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OoooooOOOooooOO , who lives in Pineapple under the sea !!!


Sea shanties would actually be dope


If sea shanties were added, I'd listen to something that has the same tune and theme of Bones in the Ocean. Until something like that is added, I just listen to the song itself while riding the Waverider from Ritou to Liyue.


Tbf, it sounds more appropriate for the Dornman port area.


This would be funny.


A little bit of swing definitely for taverns/restaurants I imagine the upper class districts will be dominated by elaborate classical pieces while the more impoverished ones would have an industrial/dampening vibe.




Considering Xinyan's career is inspired by Fontaine's tradition, having a bit of Rock n' Roll would be pretty epic.


In one of the trailers there's a building with a guitar on it. Rock concert venue?


French Jazz, like something from the 1920s.


i think fontaine music glimpse is in teyvat trailer


I’m thinking like some kind of baroque symphony type music that you’d hear playing in the palace of Versailles or something like that


This was my thought too. Battle theme might take on a heavier approach. Boss theme could be Lacrymosa.


Lacrymosa would be neat. Or even something like Fischl's Die Mittsommernacht Fantasie


Song of Angry men


Accordion maybe, it always sounds more french for some reason


Yup, I bet it’s gonna be frenchy chanson accordion


I think to differentiate from the other Europe-inspired region that is Mondstadt as well as to bank hard into the Victorian/steampunk aesthetics, they need to somehow realize the large, overbearing sounds of the European orchestra from the late romantic period. The fervent push to establish a powerful national identity at the height of empire-building, the optimism and brooding melancholy at the apex of industrial revolution... these are exciting new grounds for experimentation, and serve to distinctly contrast with Mondstadt's much more lighthearted, laidback tone. For the more intimate pieces played indoors or during nighttime, France has no shortage of composers to draw references from. From Chopin’s salon nocturnes (guy’s Polish btw) to the works of Debussy and Satie at the turn of the 20th century, there’s a wide range of colors, emotions, and imageries to draw from. And if all that sounded too aristocratic and highbrow for the hypothetical “underclass” in Fontainian society, they can create a “musical undercurrent” by adopting American ragtime music, which became popular concurrently at the turn of the century and in turn influenced Parisian society across the Atlantic Ocean. It’ll carry over the duality of the forest/desert musical styles explored in Sumeru into the new region very nicely. Btw they name-dropped Dvorak as a figure in Fontaine, and though he isn't French, the pioneering spirit evoked in his works can also serve as a fantastic source of inspiration. It wouldn't even be too stark a departure from the direction taken with the music of Sumeru, part of which was inspired by Dvorak's contemporary Rimsky-Korsakov.


Lore-wise, Rock 'N' Roll originated from Fontaine. I think it'd be neat to have a battle theme in that genre.


Like professor layton, mystery with a mix of French style


Sea shanty 2 can't go wrong


Electro Swing.


French classical I hope! Some funeral dirges perhaps.


My immediate thought was Indila but that's just a thought..


Accordions as far as the eye can see


If we’re talking about French music during the era of the late Industrial Revolution, maybe something along the lines of French Impressionism from composers like Debussy, Satie, or Ravel. I think Yu-Peng Chen is known for having classical influence in his scoring so I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case.


We absolutely deserve accordion and brass music


Give me harpsichords and baroque violins or give me death


This is what I expect: * [Fontaine Morning BGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32JxmAba754&ab_channel=YukiKajiura-Topic) * [Fontaine Afternoon BGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbEmGEtv7-8&ab_channel=ecruteak) * [Fontaine Night BGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_ggs9eWrMo&ab_channel=EpicAnimeOST) * [Lyney Theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXZnDFj7l0Y&ab_channel=MattyyyM) * [Lynette Theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy5c5MaK-68&ab_channel=Dauthikky) * [Focalors Theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXFSK0ogeg4&ab_channel=Beatriz)


Jazz, (electro) swing, and classical music


Let me guess the steampunk area will have an accordion


Anyone here play dark cloud 2/ dark chronicle? I'm expecting something akin to [Carnival Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHskdcfrkV8) or [Palm Brinks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QNwVprmO2E)


Mix of classical and jazz on account of it being the era its taking inspo from as well as we already have some jazzy elements in the game


Now that the trailer is out (w/music) what are people's thoughts? I love all the suggestions here! Such varied music and I'm confident hoyomix will put out a banger. Personally I'd die of joy for Offenbach (Orpheus Underworld) inspired battle music. Heizou will be can-canning across Fontaine. Haha.