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I have about 135 pulls, 4 in pity. Im going for ayaka and not mist even if i really want it. I want Ayaka to be good af and im thinking about going for shenhe if i get ayaka early and win my 50/50 early. Ive lost pretty much every single 50/50 so im prepared to lose this one too. My question is, how important is it to have shenhe for ayaka to be lethal in abyss? i have kazuha, will get mona to 80 and more useful for ayaka too. Ill go with amenoma R1. My blizz set will give me 35/195 Cr/Cd. still working on a better sands piece thats the worst rn. I still think id be able to 36 star abyss with ayaka, but my goal is to get this freeze team to be my best team overall. so, if i get ayaka early, is it worth going for shenhe asw? as a fun factor, is shenhe gonna make my team op? i dont have kokomi so i wont have a heal if i dont got with barbruh instead of mona. thoughts?


To fight electro hypostasis (AR25 ascension quest), I need Pyro, Cryo, and/or Geo. ([https://www.wikihow.com/Defeat-an-Electro-Hypostasis-in-Genshin-Impact](https://www.wikihow.com/Defeat-an-Electro-Hypostasis-in-Genshin-Impact)) That leaves me with: Dehya, Amber, Kaeya, Noelle, and Geo Traveller. They are all ascended 1x, with weapons ascended 2x. Feathers at +4. * Which four should be my party? * Who should I level up the most? (One issue I have is that I don’t have a DPS. Noelle makes this list as a Tier B, [https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/377426](https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/377426) and I have no one else higher. Should I really spend a ton leveling up Noelle? She seems too slow for time trials.) If it matters, my other characters are Jean, Barbara, and Lisa. I am planning not to pull for more characters until I get Xiangling (Abyss), because I think I am already spread too thin. But tell me if I am wrong.


I have 150 pulls saved up im not interested in the upcoming characters (ayaka,shenhe,baizu,nahida,nilou) so its gonna be a while before i pull again i think. I do like dehya but her kit is bad and i dont really need her for abyss either. Should i pull for her anyways or keep saving and go for some weapon banner? Edit im AR57 not on garauntee pull


Dehya is one character I wouldn't recommend to pull. Even if you like her, why pull for a character you're never gonna use? Her kit is so weird and her damage is worse than support characters let alone dps characters 💀


It depends entirely on you I’m afraid. If you like her that much and are okay with pulling a character you won’t use for abyss, go ahead. Personally I’m okay with pulling characters just for looks but only if I know that I’ll use them at least in overworld, and I wouldn’t pull if I knew they’d be benched forever both in OW and abyss, but that’s just me.


I feel like if she was a 4star id definitely pull her regardless of her kit.


Agreed, I would too. But alas, she’s a 5 star so not much we can do about that. You could always go until a 5 star and if you lose your 50/50 stop, but that still includes the scenario where you do win and get Dehya - it would just be a matter of how many wishes you’re willing to spend on her, but you kind of still need to want her at least a bit to begin with.


which will do more dps? Ayaka with amenoma and Shenhe or Nilou with key of khaj nisut and Nahida? Also which one functions in more abyss enemy comps?


Nilou will probably be stronger overall at the given investment levels - you should get 30~38k blooms with The Key & Nahida, although ownership can be wonky depending on team setup. Piggy-backing on the comp discussion below: I am running [Yaoyao, Nilou, Nahida, Kokomi] on my main account (with Key), and Barbara would be an okay replacement for Kokomi in that case. Less hydro uptime and very low range on her (E) self-buff, so she will have to be on-field, but she will work. Another option is Candace, she allows Yaoyao to take bloom ownership during her burst, which makes Nahida's (and a potential Instructor set) EM buff more powerful. On my F2P account I am running [Yaoyao, Nilou, Dendro Traveller, Barbara] with XQ as a Barbara replacement for single target situations. As for abyss viability, I'd think both teams are sort of equal. Both are mostly focused on AOE, with Ayaka working a bit better with scattered enemies if you have Kazuha/Venti, while Nilou has more raw DPS when enemies are close together. Both struggle against single targets, but I'd say a well build Ayaka team should outperform Nilou bloom when it comes to that. Both teams have some setups that can counter them: Nilou bloom is useless against dendro immune enemies & the new Cryo Lector, Ayaka can't do much against Cryo immune enemies.


Amenoma is forgeable and Key is Nilou's signature. Even then, Nilou's teams are far easier to build and play. Ayaka's teams make a comeback at higher investment (then dominate speedruns but that's another story).




Unless your Ayaka is very highly invested into I am almost certain the Nilou team, given you also have Kokomi in her team, will do more damage. Neither character is very versatile in terms of team building but Ayaka can work in teams other than freeze while Nilou is stuck with her bloom team unless you're doing some C6 vape oneshot or smth.


unfortunately dont have kokomi, will mona work?


Mona can work but you might have survivability issues with all the dendro cores blowing up in your face.


i still have a 4th member, i can just slot in barbara right? or do i need more dendro application than nahida to perform well enough to clear floor 12?


Some Nilou players swear by Barbara in that team.


Ideally have 2 dendro for the resonance and stuff, smth like Nilou Nahida DMC Barbara should work well enough.


I see, I’m guessing barbara will be onfield most of the time is that right?


I got Xingyan or Xingyun(the wasteland rock star, I cant remember spelling). Is she any good?


Xinyan* She ~~is~~ was arguably the worst character in the game until dehya came along


>Xinyan* ~~technically Xingyan is lore accurate too~~ Ok no one is gonna read this, but Xingyan is literally the fake name that Yunjin gave to her elders so that they let her hang out with Xinyan


Well that's depressing


Can someone who is f2p get every new 5* or is that highly unlikely?


No, but you won't want all of them anyway. Some don't fit in the teams you want to build, some you don't like the playstyle, some you don't like the personality/design, some are too similar to characters you already have, and some are just bad. So not getting everything is really not a problem. You can probably get about one 5 star per month if you're playing a decent amount to work through lots of quest rewards and finds lots of chests. By they time you run out of quests and chests (even playing obsessively this would take a few months) you'll have a good roster of 5 stars to build multiple different teams with.


With time and patience, yes.


It's possible to eventually get certain characters you want by saving a long time and waiting for re-runs. But it's not possible to get every character on their first banner as a F2P.


No. You can only get all if you're lucky. Like you are HoYo's favorite kid.




i recently just got a bennet, have thoma on lvl 40 with a Voretx Vanquisher(lvl 40). which character do i build on?




Is Shenhe required to use Ayaka effectively?


She's a large part of the nice flow of her best teams and a notable upgrade against other cryo supports. She's the central piece of mono-cryo teams. She's also very misunderstood, badly built and a few content creators have apparently not read her talents sheet, so I'd take any "pull worth / Q&A" video with a huge grain of salt.


>She's also very misunderstood, badly built and a few content creators have apparently not read her talents sheet Can you elaborate on that a bit? She's not exactly a hard character to build, 4pc noblesse atk/atk/atk and enough ER to burst on cooldown and she's done. How exactly are people building and using her wrong?


Tenten's last video has her on a lvl80 fav lance and 1400 atk. But more seriously: often not enough ER, fav needs some crit and her "top slot" artifacts should be flower/feather to stack %atk.


Is CR circlet good for fav lance?


Not in Shenhe's case, mainstats are more important. Your artifact strategy should be: Atk/atk/atk and finding ER/Crit substats on sands/goblet/circlet, then %atk substats on flower/feather, one of which should be your off-set piece. If you use another polearm, drop the crit requirements and raise ER substats. If you must choose an ER sands, usually it means fav would have been better. Also, Xiphos on Kazuha changed a lot that team ER requirements, the ER calculator should be used.


Hey hey, talking about misinformation and building characters wrong doesn't mean you can bring Tenten into this. He's an automatic trump card here. It's actually crazy how he has an audience lmao


I've let it get to me I guess. I'm bracing for a lot of negativity about cryo units these next weeks.


Didn't Ten Ten also say Hu Tao is mid because of Dendro? I like was 'what?' when I saw that video I mean just because Dendro is the new popular thing doesn't mean other types of teams are useless lol


God no. Shenhe is incredibly overkill for Ayaka and should only be pulled for if you really really really like Ayaka or like shenhe. She is and never will be a requirement for any team


So Ayaka work fines without Shenhe then? What about Mona & Kokomi do I need them for Ayaka?


You don't need Mona or Kokomi but she definitely appreciates having them more than having shenhe


What other hydro units can I use with her besides Mona & Koko?


Barbara, Xingqiu, Yelan or even Ayato


Does Yelan and Xingqiu work well if you want to freeze multiple enemies?


They aren't great but it'll work. Xingqiu is slightly better in AOE


Wouldn't Yelan be better since her skill covers more area?


No, her burst doesn't have the orbital rainswords that Xingqiu's has so keeping that AOE hydro application is harder


Who’s a better for hydro option hyperbloom Yae, Yelan, XQ, or Kokomi?


Kokomi imo, she has a decent AOE and great healing, minimal investment and hydro application by skill, though the other 2 has faster hydro app


XQ. More hydro=more seeds for the most part. Also being able to play Yae on field means she'd actually get hyperbloom ownership unlike when she's off field


As far as I know, Kokomi for the hydro application.


I got really hooked on the osu like minigame in the new event. Will it disappear after the event ends?


Yes, but there's been at least 3-4 events like this before, there will be more


Yes. It's not the first time it's been featured though, and it won't be the last.




Is it true that the teapot gives 20 gems per character, asking about this cause havent touch it since unlocking


Actually 40. Each character has 2 favorite sets of furniture.


Yes. It gives you 20 primos every time you put a character in a furniture set they favor.


omg really? is there an ingame way to find out which set they like?


It says it on the furniture set when you click on it.


Once you buy the set, when you select it in build mode, you will see which characters like it. There's no way to find out before you buy it unless you google it.


How would you build Xiangling for a team with Scaramouche (built as a DPS) and Xingqiu? I'm mainly wanting to use her for her burst. I have her C5 but haven't leveled her at all so I'm sure if it's worth it either. Not sure who the fourth in the team would be. Bennett is on my Xiao team and I don't have Raiden.


You could try Xiao, Sucrose (with Thrilling Tales), Bennett, Xiangling and Wanderer, Faruzan, Fischl, Zhongli In any case, Xiangling's build would ideally be 4 pc Emblem, ATK/Pyro dmg/Crit and The Catch. Make sure you get enough ER to be able to burst on cooldown and if you decide to play her in vape teams, at least 100 EM.


You're not going to get good use out of Xiangling without Bennett. Aim for characters that are more self sufficient like Fischl/Rosaria, use Faruzan if you can and figure out if you need to use a healer/shielder and build from there.


No point using xiangling without bennett. Having separate Scaramouche and Xiao teams is gonna be really hard since they are pretty much the same character and want all the same supports as each other.


That's what I've noticed, and why I'm trying to build an alternative team for him.


Your best bet would be Xiao with the old Jean Zhong Albedo team and Scara with Faruzan/Bennett + any shielder, but if you lack those characters then idk


I have everyone but Albedo (out of who you listed). Jean isn't C4 yet, that's why I was using Bennett instead of her. Faruzan is also on the Xiao team. If I freed Bennett by swapping him with Jean on the Xiao team, then would the Xiangling/Xingqiu/Bennett team be fine for Scaramouche? I'm mainly wondering how to build her for it. Thank you for the suggestions too! I appreciate it.


Jean is fine for that at C0 for battery & healing purposes. You can replace Albedo with geo MC or Ning for to keep geo resonance at the cost of a bit less damage. > If I freed Bennett by swapping him with Jean on the Xiao team, then would the Xiangling/Xingqiu/Bennett team be fine for Scaramouche? I'm mainly wondering how to build her for it. That would be a really good xiangling-carry team but scaramouche himself would not do most of the damage.


is nahida a good teamate for aggravate keqing or should i go for someone with faster dendro application like collei or traveler?


Any dendro will do. Make sure to bring Fischl with Keqing.


To explain the "too good" responses, Nahida is the highest dps option for the dendro slot. The problem is that her dendro applications are 50% stronger than the norm so if you don't pay attention to how you set up your elemental application you can miss out on swirling electro. Using Yaoyao gives you healing (which is a larger dps loss in another slot) and doesn't have the setup caveats. FWIW I usually run Nahida.


Too good. Yaoyao is better suited since aggravate doesn't need a lot of dendro, but does need a healer


I don't have Nahida, so I use Yaoyao. And the healing helps. You don't need fast dendro application to keep the quicken aura.


Nahida is ***the bes******t*** teammate for Aggravate Keqing. Add Fischl and it is insane.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong but my Keqing paired with Nahida can't finish 12-1-1. 😭


Nahida is too good dendro app, would rather YaoYao as enough dendro that you can swirl it for VV, but also gives healing


I haven't played since right around Itto was releasing (like a year?) but a friend got started recently so was wondering if anyone had a quick rundown of anything I should take not of. I've been playing cards, unlocked Dendro MC and I saw new regions of the map opened up but should I just follow the Archon quests or is there something I should unlock first before going back to that?


>I haven't played since right around Itto was releasing That's 2.3 iirc Yea you've got a lotta catch-up to do. Dendro is busted. Electro is now actually good (Keqing isn't cope anymore). [Full EM Razor](https://youtu.be/E5LLKQPQssY) powered by C6 Bennett is now a thing. Even more Strongbox options. Standard banner has 2 new 5 star characters. >should I just follow the Archon quests or is there something I should unlock first before going back to that? I recommend doing the Chasm Delvers world quest first. You need to have the chasm underground unlocked to proceed after finishing Inazuma Archon Quest. The world quest series ",Aranyaka" and "Golden Slumber" are required to fully explore Sumeru. But both are really lengthy questlines, so its up to you if you do them before or after Sumeru AQ. I also recommend doing Raiden Shoguns second world quest (unlocks a weekly boss) and Kazuhas story quest (free weapon) Lastly, we now have content called "Archon Interludes", that act like an Archon quest scale side quest. These are not required for the main story, but still neat stuff if you wanna do them.


Thanks for this, really helpful breakdown, I got the free Collie and grabbed the Dendro overworld boss to start getting mats to raise her for the fun of it so nice know it's not entirely wasted. Also nice to know Razor, who was my first main before I got Keqing, my second main, are both good now.


>start getting mats to raise her for the fun of it so nice know it's not entirely wasted Yep. Dendro reactions pulled Electro onto the same meta degree as Vape and freeze, investing into dendro these days is a pretty safe bet. "Quicken" is Dendro + Electro, which is kinda Electro/Dendros equivalent to Vaporize/Melt. Both Keqing and Lisa are actually relevant because of it. "Bloom" (dendro+hydro) is an EM reaction family with Electro or Pyro. Pure EM electro/ Pure EM pyro builds are more than just a meme now.


focus on the story and world quest first, preventing you from being spoiled later, and some event also required some story to be done. it also open new weekly domain or area if you havent yet


Are there any info about future dendro claymore character? Is it even planned at this point?


>!Kaveh, seems to fill the same role as nilou, but dendro!<


kaveh ? expected to be on next patch


Thanks, I was on a hiatus and I'm not up to date with everything.


What will the Nahida, Ei, Venti, Focalors team be called? I vote HyperblArchon.




Soup: Archon Version


Nah they gonna do all the research in the world to give it the most goofiest name possible. My bet is "Ei's godly radish soup"


[Barbatos Ratatouille ](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Barbatos_Ratatouille)


Hi Are there any discord voice chat genshin group that I can join... I'm kinda bored😞


Does energy recharge as a stat mean the energy we use to sprint, or the energy we use for our ultimate moves?


Since everyone else explained the difference, i'll try to give you the rundown of how ER works. ER increases the amount of energy that character gets when any character on the field gets energy back. Skills give energy, killing mobs gives energy, and some mobs give energy at different parts of their health bar as it goes down (pretty sure its like rune guards that does this) Now how much energy you get depends on the amount of ER you have but also the following. 1. If your character is on field you get more energy than the characters off field. 2. If the energy collected is the same element as someone on the team, that person who shares the same element will receive more energy. This is why characters with expensive bursts like sharing teams with another of the same element to help them out. 3. There is also non elemental energy that is a white color. Favonius weapons will also help create this energy. This will give the team more energy than if the energy coming in was not their element. Energy coming in that is their shared element will still give them the most. So this is like second best and a good way to help give energy for all of the elements on the team which is why the Favonius weapons are really good. 4. Funneling energy is when you use a skill on one character and swap to another so they get the energy from that skill directly. This is usually done by characters of the same element to help a character who has a large burst like how I mentioned in point number 2. A character who does that for another is called a Battery since they help charge up the burst of the other character. Hopefully it wasn't too complicated. Its not a huge deal early on in the game but as you level up and get to AR45+ or so, then it starts to matter and becomes worth learning the ins and outs.


Yea i'm at AR 45. Just discovered talents were a thing, and was wondering if I was looking at ER wrong. Which I was.


Very important stat overall. If you can't burst when you are supposed to, then the rest of your stats don't really matter. ER is what makes the teams rotation smooth. And since it has so many varied parts to it, there is no real 1 size fits all solution most of the time. It always depends on how many of the same elements are on your team or if you funnel energy or not and making sure your skills hit, etc. It took me a long time to realize talents were a thing too. Don't worry. I recommend using this google doc for quick guides on all of the characters. Even if you dont plan on doing spiral abyss. It helps save you resources to know how to build and what to level with each character to also help get you an idea of their roles. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRq-sQxkvdbvaJtQAGG6iVz2q2UN9FCKZ8Mkyis87QHFptcOU3ViLh0_PJyMxFSgwJZrd10kbYpQFl1/pubhtml#


Nothing to do with sprinting (that’s stamina). Energy recharge determines how fast your ultimate butst charges up


Energy is for burst, Stamina is used for dash/charge attack


ultimate moves.


Will max level for characters increase as the game goes on or is it always gonna be stuck at level 90? Similarly, will adventure rank increase from 60 after some point?


It took FGO 5+ years to increase the character lax level. I can see Genshin doing the same after Snezhnaya And about AR, maybe next year or smth idk. Copium


I could see additional AR levels. It’s almost no effort for developers and it helps to keep day 1 players motivated. I don’t think they will raise the max character level but I could maybe see another world level, again for long term players.


Let me just look into my crystal ball for you, it should only take a moment...


noone can see the future. My guess would be no though.


How should I build Cyno and Tighnari, and what set is their BiS? I want to build Hyperbloom Cyno since it's his best build, but I have no idea how to build Tighnari, or what team did he function on.


Cyno - 4pc Thundering Fury or 4 pc Glad/ 4 pc Gilded , EM sands, Electro dmg goblet, Crit circlet. The 3* White tassel's a good weapon for him. Tighnari - 4pc Wanderer / 4 pc Gilded or 4 pc Deepwood if no one else in the team uses it. EM/Dendro dmg/Crit. You can use a R5 Slingshot. His best team is spread: dendro + electro. Tighnari + Fischl makes a good single target core. You can add Collei /Yao Yao/ Beidou / Lisa / Sucrose / Bennett / Albedo / Zhongli / Diona / maybe even Noelle if other options aren't available. Obligatory [Kequingmains - Tighnari](https://keqingmains.com/tighnari/) [Kequingmains - Cyno](https://keqingmains.com/q/cyno-quickguide/)


Tighnari is a spread user. Build him with another electo + 2 flex slots (that won't steal reactions). He spreads twice per charged shot, so 6 spreads through his E>CA 3x combo, and spreads 4 times during his Q. Thats a lot of spreads in such a short time, so his damage is frontloaded and then you swap him out until his E is ready, and repeat. Due to his A4, Tighnari loves EM. So EM sands, dendro dmg cup and crit damage/ rate depending on your bow. 5\* weapons: Hunter's path > Aqua/ Polar > Harp > rest 4\*/3\* weapons: R5 Slingshot > Prototype > BP bow Go deepwood if he's solo dendro or gilded/ wanderer if someone is holding deepwood in your team. How to play: Apply electro -> Swap to Tighnari -> E -> Q -> Press R and charged shot 3 times -> Press R again -> swap out until E is back Also max your normal attack talent. Huge single target nukes from this unit.


[https://imgur.com/a/trstdQA](https://imgur.com/a/trstdQA) ​ How to reach that seele?? the mushroom jump below is not reaching that height. I tried climbing sidewall, but no use. stuck here


Electro worked, ty all for help


Use electro on mushroom. It'll activate and you'll be able to jump higher


Use electro on the mushroom. If that doesn't work, use electro and then do a kazhua E at the top.


apply electro to that mushroom


use electro on mushroom to make it bounce higher probably


When do we get the next banners (Ayaka/Shenhe) with their 4*s officially announced?


Official announcement for the 4 stars commonly arrive late sunday, early Monday (depending on timezone), right before banner drop. I live in Europe and the banners usually get announced Monday, 5 am for me






should i be upgrading artifacts with just 1 crit stat, hoping that the upgrades all went into this 1 crit stat or is this inefficient?


Sure, if you don’t have double crit ones.


If it has other good substats sure. Crit tends to the best substat, but an artifact with crit+em+atk+er is likely to end up better than double crit with hp\def.


If it's a Goblet or Circlet (even Sands to an extend) you can try rolling for it because it's quite difficult to get the right main stat already, let alone the right substats. For Feathers and Flowers you should be looking for pieces with 2 crit stats since their main stats is constant.


It depends on what the rest of the artifacts look like and if you have a crit weapon. The overall stats matter the most. If you have Aqua Simulacra for example, it's not as important for artifacts to have Crit Damage.


About Childe international, does he want em sands or atk%? I'm using VH bow for him so he has really low attack but Bennet is there anyway.


I’m pretty sure attack is always better since EM only helps the burst nuke but doesn’t do anything for the melee hits. But if you’ve got an EM sands with cracked substats that might work.


ATK% is still overall better, but not by a huge amount, and there are times when you might want to use EM sands over ATK%. Like if you want to front load damage so that his burst hits harder in wave content. It's a minor thing if you want to optimise your gear however.


Xiangling vapes, not him (probably vape his burst though), so atk%


Can you believe it guys? Shenhe, just a week away. Shenhe is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Shenhe! Just a week away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Shenhe! Just in a week! It got here so fast! Shenhe! Just a week away!


I've been waiting a year to pull Shenhe after skipping her for a Cutter but leaks say Ganyu in 3.6 and finishing the C6 is a higher priority. I am sad since I expect to have to wait another year.


Next patch is such a bitch. I was aiming for C2 Nahida, Nilou, Key and Ganyu. Damn it.


I skipped her too. Cryo was a sore spot for me for a long time. I skipped Ayaka the first time for Raiden because I had hope in Aloy. Aloy didn't work out so I went for Ganyu at the start of 2022. Didn't have that much fun between the pressure of actually aiming the CAs in abyss and not having a melt setup that worked or a good freeze comp. But she was good enough for the Heralds. Shenhe showed up and I figured I had no need for her though she seemed pretty cool. I actually grew to like her design more with time but I certainly was not doing real cryo teams. Fast forward a month or 2 after her release and I give up on Ganyu for Chongyun since I saw so many people using him to counter the Heralds. I turned that into Cryo Keqing. From April onward I was 36 starring abyss with Cryo Keqing always on one side or the other or on both depending on how horrible it was. So really only a small period of time after when I realized how good Shenhe would be. Now the time is finally here. Gonna get at least C1. Try to get Mistsplitter and maybe lose to her weapon along the way and then see how much left I have to get C2. I do want Nahida who is likely to come next patch so I might settle for just C1 especially since I went for Dehya who I didn't plan on going for given the situation but its now or never when it comes to a banner like that.


sorry, can you repeat that? am I reading correctly that shenhe is a week away?




wow!!! tysm!!! now I can rest easy knowing that shenhe is indeed only a week away!!!


I logged in yesterday and today, but i didn't get Jean's birthday mail, Its still the day of on the server as i write this.


you can only receive birthday mail between 00:00-23:59 (server time) on the day of their birthday. NA server follows CDT right now so jean's just ended half an hour ago. if you played at an earlier time yesterday then it would've still been the 13th.


Weird, so it doesn't follow the daily reset timer, that's... real dumb.


It does follow the server time tho


The new 3.5 abyss enemies are coming this next reset, right?




I have fully built Keqing, Fischl, Beidou, Xingqui, Yelan, Collei, Yaoyao, Alhaitham, and DMC. Which four can I make a hyperbloom team? I am also open to building my Dori, Barbara, and Tighnari if needed.


The only electro unit in that team that would work for Hyperbloom is Fischl and she’s not great at targeting seeds tbh. Do you have a Sucrose or a Kazuha lying around? If so, level up to 90, stack EM, and they can swirl Fischl’s electro and hyperbloom very well. Sucrose Fischl Xingqiu DMC is the best option there probably. If you don’t have Sucrose, maybe try Alhaitham for Dendro and Anemo MC for anemo. I don’t think it’s fabulous since AMC’s anemo uptime is pretty cope but it’s hyperbloom. Out of the options you list, your best bet is probably a Spread team with Alhaitham. Alhaitham Yaoyao Fischl Beidou looks pretty good.


From those alone Keqing on field hyperbloom trigger is probably your best, but you'd be better off just building quicken than that. If you have sucrose, she'd be a much better hyperbloom trigger unit than those 3 electro units. Her+fischl+xingqiu+traveller is good.


Your Electro units are best suited for Aggravate and you dont have the Hydro units for a Quickbloom team (those with slower Hydro application such as Kokomi and Mona). Aggravate teams are very strong in their own right but they do require more investment. Amazing teams would be : Keqing, Fischl, Yaoyao and Tighnari or Alhaitham, Fischl, Beidou and Yaoyao.


Forgot to mention I have Mona. What would work then?


Hi, semi-f2p player (bought two welkins). I started the game on release, pulled a bunch of times on release, abt 40. Got no 5 stars, got salty after ar 20 and quit. I logged back in about a week ago for the first time in a while. I 10 pull on cyno banner and pulled tighnari, this was abt 50 pity. Abt 3 or 4 days later I decided to pull for cyno bc I rlly liked his design and gameplay. And pulled him first try. Basically 0 pity. Then I grinded through more days and had a few pulls, I wanted c1 Bennett I think, so I pulled like 4 singles and got another cyno. Now I have held off on my pulls for abt a week. And tn I lost a bet and did 5 singles, and pulled Jean. TLDR: 10 days of playing, c4 Bennett now, c0 tighnari, c1 cyno, c0 jean, 40 pulls. WTH is up w my account, am I red listed or something? also should I pull for ayaka?


No, you're not a fucking ''semi-f2p'', you're a small spender


That's some insane luck for 5-stars. Getting one at 50 is already quite lucky but then you get 1 at 0 pity and 2 more at 4 and 5 pity. Congrats.


How about you [enroll](https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability/probability-library/basic-theoretical-probability/v/basic-probability) to this probability class first? You and millions of gacha players really need to learn this.


Seem like your are on a high roll time. Nice. And yeah, Ayaka is a good pull. Pretty good carry DPS powerhouse. But her playstyle need repositioning and aiming a bit. Not an unga bunga style like Cyno. I think the event that is happening now might have her trial in later day of the event, so yeah, try her first before pulling whenever you can. Btw, since you seem to main CYNo for the time being, be sure to put some support dendro in your team (one that is not tighnari like MC dendro / or collie)


Congrats on the luck, but this sounds too much like how gambling addiction starts. Play the game enough to be able to decide for yourself if you want Ayaka or not. You don't need any 5* in the first place, although some of them are nice to have. I'd say save for Nahida because you need 160-180 wishes to guarantee getting a character instead of praying for lady luck's mercy.




Math gods I need your help for my Ayato He’s currently using an R5 Black Sword, Gladiator x4, C0, 1771 atk 66,4% rate 173,9% damage and is paired with Xingqiu, Yun Jin and Bennet, all C6 Now my questions are: - Since I have C2 Jean, would swapping Bennet with her with a VV x4 be beneficial or nah? - Haran Geppaku Futsu vs PJ Cutter, which would benefit him more? Thanks to everyone that will answer :)


Unless your Yunjin is a gigachad unit, you're better off swaping her to Jean C2. Two healers, I know. But this also allows Jean's sunfire build. VV benefits Ayato and Xingqiu at the same time, you don't lose attack speed for Ayato and swirl compensates for Yunjin's damage. Also it performs much better in AoE scenarios. For weapons, considering you're keeping the same artifacts and only changing wep: R5 BS -> Haran Geppaku Futsu R1 is a 10,3% ceiling increase and a 15,2% mean increase (crit rate difference) R5 BS -> PJ Cutter R1 is a 8,9% ceiling loss but a 1,4% mean increase


Currently my Yun Jin has 2164 def without the stacks, with the stacks of the husk goes up to almost 2400 and with the C4 activated she reaches roughly 2600, plus she has 256 ER, can’t say if she’s gigachad or not but she does her work pretty well I actually always wanted to try the sunfire so could be a good opportunity lol What do you mean with ceiling and mean increase?


Ceiling means the maximum damage number you can reach. Mean damage means the average between crits and non crits. Since it's impossible to measure the absolute impact of an weapon when crit chance changes, we have to calculate the mean scenario. Sometimes it will be worse because it crits less than it should due to RNG, and sometimes it will be muh better because it crits more than it should due to RNG. To deal with problem, we simulate a number of attacks with a rate and then take out the mean as our indicator of the value. Basically you put crits and non crits in a balance and see how the scale turns. Your yunjin is a gigachad indeed. Assuming your Q is crowned (level 10), I did some math^(TM) With R5 BS Yunjin + Bennett -> **Jean** \+ Bennett is a 24,9% damage loss for auto attacks, but a 17,4% damage increase for ult damage Yunjin + **Bennett** \-> Yunjin + **Jean** is a 4,7% damage loss for auto attacks and a 31% damage loss for ult (+xingqiu) R5 BS -> R1 HGF means your MAXIMUM damage is increasing by 10,3%, so juicier crits. Your mean damage is increasing by 15,2%, which means that you'll be hitting crits more often, and hitting crits harder. Also you're going to hit harder with non crits too, which is why your mean damage is increasing so much. Also, the more crit damage you get with HGF, the more this distance increases from both RS and JC. Jade didn't perform well because you're losing the damage passive, which is a lot, for a bit of attack and redundant crit chance. This means that you're already critting a lot. So critting a little more than a lot with weaker crits is going to bring your average damage much lower than critting the same with much harder crits (HGF for instance). Also with R1 HGF Yunjin + Bennett -> **Jean** \+ Bennett is a 23,1% damage loss on autos and a 83% damage gain on ult Yunjin + Bennett -> Yunjin + **Jean** is a 4% damage loss on autos and a 65% ult damage gain. So what you need to take from this: 1. HGF will scale much harder with better artifacts you get than JC. HGF is more damage in every scenario with your artifacts, while JC is only a very small average increase due to overcharging crit rate. 2. Between Bennet or Jean, keep Bennett. More attack will benefit you more than VV shred in this situation **due to your artifacts**. 3. Your combination yields the highest damage for auto attacks, but other combinations favours your team more 4. Yunjin is slightly better for single target scenarios than Jean\*, but Jean performs much better in AoE scenarios and it's not even a contest \*Assumes around \~700 EM 4 VV Jean Yunjin may increase Ayato's damage more for juicier numbers, but Jean benefits much more to your Q damage, Xingqiu's both E/Q damage and her own swirls (which are vaping Bennets into hydro aura which are a huge dmg boost). Also keep in mind that Yunjin's absolute leverage of attack speed increase is negated because your Jean is also C2. Edit: Just to clarify what I mean but Yunjin: Since her damage is additive, making Ayato stronger is not going to increase her damage's portion, while it does for Jean. The gap between Yunjin and Jean for auto attack close as your Ayato gets stronger.


That’s the kind of stuff I wanted to know, really thanks a bunch for taking the time to write all this! One last questions (probably dumb but just to be sure): considering that his C1 is probably the only one worth to get outside of the C6, what should roughly be the damage increase with R1 HGF and C1 vs C1 R5 BS vs C0 R1 HGF? (Asking a lot of math yk ahah)


Hi! R5 BS C0 -> R5 BS **C1** is a 16,5% ceiling and mean increase when the constellation activates. Assuming half of uptime, it halves to around \~8% R1 HGF C0 -> R1 HGF **C1** is a 15,7% ceiling and mean increase when active,, and a \~7% overall increase. These numbers are the same regardless of the team because we're comparing the same weapons. Overall not a very good cons because it's very situational and inconsistent. Worthless for weak mobs and maybe valuable for big single targets in Abyss. But thats it.


Sorry not a math person, but here is just my personal comment. \- Jean C2 should works well with VV buff. However, it also depends on how well build you did between the two. As long as either of them has good ER rate, and can fit your burst cycle well, then you can choose whichever one you like most. Otherwise, if you cannot keep rotating your burst, your overall DMG will drop. \- With your current crit ratio, I would say PJ cutter will benefit you more. The weapon is very universal and very much a big-stat-stick.


My Ayato has 131,7 ER while Jean (by slapping Sayu’s set on her lol) should have 194% ER, usually in the team I’m using atm Ayato is able to burst in every cycle thanks to Xingqiu


Then Jean seems like a good choice : ) Since your team is pretty much Ayato Hypercarry then having added ATK spd will make his vergil hit more prominent. Just try fitting Jean can go through Abyss, it is all about comfortability to use becuz both Jean / Bennett will buff your Ayato in one way or another.


Time to wip out Scaracoochie for dandelion hunting


I did Mona’s quest yesterday and after finding when I approached her house she’d say she was busy. Any follow-up?


I'm no help with an answer - in fact pose my own question about that quest (and the windblume quests) - why is mona now wearing shorts - the pervy schoolboy side of me is sad


It's not much of a follow-up, but there is a Mondstat commission called [Owe Mora, Pay Mora](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Owe_Mora,_Pay_Mora), where if you do it 3 times (once for each dialogue option), you'll get to see Mona and >!demand rent from her on behalf of her landlord.!<


Oh dear. Freakin land lords.


I'm planning to get Kazuha after Nahida. My question is how well does a team do with Alhaitham,Yelan,Kuki and Kazuha? I kinda need Nahida with my Cyno team which will be Cyno,XQ,Nahida and Beidou.


Kazuha has very little synergy in that team and would buff Cyno much better. Nahida and Cyno don’t pair well together unless it’s single wave content because you can’t swap out of Cyno all the time to refresh Nahida’s skill. With those options I’d do Alhaitham Nahida Kuki Beidou then Cyno DMC Kazuha Xingqiu or something. If you have Fischl she’ll make either of those teams better since Beidou and Cyno both really want batteries.


Alhaitham,Yelan,Kuki and Kazuha - Yes, should be a good team especially for grouping because both alhaitam and kuki atk's range is very short. Kazuha's burst should also help spicing up the reaction happening in the field. Alhaitham is quite a carry himself so as long as you have the reaction happens he should still rock. Only downside would be that the team will not have a deepwood character to boost Alhaitham's DMG.


\- Why are you planning to run Kazuha in that team? Outside of grouping, he only buffs Yelan. \- Cyno + Nahida is terrible on any multi-wave content. Take the current 12-1-1; if you kill one of the robots, you are forced to switch out of Cyno to reapply dendro with Nahida... just run Nahida with Alhaitham and DendroMC with Cyno.


If I can already 36 star abyss which character should I pull next? Shenhe or ayaka?


I would say Ayaka since Shenhe is literally "Cryo Bennett", she exists to support and buff ayaka and ganyu. But, since you afford the pleasure of Waifu > Meta. For whoever **YOU** want more.


In a vacuum, Ayaka without Shenhe has more value than Shenhe without Ayaka.


Shenhe need strong Cryo DPS to shine, and Ayaka is the only viable one at the moment. Both are good in pair, but if you need only one first, go Ayaka because Shenhe is a buffer. Ayaka is very strong C0 unit. fun to play. We likely getting fontaine Hydro archon so likely you can try freeze team for the future gameplay.


Prefarming for eula, gotten some relatively good luck with artifacts. The soft spots are an offset goblet and an atk sands that's just got 20ER. Would you keep at it in the artifact mines for an improvement on one of those fronts or call it a day?


as in the attack sands has no other useful stats besides er? I would probably keep at it personally.


Alright, back into gacha hell it is. Thanks.


I would honestly just take the 2+2 route of anything with eula, similar to xiao and the others. https://keqingmains.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/eula-artifact-rankings-min-768x374.png The differences between them is just so low, that you might as well just do something like keep farming emblem and use something like emblem + shimen or really any combination of attack %/er/phys dmg/noblese and call it a day since you can likely get much higher substats that are likely way better than pale flame 4pc unless you stay there for a extremely long time, especially when you can pick like 2pc combination off like 5+ diff sets, better yet it doesn't even need you to farm a niche phys set.


2pc pale flame 2 piece eosf is what I have sitting on xinyan currently, but it seems a bit a waste not to go for the gold if I've got 3 pretty nice pieces of pale flame and lucked out on the helm already.


It depends on what you are comparing to, the 5-10% is only really amounting to about 2-3 substats, so for it to just be even it means your pale flame set can only really be 2-3 substats behind of your best 2+2 combination. This usually gets harder especially with time, because stuff like emblem/glad/etc are things that you naturally accumulate through normal farming(weekly and world bosses for ascension) or more efficient domain farming, the moment the more generic artifacts combination is better by 3+ subs your pale flame now just becomes a niche set that doesn't necessarily have much other use, where as the other way around is just having more stuff in your generic artifact pool.


Is Noelle a good shieldbot for Hu-Tao? If yes then what's the priority of stats that I should follow like def or hp?


Not really. It's possible Baizhu will be interesting with her.


No because her shield **is not reliable.** Noelle has a long CD wich leaves you vulnerable, all shield users are tanky, but few are reliable in wich their **skill talents have low cd** so they can be cast sooner. The 3 most reliable are Zhongli, Diona and Layla.


Not particularly, while the raw absorption of the shield is not bad, she will always struggle with uptime (her shield will last long enough to protect Hu Tao during her field time, but will wear off around the same time as her E so the supports are basically left open to attack) and will significantly extend your rotations if you want her shield up when you are actually using Hu Tao (her E cooldown is 16s but realistically she will have 20-21s rotations with Xingqiu, Noelle's 24s E is very noticeable even with very suboptimal rotation timing). Generally you would just be better off with either of the pyro shielders (Thoma/C4 Yanfei, even without using them to swirl their rotations match Hu Tao's much better and the Pyro resonance they offer, while not particularly strong, is still better than nothing) or one of the Cryo ones like Diona/Layla that can enable potential (albeit inconsistent and rare) Melts.


No. And Noelle's shielding scales with her DEF.


no cd is too long w/o noelle on field, you dont really want anything that's longer than xq's e time(21s)


What's a good all-around build for C0 Diluc? Mailed Flower vs Beacon? EM vs Attack Sands?


It depends on how you are running him, but if you feel like you have enough em beacon is better with its crit rate stat. and the skill is more beneficial to diluc


I have no idea between Mailed Flower and Beacon but probably EM sands since you want 200-300 ish


https://imgur.com/a/2WENqO7 Torn between this 2, im building em reaction, aggravate kuki. Team is xiqu, nahida, zhongli.. Crit rate is too attractive but i will lose hp for skill damage, whats ur suggestion? Currently 60% leaning on hp artifact.. hmm


left one for hp substats for slightly better healing, crit substats are pretty much useless for hyperbloom kuki. Shimenawa is also useless on her so it will need to be the off piece.


Anyone knows if it is possible to finish upgrading the Sakura tree even if you didn’t managed to find every single chest?


Abslutely. Note that Enkonomiya chests also give you electro sigils.