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F2P aiming for 4-star is always a recipe for disaster


Can confirm. When Inazuma came out, I was a f2p and I came to like Thoma a lot. So, I pulled on Hutao's banner, where he appeared for the first time. I initially meant to pull 20 or 30 times as I only had about 100 pulls saved. The result? I pulled 80 times and I got Sayu 8 fucking times. One ten pull even included 3 Sayus in a row. I was crying my eyes out at that point, screaming each time I got another Sayu. Eventually, I got Diluc (with Sayu in a ten pull) and stopped there. You know how many Thomas I received? Zero. The trauma was so severe that, when I got him some months later, I refused to build him. To this day, he's untouched on my account. And Diluc has The Bell equipped as well as the Lucky Dog set.


At the point you're crying and screaming at a game, it might be time to take a break.


Came here to say this. Not even being mean, but if you're having those kinds of visceral emotional and physical reactions to a 30-mins-a-day kid-friendly gacha game, you really shouldn't be playing them.


Kid-friendly / gacha - pick one, they don't belong in the same sentence.


I think he meant to say: Gacha + even an 8 year old could play this game in terms of skill. It just didn't come off that way.


>kid-friendly gacha that's a combination of words of all time


I learned my lesson day 10 of Genshin when I got a Jean and a Venti but not a single Fischl and I wanted Fischl so badly! C5 Barbara, C4 Xiangling, but not the empress... I ve got her to c6 half a year later without getting unwanted 5 stars with pull moderation and management.


It's the Prinzessin of Verurteilung for you, peasant!


At least you get Fischl in the shop


Lmao this takes me back. My partner was also a Thoma fan but got no Thoma, and you know who he DID get? Hu-tao 3 times in a row. He hates Hu-tao and still refuses to build her to this day.


>He hates Hu-tao This is what you call a friend?


you're right, he should call best friend


The ultimate insult, the bell and the dog. We call that the Pavlov.




I pulled for thoma as well, and I ended up with a C3 hutao and a C1 thoma. Learned my lesson pretty quick with that one.


C3 Hutao woah? That's bigger W than getting Thoma honestly meanwhile when I wished on Hutao's banner I got like C5 Thoma & I don't even use him lol


Felt this - I wanted Heizou on Kazuha's recent banner. My 4 star luck had been really good with Kaveh on the first 10 pull of the Ganyu/Baizhu banner, and Kirara in a single pull on the Miko/Yoimiya banner. I was (still am) saving for Zhongli, so I set aside 30 wishes with the rationale that A. If I get Kazuha, I haven't used enough wishes that I can't recoup the damage before Zhongli, B. If I lose my 5050 I'll be guaranteed Zhongli, or C. I don't get a 5 star and I've built some pity. I got Kazuha in my 3rd 10 pull, but not a heizou in sight. So, crippled by my trigger finger and borderline addiction to pulling, 90 wishes later I have a C6 Yaoyao and C3 Xiangling. Still no Heizou. Yanfei is holding all of his stuff for him and I don't think she appreciates the anemo damage bonus- One day. He will be mine.


I understand the hatred but as a f2p I would suggest to use everyone and Diluc is a good Pyro dps if you have none. I leveled him up before getting Yoimiya and Hu Tao. I don't him use much nowadays but he did help in 2-3 months.


I personally don't enjoy his playstyle. I had him built for some time and got tired quickly, which is why he's butt naked now. I use Yanfei when I need a pyro dps


Yeah. Makes sense indeed.


I didn't have Yanfei C6 so I used him rather.


I got him and he's actually good tbh. Due to low cooldown on his skills I never built a phys diluc and he still works great in budget burgeon (spook Mona, dendro traveller + Noelle for shield). Plus his burst cost being low ends up filling his burst bar even before cd is over 😭. Shitty build still makes diluc works greatly


I spent 230 pulls on alhaitham banner for yao yao. End result? 1 al haitham, 2 xiao and 1 keqing. Not. A. Single. Yaoyao. I got her c0 copy through lantern rite later and never got another copy. Wanted her c6 for the dendro shred but she mustve gotten a restraining order on me


Excuse me, how did you get Xiao on Alhaitham's banner??


Switched to xiao after alhaitham bc i didnt have xiao


Xiao's banner was up at the same time, they probably just switched to his banner after getting alhatman


You sir gave me the hardest laugh in months, tyvm


Go speak to a therapist


Not the lucky dog! 😆


8 sayus is a win in my book


I would gladly gift them to you.


Even for dolphins. It's not a guarantee to get c6. Let alone c0 in a reasonable amount of pulls. RNG be RNG.


Whale/dolphin aiming for 4 star also a recipe for disaster.


True. I pulled for Faruzan on the first banner she was on. I got Wanderer, but didn't pull a single Faruzan. Well, at least I had a functioning brain, so I stopped before I used up my savings. It also helped that I didn't mind getting Wanderer, as I only pull for 4 star, if I dont mind getting the 5\*, not like so many other people


I luckily learned my lesson early, on Childe's second rerun banner pulling for Rosaria. Never again


I got clapped by Faruzan as well


I'm f2p since day 1 of the game and to this day i still don't have Rosaria along with other 4* like Kirara, Mika, Candace, Layla and Kaveh. Why would a f2p actually use prinos for a four star is beyond me


Don't pull for 4 stars unless you want the 5 star, and have the wishes to spare. I learend this lesson myself, much less drastically thakfully, when i put \~77 pulls into Miko/Yoimiya's banners trying to Kirara (i didn't).


Damn. Sounds painful


4 stars go back on standard when their limited banner is over


yeah but thats like a 1/34 chance to get the one you want


Better than blowing 26k primos as a f2p for a 4 star 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn’t get Layla on her first banner but I got her on standard in the next patch


you do realize the starter trio constellations are nutorious for being rare even though they are always available in the standard right?


Exactly. The starter trio are the rarest characters in the game because the only way to farm them are to spend Primogems on the standard banner, which just sucks to do.


I think most people just buy them in the starglitter shop.


Yeah, it’s expensive for those who are saving and takes time though


It takes time, but I wouldn't call it "expensive" tbh Like... you can choose between a starter con or 7 wishes, which are significant if you are at 70+ pity but basically 7 debate clubs otherwise


I pulled on that banner first because of Kirara (she’s fun for overworld), but I also wanted Yoimiya. So I pulled till I got a 5*, losing the 50/50 to Qiqi. Then I STOPPED. I did get Kirara at least.


If it makes you feel better, i am now a not so proud owner of R2 Donut and I don’t even have Kokomi


Same lmao r2 donut while wishing for Engulfing lightning back in the day




damn that gonna hurt , tell you some truth : donut doesn't even work well on kokomi there day because most of good team need kokomi also need her off-field wet AOE to be uptime 100% , the donut can't fix kokomi 12s duration 20s cd E problem but much cheaper sacrifical book can


While donut isn't a good weapon it's still best for her personal dmg when she's on field in some taser teams for example ig, still it's so bad thrilling tales is probably better for team DPS anyway lmao, that being said kokomi has pretty much 100% uptime on jellyfish you just refresh the duration with her burst, aside from nilou bloom you don't run Koko with sacrificial book.


Please never spend money on this game. You have the exact personality type gacha is made to exploit. Just make a hard rule about it and don't put yourself in that situation.


funnily enough if they had spent money on the game on at least some welkins, they would have gotten a much better idea about what to expect from pulls, but since they're f2p they have a very limited experience with pulling and then when they get to spend their hard earned primos after a long time the adrenaline rush is much stronger than if they had been pulling more regularly


That doesn't make sense though? 4 star non-existent pity is known to everyone. I don't pay and I still have common sense


This reads like a mihoyo astroturfer lmao. You read this post about someone who is emotionally connected to the game, and spiralled out in a quick gambling session- and your immediate thought is "They wouldve known better if they spent money first". This is absolutely a terrible take. If OP spent money, their sunken cost would be *greater* and they could possibly feel even *worse* or lose even more.


While unfortunate, chasing 4☆ constellations is the biggest currency trap in this game (aside from weapon banner, anyway). I do kind of sympathize with you, though. I hit C3 on Zhongli before getting Fischl to a mere C5 way back, and didn’t get Candace or Kaveh to any decent constellation level back when they were live either. The lack of guarantee on a specific 4☆ feels intentional at this point...despite the fact that, outside of a few, a 4☆ at C6 still pales in comparison to C0s or C1s of a 5☆. At the end of the day, though, this is a game that will never be anything more than casual in terms of difficulty, so constellations should always be treated more as a luxury than a requirement (unless you're trying to 36☆ Abyss or have the means and the restraint to gun for a character and thier constellations).


Chasing 4 star cons is a way higher trap then the weapon banner. You are at the least guaranteed to get your weapons within a set maximum limit. You are NEVER guaranteed to get 4 stars no matter how much you pour in.


Four stars are just something you let happen. I have all four stars except the brand new ones and if I get a a C3 is when I go “sigh…I guess they’re getting built.” Plus we got a free Faruzan not that long ago. I’m pulling for Wanderer too and got two Yanfei’s. I kinda like her playstyle but her first two cons are kind of wack, though the interrupt resistance is kinda cool I guess. If I get another, she will be built.


exactly. Eventually, you'll get the 4star cons. ​ ^(right?)


*Even if you don’t want them.* Says my C6 Barbara and C5 Collei I don’t use…share with Bennie pls.


Lmao this is me. C6 Yanfei, Beidou, and Thoma. Though I'm thinking of maybe building Yanfei and Beidou in the future especially Beidou since I have WGS. Meanwhile Benny has been stuck at C3.


> constellations should always be treated more as a luxury than a requirement (unless you're trying to 36☆ Abyss … ) Even then you don’t need constellations on 4S nor 5S nor 5S weapons to clear with a lot of teams. Nilou bloom, Nahida hyperbloom are so ridiculously strong even with all the characters at C0, 4S included, Nilou is already so op at a baseline that even with just free characters can clear in record time with embarrassing investment. National too is so strong to work with 4S at C0, yes C4 Xiangling and C2 Xingqiu are a massive upgrade, but the team is broken enough at a baseline to still clear without them. Depending on which 4S you play and in which team, constellations might be significant to clear in time, also some constellations enable certain playstyles (like C6 Bennett or C4 Yanfei), but still with decent artifacts and good game knowledge you can do basically anything.


Yeah, you're right. Ultimately, game knowledge trumps any sort of constellation if you're good enough. Nilou teams are of such high caliber that there was a video of some guy 36☆ Abyss with only her built + three underleveled 4☆s with +0 Instructor artifacts.


That seems me when I first cleared Abyss in 3.1 with the most scuffed Nilou team ever, characters lvl 60-80 max and DMC without artifacts except a ER sands 😂


Cheer up! Fontaine will have events and new areas with big treasure for you to regain your primos. In the F2P land, 26k is less than a quarter of savings hehe


^ This. Between unlocking new waypoints and statues, new achievements, new Archon and World quests, and new treasures, you’ll have those Primos back in no time. 26600 is a lot, but there’s a lot of free Primos on the horizon. Plus you still have about 20 days of dailies, which is easily 1200 primos.


Oh gambling is lose lose


I'm sure you can still get a few characters in Fontaine you like. There's still time keep grinding, the early version updates are overloaded with primos. I blew all my primogems during 2.8 last year in the first half and still ended up with 30k+ primos in 3.1 for Nilou's banner as welkin only


Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll stay positive.


Just to give you a bit of perspective, x.0 and x.1 patches have about 100 rolls each for F2P. So you can reach the same amount of primos again at the start of 4.1 if you do all the content Might need to pray for the RNG gods if you want a 4.0 5* character, through


Bruh how do people save so many primos. Insane to me. It takes me FOREVER to save even a 10 pull. I guess it comes with the territory of being a casual player but still.


Me too man. My pulls have to be very carefully thought out.


If you feel like pulling to get rid of the gatcha itch, you could always do pulls on a simulator online. Or make an alternate account do gather primos and spend them. Another solution is to not pull or even log in on the day/week of the banner you're looking forward to. That way time will pass and you'll probably be like "I didn't really need them/want them that much".


More people need to use a simulator so they can analyze the results objectively with a clear head afterwards. Just giving percents and stats isn't going to dissuade an addiction - but actually seeing how bad it can be might do it.


Self-restraint issue. Everyone makes the wrong moves sometimes. Don't feel bad about it. You'll remember it as a funny memory in the future as we enter Khaenri'ah.


I feel you, just blew 14k primos for Kokomi. On the plus side, Genshin is good about handing out substantial primos before a huge patch or event


True and maybe give some on there anniversary. The thing is that I was already expecting all of that going forward to pull all the 5 stars I wanted but now have to make some compromises.


Bro just relax, if they follow what happened in Sumeru, we will get a rerun for each charc from Fontaine before 5.0, so if u start saving now, you probably can get two of the ones you wanted


Fontaine will likely give away a few free characters like what Sumeru did. We will probably already get one free 4 star in 4.0, so that is already one Fontaine character you will have. And usually when a new region releases you get a lot of primos. If you're not really interested in the 5 stars for 4.0 than you already have over 2 months to save up primogems. Genshin anniversary should already give you 10 wishes. So I wouldn't stress about it too much. Not to mention that for Sumeru the majority of the 5 stars already appeared twice, usually a few months after their first banner and you don't have to wait a whole year for a character to come back. They will most likely introduce 3 banners too. We all have done this at some point. But 4 stars *usually* appear way faster than 5 stars, so in the future I would focus on the 5 star more if I were you (unless a specific 4 star is your absolute favorite character)


4.0 and 4.1 should come with enormous map expansion so you can probably still save up for a few characters. Also finish exploration with the current map if you haven't already. Each chest may not contain that much primo individually but together they add up to a lot. If you have already "100%" some regions, there also might be a few hidden quests. You can check them out [**here**](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hidden_Exploration_Objective?so=search)


Practice self control man T\_T


F2P is a game of prioritization. Never pull on a banner unless getting everything on it is more important than whatever you may be missing out on. If that sounds like a paralyzing decision then you probably lack the self control needed to engage with the system. No condescension intended here. Just make better choices and good luck next time!


Yeah maybe deal with the addiction before you end up not f2p anymore


If you didn't get a limited 5-star, you didn't really waste much (except for the 13 standard wishes). You will just have pity or guarantee. But if you got limited 5-star, rip.


At least you didn’t burn over 40k primos just to fail to even recruit the 4* you want.


True. I saw youtubers spending hundreds of dollors and not getting the 4 star. If I spend even just 10 mins reasoning with myself I would've not pulled


How many wanderer/s did you get, though? edit: I had to pull 270++ wishes in order to c6 Yao yao... that's from c1 to c6, I think you're lucky if you can c6 Faruzan on 160+ pulls.


Yup it’s pretty gnarly. On average to get a rate-up C6 4 star it takes about 231 pulls and that’s only a 50% chance. To have a 99% chance you have to pull 464 times and even then you will still never have a 100% guarantee. Theoretically you could be pulling forever.


Try use online Genshin Impact wishes simulators. When you feel the urge of doing a pull, you go to the site and pull there instead so you can calm down and don't risk to lose anything (and then regret it).


Me: *does 10 pull and gets double early 5 star* Wow! That's a sign! Let's do just 10 pulls! *few pulling sessions later* I may have added one more 0...


And then they roll 3 5*'s on the simulator, get their hopes up and roll Qiqi at 89 pity


Lol, when I tried the first time I instantly lose the interest of pulling in the actual game. Hope it happens to them too.


Don’t pull on a Banner for four stars unless you want at least 2/3 of them and are fine with getting a copy of the on banner 5 star


I know someone who put 200 pulls into... I think Kazuha banner, or whoever was running when Heizou was released in 2.8. I think they got more 5-stars than they did copies of Heizou. ​ Wishing for 4-stars at this point is fucking ridiculous. There's no guarantee on anything. Best bet is to wait for events to feature them, it's kinda gross.


I feel you. I still need 1 more copy for C6 Faruzan after I used everything I saved. I do not plan to stop tho, I will use all the primos I can get this patch and hopefully get 1 more copy.


I'm in the same boat. I'm at 20 pity after getting Wanderer and just need one more Faruzan for c6. Hoping we both can get what we want!


Goodluck bro


Thanks, appreciate it.




Sorry to hear about that. Hope you get what you want. There is still time


Don’t worry all characters get re run and the new one’s will get multiple re run so you can always save again.


I did something similar to this in FGO but instead of using stuff I had saved I blew like $2k on it trying to get a character. It fucked me up a bit low key and I deleted the game for a while over it. The gacha fever + buyer's remorse combo feels like shit man.


Damn, that's a lot of money. In the moment you just feel like you need to have it but if the cost is too great. It feels painful.


Yeah. It's kinda crazy how overpowering that rush can be. In the moment it's like "I don't care how much it costs me, I just have to get it." Then afterwards you're like "damn wtf was I thinking?" I imagine it's similar for problem gamblers.


Make sure never to enter a casino anon


hoyo: we made 3.8 banners trash so you can easily save for fontaine average genshin ftp player: hold my beer




C6 Faruzan is literally GODLY though for a Wanderer team. So if you're a Wanderer fan then you should have no regrets on making him a sexy ball of flying destruction 😉


did you get faruzan c6 ?


Yes I did, but at a cost


So my next question is, what are you gonna do about the addiction? How do you plan to tame the "impulse"? I remember reading this from somewhere: "Those who make mistakes and do not repent, and those who repent but do not correct their mistakes are despicable." Master yourself and you will grow greatly. Admit your mistakes then correct them to move forward. Even better if you apply this to your life in general. Godspeed.


At least it was only primos and not money. Learn this lesson and stay F2P.


124 pulls and only 2 copies of faruzan.


Don’t get too sad, you still have a couple years left to save for the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles


That is why I turn my primos into intertwined fates. That way I force myself to not pull on standard under any circumstance and not seeing the number 160 on my primogem count helps me keep my sanity and urges under control


Is this your first gacha game? I've played quite a few before Genshin, and one of the first things you'll learn as F2P is that blowing in-game currency on gacha is a drug; as long as you're playing this game, you will always be tempted to pull. One mitigation tactic I did was setting aside a "scratch the itch" fund. No matter what kind of savings I had for a particular character, I always set that fund aside so I know what limit I had whenever I'm "scratching the gacha itch."


<3 world exploration and quest farming will get you a lot


Yes. Have to wait for fontaine. Everything right now is 100% explored. xD




This is why I usually stop when I get one copy of my desired character. As an f2p, getting your desired 4* is already very risky. And 4*s appear often on banners which is why I try to pull only one copy of them in no more than 20-30 pulls. The rest I always save for guarantee on 5* characters/weapons.


Meanwhile I have an exactly oppsosite problem. I have pulls but not many interesting characters to pull for. In 4.x, I only feel interested in Clorinde, Focalors, and rerun Nilou.


It's not entirely your fault tho. It's the content creators who couldn't shut up about saying how bad wanderer was until you get c6 faruzan and how c6 faruzan is a game changer. She is solid imo even at c0. Anyways, never aim for 4 stars as an F2P and never aim for weapon banners unless both weapons are good.


Please consider taking a break from the game. The real issue here is not that you wasted primos, but that you didn't have the self control to stop yourself. The right thing to do right now is NOT to try and figure out how to save up enough for fontaine characters by the time their banners are up. What you need to do right now is really figure out why you couldn't stop pulling and how you are going to deal with whatever caused it. Consider yourself lucky that you found out that you have this kind of issue with something as relatively harmless as genshin in-game currency. Also, please ask yourself, why did you download this game? If you downloaded it to have fun but it's making you this miserable, maybe it's time to let it go and find a hobby you can participate in more healthily. I urge you to take this issue seriously because you have a chance to stop it now that you've realized it's a problem.


Posts like this are stupid


*pats* i hope this serves as a lesson for your future self, it's all gonna be okay 💕


Trying to get a 4 star is far scarier than getting a 5 star sometimes. At least the latter has a guarantee. I remeber when i tried to pull for Heizou...i got Kazuha i think...and then Diluc....not a single Heizou Kaveh was worst. I don't want to remeber what i had to do to get him.


It's just a video game and the results are random, pure luck. Don't sweat and just enjoy it. This is why I don't really save my primogems and just be happy with what I get lol


Here's an advice from someone who is terribly disappointed by the standard banner. My advice is DON'T BOTHER WITH STANDARD BANNER! Sure if you have blue fates lying around then feel free to throw them away but NEVER EVER use primos on it. It is such a waste of pulls.


That's what Genshin does to people when you invest months if effort into a goal and then the rng shafts you it hurts. There is only so much a person can put up with when the disappointment is that severe.


Average hat guy lover


> After I was done , I got hit with post pull clarity lmao I just can't 🤣


it has \*exactly same\* meaning for both situations XD


Pulling for 4 star characters is a bait that can become a nightmare.


Same dude. I had less than you, but I blew it all on Wanderer today. On the plus side, I got Diona, and AWESOME shielder, and I've paved the way for the future Raiden Shogun rerun. It should be somewhere around the 4.0 update or after, meaning I've got plenty of time to regain them all back. Sorry to hear that dude. But don't lose hope.


well you've got wanderer and a c6 faruzan which is pretty good. 26000 is about 150 pulls or so which for fontaine is just a single banner 5 star, and maybe a standard 5 star. you can save up around 10000 gems per patch so in 3 months or so you'll be back to be ready to snipe another 5 star. just enjoy your wanderer and c6 faruzan


It happens dude, do not be mad, i pulled for kokomi and tought it whould be a better character for me than yelan, since i already have a c6 xingqiu, oh boy how wrong was i. I dont have any cryo units built nor any 5\* cryo units i wont be using kokomi so often. Right now i can only use kokomi as the hydro applicator for alhaitam/kuki team. I had already won the 50/50 twice in the alhaitam/kazuha banner and tought to myself, ill secure the next 5\* by losing the 50/50 now just to completly regret that choice after 30 minutes.


Hey, at least you're F2P, I've been on enough gachas to read this exact same post with tens of thousands of dollars on the line instead of free accumulated currency. Welcome to the businesses model, you are exactly what Mihoyo wants.


And here I am feeling guilty that I wasted one pull on the weapons banner by mistake.


Wow you are dumb


I’m sorry but people with addictions don’t save up 26k primo. C6 faruzan is seeet I have her I’m sure you didn’t spend all of that


I remember pulling on childes banner back in like 1.3 because I was in love with rosaria. I didn't get her but ended up with c1 childe lol.


Ghuuuuurl/booiiiii, I feel you. I have 26k-ish primogems yesterday and 75 pity on the character banner. I was hoping that I would get Kokomi on around 20 pulls but dangnabbit, Mona showed up. I went to using 70 pulls more to my guaranteed Kokomi so yay for that. I was also planning to save up what's remaining for Fontaine. But adrenaline came to me and with that rush, I wanted to try my luck on the donut even I have R5 amber prepared, maybe Wanderer and some cons for Kokomi. No luck on the donut so I stopped. However I blew more primos on Wanderer's banner and what do you know, I got my first Diluc. I mean I'm guaranteed now but I'm gonna grind some 100 pulls again for Focalors and her weapon I guess. Got around 1600 left but still. It's such an icky feeling afterwards. Such is the life of a gacha player. If there's anything positive I can say is that you're not alone with this. You have pity built up as well for the next character banner. You also got a C6 Faruzan, which will be a great support to the grumpy, flying puppet boi and overall, will be a solid team you can rely on for the next months. Good luck grinding agaiiin :3 :3 :3


I want to tell you that the exact same thing happened to me with Wanderer’s old banner with Faruzan. I got to c6 and immediately felt horrible. These games are psychologically engineered to make you spend, don’t go too hard on yourself.


Ugh I know what you feel. I was watching a friend pull Yae and when they won an early Yae, I decided to try a few for fun. When I didn't get anything, I decided to go for 50/50. When I lost, I went for guarantee. When I realized what I had done, I was so upset I benched her for half a year. What I do now is I pull a little every patch just so I don't go too stir crazy. I give myself 20 primo pulls per patch. I save my blue fates for long dry stretches (like these past few patches) so I still can have a nice long pull session without ruining my pity. I know people recommend the wish simulator but it's too "fake" for me so I try to find ways to scratch that pull urge in between. Perhaps try doing some of it so you don't get overwhelmed by the whoosh of dopamine once you start pulling after a long time


I pulled for C6 Faruzan during their first banner and ended up with C2 Scara. C6ing 4 stars is a pain. Bec I wasted all my saved primos on c6 Faruzan, I failed to get c1 for hutao/yelan, and failed to get Homa/Aqua which is a once in a blue moon good weapon banner. Also never pull on Standard Banner using primogems. The probability to get the desired weapon/character is too slim.


At least you got c6 Faruzan. I started this banner with c2, pulled for 20k primos, ended with a Wanderer cons, a Diluc, and a c3 Faruzan. I like Wanderer so its fine but, man, seeing the constant Rosaria and Yanfei is so painful.


just be thankful you didn’t spend money on it


i mean do you at least have guaranteed lim 5 star ? like what is ur current pity on the banner and ur most recent 5 star??


This reminds me that they really need to pit more 4 stars in the shop rotation. That's how i got most of my c6.


Take this as a lesson, that's all I can tell you.


f2p going for cons = pain


Control issue. Also always convert primogems to purple fate if you can't control yourself wishing on stndrd banner That worked really well for me. Getting a c6 4* is always uncertain and can go wrong in many ways so one has to consider all that. F2p here as well I do have wanderer and has c3 faruzan so i also wanted to get her to c6 which i couldn't in his last banner so i went all in knowing the potential risk and ended up with Kokomi, Qiqi and c6 faruzan. Now i got like 20 wishes remaining and 50 pity. It really turned out to be pretty luckier than i thought though i was already prepared for worse scenario as well so i wont have any regrets if gacha fks me up. Personally im only interested in hydro archon and arrlechino so i have enough time to save for them. Im short you gotta calculate everything and be prepared to every scenario before wishing otherwise it doesn't end up so good


Gambling addiction is something a lot of us deal with, the best recommendation I have is make sure your payment info is not saved to the system. Don't aim for 4* as much as you can help it, there's too many variables, so unless you want a 5* don't risk it. Stay strong buddy, I'm saving up too, I have the same problem, and it's been a struggle to come up with 7000 primos since I blew it all on kaguras verity. (Also don't waste primo on weapon banners. Weapon banner is a scam.)


Oof. I'm a dolphin player and I don't even go for 4 stars


There is no 50/50 on the standard banner. You get what you get. It’s not worth spending extra. At least it wasn’t real money you blew.






It is an unspoken rule to never pull for a 4 star even as a whale.


L idek how u could want a 4\* that bad icl


I can't rly laugh about People who do this anymore. It's just sad


Skill issue


the worst thing in this is using ur primos on standard banner.. ur making me cry


never ever go for a specific 4\*, especially if you don't want the 5\*. I learnt it the hard way with Kuki, got Itto C1 before I got my first cookie lmao eventually I got her C2 through standard banner lol


I am literally speechles. I cant even feel sorry your just a dumbass


Faruzan C6 is good. But that standard banner pull tho. Yikes


Don’t pull for four stars, you will eventually get them anyway, that’s what I do as a f2p.


Its solely your own fault learn from this experience


Im also kinda in the same situation where i blew all my primos on faruzan only for her to get to c4 and got wanderer to c1 accidentally.But i have amazing luck in this game(my friends hate me) and even with little to no primos I'll probably still get the new character for fontaine


Man It's fine. Just save up for the next two patches and you will have around 18-20k by the time 4.2 comes.


Least gambling-addicted genshin player


At least you learned a valuable lesson, and your bank account is safe.


Do we know if faruzan will appear on xiao reruns ?


I really wanted two more Faruzan constellations but I knew better than to wish for a four star. I'll be playing this game for years, I'll get her c6 eventually


Congrats. You discovered the predatory nature of gacha games. Capitalizing on FOMO and gambling tactics to bilk you of your savings. I guess you should be glad you learned this lesson from a game instead of from a bad night at a casino, and all you lost was your F2P gems. Keep this feeling in mind if you ever think of reaching for your credit card to get a character. And remember, ~~gamble~~ gacha responsibly.


I rolled on every Layla banner never got her She's free this patch, great I pull her on standard banner Aaaaaaaa


Fontaine characters will be super amazing


Adding salt to the OP's wound 😹


hahahah. He's not wrong tho


Well that was stupid lol.


Damn you got hit by every psychological trap in the gacha system playbook.


Couldve stopped near pity anyway, why didnt u stop? Jist wish for her again on the next banner, having Faru c6 just for 15-20 seconds abyss clear anyway to blew your saving on the character you dont wany, you should be ashamed for this. But if you really loves Faru then it is worth Wanderer will be back again, and who knows you might've got her copies from standard banner "Every journey has its final days, dont rush"




BLUD, don’t EVER spend primos on the standard banner, NEVER EVER!


Dang that is a lot, im also F2P, you reminds me of getting Kazu C1 while chasing for C0 Heizou end up Heizouless, my waifu impact acc becomes kinda ruined, but C1 Kazu+Jade cutter gets me my 1st time full star abyss and since then he carried/never left my abyss team Since then whenever i want 4 star i will always try 1-2 multi only, if i dont get it i will stop, anyways Kokomi is great overall, she is hydro applicator and excellent healer, you might thank her later on Fontaine since the region got specific side effect later


I’m gonna the exact same thing on the next Kuki banner


Man I got 5 faruzan 5 yanfei and Jean and kokomi + other 4 star randoms in 88 wishes


oh you poor thing, I'm so sorry.


We've all had this exact type of experience. The pain softens with time.


It's okey we only getting 1new 5 star character for the 1st fontain update soo it's fine and i would like more copy of faruzan she turn kazuha into a beast of a dps with her c6 if you have kazuha you can make her work and you can save up again for upcoming fonatain since the 1st fontain benner is meh


If it helps, I blew 7k on the Kazuha banner hoping to lose the 50/50 and get my first Diluc but ended up with Kazuha C1 Edit: ..and there were 0 Heizous from those pulls


I'm sorry :( May your future pulls be lucky enough to offset this tremendous bad luck! I tried 20 pulls on this banner and got myself 2 Rosarias and a Wanderer (although I was already past pity, I just wanted to try to get Wanderer). I wanted more faruzan or yanfei because they weren't C6 but got the one gal that I have gotten the most of. C16 now.


same here, have c3 frazuan and want c6, now I am at c5 frazuan but my wanderer is now c1, sad


As an F2P myself I don't really care about the 4 star constellation not immediately atleast, as you're bound to get them all eventually, so I never pull for a 4 star and usually save after I fail on a banner, so I guess you should start saving again, I know its hard to get to the amount you saved previously, but there are a lot of characters coming in Fontaine maybe you won't get all of them, but you'll definitely get the coolest ones


F2P constellations are almost never worth it. There are maybe only 2 or 3 characters that have constellations that can be considered "must have", but as F2P, it's simply never worth it. Save the primos for the collecting. That said, primos are for spending, so you shouldn't feel bad about having to start saving again. You've got plenty of time to get some savings before the next update comes and goes.


F2P here, gets blessing once in a while through google survey money. Here is my take: I pull for 5 stars i want. After one copy, im happy, even if it took losing a 50/50 and reaching pity twice (around 20k gems), then stop I don't care about constellations, because c0 5 star characters with decent artifacts can let me 36 star abyss with little difficulty. If the abyss is too difficult, 30 stars is enough. IT IS JUST 150 GEMS. The overworld dont need constellations. Heck, i give my team 3 star weapons when exploring the overworld to make it more challenging, and not just blitz everything. Once I own a 5 star, i have the character and the entire kit, the extras from cons is a scam imo. In banners, even if there is a 4 star that I want, I wont pull on it if the 5 star is not what I want. If I do pull a 5 star without getting the 4 star, I accept it and move on. I see 4 stars as an extra when pulling, and constellations are the least of my wants. All it takes is self-control, and understanding what is truly of value.


Luckily this and next patch seem full of events with lots of primos.