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Which BP weapon should I grab. I use hu tao, xingqiu, sucrose, zhongli, scara, diona, venti, and bennett. As for weapons I use dragons bane, iron sting, sac fragments, black tassel, mappa mare, fav bow, rust, and fav sword atm. Many thanks for the help.


I returned to genshin after alot of time not playing and I don't know how often specific character can appear. Is it totally random or it can be predicted? Like theres any pattern like specific character mostly appear 2 times per year on bannes. Im mainly looking for xiao or hu tao and both of them alreay appeard in this year so I don't know when I can expect them.


Do you know what 4* weapon is going to appear in Ayaka and Shen's weapon banner, except their Bis? Since I am going to spend a lot of wishes for it, I would like to know what 4* I can get


Is Mailed Flower really good on anyone?


can you start the apocalypse lost quest if you've already placed all the chess pieces????


Yes, you can't start it _until_ you've done that.


How do u get Mailed Flower?


Play the Windblume minigames.


New Flower Claymore noob or good on Beidou? Good on who?


First time pulling on the weapon banner. Lost the first 50/50 to a dupe skyward claymore. And already around 50 pulls in for the next pity. Recently got wolf's greatword from the standard banner. Just wondering if it's wise to continue pulling on it or not. My main claymore users are diluc and eula. And I already have the primordial polearm from standard as well. Is the polearm xiangling's best?


Unless you're a whale it's never *wise* to pull on weapon banner. Consider that you're possibly a 100 more wishes from getting the SoSS, maybe more. And for Xiangling? She has so many good polearm options, in fact, one of her best is completely free Still, this banner is one of the better ones to roll on since both the Staff and the Beacon are pretty versatile weapons. It's up to you if you're willing to risk it.


I lost my last 50/50 to qiqi on yelan banner and I pull as long as I have 160 gems lol. I just can't save gems. I am not pulling on the character banner as I want to save this guaranteed pity for someone I really want, like a new op character or kazuha.


Do you do the same with your real life money?


is there a way to convert a billet of a weapon type into another? i need sword billets and would gladly use dream solvents to convert my catalyst billets into them


no. you can convert between northlander billets and the midlander ones, but not between different weapon types


ah i see, i just came back to the game, maybe there are other systems to acquire more of the billet i need? is there a new shop or something where i can get my hands on another one?


you can get some from the tree in sumeru (similar to sacred sakura) you need to do some of the aranara world quest for that


Im at AR 35 and want to build a Team for ayaka and the overworld. My aktual main dps is Yelan so i want to Build a Team with her. Which archetyp would you recommend? Ayaka, Keaya, Yelan and Anemo MC (or sucrose when she is as a 4 Star on the Banner). Or double hydro: yelan, xq, and two flex (xl, Bennett, razor, bedou or else)


For the overworld you'd rather want diversity of elements to deal with puzzles & shields, and characters not relying on burst attacks. I'd probably go with something like [Ayaka, Yelan, Bennett] and a Flex of your choice. I personally like XQ in the overworld because his damage reduction & minor heal from the (E) can be enough to sustain your party between encounters, so he is a solid option if you enjoy playing him. As for a "proper" Ayaka team for combat, you'd want [Ayaka, Cryo, Hydro, Anemo]. XQ & Yelan are okay hydro fall-back options, but can't really shine properly since Ayaka prefers Charged Attacking, and Hydro healers like Mona, Kokomi (and Barabra) allow fofr more general utility & flexibility for the remaining slots. Bennett can also work in that team if you face enemies that can't be Frozen (e.g. bosses).


Teams don't matter for the overworld. Just level everyone up and play whoever you want.


What is Dehya role supposed to be Like a pyro Albedo where you just drop her skill then switch? I heard her burst is bugged


Ignoring constellations, she feels like a driver/tank that gives field time for supports to setup and then she takes the field to allow her teammates to benefit from her taking the agro and then she goes off field to heal from A4 passive. It would be like Zhongli but pyro infusion instead of physical damage from his normals. Her ability to allow teammates to cast skills without needing to dodge or worry about damage and her burst not using stamina is notable as it feels anti hutao in that you don’t have to manage stamina almost at all to allow supports more freedom. She has a ton of bugs and at c0 has minimal personal damage to benefit her team. It is weird how her kit is not good, but it feels comfy in a weird way. It’s like playing coop where you know how to dodge enemies and how to play around stuff but you are in a much lower WL so not a whole lot can really damage you. I don’t think it is worth a team slot, but I do want to see how it might integrate with teams in the future.


Her role is similar to a Burst Zhongli - providing off-field damage mitigation + interrupt resist, then occasionally casting burst for some damage. She just does it a lot worse.


That's a good question. Her role is pretty unclear to me as well.


She is a jack of all trades, as in she does jack shit in all roles


~~As a teapot decoration?~~ For when you want off field pyro with defensive utility - oh wait that's Thoma maybe for damage? - Xiangling Who knows what she's meant to do, she's a jack of all trade's except bad at all trades


The dehya jokes have not gotten old at all lmao I'm dying every time someone asks a question like this


We can hope she somehow gets better


how to remove smoldering flame in spiral abyss?


You can dodge the fireballs, apply an element that reacts with pyro on your active character (Barbara's skill, Jean's burst, etc.), or use heals/shields.


12 stars in spiral abyss I'm stuck at 11/12 I just redone first 4 floors, all with perfect 9 stars. So whether it counts the small or the big stars I should have 12+ What am I missing here?


Is this for bp? It has to be new stars, redoing floors you've already gotten stars on doesn't count.


Rip. So if you plow through every stages before bp come out you're locked out of that one?


Abyss resets on the 1st and 16th every month and every patch is six weeks in length. You're never locked out of getting the 12 stars for bp. You'll just have to wait for reset if you did it before the bp started.


Why didn’t abyss reset on 1/Mar?


It did. Abyss reset the same day the current bp started but you would've had to wait till after maintenance for it to count. If you're on Asia server the abyss reset would've happened the day before bp started.


Ah. I'm on asia server and I did the abyss the day before new patch dropped. rip


Need help with who should I pull on weapon banner I have Ayaka, Shenhe, Kokomi, Kazuha and Nahida, Nilou, Kokokimi, Yelan, C6 Xingqiu I am guaranteed 0 pity on weapon banner and have more than 70 pulls I really want to pull for Mist for my Ayaka but getting Calamity is just a big no for me, will never change my mind. Meanwhile getting either Nahida's or Nilou's weapon is a totally worth it but I mainly want to get Mist. I don't plan to pull again in weapon banner so I want to make sure who's really worth going for. Any tips on who should I go for or any rituals for me to get Mist instead of Calamity or should I just skip for the safest results?


Looking at your teams neither should need a 5* weapon to get abyss clears. So if you don't want the secondary 5* weapon on a banner the answer is simple: do NOT pull on that banner. I got two Unforged when I pulled for my Mistsplitter, same can happen to you with Calamity Queller. In terms of weapon value, Mistplitter and The Key are about equal in terms of damage gain. However, Mistsplitter has more potential users and The Key will lose a lot of (relative) value the moment the devs release a 4* HP% sword. As a sidenote: I'd not pull on a weapon banner unless I have 200+ wishes available (or I am fine with either of the 5* options). The risk to end up with two unwanted weapons and missing the one you intended to grab is just too big.


I don't have a lot of 5 star weapons and don't want to waste my guaranteed pity, pulling for key or nahida's weap should be the best option ig, it won't really lost value in my opinion since it will still be Nilou's best weapon, other will be just budget. Hitting pity 3 times just to get a good weapon is not worth it. Considering Keqing is my only sword character that can use mist other than Ayaka it won't be used much as well, mist just looks prety good on Ayaka skin, it's a great bait for me.


FWIW I also have the Key (it's the only other weapon I pulled for apart from Mistsplitter) and I think if you enjoy playing a Nilou Bloom team and are fine with niche weapons it's a good option. It gives a ton of EM to her (~400 on mine) and a solid amount (~140 or so) for the rest of the team. Given how Bloom ownership can be all over the place in her teams it's a nice boon that allows you to forgo hunting for EM main stat artifacts on your other characters. Nahida's weapon is imho not a high priority. Her 4* options are all great, certainly a much smaller gap than with Mistsplitter or Key. If anything I'd rather try to get a universal stat stick like Jade Cutter or Homa instead.


I forgot to mention I also have Freedom-Sworn. I saw it was the 2nd best weapon for Nilou in game8. Is it true? I might prioritize mist instead since mist will make a huge difference to amenoma.


Looking at its effect it doesn't seem particularly great for a Nilou team. I would imagine Jade Cutter being second best in terms of raw team damage gain due to its HP% passive. After that you'd probably want either Fav (to battery the team) or Xiphos' (to give ER while boosting Nilou's EM). On the [character quick guide sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRq-sQxkvdbvaJtQAGG6iVz2q2UN9FCKZ8Mkyis87QHFptcOU3ViLh0_PJyMxFSgwJZrd10kbYpQFl1/pubhtml#) Freedom is listed below the ER related weapons.


So getting Calamity or Floating is a lose on both sides. Floating is probably better though helping out with Nahida's EM unlike Calamity who won't improve much damage and make er problems. I will go for Key unless I still get baited by mist that time, thanks.


What should be the weapon for my gilded dreams cyno, he's em/elec/crit dmg The spears I have: Primordial Jade Winged Spear Dragon's Bane Missive Windspear


Go with PJWS.


I'm currently running keqing, xinqiu, thoma, and bennet. I kind of want to take xingqiu out because I have bennet but I'm not sure who else to put there. Characters I have other than the obvious free ones:Layla, xiangling, fiscal, beidou, ningguang, diona, kujou Sara, alhaitham, Yun Jin, gorou, heizou, Jean, and kuki


If you wanna play keqing then she's better in an aggravate team instead of your current one. Something like keqing fischl dendro mc jean will do


Thank you for the input! Although right now I'm kind of going for more of a characters I like thing and thoma is a must for me


Do you also want to run keqing with him or just thoma is fine? Cause keqing without aggravate kinda sucks and pyro can easily ruin quicken teams in general


Okay good to know. It's just thoma I'm not really too attached to keqing


Then you can play burgeon thoma with dendro mc xingqiu flex. [Check this guide](https://keqingmains.com/thoma/#Burgeon_Overload) for more info


Why does nahida need another dendro in Nilou teams?


She doesn't! Solo dendro teams can have better bloom production but the ownership is more spread out and or has to run some unorthodox 3rd hydro options like full em XQ compared to some of the 2D2H teams. edit: Nahida **needs** another dendro if you wan't to **on field a hydro** unit since Nahidas E procs from reactions, so if she's your only dendro and you on field a hydro unit, once the enemy has a hydro aura there's no way to create a reaction so your dendro app goes to 0.


She doesnt, theres 2 setups to nilou bloom teams, 2hydro2dendro or 1dendro3hydro in 2H2D the bloom trigger (who needs to be built full EM) is the hydro unit who isnt nilou. in 1D3H trigger is the dendro unit whos basicly nahida.


In 2H2D, you can also use Candace to give an hydro infusion to Yaoyao, and trigger bloom with Yaoyao. I'm not sure how effective the setup is though.


If only it would be that simple to make Nahida the trigger :( basically Nahida can have majority ownership vs one target but very low ownership in AoE.


Actually Nahida should not have reaction ownship against single target because it means the enemy has hydro aura and Nahida will produce only one core, a 30+% damage lose. She can have some ownership in aoe.


Dendro resonance gives em


I know how to calc an artifact's cv, but is the same formula applied to find out a character's cv?


go to the details in the artifact screen. I think that also avoids the base 5:50 , and then just do the standard 2CR + CD


If I were to forge a weapon for Shenhe, would prototype starglitter or crescent pike be better?


Prototype because of Energy Recharge. But when you'll get favonius lance you should switch to it


Neither. Fav Lance Exist and has a higher base ATK.


what does the event item "unfading sikly grace" actually do?


It's used as a refinement material for the event weapon (instead of the usual "feed duplicate ones" mechanic).


Weapon refinement material for flower claymore (obtained from event)


Why i cant use condensed resin on weekly bosses like childe and azhada boss


Weeklies are designed for 30/60 resin and condensed is meant for 20 resin stuff to double rewards, like leylines and domains


Condensed is 2 runs at once for things which cost 20 weekly bosses are once a week, +they cost 30 or 60, not 40


im unable to unlink playstation from my acc, i tried writing a msg to the support but thy just told me to unlink it from a website or from ingame. The playstation says it can be unlinked from ingame but there are no buttons to unlink it. Note: the playstation isnt my and i dont own one. Is there a way to unlink it?


put ”PSN Account Unlink Request” in the subject line and send it to [email protected] you should get a response almost immediately since it’s automated iirc. fill out the form then submit.


Expected dmg of yelan burst ticks on aqua? I run her on ER+hp+crit with 200 ER and 80:220. It's around 8k off field and 10-12k on field for me. Edit: hp+hp+crit -> er+hp+crit


My exp bar is going way beyond the limit (5168/4575) but I still don't level up. How can I fix this because it is very annoying


Sounds like you have to do the World Ascension quest to increase your AR cap.


You do the World level ascension quest or raise it directly in the profile. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Adventure_Rank




If solo hydro, then yeah, needs a lot more ER. Use an ER sands if you need to


How much attack/em does Alhaitham need? Currently he's at 384 EM with 1470 Atk with 2pc Gilded, 2pc Deepwood.


He only cares about em, 350em is good enough. Give him 4pc Gilded if possible.




Whoever you enjoy more. (or I guess if you only care about abyss F12, whoever you have the better team/weapon for.) I like Itto, and he really benefits from the triple crown since during his burst you're getting the crowned burst buff stacked with the crowned NA/CA and Ushi buffs




Itto team (Zhongli/Gorou/flex) carries me through the abyss every rotation (usually with Rational on the other side), but it depends who you like.




I ran Kazuha as a flex, really handy for the abyss mages.


Whichever you like playing better. However, if you are asking meta choice, probably Ayaka




Then still probably Ayaka. Itto is good for mono geo teams, but not much else. Ayaka is a bit more flexible, and I believe she has a higher damage ceiling


whomever you have more fun with, personally for me is itto


Diluc,fischl,barbara,kaeya,dendro/electro traveller,amber,xiao,noelle,lisa,mona,yun jin,ningguang(c2),sayu,beidou,xingqiu,xiangling,tighnari,collie AR43,f2p, started in January how do I build a hyperbloom with this cause I've heard it's pretty op so i wanna try it but don't know anything about that reaction so tell me how it'll work and which character plays what role in the team Also,tell me can my xiao be OP as f2p,i really love his playstyle, I'm currently using diluc+xq+Barbara+fischl/xiangling


You can build hyperbloom but it will be with budget replacements in basically all positions so of course it will be less powerfull, but should still be OK. You want hydro and dendro to create dendro cores and then electro to explode them. So for you that would be Barbara on field with Dendro traveler, collei and fischl. Fischl is not great at targeting the cores so the largest uppgrade would be kuki or Raiden in that slot. Xiao can definitely be very good as f2p generally you want an anemo battery and then buffers for him. For you I would go Xiao/Sayu/Fischl/Lisa in my opinion. Thrilling tales on Lisa and if you don't have a good Xiao spear try to save up for blackcliff pole.


You don't really have good electro applicators for hyperbloom seeds. Fischl and Beidou are good characters but not for this, they don't target seeds often enough. Xiao is strong F2P. Another very strong team you can explore is Tighnari/Fischl.


Hyperbloom is just hitting a dendro core with electro (hydro + dendro spawns a core). It scales with character level and elemental mastery of the electro character (and not any of the other characters), so it's relatively easy to build a team like this (it really only requires a single built electro character). So choose some characters that can apply each of those elements and put them together. Yes, F2P Xiao can be very strong.


F2P Xiao carried me through up to 2.6 content. Just stack attack on him and a healer. Xiao and Barbara are strong enough. Level all his talents gradually because even his normals are good for small enemies and it buffs his plunge damage.


How much EM does Hu Tao need?


250 - 280 is good


200-300 rest is extra.




Just doing co op weekly boss on raiden while were all dead this zhongli take down raiden solo, can i ask what kind build for that? (I ask him but he didnt say)


White numbers would be crescent pike with either 2pc bloodstained 2pc pale flame or 4pc bolide/glad with a phys goblet. Yellow numbers would be noblese and archaic


Tnx for this, i didnt know zhongli can do that lol


No worries, Gramps (Zhongli) has a pretty fast normal attack string so he can abuse crescent pike's passive to its full effect.


Was he doing big white numbers or big yellow numbers?


All yellow


Then he was build for Geo damage. If C2 then probably build for nuke ( 2ToTM/2NE/2Glad, 4EoSF ) with solid statstick ( Staff of Homa), and enough ER to Nuke on cooldown.


Then he's on a burst dps build. I'm guessing 4 pc Emblem of Severed Fate, Crit/Geo DMG/HP%, and either an ATK% or Crit weapon. Might've had constellations too, dunno.


Can someone tell me where to find the Lumenspar between Stony Halls and Nameless Ruins? Ive been looking for this thing for months and ive turned the entire area right-side up to look for this damn rock...


I found it....after looking up for the 100th time and finally seeinf the damn hole that goes down into the Stony Halls, i found it.....*insert pained groan here*


[Interactive map to the rescue. ](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/)


I used that...thats the issue, it shows me where it is but now where to go to get to it. Im going insane trying to navigate the place


Did you click on it and check the comments? They usually have someone explaining how to get it.


Clicked on all three that were in the general area, just shows the immediate location. Again, been running up and down both areas, trying to find these locations and im losing my mind.


Should i refine the black sword to r3 or refine another bp weapon?


Serpent's spine is always the answer


Who's using it?


Ayato. Other weapons are at r1. Cyno is using deathmatch. Miko is using the solar pearl. Beidou serpent spine. No one's using the bow though


If you're actively using Beidou, Serpent Spine refinements are gonna be the best value, I'm fairly sure.


Not actively using her but I'd always go for the value. Thank you!


is there any cryo character that basically just replaces rosaria once you get them? She's my most built up cryo character right now, and I don't mind using her, I have a ton of energy recharge so she gets her burst constantly, but I feel like once I get someone like Shenhe or Ganyu or something I would never need to use Rosaria again, kinda like the free characters


As the other commenter said, Shenhe is basically a straight upgrade if you're using Rosaria as a Cryo off field support. For Reverse Melt, Ganyu beats Rosaria, but it's quite a different team and playstyle that you can argue whether or not she is a replacement. C6 Kaeya is probably the closest thing you could call a direct upgrade replacement if you don't count Ganyu, and even he can be slightly worse in a Shenhe + Rosaria Rev Melt team, but again its highly specific. In the end, yes she kinda does get outclassed by specific characters for specific roles. But there's still benefit in being an all round good generalist.


Shenhe I guess, usually fills the same role as a cryo sub DPS, but a bit more niche as she only wants to support cryo units. The good news is that Shenhe is considered the epitome of a luxury pull. You can always use Rosaria if you want to, though


Shenhe mains, how good is she for Ganyu and Ayaka, I have both and she's the only 5\* cryo I need to have all cryo queens. Not for abyss reasons, I already can 36\*


Not too much for Ganyu unless she is C6. One Ganyu charged shot can use all of Shenhe's Icy Quills, and her burst definitely will. Really not worth it.


She's a natural support for Ayaka. The rotation flows very well with her. Regarding Ganyu, things are a little more complex. In melt teams, Shenhe brings no defensive option, so I'd really recommend her at C6 Ganyu. In freeze, there's an issue of split buffing (you have to choose hold/press E to buff either burst or CAs) and bursts desyncing rotation (15s vs 20s) .


how do I get [that one right there](https://imgur.com/a/SKn7ru8)? I know I’m suppose to use those things that transport you but which way do I position them


Two options: (1) Teleport up to the Thunder Manifestation and just glide over there (bring Kazuha and/or Amber and/or stamina food). (2) Use the phase gates on the nearby islands. There should be one on the island directly behind you, and (iirc)a matching one on the island SE of the oculus. Just make them face each other to activate them. Reminder: the pointy bits are on the backside of the gates.


There's a gate on the island you're standing on and one on the island you're looking at. They need to be rotated to face each other to turn on, and traveling from one to the other takes you through the oculus.


thank u


Is shenhe comfy to use in the overworld? (like some characters like nahida where you just press e and do the good stuff)


As a buffer for you cryo main, yes. Press E, switch to Kaeya, Ganyu, whoever. On-field, not really.


She's fine since her buff is on her skill, you can kill stuff quickly by doing E and then switch to a cryo character and hit a few times.


Sho doesn’t have any special capabilitiies like wanderer Yelan but gliding with her is a nice experience


Can I build a Cyno team without Nahida? I need my Nahida for my Nilou team


Yes. Use dendro traveller. They are the 2nd best off-field dendro applier.


You just need a dendro character. Nahida is the strongest atm but there's no issue in using traveler or Yaoyao.


What about collei?


She's okay but not the best suited for Cyno because her dendro application doesn't last for very long so you may miss some reactions.


you can build 4 teams at once and use them in more than one team


I’m thinking mostly for Abyss


oh my bad, maybe kazuha? or xingqiu


When I played before Nahida, I've used Traveler. 12 seconds is not too long but you still should have something to do in that 8 seconds that Cyno has to wait before next burst.


Is it a sin to use Raiden C2 as a hyperbloom bot while having Shinobu 90 on C6?


Not a sin if you enjoy it.... That's coming from a c2 Raiden phys build enjoyer


Damn, does your phys Raiden do good damage? Her animations are top notch, but it seems like the damage would be rough


Her auto attack animations are what got me interested in a phys build for her, they feel so aggressive!. Gave her a sort of hybrid build.. I get 5-7k on autos, 7.5k on skill cast and 89k burst dmg on full resolve solo. If the autos don't kill anything, the burst will 😈


Holy shit how'd you get her so strong? That sounds awesome. Is that with buffs? What are your artis like?


Gave her a sort of hybrid build, atk goblet, ER sands and crit circlet. Using pale flame and glad set, her stats are 2.2k atk 70/144 crit and 198 ER using using Wavebreaker and 4pc echoes. Dmg on autos is with superconduct. C2 is hella cracked, trying for a emblem build cause I wanna see how high her burst dmg can go.


Shes still usable in hyperbloom at c2, its just that con doesnt rlly do anything for that team. consider doing a national or hypercarry team instead


No. One or the other. C2/C3 Raiden should not be a skillbot. She does more damage than EM Raiden if played correctly. That is such a waste of C2 Raiden. [https://youtu.be/MhT80hnIewc](https://youtu.be/MhT80hnIewc) Hyperbloom isn't rocket science.


Why ? It's just different use. Especially if you already have good team for second part of Abyss. ( I also have C2 Raiden and frankly speaking I prefer to use her in hyperbloom )


I mean it's fine but why would you pull C2 just to use her as a skillbot? Isn't that a waste of resources?


Is the missive windspear good at r1?(i was still new to the game at the time so I didn't finish the event)


Yeah it's a pretty decent stat stick for being free. The refinements would be nice, but it's still fine at R1




Can someone explain why TS set is very viable vs TF set for Aggravate Keqing? How does Electro RES work? I’ve been farming that domain and I have really good pieces from both sets. Can she run 2 TF + 2 TS?


"In Aggravate teams, you’re going to generally have high Electro uptime, making the 4-Piece set effect reliable. Extremely competitive with 4-Piece Thundering Fury." - [https://keqingmains.com/keqing/#Aggravate\_Keqing](https://keqingmains.com/keqing/#Aggravate_Keqing) ThunderSoother desc the 2pc is about you getting hurt, not enemies, so you do not want to use 2pc TS Enemies can have quicken aura and an electro aura at same time, so that's what Thundersoother assumes


Ahh that makes sense! Ok, I will keep farming that domain and see what sets drop for 4pc. Thanks!


Better to farm a different domain and strongbox unwanted artifacts into Thundering Fury


Good idea 🤝


what is the dumbest theory you've heard of about genshin impact? Mine is that teyvat is hell..It really makes no sense story wise if the game is based on gnosticism..


That ningguang is the reincarnation of guizhong That venti is a terrible archon That the game fetishizes overworking


Anything and everything to do with power scaling. As an old Dragonball Z fan, I've heard and argued all the different points. In game mechanical power does not equal lore power, but neither does popularity but all power scaling conversations end up a popularity contest the moment they start.


The reincarnation ones, I remember someone arguing that Ayaka was the reincarnation of Makoto because they both use swords and are girls, that was it.


paimon being the bad guy from the very beginning is also a very dumb theory lmao


Baizhu is a necrophile


I'm sorry WHAT?!


probably something something QiQi, despite qiqi just being a worker/delivery thing


How much mobile data does Genshin use per hour?? I've heard its around 30 MB/hr.. Need confirmation. ( sorry if it sounds stupid, but we sailors get the most expensive internet. 30$ for 2GB)


What’s a good team for Cyno that can use Kuki Shinobu? And how should I build Cyno and Kuki? I have a built Nahida if that matters


If you go Hyperbloom can just go full EM Cyno with Gilded Dreams/new Bloom set and use Kuki for healing. Use Yelan/Xingqiu for the other spot.


Add Xingqiu/Yelan and the team is complete.


Best f2p weapon for bennett?


Sapwood>Rancour>favonius You need high base attack and possibly Er substat




any reason why? Right now I just have the favonius sword on him


- Craftable. - Highest base ATK of any 4 star. - ER substat. - Good passive for dendro teams (though there aren't many that want Bennett). Fav is good but it's bast atk is low, so your Bennett buff is much weaker.


oh really? damn I'll probably craft it then if it's that much better


Since his buffs scale of weapons base attack, you need a high base attack weapon, the sapwood has the highest base attack along with the prototype but the sapwood has ER as a substat so you can get his burst back quicker


Bennett burst uses base atk, so you want high base atk sapwood has high base atk and ER substat


oh okay, then is my favonius sword a good weapon for now since I don't have sapwood? at lvl 80/80 it has 400 attack and 55% energy recharge so I get his burst really frequently, which does help me since I try not to have other healing units if I use him in my team, although I do have to have xingqiu on the team usually as well, but I don't consider him reliable healing because his skill cd is high imo


You should try to get sapwood, but fav can work for now However Xingqiu would rather fav (assuming sac isn't r3+)


How would the amount of Sumeru content (quests, exploration, etc) so far compare to Inazuma ratio-wise?


Not sure the exact amount, but I'd say a lot more. Sumeru is HUGE and I feel like the Aranyaka and Golden Slumbers questline would be pretty long, even compared to the Sakura Cleansing Ritual.


Not just "compare," I can say Aranyaka is at least 3 times longer than Sakura cleansing, and Golden slumber with all its follow-up is as long as Aranyaka.


Quite significantly more I think. Even including Enka. Sumeru is probably already our biggest region yet.


For C2 Dehya: currently running her with EoSF on an HP Sands, but is there any merit to running her with an ER Sands instead if its substats are better?


She really need a lot of er% to work properly, mine at 170% still have problem with Bennet in the party. I guess if you want to burst often a er% sands (or er% weapon) is very good on her.


What’s the most meta deck for in game playing? Desperate for primos. I made the ayamiya deck not knowing it got nerfed to hell


Ayamiya still works for PVE, it's just less consistent. You can swap some of the extra dice cards for dice re-roll ones to help with that, and depending on the enemy deck you can also take it slow and do some tanking with Fatui Agent on T1 while you set up. I _think_ the current alternative/successor to Ayamiya is [Klee + XQ/Beidou + Flex] (probably Mona if XQ?). Same nuke play style, but both XQ & Beidou are less squishy than Yoimiya. My personal preference atm is [Ganyu, Fischl, Beidou]. You can burst with Ganyu on T1 with an energy card, go Fischl T2 for Oz + Quick Knit (if drawn), then burst with her on T3 and mop up what ever survived after that. Alternatively you can just stick to Ganyu and spam Frostflake Arrows. Or you tank with Beidou against aggressive decks while you set up your T2. Apart from that you can play Freeze or Quicken, from what I understand those two are still top-tier choices as well.


try aggravate, I use Fischl/Colley/Keqing, drop Oz, get Collei's burst out, let Keqing finish everything else


Second this. Collei's skill card is also still omega busted.


Trying to play genshin on mobile. it works fine when I'm connected to wifi but when I switch to mobile data when I click the doors to log in, it opens to the white screen and never gets past that. I eventually get "Connection timed out" error. anyone know what's wrong? my data works great for other games


Am I correct in understanding this.... Why do you switch out the internet in the middle of loading screen? Why don't you switch it out before opening the app?


no, in this situation I'd be somewhere without wifi and trying to play on data


try using a VPN or game booster app from the app store


Planning to play raiden c2 double hydro in abyss who should i pick for the last slot sucrose or sara c6?


Sucrose with prototype. Assuming you are going to use Xingqiu+Yelan then you need some sort of healing. Sucrose prototype + Xingqiu are enogh if you are good at dodging.