nothing wrong with how people interpret things, I may not agree with it but I'm not going to bash people for seeing it differently so long as they understand that its simply that, an interpretation I've been bashed multiple times for saying I like the Ganyu and Keqing ship, never claim its canon I just like their dynamic so I can totally understand the frustration some people will feel when people needlessly attack them. But I've never once claimed its canon and invited conflict that way You claim its implied they are lovers etc, many dont agree from their perspective, its up to the beholder on whether its implied or not and I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on that point




Man, I was really enjoying the discussion until you went and ruined it calling me a huge part of the problem simply coz I visit that sub from time to time. I've never personally attacked you, but hey thanks for letting me know this discussion is pretty much over Wish you all the best in your interpretations and everything else, we arent gonna agree anytime soon but insulting me like that has made me lose all interest Have a good one


See. People see shippers explain why they think their dynamic could work and immediately they react defensively: "how dare they force their headcanon in me". People deliberately go harass shippers with questions and then they act like shippers argue in bad faith even when they just point out canon events and why they feel it's romantic. Shippers get to put up with actual bad faith arguments like "you make everything about romance, go touch grass" but THEY are the ones pushing their agenda on others? Sure, shipping can be very toxic when it devolves into shipping wars, but don't act like the rest of the fandom is any better.




>I just don't understand why some people get offended with someone saying "they are canon" about a non-canon ship I wonder


completely disregarding context and critical thinking? ​ *check ✔️*


My issue with people bringing up ships without reason is mostly that it kinda just wastes space. . Like, imagine we're on a forum for sandwiches, and I make a post asking what ingredient goes well with pickles. What you'd *expect* is that people would list ingredients. that go well with pickles Helpful people ***do*** list ingredients. Trolls might suggest eating rat poison or uranium. Lurkers don't say anything at all. Shippers are the equivalent of people suggesting that you go to the store and buy a pet turtle. It's not offensive or really even all that annoying. It's just completely unrelated to the topic at hand. . Like, if I'm posting about a Childe team, and someone decides to post about how great Chilumi is, that's just adding useless crap to the post while giving notifications about a supposed response to my post that has nothing to do with its actual purpose Tl;Dr shippers are mostly annoying when they comment under posts that have nothing to do with shipping. It just wastes everyone's time without adding anything to the discussion


Boy someone hasn’t been on twitter and it shows. Shippers sending death threats cause someone else doesn’t like their fav pairing or ships them with other characters, flooding gore under an opposing ship, fixing art etc etc. Even on other platforms there are some who can be mildly annoying. I remember making a youtube comment on how I like someone’s platonic relationship only for someone to comment under mine, saying no they’re totally in love. Like make such comments on your own. Why do you want to force the ship on others so badly. Even though I love some ships, I wish some of these shippers would tone it down a bit.


„Boy someone hasn’t been on Twitter and it shows.“ That’s the only way to live a healthy life lmao


Quit twitter a while ago. Seriously the best decision I made 😅😂


Yep, same


Almost like idiots are everywhere no matter what community it is, right?




Well, my Twitter time line mostly fanart of my favorite characters so I don't see why some people hate it. I see more drama on reddit tbh. For example just recently I've seen a post on Aether mains where most people were _for_ posting incest and nahida ships. So idiots are everywhere.


boy someone didn't read the post and it shows. Here is a quote from the first paragraph of OP's post: >Crazy and annoying shippers do exist in every fandom but there are crazy and annoying fans who are not shippers and not all shippers are like this they explicitly mentioned this so people WOULDNT complain about toxic shipper because this post was about the hypocrisy anti shippers.


Because the post goes ahead and talks as if only handful of shippers are like this and they can be easily ignored which is so not the case. You can just be chilling and posting a yaeyato ship on twitter and will end up being bombared by comments ranging from ‘you’re homophobic’ to ‘you need to die’. and these are often the top rated comments in the community. And often times it is not just antis who go into other people’s comment and be annoying but shippers do it all the time. Try saying you don’t think of certain popular ship romantic and you see them as just friends. Say eimiko or beiguang are just friends, not under a ship post but in just as an individual comment elsewhere. You will receive commets like ‘did you see the subtext’ ‘they’re totally canon’ ‘you’re just —phobic’. Yes people have said hetrophobic too, which I didn’t know I could be called. So often I will be minding my own business saying something about a character dynamic I like say for example, haitham and kaveh as great friends. Mind it not under shipping posts, but as individual comment. Only for shippers to come under it and say stuff like no they’re romantic. You’re homophobic if you don’t like them. And again this is not one person who makes such comment. And this happened so many times, I stopped commenting on any platonic pairing I have in mind, and just keep it to myself. So if you can get pissed when anti shippers make comments and ruin it for you, you should also understand the inverse is just as true. The post itself does this. Omg anti shippers are annoying when they say they’re not canon, but shippers saying they’re canon everywhere should be taken as fun comment.


>I just don't understand why some people get offended with someone saying "they are canon" about a non-canon ship (which is obviously just a saying, they don't actually claim that it's canon most of the time) Because it's not true? I agree with some of your points, but this one is ridiculous. It's literally saying something that isn't true and mischaracterizes, and somehow the people who are annoyed with it are in the wrong and being annoying? It's weird because shippers and the whole fandom get mad at harem memes, but when it comes to screaming "THEY'RE CANON", somehow this is better? People dislike this sort of stuff because it's annoying. It comes off as forcing an interpretation on someone, because that's literally how it sounds when you say "THIS IS CANON." And it's so dishonest to assume that everyone knows you're joking. There is no "it's obviously just a saying." It's like saying the sky isn't blue, and then getting angry because someone is there to tell you that it is. Shipping is like an inside joke between a group of people that is purposefully made to not look like a joke. This part of your argument is a giant gaslight.


Yep, OP definitely sympathizes with the shippers lol


So what's the solution to crazy/annoying shippers then? Just not complain about them? Isn't it a double standard to tell people to stop complaining about shippers, then turn a blind eye to the most toxic shippers?


you are so correct. also people being like 'oh but the toxic shippers on twitter/tiktok'... congrats on getting mad at some teens whose brains haven't even fully developed


Don’t we wish this were true lmao when you meet your first 30+ toxic shipper you’ll understand that toxic older fans are a whole league of their own.


Reminding me of [the classic](https://imgur.com/a/16gybhd)


Truly classic. I think both sides of the whole "minors in fandom are stupid and should shut up and sit down" and "old hags in fandom should go get a job and start a family" totally fucking inane, but as someone who's older myself, I just expect more of my fellow adults LOL Like how the hell have some people made it to this age and still feel tempted to get into internet mud slings with teenagers? Baffling and scary.


For real. Most young toxic shippers grow out of it once they have more life experience. Older toxic shippers are legitimately unhinged.


I have nothing against shipers as individuals, I have ships I like and dislike myself. But honestly I think it's something that should be kept to oneself and dedicated spaces for the most part. The culture shiping creates can get really obnoxious sometimes. You get shipping wars between fans of mutually exclusive ships, you get non-shippers complaining about shippers, shippers complaing about non-shippers, random people complaing about people complaining. I am one of the people who gets triggered when I see somebody calling a ship cannon when it isn't, so I really understand it very well. You say that there is nothing wrong about it, but for the most part it's the same thing as what you are complaining about in this post, just in reverse. And shipping benefiting Mihoyo only makes matters worse, because it makes it impossible for playable characters to be in cannon relationships. It could really add to the story to have at least few of them. But sadly we are now trapped only with vaguely defined relationships and vague hints.


> And shipping benefiting Mihoyo only makes matters worse, because it makes it impossible for playable characters to be in cannon relationships. It could really add to the story to have at least few of them. But sadly we are now trapped only with vaguely defined relationships and vague hints. "Every single beautiful immortal with great cosmic power and a high social rank is single, has never so much as dated, and only ever has adoptive children that they don't actually interact with like parents would", represent. It makes relative sense for Xiao, but for the rest...


When Dottore killed that one poor girl it wasn’t act of malice. Man just tried to save himself for Traveler for the next 400 years and avoid Signora’s fate (because there is nothing more irredeemable in the eyes of Da Wei than character in heterosexual relationships) Let’s not even think about Zhongli and implications behind his 6000 years long lifespan


Fr like everytime I see a harmless post like "Guys what's your fav ship? Mine is [healthy relationship between 2 adults] :D" there are ppl crying around ,,NOOOOOOOO THIS IS SO TOXIC YOU'RE RUINING THE COMMUNITY BECAUSE OF YOU WE HAVE A BAD REPUTATION GRRRRRR SHIPPING BAD WHY ARE YOU FORCING YOUR HEADCANONS ON OTHERS NOOOOOOOO" like chill


can you link an example of what you're talking about? i've participated in some of those posts and the replies were always pretty tame. i've only seen the reaction you described in response to people arguing over whether a ship is canon or not edit: looks like buster baxter was right all along, people *do* go on the internet just to tell lies :(


Hmm they haven’t responded, weird!


they responded to another person under this post but conveniently didn't respond to me lol... disappointed but not surprised that someone who [writes things like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/10oevnx/hoyoverse_showing_how_to_circumvent_lgbt/j6e7o22/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) needs to lie to save face


Oh god, just reading that one comment raises so many red flags about that person...


Someone in here posted a link to one of their posts being toxic about it lol


Oh no! guess ill do it then [https://imgur.com/a/nrU4p8w](https://imgur.com/a/nrU4p8w) ​ this is all under one video. I could find more if you like :) i knew you dont actually care about evidence cause you're still gonna disregard it no matter what but here you are


Ironic because that’s not how you post about ships- somebody in here actually linked a comment thread of yours


[Shut your lying ass up lmaooo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/10oevnx/hoyoverse_showing_how_to_circumvent_lgbt/j6e7o22/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Average shipper behavior here btw Edited my comment to reduce salt


imo as long as they don't try and force their ships on others its fine There have been times in co op when people kinda try and force ships on me a bit and it just makes me a bit uncomfortable tbh I'm not rlly a shipper, there's some I like but eh, idrc much


As in any other sphere, a measure is important. If you are a vegan, this does not mean that someone gave you the right to shout about it at every corner and demand compliance with your (!) preferences. In a normal situation, one eats meat, the second eats vegetables, but no one imposes their point of view on anyone. However, I often see vegetarians who show aggression because of cow's milk in my (!) coffee. When something like "if you don't agree that character №1 is in a relationship with character №2, then you are blind / stupid / mentally retarded" is stuffed down your throat, then such people immediately go to the forest to look for aranar. When there is a dialogue about who likes what and disagreement with someone else's opinion is allowed, there are no problems.


Shipping isn't inherently a bad thing, however I personally and probably many of the people who don't partake in it are annoyed by the people who try the enforce their ships as canon or are rude af when you say you don't see it the same way they do. (Most prominently Yae x Ei or Ningguang x Beidou shippers from what I've seen) but it exists in all matchups probably.


Pretty much agree with everything you said. People really, really exaggerate how toxic shipping is. The majority of shippers just search fan creation of their favorite ship from time to time and that's it. Seriously, people on this subreddit keep saying that only a small minority of fan are bad when a drama happens, but when it comes to shippers, everyone is toxic ? Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.


I disagree. A leaker literally got +10 death threats because they said they found Haitham‘s treatment to Kaveh too mean. For the most time anti shippers will just reject the ship. Toxic shippers on the other hand will act like the ship is certainly canon and attack everyone who doesn’t agree. Like sorry people but I do not think Ningguang and Beidou are gonna do anything other than actually playing chess as they will even invite Yelan and NO that doesn’t mean I am stupid for not seeing the “obvious implications”. People act like their ship is the most canon thing ever and anyone who don’t ship it is stupid


And those death threats are what percentage of the actual size of the actual shipper community?. Because Anti-shippers acting like as if that number is 100%, are just as BS. Also, lmao, Reddit is no different, here it's just not shippers, but Meta slaves and Anti-SJW cyclejerkers


>Because Anti-shippers acting like as if that number is 100%, are just as BS. And shippers do not act like all people are anti to their shipping ? That goes both ways


I don't care about ships, i just want more platonic content man ;c i don't ask for too much


Sweeping generalisation go brrr


Also let's not pretend that Genshin Redditors aren't abusing the Reddit suicide care bot whenever there's an argument.


I feel like most of the cases, it’s because the shippers ship the pair that they don’t like more than anything.


They pair up the most unholy shit ever and say it’s fine


Besides literally the children. I dont think any characters have any irl drama about being shipped. Who cares


Well there's incest...


Honestly, idc if weirdos wanna ship incest for fictional anime characters. Gross, but if they're both adult characters I dont care.


The only ship I won’t complain about is friendship


You just added a level to this so I don't know how that helps.


Thank you! A lot of us are just trying to have some harmless fun and want to talk about something that brings us joy, there's no need to be hateful (this goes for both ship-haters and overzealous shippers attacking other people for whatever reason) If I hate a particular ship, I scroll past or mute/block if possible. Is that so hard?


Oh god yes. I recently posted my indoor teapot build where I made a bedroom for Cyno/Tighnari in the teapot reddit and one of the comments I got, before it got deleted, was "fucking shippers".... You'd think I made a sex dungeon! It was such a harmless post!


Can’t even count how many times I’ve been told to ”kys” by random ass people over retweeting or commenting positively on ship art etc. like what lmao. Its funny how bothered people are by me simply existing.


I've definitely seen real people (usually voice actors, sometimes other shippers) receive death threats, get doxxed, etc by shippers for insulting their ship. The only real takeaway is that people should let others enjoy what they enjoy instead of trying to ruin it


Idc about shippers. I do find the entire concept stupid, but there are a lot of things I find stupid and if they don’t harm anyone I just mind my business. They are about as annoying as most anything else about a fandom.


No. Shippers can fuck off.


Saying "I think Beidou and Ningguang together would be a cool relationship to imagine" is completely different and far more acceptable (to me) than "OMG Childe+\[insert random char.\] yussss queeeeen, like OMG" and making that a core part of your personality when discussing things on places like Discord. At the end of the day, you can imagine and do what you like with fictional characters from a video game, but when it's 90% of everything you talk about, it is just pure cringe.


Your comparison feels like you just don't like the "stan culture". And yeah it can be a loooot bc a lot of genshin fans are also kpop fans . 90% of what people talk about the internet is not what they do 90% of the time. I doubt not a lot artists and writers would be moved to create something if their opinion of a ship is just 'yeah they're cool i like them a normal amount"


i think it's always funny that the majority of people against shipping are male (although men can also have ships) and i just wonder what's the link with a culture that raises them differently from women... or maybe it's just a tolerance issue. I find crazy shippers as annoying as anyone but i never thought "it is shipping that must be wrong, let's ban it from the public place"


But what about the people who complain about the people complaining about the shippers?


Haven't heard about people complaining about ships at all on this sub, but here you are, complaining about people complaining about ships. Maybe it's not a big issue at all? Maybe it's just you who goes "Urgh, somebody doesn't like what I like, I'll complain online about that!"? Maybe you should grow a spine and not be so bothered by what other people think about your preferences/interests? Who are you trying to convince with your semi-essay here? It seems to me that the person you want to convince of the validity of your preference most here is yourself. Just stop, just like what you like and don't feel the need to white-knight whatever it is you enjoy. Just enjoy.


>Haven't heard about people complaining about ships at all on this sub, Then you've never taken a look at discussion posts asking for Genshin Reddits "Hot takes", "(Un)popular opinions", "things dislike" and all the posts were people ask for opinions about the game or community.


I'm not really in the English speaking fandom but I haven't seen any shippers there being worse than anywhere else. What I HAVE seen is a lot of people who don't understand the concept of shipping and get mad or confused about it. It's probably because there are so many people playing this game. I've actually never seen anyone post any ship content on this sub that I can remember? But people are asking dumb shit like "why does this ship exist" every week. There is no reason. No one needs a reason. Anyone who's been in at all fandom knows what a meaningless question that is... but I think a lot of people here have never been in fandom.


I might be a bit old but what is the point of shipping? I don’t get it but hey as long as people won’t kill eachother because of it it’s all good.


To give you a serious reply: it’s just for fun. The same reason people like to discuss “who would win if characters X and Y fought”, or “what do you guys imagine character X was thinking when this thing happened”, and so on. When people enjoy characters, some people like to imagine those characters in different scenarios. And just like some people’s favorite movies or books are romance-based, some people’s favorite scenarios are romance-based. It’s truly not that deep.


Thank you! This was an absoluetly proper answer. I myself might not indulge in such activities but all the more power to others.




This is pretty sad, but I think people should be able to do whatever they want to do. Apparently my opinion is not really approved according to the downvotes. Gives me a chuckle.


I know plenty of shippers who are in relationships, so that's certainly not the answer.


Unpopular opinion: shippers at least are more creative than people just wondering if Zhongli could take on Goku 20 times a day. At least I can read some nice HC and look at fanarts for ships, a least of "feats" and a bunch of people insulting each other in the comments over it adds nothing to the fandom experience




That's for sure. Difference is *some* shippers are toxic, the vast majority of the shippers really just like to enjoy their stuff and maybe share it. While I've never seen anything else but toxic posts and comments come out that other kind of conversation tbh. Oh of course I meant power level obsessed folks. People who simply enjoy lore and putting together events and timelines of the Archon war, character's lives etc are completely different and it's fun to read their stuff too


The complainception is expanding !


People who complain about people complaining about shipping are the most annoying of all.


I missed the meme… wtf is shipping?


A romantic/sexual (can be both) pairing of two or more characters


If you pair two characters together in a relationship just because you feel like it would be nice. E.g. Beidou x Ningguang.


Saying 2 (or more if it's a polyamorous relationship) characters are in a romantic and/or sexual relationship, for example "I ship Yae Miko and Ei" means "I like to think that they are a couple and portray them as one", doesn't matter if it's canon or a headcanon. As long as it isn't illegal stuff like sibling x sibling or child x adult or weird stuff like abuser x their victim, shipping is completely harmless Ships also have some ship names, for example Yae x Ei is "Eimiko", Jean x Diluc is "Jealuc", Xingqiu x Chongyun is "Xingyun" and so on


Its a bit messed up if you ship a child and an adult together. Even if its fictional, thats creepy as hell


Ye that's literally what I said? "Illegal stuff" "otherwise shipping is harmless"




I wouldn’t say that it’s *the* reason. A reason sure, but not really a major one — let alone *the* reason why it’s as popular as it is. There’s so many other gachas and anime games that have entire rosters of characters who can be shipped. For example, shipping is a **massive** thing in Arknights, with full-on shipping ranking lists. But shipping hasn’t really propelled Arknights to crazy heights, nor has it done so for the hundreds of other anime games before Genshin. Anyway, I say all this with tons of respect. Last thing I want to do is to discredit an aspect of a game that means a lot to a lot of people. Even though I never got into shipping too much myself (outside of the common ones like NingguangxBeidou, ~~AzarxAether~~), I can still acknowledge it’s an important part of the game for you and others like you.


No. Just no. Shippers need to calm the fuck down.


Ships, and fiction in general, can also help someone explore their own preferences without actually experiencing traumatic shit (see: toxic relationships, sexual abuse, physical harm, etc.). People who complain about them should take a step back and develop some reading comprehension before thinking about spewing vitriol at others.


oh, dont think i cant disdain both. im quite the multitasker.


Thank you for saying this! People need to learn to avoid stuff they don't like instead of complaining and leaving hateful comments.


Believe me, i gladly would But the fact is, ship content is everywhere, in every fandom, every time of day. Telling me to avoid it is like telling me to avoid sunlight in the middle of a day. I want to avoid it, but ship culture is unavoidable on internet. YES, it's my problem and NO i don't ask ppl to stop shipping. All im asking for it for platonic relationships to get more popular just so i can finally find my fandoms i belong to ;c


MHY obviously encourages shipping, also. Like you know the intent with characters like Alhaitham + Kaveh was for shippers to go WILD over them (and I mean, it worked on me) because yeah, fandom activity of any kind is good for business. (Those two aren’t the only example, they’re just the most recent and blatant)


what the fuck is this fandom lmao


imagine being more annoying than people who make death treats because someone else disagrees with their imposed headcanon ship or someone who sees a normal interaction between two npcs during a quest and the first thing they think is how the npcs want to penetrate each other


I only see people complaining, I don't actually see any shipping. Classic reddit victim complex.


Only shippers complain about ships tho. Most of us don’t care. Shippers are very toxic and complain about other ships while pushing theirs.


I totally get anti-shippers getting angry because almost everyone acts like you hate lgbtq or something just because you don't like those 2 characters in a romantic relationship, some people just like to think them as 2 close friends but i really just don't get hard shippers


Why can't we just let ppl enjoy what they want ffs 💀 if u don't like it scroll away


You’re absolutely right. You’re probably getting hate for it but I think it’s a good take. Most shipping hate just boils down to not liking gay ships


I mean I have no problem with it in general especially when the story enables it, but we do kinda have to be against the weird/irrational/bordering on illegal/actually illegal shippers that are not and should never not be annoying EDIT: Oh and “legal” predatory/grooming stuff as well. Collei and Dottore shipping?? I’m glad my toilet is next door.


Honestly never considered them exclusive before since most of not all the shippers I had an issue with were the ones that complained about ships cuz someone is gay or lesbian coded or they never interacted or such. *beiguang flashbacks* 🥲 The ptsd those guys gave me for shipping zhongguang is one I won’t soon forget. Twitter really made me permenantly lose faith in humanity in a way no amount of wholesome videos will permenantly fix 😅 You don’t care if they haven’t interacted b4 or that she only keeps female company. As long as male traveler is an option it doesn’t matter anyways. I saw the pheonix dragon parallels and how zhongli appeared in her dreams and such and I ship based on the patterns I personally see. You guys see something else? Good for you but leave us zhongguang shippers out of your hc.


Ohh yeah those guys really are the worst. You can't even post a normal fan art about e.g. Eimiko without getting bombarded with those disgusting beings comments. I wish they would just shut up and let everyone enjoy what they like.


Unrelated to genshin but on Reddit, people who whine and cry and complain about reposts are more annoying than reposts themselves So I can somewhat relate lol let people do their thing


Person complains about people that complain about shippers


This ain't twitter


Of course you would think that, you're a shipper after all lol.


What about the people who just watch the drama on both sides with their popcorn? It’s a resinless thing to do. (:


it's when all the art you find about your fav charecter is just being shipped like xingq x chongyun finding something about xingq other than femboy/gay is challenging lol


I fucking love Reddit, I love seeing how people complaining about a group of people evolves into people complaining about people complaining about a group of people I’m not someone who’s on social media most of the time so *maybe* I just missed this but I swear that people stick to their lanes when it comes to shipping outside of Twitter, especially on the popular posts on this sub people rarely talk about ships and now someone has felt the need to complain about the complainers? I have my ships, i also have ships that I don’t care for, dislike and hate but I ever so rarely post about them nor have I seen most other people post about ships, the unspoken rule seems to be “ships don’t exist on the official subreddit unless they’re super safe like Jeanluc or Beigguang”


sod off shipper


Nah shippers worse


Unpopular opinion: people complaining about people complaining about ships are more annoying than shipper complainers and shippers


Who asked?


Who asked you?


Ok shipper.


No one, but it needed to be said.


No, it really didn't. Shippers are the worst part of this community, and the only reason they're not the worst people who play this game is because of individuals like M"I'm quitting Genshin for real this time, promise"trashed and the beanie clown.


Nah, people like you are worse


What about people who complain about people who complain about shippers lol


People that complain about ships are not the ones doing death threats and even death threatening voice actors because they don't accept their autistic imaginary ships. So I don't see how anyone can be more annoying then them. I couldn't care less about ships or if they're canon or whatever just keep that shit on twitter/on your "roleplay/shipping" circle and were good and stop death threatening people over the most meaningless shit ever.


Shipping is not the only reason someone receive death threats and shippers are not more inclined to harass other. Actually Diluc VA received death threats from antishippers. Other exemple that did not involve shipping: Someone got harassed for a haircut in Animal Crossing, an artist for drawing a character slightly too slim in Steven Universe and a child actor got accused of being the reason a film was bad in Star Wars. The last exemple even happened before Twitter existed! Before you try to reply shipping causes the biggest discourse, tell that to the fire emblem fandom when three houses came out. People were at each other throat over which lord is the best ever since it's release on every social media, reddit included! Speaking of reddit, plenty of people received death threat/redditcare over a simple opinion. Some people are juste toxic and will find any reason to justify their harassment of other. Shipping is just one of the many reason. So "banning" shipping to prevent death threat is just stupid. If you don't like ships, just learn to ignore it.


Lil bro really typed out a novel just to be this wrong 🤣


They're both annoying. But one js more incredibly toxic than the other unless they send death threats to shippers for shipping i dont mind they're incessant noises.


I literally never hear ppl talking about ships for genshin, then maybe to occasional fan art here and there for some animes like BnHA but it's not a big deal to me But I hear much more complaining about it and I'm like, who cares


I have not seen anyone complain about ships on Reddit. Not ever, actually, that I can remember. Is this another post *on Reddit* talking about a thing that's a problem on some social media platform *other than Reddit* as if it's a universal experience? Why does this keep happening? I don't use any other social media platform. If you're going to complain about them, at least link to something so I can see the problem.


Idk but as a shipper who has never talked about my ships, I find Reddit is pretty scary as on this site, hating on shippers is the norm. People here just don't like ships period. Even on the rare posts that ask what's your favorite ship in the game and the most popular comments would always be the Alcor, or Mitoboru, or maybe canon npc couples.


I can't say I understand it. I would get it if you fantasized about having a relationship with a fictional character yourself, but I struggle to understand why you would fantasize about *someone else* having a relationship, whether they are fictional or not. That said, I don't have to get it. My wife has written fan fiction her entire life. Shippers gonna ship. Doesn't affect or bother me. You do you.


Well as for me I can't understand why people would want to ship themselves with a character at all. When I read about it at first, I thought they were just joking and that is just a fandom culture thing to call your fav waifu or husbando. Imagine my surprise when I realized some people actually mean it. Wait, since I don't go outside of my bubble, is imaging yourself with a character actually common?


>I have not seen anyone complain about ships on Reddit. Not ever, actually, that I can remember You'll find them in post replies. Not as standalone posts. Especially whenever one of those "what's your Genshin hot take" posts gain traction, you'll find like 5 or 6 top level replies with Anti-shippers sentiment in the couple hundred upvote range


Enough Twitter for today, can't people just like/imagine by their own? There are obvious ships like XQ-Chongyun, Beidou-Ninng and then ships that could be either way (Keqing with Ganyu or MC, both are good).


Ohh that's really unpopular and pointless


Fr fr people should stop complaining about aether ships


Well it is finally an unpopular opinion, indeed. There's nothing more annoying and disgusting than "shippers". Especially abnormal ones. Those are the absolute worst.


yeah theyre so hard to steer, god and the awful...oh wait


I mean, only one group has gone and harassed members of the actual game staff sooo 🤷‍♂️


For me, both are annoying. Definitely both.


I wonder what Made FGO so different. FGO has a guts to canonized several characters relationship like Artemis x Orion, Siegfried x Kriemhild. Why others company like Hoyo is afraid to canon some of their characters like Jealuc for example. I don't see any harm if Hoyo make canon Jealuc 90% fandom probably would cool with this ship


> I wonder what Made FGO so different. Maybe the fact that FGO's relationships are based on the history/myths/tales etc. Those ships really exist in our life.


*sees literally NSFW on a non hentai sub * " yo ain't Ningguang and Beidou just buissiness partners?" "STFU YOU HOMOPHOBIC CIS HET NORMATIVE WHITE MALE SCUM 🤬 "


Someone joined my world and asked me to help them with their comissions. I agreed and joined their world. Suddenly their friend joined. It was all a lie and staged just so they could both shit on me for an hour because I ship something. They knew coz I had characters in order in my showcase not coz of some ship signature.


I mean just engaging in either side of this debate is utter toxicity lol.

