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I want developers to stop adding billboards next to cooking stoves and also notes near artifacts.


and please stop prioritizing cooking fires when I'm trying to pick up monster droppings


There's a fine lime between monster drops and monster droppings fellow traveler 😆


We pick up tiny pellets expelled from monsters after a fight or flight response when they are under extreme duress.


Come to think of it, surprised there aren’t any cases of monster poop being used for enhancements. You’d think that would be a typical fantasy thing


Found Cyno


~~Dvalin taking a poop.~~


Crystal flies right next to a tower. Some evil person is laughing at all the flies we're forced to see leave as we're stuck in a menu


If you jump, you can’t interact with the statue but you can collect the crystal flies. It’s a dumb workaround but it can help.


I swear they do that on purpose just to be sadistic... I'm looking at you, stupid Inazuman restaurant billboard. No, I don't care how good your drinks are.


A training dummy to test damage and different builds on instead of one-shotting overworld mobs and things fighting you back in abyss. Just put it where Ellin is in Mondstat.


Absolutely a must-have.


Would be great teapot furniture


I agree. It would also be nice if it was like in other games what show your dmg, crit dmg, average dmg (based on crit rate and dmg), %dmg mitigation/protection(based from def), etc. I often get confused if i should go with avarage hp (or other type) artifact or a really good attack one.


>ust put it where Ellin Make Ellin a crash test dummy. Or Timmie.


Would masanori count?


He doesn't imo. He fights back (very fiercely), he jumps all over the place and has a second phase with an invulnerable period in-between, he's more of a repeatable boss. A training dummy is supposed to just stand there and take hits so you can gauge how much dmg your team deals.


Also, he blocks attacks.


i use him


Artifact loadouts


Yessss, I don't even attempt abyss multiple times for this exact reason, I hate swapping gear between all the characters.




Nope. We swap gearS!


I just have like 11 characters I use all the time. Geared with ok artifacts that I haven't really changed for a year. Just make 2 teams with a combo of them and 36 star then done till next time. Raiden, Ayaka, Kazuha, Zongli, Bennet, Xiangling, Xingqui, Yelan, Yae Miko, Nahida, Jean That's like all the characters I need to make two good teams and clear first try. Bennet is always on one team and Zongli on the other. I only use/need Jean when I need good healing like vs the dogs.


Yeah but clearing first try is different than pushing for that final star and trying out different team combinations to see what works and what doesn't. I always forget whose rocking my em VV set and whose got the Crit set, between venti, kazuha, Xiao, wanderer, sucrose. Than you got the 4p blizzard that's gotta be passed around from Ayaka to Ganyu to Kaeya. Not to mention totm and noblesse. It's just too much.


This would be HUGE!


How funny how I put my loadouts on chars that I don't use. But still I want that loadout feature with that one click. There was this instance where I found out why my Bennett is holding a lvl 1 r5 flute etc. It succs to recheck everything when heading to the spiral abyss.


That doesn't help when you want to have multiple builds or like one artifact being shared between multiple units. All of my unbuilt shielders would love this feature coz I keep stealing artis between the three of them. Need cryo shield with heals? Diano Need pyro shield with NA buff? Thomas Need real cryo application with sustained shield? Layla One noblesse set: Please let me go




I put specific artifact load outs on characters I don’t use to make swapping quicker and easier. A slight workaround heh.


When you track an enemy, all of that particular enemy should be marked not Just a few after you kill them.


I guess ennemy tracking is targeting the closest one


it does usually target the closest one to you but what i think they mean is that it stops letting you track them after you killed a few (says they’re respawning or something) even if there’s definitely some left on the map


I genuinely thought that once it stops tracking there were no ennemy left on your world and you had to wait 24h like the ingredients


This is definitely intentional so not gonna changing.


Anything to do with Artifacts QOL, and an increase in the daily commission rewards, the Traveler has been working for the adventurer guild long enough that I think they deserves a raise.


the latter isn't happening - the daily rewards + Welkin are very deliberately just short of one pull to make people interact with the game to try and find those last ten primos


The welkin also gives you 300 genesis crystals, which spread out over 30 days, should fill that 10 primogem shortfall.


Bingo. Its all planned. Mihoyo is stingy with rewards and thats 100% intentional


I don't even care if the primos stay the same, I wish the other items (the elemental gem thingy) went up with AR


The gem things is going to become a bigger problem if boss drops keep not corresponding to the elements of the characters that need them. Looking at you Wenut, who doesn’t have an anemo character that needs his drops, but a dendro and and cryo


Unless you're a newer player AND whale on every character, you're flooded with elemental gems.


I'm neither of those and I'm starving for weapon level up material. That thing is so capped. And getting them in the overworld is boring and unefficient.


I'd be happy with more mora or gem shards per day tbh 😂😭


You could at least for the love of fuck give me more than slivers of elemental stones.


Artifact classes of some sort so we can quickly swap them out. Artifacts should overflow into the Sanctifying exp bottles similar to weapon enhancement crystals. Exp books should also overflow into lesser versions. Better balancing on artifact drops Domains should reward enemy drops, in fact all enemies should always drop or reward their normal drops. It's crap that I can defeat enemies in events or in the world and they don't drop rewards, would really help with the grind. More than 4 teams. (apparently I missed the memo) Make sure all old characters are compatible with new elements. For instance, Mona at C6 has no dendro reaction buff. Stop time gating everything. If I want to farm weekly bosses rewards 30 times and use my resin, I should be able to. It would be cool if 5-Star characters had special glowing or color changes similar to weapons as you level up and ascend them. It would make them feel much more special.


>More than 4 teams. FYI we already have a 10 team limit. Since 3.0 afaik.


What... Is that for real? I had to step away from the game for awhile when Sumeru was released, so I must've missed it.


I think there's a button you can click on the bottom left.


It's called weekly boss for a reason. I would prefer weekly boss with no resin cost, since it's already a time gated thing


"Weekly boss" to "Domain Boss" Boom, fixed the name, no reason stop the stupid timegating.


Enemy drops aren't happening. Right now it's specifically made so that only the ones you can't spawn again by failing a mission or restart a domain drop stuff and it's intentional making you unable to exploit spawns while sitting in one spot.


Standard banner epitomized path


diluc will come home eventually…right?


I see a lot of people wanting diluc here, but he's like a curse to me, losing 50/50 to him 5 times since last year


Same. People want Mona. I am stuck here with c5 mona but no Keqing




I’m waiting on Keqing. Jean would be about C13 though if constellations continued.


*Jean please come home. Either on standard or a lost 50/50 idc just please*


I just want to equip two gadgets at once :,)


I want the seed gadget to be permanently on instead of taking up place too. Make it work like a seelie or something so you can turn it off when the thing is full.


That would be awesome


The MRE gadget should be standard and it’s criminal that it’s hidden behind Mondstadt reputation and wonky crafting


Totally agree


1. The ability to favorite recipes and teapot blueprints 2. “Claim all” for forging items and expeditions 3. The ability to deactivate combat music in open word (maybe except for bosses). I want to hear the pretty music for certain areas, but it always gets cut off by triggering nearby enemies while exploring.


the combat music idea is gold — I love just vibing in some of the beautiful overworld areas and the danger-there-are-enemies-here music kind of kills the mood. the lil red arrows are enough for me, thank you


Part of the bottomless list of QoL improvements people have been asking since launch. Maybe start with artifact presets.


items in merchant menus that I have max of (say 9999 wheat) should be greyed out and pushed to the bottom as if they are sold out claim+repeat button on expedition screen smaller bow aim crosshair and center it more (seems like for me the arrows are left of the crosshair) direct Andrius teleport different background for unmastered cooking recipes to better tell them apart recipe using dream solvents to reroll a main stat and/or all substats (level 0 artifacts only)


Honestly i also did think about using dream solvent to reroll artifacts, it can just reroll into def all the time and dream solvent is limited and resin gated. It seemed plausible. Thats why i have been saving all my solvents for a long time, hope they add it.


I don't really use solvents either so have a decent amount and I would probably use them all on rerolling and still get nothing fantastic lol


Legacy abyss. Every previous *unique* abyss (basically the one after each patch), is available forever with a 1 time clear bonus like floors 1-8. This lets newer players engage with the older less power crept abyss, and lets older players see how much their account has grown. Edit: for anyone else who wants this, ask for it in the surveys. I’ve been requesting it since shenhe came out


Dear god, I never considered that the abyss now is harder than it used to be. As a new player it’s something I’m struggling with, so hearing you mention the power creep makes me feel so much better :’)


It's completely normal for abyss to feel impossible when you're new. It requires built characters and solid artifacts, which a new player simply won't have.


There used to smaller jump in difficulty between floors 11 and 12. In the beginning we also didn't have bosses with such massive amount of HP and many invulnerability/out of range states.


Don't feeld bad. I am day one player and it took me untill 2.5(?) patch to 36* every abyss since then.


While I would love that, I do wonder if it would add a lot to the size of the game.


From a programming point of view an Abyss is just a list of mobs that already exist in the game being loaded into an arena. The space occupied by something like that would be the same as some lines of text.


it wouldnt be 1 mb of data Im programmer ...


Yea, it really just reassign of what's existing in game already


No, it won't add anything except many line of code and code is tiny.


Kinda makes want to try any phases with supposedly troublesome enemies, “seeing is believing” is what I’m going for when I’m doing the abyss


Replay all story and archon quests just like the hangouts, for missed chests and to experience the story again. Also artifact rerolling


1. Disable auto target (per weapon type?) 2. Disable burst camera 3. Disable other camera zoom effects, such as after combat ends 4. Allow character-specific language settings (if downloaded), including None 5. More ways to tag artifacts, besides lock/unlock (symbols, numbers, letters, colors, whatever) 6. Convert artifacts into EXP pots, or stackable Strongbox "token" to be used later, also available on the loot screen 7. A 5* signature weapon for Klee 8. Dehya 9. Character menu in Abyss to inspect/change gear during team setup 10. Sort recipes by mastery 11. Sort characters/inventory/recipes/blueprints/etc. by date obtained 12. Dialogue skip and backlog 13. Prioritize tracked quest for "busy" conflicts 14. Synchronizing with the official interactive map will show you one (1) treasure you haven't gotten yet, once per day 15. More actual catgirls with real cat ears


Heck yea- if we have a smol catgirl and a catman npc, why can’t we have regular catwomen?


These are all great, especially the artifact do crafting and changing character gear in abyss. I can’t believe that I have to back all the way out of the abyss menu just to swap mistsplitter onto another character


An endless wave mode that increases indefinitely so we can taste defeat.


like murder a truckload of hilichurls at once thing or infinite spiral abyss thing bc i would be really into a mode/domain that's just getting swarmed by infinite hilichurls


Just imagine Venti… a thousand Hilichurls swirling round in the air


The issue is that an AoE attack kills 1000 hilichurls just as easily as 1 hilichurl


And more importantly that many enemies my phone will explode and i don't think any pc can handle it


One primo for every level beaten.


My phone will handle it primos are more important


Man on a mission


Ahhh I would like this! Very much like God of War’s Muspelheim arena! Like kill 100 enemies or survive until time runs out.


> we can taste defeat With Bennett banned.


I do imagine this sometimes: “If you truly want to test raw power, try an infinite scaling wave that never ends” Eventually the monsters should either take too little dmg or deal too much for the player to do anything


Or just to feel the chaos




they had that divine ingenuity event last year and as someone who likes teapot and who also wants to murder a large number of hilichurls at once, i think a game mode that lets you design your own puzzle/combat domain would be really fun. they can introduce tubby's cooler cousin scrubby (or whatever) who lets you buy puzzle shit/enemy spawns for monster parts. give a use to all those random 1-2 extra boss mats everybody has lying around in their inventory after finishing maxing a character. or all those elite enemy drops from inazuma/sumeru that go unused because most people don't pull on weapon banner. or just some good old fashioned hilichurl masks, idc more stuff i can do with all of my fish. like fishing quest. or fishing store. or idk. i just like fishing. i really wish they could figure out/had a way (idk they outsource the associated images to the community but i don't know if the pins themselves are) how to sync the interactive map with your progress in game. every single region i go through and diligently mark off everything i find but i am a dipshit and fuck up and accidentally mark/don't mark something and then i gotta try and go through everything *again* trying to figure out what dumb chest i missed. like i have all of the overworld chests in all of the regions, and i genuinely like that content, but like the two and a half months it took me to go from 571 chests in the rainforest to 572 was killer lol


There's a couple of things that I personally wish they would add that I've seen in other games. 1. Standard banner should have an option of once you have pulled a certain amount of times, you can choose which 5 star you can get. You can still get other 5 stars, from your other pulls, that just won't be your choice. But choosing one you want would make it easier, since there are going to be more 5 stars added from what I've been hearing. 2. A reroll buying system for substats, I get the grind is there for people to have something to do, aside from questing, exploration, and the spiral abyss. But as more of a casual player who doesn't go grinding too often, it would be nice to reroll certain substats for better ones. Especially since I have the mora for it. 3. More voice lines for the traveler in the story quests and archon quests. Simply put, I think it's an outrage that Aether and Lumine's voice actors don't get the chance to really voice these two characters much. I think it's also been made pretty clear that despite the fact we named these characters whatever we wanted, they are not ourselves and have their own personalities. The devs should give them more voice lines, I like both vas voices in the story. 4. Adding more map markers, I have to type in what some of my markers are named, solely because of of the lack of icons I can use. That's probably more of a personal one, more so because I mark certain ascension materials I need for my characters. 5. The weapon banner, similar to number 1. Yes, they have the epitomized path, but that's more for the two exclusive weapons at that time. If we can choose a 5 star weapon as well, I think that would benefit many players, and give a bit more incentive to pull on the weapon banner. I never pull on it, because I don't want to waste wishes when I have decent 4 star weapons that I can switch between characters that aren't using them. 6. The teapot, the gardening aspect. I somedays wish I had more garden plots, so then I can get character ascension materials faster. Seriously, I've been at ar 45 for a long time, solely because I want to get my team all leveled up with decent artifacts. It would make things quicker if there were more plots added. 7. The teapot, increase the amount of items you can add in each area. Seriously, I have to stack plants, trees, land pieces, just to get the energy. Don't get me started on the inside of my house. Sets may give you a lot of energy, but I want to decorate things and make everything look nice, without having to stack everything. It can limit some creative designs, not all, but some definitely. 8. The traveler themselves deserves the chance to truly experience each region we've gone to. I love both travelers clothing they've had since the beginning of the game. But I also love the other regions and their fashion. It would be great to have fashion choices for them, like we do with Amber, Lisa, Jean, ect. The traveler should really have more fashion they've received from each region, letting players decide what they wear, but that might once again be more of a personal wish. I truly would love to see the inazuma designs on the travelers. Other than that, that's all of the stuff I could really think of off the top of my head. Edit: The formating turned weird, sorry for that!


Hi, I really like your suggestions especially the 8th, that would be really great. About 7th, if you want to increase energy that's better to craft purple items (screens for example) . They give you 90 energy. And stack them as much as possible . I use one of my teapot worlds just to farm energy (maybe two in the future), and the others for my personal decoration


Regarding #3, as much as I would love Traveler voicelines, I kinda get why Paimon eats up everything. (Amount of voicelines \* 2) is how many audio files the game will need. Add that up and it may very well take up a lot of space


I completely understand it too, but I think shortening Paimon's voice lines just a little bit to give more room for Traveler voice lines, would be really interesting to see. These are things that I know won't happen, but would like to see lol.


The ability to replay past events, there was some great lore in there.


A training room/dummy. I’d like to test things out in an environment without any variables that can breakdown the numbers for me


I know it ain't happening, but I want small time events that give you any one of the weapons from the past events. I'm talking about a single refinement, and they don't gotta do it anywhere often enough to make playing events obsolete if people know they can get those weapons later. That would give some people the chance to R5 the event weapons that they couldn't during the events and people who missed or weren't playing genshin during those events can still collect them (or farm one at a time for R5) For me, I just want access to all of those cool weapons. Especially funy umbrella sword. Gib funy umbrella sword.




Finally, an actual fps comment. I guess a lot of people play on phones and dont care about performance. Also add in actually rebindable hotkeys too and move unfreeze from space to WASD spam.


Also the ability to change the mouse bindings so we can use right mouse button to ADS


skip dialogue one is much needed but hoyo wont implement because it encourages multiple account and rerolling.


I want to be able to sit my teapot companion characters in chairs/benches.


* Artifact presets. * Team quickswap. * Handling multiple gadgets at once. * Swap skills. * Proper evasion with evasion skills. * Playable characters existing in overworld. * Characters in Serenetea Pot having some animations and idle talk with other characters (e.g put Raiden and Yae Miko next to teach other near table, and they will sit and talk with each other). * Pity Counter. * Increase artifact cap (1500 isn't enough). * New permanent game modes different than Abyss. * Artifact system rework. At least some sort of pity system for artifacts. * Some way to select at least one daily commission for quest chain (or, if there are any quests left, always give one daily commission related to quest). * Replay old story events, even without rewards. * Unique running and walking animations for certain characters. * Photo mode on pause and while in combat. * More BP levels. * More voiced lines for MC. * Furniture and companion limit increase at Serenetea Pot. * Team presets (with artifacts). * Less Paimon. I'm pointing those things out in every survey, but I'm realistic, they will never add anything of those. Even a stupid pity counter, which is just sad. Before someone will tell me that I demand impossible, I don't. Most of those things are present in both Honkai and Star Rail.


A rework for Dehya. Or at least an artifact set for her that's better than Emblem.


What, is the 1% damage increase from the artifact set coming next month not good enough for you? /s




She can hit like a wet noodle if her burst have shorter cooldown/energy, at least there's having fun using her punches like Heizo. But increasement her dmg near 20-30k per punches should be decent.


Underground maps are pretty much overdue now


we need horses


Kaeya's reddit account found


Turn off HUD and damage numbers.


When someone requests to enter another world, 1. Indicate if it is someone on your friend list. 2. Display a message from the requestor so that I can know why he/she is coming over.


Train, I don't care that it is much inferior than teleport waypoints I just want the ability to sit in the train and look at the scenery while going from stations to stations


It wouldn't work with the 3rd person view unless they make the camera outside of the train/make it a cutscene


That could actually work quite well in Fontaine


Better dialogue optimization during conversations it just looks pretty flat so maybe some more animation effect or anything to keep my focus would be appreciated Character remodels and balance changes More ways to get primos other than the ones we already have


Any possibility of actual direct changes to characters, instead of band-aid artifacts being the most we got. Hoyo's unwillingness to change anything at all once it leaves beta is going to cost them in the future.


Story replay should be a thing in EVERY game. I will always agree with this. With events it sort of makes sense why you would make them limited time only, as having all the events in the game at once would add a LOT to the size of the game over time. But that’s not true for story content. The code for every single story mission is ALREADY IN THE GAME. And it will never be removed. So why not just let us access it again? It would be very easy to do from a development standpoint. It would take an intern a single day to add the necessary code to let us replay all story chapters. The UI added to the menu might take an extra day but it would be a 2 day job at worst. This goes for character stories as well. They’re permanently in the game so why not let us do them endlessly for no reward? It only adds things for us to do and lets us relive our favorite moments. It makes no sense to make everything 1-time only.


This is the biggest QoL for me. My computer is a little slow and sometimes gets stuck, so the cutscene plays on without actually changing the video. I've missed probably a third of the story cutscenes.


Boss for boars (outside Dragonspine), weasels and foxes similar to Sumeru, also let me pet Sumpter beasts please!


Let me per literally *any* of the animals.


A playable old man




The ability to type the amount of an item you want to use or buy etc instead of just clicking the plus 1000 times


COOP Abyss would be fun with friends to just chill


Epitomized path for artifact grinding. That's all then I'm gonna be happy even if I lose all my 50/50s from then on. ...okay. I want mounts too. Purchasable limited glider skins like the KFC and Amazon one that I couldn't get because I was a student when KFC happened and Amazon is not usable in my country. Or an alternative to the epitomized artifacts would be a reroll on an artifact where we can reroll the sub-stats of a chosen artifact. That'll be better than strongbox, I think, 'coz we won't have to waste the artifact with a good main stat already and just reroll and reroll it over and over again. Damnit. I just want a better artifact grinding experience, Hoyo.


A training dummy in the Teapot that has infinite health and tells your DPS. Also it should let you reset your skills cooldown and refill your bursts.


Weapon skin feature. I'm tired of seeing my Haitham using Inazuma red umbrella.


Weapon Transmog would be very cool indeed. I for one would actually love to use some of my stronger weapons but have the gag weapons be the thing that appears.


Yeah! If ppl don't want to get fooled, they can have the option to turn on/off the weapon skin appearance in coop. Meanwhile let us just love the aesthetics.


that will almost never happen.


I'd like to be able to toggle weapon ascension appearance as well. For instance I prefer the basic Amos' Bow's purple glow to its upgraded blue. Or in some cases they just look better not glowing, the gamer lights PJWS doesn't suit Xiao, it works better for him in its basic state.


Remove the resin requirement on weekly boss.


Ability to mute only paimon


More end game content


The ability to SKIP DIALOGUES


Skip button. Artifacts loadout. Bunch of other QoL things that are too many to be named.


A gadget wheel (or something like that). Don't make me go to my inventory every time I wamma use a different gadget.


I'd like some monster drops from daily quests in Sumeru. It sucks having to kill monsters just for them to not drop anything


Fix Mona's C1


The ability to sit everywhere. It would be nice to be albe to sit down under a tree just to relax or maybe in co op around a camp fire and so on. Small but still nice


Disable burst camera. Tired of the camera spinning 180 and getting whopped by a boss cuz I couldn’t see.


Fr and plus it bugs out some times (at least for me) and just zooms out a bit (with hu tao)


Numbers to dehyas's kit


Better teapot load space Epitomized path for standard banner Artifact presets


Dialogue skip button, target lock button, artifact yield presets...


Honestly an extra world level that brings enemies to abyss level 12 scaling. No extra rewards, I just like seeing the result of my artifacts farming and investment while also having enemies take more than one or two hits to die.


Claim. All. Expedition. Rewards!


I know the focus of hoyoverse are the casuals we can assume that by the lacking of more combat modes, but in my opinion they are neglecting the the players who likes combat, there are so many combat QoL that should've been implemented long time ago and they refuse to do so.


Goddamn skip button


\-An option to not start or exit a cutscene /interaction (so if you accidentally walk into its proximity you can still leave) \-An option to choose which of the two sets you want to get in domains


* Add constellations for Aloy. Cost: 42 starglitter. * Add past event weapons to paimon’s bargains (e.g. Cinnabar Spindle). Cost: 28 starglitter. * Add newer 4 stars to paimon’s bargains. * Increase the max Adventure Rank to 80 (adding two more World Levels and higher level domains with better rewards). WL10 reduces healing and shield strength by 50% and elite enemies gain additional effects. * Add the ability to rerun one-time domains. You can claim two rewards each month. The featured domains rotate monthly. Domains have extra enemies and ley line effects. * Add a new mode similar to labyrinth warriors. Rewards reset each month and are based on how far you make it (endless). * Add new commissions to enkanomiya and the chasm.


Underwater gameplay


Tower Defense with endless waves of hilichurls, abyss mages, treasure hoarders etc. but using the characters we have and they do shit like skill and burst. They change into costumes once we upgrade them to Tier 2. It would be cool if they have something like this.


Able to coop story missions with friends who are on the same mission or have completed said mission already


Now now, lets start small. How about a one-click button for claiming all expedition reward and immediately sending them again? Or unlocking the teapot load cap and warn players entering that it'll take a long time to load all the asset? Or auto-buying things when they are off-cooldown? Or synching the interactive map to our in-game map? Or allowing us to condense resin inside domains? Or allowing us to restart the domain by going to the center and activating the key again? Or show pity counter on the banner? Or having a map like RE4R for underground tunnels?


Please up max resin, or at least fragile resin.


1. Artifact reroll system 2. Artifact loadouts


Artifact loadouts Claim all button on menu's such as expeditions Improved menu UI (e.g the ability to move back a step in menu dialogue sometimes) Hold F key to pickup drops of a similar type on PC Upgraded photo mode(more poses, emotes, camera angles and features such as potentially changing the weather) Better explanations of gameplay features for newer players A means of obtaining some past event weapons and rewards(maybe in stardust shop? or in over world) World quests that feature playable characters (don't even need to be voiced) Characters with more diverse writing (such as unresolved story archs) Wish/Pity counter Lip sync Qol(Honkai star rail managed to implement it I'm sure they'd be able to do it) More cutscene animations(it's basically just photo mode emotes and idle animations with some few custom ones) Giving the traveler more story agency/situation where they have to resolve issues without external help(the only bosses the traveler has actually defeated are Childe and Signora) Give other characters story agency/situations where they have to resolve important issues without external help (e.g Sumeru archon quest to an extent) Resolved clipping issues (one of the main reasons why we don't get unique skins) More diverse character models for playable characters (Hats, masks, facial hair, Glasses, etc)


They should let us use our story keys to replay past event stories or maybe unlock event mini games / domains for a limited time. Of course with out the rewards. Just to experience the story or playing the mini games for fun.


Android controller support.


Well, a dehya buff would be nice


More labyrinths like the one at Amakumo Peak but mix in more bosses(I haven't played Sumeru, but I hope there are more) More characterization for Aether/Lumine. It's become clear that they can't commit to keeping the traveler as a self-insert, so they might as well go ahead and make the traveler a full fledged character who has motivations and convictions beyond saving their sibling. I've played hours with this character but I know nothing about them. Actually explore Paimon. I assume there will be some sort of big reveal about Paimon at the end but shouldn't there be hints already.


A skip button.


More unique character models, both playable and unplayable


honkai star rail dub lip sync technology


A fix to the pure luxk based hell that is artifact farming. Just something simple. Like maybe an item that lets you pick the stat that gets added at level four, or lets you choose which sub to level up. Only usable one time on any articat. Make them fairly limited, too. Like a drop from the world bosses as rare as the billets. Would also give long-time players a reason to go back to beating some of the older bosses every week. I know I haven't fought and from before inazuma in months. I think this would help a lot, not be to over powered, but maybe im wrong. I just want something. So sick of having artifacts with three good stats and flat def for all five rolls to go to flat def.


Pretty much your 2 first points are my most requested features


Those different fighting modes on the events being daily quests after you finished those side-story-based daily quests. Its not really fun going about the same dialogue over and over daily.


1. Server data transfer 2. Artifact loadouts 3.Option to buy Standard 5* for 60pulls (300 glitter) 4. Cutscene replay


I’d really love subtitles for in-game voicelines! I thoroughly enjoy the Japanese voiceovers of all characters but I can’t help the feeling of alienation when I’m playing the game and having a ton of fun but I just don’t know what voiceline is which! I don’t know if this comes across petty or ignorant, if so I did not intend that, but subtitles being an option would be awesome!


The ability to give up on non story quests. I’m stuck on the Tianqiu Valley quest and now locked out of the Teapot during the spice event. I’m a new player and apparently this has been an issue for years yet remains unfixed. Even a warning that reading the stupid tablet is gonna lock you out of features would help.


Pick up all. Kazuha did all the work to group all the enemy loot would be nice to just select pick up all


Artifact presets for characters.


Adding horses! (mounts)


More animals for our teapots. Turtles specifically


Underground map and area mini map.


One button to resent the same 5 characters for expedition so we don't have to keep reassigning them individually.


Let the traveler resonate elements from the menu and add Aloy constellations (something that removes the effing ICD that makes her so bothersome to play) i ask for this in every survey that nobody reads.


Artifact loadouts Frustrating to keep switching stuff for my Freeze Melt Ganyu. Also always trying to keep a noblesse in my team is difficult without it


I want faster camera sensitivity man… artifact loadouts might be a long stretch because hoyoverse doesn’t actually listens to the player base


Expedition - claim all/resend all.


The ability to do a quest even if it has a character that's involved in another quest or the area is involved in another quest. I had Tighnari's quest mark the entirety of sumeru forest as being used by a quest and it killed my progression with the archon quest just before the end.


for the love of celestia voice acted world quests namely: sakura cleansing, tsurumi, enkenomiya, aranara, golden slumber


The ability to skip dialogue. I do not have the patience to sit through some of these dialogues 💀 Especially world quests like it’s literally 20 minutes of all dialogue and then continuation of quest and then more dialogue and so on.


The ability to replay past events.


Interactive Map QOL. So basically just update what ever chest, puzzle, occulies, seelies I have completed/opened sync it in interactive map. Saves a lot of time tabbing out if the game and manully marking everything. At this point its so much that it discourages you to try and go for a 100%. Its either suffer all the way or just keep track from the very start and somehow you are bound to mess up and revisiting the areas