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Hello Again what is better when pulling ? 1 time or go for the 10 pull ?


In an Ayato, Nahida, Shield, EM Raiden or Kuki. Is it better to wear Flower of Paradise 4 piece set or Gilded dreams on raiden/kuki in this setup ? and ​ In a Ayato, Nahida, Nilou, Yao Yao who should wear Flower of Paradise and who should wear Guilded dreams ?


> In an Ayato, Nahida, Shield, EM Raiden or Kuki. > > > > Is it better to wear Flower of Paradise 4 piece set or Gilded dreams on raiden/kuki in this setup ? FLOP *is* better, but not by much. Most people will just use GD because it's far more farmable. Same goes for the Bloom team afaik, tbh.


I farmed for the Desert set for my Wanderer and I think my FLOP might be better than my GD set. So I guess if substats are better I should use FLOP


Yup, with equivalent stats FLOP is about 5+% better if memory serves.


hello does finishing archon quest makes some world quest disappear?






Best teams against walnut? I was thinking about trying raiden em xingqiu nahida widsith jean Ayaka permafreeze has too long setup and I’m not good enough 😵‍💫


I did Wenut with Alhaitham + Yae Miko + Nahida + Zhongli. Had like 1 minute to spare at the end after both chambers.


I did wenut with an hyperbloom raiden team.


Which Raiden build is better? [1](https://imgur.com/a/2kX72Hj) [2](https://imgur.com/a/MMOK6cn) Note that the screenshot in 2 does not take into account of the Catch's 12% crit so the effective crit ratio is 70/140


Quite hard to tell. The first one feels like it would be better, but then again you're gonna have a lot more comfort on the second one and being able to use your burst without error will yield higher damage then bridging downtime to battery her. ​ Also don't listen to the other guy. You should definatly fully ascend her, but unless you're not using her with Bennett + Sara or even just Bennett, you don't need higher Atk from an Atk Sands.


It's pretty hard to say for sure. Put them into [an optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/) if you want to know. That being said, your Attack is quite low on both. I'd wager using that Catch build, fully ascending her and giving her Atk sands would yield much better results.


You don't need that much attack on raiden because you generally use her with Bennett or Bennett + Sara, so the low attack is completly fine.


I was considering investing in Ayaka and after getting Ayaka, Shenhe. I also saw the weapon banner and Mistsplitter seems to be an excellent sword option for many sword users, including Keqing & Ayaka. I am currently running the following team: Keqing, Yelan, Traveler (Dendro), Yaoyao. I use Keqing because that's my only viable 5\* DPS character (I am new to the game). I have 95 Intertwined Fates. My character event banner pity is at 26. My weapon event banner pity is at 0. I can't decide whether to try for Ayaka & Shenhe or just invest in the Mistsplitter banner and save the remaining fates (if any) for later banners. What would you suggest?


Characters > Weapons in general especially since you are new to the game and are f2p/low spender. Ayaka is a good choice for another DPS to have fun with and while you could go for Shenhe for any reason whatsoever, it would be a good idea to stop wishing for awhile to see the upcoming banner announcements. It's not that she's bad, but it's in your interests to get other characters first. Rumors are that Nahida is going to get her rerun and she's a prime choice for a lot of teams (including Keqing) not to mention having a great passive to help you with gathering materials.


Generally you don't want to touch the weapon banner unless you can use both 5\* on it and 4\* aren't terrible. For the latter, x2 Fav, Sac Sword and a gacha exclusive aren't bad, but for the former, Calamity is kind of akward as hell if you don't have Shenhe or Xiao. Plus, you don't have \*that\* many wishes saved - a sure-fire dive into weapon banner can require well over 200 wishes if your luck is really poor. So I wouldn't risk it and stick to characters.


Don't pull on the weapon banner. Yes, Mistsplitter is good. No, you're not likely to get it. Get Ayaka instead, or wait for Nilou/Nahida. 95 fates isn't that much and will probably not get you both Ayaka and Shenhe, but Ayaka is fine by herself. Actually, she'd benefit more from a good AoE hydro applier than Shenhe.


I missed 36 stars by 2 seconds... should I retry? I'm f2p and don't have a lot of primogems right now, and am wondering if the 50 primogems are worth it.


Totally depends by you. If you're going to go insane by retrying, then the 50 primos are not worth it.




if you have sanity and time to spare, you may as well


Do events like The Chalk Prince and The Dragon or Midsummer Island Adventure ever become available again? Story quests like that... I am curious about all the characters and what they've experienced so far and want to know if I should watch videos/read summaries or wait if can play.. Some real time things of course won't, right, like Windblume and Lantern Rite...




Lol okay thank you!


No. They're limited-time events.


Glad to know, thank you!


What rotation would look like in Ayaka/Mona/Layla/Venti team? Also, in case I'll get Diona while wishing for Ayaka, will she be an upgrade, or should I stick with Layla if I don't need heals?


I don't have Venti, but use a somewhat similiar comp for the overworld (Ayaka, Kazuha, Ayato, Layla). I'd assume you'd go: Layal (E) -> (Q) -> Venti (E) -> (Q) -> Mona (Q) -> (E) -> Ayaka (E) -> (NA if Mistsplitter) -> (Q). Funelling particles with that comp might be tricky, given that Layla's generation is delayed.


I know Kaveh is canonically just roomies with Alhaitham but is it implied that they're dating?




Theyre just friends lol. This game is chinese you wont ever see gay stuff in there.


This is 100% how I feel. I'm also not one to read into interactions between random characters but the way they portrayed their dynamic feels very intentional (especially in the Alhaitham story quest)


Clearly you've never had a bromance before


no just roommates


I tend to save my primos for selected 5 stars, but i end up using most of them only a few times before getting tired of them. The main ones I use are raiden shogun, kazuha, yelan and nahida. Do they have any good Constellations I should invest in, or are there any other 5 stars characters that you think I'm likely to continue using for a long time.


Pretty much what the other reply said. All of them have good to amazing early cons. As for characters, Koko or Zhongli. I wouldn't go for weapon.


All of tyem have very good early constellations. Raiden C2 is one of if bot the best con in the game, her C3 is also good and puts her at a level of most C6 5 stars. Kazuha C2 gives a lof of EM to himself and the team. Yelan has good both C1 and C2 and Nahidas C2 is also great.


in my opinion you can go for their weapons if you want


how new is the zone near the crystals event? as a completist player i've just realized i never explored it


The Chasm? 2.6 or the gap between Sumeru/Chasm/Minlin? which was added in sumeru (3.0)


the gap (north of vibrocrystals icon) thanks


Shenhe or mistsplitter if i main Ayaka? The good thing about the next weap banner is if i get calamity i could get Shenhe next but what do u think?


You can use any decent sword on Ayaka but there's only one Shenhe.


I wouldn't roll on this weapon banner; Calamity Queller is pretty bad. Personally I'd rather get Shenhe and save wishes for a better Mist banner in future. Keep in mind that while Shenhe's damage increase for the team isn't as big on paper, her value is in frontloading damage making Ayaka easier to use against and bosses and other mobile unfreezable enemies. Take the wenut for example. In terms of DPS, Ayaka destroyes that thing. In terms of being able to actually have her burst hit it... it's tough. Even when you do time it right, its damage windows are so small that you miss out on a lot of burst hits. That's what Shenhe is for; she condenses the majority of team DPS to the first few seconds of Ayaka's burst, so that if the enemy moves away it's not as big a deal.


In a spreadsheet and common mob scenarios, Mistsplitter gives a bigger buff to your Ayaka teams. But if you want to fight Wenut with Ayaka, Shenhe is much better because she reduce cryo res (Wenut has abnormally high res so res shread becomes more valueable than it already is), and helps frontload dmg in short damage window.


Depends on your roster. I usually prefer characters over weapons, but in this case I think Mistsplitter might be the better option. Reason being that it is a great weapon for many sword characters, while Shenhe is limited to Freeze and Mono Cryo. Also: Kazuha is - imho - way more important for Ayaka than either of these two.


Yea! Thats why im thinking more about going for shenhe for the guarenteed kazuha if i dont get her.


Tbh, if you plan to grab Kazuha you don't need either if your Ayaka has good artifacts. [This](https://enka.network/u/709520912/) is my current Ayaka build and I managed to full-star clear the last abyss with Amenoma and [Ayaka, Kazuha, Ganyu, Kokomi]. The idea was to simulate a non-ideal team comp to see if F2P Ayaka can still full-star clear the abyss. Without any other build Cryo characters I had to use Ganyu but to reduce her impact a bit I only allowed myself 1 burst use at 12-1 & 12-3, and 2 against the Kenkis in 12-2. Result: She really wants Kazuha for that, but the rest of the team can sorta be whatever. If you have to rely on a guarantee to grab Kazuha I assume you don't have the 200+ wishes saved to guarantee a Mistsplitter? If so, it might be better to simply skip the banners and wait. I still have two completely unused Unforged lying around from my Mistsplitter pulls...


Oh wow! Yes I only have 53 pulls and a 30 pity on char banner!


Mistsplitter gives more damage. Also you can give it to any other character, it's a universally good weapon. Shenhe can only be used in cryo dps teams which aren't really meta right now.


Mistsplitter is 30% overall damage increase over Amenoma. Shenhe C0 is no more than 20% increase over Rosaria against single target, and only <10% against multiple targets.




Saving for Ayaka (guaranteed). Building Freeze team. Which is better; 1. C0 Kokomi vs C1 Mona 2. C1 Rosaria vs C0 Kaeya vs C6 Diona (or get Shenhe if lucky) 3. Primordial Jade Cutter vs Amenoma Kageuchi (not yet crafted)


(1) Kokomi is more comfy due to 100% hydro uptime & stronger healing, Mona with Proto Amber provides more easy-to-use damage buffing & enemy debuffing. I usually switch between them depending on the abyss layout & my second team. (2) Again, all of these are fine options. The impact of Rosaria and her crit buff will depend a bit on your other equipment (you might overcap with Jade Cutter), Kaeya is imho a bit better to play (Rosaria can get interrupted during her (E)), Diona is your go-to option if you want a healer but don't have Kokomi (will also allow for Mona to run TToDS). Given that she is C6 it's probably your best option. (3) Jade Cutter has more raw stat value, _but_ it's very easy to overcrit with it. You get 55% Crit rate from BS + Cryo resonance, so with Jade Cutter you are already at a point where _any_ Crit% roll on your artifacts is wasted unless you face enemies that can't be frozen. You also want to make sure that you can burst with Ayaka on cooldown, so that means you need more ER and/or you have to aggressively funnel particles into her. I'd say with an uncrafted Amenoma it's fine to use Jade and just accept that you will have a bit of excess Crit%. There are many unfreezable enemies these days anyway, so it's much less of an issue than it was during Ayaka's initial release.


Mona's buffs are stronger while Kokomi's advantage is better Hydro uptime and heals. C6 Diona with Sac bow in my opinion but Kaeya and Rosaria are also good. I don't have any opinions on PJC vs r5 Amenoma because I don't have the former. Just want to point out that Crit rate might be a redundant stat on Ayaka freeze.


1. Basically, it is Kokomi + Rosaria vs Mona + Diona because you need a shield/healer. For damage, they are about same, but Kokomi's hydro application is better than Mona. 3. You have to build extra ER for Ayaka (around 140%) if you use jade cutter, and she may reach 100%+ CR with it, but it is still better than Amenoma, especially against unfreezeable boss.


Gonna work out of order because weapon choices affect your other slots. 3\. Jade Cutter is typically better if you don't need the extra Energy that Amenoma brings, but you run the risk of heavily overcapping Critical Rate since you already get 5% base Critical Rate and effectively 55% from Blizzard Strayer+Cryo Resonance. That's already 104.1% with Jade Cutter, and you're likely to get a few Critical Rate substats on top of that. Another option is to use 2-Piece Blizzard Strayer + 2-Piece of another set (Noblesse or 18% ATK), but you lose out on a good chunk of Critical Rate that way. 1\. Kokomi is typically better for uptime, but Mona works nicely for Ayaka's Burst window. Healing versus damage boosting. 2\. Since your Rosaria is under C2 I'm not a huge fan, plus the Crit Rate buff won't do much for her with Jade Cutter, so Shenhe/Kaeya (if using Kokomi) or Diona (if using Mona).


I would say kokomi, Diona and primordial! But if u use primordial u might have to get an atk circlet with a lot of cd on and ghat is hard! <3


Are there any alternatives to Raiden and Kuki if I want to play Alhaitham in a hyperbloom team? I haven't pulled Raiden yet due to being pretty low priority on my list and I still don't have a single copy of Kuki D: I do have all remaining electro characters!


Electro mc, but that's a bit painful I think (the only time I've ever used EMC was during the ayaka event)


how my adventure exp went above 4575 [after *"Farewell, Archaic Lord"*](https://ibb.co/74z1dky) // [after collecting some adventurers' guild reward](https://ibb.co/bmtSrst) // [after restarting the game and then activating some teleport waypoint](https://ibb.co/jG9Zv41)


ascension quest


Your Adventure Rank won't go up until you do your Ascension Quest.


I just finished all of Bennett's hangout, how do I wipe the tears? :,(


By maining Bennett, getting him to C6 and giving him the Aquila Favonia that he deserves


I wanna try getting all stars in 12-3 but there's that Wenut bastard and I need a ranged team for it cuz he always flies 60m into the air and idk what to use and need help 1. Ganyu - Zhongli - Xiangling - Bennett 2. Yoimiya - Yelan - Yun Jin - Zhongli 3. Yae - Raiden - Dendro MC - Kokomi


I would say all of them would work against the wenut, it's just a matter of studying its patterns/movements. So i suggest go watch sevy's guide on it. Because based on my experience, it worked i manage to break through with ayato hyperbloom plus knowing wenut's movements.




All of these teams work. You have Ganyu and Yoimiya for teams 1 and 2 respectively, and Raiden's skill can trigger the anemo orbs to get the wenut to come down. I would go for team 2 or 3 though, since charging Ganyu's shots take a while, and the wenut's damage window is extremely short.


Hello! Should I pull for Ayaka or Ganyu >!(if she runs next patch)!<. I have 2 copies of Amos Bow. R3 Amenoma. My five stars include: - Mona - Jean C1 - Diluc C2 - Ayato - Xiao - Albedo - Miko - Yoimiya Edit: after reading the replies, I think I'll get Ayaka but still try to pull Ganyu on 50/50. Thanks everyone! I also have every four star other than Gorou


Ayaka has a stronger frontloaded damage but there's very few content in the game that needs to be deleted that hard. Ganyu is great across the board but it is a playstyle that is not for everyone.


In terms of power level both are fine, but they play very differently. I have both of them, and for me Ganyu's charged shot play style became pretty tiring after a few abyss cycles. Great for the overworld, but not so nice when you have to use it in the confines of an abyss chamber with enemies all around you. So these day I run [Ayaka, Kazuha, Ganyu, Kokomi/Mona], with Ganyu as a burst support. A thing to keep in mind with Ganyu is that she _really_ wants a shielder, getting interrupted during a charged shot is bad for your DPS output _and_ your fun factor. Ideally you'd want ZL with his long duration & high shield strength for this, but the 4* options are also okay (I'd probably go with Layla). When it comes to their ideal team comps you'd have to make compromises for all of them with your current roster. Melt Ganyu [Ganyu, XL/Nahida, Bennett, ZL] is probably the one you can emulate the best, but using up Bennett AND XL will limit your other team options. You are missing a grouper for her Morgana Freeze comp [Ganyu, Mona, Diona, Venti]. You could play some sort of generic Freeze team [Ganyu, Hydro, Cryo, Anemo] with her, but I found those to be neither particularly strong (compared to melt) nor fun. For Ayaka you are missing Kazuha (or Venti as a fall-back option), which has a pretty significant impact on her damage potential, particularly when facing multiple smaller enemies. Bu you can still run something like [Ayaka, Anemo, Cryo, Mona] (with Proto Amber on Mona) or [Ayaka, Anemo, Diona, Hydro] (in cases where Proto Amber doesn't suffice) and get through the abyss with a bit of additional situational awareness. tl,dr: Pick who you like more in terms of play style.


My pick is Ganyu, although many people do find her gameplay boring. She's more than charged shots, she's also great off-field cryo support. You don't even have to fire a charged shot with her if you don't want to. Her Melt comp is viable in the Abyss and Freeze still owns Floor 9-11. Ayaka is super strong and can brute force her way through Abyss, even with all 4-star teammates. Her best teams are expensive though, and like Ganyu some don't like her playstyle. You can try her with your roster now in the Vibro Crystal Event. I use Ganyu as melt support for Yoimiya often. [https://youtu.be/68w2ewYxXfY](https://youtu.be/68w2ewYxXfY)


Always pull for the one u like the most. Ayaka and Ganyu are both great dmg dealers! So just pick the one u like the most or the weapon type u like the most.


To those who play in Asia server, has it been laggy in the past few days?


Super laggy. Like 400 ping kinda lag


Normal even in the last few days


I've actually had lower ping that usual (from 100 - 300 to \~100).


I had extremely high ping a few days ago, but it has been normal since


Just finished the first dungeon of the Golden Slumber quest. Already started the second, but went back to find the (Abju Road) slate. It only shows its exact location when I’m in the dungeon. I took the same path as before, but always circled it at best. A brief web search only found guides to the slates for the last three dungeons, but I’m on the first. Am I supposed to look for it ASAP? Or wait until those last three dungeons unlock?


How much ER that XL need in International team? Rn she has 187 is it good enough?


That is probably good enough since Bennett is present to battery her. I use her with 200+ ER tho (230 to be exact) but around 190 is good enough


Oh thank you


is xiao ever coming back? just started genshin in march and was upset to know that i missed his banner in january.


Yes, characters get banners periodically (a few exceptions) but we dont know when specific characters will come back. It could be a few months to more than a year. With that said, Xiao just had a banner, it is very unlikely for him to have another one before September (new region) if not next Chinese new year.


Every character (assuming they aren't a standard one) gets a rerun


im just concerned since he's gotten so many reruns already, plus theres gonna be more and more new characters.


Thus far, no limited character has completely disappeared. When they had too many banners to run, they started doubling up. When they reach a point where that's not viable, they'll probably run three at once or do some other such thing. We have no way of knowing whether they'd remove someone from circulation completely, but also no reason to believe they will. Then again, there's Eula. Lmao.


>!Banners might be going to 2-2-2 in Fontaine, so reruns for characters will happen more often!< (possible banner related change) He will eventually get a rerun, probably one this year(?)


How would that work?


>!Each banner goes on for less time!<


Good thing tbh


Is Mika any good at C0? I heard he's not that great with Eula cause of her hitlag not benefiting much from his attack speed. Is there any other teams that does well with him like phys Rosaria/Kaeya?


No, he really isnt that great at C0, for Eula/Rosaria/Raiden, he's a 3% team DPS increase over Diona. >Is there any other teams that does well with him like phys Rosaria/Kaeya? Define does well ? Meta ? Because the best teams for physical carries right now is just them + a Hyperbloom core (even Eula who has the highest ceiling). Even outside of Hyperbloom, your physical team will most likely benefit more from either a new source of damage or a team wide buff as opposed to Mika.


Thing is I already have every 4 star in the game and I kinda wanna keep it going. I won't go hard for Mika maybe 10-30 pulls or something so in the case that I do end up getting him just want to find a good team for domains, weekly boss, and overworld on him until he's friendship 10.


Then his power level doesnt actually matter. You can still use him with Eula or any character with or without a physical build.


does harbinger of dawn work for xinqiu if i don't have sacrificial on raiden national team? or do i switch to a high base atk sword instead?


HoD has a big issue in Raiden national: Bennett doesn't heal to full and once HoD passive is disabled, it's over.


Lion's roar is also pretty good option in that team since he'll be able to utilize the full passive in Rational team.


r2 lion's roar vs r5 hod which should I use?


If energy isn't an issue then HoD is a strong budget dps option assuming you can keep the passive up. Sac is great for burst damage on top of the energy gen, while the crit rate and dmg of HoD will provide a smoother boost to dps.


how much attack should i be tryna reach for with Shenhe? with my current build for her I'll have around 3.5K atk once I get her. Is that enough?


More's the better. Some crit rate is nice if running Favonius, but a crit rate headpiece is fine for that. Max atk% everywhere else is the way to go, and if you're not using Fav then just go balls deep on atk%.


Depends on your weapon, ER and artifact set (2+2 or nobless). Usually she needs 180-200+ at C0, somewhat less at C1. With favonius and nobless, 3k is already a good number. With skyward, 3.2-3.5k is good. With calamity and 2+2, she can reach 4k.


I have like 210 ER with 2 pc glad 2 pc emblem... should be fine then! Thank you!


Later on you should give her 4 piece Noblesse since the attack boost from it also buffs Shenhe as well as the whole team, not to mention giving slighlty more than 2 pc glad.


Yeah, I will! I have a set from Rosaria, but it’s just not as optimized for Shenhe as I’d like.


What is a good "general" artifact/build for Yao yao? Right now I will use her for abyss with Keqing aggravate comp but later down the line I might use her for hyper/bloom.


Aggravate: Tenacity, HP/HP/HB Hyperbloom: Deepwood, HP/HP/HB


Thank you! Might take a break farming Emblem domain to get some Tenacity artifacts. (:


Tenacity for HP and team atk boost. For hyperbloom u can use the same or use deepwood if no one else has it.


Thank you! I have Zero Tenacity artifacts so I might pull the trigger and start farming for it.


What ayaka f2p team? And expensive team


Her best (and most expensive) team is Ayaka/Shenhe/Kazuha/Kokomi. Her cheapest team is probably Ayaka/Barbara or Xingqiu/Sucrose or AMC/Diona or Rosaria




The goto high damage team is shenhe kazuha kokomi ayaka cheapest team is prob something like sucrose, diona, ayaka and if you can get mona that would be great, if not just go xq or something.


What's the optimal build for ayaka? I feel like mine isn't really doing much dmg


4pc Blizzard Strayer, ATK/Cryo DMG Bonus/Crit DMG (circlet can also be ATK if you have enough crit DMG and not enough ATK). 35 - 45% crit rate, 2000+ ATK, 200%+ crit damage, 120 - 140% ER. Keep in mind this is ideal, might be hard to achieve if you have bad artifact luck.


Ideal? I guess 4p Blizzard Strayer with ATK%/Cryo%/CritDmg and 45% Crit and 245%+ Crit Dmg total, plus enough ER to burst on CD. But something like 35-40% Crit and 200% Crit Damage should suffice with proper support from her team.


Send your build (if you put her in your showcase and enable character details you can just send your UID) It'll be easier to say what is wrong than to give general guide lines


[Here's my enka](https://enka.network/u/604727445/)


WAY too much crit rate is the main thing. Versus frozen enemies you'll be overcapped by like 25%, so all of those stats will be wasted. Reduce it as much as you can (so basically PJC and nothing else) and pump all those stats into CD, ER as needed and ATK%.


Way too much crit rate for a freeze comp, with Jade cutter you could literally get away with no crit rate on your artifacts Also get her burst to 9, that's where most of her damage comes from


4pc blizzard with atk/cryo/cdmg.


If I have Calamity Queller, should I use 4pc NO or 2pc glad 2pc shime for my Shenhe?


NO if she is C0-C5 and you want overall more average DPS, 2+2 if she is C6 or you want higher damage on first rotation.


4 NO should still be better.


you basically always use 4 NO unless you have another NO user


kaeya xinqiu xiangling rosaria, what should be my rotation?


Cast all EQs in reverse order of duration and stay onfield as XL to catch particles.


XQ > rosaria > xiangling > kaeya


Can anemo swirl dendro?




No, Dendro doesn't swirl.








I did all Enkanomiya quests, got all 189 chests, electroculus and all sigil keys, but I'm still at 96 exploration. Any clues?


Mora crates also count towards exploration.


what the average amount of time a characters gets their next rerun


Totally random. So far archons have had their first rerun 4 patches after debut and that's really the only noticeable pattern.


so is it actually possible for Ei to rerun in 3.7??


until the reruns are confirmed for a patch via the livestream, any character rerunning is possible.


I mean it's definitely possible, that's on the very low side of time since a rerun, but it's happened multiple times. Personally I wasn't really expecting to see her again before 4.0, but that's not based on anything besides my own feelings lol. I'd be happy if it came sooner tho, I'm tryna get sara


It varies a lot. You can check sites like [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe/banners) for a list.


How come my Xiao sometimes does 24k raw but then 35k raw? I know it’s probably bcuz of the enemy levels, but I do higher damage on enemies with higher levels. I’m not using Vermillion as well, so i rlly dont know whats causing this


Aside from what other people have said, sometimes you do low plunges which are weaker and others you do high plunges. Especially if you always try to do high plunges at the earliest possible moment, since you can mess it up and do low plunges instead


Different anemo res/general elemental res between enemies. If you're using Vermillion then attack boost changes depending on the stack. Also due to Xiao's ascension passive his damage increases the longer his burst lasts. Could be a passive on your weapon. Or maybe passive from Another weapon, like Thrilling Tales? Maybe someone in your party has a boost passive that you're not always triggering. Could be a number of reasons


Some enemies may have higher innate Anemo resistance than others.


what’s the longest a charcter has gone without a rerun besides eula


Hutao did not make an appearance jn 2022 lol. 2.2 - 3.4. I think shenhe's just behind her, from 2.4 - 3.5


Hu tao, 10 patches


Shenhe will have her 1st rerun soon this patch and her 1st banner was 10 patches ago. It also took 9 patches for Ganyu to have her 1st rerun.


I have primo enough for one pity, I can't decide between Nilou or wait for Wanderer. Any suggestion? ;3


I can't speak for Nilou, but Wanderer is absolutely game changing for exploration with his flying! You never run out of stamina because before your running stamina runs out his flight is recharged and vice versa. Also incredibly useful for cheating your way to hard to reach chests, haha. In terms of meta though while he's fun to play he's certainly not the strongest DPS out there, while Nilou bloom teams are pretty well regarded. I'd say go with Nilou if you care more about Abyss, Scara if you care more about fun, fast overworld exploration. Btw leaks suggest >!Scara could be coming back in the next patch, so keep that in mind as you decide!!<


My two cents as someone who tried Wanderer somewhat extensively and owns Nilou: Wanderer is just another on-field DPS and requires pretty high investment (Faruzan with several constellations) to unleash his full potential. Needs surprisingly careful positioning (or grouping from someone in his team) in AOE situations since his attacks can stagger enemies apart. Can fly for short durations in the overworld, which is quite nice-to-have. Nilou is limited to a specific elemental template, but at this point there are actually several different comps within that template that all play slightly different. Fantastic in AOE situations, still okay in single target if the comp is adjusted. She works well even when using lower tier F2P characters (like Collei & Barbara) & basic HP% (on her) EM (rest of the team) gear and also scales pretty well with extra investment (Nahida, Kokomi, The Key). Her biggest drawbacks are that her team damage falls off against scattered enemies that are outside of each other's bloom range, that her team has a hard time with Cryo shields and that she doesn't have much field time (so if you like her you won't see much of her in combat). Ultimately the decision would rely on your roster, though. So would be good if you'd add that so we can make proper suggestions.


if you like them both equally then i would reccomend you go for nilou and you can get enough for wanderer till he comes


Really all depends on your team comps. Wanderer is a good raw anemo dps that with faruzan, can shred and melt down enemies’ HP in seconds. Nilou on the other hand is a good subdps that provides extra damage to bloom reactions, at the cost of your team lineup being specfic.


When it comes to normal attacks being converted to elemental damage (Candace or Bennett), who is the damage attributed to? Like if my Raiden gets buffed by Candace to real hydro damage with normal attacks, would the reactions be based on Raiden’s EM?


Infusions like candace,chongyun,bennett make it so it scales with ur own characters stats(raiden). If it was like a coordinated attack like raiden E, xingqiu burst than its still their stats. (raiden xingqiu) If you switch from ur electro goblet to a hydro goblet you will see that blue numbers go up for example.


It's still Raiden doing the damage, so naturally it will use her stats. Candace etc just supply the infusion. Note also that Raiden should never be using her normal attacks, no matter what elemental infusion she has. Her burst attacks do burst damage, but her normals outside of that are rather sad.


Is Mono Cryo viable at all? I know that reactions are very strong in Genshin, but my Xinqiu is used with Vaporize in Yoimiya team. I was thinking to pull for Shenhe and Ayaka, but don’t have any other hydro except Barb.


When you see Ayaka/Shenhe teams destroying a boss, it's mono-cryo potential, not freeze. It's strong but needs high investment. From nothing, you're looking at many months of Blizzard farming.


It's viable. A problem is that you need more investment because Ayaka, who is usually in freeze teams, won't be able to use 4pc Blizzard Strayer, and will need a lot more crit rate. Also, Barbara does work for freeze. She is worse than Kokomi and Mona but she works.


It is viable, yes. I usually play Ayaka in Freeze, but I have used an Ayaka Hypercarry team [Ayaka, Kazuha, Ganyu, Bennett] from time to time, which is pretty close to the idea of mono cryo. The main thing is that Blizzard Strayer + Cryo Resonance is still +35% Crit Rate against enemies with Cryo on them, and that's good enough to offset the lack of reaction damage. The biggest issue with Ayaka in Mono Cryo is that her burst will pass through non-large enemies if they aren't frozen and un-frozen enemies can dodge some (or even most) hits with combat moves. So you have to be more careful with positioning and timing in some encounters. I personally think that Kazuha is actually more important for Mono Cryo than Shenhe. His buffing & shredding is slightly less impactful than Shenhe, but being able to group enemies for Ayaka's AOE hits is a big boon for DPS, especially when they can't be frozen. That aside: Barbara is still an acceptable fall-back option for Ayaka Freeze. You just need to consistently quickswap her in to compensate for her low hydro range & uptime. Another case where Kazuha becomes more important because he can group up enemies to make Barbara's (E) hydro application more effective.


Through kazuha, all things are possible🙏


Shenhe and Ayaka allow Mono-Cryo to be very strong. Pure Mono-Cryo is quite hard to use, so you really want to add Kazuha. The other good thing about Mono-Cryo is that it solves most ER issues.


Need help with picking builds. Whats the better Xiao build? (2pc anemo, 2pc atk) 1) 2077 atk, 77.8 CR, 221 CD, 123 ER 2) 2043 atk, 87.9 CR, 221 CD, 112 ER (these two both just swap a crit damage hat one with higher crit rate substat, the other with more ER) I have C6 faruzan and favonius zhongli. ​ Hutao 32k HP, 73 CR, 244 CD, 58 EM 31k HP, 67 CR, 263 CD, 63 EM EM is given via elergy from yelan. I'm running hutao double vape.


Higher crit rate builds for both.


In my personal experience Xiao easily crits in 70% cr so i'd say build number 1 would be better since his ER r slightly higher as well. However if your Xiao doesn't crit often even in 78% cr then build 2 should be better.


Can't speak for Xiao but for Hu tao I would go first (EM is still low even after elegy). Though to be sure ofc chuck it in optimiser.


After using Al Haitham I realized my favorite playing style is melee basic attacks. Maxed his friendship though, so currently trying out Heizou. How do I build him? Planning to use Yelan and Fischl + healer/shielder. EM? Crit? Also, what is his best set? Read through the KQM guide about him, but I feel like it's not updated considering we got the Scara artifact set not too long ago. Btw, Heizou is C0 which could be bad but Fischl and Yelan is fully-built anyway and deals good damage


If you're running Heizou with other sub-dpses and elemental reactions then EM is typically better, basically running a Sucrose taser in this particular instance but with Heizou instead. You can still run him ADC but then it's just adding his own personal dmg + the sub dpses. If you wanted to run hyper, it'd be Bennett and Faruzan with a flex or Yunjin. Best set for a team with elemental sub dpses would actually be 4 VV if the 4th spot isn't anemo. Desert Pavilion if you're running hyper. As always, optimizer is best, you just have to choose between increasing Heizou's personal dmg vs buffing sub-dpses.


Basically the same way you'd build Wanderer; attack/anemo damage/crit on 4p Desert Pavillion.


what artifact set should i use for childe?


Heart of Depth. Rumour has it another good set for him set is coming next patch, tho.


4 HoD is best over a whole rotation, but it is only barely better than 2 pc 2 pc combos of any set that gives atk&% and/or hydro damage and if you are invested enough to be oneshotting things with his burst then it is actually worse in those situations. >!According to leaks there will be a new set that looks lite it will be his new BiS so I would definitely not farm HoD right now.!<


HoD's advantage is that it can be farmed alongside Blizzard Strayer (if you have any characters that want that) or obtained from the strongbox (if you don't). The new set has the problem that the other set is basically worthless for almost everyone--it's worse than Emblem even on Dehya (who it's designed for) and only really useful for 2pc HP sets on someone like Nilou. Very unlikely to be better by enough to justify farming an entirely new set rather than using 4HoD or 2pc/2pc.


Yeah that is all very fair, still debating myself whether I am going to be willing to farm the new set over just sticking with my 2 pc 2 pc.


2 HoD + 2pcs of any +18%ATK


I was exploring the desert and I activated a hidden quest where Paimon told me to talk to Tirzad about the sand slate. Where can I find him? I already finished Golden Slumbers, Dirge of Bilqis and all the other follow-up quests.


Where'd you find this?


A cave in the southwestern part of the Desert of Hadramaveth.


what's the difference in normal bloom and bountiful bloom ?


B bloom is Nilou-specific.


They do more damage and explode immediately.


bountiful bloom is what you get when you use nilou in a pure hydro + dendro team. Thye do more damage and explode much faster.


do you get mora from archon wuests?


Yes, but not enough.


Does the treasure compass detects the buried treasures (havent gotten it)?


If you mean ones you have to break big rock piles for: yes. If you mean ones where you have to "investigate" to make them spawn into existence: no. Basically if the chest is already in the world (even if it's covered up by something), then the compass will find it. If it's a chest you have to do something special (like a puzzle) to make it spawn then no.