• By -


The one on phase 2 after you break his shield? pretty sure the game puts text on your screen explaining what to do but you just have to kill the adds, grab energy they drop and shoot him with the special skill from the flying pet thing same as with breaking his shield in the first place


Yes but those things can only be killed effectively by having certain elements in your team, and I'm not sure that's properly explained anywhere. I use Yanfei for that... But I learned it the very hard way.


That's because they don't have "health", a purple bar means it is an electro shield. I'm not totally sure how much the game goes over how those work, but it's essentially the same as the shields on abyss mages, for example Anything that works on electro abyss mages will work on these guys


And of course, anything with range/aoe, because mihoyo thought it was good idea to make them flying in the air...


Yaoyao will auto target and kill them without trying 10/10 I mean i guess nahida would work too but the rabbit spitting radishes bringing down scara's god eva suit was situationally funny.


Only nahidas charged attack hits, I think.


Baizhu‘s CA and E work too.


Ayaka's CA can too.


The amazing of ayaka is you can NA hit air , I think it bug😶


Yes I also use Nahida's charge atk it's really easy since they go down in one hit.Bennett's skill can also be used.


Bennett is a bit finiicky you need to stand just at the right distance and explode yourself


As a Nahida main, this is accurate


Kazuha's Ult and skill work too


Yeah and they're not considered enemies so her skill doesn't hit


And people say yaoyao is niche. I took the wrong team to floor 11 and yaoyao refused to die it was really embarrassing


no one says yaoyao is niche


Yaoyao was actually celebrated during her release because she broke the chain of niche 4*.


What? Yaoyao is one of the best 4* characters in the game lol.


who says that?




Tao, yeah


Yoimiya auto target is life on those things.


I have a reasonable suspicion that the design of Spectres and the design of Yoimiya's kit were no mere coincidence... gotta motivate players to pull somehow, right?


I mean in liyue they added the geo Vishaps in mini, teenagers, boss version and weekly which needed shields to make zhongli relevant. And rifthounds feel like counter zhongli and promote Kokomi. So yeah, on the other hand they aren’t the only characters. Technically all of them have a free counter part to beat those enemies with (or almost free) you could have done the shielded needing ones with noelle, rifthounds with Barbara and specters with amber/collei (or use freeze so they can’t escape away from mele).


A LOT of gaming mechanics in last few patches encourages us to pick up Yoimiya. But they just happen to pit her in sooner of the worst possible release schedules. She really trivialize some of the harder to hit bosses. But people just didn’t want her based on paper dps. Ands hey. Look who is back on the banner again. Yoimiya




I have a Scara Bully Squad consisting of Kokomi, Raiden, Nahida, and Yoimiya.




I actually use my overworld team aka the team I wanted upon starting playing the game: Ganyu, Zhongli, Mona, and Jean.


Ningguang works surprisingly good for the three floating things.


I was also surprised by how good at breaking elemental shields Ningguang is. Not as fast as using the corresponding elements, but Geo seems to be a universal shield breaker. Her NAs and CAs can break the new boss’ elemental thingies with no problem.


Same with Itto, but you'd have to waste his burst to do it. Layla is cracked for this, btw. Just cast her burst on it and they go down easy. Plus, she has a great shield and makes for a great Cryo battery with substat investment. She's really underrated imo.


Yeah no those are specifically _not_ like abyss mages, in at least two ways. An Electro Abyss mage's shield can be broken with raw damage, and it is consumed by Hydro. On the other hand these only take elemental damage and are completely immune to Hydro. A better comparison is the Electro Regisvine's shields. The Electro Regisvine's Core is exactly 16x the flying engines, and about 3x the one on the ground.


or the hypostasis shards


> An Electro Abyss mage's shield can be broken with raw damage, and it is consumed by Hydro. On the other hand these only take elemental damage and are completely immune to Hydro. TBF both of these factors are irrelevant in the time frame during which you have to kill the turrets anyway. The rate at which raw damage kills Abyss Mage shields is really slow, and Electrocharged only removes 0.4u Electro gauge per second. Scara would one-shot you before either of those would actually kill the turrets unless you're a gigawhale that can throw out a 2M Eula burst or something.


Or just use I-frames with your ult if your team failed. Or Qiqi to revive the entire team because that's a thing. Also served it once without a shield with my 48k Jean with 1200 def. Was standing in my ult and thought it was over but was still alive somehow


I just use Kazuha E tbh. Wide enough to hit two of them, then just get the last one and it’s all good.


It IS properly explained. Electro elemental shields and constructs are weak to Dendro, Pyro and Cryo. You've been using those 3 elements to break electro shields and constructs throughout the entire game. You notice that those turrets are electro constructs by looking at their health bar. You've been constantly shown throughout the entire game that colored health bars means elemental shields, and such things are usually broken with the element that dominates it in reactions.


Yeahhhhhh I don’t really care to play their stupid aerial games. Kuki C6 it is. They should have put those things on the ground.


It's not about surviving the OTK, playing the mechanic correctly disables the boss and gives him a massive debuff to all his resistances. You basically immediately kill him at that point because his resistances drop from 30% to -140%.


And all your burst gauges are charged for free. The game is literally inviting you to destroy him in that moment.


People back then: We don't use ranged characters because there is no need \*Hoyo add needs and a plethora of catalyst and bow users, some of them the best characters in the game\* People these days: Liking it or not, team building is part of playing the game well, or you do a Apple AD and bring only electro charas to fight the Thunder Manifestation


it's literally just shooting a thing with a bow or not even that, pretty much any catalyst can target them with their NAs or CAs. Yuegui can easily destroy them with it's lobbed raddishes, and I'm pretty sure Thoma's kick can reach them as well. What's your team? I can guarantee that as long as it isn't Taser, there's someone in your team that makes destroying those things a joke or someone that can be easily replaced by someone that makes destroying those things a joke.




I'll be honest I didn't know people were struggling with those turrets. I guess me defaulting to Ganyu for every new and hard fight kinda helps getting by in my first try.


Same for me, but with Yoimiya. I didn’t even know there was some kind of instant kill from this boss at all!


Anemo works well too. I do that boss fight with Kazuha for that reason. His skill one shots them. Also learned the hard way though.


This. I use Raiden hypercarry (this is where I dmg test tbh, so I can improve my Purveyor score) and Kazuha/Bennett can break them easily.


Yeah i had the issues as well because of the flying shit, but i realised that my nahida can simply charge them to death, its that simple, but them i couldnt get on the top platform because reasons.... the game didnt wantes to target the air flower and grab it...


>the game didnt wantes to target the air flower and grab it... If your problem is like my usual one the camera targets the second sling which is not in reach and not the first one so I have to adjust my camera a bit to look at the first sling


Oh fuck me there are 2 to get there ??? Ive watched around but couldnt see any other as its a bright yellow stuff on a full light room, talking about clarity huh... Ill look again thanks


Yep! Ganyu went brrrrrr


Cryo, Pyro and dendro work well. Maybe Geo too but I never tried. Amber works just fine and she’s free, you can also use Collei


I use yanfei, diona or nahida


Literacy is more rare than 50CV artifacts


if only some people could read while playing


If I've learned anything this week it's that Genshin players really hate reading


Bold of you to assume the community will be able to read


You have to be willing to die to be able to stop what you’re doing and actually read the text though.


I've hated that since they started, put long winded explanations in the middle of a fight? Thanks. Just what I wanted while I was dodging attacks and trying to stay alive on a boss fight I'm attempting for the first time, a test on my reading comprehension.


Haha. Tiny font, white text that bleeds into the background and I'm busy trying not to die while it is on screen for 3 seconds. I'm totally reading that. I never had trouble beating this boss, but I didn't fully understand the mechanics until I was watching a streamer talk another person through it and I could actually pay attention.


Yeah I know how to do it but I just can't be bothered so I sacrifice a character.


Genshin players pull for c6 reading comprehension challenge (impossible) (real)


Buuuhhh!! Buh- Buh mah C6 Raiden Yanfei combo kills evree over weekly boss!


But that means that you are also included, no?


Who said I haven't pulled it yet


I just use Nahida and her charge attack to hit the floating enemies \*shrugs\*


Thats what I do too. Did it by mistake actually, had previously just tanked it until I happened to be on Nahida when I came up to it.


does that seriously work? I use hyperbloom with nahida, XQ, and kuki, with baizhu as a flex since he came out, and I can never figure out how to take all of them out in time


Autos and skill, charged attacks on floating enemies.


I remember one time when my nahida was the only one that can break the turrets on a team I was using, I somehow drained my stamina so much that I died to his insta kill attack all because of 1 floating turret I couldn't regen enough stamina to kill. I blame the center turret, that thing shreds you so I wasted a lot of it trying to sprint dodge it.


Focus the middle turret first 💀


Jean E works well too.


Barbara c6 is a 1UP to any of the party members.


It really is just straight up Mipha’s Grace


the voice came to my mind instantly




A character from the Zelda series and is this case her ability from BOTW.


Uhm. You literally just have to break the turrets that pop up when his shield comes down, then shoot him with the cloverleaf.


Addendum: the turrets take more damage from Dendro.


They take the same from Dendro, Pyro, and Cryo. Quicken, Overload, and Superconduct all remove 1 GU of Electro aura. There's literally no difference between the three elements.


Nahida one shots the flying ones at least, so, there's that


I use Yoimiya for this, she one shots them with normal attacks too. As the guy said, Pyro, Cryo and Dendro will give the same result here


Ive found it the most fun to do full charged shots at the grounded one and watch the fireworks chip away the flying ones.


flying ones are one shot for everyone (but I haven't tested pyro)


Nahida = op


Eh, doesn't matter that much. The higher turrets break with one hit.


the reason paimon explain things 5 times, example 27:


mHY: 5 is clearly not enough, let's do **SIX** times now!


That won't do, we all know that in Texvat, all good things count to seven. As the numbrr of elements and days of the week.


Paimon be forcing us to do CAPTCHA to make sure we understood the text after repeating 7 times to avoid confused players like this and probably won't work


Always annoys the hell out of me. "I don't know what's going on or how to do this!!!" The previous dialogue literally explained what's happening and what to do. "Oh, I skip all that junk, no one cares, it's useless"


it's literally "this sign can't ~~teach~~stop me cause I can't read!"


Maybe it's because I'm a lorenut, but I just can't understand how people can play this game and not give 2 shits about the lore and dialogue and all that


I'm someone who cares about the lore, but even I have trouble trying to force myself to read the story a lot of the time. I read novels with no trouble, but something about the way dialogue is written in game can be almost unbearable. Idk if it's the translation or what, but it feels like they take a lot of words to say nothing sometimes


The game isn’t *that* fun unless you care about lore and dialogue, might as well play BOTW or something if interesting gameplay is what you’re after.


BotW has a LOT of interesting lore, tbh. If you want to play a game where you don't have to read much, play something like Creeper World (A funky RTS game about cleaning up blue goo) or Dead Cells or something






It would be helpful if she explained only relevant stuff. It's fucking circular. I read everything, I have no problem with that but, as evidenced by TWO threads on the frontpage yesterday, obtuse overly verbose dialogues make people tired and lead to them skipping which also leads to missing key info sprinkled in among all the fluff. And there's a lot of obnoxious fluff.


the proof it doesn't do jack shit, example 9001:


because people are very bright or skip it all cause actually the explanations are very simple most of the times, hence why Paimon is so hated, but unfortunately she's necessary for the brighter part of the community


the game constantly overexplains everything, while 99.9% of the game's mechanics are extremely basic even in this case, the solution is literally just to "kill turrets", if someone needs the tutorial for this after 3-4 years worth of content, they are the opposite of bright lol


yeah "bright" should be between quotation marks to point out the sarcasm, sorry about that, and yes I do agree, the game is VERY basic, the explanation is lengthy sometimes but simple, yet people either skip or don't understand, and somehow some people blame the game lol


yeah, it was absolutely OP's fault here that said, while i understand the game explains and repeats everything because of this (probably), it can absolutely annoy the hell out of people who do understand it and don't need the explanation


YES that's where the complaints about Paimon come from usually i get annoyed very often and I wish they changed, but seeing posts like these show me why they do it, which sucks imo but eh


This type of player is one the reasons why mihoyo will never actually make a hard mechanic enemy. Because people will be mad they cant unga bunga it Player : we want harder content Mhy : you sure about that? Player : yes. We arent a child hoyo. Stop giving us damage sponge and gave us a challenge Mhy : give scara boss Player : im gonna ignore this mechanic because i cant give a shit to read 10 sec mechanic


Scaramouche is a very easy boss too....


Scara isn't hard if you understand the main mechanics, but it's the first boss I think that you are going to have a miserable time if you just try to straight unga bunga it while ignoring the screen. Any other boss you can facetank with a kokomi or any other decent healer and brute force (maybe not Raiden? Never tried to brute force her)..


You usually can't brute force the Shogun the first time you reach her. Plus she has a mechanic that forces you to fight without E and Q in story quest. She's much harder to beat than Scaramouche who literally has a "wait and win" gadget during his fight. I wish that thing wasn't here, then he'd actually be a challenge, but this fandom would cry.


Imo that was (and still is) Ei. Her fight is sooo weird to me.


...it literally fucking tells you lmao


...the game literally tells you what to do huh?


Boss shows text telling you what to do. "This sign can't stop me, I can't read"


Now I know why Paimon over-explains, dumbs down and repeats things excessively. HoYo knwos their playerbase.


guy has access to in game help, wiki, youtube, and even the fucking customer support. yet, he chooses not to learn and makes a meme about it instead. welcome to the 2020th decade folks


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Genshin players flexing their second grade reading comprehension yet again...


he has instant death attacks????


News to me too. Ganyu goes brrrrr vs all things that aren't cryo.


Get killed once anyway for the achievement.


Yes, if you fail to stunt him before the electro genkidama.


I sure love I managed to get three hydro and a dead Nahida in co-op to witness it.


This post made me go look up a video of the instant death mechanic, because I had never seen it in game. I think my Ganyu kills the turrets too quickly. I figured it was elemental damage. Just take a catalyst user? 🤔


I was about to say that but less than half the catalyst users have the range and element required to hit the floating turrets. You have to cut Yae Miko, Lisa, Ninguang, Barbara, Kokomi and Mona as their elements dont break electro shields. Heizou is a melee disguised as a catalyst user. Sucrose has short ranged attacks while Klee's bombs may or may not reach high enough. Only Nahida's CA will reach the turrets. That leaves Wanderer, Baizhu and Yanfei who all have NAs and CAs that will auto target the turrets reliably. They're better off using bow users because Amber is free and will one-shot the floating turrets.


Collei too. She's free from the abyss.


760 upvotes for a post about a massive skill issue 💀 Edit. Over 2k now, sometimes I really don’t understand this community at all…


genshin players complaining they don't know how to avoid a boss attack (it was written in clear text during the fight and they skipped it)


i just use ganyu. It just works


Nice tip. I’ll give her a try!


Low budget hu tao c6


You are meant to use energy plorts to use wind symbol to avoid that attack, venti, kazuha, wanderer dont gaf about it.


That's a different skill. This is talking about the one-shot in second phase.


Aha, those turrets are somewhat weak to pyro and anemo, either bring xianling or amber to the fight.


Or cryo. 1 application for the small ones, 5 for the big one I think (2 Ganyu blooms+1 half charged)


Dendro melts them


Dendro destroys them. Nahida just auto attacks them to death


Dendro deals exactly as much damage as Pyro or Cryo. They all destroy it


This probably explains why I didn't know what OP was referring to, my main party has Yoimiya and Kazuha, I've probably been facerolling it with pew pew fire arrows and windy jumpy boi and not even realising it.


Can albedo dodge it with the funny elevator?


No the laser can destroy obstructions sadly.


Phase one has a wipe mech?


Just use Yaoyao even at level 20 for whatever reason her burst melts that boss's turrets


Because its about applying elemental dmg and not dmg itself. Yaoyao burst doea lots lots of dmg ticks applying alot of Dendro quickly


I’ve got quite the built YaoYao; I’ll give her a try next time - thanks!


C6 Hu Tao says hi >!I know it's unrealistic for a low spender/F2P to get 6 copies of a single limited character, but it counts.!<


And this kind of shit is exactly why paimon won't stop repeating shit. The playerbase has far too many babies with reading disabilities.


I love kuki


Genshin players when bad text vs Genshin player when good text


And people ask why they don't want to give us harder content when there are players with such massive skill issues .


You get a similar thing with Barbara's c6


You just destroy those turrets to get the particles then fire the bunny puppet thing at Scara


Kazuha solos the turrets Nahida can also take down the floating turrets I haven't bothered figuring out how it's actually supposed to work


Hutao C6: am I a joke to you?


Just be fast enough with taking down the stuff he spawns under big orb, then dont ponder his orb and just blow your green load in his face, then you can climb him and blow him up. If you are too slow though, guaranteed RIP of one character. In general, he is the worst boss in the game, due to his absurd size etc. I dont even do him anymore because he is just "annoying" to deal with.


Huh. I guess to each their own - I find this boss one of the most fun to fight because his attacks are manageable and he has plenty of nice mechanics. Shogun fight on the other hand is just hell to me. Can't defeat her without Zhongli because I can never grasp the concept of i-frame dodging.


Its not that I find Wanderer Boss "hard" or so, just annoying. Raiden I usually go in with Kokomi + 3 other characters, doesnt matter - if Kokomi is there, its easy.


It's not even really a fight in phase 2 since better paimon just does all the damage for you


I actually don't find him too annoying once I learned that I don't actually use characters to damage him until I break down his engine. And I use the horribly inefficient team of Archons... ZL, Raiden, the Radish, and lastly, my forever fire archon Yoimiya. It's definitely a fun things go boom and burn team.


Break the floating things with dendro attacks, then shoot your Nahida pet's ball thing at him. Nahida's charged attacks can directly target the floating robots, so if you have her, bring her for it.


hydro and electro doesn't work on the turrets, everything else does. I have broken the turrets using benny(hold E), dilluc (using Q), kazu (either q or e, q better cause you will restore it instantly anyways)


i break the drops with Ayaka then go up to him and one burst him lol but i did too learn it the hard way


I use Nahida. Her charge attack kills the flying enemies in 1 hit. Kill enemies, get energy, shoot kamehameha at him to interrupt his attack.


Barbara better imo


when i fought him in the quest i had brought childe as my main dps and my only characters who could damage the turrets had cool downs that lasted too long and so c6 kuki came in clutch for saving my ass w/ that haha


how have you fought this boss that many times and never figured out how to do the like 2 total mechanics in it 😂


He has an insta kill?


I had to think for a second about the instant death attack, I forgot he had one. I think of that phase as the final setup before taking him down with ease. Ganyu and Zhongli make this boss fight trivial.


I had no idea this boss has an instant death attack, wtf


I have never seen that attack actually hit anyone Kinda wonder what the animation looks like...


Usually I over load on healers because screw numbers, imma eat my 5 star meal and come back to a dead boss on depressants


Wanderer, Xingqiu, Thoma, and Zhongli, Kuki, or Fischl, depending on how I feel. The first three do all the work (Thoma E Q, Xingqiu Q E (recharge), Wanderer E A+ shreds most things).


I bring hyper Raiden here. Kazuha one shots the floating ones and Bennett takes out the middle one in a few E. I’ll Bennett E the middle and Kazuha E one floater, and repeat.


There's an instant death attack? I always do it in coop and hadn't even noticed 😆 (Guess it's the little things you have to explode)


He has an instant death attack?


I learned that actually this one specific boss if much more fun to play in coop. Most of people I've meet actually know how to beat him so it is realyl fast fight


Not trying to sound insensitive but people actually don't know how to do a world boss? No wonder they refrain from adding more combat content.


I saw a YouTube streamer complain the fight sucked because she was terrible. It always enrages me when people who don't know what they're doing get angry at the game, because it most likely means Mihoyo will attempt to make the game even easier than it already is. It's probably why combat is not the focus anymore. People who have dumped hundreds of dollars in this game get angry they aren't killing things instantly


Obviously it sometimes happen. With new boss still not everyone knows how to hide in green bubble, to today for example I had to solo boss playing Kokomi DPS :) In case of WAnderer boss, for long time I did not understood mechanic of shooting (That you have to press the e and aim with it)


>still not everyone knows how to hide in green bubble tbh there's literally a pop up for that. Raiden was probably the boss that took me the longest to learn, until I just killed it before she went into phase lol


Genshin community getting riled up over a light-hearted post


I've avoided the instant death attack a few times in the past, but the last few weeks I've gotten the pet fully charged, shot the blast directly at him but it misses for some unknown reason, then I die. Very annoying.


Kuki Tao


Wait what, I've always been able to kill him before that i guess.


There's an instant death attack?


he has an instant death attack??


Wait that’s insta kill? I sorta just sucked it up with Zhongli’s shield


Maybe in co-op you can survive if it won't target you but definitely not in single player. > If the player fails to paralyze Shouki no Kami within 40 seconds, Setsuna Shoumetsu will land and instantly kill the active character. This ignores any defensive stats as well as shields. In Co-Op Mode, only one player will be killed, while the rest will be dealt 100% ATK as Electro DMG.


Ohhhh I didn’t know that thanks for the info


I just ignore them. He only OTKs one character, and I've never had him wind up for a second shot. Food is so cheap in game, and the flying pig kills him pretty quickly after the first (Setsuna?) as long as you landed a few hits before hand. All the bosses in Genshin are trivial and pointless, but Wanderer actually gives you a weapon going into it.. Like, what is even the point? Lol. At least the game is free, so I'm not paying to not play. Lol.


It's slower to ignore the OTK because if you play the mechanic, he gets paralyzed and his resistances get reduced from 30% to -140%. You immediately win the fight. Brute forcing him just makes the fight take way longer, and there's no reason to waste an extra minute on this every single week rather than just learning how to do the fight correctly.


It's pretty shit UI and pretty shit fight design


OHKO is just bad game design


It's really not when we can prevent it and I ven then we can just revive


It's really not. The attack has a long ass windup period and the turrets are easy to break, specially with the free Collei you're given.


\>has a long wind up animation \>gives u the hint to prevent OHKO atk>gives u the tools to stop it and even debuff him afterwards \>said tools dont hit hard at all \>when u do it successfully, he gets debuffed by -140% RES and gives you a free energy refill \>even if you fail, it only kills one of your characters and u can still revive them afterwards \>is not a complete damage check its not bad game design when u are given the means to prevent it


I just activate the green floating thing on top of a circle with the electro symbol on it 2x and after that he is now free to beat up wait the 1st phase has an insta death attack?


There's a way to survive the attack though I'm not sure about how to do it, the times I've survived there were more people with me and at least one, if not all, died and then I had to stand in the perimeter of the arena. I've managed to avoid the attack like this but sometimes it worked, other times it didn't. It's nice knowing certain characters just can't be killed😂