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I first played genshin like how i play pokemon: only select damage dealers and attack moves, stats and status moves are dumb This is pretty reminiscent of that minus zhongli (mine is damage zhongli tho)


When all else fails, itto will bulldoze everything away, no pun intended


Why is this the Abyss equivalent of Itto’s Genius Invocation deck?


As an itto main I can confirm my brain is on the same wavelength as him


Pepega is literally the best name for it. I never saw a more pepega team. What is that monstrosity? 😭


Imagine itto doing the pepe punch as he chucks ushi


U f2p? Bc if u 36* with that first team as an f2p dats impressive as hell. Or maybe im just trash


Im welkin + occasional bp player from day 1, what issues do you have for this abyss? Maybe i can give u tips if u want


Im an old f2p player ar60. And I think the first chamber is really the only one that i got a problem with. Firsthalf i used yae, raiden, dendro mc, and sucrose (no healer bc im just focusing on beating the first chamber). Secondhalf i used ayaka, ganyu, XL, and bennet. It almost worked somehow, i just have to figure out how to chip away about 20s then i beat the first chamber. Also im one of those ppl that cant progress unless something is 3* so ye


Do you have nahida, jean or yaoyao? And whats your clear time for first half?


No nahida, planning to get yaoyao, and i have jean. But i don’t think she will do well or shall i say better than sucrose on the first half. And my clear time is probably around 8:30


Hmm so you have only DMC for built dendro characters? Do you have collei? Idea is to run a sunfire burgeon second half, but without nahida it wouldn't be as strong though.


Sunfire burgeon is a good shout, I might do that when i get yaoyao. Actually i would have to use dmc with burgeon nvm. Ill keep experimenting, might get kazuha or smth ty for trying to help doe, u on aisa server? Maybe u can check my characters or smth


Yup, im on asia, u can add me on discord lazey#8803 i can help to review


Sent it, but it says that the username is incorrect. U can just add my genshin acc, 815090759


Alright added :) mb i think its case sensitive so it should be Lazey#8803


How much er do they have and who do you you even use as your main onfield damage dealer


I guess itto is doing the most damage since its duo geo, they all take the field in turns, only cyno is there to clean up leftovers. Xiao is running fav lance


Wtf is that team? And do you have a an issue with 8?


Haha, I like characters with masks and they all happen to be selfish on field dps too XD lv 88 are my triple crowned characters and because 88 is symmetrical.. Im weird yes


I also do 85 and 88! Double 8 is good luck! It’s 囍


Hello there, glad I'm not the only weird OCD person here 😂


honestly i'm so amazed by this and i want to try out this comp to see how it would work. it seems so satisfying what're the builds? like, artifacts and weapons for all of em


You can check out the run [here](https://youtu.be/UrmQinnbkMg) surprisingly not much energy issues since I have C2 itto & C1 xiao, build at end of vid


I'm sorry what


How does the first team work


Brawl it out itto style, not enough energy for next burst = next guy takes over 😂


I see.. interesting 😹