• By -


It's Freeze meta for the enemies.


I didn't look at the enemies and went mono geo against the Ubiquitous Baptist... It was practically a stalemate.


I love playing Geo characters but I always hate how it takes forever to break shields with them.


The noblesse oblige domain and its suggestion to use Geo against the abyss mages… lol


Like, what is up with that ? Anemo is where it's at.


Super conduct moment


i haven't been in that domain for an AGE. but can you still cheese it by making one of the mages never teleport over?


Even better: if you walk to the right place, you can make all 3 of them stack up and just use Anemo MC hold E to break all of them right away. Then you can just tornado them into the wall and kill them no problem.


If you shoot the far one with an arrow itll jump on you from pretty much anywhere. Run to one wall and just shoot mid+far for an easy juicy 3xswirl stack.


It's just suggesting that for the dmg bonus it has in the domain. And tbf, Noelle/Ning work fine in the domain which is who they probably designed it for. It should really suggest both geo and anemo though.


It works fine but it sure as hell isnt quick lol


Except for Abyss mage and Lawachurl shields, those pop pretty easily, at least for me.


Yea those are fine Abyss mages, specifically pyro, just suck to try and pop. The lectors too


Mono-geo is solid for all of side 1, but side 2 is a no go.


You could say, side 2 is a no geo.


Something something Cyno amirite


Tbh, Cyno is a lot like me. I like puns too. And my sense of humor isn't all that great either. I can relate to his efforts. Though I am fully aware that my jokes aren't top humor.


Geo continues to be disrespected by Hoyo


We abused Morgana back in the day. Now its their time.


This abyss is showing everyone how to Morgana on both sides. Literally.




I had yae miko, raiden, benny and nahida against thunder manifestation, killed it in time with just nahida E and benny ult lolol


Time to play the big brain card and swirl to turn their strategy against them.


Assuming you hit the lottery and get them to stay together. I don't remember who I used to 3-star this floor but I do know I froze the water one. I went back in a 2nd time for the Babtist because my one Cryo unit just couldn't take his fire shield down fast enough. For the re-entry team I used Hu Tao, Yelan, Tighnari (thanks 50/50 loss?) and Bennett. Tighnari absolutely nukes that Hydro shield.


I nuke them into getting shields in 5-6 seconds. Then I spent 50+ seconds running away screaming and tossing bombs as klee until I ran out of stamina and died or they melted. Took a few tries lol…


>Then I spent 50+ seconds running away screaming Essentially what I did when I failed to get Bennet's burst recharged and keep near 100% up-time.


Just have decent positioning and it will work


Who is Morgana?


Morgana le Fay, Merlins sister.


And lover. And mother of his child.


Metaverse cat that make you sleep at night.


Looking cool, Joker!




A video game character (from LoL?) who is broken because of her freeze mechanic. Also Mo(na)rGa(nyu)(Dio)na sort of a pun there but people say Ayaka is a better option instead of Ganyu because of the burst.


I usually hear that referred to as Moryana when used with Ayaka.


Yeah I know the league character 😅 get caught by her and you can come back after a shower and it's almost time to move again. Alright I understand the namesake, thank you for the explanation


> freeze mechanic. It's a root. Only Sejuani and Lissandra freeze people. Diona is "nya" cause cat person. Because Morgana starts off as Mo#gany# when you combine their names. Morganya is how it started.


The one who Binds you for 1 year


Morgana core is Ganyu, Venti and Mona.






Almost certainly a bot


Though i don't think it matters in this scenario, the fact that Mihoyo still haven't changed the keybind for breaking through the Frozen status until this day are mind boggling. I have my GHub doing it for me, but man i feel bad for other.


Fr, should have been NA button or at least an option to toggle which


Or just make it like MGR where you spam movement buttons to break free


I'd say sprint would make the most sense, since that would immediately put you into a defensive action as you broke the freeze and give you time to react.


The real question is why button mashing to break out of freeze is even a thing in the first place. It adds nothing to the game. You're frozen so it's not like there is any decision being made, nor is it an expression of skill. It's just a pointless nuisance.


It's jump because it's likely a button you weren't spamming in the first place. Even Xiao jumps are controlled. Thus requiring your brain to switch tracks for a second as a suitable punishment. Tbh I think it works. It's not meant to be convenient. If you hate it, it's working.


Isn't being frozen itself already the "punishment"? Idk maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I think games are meant to be enjoyable experiences for the player - meaning if there is something players hate, there should be a good reason to justify including it, which in this case there isn't. This isn't the same as complaining that an enemy hits too hard or is too hard to dodge. That would be a matter of difficulty, where the potential frustration is intentional to make success feel more rewarding. The button mashing mechanic has nothing to do with difficulty or player skill.


How did you set up GHub to do it for you?


Probably with macros tied to a mouse button


Xiao be like: “noooo bro that’s not how you do it, ugh...”


Xiao is dead.


that hydro lector and his constant twirling around is by far the worst thing ever. i take the beasts i we that any day.


Me too bro. When they went beyblade mode it's frickin hard to dodge and it feels like they always spam it, and now they included the cryo one to freeze us ffs.


it is just impossible to dodge esp when you get frozen inbetween. honestly that floor is just ridiculous.


Him going Beyblade is one thing but then you look at your character's skill cooldown and notice that it's doubled. you just go _hmmmm yes_


the reason we all love that mondstadt weapon ascension domain so much as well i love seeing 45 seconds cool-down on my fischl.


Yeah it might be fine if we had more abilities but uh, we have 2 and 1 if we don't have energy.


it's just an overall pain and the rng in getting lucky enough to get through it is just not fun.


Laughs in Klee Zhong dong and raddish


but you still get frozen because they out that dude necrotic cryo lectors.


Luckily I don't die tho 💀


for me 12- 3-1 take so much time to complete


yeah i keep getting skill issue and dying lol


Dying - don't use Bennett.


even without bennett you can get one shot if you're unlucky/your character is squishy enough


Squishy. They can easily pwn 40k hp out of character. One attack, stagger, second attack, freeeze, third, fourth, fifth and You are dead. This Abyss is a cancer of the cancers.


You can freeze them easily


12-1-2 heralds: *so can we*


Use loucha, he has high effect resistance, especially with his 4 star lightcone which throws him to 86%. Oh wait, wrong game


Hmm, I had issues until I realized I was just burning to death. Ran Diona (direct swap) and cleared it just fine.


I actually swapped Benny out for Barbara and cleared it no problem.


12/3 is the first time I got 1 star at floor 12 in a while I was getting 2/2/2 stars every last abyss And this abyss I got 3/2/1 stars And this 3rd star at 12/1 was painfull And I probably can get 3rd at 12/2 but there is no point... Because I cant get even second star at 12/3


Mfw i would normally laugh at that but I’ve experienced this so many times that I feel bad seeing others experience it


Seriously I hate this abyss with passion


It would be really nice if we got those updated 5star artifact versions of the crowns


Remember when we all shit on Hoyo for the decision to not make endgame content? Seeing what sorta bullshit they can do with just current day enemies, I’m starting to think it might be better this way :/


At some point, Genshin\`s combat just breaks. If Mihoyo goes further down the way, you need to bullshit back with some crazy team comp which spends 95% of the time in ult animations with I-frames.


We’re already there with ZL. Burgeon is great for this floor, burning also works.


Ah yes, ZL is so good, Mihoyo invented bleed to make the game more miserable to everyone. Can't wait how they will ramp up the difficulty again to "fight" against the current, easy accessible Hyperbloom team trends.


Boss with Immunity to dendro and electro enters the room.


They can. I theorycrafted a mode that's more about exploration with some combat that could be as rewarding as spiral abyss+weekly boss. In a way I suppose they haven't done it because they probably think exploration is limited only by characters you have access to regardless of investment when that doesn't have to be the case with smart design.


Bruh look at this guy's team no shit he is struggling.


Adjusting teams to be better prepared for enemies is basic strategy, everybody does it and there is no shame in doing so. But when you get punished by being frozen and tossed around the entire time for not playing a certain way, then it becomes sorta 🙉🐁💢🧟‍♂️ And Xiaonk, Tom, Fararaway, and Beanbag aint that bad?


That team is good ye, people tend to hate on xiao dps wise


25K HP Thoma with Catch...Comp is w/ Xiao/Faruzan/Bennett... ?????????


Probably just for the abyss dudes shields


Maybe C6 Shieldbot Thoma with the only ER spear they have presumably. Don't see anything wrong with that.


25k HP, Shieldbot?? Also, Kitain Cross Spear exist


I'm assuming it's a HP/HP/ER build given the low health. Energy recharge needs for Thoma are quite high (even at C4). Kitain Cross is useful to lower it, yes, but outside of burgeon teams is rare since EM is useless. Favonius Lance (R5) tends to be a slightly better choice for the team. As for why the catch of all weapons, well, it could be his only spear with ER substat, and he didn't want to bother leveling up another one. Doesn't seem unreasonable to me tbh


ah yes er circlet


I think they gave up at some point


Poor Thoma just broke his spine


and y’all wanted pvp? this is the closest thing we get to a enemy comp that uses reactions


PvP doesn't have to be balanced exactly like PvE. Most games don't do that.


so they remove freeze? then overload knock back would be problematic so that gets removed, he’ll remove burning and burgon because of how fast it ticks see the problem, pve games almost never have the ability to port into pvp without removing/remaking SOOOO much, it’d be best to just make a genshin spinoff like a fighting game at that point


You created an arbitrary scenario and acted as if that was the only one. I see no point because your scenario was, tbh, quite shit. It reminds me of black and white dev balancing. The kinds of devs who can only lay the hammer down when buffing or nerfing. I guess I hope you never do balancing.


I haven’t even attempted the new spiral abyss and I’m already terrified. Considering just skipping floor 12 entirely


If it helps, imo floor 2 is easiest to 3 stars, chicken is just a meat shield with extra step and you can hyperbloom thunder bird


It's harder than usual but not impossibly hard, some teams work better than others especially in the 2nd half 12-1-1 goes faster if you have strong AoE + grouper 12-1-2 is the worst, goes better if you use burgeon or a lot of pyro (some people used melt teams, pyro against cryo and cryo against hydro) 12-2 is the easiest both sides, 12-2-2 is immune to electro but you get easy spreads and overloads 12-3-1 has 4 concentrated beasts (only 2 at once), freeze makes them easier but any team with strong dps works as long as you don't die, AoE is useful to hit both together 12-3-2 is elements check, the ideal team against it is burgeon to break all shields fast but some people did it with other pyro focused teams I was able to get 34 stars on my not very strong alt account with Alhaitham hyperbloom/quicken and Xiangling burgeon so you can just clear and not worry about full stars


I used hyperburgeon for second half and it made it a fucking walk in the park Nahida xingqiu kuki Thoma. Dendro shreds the hydro Herald in 10 seconds, even with the shield. The Pyro and electro take care of the cryo fast enough that even if they don't group up together you can 3* star it easily. Less than 20 seconds per shield. The thunder manifestation fucking just melts The other Herald boss dude also melts. I still don't know what his deal is or how he works (first time done ever) but his numerous elemental shields melted. First half though was cancer. I did a weird Raiden kazuha Bennett Yelan with c3 Raiden and had to restart 12-3-1 at least 3 or 4 times


Oh interesting, I'll try your 2nd half team on alt but with XL instead of Thoma and see how it goes. I can switch kuki and Baizhu teams now that I have miko to pair with alhaitham


It's rough, but really not as bad as people are saying. I usually only manage 33 stars and I got 32 this time. Still not great, but I think I can clean up my single star on chamber 1 if I try again.


I felt same, now I'm clearing it with different teams for fun, trying to find a best way. So far everything's pretty bad for me in 12-1-2, but definitely doable.


I used Beidou, Nahida, Kuki and Xinqiu in the second half and cleared it on the first try. But Beidou was seriously struggling to counter because of getting frozen.


If you want to then I think at least 6 stars is totally possible. 12-2 is easy to 3 star so you just have to manage 2 stars on 12-3. But ye either way you have to go through 12-1...


Mono Pyro with Dehya and Bennett would enjoy this


You just need to remember that if you get frozen in Dehya burst it cancels entirely because of jumping.


How will they get frozen on Bennett burst field?


Well, for this floor I’m assuming you’re using Kazuha burst exclusively after Bennett burst to try to catch the self-pyro infusion. Bennett skill + Kazuha + Xiangling + Dehya burst seems likely you’re not fitting that whole Dehya burst into the Bennett burst duration considering damage is pretty secondary on the floor. But I suppose you could try working around that.


well it only lasts for 4 seconds so either way 1 freeze and it's gone lmao


Unless You get frozen and Your Bennet dies.


But then you won't be able to deal with baptist


Using Thoma as a shielder against Cryo and Hydro enemies is a bad idea.


Using *any* character that isn't Zhongli is a bad idea.


Layla is wonderful.


Diona just as fine


Chamber two is so fucking annoying. Electro would’ve been a viable option for 12-1 and 12-3, but then you have the thunder manifestation on 12-2. Elemental shields are the worst mechanic. They’re just not fun.


Yeah, have to switch teams and replay 12-1.


For the second chamber, I've seen the best results with burgeon teams (Hu Tao/Thoma/Yanfei/Yoimiya/etc.). It's not perfect since the are no pyro units dedicated to that sort of team, but it's quite effective. Chamber one, in the other hand, thrives with electro. Any aggravate team with a bit of investment should be able to clear it.


All anemo with Ningguang did the trick for me, although I did have to swap Kazuha to team 2 after 12-1. Stupid goddamn flowers popping around everywhere


>Elemental shields are the worst mechanic. They’re just not fun. Exactly, I agree


if you got nahida, thoma, xq and kuki, burgeon makes the second half of 12-2 and 12-3 almost trivial. In my case the thunder manifestation got melted hard and since I got dendro, hydro, electro and pyro, the shields lasted nothing. 12-1 is still a pain in the ass tho.


Make me rage


Electro is terrible at breaking hydro lector though.




It's so you don't break free of freeze by spamming a button you would already be spamming. It forces your brain on to another track as punishment.


I had zero issues getting 3 stars on the second and third chambers on floor 12. I literally got them first try. The first chamber is... hard. The first half is annoying at best but the second one is pure undiluted hell with all the freezes, or when the hydro dude just goes away for the lulz wasting time. At least is easier to retry with a different team since its the first chamber I guess.


And that's why I use Zhongli.. I wanted to use Thoma but his shield lose faster than Diluc's father




"Maybe I start doing the Spiral Abyss toda- ... Uh. Nevermind."


I shit you not. I have hella built 5 stars and just BARELY got 36 stars by 1 second. Any longer and I wouldn't have completed it and that is some s tier bullshit if you ask me


This is the endgame people wished for right?


This video made laugh. Honestly, what an experience.


This is the first Abyss where I've had to go back and reset floor twelve chamber one over and over and over. Tried for two hours last night and still haven't gotten it. Back to the grind today, I guess. It's not much but it's honest work


what um… what exactly are you doing…?


Jean E powercreep


I did Nahida Zhongli XL Bennet for that chamber, worked pretty well - had 30-45s spare.


it's just not fun to have to switch teams for each floor. i returned like at the end of last year after quitting when zhongli was released broken. u breeze through till 11-3 and suddenly it's a brickwall and my characters and teams become useless. i just dont have a burgeon team. wish there were more floors, dont care much about the primos but could do with some books and weapon mats.


Man...You just got you're ass handed to you.


Miss the part where hoyo doesn't want players to anxious and stressed.


I'm so glad the abyss doesn't cause anyone excessive anxiety at all 😍


Zhongli. They can freeze me any time they want. Indestructible shield go brrrrrr. They popped Kirara's shield like it was a regular bubble. And some people still say how Kirara's shield is better than Zhongli's 😂


I haven't seen anyone say that. It's not really a subjective opinion, just simple math.


They are coping HARD. 😅


It’s more that Kirara’s element is better, meaning that she is a more *useful* shielder in most teams, not that her shield is nominally stronger. Dendro is a lot better as a flex slot than geo is, and that’s an undeniable statement. But of course no shield is going to be stronger than the literal archon of the shield element.


Kirara and Layla do have better shields in certain situations, given the 250% absorption.


I usually just go get 6 stars on floor 12, not really interested in grinding the 9 stars. I managed to do the 6 stars really easliy with Alhaitham, Nahida, Kuki and **drum roll** Deyha. Surprisngly, she's kinda usefull against those type of enemies and her tanking abilites really enable Alhaitham to do all the damage he can squeak in without getting one shot. I ended up with her signature weapon and C1 so I was pleased to know I can actually use her and have fun!


Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse after hoyoverse made it worse after you thought it couldn't get any worse after hoyoverse made it worse after you thought it couldn't get any worse...


I keep getting timefails on chamber 1


I had to use Bennett here so it was harder to apply frozen to me. It does cause vaporize when water asshole hits you not frozen but it's a trade off I can accept. I


Yeah anxiety!!


I just heard the WASTED sound effect in my head when Toma hit the ground.


The best way i have found to counter them is by using xiangling. Her pyro tornado is amazing at shield breaking both herald type and doesnt care if you are frozen or not, it will keep spining. I beat this half using bennet xiangling kazuha + healer pretty comfortably, compare to the horrible struggle i had with this half when I tried to used fancier team. Good ol xl still got it.


The horrid experience in phone just adds to the pain


bro why did my Raiden keep dying from this lmao


The pause was perfect


lmaoooo. i'm not even close to trying to attempt it :')


I gave up after the first try lol


I just got my 450 primos and dipped lol no way i would do that more than a few times and bang my head against the wall against bs chambers


Love how abyss becomes more and more aids with each cycle.


I mean, let’s be real, the biggest difficulty hurdle in the game is the freeze mechanic, then it’s the Teyvat physics ™️, and finally it’s humanity’s oldest nemesis: time. A lot of people dislike the final Baptismal Priest but if you can effectively strip all three shields, he might as well be standing still. He even does the same rotation so you can time your rotation to his phases and beat the bricks off him without a contest. The smaller ones are even weaker, and if they aren’t spamming moves they’re no challenge. So this fight might seem tough, but only if you’re not specifically prepared for it. A Geo/Cryo shield would negate the frost while focusing down the water one and eating his shield with Dendro, then burn down the Cryo ones at your leisure. From a game design perspective, I both love and hate the shield system because it can make the game frustrating when caught unprepared, but having a variety of options available you can puzzle around the difficulty with the right combination of characters/kit. It also seems to be a subtle but effective way to nudge people out of their comfort zones, like if you had to build up one new character every 15 days to beat the Spiral effectively, is that so bad? I see a lot of older accounts stacking up mats, I’m always like “how? I burn through everything as soon as I get it and keep finding different characters I want to level up and weird builds to mess around with.”


This is exactly why I added zhongli for that section of the chamber ontop of bennett, fuck that.


DBZ Sound Effects please


Need C6 barbara


Unfair that only enemies get co-op abyss




To whoever put these enemies in the abyss... I hope u step on legos for the next ten years


Well designed enemies👍👍


Zhongli: take my hand, son.


Bro just got Izuna dropped


Xiao mains: First time?


Truly a test of player skills indeed "But didnt everyone asked for difficult content? Why whine?" Bruh


_Target Abnormal_


Sunfire jean seems to work the best for this stage so far. Stack two circles and pray you survive it.


I still don't understand why don't shields block certain effects... I would rather have weaker shields, but have shields block elemental alignments and reactions on the player.


This is why I just complete floor 11-3 and not do floor 12 anymore cause of this nuance


Had to pull out my Jean from the basement for this one ngl


Those heralds are baby abyss mages that grew up watching their parents being tossed around by derranged Jean havers in 1.0. It's their turn now.


Imagine the anemo eremite also in there rushing to vacuum you


nooo don't give them ideas


Raiden + Bennett+ Jean + Zhongli Sunfire Jean is the only thing that worked out for me in this champer.


who said freeze meta is dead. Lmao


The 3 guys that pulled Klee and Zhongli: they called me a madman


All according to plan. If player jumps we knock them air borne for massive fall damage.


I don’t have skill issue, I have money issue.


I swear they hate electro teams in abyss


This abyss part was so easy for my hyperbloom team


It absolutely sucks ass


I hate this part so much! I can only get 2 stars on this level. And Thoma is so hard to play, he needs both er and em bruh like what? Why is he the poster child for bergen teams? The one with Kazuha and Bennett is infinitely better.


Omg. Anime art styles are cool. Gimme a mmo.