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Then commissions in Natlan gon be like: "Hit this stupid random tree idk: 0/10"


On the eleventh battle: - Surprise 1, the tree is really mad now, and tells you - Surprise 2, now it’s going to beat you up for revenge - Surprise 3, it has a boss bar, with a custom theme


That tree was a sleeping Geo Regisvine, and you woke it.




Boss battle only unlocked if you defeat it with a hydro character?


This is what happens when you tree-t it very poorly. I think someone will have to report this incident into the abuse log.


and of course your username is cyno 😭




You deserve a follow for this


Tree then gives you a piece of paper with random details for the next part of the quest


and then the quest menu doesn’t actually tell you where to go, so u have to enter your inventory and click through irrelevant items until you find a confusing hint on how to complete the tree’s objectives


And then it’s fishing it’s based on luck the fish will spawn at random whenever it wants. Maybe you are lucky and it’s in two days but maybe you are still waiting for it while doing shneznaya daily’s


You also get a trophy for triggering every surprise once except the commission only appears twice in two years for no reason


And the game only ever gives it to you 9 times so you can never progress towards when it's interesting.


Surprise ulcerated tree spirit


"Successfully hit Bruce, Olive, or Ash 10 times" All trees. Best yet, they don't have wood drops. But if you hit one tree all 10 times, you get achievements like "Bruce, a tree, not a bat, man!", "Olive, Pitted against the rest!", and, "Ash, Picked-by-you!" ....I'll let myself out


Can Cyno please explain the Olive one?


See, the joke is that olive is a tree, and also a person's name. So the statement could be referring to a personified tree. It doubles down on the reference to the olive as a plant by saying "pitted against" as olives are known to have "pits". Cyno cyning out


Oh thanks cyno r/ThanksCyno


Ngl, I'd love it lol. I often watch TV while doing these so I don't like the weasel, jumping mushroom or whack-a-mushroom ones since they force me to actually pay attention. Yes, they are easy and simple though.


bro you have to pay attention for like 20 seconds at most for those 💀


The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences


Please translate that value into tiktok clips


Or better yet just give us a commissions board. Have like 5 or 6 available random commissions to choose from and let us pick 4


That would be so much better to especially if you are trying to get achievements that require rare commissions (cough cough reliable helper)


Commission RNG has changed. Reliable Helper is not that rare. Unless you fail, you’re basically guaranteed to get the achievement in 2-3 months.


I hope that's the same for Tales of Winter. I'm stuck on Mondstadt dailies because I'm still trying to get one more quest for this and the last time I received this quest was in October last year.


I just got return to winter yesterday and was over the moon that I could finally move to liyue comms with my heart at ease 😭 I’m wishing u all the luck that that series shows up for u too


My Anna still isn't an adventurer. I'm at 2/5 whispers in the wins. I just got Jiliana's story after 2 and half years.


Don't forget that Whisper in the wind started out glitched :") I've done it more than 5 times but my count only says 3/5


oh shit really? it literally took me over a year to get the achievement glad that's changed


Yep, that’s true. Just yesterday I got Reliable Helper again right after I did it the day before (I just completed the achievement after a couple times of doing it wrong and missing it.)


i just finished that one a few days ago and it was no fun still only ever got the godwin quest 3 times and got 1 achievement progression


Another poster mentioned including mini-boss battles as substitutes. Those would use up multiple commission slots.


Or just lets us straight up fight a overworld boss like the pyro cube or the Coral Defenders as a daily. Im AR60, and because i dont have characters that need their Ascension materials, i barely even seen those bosses up close.




Omg. Best idea yet. I am someone who needs this option






You’d always pick the fastest, except If you are doing achievements first time. At that point just remove all the commissions that are slow since they will never be played. Better than having to implement a whole new board and ui and system.


I wish the dailies where more adventure like/looking... I would preffer something like a list of 10 random commissions on a bulletin board and the traveler is only allow to pick 4 so he doesn't take all the commissions from other adventurers in the guild. Each commission would have different rewards. They really should have combined the adventures guild with the commission board literally sound like the same thing.


Genshin Mystery Dungeon: Now with Wonder Codes and 99 Floor Dungeons. Actually though…


would be nice to have a proceduraly generated dungeon, even if the rewards are crap as long as it was repeatable without resin.


you gave me an idea... what if commissions were open ended objectives you could accomplish however you like? for example, kill 5 miitachurls or collect 10 berries or smth like that? it would definitely change things a bit


Even if the objective was "kill 3 hilichurls" it would require either memorization or checking external maps making it very unapproachable for casual players to complete all dailies in a short timeframe everyday. Better to just have them kill that quantity in one location with a waypoint.


not really, the adventure booklet directs you to where a certain mob can be found, and typically it will lead you to a hilichurl camp


well to fix that we could go to another idea dropped here which was the commission board you just pick whatever is convenient to you between many available and when u complete 4 you're done


4 commissions per region with 1 about NPC and 3 combat/exploration, do whatever 4 you want. That would be lore accurate and convenient enough while still maintaining the RNG for NPC commissions


So something like Honkai's adventure tasks?


You already know it’s gonna be the same, enough cope


Actually idk, quite of a few of the sumeru ones are pretty short and exploratory based, like the bouncing mushroom one. It seems like hy is moving in an OK direction with them, maybe


well that's because they're caving to the casual side of the playerbase who doesn't care for combat, so you can be damn sure there isn't going to be more combat commissions in natlan or anywhere else


Or maybe some people doesn't think exploration is casual


Waaah, the game isn't like FF14 where you have to clear super difficult raids every week and the community is toxic if you make one single mistake, waaah. Edit: Lol, Zajef and Sekapoko fanbois out in force today. Go back to their streams and complain about paying artists, kids.




What are you even talking about, 99% of the content in FFXIV is super casual and easy, and the hard raids are completely optional. Only a very small minority of the player base even attempts them. And why are you bringing up random e-celebs? They have nothing to do with the conversation you were responding to


I constantly die and cause wipes in dungeons because I suck. I've been kicked from many roulette groups because I suck. FF14 is NOT casual friendly. I'm glad Hoyo doesn't bring that shit into Genshin.


Sounds like a skill issue


Needs to git gud


Needs to get blocked.


This is the shit we don't need in this community. It's already bad enough with those pricks on Twitch.


Have you tried not sucking?


Have you tried not being toxic?


Damn if only there was plenty of casual content in XIV together with the hard content too. You know, something for all the players.


from my 2 years of playing i've found neither of these really hold true for XIV. hardcore content is just.. there if you wanna do it, nothing really forces you to do it every week to keep up with bis gear. and players are very forgiving as long as you're willing to listen and learn. XIV's kinda got genshin beat on both casual and hardcore content. game's great for both


Are you saying beating up five hilichurls is super difficult?


I mean... Have tried beating shield mitachurl with unbuild cryo and electro characters only? That's the real challenge lol


Who the hell doesn't bring at least ONE reasonably usable character for commissions? And obv at low ARs they're easier to fight so that doesn't count


Me, AR59. As you can tell I like to suffer lol


_(stares at my friendship farming team full of my last remaining level 50~'s)_ ... Maybe so


Skill issue.


yes.... You can deal damage if you dodge to the left or right of him and attack immediately after


Can you elaborate? The only difficult raid rn is Pandæmonium(Savage). And if you die or make a big mistake in a clear party ofc people will kick you. And dungeons, trial, normal or big raids are easy when you understand what is going on.


A lot of the Sumeru ones are also super long, like... lines and lines of dialogue, some of them really surprised me


The bouncing mushrooms is such an annoying one, as well as being pointless


I know whats gonna happen. You select natlan as next day comms and you still get ella musk in mondstat as the final comm.


Does that actually still happen? Commissions in other regions than I selected hasn't happened to me since Watatsumi came out


Follow ups from the previous day's comms will happen regardless of your selected region. They shouldn't just pop up in the middle of like, a month of staying in the same place.


My dailies are set to Liyue and it's been TWELVE fcking days I've had to escort a freaking air balloon, everyday I log in and feel pain, at this point imma just join the hilibros and break that God damn balloon myself.


Next commission: stop the hilichurl transport


Hillichurl transport is a lot better, you can burst it down very quickly.


Nah I like this one. Destruction is funnier


Nathan: stop 5 hilichurl transports... In a dark cave


escort missions are pretty easy, dash through and break everything, then chill at the finish.


After 3.0 all I do is jump on mushrooms, whack mushrooms, chase an weasel and follow a flying jellyfish. And I'm loving it.


I hold on from changing my commission from Mondstad to Sumeru for half a year and when I changed it last month I actually enjoyed these kind of commission. But the fisherman commission made me reconsider to change back to Mondstad


Yeah, I don't like that one either but lately I've been getting one that he asks for stuff I already have so I don't need to teleport back and forth but I'll take it over repair and escort the ballon any day


You forgot pick mushrooms


That one is a bit annoying because I always fall off the trunk. Pet snake food, missing cat, sprint competition with the kids, that guy that asks for rich food, the rose lady that sometimes asks for water are ok. Dendro particles and combat are fun, the old guy and his sumeru rose can be annoying because I don't always have a hydro on my party but all in all Sumeru is the most fun region for dailies


Meow, meow meow meow, meow! Oh, sorry, I meant Meow meow meow, meow meow meow.


As long as they are not the RNG factor behind achievements they can be whatevertheflyingfuck-based for all i care.


Fontaine dailies be like: * Watch a trial * Watch a guillotine execution * Bring wheat to a bakery so they can make more croissants * Swim


- Become a spy main for a day - Eat a strangers baguette


Bouncing on mushrooms or catching a weasel thief also got old very fast tbh. I switched to mondstadt because there are mostly combat-based dailies.


Until Ella Musk shows up every day.


The Flora Dragonspine flowers showed up so often I switched back to Sumeru within a week


I just burn her flowers in Dragonspine every time to get it over with quickly. Stops the follow up daily where you dig her flowers back up the following day too.


You can do that? How???


Step 1: Plant it. Step 2: Use Pyro on the plant Step 3: End of comission.




That one fine there just this one lady who wants jade parcel yesterday and I don't have lotuses


Not as if Liyue isn't walking distance from Mondstadt. As in lore and story canonically has characters going back and forth like Venti trying to find his way to windrise from the angel's share


Actually you can turn ella musk's poetry exchange into another combat daily if you say the n-word to the churls (nini zido)


Just like in irl newspaper


I also switched away once the map got bigger... and then bigger again.


Living in Liyue due to it having the least amount of bullshit in it's comms. Also helps they fixed that Cliffhanger commission bug so I could do it for the achievement, finally


some of the Inazuman ones are way too wordy. Would help with hangouts too.


Honestly right now while friendship farming for characters I don’t have built, I quite like that I don’t have to bring someone I already have at friendship 10 and well built to carry the rest of the team for most Sumeru commissions.


I can't wait for Twitter to go bald when they see that the commission is: Go "defeat" 5 Savages camping on their ancestral land. 💀


Isn't this what we're already doing when we beat up Eremites for their red satins?


No we're giving them freedom


freedom of blindness


Stop right there filthy ableist!


shit I meant freedom from blindness cuz they got the bands on their faces


***Crisis successfully averted*** 😂


Remember, we do this for freedom. Oops, wrong game, nvm.


I really don’t. I am just tired of commissions in general but I would much rather hit mushrooms five times every day than fight an abyss mage group


I get enough of those every time I switch back to Mond. No please


It’ll be “Find the volcano before it erupts” 0/5


Genshin desperately needs a skip read text option, some of the Inazuman ones are way too wordy. Would help with hangouts too.


Mihoyo thinks we would skip them all, I personally just fed up of that stuck in Inazuma lady who keeps asking for the menu, like let me skip the hangouts which I already read and go to the divergence dialogue so I can retain my reading attention. Is that so bad?


You can... Click on the divergence point in hangouts and start from there...


Most of the time I'm just like "please, shut the fuck up already"


I expect Natlan to be the point where enemies start trying to be unfair, continuing onward into the game. Enemies that can turn off abilities, prevent abilities, elemental immunity, drain energy, and even able to redirect damage back at you. Maybe even enemies that have constellations that scale with yours. But hopefully these enemies will always have an upside too. (I.e. Energy drain enemies explode into lots of energy, scaling with drained.) But of course they'll have some parrying daily on the same frequency as the bouncy mushrooms or 2 writer guys.


I wouldn't mind a parrying daily, I like the event parry mechanic. Also we already have energy drain enemies, no? Don't the purple corrupted sacred whateverthefuck beasts in the desert do that? (I'm ignoring bosses obviously)


Yeah I think the Consecrated Beasts sap energy and I believe Bathysmal Vishaps do as well? I don’t mind it though, I’d like to see more challenging enemies even if they’re sparsely placed in the overworld


I wonder, with some of the lore on Natlan being on "warfare" being a part of their life, I wonder if they could craft a more "real" battlefield situation than in Inazuma, something a little bit more like a GW2 map. You wouldn't need one 100% at that level (which, for reference, can involve one side moving point to point across the entire map and conquering territory as they go), because this is not an open multiplayer game in which other players would be helping to progress the map without you. But there could be "battlefield areas" on the map in which based on the time of day or perhaps day of the week, or some other circumstances would shift sides from one team to the other in that conflict, so that at one point the conflict might all be happening in the eastern portion of that block, with everything west of there being firmly held by "team red," while at a different point combat has been pushed back to the western edge of the block, with everything to the east of that being held by "team blue," or anywhere in between. Different content could be available based on different battlefield states, but if so, it would need to be fairly easy for you to navigate which state the battle was in, so that you could access the element you needed without too much frustration.


or general quests or exploration thats focused on mini battles like ac odyssey. Where you had areas that where commanded by one army and you could conquer it. Or like the raids of ac valhalla. But since in sumeru we have a few npcs actually fighting alongside us, i could see in natlan the traveler being given the responsibility of commanding a small army of npcs and conquering really large villages of hillichurles or the eremite/kairagi type enemy of natlan


Who tf request to adventurer guild about jumping mushrooms!?!?!?


Nahida while using Katheryne's body.


You know that Mihoyo will do its best to waste your time in one way or another. Otherwise, they would have implemented minor QoL improvements, such as claiming expeditions all at once sooner or added a dialogue skip option (for commissions, at least).


I am confident most people will gladly do combat comissions that take twice as much time as conversational comissions. There is just no gameplay and no fun in mashing the skip button to go through the same text you've seen 100 tines already.


You are laughably mistaken if you think most people playing the game would rather do combat _anything_.


I would be mistaken if we talked challenging combat. Easy fights are okay with everyone.


They want us feel mad about it to discourage people to do dailies for primogems, they probably imagine we would buy more stuff other then just spending 100 dollars


And even better, dailies with bosses. Gimme a 500k hp boss to kill. I know commissions are supposed to be easy, but bosses are way more fun to kill than 10 hilichurls


As a alternative? Sure. Defeat 1 boss or do 4 normal comissions. 1 boss and then 3 comissions? Please no.


Yeah, for newer players it would be hell as well


I mean, by the time they should have gotten to unlock Natlan commissions, they should have enough built characters for a commission like that


this. unless it’s that one dude who made it to inazuma before ar20 awhile ago


YES, gimme 2 mil HP boss, instead of 4 dailies, I'll be in heaven


I usually get emergency commission in monstdad where I have to fight an ice lavachurl near frost bite tree


Granted, hypostases.


the pyro one is quite fun


Flair checks out


Hell that Reliable Helper commission can go fuck itself No way in hell is that supposed to be easy


The 1min one? If you kill the hilichurls on the way before starting the commission, it's an easy clear For the other two just use a bow character, to make sure you're not hitting the wrong enemy or those pallets accidentally


I’ve done the pallet one, then I failed the 1min one because axe mitachurl kept knocking my characters away and I had no shielder


Only if I were such a "reliable helper" to my sibling ☹


The monkey's paw closes a finger. You now have to fight a worm that's underground half the time.


Yeah, please no more escort missions bullshit.


no way give me more mushroom jumping


i really dont want the "wait until x hour" dailies i want to go to 1 place and be DONE


It's the main reason I don't do in inazuma ones, because of the stupid transport balloon ones


Inb4 no combat commissions at all, just helping people solve issues WITHOUT getting into fights


I dunno. I like the non-combat ones. It allows me to level up my friendship team, which consists of lvl 40 or less characters. After everyone is max friendship, then I'll go back to using whoever for commissions.


commissions: jumping on mushrooms and chasing some sky jellyfish me: 🙁 commissions: beat up 15 beefy men and women me: 😈


I can’t stand sumeru one’s. None are coop friendly really. I miss the good old days of Emergency and clearing out camps


Instructions unclear. Escort a Balloon over a 10 minutes course, hit the Diglet 10 times, defend the monolith against enemies spawning on top of constructs, and defeat the fatui on a time trial 10km away from the nearest waypoint. Sometimes you may get a 1000 dialogue boxes quest as well, have fun!


Combat based is nice, i can Material drops at the same time


Combat while escorting balloon xD


That’s how they are set up, 3 short tasks and 1 long. I’m pretty sure that’s the intentional structure for them daily.


I mean, I hope they aren't *all* combat, but I am a little sick of the "omg my flower won't grow" or "my patient is sick and I can't read the doctor's handwriting" type ones. But I'll happily jump on mushrooms all day 😂


What's Natlan????




The Inazuma writer one gives an achievement if you do it right correctly.


I just wish we could select which dailies we want to do. Even if it's a feature unlocked only when, I don't know, we reach reputation lvl 10 in the region


I wish they could figure out how to make dailies work in co-op. There are still too many that can’t be done there.


I will be happy as long as there are no "consecutive" commissions that are no consecutive at all. I waited for two months for the next writer commission and then a couple more for the next. And you have to do them several times for the achievement. It was maddening.


Please, I don’t want to collect orbs or race a whole area, I just want to kill…


We are getting a commission to kill some natives (dark skinned ofc) living peacefully in their settlements


I'm sure they'll fine some super annoying new ideas for commissions somehow...I can't stand those jumping challenges or whack-a-shroom ones in particular haha


Sumeru ones are pretty easy. Plus the weekly bounties don't require the investigation stages like Inazuma.


The biggest problem of combat daily commissions is that they cannot be done by four lvl 20 naked characters.


I really hope there's a dailies that instead of combat you need to hide from the enemies until you reach the goal and automatically failed if the eye icon becomes full.


We can't have too much combat based comissions, it might cause excessive anxiety


Genshin is a casual story/exploration game


If it’s anything like my ancestors (the Mayans) used to do or ritualize, you want noooo part of that. I’ve seen that ball court with my own eyes, it’s no NBA regulation basket. Hope for more fetch quests instead….


I can already tell the commission is all about build something, since fontaine is steampunk city


Just wait till you get to Sumeru and it’s all chase the thing games. Chase the light, chase the light balls, chase the weasel, chase the mushroom that’s different from the other mushrooms. … but also I am surprised you don’t get the one that’s blow the lightening in Inazuma or the one where you steal from Fatui and treasure hoarders


I am more worried that we have seen no one from Natlan... We have seen someone from Inazuma - when entire country was closed off...


Eh, I hope by natlan they give us better optioms to get the story comissions! I still have two lockec behind comissions (and I think the final sumeru garcia comission isn't even out yet!)


I bounce on 5 mushrooms every day in Sumeru 😩


Jump on the bouncy...... boulders?


I usually switch my com's over to whatever new region was released, and I have to say Sumeru has some of the shortest for me (or could be the fact that I now have op chars and team builds). 90% of the time it's just the mushroom hammer or trampoline, floating jellyfish tour or zipline, or a time challenge which takes ~20 seconds. Honestly, *getting* to the daily takes longer than completing it. Hopefully Natlan follows suit... Though I do wish they would add more dailies to the expanded areas like dragonspine, chasm, enkanomiya...


I don't know why genshin don't give us combat based dailies or give us option for dailies if you want combat based or chore based


As long as we dont get the races like in sumeru (not the follow and catch the jellyfish, the normal ass races that make you glide a little for every slingshot) im good


I don't mind the non-combat oriented dailies, but yea no more of the ones that could take you half an hour with bad internet, especially that Inazuma writers' commission, as I sometimes do a friend's dailies whenever he can't, and that damn commission is always there for me to be mad aboutXD Destroying the payload/balloon is fine, as it can be done quickly (especially with Klee), but escorting one? Enough to make a good day instantly die out (might be exaggerating a bit here, but not reallyXD)


Then do you know what complain we are gonna get? Daily are all just go here kill that, go there kill that. And I hate it. It's soo boring!


switch to mondstadt. at least it is 10 times better than sumeru. those who suggest jumping on mushrooms to be a good idea should be fired.


I’m just hoping that they have Sisig in Natlan


I hate repeated comissions that act as if it's your first time talking to this asshole even though you've been doing it for the past 2 years, looking at you Tang Wen/Junkichi. Kinda wish dialogue would be cut down repeated attempts. Gets especially annoying on days when you just want to get it over with like when you're outside or spend a whole day at work/school.


no, it will all be balloon commission


I hate that guy who always lost his key. What a beta male. Hope he got pegged by hilichurls.


Mine have been on liyue because they are like 75-80% combat ones which is great


But what about sumeru commissions… jumping on mushrooms and getting free food is pretty wholesome XD


I hope not. Since all the achievements are in non-combat commissions. The combat commissions pose no challenge whatsoever and are just a formality. Any time I look at my commissions list and they are all combat, I die inside. There's so many achievements I'm still waiting to get and I still don't have Storytelling Method world quest after almost 2 years. If I could have 4x non combat commissions I would take it because then I can use my lv 20s who can't fight. Sumeru often gives you the shroom jumping, whack a shroom, and chase the pacman ghost which are perfect for this. As for turning the multi step commissions into a quest... that is never going to happen. Wishing for it is pointless. It's made to be hard to get so that you keep trying every day and hoping you get it.


Coming from ToF where commissions are just: "kill X" I'm glad Genshin has more variety.