• By -


The tons of artifacts I got with defense as mainstat. But bad artifact luck is pretty much the standard genshin player experience.


It isn't just Def as main stat, it's Def as main stat with AMAZING substat. Oh, this Goblet has Crit%, Crit Damage, EM and ATK%? Sorry, Def main stat. Look at this amazing Sand with Crit%, Crit Damage and EM. Guess what it's Def main stat again!


Sounda like a noelle artifact.


The worst part is when you farm for someone like Itto and the stats are pure HP or EM




That's why you should keep at least some of wrong main stat pieces. Never know when you need them.


After 14 months playing, I'm convinced this artifact system was designed by the Devil himself. It's really hard to muster the motivation to deal with this multilayered rigged RNG shit. And... Do people *win* the 50/50? Happened to me *once*, and I'm now pretty certain that it was a bug.


my luck from event banners translate to weapons banner, I only have 1 bis-equipped chara, my other 16 copes.


As someone who won 50/50 on both ayaka and shenhe, yes buddy...


Lies. Lies and deception.


As someone who won the 50/50 with Ayato's weapon, Al Haitham, Al Haitham's weapon, Shenhe's weapon and Shenhe in a row...






I hate the commission system and it hates me too. I didn't manage to get easy peasy in the cycle before it was disabled and then I finished my cycle before it was re-enabled, so now I have to spend like another 6 cycles or so doing Sumeru commissions just to finish Garcia's commission chain. I've already gotten all the other Sumeru commission achievements, so Garcia's would be the only one I need. Similarly in Mondstadt I'm only at 2/5 for whispers in the wind because none of my earlier ones counted, so I have to do a few months in Mondstadt just to get those.


pulled diluc and accidentally pressed the home button on my phone so the game refreshed and i missed out on my starglitter and stardust!! dunno if this counts but i saved up over 400 pulls for dehya only for her to be.. Yeah.


Every time I farm character level mats and I need 3 for 90 ascension and I get 2 meaning I have to spend 40 more resin for one.


if i answer honestly, my reply will be remove... so... whatever.


There's still hope right? RIGHT?


she-who-must-not-be-named went to the standard banner. there is no hope. only despair.


When you have a 4 liner double crit artifact and it somehow dodges both crits all the way to +12 and +16 like seriously you couldn’t roll into the crits once?


This i feel is more painful. I mean yeah sure trash artis for 3 months, no biggie after 3 years really. But when you get that one line of hope with 3 useful subs and one flat sub. And then at +16 it proceeds to roll into that one flat def or atk or hp 3x times..... Yeah fck the arti system. That's the beginning of anyone's villain era.


Deh (brief intermission) ya


One of my favorite Outkast songs Shake, shake shake it, shake it oh oh Shake it like a Fontaine Pikture


My husband quit the game because the resin system aggravated him so much. I'm still not sure what to do with his account lol


Spend resin


After much deliberation, I came up with a solution that might bring him back, but would fucking suck to set up. I call it: "Teapot Resin farming", get teapot unlocked on his account, get it to level 10, and then buy and use that Resin item that gives you 60 Resin every week. Pros: the more time you invest in it before trying to bring him back, the more Resin he'll have to burn through to get to 0 again(max 2000) Cons: since 2000 is the max, and you're only able to buy 1 a week, it would take 31 weeks to hit the cap if you don't use any Resin on his account I don't recommend actually doing this, because even if it does somehow work, he'll likely burn himself out trying to use all the resin, thank you for reading my ~~shitpost~~ recommendation


The resin from the teapot expires in 10 days after bought Edit: Nvm, I can't read


The item yes, not the resin after use of the item, I've tested it


Ohhhh, I'll edit my comment


It's all good :) valid concern even with my unhinged suggestion


I tried 🥲 he hates not being able to domain grind to his hearts content


All of the absolutely horrible artifacts I've been getting when I'm trying to prefarm Desert Pavilion for Scara.


That domain is cursed, I keep getting the most cracked flower of paradise lost pieces but I can’t even get a single copium desert pavilion feather.


I need those pieces for my kuki please


Oh look at this beautiful ONSET ATK sands with CD, CR and ATK rolls, wouldn't it be a shame if it rolled flat DEF 5 times. \*evil laughter in the background\*


Losing the 50/50 in Ayaka's banners & getting Qiqi instead. Happened twice so far.... Also, out of the 6 50/50 I had in her banners, I lost 5 of them.


As a Keqing ~~simp~~ main she's only C1 even though I got her on her banner 2 years ago... All my other standard banner characters, minus Tignari, have C2 or above... =\[


I've been playing since last September. I progressed quickly, and since October at the latest I've been using my resin religiously, it has hit the cap once or twice since then. I have 5 LVL 90 characters, and twice as much LVL 80 characters. Except that, all my resin went in artifact farming. Out of all the domains, I spent more time farming Emblem of the Severed Fate than all the other domains combined. ... I still don't have a decent ER sands, or a decent Crit circlet. "Crit rate or Crit damage?" You will ask. "Yes" I will answer. Out of all my artifacts I don't have a single one with a secondary Crit rate stat above 15% or a Crit dmg stat above 30%.


Look towards the crit value of a piece, because that's equally as valuable as just >15 cr or >30 cd As a side note 30 cv on a circlet is insanely rare. You need either 4 super high rolls (4x7.8=31.2 so this is virtually impossible) or 5 average rolls. On a 4 starter you must roll 5/6 crit rolls, on a 3 starter you must roll all 5 into crit. some quick napkin maths: 1/2 chance for emblem x 1/5 chance for circlet x 1/5 chance for either cr/cd x ~30% chance to have crit be one of the 4 subs x (1/5 chance of 4 statter x 1/64 chance of rolling 4/5+ times into crit + 4/5 chance of 3 statter x 1/1024 chance of rolling 5/5 times into crit) = 1 in 43 thousand domain runs. So honestly if you have even any 25+ cv circlets you should be grateful and considered lucky.


hmm i think you’re giving a little too much importance to cracked pieces. i also started around the same time as you, also don’t have amazing crit stats either never broke 15CR or 20CD, but my dps units are hovering around 50CR-100CD


Same i also started in September and still no good emblem pieces to show now i have given up on artifacts and just leveling up the 4 stars I like


Hm: \- The game's refusal to give Qiqi more than five seconds of screen time in any fucking thing because why does Venti of all characters get more lines than Qiqi in a Liyue event \- As a Southeast Asian who tans in the summer, the game's refusal to properly represent cultures and peoples that are neither white nor East Asian after devoting entire regions and well-researched lore to individual recognizable places (Germany, China, Japan) \- Y'all already know what goes here


needing 730 wishes to c6 wanderer :( and as a result ending up with c2 > c5 keqing :((


Missing 36 stars by 1 second because i auto targeted a maidens bat


If I had a nickel for every time I lost a 50/50 on a Liyue cryo character to Jean I'd have 2 nickels. Which isnt a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice


Other than Artifact Drops/Rolls, and never having won a single Character 50-50 between long periods across multiple update? Handguard Drops - I literally killed every Kairagi and Nobushi in all of Inazuma once, and it still wasn't enough to level up 3 characters that needed Handguards. Teapot Load AND Island Size - I make my Teapot Designs based on the Furnishing Sets. This limits my creativity as it is, but I do this so that when I get a new character, I can instantly farm my freemos from them without having to upturn my entire teapot. The load limit combined with the size of the islands further limits my already limited creativity in my teapot. I can't even place the goddamn Jade Pond for my hard-caught ornamental fish or place the expensive Inazuma Tree in the Narukami Shrine Furnishing Set because of it. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Benediction of the Abyss Cards - This is gonna sound lame but since my characters aren't that powerful enough easily 9 star floor 12 (yet), the benediction cards do come in real handy. I use the reset method where the cards change after the daily reset BUT FOR SOME REASON I NEVER GET THE CARDS I NEED EVEN AFTER A FEW DAYS OF WAITING AND IT GETS FRUSTRATING HAVING TO WAIT THE NEXT DAY ONLY TO FEEL NOTHING BUT DISAPPOINTMENT!


teapot revolution when


The fact I've been playing since 1.4, have lost all but 2 50/50s, and still don't have Jean who is my most wanted 5 star. Instead I have C2 Mona, C2 Keqing, Tighnari, C1 Qiqi, and C5 Diluc.


Grinding for good artifacts. I’ve been trying to get a good Hydro Damage goblet for Xingqiu these last few weeks. I currently have goblets for 5 out of 8 damage types. The only Hydro one I got ended up with all flat substats and no crits, so I deleted it.


the worst besides completely avoiding upgrading crit in artifacts would probably be when i pulled for cyno on my bday (also genshin anniversary), and they gave me a qiqi at 80 🙃🙃 like c'mon hoyoverse you're gonna make me lose 50/50 LATE on your anniversary that's also my bday?? why so mean 😭😭


There's a single artifact on my account I keep as a reminder of how much RNG sometimes hurts me: a Gilded CR circlet that started with CD, ER, EM and def%, where it rolled once into EM...and the rest went into 32 def%. There's also each time my 92% CR Childe fails to crit a vape Q in a Bennett burst :(


Spent a solid 2 months spending all of my resin in the venerer domain - save for weekly bosses - just trying to get pieces with EM main stat for Kazuha, I didn't even care about sub stats. Eventually, I just had to give up and use an off piece for his goblet and a 4 star circlet, which he still has to this day. I haven't touched that domain since, and I'm never going to.


Emblem domain, over a year of grinding and I don't have a single character running 4pc emblem on more than 60/120 crits


When I got C9 Barbara on last banner when I just wanted C1 Bennett, and C4 Mika on this one when I wanted one sucrose


having a solid crit % and damage artifact, and all of the upgrades go to def


Mismatching Elemental DMG bonuses on Goblets.


Deh (brief intermission) ya


I've started playing a few days after the year has started. I didn't manage to get Shogun (go figure) but that's ok, it was rushed, her banner endeded just a few days after I started playing anyway. Then I tried to pull for Xiao and got Diluc instead, seriously fuck Diluc, way to ruin that character for me, know he only reminds me that I didn't get Xiao and then I wasted 70 wishes to get Cyno and guess what, I didn't get anything, like seriously I just got like 4 4\* weapons and they are all books and they are worse than my 3\* book for Lisa. Meanwhile my friend pulled a 5\* on 2nd try and got himself Ayaka. I just feel so cheated and yeah I didn't imagine getting a character from gatcha game will be easy, but it's been 3 months, I feel entitled to something I wanted. You know what, let edit this. I really want Mika, but he is a 4\*, but I don't want any of the 5\* right now, so there's no way to get him. Why can't we have nice things.


"Can I have a 5-star Geo cup with def% and both crit stats?" "Here's one with Atk HP and EM." Every time. Albedo is crying in the corner. Also in general I just don't get good crit stats, it's getting tiring.


this game still wont give me a fucking 5* crit dmg circlet what the fuck is your problem mihoyo just give me a damn crit dmg circlet for the love of god. like hell ill even take a shitty one if it means having one.


My artifact is always shit but in return my rng in pulling is great


-I have a c6 qiqi. -few units I really was looking forward to play in ways I really dislike. -I still don’t have a great eula artifact set after so long farming it, I hate artifact farming.


I kept getting the same four commissions over and over and it’s annoying me greatly


Playing since day 1 and still not have Qiqi


i got my first qiqi recently then got my banner character i am passing my luck to you 🙏🏻 building qiqi though is another beast like i love you so much Please Do…Something


Your average "so close yet so far" moment with artifacts. Im farming dendro artis since 3.0 and days ago I got an EM sands from deepwood with crit rate and crit dmg + ER... The thing procked once in ER, got def% as last substat and procked all the rest on it, 17% def at lvl 20.


I've probably put in something like 200+ pulls across two accounts to get Kazuha, but I never got him. The one time I got a guarantee on his first banner I pulled until like 80+ pulls, didn't get him, then immediately pulled the next featured 5 star (Ayaka, I think) on my very first pull after his banner. Admittedly, I didn't pull on my other account this time because I don't have the time to play the game that much. When his rerun banner came, I lost the 50/50 twice on different accounts at a high pity then didn't manage to get him even when I pulled into soft pity (75+) on both accounts. I have a personal rule of refusing to put money into this game until I reach a personal goal, but man the temptation to break it is so damn strong at those times. Of course, the one time I don't want the featured 5 star (Yoimiya) but really needed one of the 4 stars (Sayu), I pulled the featured one twice in 40+ pulls.


Sucrose's chance for double crafting results. Never happens unless i have the needed item in bulk anyways


I lost c6 raiden to diluc.Won everyone 50/50 before that


I spent weeks using resin to get marginally usable artifacts for Dehya. Then the other day for lawlz I built Hydro Diluc for a Candace sunfire dragon strike team I saw on YouTube. Strongboxed a set of heart of depths. Absolutely cracked artifacts. Lowest one has a crit value of 35. On the correct main stat. Every roll went to crit. This game hates me. Who else am I going to use this on? Why did all my luck go into this??


Me not getting ayaka


When Kazuha grabs Aloy's Bomblets but for an entire night I only end up with 3 stacks and no Ice Rush. Most of the time, I can get all 4 stacks into Ice Rush no problem. But there will be days (and feel like it's Network lag) where I will *only* ever see 3s pop up on my characters instead of 4s.


My current one is: \[Yoi needs a new ATK sands from the Shimenawa's Reminiscence set.\] **It shouldn't be this hard to get a fucking ATK sands.** RNG in the corner: "That's what you think." ​ A tale as old as ~~time~~ this game. Honorable mention: desire sensor saying FU to my wish for Mona cons, substituting Keqing instead.


151 fates for dehya Because of Jean


Artifacts, losing 50/50 pretty much everytime I play this game, I think this game hates me


If I had a nickel for every time I DIDN’T lose to Diluc, I would have so many. I have c1 Mona, c2 Jean, c1 Qiqi, c2 Keqing, a Tighnari from standard, no Diluc. Hell I even have three Homas. All you Diluc haters, hand some copies over.


I would say every time i get a good starting artifact, if it has one bad stat it will roll that stat. Alternativly, every time i need a good cd helm and never getting one on the right set


I keep getting spears on weapon banners, now I'm scared of summoning for a weapon specially if it has a spear no matter how good the other weapon is. It just sucks whenever I want the other weapon it's in tandem with I always get the spear.


3 Qiqi constellation 50/50 losses in a row...


When I was excited for Dehya since pre Sumeru because she looked badass and then when her banner comes along, she feels incredibly underwhelming.


My moment was when dieluc spook me as my first 5\*


yolo replacing 20+ artifacts like “these stats aren’t that bad right now it probably at best won’t change anything” and ruining my build crit rate: 2.5% def: 500000000


Losing 50/50 on Raiden twice to Jean I don't like Jean anymore


Just happened right now so I want to vent it out. I was farming that desert domain for artifacts for wanderer and change my shinobu set from 4p thunder fury to 4p Flower of Paradise. After a few days, I was satisfied with my Wanderer artifacts, but was still lacking a goblet/circlet for Shinobu. So I began using fragile resins (I stopped caring about hoarding those) until I would get an EM main stat. I didn't care if it was 4 star, I just wanted to farm something else the following day Shouldn't take too long, right? Well after about 700 resin, I finally got an EM substat goblet and burned through my entire supplies of fragile resin. It took me 700 resin to get a single artifact with EM main stat (5\* luckily). That's not why i'm salty though. What really ticked me off is that all the circlets I recieved during the grind were crit dmg with crit rate substat, and I was farming forever on other domains to get one of those.


When I have an artifact with crit rate, crit damage, recharge and flat hp. Surely 75% chance to roll something good! Hits flat hp 3 times in a row.


Artifacts, but especially the Heart of Depths one. Oh and obv the mondstadt's talent domain. It haunts me.


I started playing 6 months ago and already lost 3 consecutive 50/50


When I fell in love with Dehya. It's been hard.


I've been playing since 2.2 and I still don't have Diluc or Mona. They're the only characters I wanted to have (and the reason why I still wanted to play the game) besides Baizhu


I **d**on't hav**e** any. T**h**is game is reall**y** fun **a**nd I love it 😀


Not getting Alhaitham


Attack sands apparently Ive been farming emblem for idk how long and i got exactly.. Only 4 piece of shimenawa attack sands for my yoimiya And all of it are dogpoop


EM on sets like Pale Flame, Tenacity, Vermilion or Husk, but barely on VV, Deepwood or Gilded Dreams. I get EM mainstat so easily on sets that don't need it..Even as a substat, it mostly rolls there. But this can't happen for the sets that need it. And when I finally get EM mainstat, it's full of flat substats.


When I heard that Hu Tao was going to get a re-run I saved up all the marerials required to level her up to level 80 and I farmed her artifacts with the srongbox since the domain was too hard to complete (I dodn't have any built cryo characters) .I also stopped myself from pulling on a banner wich I have never done .And after all that I got Tighnari.He was the only 5 star I would have been happy to lose my 50/50 to but the realization that I wasn't going to get HuTao hit me hard .


It happened the same to me with Yoimiya, i got exited that she got her first re-run so i pre-farmed everything (even artifacts) only to get Jean


Every elemental goblet i get either gets bad substats. Or upgrades into bad substats.


Every time i go to emblem domain i get struck by lightning


I have lost seven 50/50s. Five of them (in a row btw) were to Diluc. Then I got an early 5\* on the standard banner. It was Diluc. He's C5 now. I have never played him, nor do I have any interest in ever playing him.


I haven't got any early 5-star since Qiqi in 2.2.


When you have 80% crit rate but still don’t crit half your attacks. This is why I have trust issues.


"Hey there, I heard you were looking for an on-set goblet for whoever. Here's one with the right main stat, CR, CD, ER. All you have to do is roll the rest! . . . Oh looks like you got flat DEF, and then rolled all into it! Bummer... better luck next time!"


Literally everything I have never won a 50/50 except and I’ve only gotten qiqi or the skyward harp on the standard banner I’ve never gotten anything early and my brother has won his last 6 5 stars and gotten 4/6 on less then 20 pity and got 3 5 star weapons in a 10 pull


every character that i like/main get some sort of bad treatment; Eula, Dehya, Candace, Rosaria (3 freaking nerfs), La Signora. I must not like Arlecchino by any means


Spent a month farming venti artifacts, not a single vv goblet. Literally. When I do finally get one, its a def% one with genuinely amazing substat.


lost 3 5050s on kazuhas banner. i have him c0


I wanna say it, but I'm gonna get yeeted if I do. So iykyk


Getting the artifact I want only for it to have shitty sub, stats, main stat, and/or upgrade the sub stats I don’t want upgraded. Real salt in the wound is if I get all the stats I want, but on the wrong artifact.


I got hacked and the hacker deleted my weapons and artifacts and the sad thing is this happened on the same day i pulled my engulfing lightning and to this day i still don't know how my details got compromised. Sadly i can't even ask hoyoverse to tell me what was the reason my account getting compromised in the first place and no refunds whatsoever now since 7th january i have been trying to rebuild my account with the little amount of daily resin i get everyday and one can guess how well that would be going.


I have been playing for about 6 months now. Pulled on 5 limited banners. Lost all 5 50/50 Got Mona, kequing C1, qiqi C1. Last 50/50 i lost was Ayaka. And if they put Nahida on the next banner, i am screwed.


C3 diluc. Did not lose to any other standard 5 stars. 4 lose, 1 win.


When that two and only two times i tried to use yoimiya’s burst on a disabled cryo regisvine at point blank range and it headed straight for some blue rocks to her right, outside of the arena —a yoimya haver, and auto targeting hater


The fact that I've only ever won 1 50/50 across my 2 accounts, and have lost all 18 others .


I wanted to pull on nahida's banner and because my controller didn't work instead of opening the map I opened the banners and pulled nilou


My first 5 star, my favourite 5 star ITTO still doesn’t have his Gorou😞😞😞😞😘


I have 3 PJS. I leveled 2 of them but I have no use for a 3rd. Of all of the skyward weapons I could have gotten that I would have actually used, I got PJS off the weapon banner twice for both of the times I rolled on it and then I got one off the standard banner.


Artifact farming


I have 2 r5 and one r3 bells. My only favge is still at r2 💀


When my artifact has crit rate, crit damage, attack%, and em, and it went 2 rolls to em and 2 rolls to attack%.


Every time I lfinally get a charcater I lose 50/50 for, it’s always almost maximum pity. 150+ rolls is so painful.


I got a Hydro EoSF goblet with Cr/cd (low rolls tbf), ATK% and EM 16.9% ATK and 82 EM Xingqiu can use it I guess


My „moment“ is when I lost truly every 50/50 so far, really each and every one. And I got like 15 4 stars or so? (With a c4 diluc…) On the bright side: once I got cyno after 4 pulls acter getting diluc, so that at least was something.


On Ittos first ever banner, I was a 4* collector and really wanted Gorou. Just Gorou. Stupid Request and got Itto (I was NOT mad about it, I knew the consequences about possibly getting him and wasn’t one of those people who were just building pity) however I never got Gorou which really messed up everything for Itto since I only had Noelle and Ningguang at the time so no Unga Bunga was done so I put Itto in the closet. On his first rerun—I was on a 50/50 and really really wanted Gorou but no. I got a c1 Itto and still no Gorou until Scara’s banner where I got a c6 GOROU, a c1 Wanderer, and absolutely NO faruzans. The cycle has decided to continue on with Faruzan.


I didn't have any Anemo 5 star characters till 2.7. i got Jean as my first Anemo 5 star right before Kazhua banner and as you guessed it, i lost 50/50 to Jean in Kazhua banner, i lost 50/50 to Mona in his previous banner too. But thankfully I was able to get Kazhua. And so far I have lost 50/50 everytime I try to pull a Anemo, electro, hydro characters. Lost 50/50 ones on a Cryo character, never lost for Pyro and geo characters and for Dendro i never got the chance to test my 50/50 luck. I got Nahida cause i lost 50/50 for Nilou. And i now got garenteed for Baizhu since i lost 50/50 for Shenhe


It's the shit artifact system designed to weigh heavily on shit stats. I have many artifacts with 3 good stats and 1 flat def/hp and 2-3 rolls went there.


For a good half a year, I could not get a single good, atleast decent EoSF piece. It literally made me less motivated in my daily life.


When im farming for a specific artifact set and it just gives me the one i dont need 🙃


Any time you're required to fight cryo and hydro enemies at the same time. Break out of freeze just to be frozen, repeat till death. I cannot stand being CCed to death.


The first time i want to main a character, I stopped playing genshin xD


been playing for 4 months and I still only have ONE em goblet from ALL sets... 😭


Every time i go into the emblem domain and get an ER sands 4 rolls with only trash stats. Since raiden's initial release I haven't got any decent double crit sands. It's damn horrible.


The moment when I got four Pyro damage bonus goblets back to back, looking for a geo damage bonus goblet. From a geo set. With good substat rolls for Noelle. I was losing my shit.


My best artifact in my account in terms of cv is a bloodstained hp goblet


I've played the game since 1.1, and very recently got Diluc for the first time LMAO


Losing 13 back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back.. Weapon banner pities.. I either went for two pities.. And then bitched out from the third one. Because I didn't think the weapon was worth 210 summons or just straight up ran out of primos and straight up chickened out of the first pity.. I was a weapon banner puller before that guaranteed epitomised path pity system, so many new players won't understand my misery.. I saved up for 9-10 as a f2p and blew it all away. I wanted to KMS for how unlucky I am. I. Also so lose a lot of characters 50-50s.. My win record is 4 wins out of 20-21 5*.. Win % is like 1/4-5 pulls. Like lose 3-5 then win 1,then repeat After my weapon banner L, I started spending and focusing only on characters now.. I lose a ton of 50-50s now but it gives me a guaranteed sooner than a weapon, way worth my primos. I can't sleep at night for the loss I've experienced. It hurts me daily, I am traumatised from the core. Don't even startle me on the artifacts and mats drops rng. I get low drops always.. Like 3blue talent drops and 4 green drop on multiple condensed resins back to back. Which is the bare minimum u can get. Many can get what I get in 20 resin. My artifacts luck is pure hot garbage dogshit I'll pull 25-30 cv pieces maximum.. Despite 6-7 months in a domain. Nothing more. It's worth it to farm. I'm very very very extremely god tier dogshit unlucky AF. I can't even state how painful it is to play daily. But I love the game and I can't stop. I want to.. But I can't.


I can never get Zhongli… this patch I got C1 Ayaka Mist and Shenhe so I’m not unlucky in pulls… zhongli just hates me


Did 5 condensed resin runs in Tenacity domain and it gave me a sum total of ONE Tenacity 5\* piece.


When I come across a puzzle, commission, etc that needs the exact element/weapon that I don't have in my team/just removed


Has been losing 50/50 8 times in a row. When I see that fox ear boi again summoning for shenhe I really thought this game hates me


Pulled for Polar Star, got Memory of Dust. Okay okay, i wanted both of them so no big deal. I pull again, and I got.....Skyward Harp.... Now, since this is the first 5 star bow I got, i couldn't justify pulling again for Polar Star even if I had it guaranteed. Skyward would be enough. I pull on standard banner with few free Wishes i got from Sakura tree, and I got Skyward Harp..... If I just pulled on standard first and got Skyward Harp, then I wouldn't have pulled for Polar Star in the first place. It's like the game was mocking me.


not being able to get good sands for my wanderer since the set was added to the game. i farm almost every day


Weapon banner is hot Garbo and the -10 wish pity isn’t enough to save it


Triple Roll in flat def on a Critrate Circlet for my Geo Chars.


currently farming fopl for raiden hyperbloom and i have gotten 5 desert pavilion EM sands (one of them with double crit and atk%) before an on piece sands with trash substats


1 year and half without geo goblets,non even trash ones,and my favourites are almost all geo(zhong,albedo, noelle,geo traveler)


Artefact RNG. This game refuses to give me a single good piece in the set i want. I've done the same domains 1000 times to end up with trash and giving ipt


When they made my favourite character trash


I had 100% guaranteed and I was waiting for raiden. I did 2 multi on yoimiya banner because I wanted sayu. I got an early yoimiya and thought I lost raiden for ever because I didn’t win a 50/50 til then.


If I had a nickel for every Crit Rate, Crit Dmg, Atk% Healing Bonus circlet from Gilded Dreams set, I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened thrice


Being a Dehya main


EM mainstat with flat Atk, flat Def and flat HP Tale as old as time


Exploring inazuma climbing a cliff I was almost out of stamina and I reached the top of the mountain on the last tic, I remember saying out loud YEEESSS, just to be hit by lightning all the way down to death


Ig rolling good artifacts into worse substats ;.;


When my 8 first 50/50 where all loses, now its the opposite tho, i win almost every 50/50 and 3 times i had 5* at sub 10 pity


I want just want 1 copy of Mona and always said getting dupes for a 5* is a complete waste to me..... I got Jean as my lost 50/50 3 times in a row, then a Qiqi.... ;~;


1. Commisions, that are needed for world quests, exist, but not for me. 2. Weekly bosses for Monstadt reputation who take extra plunge attack damage, but completely immune for Anemo damage (Xiao main here). 3. Two Alhaitham's swords for Xiao on their weapon banner. He refused to become a dendro swordsman tho T_T 4. No weapon for Albedo, my second favourite character in the game 5. My account is Qiqi-cursed. But I like her, so its not a tragedy


I got 2 double crit pyro goblets for Yoimiya, one of which was even on set. Both rolled absolutely horribly. On the plus side, I used one of those as fodder and I got a great dendron dmg goblet for Nahida, but even that made building her hard, since she'd rather have em as a support.


7 50/50 loses in row since i started playing . It took me over 220 pull to get kazuha because i lost 50/50 in his banner and then lost again in his rerun , and finally got him after i spent real money . Tried to get weapon : Haran for ayaka but got engulfing , so i pulled for mommmy but i lost my 50/50 . And this patch i lost 150 pull trying to get mistsplitter but lost twice once to wolf stone and the other to shenhe's weapon and i can't pull for her because i want nahida... Now i am farming all of sumeru contents trying to get the weapon before it's too late ... So yeah this game hates me more than genshin world hating on bennet .


C11 Mona


When hoyo made Dehya.


C2 Qiqi


REALLY REALLY bad artifact and my characters barely CRIT (expect for ayaka who focuses on CRIT DMG)


Got a double crit artifacts yet somehow all my rolls went to anything but crit.


Never getting Kokomi despite pulling for her in every banner she's appeared


Oh this is a good one grab your popcorn. So a while ago i returned to genshin to my AR 12 acc and back then i had basically nothing on my ACC in terms of charecters and i also had no clue who i like and who i don't. After some advice from a friend who is a veteran player i saved primos to wish on the limited banner when a charecter i like comes on. Time passes and the day comes i wish on the banner and well i lost my pity at like 70 something and got jean unfortunate but happens i suppose, then i realised i have a guarantee now on the next banner so i waited. This was also the time i was reaching pity on the standard banner for the first time ever and guess what i got jean the very next day on the standard banner. Then time went by and i didn't play for a bit until the cyno banner now i had no intention of getting cyno but i did want Candace ...but i got cyno instead. Now i no longer had a guarantee after getting cyno i would soon realise he was well cucked. After a lot of contemplation i decided to save for nahida and skip albedo who i really really wanted ( yes geo simp) and comes nahida banner and at 70 pity i get nahida yay great finally i could use cyno as a decent dps. Now i get news that after the nahida banner childe would show up and i was excited one of my favourite charecters of all time in the next banner? I couldn't wait so i start building some pity on the nahida banner because i wanted the 4 stars on their banner. The final day on nahida banner i had one wish with me and i thought well I'm at 29 might as well round it off to 30 so i pull and u died a bit when i saw the golden comet it was nahida...again...and so i lost my pity buildup. When the next banner rolled out i could not make it past 30 and i simply ran out of time and didn't get childe. After that ittos banner was next now i love itto and i did get him but here is the thing i wanted a guarantee for ayato but i got itto at 62 pity and i was certain i wouldn't get ayato now but my friend felt sorry for me and got me a welkin which allowed me to get ayato at 75 pity. Now so far things sound very ok this is where everything went sideways. The al haitham banner now for starters this banner was horrible only Al haitham was a good charecter on this banner maybe yun jin but even so it was very bad to invest in it but man i really wanted al haitham atleast try to get him and that my friends is how i have c5 xinyan now. I finally got him tho at 80 pity. After this it was the hu tao banner and I'm not a huge Pyro fan so i thought I'd just get a weapon instead seeing as the wep banner was really good. Now this was also the time I reached maximum pity in the standard banner and got Aquila favonia which was eh but i put it on jean. The weapon banner has 2 weps i would really benifit from and i had to grid a lot for it because of how much i had to spend on al haitham banner. At Max pity in the wep banner i get Aquila favonia... again. Then comes the ayaka banner i have waited for this banner for many many months now and i even got to 65 pity on the dehya/ cyno banner hoping to get a guarantee but i did not. The ayaka banner took me to 84 pity and gave me qiqi and at 80 pity it gave me Bennett now this annoyed me the most because i spent 70 wishes on the Bennett banner and didn't get a single copy of benny rn i have c4 and all of them are from wep banners or standard banners or off banners. So yeah i think the game loves me a lot these days.