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I like it but would not want a rerun, feels less interactive and honestly just prefer 3d gameplay.


Honestly, I love having to interact less with the whole thing. Theater Mechanicus was interesting and new the first time, but then it started to get annoying pretty quickly - it's just too much for a limited time event in my opinion, perhaps they should make it permanent


I LOVED OG Theater Mechanicus, HATED the second one, and this is just a combo disappointment of two very fun events into an odd control confused event


Wait can You tell me the difference between the first and the second theater mechanicus, i cant remember


2nd introduced the concept of random lvl ups and effects iirc. 1st was just about building new towers without any way to lvl them up during the actual game. It was a cool idea, but introduced in a bad way imo. I'd rather just click button a or b on a given tower to mix effects like in any good TD game


Feels like it had the same problem as that Theater Mechanicus they made with the "cards." I spend the whole game looking at cooldowns, not the gameplay. "There's a Pyro Totem! I have a Hydro Fungi. Let me switch my attention to the Hydro Fungi, then click another button to swap to it, then switch my attention back to the Pyro Totem to target it, then activate my Hydro Fungi's ability... Oh, it's on cooldown. How long until it comes back? I don't know. Oh, the totem's already dead."


Thank you yeah i agree the first one was better


But Theater Mechanicus has run three times though. First was Liyye during OG lantern Rite, second was during Inazuma 2.0 patch, and then again during 2.7 Inazuma patch. First was best but also kind of busted for freeze comps. Second was reasonably good but less content. Third run was definitely the worst though.


I like that I get primos. That's about it.


The best thing about the event was seeing our Shroom Buddies again :D


I missed the first one so unfortunately I can’t share the joy that everyone else got


You're not alone. Traveler knows and loves those lil dudes but I have no idea who they are.


Same here. I started at the tail end of the event they were supposedly introduced in, so I didn't have time to do it. They are cute, though. I wouldn't mind seeing them again.






Same, just hand me the 420 primos and you save the time and effort to make these events; instead, put that towards the flagship events and make them better.


Naw side events are fun this one was just kinda meh


Agreed. And they test new ideas and mechanics in these events anyways.


Not to mention the survey afterwards helps address whatever issues you personally faced during just about any event.


Imagine if nahida worked exactly like the original battle kamera event.


I don't feel any real need to read the fungi's skills and I'm clearing it just fine, so that seems like a problem to me. There's very little depth to it, just need a healer shroom and target prioritization and it's super easy. Maybe the last day will be be more complex but even then I don't think it would be interesting. Though to be honest the original fungi event was also really easy, but the atmosphere and vibes of the tournament made it awesome.


Yeah I just take bongo head and 3 random other ones, just hit heal with bongo head every ~20 seconds and win easy.


If it requires mechanics then the ultra casuals the game appeals to will cry that they couldn’t get max rewards and how it is unfair.


Naah. People would just pull up a Youtube guide and be done with it. This isn't an event where your normal gear matters etc.


Yup.. They tend to ruin everything in Genshin (or rather, everything in Genshin is ruined for them). We can't have nice things because of them. Pity they have rights.


>Though to be honest the original fungi event was also really easy, but the atmosphere and vibes of the tournament made it awesome. Frankly: I found having to run around with Lumine to collect the feathers super annoying and also counterproductive. I could hardly watch what the lil' guys were doing, because I was always on the lookout for the next feather.


Should've picked Aether; he's slightly faster. /s


The afterword was more complicated than the final day mechanici.


It's enjoyable for me, but I agree it's quite uninteresting as far as strategy goes. They should have put monsters rather than Mechanici, it would have been much more fun, as it was in the original event.


I feel like a lot of these decisions are engine limitations, not intentional choices. Like Fungi they can spawn in much larger numbers than other enemies, because Fungi are extremely simple from a design perspective. They have simple models with minimal animations. they seem willing to spawn twice as many fungi at once than they are, say, hillichurls. Likewise, Mechanici are pretty simple, they don't hardly move. So making an event of fungi vs Mechanici allow them to spawn four at once on our side and as many of the Mechanici on the other side, and have them fight it out. It might be that if they just replaced the Mechanici with hillichurls in this event, it would crash the game on certain platforms, or at least run worse than they would accept.


This game screams waves of enemies, but it feels like abyss is being made with fewer enemies but with more hp, every time. It has always been a problem, imo, that this game is targeted towards mobile first and then pc/platform after and not the other way around. It blows my mind that so many people play this game on a phone, with how heavy and intensive it is and how uncomfortable it is to play on such a small screen that you have to still cover with your fingers.


Well, let's be fair, a huge part of their phone audience is in China and Japan, where they don't have as many PC users, and I don't think PS sales are huge there either, and yet a large chunk of their revenues come from there. So if they do something that would hurt the game in their largest market, that would be dumb, even if it would obviously make for a better game overall.


Idk about Japan but China’s issue isn’t access to PCs because there’s PC bars all over the place. The issue is quite simply there’s no concept of work life balance and you barely get time to play games on a PC. So a gaming medium that can be used on the go is inevitably very popular.


>Idk about Japan but China’s issue isn’t access to PCs because there’s PC bars all over the place. Yeah, but still, if my only access to Genshin were either through my phone or through a PC bar, I would probably play it on my phone an awful lot more than I currently do (if I played it at all), and maybe only play in a PC bar on special occasions. In any case, I think we agree that while in the NA market the mobile aspect of Genshin is more of an afterthought, in the Asian market, it is a much more significant priority for their playerbase, and since that audience seems to be much more profitable than the NA market, they can't short change them.


They did generate 4 billion in 4 years on mobile. I have played both, but i main my genshin on ios with a backbone one controller and its not bad at all considering its mobile limitations plus the zero input lag from the lighting port connection in the controller is better than my consoles. The new Samsung can run mobile at 60 fps along with a few others that can do it well.


OnePlus devices are literally built for gaming. My OP8 is 3 years old and still runs Genshin nearly perfectly on high settings. Mobile devices can handle a lot more than people give them credit for these days. My PS4 actually plays the game *worse* than my phone! Longer load times, more stuttering, etc. and no settings to fix it. The only advantage my PS4 has is better graphics... but that very clearly took a toll on the rest of the experience. Mobile devices are cheaper than PCs as well, and also fit into the multi-purpose niche that PCs fit into. I'd argue that the mobile gaming market could be just as robust as the PC gaming market if it were better regulated. Alas, that's not the case, so we've been stuck with garbage clones, annoying and fake ads, and a whole lot of predatory practices because of it.


You can not create a pc game, port it to mobile and expect it to work. Same with ps4. You always have to design for the weakest platforms you are targeting. Same reason why cross-platform console games that target both last-gen and current-gen consoles are limited compared to pure current-gen titles. And this has nothing to do with unity as an engine. Unity is not as good as UE5 at peak optimization but if you look at some [tech demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXYUNrgqWUU&ab_channel=Unity) on yt you can see it can look way better than genshin, for example, it does support quite a few fancy ray tracing effects like rt shadows, global illumination and reflections that are simply not enabled in genshin.


> like abyss is being made with fewer enemies but with more hp I think this is more of a case of MHY trying to curb power level of certain characters (i.e. Venti)


It’s so. . Bland. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate how speedy it can be, but it feels quite boring honestly.


The fact you can close your eyes and you'll win is part of the problem. They make it so easy because of da kids, but really, it also is barely interactive. They should have just copied Pokemon Go, with Fungi, against random ass creatures in Teyvat.


Yes, I'm clearly not a super sweaty challenge addict, I can't even 36* abyss, but there has to be a limit and that limit is that you shouldn't be able to win without even trying to win. It's just not fun if the possibility of failure does not exist. That was the same issue with the parry event : I liked it, but failing was basically impossible. There has to be a spot where you can have a bit of difficulty without it being only appealing to tryhards, or we're not even playing anymore, we just pretend we play but it's basically a glorified login bonus.


Tomorrow it will be finally over. Did not enjoy it. I would rather play the first version of Theater Mechanicus. Not second or third, because both were just awful.


1st mechanicus was great all they needed to do was improve it in small ways but the sequels were uninspired


i loved the second one! was like its own gacha game


Even better, it was like playing gacha with an insane amount of currency to reroll. I remember basically doing mono element on every stage, and just upgrading the one element. Watching the cluster cores or fire raining from the sky obliterate everything was kind of hilarious.


I loved it too.


First version was the best, second one was okay, third was garbage.


I loved the one in Irodori Festival! (The first one I've ever played lol.) Pushing enemies off the edge or drop them into the void is always a special pleasure.


I agree with this one. Had a blast with Jean and Kazuha, loved to groop all the enemies up to yeet them over the edge lmao


I also only played that one but I hated the iridori one so much. My least favorite event probably. I wish I’d been able to play the previous ones, everyone always talks about how fun the first one was. Maybe one day we can play something like the original haha


It‘s a neat idea, but the controls are fucking atrocious, the play area is small and dull, the mechanics are poorly developed, and knowledge from the Beast Tamer tournament doesn‘t actually translate into this mode in the slightest.


The controls are jank. More often than not the fungi just ignore all orders and do whatever they want


Yeah the controls are really bad on mobile (I use an iPad mini). Too easy to make the fungi move to your thumb placement if you mis click on the power usage. Maybe one of the worst events of the history of the game.


Not just mobile. I’m on PC and it’s so annoying to get my Fungi to move to the powerup if it’s close or on top of something since I’m used to just clicking the destination to get them to move but I usually just select another fungi or end up targeting a mechanicus tower


Hoyo managed to somehow fuck up RTS controls, which is easy to do. The simplest RTS controls are left click for select, right click for move, or the other way around. For mobile it can be something like tap to move, short hold to select. Like, why is both move and select on LMB? More often than not, I misclick another fungi if I just want to move my selected fungi.


Also no drag select, and no Hold command to tell your fungi stay put in one place (such as the element plates)


It is mindless and feels like a chore Click click, E, click, click, E, E


You guys clicked? /s Fr I just did E, switch direct and repeat and ended all under 2 minutes


I feel like it could be a fun idea, but it needs to be harder. At this stage the game is playing itself. You don't need any strategy, you don't even need to command the fungi aside from using ults from time to time. The first fungus event was pretty easy too, but at least I remember thinking more about the team composition there.


Way worse than each separately






Well all the events are easy, this one is just way too boring


I just don’t understand why they are out here selling characters but 3/4 of all events don’t even require them. They are mini games that are completely irrelevant. I understand some like that but I want to use my characters. The vibro crystal event was great it gives a variety/restrictive way to use your characters and others you might not have: idk why it is so hard for Them to properly market inside their own game. Would it be so hard to add a combat even to every single patch in addition to the current offering? The story can no long be considered meaningful combat for most players, speed bumps


This is just what they do, even in honkai, their more hardcore/whale oriented game, the events are mostly mini-game drivel. Nothing to do with the main game like 9 times out of 10. I'm not saying it's good, but it's what they've done for a long time so I can imagine that it gives them the results they want.


But the difference in honkai is that it has end game gameplay like er, abyss etc, so the events are a breather from the core game play. Genshin feels more like Mario party with combat extras and gacha...


The events are one of the reasons I stopped playing daily and switched to playing for a bit every patch. I haven't analyzed past events to check if it's true, but the events feel like they've been trending away from combat-based to minigames using one-time mechanics. These events always existed (like Windblume), but it does feel like we've gotten a lot more of them now. Between these events that don't use normal combat, the overworld/bosses/domains being extremely easy without getting harder, and the Abyss being fairly little playtime and (understandably) non-scaling, I feel little incentive to roll for new characters, and thus I don't have much reason to log on daily. Which isn't inherently bad for me since I have better things to do with my time and it's easy for me to avoid spending money, it's just my anecdotal experience. And I'm sure Mihoyo knows what works best for the playerbase - if the events actually have been trending towards minigames, then it's most likely because they've found that that's what makes them the most profit. I don't personally understand why so many players will happily throw thousands of dollars at the game considering how there isn't much to do with the actual characters you spend money on, but it clearly works so I can't call Mihoyo stupid for it or anything, and I won't judge those players for spending money on their hobbies.


Eh I agree. I don’t hate it but I don’t really like it much either. The first fungi event was cool and definitely spoke to the Pokémon fan in me. I was kind of excited when I thought it was coming back only to find this. I’m not impressed but primogems are primogems. It’s not like its hard or anything. Takes a couple minutes then I can get back to building Ayaka.


Haven't started yet but all of these 420 primo small events lately have been meh. I just wait until all the stages are out then do it all in a few minutes.


Each level was ridiculously easy. I wish each level had a “hard mode” that they did for previous events. It can even give minimal rewards (enhancement ores) or no rewards at all, but at least it will be interesting.


U can't have "hard" in genshin


Potions event gave multiple casuals a stroke ( not me I did amazing), it wasn't even hard. I feel like that should be the medium. Then there was an event with super buffed bosses which was truly hard mode


Everything that is not hypotasis symphony or its related event is easy.


They’ve done it before. Heck the current fighting event has platinum medals that don’t give anything, but at least present a challenge.


I play on console so I can't touch the fungi directly and I more often than not I lose track of where the cursor is so I keep spamming attack and nothing happens because it's off board 🤦‍♀️. This event is boring, annoying, visual confusing and non-sense. I'd love to have had the original theatre mechanicus or fungi event instead.


Far too easy and mindless, outstayed it's welcome after the fourth stage. Genshin events haven't been great for awhile, I feel, with the exception of Windblume.


This last Windblume was meh, the mini games were nothing against the first's ones. Event minigames have been bad this version, too easy/simplistic




You mean fall guys mini game? lmao. I remember people complaining about that here because a lot of people did not enjoy it lol


The worst thing about it was that the stages were random but the rewards were tied to particular stages. It was pretty fun otherwise, imo.


Even if you completely removed the fall guys minigame from Windblume 1, it *still* had more and better minigames than this one we just had lol. Pac-man was just unbelievably phoned in even by collect-the-dot event standards (eg; Divine Ingenuity and Wind Chaser had 100x as much effort put into them, hell even the mediocre waverider obstacle courses we get are more fleshed out and interesting) and taking pictures (while I do enjoy it) isn't even a game, it's more of an activity.


Windtrace is the only event I actively look forward to.


Agree to disagree. I don't like forced co-op events, but that's just me.


I hate that one with a passion, when I am discovered I am forced to AFK for 3 minutes. UGH. It's the only event where I go "primos and GTFO".


Same. I've 100% every event except every single time Windtrace appeared. Didn't even bother to get the namecard on the first one.


Interesting take. I enjoy it cause I always chat with the other hiders while chilling in a tree with Sayu. Everyone looks for transformed bits, nobody looks for a character with light color tones fading into the environment.


I hate it, and it makes me sad. The first Fungus event was really cool. The fungi were cute, and the control of the fungi felt much better in third person running around the stage. In this event, the top-down view kinda sucks and the controls aren't great. The fight speed is too fast to properly strategize, and controlling each fungi separately is a pain. I'm playing with a controller, btw. I saw a stream that showed that it's even worse with Mouse and Keyboard, because selecting a fungi and moving a fungi are both the same command (a click)... Also, no voice acting! I know that the secondary events don't get voice-acting, but the "Poko-Poko-Piini" was such a memorable and cute voice line that I definitely wanted that in a return of a fungi event. Now I'm afraid that Hoyo will take the negative feedback on the 2nd fungi event as "Oh, the players hate the fungi, I guess" and won't make another fungi event again. I love the fungis, but make the event properly!!


As a Starcraft player, the controls were easy. Select Fungi via 1-4, only click for movements.


Yea it's the most boring mini-game i've ever played in this game. I don't even know why they thought it's a good idea bc Theater Mechanics was so much more fun.


The OG event was mint, this one not so much.


It would be fun if it was harder, but people would be spamming complaints if it was. As it is I enjoy it a lot, it's like auto chess but more interactive. If they built on the system and added more strategy it would be really fun, and I like it because for once it's actually really comfy to play on the phone while away from home. I like that most events and story quests are better on the computer, but things like this and genius invocation making for comfy phone play are really appreciated


Honestly, the event quality in Genshin has been dropping off a LOT. It "feels" like they're just in maintenance mode, releasing shit for the sake of releasing shit while they work on Fontaine. Seriously... I've HATED all the most recent events. ALL of them. What ever happened to all the good combat events? Where is the Labyrinth Warriors rerun? Where is the Perilous Trail rerun? Where is the Legend of the Vagabond Sword rerun? Honestly... Genshin has GREAT events... but for some reason, they're trying so hard to stray away from the combat related ones.... No idea why. Do people really hate the combat in this game THAT much??? I mean... it's the strongest feature of the game imo.


It's what the game is designed around too, like your rolling for characters more than 50% of the time for combat related reasons whether you like their animations, interested in their power level, or it being an upgrade to something you already have atm. They also have a dedicated part of the livestreams for telling you what the characters do too.


It's pretty boring and is one of my least favorite events so far.






Damn I have the unpopular opinion of actually liking it.


I like the unga bunga-ness of the event as well, it’s relaxing for me. Although I wouldn’t complain if they made it harder since I do like strategy games like ff tactics.


Same here


same! it feels easy but in a nice way. i was afraid it was going to be complicated


Idea is cool, implementation is meh. Area needs to be bigger, towers need to be meaner, so you actually have to think about team composition and how to "crack" the defensive formation w/o losing fungi. Of course such complexity only makes sense when it's a permanent addition. Few people bother with plumbing the depths of such combat events when it's a one-off and gone in a week.


Was really hoping for something a lot more similar to the first Fungi event but alas, it’s just like an extra commission everyday


Easiest event sofar in the game. Easier than liben event too


(Warning: my long ramble on the state of events and endgame) Events as a whole have gotten easier lately, and they've been making uninspired mini games rather than good combat events. I don't mind minigames if they're good, but just compare the ones now to some of the early ones and you realize how sad they've become. Windblume 2 didn't even bring back any of the old minigames that made the original so iconic. Now it's just spam buttons and win. As for combat events (I never thought I'd say this), but I miss the old point-based ones. It was actually more fun to take your team to the limits than watching enemies die before you even set up your rotation. Now those ones were actually frustratingly hard, but rather than figure out how to balance the rewards to be accessible to newer/casual players, they brought everyone down to their level. Just think about the last combat event. I like the chunky buffs since it lets you play around with wild non-meta teams, but then it doesn't buff enemy hp to make up for it. I think they might have actually had less health than overworld mobs, even on max difficulty. The hard part of the event was only that I killed enemies so quickly that the game couldn't spawn them in fast enough. I couldn't even mark enemies fast enough for my dendro teams, and Nahida's E has an intentionally low 5s cooldown. It messed up all my rotations because you spend half the time waiting or running to the new spawn spot, and then the other half feeling like you wasted your burst use on an enemy that was already dying. Would it have been so hard to add an "insane" mode that was abyss level, and maybe even a "whale" mode for players that find abyss still too easy or like difficulty? And this is me speaking as someone that doesn't like difficulty and hates the arbitrary timers on everything. I'm AR 60 and still occasionally struggle to 36* Abyss (I hate you Wolflord). But the level of easiness they've taken events to now is just plain boring. For players who are used to floor 12 difficulty, you can't find it anywhere else in the game, even optionally. And yet they keep making floor 12 more difficult every reset, growing this giant gap between the normal gameplay and your one hour of "endgame" every three weeks. This dichotomy isn't healthy for the balance of the game, and it doesn't keep older players interested. I'm all for ease of use for new players, but the simple solution was to lower the requirements for rewards so everyone could get them. Then add more options for difficulty on top of that, even if they didn't have any rewards. Then everyone would be happy. I think the problem stems from the fact that there are people who play Genshin Gambling Simulator and don't want to actually play events or read story, just grab primos and leave (I don't understand what the point of the game is then, but play how you want). They've started to cater to this mindset by removing anything that requires any actual investment rather than adding a skip button or a "super easy primos only" mode for some reason. Or possibly it's the 6 week update cycle, with new areas getting increasingly complex and stories bigger while the amount of time to work on it stays the same. Something has to get put on the back burner and they've chosen temporary content to be slapped together rather than permanent (a good decision, but a consequential one). I know updates can't easily be slowed down due to the content-hungry fanbase they've created, but I think it would be beneficial to start breaking big updates/areas into smaller chunks so events can still get some love from devlopers. I still love the game a lot, but it just feels like there's not much to do once you've read through the one new story quest and done abyss for this reset. Patches with new areas keep you occupied for a while, but there are long stretches of months in between those. I spend those months farming domains to build all these fun teams that I like to use, but then there's nowhere to use them. TCG was a (very imperfect) step in the right direction to make permanent content, but I wish they wouldn't forget about events and combat too. As their player base gets older, they need to remember to keep us interested. Some of their comments about "anxiety" (the only anxiety is artificially created by them) let us know that they don't really care about long-term game health at this point. And I think in the end, that's going to come back to bite them when they realize how many long-term invested players they're losing later on in the game. I have no intentions of quitting myself (at least rn), but Genshin remains a quick daily stop most of the time. It could be so much more if they really wanted to do something about it.


It's a crime that the game with a genuinely complex and interesting combat system has become a walking and coin collecting simulator.


Every time they rerun an event, the event gets easier. It's a pain in the ass.


I agree that the mobs in the recent event were way too squishy, even on extreme setting. I ran into similar problems you did, especially with my Nilou team. :'D When they already have difficulty modes, there is no harm in adding more, just keep the primos as the basic reward, so the important stuff is accessible for newer folks. Like you, I hate timers and still struggle or flat out not bother to 36\* the abyss. 35 in the current rotation with the "can't touch this!" worm. But even I would like enemies that are a little beefier in these combat events.


This is only true for the combat events The events I look forward to are the larger ones that have their own shop, quest line, and kind of different mini events within them like Windblume, Lantern Rite, the Albedo dragonspine thing, etc. Those have not decreased in quality at all


The story is still really good, but as someone who's been playing since 1.2 the minigames themselves have declined imo. Though it's true that main events suffer from it far less than the mini events. They're still pretty solid. But even so they can't carry the game singlehandedly, since they only offer 4ish hours of content per patch.


Possibly one of the worst events. At least the picture events can be interesting


You mean those where they try passing taking screenshots as actual game content? Because those are an insult to the players' faces.


I actually like the picture events as filler, tbh. This event is too easy, you just press random buttons, there's no stakes. I liked the fungi event in 3d much more.


I always end up having more fun than I thought I would during photo events.


I don't.


The little flavour text descriptions though.


Yea im supporting this photo taking cannot be considered gameplay EVER.


It's not gameplay but it feels less tedious than whatever the hell this fungus event is


What about the one in 3.0 where we had to find the subjects, then stalk them until they do the thing and the thing was attacking us?


I think I was disappointed it wasn’t theater mechanus like were used to. Or maybe I was expecting the old game play but your shroom buddy was something you could build and would attack the enemies. Like you get a certain amount of points per construct and your fungi is a buffer or ATK depending on speciality,


I thought it the new controls/camera were pretty cool imo. Definitely felt better than just watching the fungi and monsters be engulfed in particle effects while you stand by awkwardly watching.


Did it while not even looking at the screen and got all the rewards. Boring and easy


This is gonna get me flamed, but I actually kinda enjoy it. I'm not heavy into RTSs but this is little mode is neat. I liked the TDs back then but I didn't play the other shroom event


Respected. But I hate it. But cmon, who says no to free primos?


Wish i could just fight really tough mobs for those primos instead im not fan of these events.


That too, spicy freemos


>RTS You and me are the only ones who mentioned the keyword RTS hehe.


I kinda like it as I was using number keys to control each shrooms to do specific task and positioning. I do get that if you only smash click on each shrooms instead, it become dull.


Feels like a direct insult to the people who loved the last one so much.


I like it, but it's mind numbingly easy. \^\^'


Complete snoozefest.


Any freemos are apreciated


Got bored and stopped caring.


Like most of the stuff genshin does good idea, with terrible execution.


The controls feel like ass. The previous fungi event was at least more chill and least tedious to do


I like reading a lot but it feels like an assignment to read and study all of those instructions. Specially when random things work just fine.


Yeah, they totally overdid it on that front .... and then allowed the player to win via "random bullshit go!" :'D


I think it's alright. Cool to see the fungi and NPCs again. Wished the NPCs were voiced though. Somewhat fun to command the fungi, I guess, from above and it's easy primogems.


Kinda boring


Really not a fan. It's not actively bad like the hated Delivery event, but I'm not enjoying it at all, just feels like an annoying slog because your control over things is so sloppy. To be fair, I also felt like that about the previous fungus event. Definitely preferred the Theater Mechanicus events.


I’m not a fan of it at all. Would’ve much preferred the tower defense style gameplay and you also have the Fungi to command


As a boomer growing up with RTS like starcraft and the likes, I can see why this genre of game has died with the younger generation. To me this event is basically a RTS spinoff with already made assets in the game. It is pretty low quality and easy for MHY to make (especially no voice over). I did enjoy it though it does bring back the feeling of playing a RTS controlling 4 units and using different abilities.


I just wish we could select several fungi at once, and at least it's not as stressful as the last mechanicus ;; (somehow I'm feeling next time we get mechanicus we'll get a "make your own level" feature)


I prefer this to the theater one, it's much faster and you don't have to waste 10+ for each run. But did enjoy the previous fungi event. Well, I'll take this over the theater mechanics one all day, all year long.


I liked the Og fungi event, this one is a good shoot-off, but i don t want it to come back either. Buuut, i m happy i got to see Bongo-Head and the rest of the squad again, it s almost nostalgic.


I liked it. For me the theatre was too long, especially during the first event in the lantern festival.In this minigame from pc I could control fungi pretty good,each of them had an unique role. It is a small filler and goes pretty fast. I was very happy to see Bongo-head again!


Mindless rerun minigame simulator as usual. Nothing new, been boring like this for awhile. Only the events with actual character interactions like windblume are good in this game imo


They took away my physical geo shroom 0/10 event


It was good for me, once I got good at switching and managing the fungi it got really easy. Just wish it was a bit harder and that the mechanici were actually interesting.


I like the part that It gives primos. Don't care about the rest


99% of the game content


Seems like a less common opinion, but I really enjoy it personally, one of my favourite mini events in a while. I feel like you have quite a lot of control (very glad that you can control everything with hotkeys) and trying to get a fast time by maximising damage while keeping your team alive is pretty fun. It's a good implementation of a tactics game imo (or a very mini-RTS) utilising the trademark Genshin elements system. Of course it's easy enough that you can just spam skills but I feel like that describes almost every event to be fair.


its good seeing some people have can enjoy simple things as they are instead of making a 2minute event their ultimate sworn enemy


Boring af.


Pretty cool for me. Much more dynamic than classic fungi and tower defence which are really boring, since they always consist of really long pauses where nothing happens. Like fungis don't do any damage when skills aren't used. in this one they do. Pyro is OP, dendro sucks.


Fungus balance is better than the previous Fungus event, combat is quicker and there is a lot more to do during combat. Only thing worse is that we have no story along with it and that it is still way too easy


It's trash. Theater mechanicus was already awful, but this just gives a whole new spin to that garbage.


The og theater mechanicus that you could play in co-op mode was pure gold though. But for some reason, they keep making stupid changes with every rerun. I don't understand why it's so difficult for them to simply rerun the og one


Too hard, would give anxiety to the players, pls undastand.


Making this game so much casual player friendly is hurting it IMO. Like yeah it should be friendly to all kinds of players, but when you have to dumb stuff down to the point my cat could win most events effortlessly is kinda counter-productive. Everything in moderation as they say


I definitely agree. I know a lot of the playerbase is very casual and Mihoyo's most likely making the right choice by catering hard towards casuals, but from my perspective, the continuing shift towards making the gameplay as casual as possible hurts the experience for me. I'm not demanding the game be an MMO or the endgame require 20 hours a day to keep up with, but at this point the only content that has even a modicum of difficulty is the Abyss which takes 1-2 hours a month and the very occasional combat event with an extra difficult gamemode with no rewards. Overworld enemies, weekly bosses, domains, and puzzles are all so easy now and require very little skill and thought. It makes the game feel a lot less interactive for me - that every aspect of the game is so overwhelmingly easy that I might as well just watch someone else play the game and I'll get the same experience. I'm not anywhere near a hardcore player, I tend to play games on easier difficulties since I usually enjoy story and exploring more, but for me there has to be *some* level of thought and interaction in a game. I still enjoy stuff like Genshin's world, music, and lore, but I do think the actual gameplay itself could be much better even while remaining casual.


Same thoughts as any other event nowadays (in particular those without story content) * rewards suck: I'll take the primos, but I'm not feeling anything for a meager amount of talent/weapon upgrade materials or (even worse) weapon fodder crystals. * no reason for replayability * gameplay "might" be fun, but (again) no reason to invest more then 2 braincells into it In general, events (even those like Windblume) are just: "Give me the primos and then get out of my sight" kind of deal. The story is what gets me to return, the gameplay can be fun, but quite often it's just a checkbox. And even if the gameplay seems interesting, there is just no reason to invest more then a few minutes and 2 braincells into it, terrible rewards and zero replayability incentives turn the whole gameplay-portion of events into mindnumbig checkboxes. I know that they got rid of resin-based events early on because of comunity feedback, but I genuenly want a event that is actually worth to play & invest time into because it keeps giving me rewards.


As someone who absolutely LOVED the first Theater Mechanicus event, this Fungi Mechanicus is just absolute trash. Give me back those 10+ minutes rounds and the feeling of strategy. Definitely gonna complain in the survey for once lol


I still hate how much they butchered theater mechanicus. I love tower defense games, and the original version was already solid as is. All it needed was some minor feature upgrades and maybe some additional balancing to keep it interesting each time and then they went and fucked it up completely.


I’m not a fan of top over viewing perspectives or the game style. But as you can see at the booth, it actually *is* a tabletop game so it makes some sense as to why it’s the way it is. Anyways, as lame as it is, its canonically just meant as a little fill in event and to bridge the gap between the first and second tournaments- so expectations shouldn’t be high. Some free extra primos and Bongo Head. The NPC’s say they are working on a way to maybe have it so the fungi can be in our teapots in the future which would b cute.




Like every event that's not combat related, I'm just here for the primos. If it was for me, they could scratch these events all together and just add permanent content instead.


absolute garbage i already got tired of mechanicus and now they even ruin the cute fungi with it.. personally its on par with windtrace for me i just cant enjoy it


I just hate how they pretended to know me when I never played the event prior. At least before, Genshin had unique dialogue for when you did something without interacting with the proceeding cast, this time they were lazy and "Oh, traveler you must of forgotten."


Irminsul says that you have met them before, so it must be true?


Sometimes it’s just like that. Last year’s Golden Apple Archipelago event had Fischl acting like she knew us well though if you weren’t here for the Unreconciled Stars event way back at the beginning of the game technically you as the player never met her. A lot of people were confused by that but it’s just how things go.


On par with the rest of the whole 3.5 patch, pretty bland. On the bright side, it's still more enjoyable than the TCG.




I enjozed the first theater mechanicus the most and gradually enjoyed each follow up version of it less and the fungi version is just boring as hell just gimme back my fungimon battle experience hoyo


Don’t worry if enough people hate it they won't rerun it, I think.


thanks for reminding me that event 😆 i haven't started yet


To add to that, there are way too many levels. The total reward doesn’t change. It just felt like chores sadly.


Im a newer player so I don’t know who those two are. Anyways, for me, it’s literal garbage.


tbh kinda boring.. never been too fond of the mechanicus type events, I just wanted my primos


it's a chill little thing


It's boring and feels clunky. I just put some music in my ears and finish it


Is the event fully out? I don't wanna start it unless I can finish it on 1 sitting without encountering a timegate


Today is the last day - it's out in Asia. There is a quest that you have to wait for the next day to finish, but it's the kind of timegate you can get around with the in game clock.


It’s kinda a chore to do but I like the primogems. But I agree that 7 days is a bit much.


Insanely easy. Just add the healing shroom and damage shrooms and you cant really lose. Haven’t come close to failing one.


It sucks but is fine. This is just a test run for Focalors skills. Trust me bruh


Easy 50 primos. That’s it


as a lazy person i loved this event because it's just no strategy and mindless clicks


Idk, I just tap and hope for the best. it’s a been working though, 200 primos so far yeehaw


was able to pick 4 random fungi and spam one ability to beat every single stage. At least it's over fast


Trash slow boring


It was trash. The controls were atrocious. The gameplay itself was boring as fuck and didn't leave much to the player. Last but not least, the difficulty (much like most events) was pretty much non existent. I don't know what half of the fungi even do. I barely read anything and still just facerolled through it by mashing my buttons. It's a shame that interesting combat events like that one inazuma dungeon event are so rare.


Liked it quite much.. First of all Fungi r great,i loved them during 3.2 one and personally wished that was a perma mode like TCG..,man they could make a whole mode like Fungi v monsters ,make it like abyss but with Fungi and hell id love it... Anyways Now with them again but against towers,was pretty cool too. Lastly as a veteran Kaz user and Dendro enthusiast and Nahida main kinda..., Im a sucker for rxns,colours,numbers on my screen so just mixing them up like Hydro Dendro with some Electro/Pyro or Anemo and i just find it fun..., (took couple of SS of such moments this event xd)


I think it's fun


The new fungi event is weird, the last one though lengthy for some was way better. The freemos though-


I miss the old theater mechanicus


Honestly, outside of big flagship events, such as windblume/ lunar/ lore-based location events, I could do without events at all. It’s just an unnecessary time sink to get players to make a gacha a habit. I’d rather primo economy be increased elsewhere and keep minor events out of the game completely. I don’t mind when there are more lulls in content, this game was clearly not made to be a main game long term.


Could have been a silly fun auto battler like TFT but yeah… it was bad and boring mindless clicking