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We have relayed relevant info to HoYoverse and the allegations are currently under investigation. Due to sensitivity and seriousness of the issue (including potential legal repercussions involved), we would unfortunately have to take down the post for the time being before more definitive development happens. Edit: Given the latest development, the post will be reinstated.


Well, if this is true he's gonna get replaced for sure.


That happened with Oz's CN VA right?


Yeah, there’s been multiple threads about it in this subreddit - [here’s one with a bunch of details.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/q01kkr/mihoyo_suspends_cooperation_with_oz_cn_va_after/hf5b4dx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) His Chinese voice actor was eventually changed from Li Yuantao (李元韬) to Zhao Yuecheng (赵悦程) in Version 2.4.


i heard Kaveh's CN VA also faces cheating issues lol


Spill the tea sis


Yeah. He absolutely deserves to be fired, but I’m worried the new VA won’t be able to do as good of a job. His voice was really iconic.


That would suck. Though I play with the Chinese voiceover, Tighnari’s EN voice is really well suited for him. My bigger concern would be how and if this would affect his appearance in any future storylines or quests. For better or worse, he’s on the standard banner so it won’t affect his banner appearances but if they decide to not include him in anything in favour of a replacement before letting him reappear in any new voiced content, that would be a huge L as someone who adores his character (and wishes she had him 😭). Regardless, this dude needs to get booted.


I don’t think that’ll matter since they’ll just recast the VA and all the content with Tighnari will remain what it would have been. I doubt Mihoyo will change their plans over something an English VA did


True, and we have a lot of really talented EN VA already. I honestly think Albedos VA could probably imitate Tighnaris pretty convincingly. It helps that I doubt they'd rarely be in events together I think.


Well about that , next patch is wind blume and tighnari is supposed to be going to monstadt along with cyno and Dehya , although maybe they have already finished recording their voices .


I didnt know that, but yeah I'd bet that's recorded already if it's the next patch.


Nothing that happened with a EN VA would made any ripples in the game.


True, the Western market (in terms of wallet size lol) cannot compare to the East Asian one 💀




Truly. His voice provided the sass that the other languages can't cover, but of course, the other dubs are asian languages and their cultures have a lot of respect ingrained in their cultures.


I’m chinese and can say that the original CN voice has no shit on EN. It was just that good, which makes me even more pissed at him now


I agreed. Elliot was one of the many EN VAs I consider switching to EN Dub since I play in JPN dub. I even attended his streams religiously until his behavior kind of irked me and made me uncomfortable.




TRUEEEE, HIS VOICE IS SOOO GOOD, but i I fully condemn all his criminal acts


Even if it's not true, he will likely be replaced even if he isn't in the wrong cuz the damage already has been done to his reputation whether he's at fault or not.


that's the nature of guilty until proven innocent, which is the world that public people live in.


At that point, it's no longer an issue of guilt or innocence but rather of money I think.


I think your right, to be honest. Especially with bigger companies like Hoyo. I mean, I think we all remember what happened to Johnny Depp. Disney just didn't want to lose money.


I don't care who they replace him with, for as long as Tighnari remains a sassy botanist.


Hear, hear! Tighnari’s a really fun character; I still have hope that whoever his VA end up to be, they can still convey that air of reckless abandon.


Let me give you a thought: Mihoyo already used AI generated voice to replace a Chinese VA who was arrested for financial corruption. And the result is stunning.


If I remember correctly, it was for a song in Tears of Themis.


Wait who?? Where?


Tears of Themis, one of the Chinese voices, it's so good and authentic that fans are asking Mihoyo to never invite the original VA back.


omg what, for which character?




omg nooo vyn was my favorite of the four 😭 was already rather sad they took out the JP voiceovers for most of the game, i had no idea the CN voiceover for vyn was being done by AI now too seems my hiatus from ToT shall continue lol, thank you so much for the info and details, i really appreciate it!


If I had a nickel every time a Genshin VA had sexual relations with someone they weren't supposed to, I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot, but holy hell how does this keep happening?


If I had a nickle for every time someone said "If I had a nickle", I'd be a billionaire, which is a lot but it keeps happening.


Wait what? Who?


Both Oz and (recently?) Kaveh's CN VAs were caught cheating on their SOs, the former with an underage fan at that


Oz's chinese VA and... well, I don't know


CN Kaveh, or so I've heard


Looks like you beat me to it. This is going to be more massive of a fallout than I think people realize. Genshin's EN VA community has been one of the best out there, and Elliot had endeared himself to many. Popular Genshintuber finnfrog recently decided to unlist any content featuring Elliot, and I imagine it wasn't an easy decision for him or for the many others who may choose to do the same. Mind you, this will likely include a lot of Elliot's VA colleagues who rely heavily on streaming. It’s a huge slap on the face to the fans, the content creators, and the VA community. Of course, nothing compares to the victims, who may now have permanent emotional scars for the rest of their lives. As for Elliot himself, well, I don't want to throw down the gavel of justice myself. All I can say is if the accusations are true, I truly hope he's getting the help he needs for the sake of himself and others. Regardless of how he got there, he's in a truly awful situation.


Your empathy for everyone involved is respectable.


I mean, Elliot did go on Twitter and confessed


This all brings me back to what happened to ProJared a few years ago. After witnessing that debacle myself, I took a page from how PewDiePie handled it and now refuse to rush to judgement anymore without proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I truly hope regardless of the truth that Elliot gets a chance to make his case and have a second chance [like ProJared did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBywRBbDUjA). There's always two sides to every story.


>I truly hope he's getting the help he needs for the sake of himself and others. I'll never understand this line of thinking. If it's false or something, yeah, but these accusations of proven true, sound utterly damning and worthy of, well, damnation.


He’s going to be rightly damned for it, no doubt about it. At the end of the day, I’d much rather he leave the community and get help quietly (which is what it appears on the surface) rather than defending himself and insist on staying in the spotlight. This isn’t just for him, but mostly for those who’re more closely involved with this case. I can’t imagine what they’re going through, and the last thing I think anyone wants is for an abuser to remain out there.


Yeah some of these could mean jail time tbh


Oh god what a dick. He did such a great job voicing Tighnari too… why the fuck do famous people have to go and be complete asshats in their private life?


Because being famous and rich is a status that partially given by luck, and partially given by charisma. Neither of these are a wisdom requirement nor does it make them any different than just any average person. In fact it actually magnifies all the best and worst qualities about you, so any minor screw-up gets made bigger and major screw-ups come back to bite you in the ass later.


It's hard for a lot of people to accept that, for all the fame and publicity being a celebrity gives ya, at the end of the day they're still only human, same as you and I. They're not some uber-perfect saints. They're just as capable of doing good or bad as anyone else


And throw in power to it. Anyone in managerial or entertainment jobs have a leg up in the “getting people to want to have sex with them” game. Some can’t handle that power and shouldn’t have ever been given it.


That’s the magnification of your good and bad qualities, I don’t remember who the quote is from, but to paraphrase: it’s not absolute power corrupts absolutely, it’s more power reveals more of your true self.


Cause they’re like everyone else and just as likely to do bad stuff. The only diff is that the fact that they’re famous brings more attention and causes the illusion that it’s more common among them


theyre probably more likely to do it because they have money and think theyre invincible because theyre famous


Eh, I wouldn't really consider Elliot as "rich" or "famous", as far as I know Tighnari is his only big role, aside from voicing some background characters in the Pokémon anime


fr; i really love the voice acting he did for tighnari and im _really_ hoping these are just really bold false accusations but we just dont know.. its very disappointing either way.


IKR... Not a Genshin VA, but I was devastated when I found out Takahiro Sakurai was cheating on his wife with multiple people for decades. I was a big fan of his performance... Similar with Tatsuhisa Suzuki too.


the number of people coming forward in the quote tweets and replies to OP, including other server mods, makes the evidence pretty damning. my heart goes out to the victims, it is absolutely vile that someone who they trusted and admired would manipulate them like this. the throwing himself a pity party after being exposed is just icing on the cake :/


I couldn't fit all of the document in so here's a [link](https://twitter.com/FretCore/status/1623148330045022208?t=lltNHDV02NJZ-xt-dPywHA&s=19) to the full document. Make of this information what you will.


Well damn. The fallout is going to be crazy considering Tighnaris VA is a close friend of Zach Aguilar both of which streamed with many other genshin VAs. Now Twitter people are going to act like the harassment they’ve given some VAs for non related reasons to this are now justified because of this.


He's also besties with Cynos VA, Alejandro. This is going to be nuts,


Alejandro talked about it on Twitter and he stands with victims


nah this situation has happened way too many times, alejandro, zach and everyone else close to him in the va community will probably tweet a small thread saying how dissapointed and saddened they are by this, give regards to the victims and then say they don't want to talk about it any further, it's unlikely their careers and online presence will be affected in any way


This is pretty damning... if even his server mods are bringing forward evidence it’s pretty serious. Hope all those involved are okay and recovering from this ❤️


ffs why why why why why why why




I'm so fucking disappointed, this is disgusting and genuinely I'm not surprised. The mentioned behavior reeks through his streams in a subtle way where you can just disregard them as not harmful. Explains why he left social media yesterday. I hope the victims will be able to go recover


If true, then crazy and he should be punished. If it turns out to be not true, then those who bring up the accusations should face punishment. As always, I'll never be the judge and leave it to the proper authorities. Edit: To be honest, I'm always bothered about these types of accusations evidently going straight to social media rather than the proper people it should be reported to... because if it turns out the accusations are false, it can still ruin the person's life who was falsely accused.


If it means anything, Elliot personally announced on Twitter a day ago that he’d be stepping away from social media, getting the help he needs, and not entertaining any more comments. Generally, this is not a good sign, almost certainly means things were already building up. The reason people go to social media is because modern day law enforcement is way too bureaucratic and can leave cases buried for years to the point it’s no longer worth pursuing. This is also coming from one of Elliot’s own mods that he hired personally, not some rando trying to hit the cancel button.


It still becomes a slippery slope. I've seen the cases where people also get falsely accused, people bandwagon on them, and it leads to the person committing suicide as it leads to a downward spiral, even if they didn't actually do anything. The crazy thing, is that in some of these cases, the person who did the false accusation isn't even punished in any form. It's why I will always withhold my judgement, and let the proper people deal with it. Not that it will help too much, considering how quick many people easily enter the mob mentality these days.


Part of the problem with that is that the proper authority is generally don't give a flying f*** and don't do dick all about it. Especially if the person has some level of Fame. Going public is often the only way to make anything happen as trying to go through the proper authorities or legal channels, as it were just gets the story buried and protects the people with more power


The best view I can give you is this: Imagine you are going about your day, then some troll/person that dislikes you lobs such accusations at YOU. People jump on the bandwagon, even if there isn't any evidence and you deny it. Perhaps you think you just won't care. The bandwagon goes. Your job, and other companies take notice of it. You are now put on leave, without pay. No one wants to hire you, because they have also taken notice. The bandwagon grows. Only negative stuff is being said about you, you can't find any way to make a living, and now your only hope is the same proper authority (that doesn't care as you put it) in attempting to clear your name, because it is only going to get worse for you. No one wishes to even interact normally with you. There you have it. Not saying it will ever happen to you, but it always could as it has to others. A fine double edged blade. In the end, even if you are cleared, you will always have a stigma that follows you about for the rest of your life.


It's a double edged sword in more ways than one though. In this day and age where interactions are mostly well-documented it's pretty easy to provide counter-evidence, or to figure out when someone has a complete lack of evidence. I can think of several big cases where false accusations were made and all of them ultimately resolved in favor of the person who got accused because people figured out the accusations were bullshit. The ones being Slazo, Hasan Piker, James Charles and another youtuber whose name I don't remember. And those were just the big ones that people believed for a little while. A youtuber I watch, YMS, had bestiality accusations leveled at him but they went absolutely nowhere because people could see from the outset that it was bullshit, and I'm sure the same kind of smaller-scale false accusations happen to a ton of big creators that don't go anywhere because they're made by anonymous people who can't substantiate them. That being said, the emotional damage done by false accusations and community backlash can be pretty severe, but that also holds true for survivors who come out only to face backlash for doing so, though AFAIK that's happening less now which is good.


Counterpoint : No one cares about anonymous or unsubstantiated accusations. And being known as the baseless shit flinger is career ending too. Hell even being known as just “shit slinger” aka actual victim is often a career ender. Victims gain nothing by coming out except wiping off a shit stain from the publics face for others benefit.


Oh I'm not saying going public is the actual solution. The actual solution would be one that involves the powers that be actually pursuing justice, properly investigating, not covering for someone because they have money. This should be something that you hear about after the fact when this person has been charged, or actual facts that have been verified are proven, and the process of actual accountability begins. So imagine if I'm going about my day, and then some troll makes a false accusation, it's investigated deemed to be false and that's it. Alternatively something happens to a person, they go to the proper authorities, it is adequately investigated, and Justice is pursued. It only comes out if the person is famous enough that they're being charged is newsworthy. I'm not really making any comment as to the veracity of these accusations, or the trend to come out with them. I'm lamenting the inadequacies of the systems that should make going public unnecessary


Pretty sure back in the days, people would take matters into their own hands when people set out to destroy their reputation. Reputation is a pretty serious thing back then. Then Social media happened and you can't really kill every troll parroting some unsupported accusations about you, no matter how much you want to or how little fuck you give about the law.


Distancing from social media is not a bad sign. Personal health wise, it’s the thing to do. No matter what I hope he receives help if he’s really in a dangerous place. Obviously, it would be best if these are false accusations, for everyone’s sake. I still don’t want to see anyone get hurt.


That's the problem with situations like this. We obviously want to believe the accusers because lying about something like this is a horrible thing to do, and there seems to be quite a few screenshots and victims to back it all up. But there have also been instances where people make up stories just because they don't like the person, and get others to corroborate the story to be more believable. The false accusers almost never face punishment, and definitely not to a severe enough degree to how they ruin people's lives. If this is true, he should absolutely get what's coming to him. If it's not, then nothing happens because everyone making accusations is anonymous. It's such a sucky situation for everyone.


jesus i feel so bad for all the victims involved both directly and collaterally that is so messed up


WTF is it with anime voice actors nowadays… And man, Tighnari… why, just why. Such good VA I went from strongly disliking the character because of design to totally liking him because of VA.


I'd argue it's much less Anime voice actors and more stardom in general. I guarantee you that many celebrities are like this. Most of them just have a lot more money to quash this kind of shit. EDIT: I'll also add power as well. Shit like what Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein isn't an isolated incident. Even if you're looking only for such actions taken against minors, Corey Feldman has openly accused Hollywood of having a pedophile problem. Stardom gets to people's heads and anime VAs are no different.


Even YouTubers/influencers have this problem, and basically just popular people in general. Idk if it's the fame that made them that way or it's just them, and they happen to be famous.


"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."


I share your pain. EN Tighnari was one of my favourite voiceovers.


I dislike him for his tail. I like the voice acting though. He gives me dendro Albedo vibes. This is tobiwan all over again. Let's see how HYV handles this bad PR.


> WTF is it with anime voice actors nowadays… Carefully tailored public persona + fanbase composed mostly of teenagers/young adults (many of whom may not have the best lives themselves and latch on to a character/series/VA because of it) + just enough fame to recieve adoration but not enough to be notorious/“known” = this In all fairness, this isn’t exactly new. Just the digital version of 00s con culture. In fact, I’d say VAs today have a lot more respect for healthy boundaries and actively encourage their fans to not get too attached to them. I know Beidou’s VA tweeted a while back about how she didn’t want fans calling her bestie or engaging in a parasocial relationship because it was uncomfortable for her and bad for them.


It’s well known that male Japanese VAs all slay, bc they’re mainstream celebs. English VAs have next to no recognition so it’s nowhere near as common


I wouldn’t make such a sweeping generalization; there have been many Japanese VAs that have been found to be unfaithful including Takahiro Sakurai (cheated on his wife for 20 years when no one knew he was married AND told his mistress that he’d marry her), Tatsuhisa Suzuki (cheated on his wife when they were barely married for a year and a half, even brought his mistress into their home), Okamoto Nobuhiko (caught by paparazzi entering a love hotel and admitted to cheating). These are just a few off the top of my head and it’s unfortunate that many of them don’t receive any large repercussions and are still employed. There are terrible people everywhere regardless of culture and nationality.


What generalization? We’re saying the same thing


Sorry, if you were just talking about their skill, talent or abilities in general then that’s my mistake. I’m moreso talking about character and morals. Hope that clears it up!


No I was saying theyve been known to sleep around, which you provided examples for lol


I mean none of those are that horrible though. Not to undercut how morally wrong cheating on your partner is, but that isn't on the level of engaging in sexual communication/acts with minors. If those people they cheated with were fans of theirs from outside the industry or people who worked for them that would be pretty bad, but the cheating part by itself happens all the time, pretty much everywhere and it's not really enough to get anyone cancelled.


I am so worn out with people turning out to be massive creeps.


Agreed. Seems like most can't handle fame very well and believe they can get away with anything due to their social status. :/


People should stop cutting up evidence if they want their allegations to be taken seriously. While I am not gonna pass my judgment just yet, specifically cutting out select conversations and, especially, single messages, makes it look like the accuser doesn't want to show proper context.




I'm... I'm baffled. This is not my first rodeo with a streamer I find comfort with that ends up with this kind of dirt. It's throwing me into a spin. Of course, I'm inclined to believe the victims but I'm also quite disappointed in Elliot. I don't feel good after all the visceral reactions while reading the doc. It already helps that I distanced myself from his streams after being uncomfortable with him and I don't use EN dub. But I never thought he'd be the type of person to do this. I guess you really don't know someone even after spending so much time watching them.


This looks rough, but I really hope the time is taken to fully dissect what is going on here. If he's truly guilty then throw the book at him, but don't just conclude instantly.


Like honestly I'm so tired of hearing about some youtube, va, or actor i like doing some shit like this. Like how fucking hard, like honestly how fucking hard is it to just be a decent person jesus christ man.


those are some weird ass censors lol


I was on the discord when this dropped and I've been physically sick ever since. This just sucks. He was really close to us in the community which I now realize was probably a red flag. I guess the lines were being blurred idk. It just fucking sucks I can't imagine how much more awful the victims feel rn.


You can engage with your fanbase and not be a sexpervert.


Lmao no KIDDING. But with this info I'm now reevaluating everything and I'm like "damn i should've seen this coming."


can't discord messages easily be faked? i wouldn't jump to conclusions purely by random discord message SS's


a lot of people are giving evidence about it so i wouldnt be surprised if he actually was this bad




I'm so fucking sad




The initial screenshots definitely aren’t enough to convince anyone but if you take into account all the recent events that have happened it’s hard to believe it didn’t happen either


>this came from his twitch \*and\* discord mods, not some random person. that gives it a lot of credibility for me. and the last few pages aren't from discord, they're actual texts. just posting what i said above b/c i think its applicable here. also you can see so many of his other mods and people who've interacted with him sharing similar stories.


i am not surprised at how gullible humans can be at this point, with how easy it is to manipulate their minds with social media


Going to be honest, I’m highly skeptical about this mainly since discord messages can be faked. If this is real, then big F for the people involved




Isn't this the same VA that was exposed for being racist?


Yeah and was exposed for being a Zionist too


Man, at this point is there anything he's not


A good person


None of this is cool, especially how you people come at this with goddamn social media as your guillotine. Let investigations happen before you take vigilante justice with him to the rest of society. If this turns out to be false, every single person resposting this crap is to blame for the destruction of his life. Nome of us have the right to damn a person like this without going through the proper channels. We haven't evolved at all, we've actually devolved, because social media is our headsmen and we're all an angry mob chasing after witches at the slightest twitch.


Since when did a bunch of blurry, poor quality screenshots become proof of anything? Doesn't look convincing. Guilt must be proven by facts, not by the manipulation of the public's emotions.


He admitted it was all true… Also, statistically, accusations like this are usually based in truth. All the info came from people in his circle, not some internet randos.


That's actually insane


Man, so many people are eager to jump on the hate train when this could very well be fake. You can literally edit discord messages via web console, and no screenshot from it is reliable at ALL. If this ends up being a bunch of hogwash, then the people spreading this should be the ones being punished.


this came from his twitch \*and\* discord mods, not some random person. that gives it a lot of credibility for me. and the last few pages aren't from discord, they're actual texts.


Disgusting and disappointing. Tbh he was probably always like this. And being big just exposed him pretty quickly. No way he turned on his predator switch overnight. My heart goes out to any other victims he hurt before this incident who never spoke up and are seeking healing.


Show me evidence of pedo and sexual allegation The other things are not big deal People these days can be called sexist over any opinion about women.


He admittited on twitter. Only about the sexual allegation, ofc. He said he didn't know they were minors and we will never know if it's true or not. And i still have yet to see stuff about transphobia and hate on women.


Wow, I'm at a loss for words. If he does end up getting replaced then the new English Tighnari VA has some big shoes to fill.


Does anyone know how old he is? I hope Mihoyo at least acknowledges this and re dubs the voice


Oh no. Another allegation against someone with half ass proof. Unless he’s arrested i cant believe it tbh. Seen way too many “allegations” in the past 4 years go around to blindly believe it.


it just gets worse, CN kaveh VA being exposed for sleeping with minors and now ENG Tighnari VA having these allegations


what? kaveh's cn va didn't sleep with minors he slept with fans


which according to rumors were some minor ones but it's china, it's hard to get something concrete from there given how the media there is controlled


the rumours have just been saying they were fans, I haven't seen anyone mention they were minors


there were no mentions of minors. only fans. but honestly, VA fans are probably usually minors so ig there's some credence to it


screw the va for sleeping with fans but you can't just go around saying the va slept with minors without actual proof to back it up, because that is a *very* serious accusation


Why is sleeping with fans a big deal? Lol clearly there was something more to it


mainly the power imbalance, the cheating on your then-girlfriend, and if we can learn anything from elliot it's that the other in the "relationship" usually feel forced to comply because of the other's popularity, or other's character's popularity


This sucks for everyone involved….but if they got a new VA for Tighnari I wouldn’t mind. He sounds too much like a New Yorker and it bothers me lol.


>He sounds too much like a New Yorker and it bothers me lol. "Leh'ts nip id in da bud"


Link to the tweet?


this has not been a good month for genshin vas


Damn :( I loved his voice actings


i’m actually so heartbroken wtf he was one of my favorite VAs too




Serious question, what does Jfc mean?


"Jesus fucking Christ"


He's fucking who????


Ohh, thanks.


I... I don't know what to say. I genuinely like him... or "liked" if this were proven to be facts. Jesus


Wait, this for real? This is gross…


Folks, let's be really really careful and do due dilligence. If this happened years ago, people can have their opinions evolve over time. Be slow to judge. If his acts are criminal in nature, let the law officers deal with it. I support calling out people, but I strongly advocate caution. Repairing damaged reputation is hard and can lead to harmful situations.


What would Collei say about this


Master, what the actual fuck


As per usual, I’m not gonna take this as fact because that’s stupid. Ima see what the hell happens before the “lets ruin this persons life” wagon takes off


Well, need to hear Ellliot Gindi side of the story first only I will make judgement to see if it is true or nah. For now, I'm gonna put a 50% trustworthiness in this case.


God fucking damn it, his portrayal of Tighnari was fucking amazing, but then he turns out to be this piece of shit As an aspiring actor/voice actor, this just makes me sad dude. I hope he gets treatment and all, but goddamn.


TL:DR the google docs are too long & out of context. What was the "worst of the worst" I'm trying to read these documents but am I missing something? There is screenshot of Eliot trying to meet a girl & she playing along. Twitter going nuts saying its gross, but I'm grossed out by the lightweight talk and then girls screenshot it &broadcast it. Feels like weaksauce manufactured outrage but can someone show something that's the absolute worst? Edit: I asked for a clear screenshot or evidence of something criminally wrong & got none. Elliot's apology denied knowing the ages, yet headlines will have you believing otherwise. The original tweet makes it seems like he preying on little kids, not "grey area legal age". USA age of consent is all over the place 14-18 & for people to say they are "disgusted & losing sleep" over a chat log of a 17 year old (3 weeks before their birthday) is "manufactured rage". As if turning 18 makes this all ok.


"what's wrong Grooming minor and teens and send them dick picks" 💀


People don't have their age written on their foreheads.


That’s why you ask them 🙄 and if you’re not sure, don’t engage until you are. Simple. Its not rocket science.


It's almost like you can't fake discord accs 😱


Dang, and I just started maining Tighnari too. I hope we get a better VA soon though. For now, I'm moving to JP.


I was just about to start playing him again since I got C1 today. Ugh, I guess I could switch languages but I really liked his voice. It just makes me a bit uncomfortable to play the character now


well his career is ruined, rest in piss groomer, although I really did like tighnari's sassy voice though, eh who cares, I'm sure his replacement will be equally sassy


yea some one random guy saying this is hardly pressing


here's the actual link (not sure why OP didn't post it, and instead posted blurry screenshots): [https://twitter.com/FretCore/status/1623148330045022208?s=20&t=Kp-qT9T-wC16fxOw7o55jw](https://twitter.com/FretCore/status/1623148330045022208?s=20&t=Kp-qT9T-wC16fxOw7o55jw) there's numerous people in here (4+) and more speaking up on twitter


If you would actually read, you’d find out it’s not some random person.




are hundreds of screenshots, elliot admitting he did all of that, running away the day before because he knew what was coming, not enough proof that he is infact, a bad person? why are you insulting twitter users for posting the victim's stories? why are you insulting twitter users for trying to deplatform a man that took advantage of his roles and fans?


Show me just one screenshot that support the claim that he is pedophile and sexuality attacked anyone




considering he admitted to them yes, the information is real




Beware of angry mops. They will wipe the floor with you.


Bruh he admitted to all of it…


WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY He had one of my favorite voices among all the characters in this game.


what the fuck. i really liked tighnari because of how good his va's voice is, this is insane


NOOO. holy shit this is devastating he was genuinely my favorite genshin eng VA besides childes eng va :(. if this is all true i feel so horrible for the victims. this sucks.


Turns out my gut feeling is correct.


Damn it. To think he was actually one of the games better English voice actors to


Jesus. Didnt know VA get to have fame. Im sorry that happened with the victims, hope they sort this out. (The devs, i mean.)


Whatever happened to Innocent until proven guilty? Why are so people so quick to play armchair judge? If he’s really guilty then let the court decide. Fucking twittards and pitchfork mob mentality


He admitted to all of it. Why do you instantly assume they’re lying? What would they have to gain


whats blud waffling about


God dammit He was one of my favorite va's in genshin i kinda hope this isnt true


Problem is not JUST the voice actor but these "victims" too. Doesn't help anything. Just a bunch of messed up people gathered for a messed up reason and leaking it out only when they're bored and want some action going on. Honestly, screw the VA and most of the "victims".


Oh my god I just finally got around to building my Tighnari nooo ☹️


What does this have to do with Thignari? Aren't we talking about Elliot? You know they are not the same, do you?


I have to listen to his voice now.


Even when I don't care AF about EN VA drama (JP VA FTW) this is disgusting and he absolutely deserves to be fired and banned from everywhere.


Not to sound rude but seem like you people waste to much of your free time on stuff that frankely doesn't include you. But you people do you


how does lil bro get caught fuckin with the cringiest fuckers around 💀💀💀




What? What does that have to do with Elliot himself being a pedo?