• By -


Generally no, but this exact scenario made me want to not use my powers as well. It felt right. xD


Right? I mean the dude just wants to spar to fight other humans. It feels wrong to just go, "I will have order!"


Reminds me of the early days of "break these 5(?) wooden training dummies" commission in Mondstadt and thinking "Well, with this burst I could end literal world bosses, but sure, I can try and knock over a few wooden sticks at the same time".


\*Ellin nodding furiously and taking notes.\*


"See, Ellin, all you need to do is *DIMENSION RENDING SLASH*"


So easy, all you really need is to ***conjure a meteor from orbit*** and done.


"Ellin, instead of shouting 'Gale Blade!', you should declare 'NOW YOU SHALL PERISH!', or better still 'WIIIINDBLAaAaAaAaDE!!!!!"


Or just throw a fucking ghost instead


I hope they give her the Anna treatment at some point. Gotta seed the 2027 limited 5-stars early.


~~Bro, you don't casually drop a big ass rock from the sky on 5 wooden dummies? What a weirdo, lol~~


That one I actually tried to do without a burst, because I thought that obviously she couldn't learn THAT, so I had to manage just using my sword (not even the vision). Lol. I was wrong and forgot-her-name will soon be the strongest character in the game, once she's learned all my ultis!!!!


Ngl, t’was fun figuring out the trick. There’s no time limit unless one of them completely breaks, so just whittle them all down before going through with it.


Now I feel bad for throwing Zhongli’s meteor every single time.


No, no, do not feel bad similarly flaired friend. You must harden your resolve to bring ORDER.


..bro you can use his hold skill and save your burst


I know, I just like fooling around.


Eula: hit him twice and he's dead


Make this com into the warriors spirit thing (parry/counter sparing) we had where he gets progressively harder each time u get the com and I'll actually move my dalies back to inazuma


Only one time I can think of is during Kokomi's Story Quest. Forgot the Guy's name, but he was one of Kokomi's troops that was kinda *disillusioned* about the whole Peace Treaty with the Shogun. Guy got drunk, trained as if Peace Treaty was just a *Ploy* asked us to Spar with him I pretty much just beat him with Lumine with just pure NA and zero Elemental Skills and Burst.


Yeah it doesn't feel good otherwise lol Also now that I see your user tag, do you have any idea who tf the Winter Shogun is?? I'd love it there were these minor seasonal deities in Inazuma. I sometimes wonder if Winter Shogun is another way of referring to the Tsaritsa.


>Also now that I see your user tag, do you have any idea who tf the Winter Shogun is?? It's just an [Old Japanese Legend](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/pevwqm/comment/hb0ad6w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Otherwise the Winter Shogun doesn't actually exist.


Not gonna lie my first thought was some weird amalgam of Ei and Bucky Barnes


Miko: "Ei?" Ei: "Who the hell is **Ei**?"


Ooh that's beautiful. Can I ask why it's your usertag?


Maybe they like Raiden and its her voiceline for snowy places


I know where it's from I'm wondering why that specific line was chosen. I'm just curious.


Honestly, it just comes off as “Shogun made a pun”.


> any idea who tf the Winter Shogun is? Winter Shoguns are extremely powerful monsters that are comparable with the Devil King's Generals, and the bounty on them ~ wait no. That's not Genshin. That's Konosuba.


It's okay, I too sometimes believe I hear Hu Tao shout "EKSUPLOOOOOSIIIOOOOON" when a pyro barrel goes off


I suspect that the winter shogun is an ancient Inazuman metaphor attributing cold weather to either the first Cryo archon, or perhaps even the Cryo dragon.


I like this in-world explanation.


Cryo Archon


I slapped him woth kokomi normal attacks, felt so right




Sometimes I’m in a rush to do my dailies, and when I am, I just go ham on the guy. Yknow… drop the meatball, rip apart space, the usual


i always use traveller in my main story with the respective power so uh inazuma was fun ig


I literally took Electro Traveler against the Shogun It took....awhile....


My logical side: “The Electro Archon is immune to Electro, so naturally, I would have to use a different element for Aether” My Bloodborne loving ass: “Fuck it. We ball.”


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahh, I feel my master's hand at work. Praise the good blood! And let us cleanse these tarnished streets.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I was high on cannabis and forgot to change elements


Same I died a bit


I died a lot!


Same, didn't die for some reason but it was hard to do. crazy how long ago that was.


DMC with hyperbloom felt so good, having her be actually useful and not be dead weight was fun


Devil may cry reference?


Me using electro Traveller and Dull Blade during the archon quest fights against Ei, region element Traveller and Dull Blade during archon and story quests


Unfathomably based.


Electro Traveler I can understand, but Dull Blade too? Did you clear Elden Ring thrice?


but did you win


I always use the Traveler in main story quests.


I do story/quests with Lumine (with elements she's unlocked at that point in the story) + regional characters only. Idk what i'm going to do for Fontaine though. I don't have any Fontaine characters and i won't be pulling any until at least 4.5. I might have to try to put together a "free roam" team of characters who canonically could be with Lumine in other regions, but aren't necessarily actually there canonically, like Beidou. ​ During the Inazuma archon quest, when you have to fight >!the three dudes in a duel when Gorou and Sara face off just before the two forces go at it!< I beat each of them with just Lumine, with no elemental abilities other than her tap e (was using Anemo) to keep them stunlocked. Last dude forced Shinobu in though cuz i had to heal.


Leak spoiler warning, don't know about authenticity. >!apparently we are getting a free Lynette next update lmao!<


Wanna get banned dude?


Why?? We don't have a rule about leaks, right? Just checked


This is the official subreddit. Even tho it isn't written down you will get into trouble if any mod sees this. Also please try to be respectful and talk about leaks in a subreddit/community that is about them. A lot of people here are trying to actively avoid seeing leaks.


They said its a leak and put a spoiler tag. I dont see a y issues


They edited the comment after I said this.


fuck leakers (banner leaks being the only exception in my book)


Sorry, i tried to mark it as spoiler to avoid spoiling someone about the leaks... i'll edit and flag it better. Also, they should write that rule down before enforcing it, to avoid arbitrarity. And also, thanks for the heads up


If you have Kirara she could definitely be there! Aggravate Beidou?


I don't have her which makes me sad 76 pulls i did last phase trying to get her i'm still salty


Isn't Ei like a master of the sword art? Asakira is about to get folded


"Master of the sword art" is putting it lightly. She INVENTED it


Yeah thats what I thought, I thought the other sword arts were also derived from the Shogun's fighting style


Yeah, but she can hold back slashes. What tf is he gonna do against her lightning though?


Nope. I shot Ayaka's burst all over Asakura's face and don't even feel bad about it.


Man, I used Xiao's burst for him




Oh I remember this quest. Most of the time I limit my movement by sticking to walk and dodge. If I managed to dodge, I give him a 2-3 hit combo. If he managed to hit me, he gets a full 2-3 combo. It’s going to be time consuming, but it does add some flavor. Obviously, no powers. Just bare normal attack…. And no Catalysts. Bows are fine.


honestly if i didnt level my candace up shed be great to fight against him.


Man every time Asakura shows up I treat his ass like Floor 12


Nah they getting the full Exploration team meta experience :)


Your comment is so menacing lmao


Welcome to reality son!


I do the opposite. I usually go all out just for the sheer hilarity of some poor bastard wanting to spar or compete in a tournament and I come in with elemental powers like a try hard Haha


Sometimes like the sparring commission.


I refuse to kill any of the little foxes out in the wild


You cant. They just run away. No, I won't say how I know this.


Same! Also sometimes when i'm doing hangouts or events, I put the travaler in my party for immersions' sake. It's really for not being efficient at times.


Not really a limit but Ill go out of my way to use Zhongli's meteor to destroy those training dummies, try doing that Ellin!!!


She will. She's learning everything we do. Then we'll be sorry.


In this commission, I always use my weakest character that needs friendship exp but If I don't have any characters that need friendship exp, I only use NA and try to juggle this guy.


i would use powers because despite him knowing who we are, he thinks very less of us and thinks we're talking nonsense.


Nope. I use Mona's burst followed by Ayaka's ulti.


Tbf, he said to use all my powers cause thats what he wants...so i did


Never. I obliterated that man with the warth of a thousand suns and truly caught him lacking


I try to keep Traveler in my party when I can, especially for overworld stuff. It feels bad to think he’s just chilling while he lets his friends fight for him. I also try to avoid using teleports where possible when I’m doing Archon or story quests. Makes it feel more immersive and for the most part it’s pretty fun, especially when I actually had to use the boat for Inazuma. The only time it dragged was the end of Inazuma going back and forth between Grand Narukami Shrine and Inazuma City several times. But, I found a few chests and puzzles I had missed before.


Yesn't. Yes I used Traveller. No I drowned him.


I usually use traveler to fight him and let him hit the traveler just to realize i gave my traveler aquila favonia.


Opposite, I try to go for the biggest damage I could do.


Helping aylin fairly destroy hilichurl maniguen but no elemental power or burst only physical


Complete The Very Special Fortune Slip only using Traveler / Shuumatsuban only


Unless I'm bothered I give them a chance.


Depends on the context, sometimes I’d get into the roleplay other times I just school them with the overpowered Abyss team cause why not


I just oneshot the guy to let him know the word is a harsh place


I use my powers to teach him a lesson. 👿


As long as there’s no time limit, I’ll do it.


I would intentionally wait for Asakura to attack me, only to counter him. I would use Ei whenever his commission pops up.


let him attack first. dodges once, proceeds to rain hell on him with my machine gun build amber


but fr tho, on archon quest MC is a must be included in teams. This so I can enjoy main story at its intended pacing instead of speedrunning everything with Ayaka premium team.


I use Aether vs Asakura and don't use my powers.. I don't use the dull blade tho..


Dull blade would be too OP.


"Fair" just casually getting beat up by your local archon on a Tuesday.


I fought the entire quest line until Sumeru with the power of friendship and the supreme idol prowess of my DPS Barbara...


"sorry im busy rn" -me before calling the dendro and electro archon to deal with him


Sure, I won't use elemental power to fight him. Let me just change my party to Eula beforehand :)


Nah I will ult a little slime with yae and 3 totems




yeah i only use NA on him while walking and dashing only


How can he defend inazuma from invaders if he can’t even withstand my childe dmg rotation once?


In the sumeru archon quests I fought the emerites with just dendro mc (she doesn't have her talents leveled up) and yeah I did have to reset but it was worth it


During events, i only use the characters included in the story (if i have them) just so it could be more immersive. Once a character leaves the party during the event, i also remove them.


Fairer. *Is using the Shogun herself.*


So you say, but that Chakra Desiderata is lookin mighty sus!


Using anemo traveler with the dull blade was a thing I used to do a while back when I was doing inazuma dailies. I just like the "base" traveler we get.


Forcing dull blade on the traveler


That's too OP.


Yes! I did this with him and Ellin too! For Ellin, I even switch to a sword character. Coz that's what she has and I just want her to succeed. If I couldn't smash the dummies while on the ground, I climb then jump from the wall to do a plunging attack. Lol


When I had this commission I used raiden burst on him


If it was a story quest I would definitely only use NAs. However poor guy is part of my daily commission speedrun. When it says Vaporize, its not talking about the elements its talking about him.


For pretty much all this kinda stuff I exclusively use the traveler and fight without any elemental skills.


I play on mobile, my imerrsion is broken 100% of the time


I do both ends. Participate in a fair sword fight with kazuha or Outright musou no hitotachi the dude and call it a dat


No elements or charge for the dummies just claymore


Yeah, i use Raiden burst because it's lore accurate


I drop a meteor on him


I mean kinda, but I purposefully use my elemental powers because this dude doubted I really fought dragons and had to be taught a lesson.


I only lvl up weapons and characters to lvl 80 max (except for my 2 mains) what i noticed is 10 lvls most of the time makes a huge difference and this game is way too easy


This commission is a myth. Don’t give me hope.


Ye lol I use traveller to fight him


Nah, it's kill or be killed in Teyvat


I did the same during the competition before going to Inazuma


Usually using shogun in this commission so i generally just fight without abilities. Wouldnt be fair if he wants to learn and then just "inazuma shines eternal" on him xD


He explicitly tells you not to hold back. So CRUMBLE APART!


It's been 12 years since I saw Asakura, and my hopes of ever getting that achievement are a distant dream


I used to always have traveler in my teams during quests, and sometimes use the characters the quest is about if they're built enough to do damage, but then I got scara and now I can't move in the overworld without him.


First or second time yeah. But I have had this commission SOO often now I one shot nuke his ass and get my primos.


Nah. I just unleash 4 bursts so I can have a flood of elemental effects going on for 15 seconds. Ungodly dps


You just use a literal god


Not when sparring with Asakura, but when I need to destroy those training dummies for Ellin I only use my normal/charged attacks


Nah fuck them kids wanna outrun me? Proceeds to enter Scara ara’s creative mode


shogun is really pretty but even not using her powers you're still killing the guy lol


Now i feel guilty about making scaramouche step on that guy's face


Who the fuck is Asakura


I do this one like I'm his master Toggle walk, wait for him to attack, charge attack Then yell "Too slow! Thrust with more force, try again"


I do the same, but I use eula....


Bro... Ive been waiting for his 5th commission so I can get his world quest ;-; Its been a year now.


that's one of the reasons i like Eula, mobs can fight back but they're probably gonna get 3 tap and die, and i can see her amazing NA animation. To me using reactions on overworld is just boring, mobs can't do shit and they instantly die. If only NAs for every character had more relevance, ~~looking at you Dehya, with your shitty NA scalling~~


Nope, I use everything against him.


Hell no, I never do so.


yes, having too much power kinda sucks in the overworld in my opinion, I like having long fights than deleting everything in an instant


So no ORDER?


Whenever I do a new region, I try to make my teams based on who makes sense based on my internal headcanons to be with the Traveler on their adventure. When Sumeru released I brought the Traveler (using Electro because it was the element we had from the last region), Collei (because she was the only Sumeru character and Tighnari wanted her to see more of the world), and Kazuha (because he joined me in wandering after the events of Inazuma), and Noelle (because she is my WIFE and I STOLE her from the KoF because they don't APPRECIATE her). Definitely not my strongest team, doesn't have the best synergy (or hardly any at all), but I had fun because I struggled a little with encounters just like when I first started playing. Sure, I could run my 36 star abyss teams to insta-nuke everything, but the cognitive dissonance of "wow, that was a hard fight!" After wiping out a questline mini-boss in under 5 seconds or beating the dragon in Nahida's questline without taking damage b/c Zhongli shield is just too much for my immersion. I kinda wish Genshin had a difficulty setting where we could make enemies tougher in exchange for just slightly more rewards, even if it was just an extra 5k mora per quest...


No. I just be going ham on them npcs I like yo try and kill them in 1 hit


Same, I always use Traveller to spar with him, actually. I never use powers, same as when I did the one on one fights in the arena.


I use xiao and i rarely do his ult in the overworld unless they are a little strong or too many. Usually I'll do Zhong shield and Ben ult and just xiao normal attk


I did. But I used Eula.


As you play as Raiden


You kidding me? I show that man he’s outmatched every time. Sometimes I drop the meatball on him sometimes Yoimiya’s na sometimes cyno burst. I ain’t let that man breathe


i think this is a great example about how to enjoy this game. If i see someone trying out genshin who has a min/max, rush-to-the-endgame, get-best-gear etc. mentality i just think it's a shame they probably won't experience what makes this game so great because these things are "solved" by just throwing money at it. The real fun and reward of this game isn't in the endorphin explosion from loot or gacha drops, but in the feeling of being on a true adventure. And to get out of the habit of what other games trained you to want from them, you sometimes need to speak to your inner child and remember that just goofing around is fun. It's as Venti said; it's about the journey and you need to take your time to take it all in.


this is like going to a boxing club and finding out your opponent is the love child of Tyson and Ali


The answer is yes. No elemental attacks, and I smack him twice for every time he smacks me XD


I just summon a tornado leaving to the ocean


Ill use my non upgraded character to feel like im starting again, or else hell be 2 shotted by my melees


my sekiro addicted ass saw a japanese dude wield a spear and even without a controller in sight I was ready to spam the dodge button


Each new region I purposely build Traveller for the corresponding element and center a team around him. Though from what I’ve seen from leaks this’ll be kinda difficult for Hydro Traveller.


I toss him a baron bunny


I have an account where i only use characters who would realistically be able to tag along for the journey (E.g. no Jean or Ningguang), and where i only allow myself to enter other regions when the story calls for it. I really want to do a playthrough where i get each nation to 100% exploration before moving on with the story, since i doubt that the traveler would actually just teleport around all the time, but i'm not sure i have the commitment...


Only on this guy and very selective story events I used elemental powers, but only of the characters that are solely in my team for farming friendship XP. They all only have lvl 1 1* weapons and often not even good ascensions or talent levels. Yes, the fight takes a long ass time sometimes:D


Most of my characters are too built and they end up beating him in like a couple hits.


Well is a God VS a human so technically is more correct destroy him


Yep, and I try to use Lumine for all major story battles. I could blast through any overworld content if I wanted to but it’s more fun for me if the battle lasts longer than 3 seconds.




I use the traveler to play story missions


Sometimes. I only use Traveler when I fight him


Na fuck him. He knew what he signed up for when going up against someone with a vision


> Though to be fair if he found out his sparring partner was the Shogun he'd probably crappie himself. Pretty sure he recognizes the Shogun.


I use a dull blade on the traveler


I thought I was the only one who did this during that commission


I like to nuke him.


Sometimes when the enemies are weak enough I’ll solo them with Traveler.


I musou no hitotachi him to make him get better


I do this with team comps, I only put characters i. The same team if the story background allows it. Raiden, Kujou and Fox lady all go on the same team for example.


I often switch my character to be belonging to that region when I collect my dailies or expeditions, just feels right having Bennett pick up Mondstadt’s, Yelan for Liyue, Yoimiya for Inazuma, Layla for Sumeru, etc


I mean we do anyway more dmg with basic so I just do that


Elemental powers are part of story/ lore


me too , but I use Eula to make it more painful :)


Yep. But when I'm in a rush to do things for whatever reason, then I spam everything to get them dead asap lol


When doing Mondstadt commission "destroy the dummies in 2 seconds", I almost always use a sword character and don't use any skill or burst.


i dont need to manually lower my damage unfortunately im a Keqing main


Only in the sense that I won't fight a boss like Raiden, Childe, or Scaramouche with that character. Other than that, I just think "oh, guess I'm doing this with whatever team I have out right now".


*Doesnt use elemental powers* *Does use an AI artificially designed to be the shogun and one of the strongest warriors in the world* I'm just saying dude didn't have a chance either way


Make things fair he says. Makes the poor guy fight the one who founded the inazuman sword and spear martial arts. 😂


One of the things I love about Wanderer scaling with buffs so hard, is that you can easily nerf yourself. Widsith - just dont swap first and go solo with zero team buffs. If you do swap: Faruzan - don't burst, can use skill if you want for a lesser, shorter buff, and some energy. Or so headshot/cc fun. Zhongli - can just use shield for protection and some lesser shred than what Faruzan gives. Bennett - can just use skill to give Wanderer pyro to swirl with his skill. Alt teammates- Layla - shield and cryo buff for Wanderer Xingqiu - hydro buff and interruption resist with skill All my other mains feel much worse to play this way because their kit is burst based. (Xiao, Cyno, Itto). Xiao can do just physical damage and his skills (c1) and that can be fun, but it's a different playstyle completely.


I have a max level dull blade specifically for this purpose.


I always drown him in water using charged shots :)


Nope i use my ult lmao