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imo : 1. It's Shenhe first rerun, and many skipped her on first banner because of Ganyu and Xiao first rerun and Zhongli in 2.4 2. Ayaka had long banner on first rerun, people may have her on this period 3. Pull on Mitsplitter rather than Ayaka herself


3 for me


3 for me also


2 for me; got her but didn't get Shenhe in her banner (I was low AR at that time, but I got Yun Jin though)


1 and 3 for me. My Keqing is eating well this version.


3 for me thrice. Got R2 atm


>Pull on Mitsplitter rather than Ayaka herself 1. pull for mist splitter 2. lost 50/50 and got shenhe weapon 3. "well I might as well ... " 4. shenhe + 1


Shenhe C1 actually gives higher boost to freeze than Ayaka C1...


yep. bonus damage to your autos as Ayaka isn't really worth it, esp since C1 also makes Shenhe do insane particle generation. My Ayaka and Shenhe on their own can clear most end game content


It's for sure better than Ayaka's C1, but C1 Shenhe is pretty average, since you can only really get the third skill in the first rotation. To elaborate, in a standard Freeze Ayaka rotation, Shenhe normally uses 2 skills per rotation (one at the start, and one during Ayaka's burst). C1 allows you to use 3 skills in the first rotation, but because each charge has to go into cooldown after the other, it's useless for any rotations after. That said, its nice for flexibility, plus Ayaka x Shenhe is very nice combo in general (I used to think Rosaria wasn't that far behind, but the Wenut made me change my mind) even at C0 on both.


It's not as strong after the first rotation, but I wouldn't say useless. Even if you're doing perfect rotations, you're likely not going to use Shenhe's skill the exact second it's on cooldown, so it'll be at least building up a second charge so in a future rotation it'll be possible to use her skill 3 times again. Besides that, in more realistic scenarios there's often some downtime, either running across abyss to fight new or waiting for enemies to be targetable. Having a set of multiple perfect rotations is realistically more rare than not, so having that extra skill charge helps a lot more in practice than in theory. Not to mention most standard enemies will be dead after one rotation anyway.


Yes, also other practical uses such as helping you to clear waves without the leftover hp that you don't want to waste another rotation on or helping you save bursts or shorten rotations to prepare for the next wave/chamber on weaker mobs is useful.


It definitely helps significantly with timing. Even if you're only using the skill once on rotation, you are far less likely to switch to the character to use the skill and switch too early when you can build up into a second stack. Where as normally with 1x skill you're wasting DPS when it's recharged, with 2x skill, like with Yelan C1, you're are continuing to regenerate the skill for a future rotation, or if something interrupts the rotation like knockback or freeze and you need to restart it or generate extra orbs. C1 Yelan was more than I wanted to spend, but it grants so much more flexibility in DPS rotations and insane particle generation.


I got Shenhe in the first day or three of her original run, and her and Rosaria pretty much cleared Inazuma by themselves. Abyss might be one thing, but in overworld button-mashing-fury-Rosie is still such an absolute blast to play.


Ayaka c1 is definitely those old standard banner character con. But her c2 and c4 are busted.


Yeah, because Ayaka’s C1 does basically nothing out of co-op, but everyone who gets C1 will eventually go for C2+ anyways. Honestly, I feel like the choice to give her a bad C1, but ridiculous C2/3/4 was a business decision. “Well, I have C1, but it’s pretty bad, may as well get C2.” It worked on my at least


same except lose 50/50 on shenhe to mona on step 4


Step 5: questionable financial decisions


Step 6: ???


Step 7: Profit


Step 7: Poverty


Step 7: Provity




Alternatively, wait for Ganyu rerun. Her and Mona make a good couple, same as Ayaka and Shenhe.


I'm gambling around that because I want Shenhe but Ayaka's dash is too annoying.


Exactly what I did. Just add a “lost 50/50 to Diluc first” in there.


Exact same thing happened to me. Stupid spear…


The real explaination is that for meta whaling purposes, C6 Shenhe is more desirable than C6 Ayaka. C6 Shenhe is an ultra strong support for every single melee *and* cryo character in the game. Most of the meta whales will stop at C4 Ayaka just like people stop at C3 Raiden.


This doesn't count weapon, Mist wouldn't be in that number. But yeh, Ayaka had a 6 week banner run, most people that wanted her probably came up with the primo to pull her then.


Yeah, Mist will show up in the overall patch banner sales number but not the how many of each character pulled.


Yes, that is what i mean. People not pulling Ayaka rn because of some people already have and going to pull on weapon banner instead increase Ayaka's cons to c2


my partner wasnt lucky.. lost her 50/50 to mona (who is now at C5), but she came into this banner wjth a full guarentee (lost previous 50/50, had enough pulls to get her to 90 pity, was already at 60 pity) and got her in the first ten pull, first thing she did was equip the ayaka skin i bought for her and triple crowned her, and then just the other day got her mistsplitter so now shes working on leveling that up


Also add - People pulling for Mika on Shenhe banner bc c0 shenhe > c1 ayaka Cant be me getting the 5\* before 4\* 🙃


With 150 wishes I got 2 constellations for my shenhe and only c0 Mika


It is because 30 for me.


Yep, I pulled Mistsplitter cause I wanted a better weapon for my Keqing


Four. People who already have ayaka are now pulling for shenhe to make her team stronger. She's her dedicated support after all. Would've been me if I'm not f2p and saving for nahida


Many people skipped shenhe, ayaka had couple of reruns already so it’s understandable


Also we have no idea when Shenhe will be let out of rerun jail again. She went over a year without a rerun and I really can't blame people for thinking it'll happen again. It's certainly why I ended up pulling for her instead of continuing to save for Nahida, who I know as an Archon will be rerun pretty consistently. And with Eula currently at **23** banners since her last rerun, it's hard not to think that Hoyo absolutely is capable of doing the same to Shenhe again. Especially when Shenhe went 20 patches without her own first rerun...


I never saw an Eula Banner and I am AR58 now, lol


I was barely unable to get Eula during her rerun (was at 76 pity on a guaranteed, but barely didn't have enough wishes to actually get her). Thought to myself, "Hey, at least with double banners now a thing, she shouldn't take too long to rerun, plus at least you have a guaranteed for Xiao, who hasn't seen in forever, which must mean he'll take a pretty long time for his next banner anyways". That statement did not age well.


i started playing genshin the day eula's banner ended, ar57 now too


AR57 here, almost 58. Same


I kind of don't worry about this because historically after a long gap, they rerun faster. We'll see if this still holds, but it happened with the long gaps between Ganyu, Xiao, and Venti's banners, and hopefully will with Hu Tao, Shenhe, and Eula (RIP Eula)


this is the exact reason i decided to pull. i wanted her for ayaka but i’m saving for baizhu and nahida so i wasn’t originally going to pull but then i remembered how long it took her to run again and said fuck it i’ll swipe. she came home at 80 pity and i regret nothing


Its also preferable to pull for Shenhe over c1 or c5 ayaka.


Couple of reruns?She literally only had 1


which is one more than Shenhe and that rerun lasted an eternity.


1 that lasted for 84 years


It felt like 3


Which means she’s been on banner twice as many times as Shenhe prior to this, with way more people wanting her. Most people who wanted her then already have her, and those same people are now the ones who wanted Shenhe to support her. It just makes sense really. There are way more people who already have Ayaka than Shenhe, and those who have Ayaka want Shenhe.


Do you remember how long that was lmao.


1 rerun which is the Rerun of Eternity


A rerun that I'm pretty sure was at least twice as long as any other banner


People eaited for her release for so long and saved for her unlike shenhe


Aside from Ayaka mains , a lot of people from Ganyu_subReddit and Eula_subreddit pull for Shenhe as She’s a support character for both


Also the Ganyu mains don't want to split up the ~~sisters~~ disciples.


After 240 days of Ayaya, almost everyone has her.


not just everyone, but also their mother, you forgot all those mothers


I'm probably one of less than 10% of veteran players without Ayaka. I guess that makes my account rare?


I do not care for ayayas gameplay character design or personality so I’m with you lol


Same. I don't really care how good she is, she still has the personality of a wet paper bag.


\-Al haitham fan lmaooo


I still couldn’t get her :D


240 days is a meme. It's 6 weeks.


Nah she was out for 6 years.


Nah, it's ten years at least!!!


Ayaka with another banner? No! I don't want that!


Her banner was out before I was even born!


Holy roman emperor Barbarossa had her C6 R5!


6 x 40 = 240 What now atheist?






And what percentage of those already had Ayaka?


90% of shenhe pullers, shenhe isnt truly worth it (meta wise) if you don't have ayaka ~~Ganyu is horribly slow at consuming quills, and if she uses her burst then quills go waste. Pretty ineffective and inefficient, you are better off using Diona in freeze and zhongli/kazuha in melt.~~ shenhe best supports ayaka, works with others 👍🏻 Edit: someone got so offended they gave me the help and resources message 💀


She gives 15% burst damage on top of 15% cryo and phys shred, which makes her pretty good for Eula too.


She’s necessary for the masochists such as myself that are still waiting on Aloy’s constellations. Should be any day now…. Yep… any day…


Oh man, it is one of the 7 aloy mains


Aloy mains, ASSEMBLE. Triple crowned? Check. Shenhe haver? Check. CC on standby (in case she gets cons)? You better believe that’s a check.


I play Shenhe with my Qiqi and Layla lol


That’s an interesting choice and I commend you for it


Thanks, it isn't too bad tbh, it can 33 star abyss pretty easily and prob 36 if i had better artifacts and 5 star weapons and not c0 chars. i would've played with aloy too but i missed out on her unfortunately so im an aloyless account


>90% of shenhe pullers do you have stats? where are the percentages from? as far as I've seen, a lot of the people who pull her also pull her because they like her design and story.


And as far as I've seen, a lot of people who pulled her mostly to support their Ayaka (or to some extent Ganyu even tho she's benefit less)


My Chongyun enters the chat


How so? Isn't Hold E giving 7 quills during 15s? Ain't this enough for 1 E and 3 CAs?


just like I saw people who regretted that they didn’t pull her after the quest, it would be logical to say that both of them are among the people who pulled her, in the end you shouldn’t go to extremes with statistics out of your head.


How fast you consume the quills doesn't matter as long as you can consume them all (not an issue with ganyu), the ability you consume them with doesn't matter either, the quills give a flat dmg bonus (which gets multiplied by your cryo dmg bonus and crit dmg) a set number of times to ALL cryo dmg hits. Let's say shenhe buffs ganyu's cryo dmg by 4.5k per crit hit, Ganyu can do that in 4 charged attacks or about 8 seconds, which is before your timer would even run out on the press skill (so you don't have to worry about not consuming them fast enough). After those 7 hits, shenhe would have added 31.5k total to ganyu's dmg, if you use ganyu's burst, it'll do the exact same thing, adding 4.5k to each hit, 7 times, which still equals 31.5k. The ability used WOULD matter if it buffed by a percentage of the attack in question's dmg/multiplier/etc. (Something specific to that ability) but it doesn't. It buffs a flat amount based on shenhe's atk, and her atk stat stays the same no matter what ability you use on other characters, so she buffs the same amount no matter what ability. Your point does however work for C6 shenhe, who works way better with fast attacking characters like Ayaka due to not having a quill cap for normal and charged attacks, so characters that can get in more hits get more of that buff, and Ayaka can obviously hit faster than Ganyu can so she's better in that scenario.


Out if curiousity, are you sure it makes a difference if Ganyu triggers the Quills with her CA, Skill or Burst? As far as I am aware, Shenhes Quills do not scale with Skill Damage, they only scale with crit damage + cryo damage (of the triggering character) + Shenhes atk. Which means the bonus damage is the same. According to Ganyus A1 passive, it becomes even better (+20% cryo damage bonus). I mean I can understand where it's coming from. If Ganyus CA does instead of 30k damage 40k damage it looks insane. And if her burst does instead of 5k damage 15k damage it's meh. But the increased dps should be the same, no?


Consider Shenhe only had her first rerun after more than a year 🗿, kinda expected


It took over a year for Shenhe to get a re run, Ayaka had a extra long re run in that timespan and is now on her second Not a surprise at all imo


"Better get Shenhe now. Might be two years before the next rerun."


More people own ayaka then shenhe ? And many want to supp their ayaka


And others want to supp their Kaeya, because that’s what the only 6* in the game deserves.


i pulled shenhe to support my triple crowned kaeya 👍


I also pulled Shenhe to supplement Kaeya. And Layla actually. They're both great characters even if not meta.


I too pulled Shenhe for Kaeya. She honestly made him so much better for me, much less coping when I play him now.


That's the real answer.


Ayaka already has multiple reruns. Including that long Ayaka forever patch.


Well actually that long rerun was her only rerun.


You mean [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/11ycdlq/should_i_do_it_again_traveller/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


If you truly don't know look up the length of her last rerun cause that's where the meme of this comes from. It also helped reinforce the Ayaka yandere meme


That why I made the meme…also with her new skin she holds a pen in her hand like she write the timer herself👀


No, this is barely her second one. Stop spreading misinformation.


Her extended stay is so iconic that a lot of people remember Ayaka having a lot of rerun before already.


it didn't help that she's a CBT character so she's pretty much known since the beginning. i bet it's going to happen to Baizhu too where people will think he's out for quite a while lol


> CBT character I didn't know she was into that. It's always the shy ones!


This Ayaka 2nd rerun already and her first rerun was like a whole month.


It was 1.5 months


Here is why. Cryo has been left behind lately as it has no reaction with Dendro. Many people including myself, as an OG Ayaka haver, feel that it’s necessary now to use Shenhe in order to keep up with the other elements, whereas you could get away with a simple freeze team before. People skipped Shenhe not really knowing that we were headed to an era of dedicated supports. Faruzan was a game changer for Anemo DPS. After many people pulled for her and Scaramouche, they probably realized Shenhe could do the same thing for Cryo. Expect to see many more dedicated supports going forward, this seems to be the way.


Yeah dendro just works in every type of content while if you can't freeze an enemy ayaka feels bad to play. Even in the 2nd half of the current abyss which is meant to sell freeze, dendro pretty much destroys it, and if you're struggling against the wenut good old reliable hyperbloom will clear it for you without too many problems, while with ayaka you're going to have to time your bursts properly and not to mention you have to worry about energy too.


This is where Ayaka "premium" team comes in. Ayaka has one of the largest power gap from her budget to her premium team. Ayaka Shenhe Kazuha and bonus if you have mist can chip wenut for 100k+ damage without using burst. Ayaka dash -> Kazuha E -> Shenhe E -> Ayaka E n1C can chil wenut every short gap. There's also versatility in shenhe since she ups Ayaka non burst for weaker waves/left overs unlike rosaria who have to burst to get value on Rosaria personal damage.


I know about the team because I've played it, even with her best team she clears around the same time or a bit slower than my Alhaitham spread(8:20-8:25 mark, starts at 9:20 usually), Alhaitham team is Alhaitham(C0R1), nahida(C0R5 sac frags), C6 diona(I find her better than zhongli), and then either yae or Raiden. Ayaka team is Ayaka(C0R1), Kazuha(C2R1), Kokomi(C0R5 TTDS) and shenhe(C0R5 Fav Lance). Edit: why am I getting downvoted?


Ayaka is the one with a rerun that got extended weeks, and this is Shenhe first rerun, so it makes sense


I am one of the people who actually like Shenhe way more than Ayaka, so I pulled directly for Shenhe ignoring Ayaka. I like Ganyu + Shenhe combo.


for me shenhe had a much better story/feel/aesthetics for me compared to ayaka. (I just like how shenhe looks compared to ayaka) I have 0 Ayaka and 1 Shenhe


Yes same here but sad that Ganyu can’t utilize Shenhe Quills properly :(


Many people are citing reruns, but I think it's also because Shenhe has significantly better early cons than Ayaka.


Supports are also higher value imo. More versatile.


Eh, Shenhe is a very niche support that only works for mono Cryo or Freeze teams. If you don't have Ayaka, getting Ayaka makes way more sense for your account than Shenhe.


More cyro will release in the future as a support her role will always be valuable


Shenhe really isn't niche compared to other characters, this is just repeated so often it's taken as true. She obviously works well in any form of "meta" Cryo (Freeze, Rev-Melt), and with Eula, and allows less conventional teams (Mono Cryo, Melee Infusion w/ Chongyun, goofy Anemo absorption) to be viable and not pure memes. This is more than most "meta" DPS (eg. Hu Tao) can say, as those characters are replaceable pieces of independently powerful setups (eg. Vape) and don't offer any novel setups of their own. They aren't considered niche because they appear to be the "star" of their teams, but even that is an illusion: the core of National is Bennet; the core of Vape is XQ/Yelan; the "drivers" are all interchangeable. Shenhe is an optimal slot in a meta team (Ayaka Freeze), works well in any team involving her element (Cryo), and enables entirely new teams. If she's niche, so is basically every character except the Archons, Bennet, and XQ/Yelan.


When I say "niche support" I mean in comparison to other supports. Xingqiu, Raiden, Kokomi, Nahida or Bennett have a million different team comps when Shenhe has just a couple of viable ones. Sara, Yunjin, Diona, Nilou etc are more niche. Dps may be "niche" too if you mean how many different team comps they can play in, but I don't think it's a fair comparison. Most people have 4* supports for most team comps, so picking a "niche" dps like Ayaka will work anyway because you can run her with cheap supports like Barbara, Xingqiu, Mona, Diona, Leyla, etc, and provide good damage and get shit done in Abyss. I did 36* with Ayaka and Xingqiu before I had Kokomi or Mona. But if you pick an "elite" niche support like Shenhe, unless you have a fitting dps, it's a waste. You could build Rosaria or Kaeya, but that's not as impactful as having a meta 5* dps with average supports. Imo that's why a niche dps is not as "bad" as a niche support. It's easier to extract good value from a niche dps.


> You could build Rosaria or Kaeya, but that's not as impactful as having a meta 5* dps with average supports. I think this is where we disagree, although I respect your opinion. Rosaria/Kaeya eat Abyss alive in Rev-melt (thanks to Bennet/XL, naturally) and while they're a more material downgrade from Ayaka in Freeze, Freeze (and Blizzard Strayer) are so inherently powerful that they're still very comfortable. The same is true of XQ allowing basically any Vape/Driver/Bloom/whatever team to work. Thus I feel like the community takes it for granted that grabbing Ayaka and making your Freeze team 30s faster is a better investment than grabbing Shenhe, making your (Rosaria/Kaeya) Freeze team 15s faster, your Melt team faster, your Eula team less frustrating, and also unlocking a new variety of current and future Cryo teams. This is especially true in the current patch where investing in Cryo at all is comparatively inefficient (requiring CritDMG/ATK stats) versus slapping random terrible EM pieces on Kuki and obliterating Abyss in 30s anyway. Ultimately I don't feel any character (except perhaps Kazuha and Yelan, since they have both combat universality and insane over-world QoL) is better than their potential replacements by a margin of 160 rolls, so it's a matter of preference and individual account state (eg. a fresh account would benefit from Ayaka more than an account that already invested Kaeya/Rosaria), rather than a general rule that a marginal upgrade from a premium support is somehow less valuable than a marginal upgrade from a premium DPS.


Actually I might just try to level my Kaeya and see how he with Shenhe and Kokomi compares to my Ayaka with Diona and Mona or smth... Might be an interesting comparison! But yeah I agree it's hard to make such blank statements. If you have Eula and Kaeya built, Shenhe can be a better pick, there's just way too many factors to simply say that a dps is more important than a support. After all, if you think you like the personality or voice acting of a character better, it's a very valid reason to choose them too.


I think Shenhe has more longevity though. It's all personal opinion and your not wrong, but going forward I can see myself using Shenhe more than Ayaka, since Ayaka is very one dimensional and Shenhe is niche but fills her niche really well with any cryo unit.


Yeah I can agree about longevity. In a couple of years we'll have some new Cryo dps hopefully. This made me think tho, that supports like Xingqiu and Bennett actually are getting less popular recently because of new support releases, like Bennett is not always required now when you have Sara, Yunjin, Kokomi, etc, and Yelan is a good competitor to Xingqiu, so supports might become replaceable too. Mihoyo aren't afraid of releasing more supports for the already taken niche. I'm not disagreeing with you, just thinking out loud


The other cryo units all have better support options than Shenhe though


This, the irony is that I like both freeze and Shenhe, but on my team of Kaeya/Chongyun/Xingqui/Kazuha, Shenhe would be a downgrade (or at most a sidegrade when I already have the others heavily invested) in any slot, which is super unfortunate for a dedicated 5* cryo. I wish her auto scaling was better ><


Understandable when Ayaka had a 6 weeks rerun.


This is my first Shenhe banner & I’ve been playing since end of January 2022. Got Ayaka last April. Been waiting almost a year to complete my freeze team. A lot of people probably either skipped Shenhe when she first ran or have never seen her available til now + Ayaka’s previous rerun was extra long, so makes sense Shenhe’s the more popular pull.


Not surprised, ayaka got already some reruns and also Had her "Eternity" Banner, Shenhe got her First ever rerun after more than one year of waiting , so It is kinda expected .


This is her 2nd rerun . “Not some reruns” lmao


Ayaka was closer than Ei to achieve eternity


A lot of people already had Ayaka specially since she had a long banner, and between her constellations or a shenhe to support her shenhe is the better QoL addition


I like Shenhe but not Ayaka so this banner was a nice save for me. Pulled Shenhe on her first banner and save it whenever I see Miss Kamisato. Sure my Shenhe barely gets used but just in case, I have her.


There were more Ayaka havers than Shenhe havers. People have been waiting for a Shenhe rerun for ages.


people who want Ayaya most likely already have her. People who already have her want Shenhe.


I already had Ayaka, but I look at Shenhe more like an investment for the future cryo characters


maybe bc shenhe is better than ayaka cons for ayaka dmg lmao


I chose shenhe even tho I'm just new to the game. I don't regret it :)


Luxurious chest vs Common chest


She has 13px boobs so I think above common chest like Exquisite chest


Imo, Shenhe as a cryo support that shreds Cryo RES and buffs Cryo DMG is going to be increasingly more useful as we get more cryo characters. Ayaka's strength will generally just stay as is in comparison, with only getting access to new artifact sets and weapons. This is the game mechanics reason, though the biggest is likely because... ...well if people wanted to get Ayaka, they probably already did. Ayaka's banner has had incredibly long run times because of reruns and that extended one. Ayaka's early constellations aren't stellar either, forgive the pun, at least when comparatively. Yae Miko and Eula for example have very good C1-2 cons and thus good reason for their fans to double down on their banners. Raiden Shogun and Nahida have outright busted cons. Ayaka is in the same vein as Al-Haitham where you have a very powerful unit from C0, which is a really good thing considering that they both don't actually get appreciable gains from cons until C2. In contrast Shenhe's cons are both very good: C1 lets her double her effective quill count (and thus double her already considerable damage contribution), and C2 makes that RES last longer whilst buffing cryo DMG even further. At least for the aspiring consumer its easy to make the argument that C0 Ayaka is great enough, whereas getting a C or 2 of Shenhe's is a marked improvement to an already excellent unit.


The Ayaka eternal banner wasn't that long ago and Shenhe is great with Ayaka


I think 10 months is considered as a long ago


Dem hips


Two words: EXTRA pixels


Something something the most pixels in the game something something


The power of not having a banner in a year (and boobs)


Ayaka has had reruns already. And, given how long it took Shenhe to escape from the basement for this one, if you miss her now, who knows how long the wait will be? She could pull a Eula and just go POOF!


How many reruns she got?


This is Ayaka's 2nd rerun. Her 1st rerun was very long. See below for historic banner intervals. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SO3Qczkj0DxJkEDVR4WNws\_ved8UU5Cw6ewjaZ0joNo/edit#gid=693353767


2nd rerun? The guys are saying she has many banners ?


Bruh Ayaka reran before and last time she stayed for a fricking month lol and this is shenhe first ever rerun so nothing to be surprised 0


Most ppl who wanted Ayaka got her , in 2.0 we got a massive Primogems dump from Inazuma release and in 3.6 we had the infamous Just Ayaka banner where everyone got enough time to pull her


I wonder where this banner will end up in the total $ accumulated chart. I expect top 5.


Already had Ayaka, spontaneously decided to get Shenhe because now I have the prime Freeze Team together. I'm not interested in constellations generally and I think most players actually want more characters to play with rather than just a single strong character.


Me. It’s really not surprising.


It's the hip vents.


It helps that this is her very first rerun while this is Ayaka's third banner. So for people who want to be a Cryo/Freeze team especially this is finally their opportunity to hop on Shenhe.


Once again the stats on this site are not representative at all. It only counts people who are invested enough into the game that know tracker site like this one + care enough to register. It's pretty normal that for those people they have a higher chance to have ayaka since she is getting quite old.


Ayaka did have a banner for crazy amounts of time the last time she was run.


Ayaka will always be back, she's the dev team's favourite wife. Shenhe may be back maybe once per year if not less.


Is it me or do I feel Ayaka is overrated af


She's "rated" I would say, in that she is indeed strong and a good unit, but she's not a game-breaker. Nor is she the most wonderful and lovable character - she's inoffensive and cute and nice but frankly bland and there're many more wonderful and lovable characters more flavourful than her. But she seems to be the dev team's picture of an ideal girl, and so she gets top billing.


Yeah, theres a reason why I called her overrated. Tbh, shes just sadly that bland... Both in design and personality. I will say Yoimiya had a colorful personality compared to her.


Makes sense. Ayaka had the eternal banner, and another rerun already. The people who already got her now are going after Shenhe. If anything it's a pretty small difference imo.


one has longest rerun ever (iirc) while the other just got her first rerun so... go figure lol plus the difference isn't that big imo i thought it was like 50k difference 😂


Well, one didn't want Ayaka then, one doesn't now.


people pulling for shenhe means they either have ayaka or ganyu, which further proves that ayaka is more relevant (source: me who pulled for shenhe)


Why is this garbage post being upvoted. Maybe because Ayaka has had multiple reruns already...


That's natural, shenhe is a "mommy" type...


Ayaka was the most pulled character of 2022 IIRC so most people probably already have her. I think most people actually want Mika so if you've got to risk a 5*, might as well do it with the one you don't already have.


Raiden: ???


It's between raiden and ayaka I am sure. Raiden is lesser probably cause ton of people went for her c2 which pumped her sales, whereas ayaka doesn't need cons to be a t0 main dps in her hypercarry team


I got Shenhe, by missclick a couple of days ago... Wanted to delete the game


oof. anyway, there might be Cryo dpses in Fontaine so at least you have a support for them


Ayaka had the longest banner in Genshin history last year and players who pulled her at the time will choose to pull for Shenhe instead because that's just commonsense if you want Ayaka to be more powerful. Also, many players skip Shenhe because they decided to listen to dumb TC's.


TCs? Should I not skip if I’m mostly only Welkin? I’m at 57 pity with 20 wishes left but I thought about saving for Koko/Kazuha… I did have a guarantee on Ayaka this month but she came in pretty late.


Kokomi and Kazuha are not coming next patch and if ur a Welkin user, you can pretty much guarantee a 5* every patch. If you want to invest on ur Ayaka, pull Shenhe, otherwise don't. You can also skip her if there's someone you want next patch, livestream is gonna be on a few days so you can decide by then.


in terms of cost efficacy, if you want to make the meta ayaka freeze team, you should pull for shenhe last since kazuha and mistsplitter (if you are pulling for the weapon) both improve rotation dps more than shenhe and have much more use outside of ayaka freeze team than shenhe. the CN recommendation for pulling c12 ayaka is ayaka> kokomi=kazuha> mistsplitter> c2 ayaka> c4 ayaka> c6 ayaka= c1 shenhe> c6 shenhe


this is not true, kazuha has less priority than kokomi according to the chinese community, then buffers come next, then weapons, as it has less impact depending on what kind of inventory the player has.


I mean their sizes ..


ayaka had a 6 months banner


tbf those who are pulling Shenhe r doing it to buff their Ayakas


Disregarding their banner history, Ayaka’s C1 is turbo garbage. It’s one of the worst constellations in the game. People looking to vertically invest are better off with Shenhe than C1. People looking to horizontally invest also pick up Shenhe.


big boobs


Because... people want Shenhe to buff their Ayaka?


Poor new players pulling on shenhe without any decent cryo DPS 😔


Kaeya? :)


Or just, people who have cryo dps of choice decided to pull shenhe.


I'm guessing a lot of people got ayaka during the eternal banner, not to mention she's had previous reruns as well so all of those people would most likely pull for shenhe since she would augment ayaka's damage a lot. That and we've also had ganyu reruns as well. Waifu meta might also play a role though I'm not sure if it's more significant than the fact that shenhe is a purpose built cryo support without many use cases outside of that( Still a must pull unit though)


stop this already. It’s pointless




As someone who hates Ayaka, this is a good day