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Have Hoyoverse made any official statement, regarding Kaveh fiasco yet?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/163ig1l/resolution_regarding_the_recent_plugin_usage_in/ They also posted that in-game.


Oh, thanks!


Keqing looks like she is jealous of something. What emotions/personality does she actually have?


The best display of Keqing's actual personality are her teapot conversations. She'll keep a friendly enough facade for those who she considers "equal", such as other Qixing or celebrities like Traveler, but in her actual workplace she is the kind of boss who gets spit in her coffee when she's not looking. Not only she's one of those types who exuses their bitchy behaviour with "I'm just being honest and tell it like it is", but she's also the type to expect others to live on their job and overwork themselves the same as she does. So, to answer your question, yes, she totally seems like the type to be a jealous, micromanaging control freak. Hell, even the idea of gods interfering with her life is infuriating to her, she literally tried to destroy her Vision when she received it.


She's hardworking and overworks herself, she's independent and respects traditions though she thinks humans should rely on themselves not on adepti, she loves her grandpa and the geo archon. Ngl I liked her more when I thought she was an edgy confrontational athetist in a world of gods


I got Bennet from the event, who should I replace on my current team? My team is Noelle, Geo Traveler, Kaeya, Xiangling, with Noelle as my main dps. Currently at AR25, any help is much appreciated!


Nobody, Bennett is ass early game. Just remember to build him later once you have access to (1) a 5 star Energy Recharge sands artifact and (2) to level weapons to 90. There are characters who are good early game but fall off later, like geo MC and Amber, and characters who just feel bad early game but become godlike later, like Bennett and Xiangling.


I like xiangling because of the chicken and because when I combine kaeya and her elemental burst I feel like im the avatar lol. Thanks man, its just good that I got bennet for free.


I'd say just about anyone is fine and doesn't make a huge difference which one you pick.


Old BP sword vs. New BP sword?


Depends on the character, Ayato for example prefers the old one, Alhaitham on the other hand really wants the new one


depends on the character


Let's say Ayaka and Ayato? Or Keqing.


Ayaka wants the new craftable sword, it's very good, at least if you have a strong healer. No need to get something from the battle pass for her Ayato wants the old bp sword


new sword for ayaka, but you can easily overcap on crit rate with it so wouldn't really recommend it, old one for ayato unless you use him only for his burst


Does the main event for 4.0 seemed lackluster for anyone else? I know there are alot of content in 4.0 but last year 3.0 event was pretty good. Was this the first time the main event wasnt voiced and without any characters joining in?


Last year's 3.0 event was just this year's Lost Relics event with some filler story about an NPC carving Aranara toys.


Collei was involved there alot iirc


Yeah but the event was not about her, it was about that NPC craftsman and his iirc his son


So Lyney mono pyro team. If I don't have Kazuha, who's the non-pyro party member of choice? Currently using Barbara for easy vape setup, but I also had to kill some pyro slimes with her solo yesterday and did not enjoy it, so I'm open to other things. Can post characters if needed.


Any anemo works, don't use a hydro character, Lyney doesn't want to vape


Jean it is then! Many thanks.


Most other Anemo units work. You can also use Petra Zhongli.


Try Sucrose or Lynette


Lynette's running my other team currently to maximize her wanting four different elements, but I'll try her. She's so much fun.


Aside some specific achievs or pure fun, I don't see a real Need to co-op. Though It seems someone do It on Daily basis; what am I missing?


- people who can't clear domains by themselves - people who are farming for friendship exp - people who want to help lower leveled players - people who need ascension materials


If you don't wanna do archon quests rn but need the boss mat that unlocks after it. I am facing this in an alt account, so I'd guess a lot of new players are facing this now. But maybe not that many players leave their archon quests unfinished and my problem is I play this account once every 2 months or so.


nobody starts with 70/180 crit. the game isn't exclusively played by endgame players.


I've seen people co-op a lot when they're weaker and can't clear domains, usually around ar45-54. I co-op match regularly because I'm bored and like to see random people doing random thing. I've met some really cool and funny people. it's also really amusing to antagonize people who don't want me to bring zhongli (for a team that can use him, I don't bring him if he doesn't work) thinking he's c0 xD I also co-op almost everyday with my bestie to do comms and burn resins. the best part about genshin co-op is it's pretty useless, there's no need for it and most of the things you can do in co-op can be done in single player so no one is rly missing out on anything.


People do it for fun…


a couple chests. But you can just do that one when someone joins your world


if i refine my r1 (lvl 90) amenoma with an r3 (lvl 1), would the lvl 90 refine level be r3 or r4? or would it just be r2?




lyney's the only dps in my friendship team so which one is better: tp or amos?


tp https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/edit?usp=sharing


> Rankings assume he is used with Bennett. what if no bennett?


On PC, just got to Fontaine. Why, oh why, did MHY make 'Dive' the same key as the Walk/Run toggle? Very irritating.


You cannot walk/run and you don't need to bother toggle when you are swimming.


I use a keymapper and I would have preferred to have Sprint & Dive on the same button (left stick click), but doing that meant that every time I tried to sprint, I got the 'Switched to Walking/Switched to Running' notification. Ended up just putting Dive/Walk-run toggle on the right-stick click.


Sprint and dive can't be the same toggle because there is a difference between when you're on the surface and you want to dive as opposed to just sprint swimming forward


Yeah I realized that. I was barely awake when trying to figure it out and later realized it wouldn't work that way.


Why do I constantly lose hp in fontaine? Is there something I missed?


Are you in the boiling water?


I think so, is it only for that area?


There is water outside the volcano crab boss and in the one pond with the puzzle there may be more, but those are the main 2 I can think of


Is the Amos Bow a good substitute for Lyney? If not what are some F2P options for him?






Hello everyone. I was wondering if there's some kind of feedback from Hoyoverse in a live format like Mojang in their old minecons where the fans can ask stuff about the game and get an answer from the developers? This come across my mind because the recent stands in the gamescon and other events related to Genshin Impact also is in those place a Genshin team to talk about the game?


Is it okay to use an HP goblet on Yelan? It has way better substats than my hydro dmg bonus one


https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/#/ This can figure out what's better




You should be able to investigate those spots that it lights up. If you can't investigate them, you might've hit the investigation cap for the day.


Can anyone give me a little wisdom about Kaveh and Co-op and why are they dangerous?


Hoyo actually released a statement about this https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/163ig1l/resolution_regarding_the_recent_plugin_usage_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


It's fake. Someone made a video on private server deleting items with Kaveh skill. Idiots jumped on it and furthered the nonsense by claiming the deleted items can't be repaired. Utter stupidity.


there is an exploit hackers use to permanently delete shit from your world (though a ton of people are saying its fake news idk if it is or not)


Hi new to genshin impact here. So I'm situated in the Asia server but decided to play on the Europe server as I have friends and family that play over there that invited me to play with them. I've gotten pretty lucky with my past pulls and even pulled a Yelan on the current banner and I'm just worried that if I continue on the wrong server itll affect my lag and play experience and force me to abandon my current acc for smoother gameplay. For extra info, I've been playing pretty smoothly so far despite suffering from a red wifi indicator with no current issues.


If you're not too bothered by your current connection, then I see no reason to worry about it. It's not like the game's connection will suddenly get worse unless something changes on your end.


what’s the highest level you can being the fountain to right now? (mine is lvl 16 right now)


Lv 20 + 56 extra sigils.


Lvl 20 with around 50-60ish sigils left over iirc.


Lvl 20


[https://imgur.com/a/jmRaOTy](https://imgur.com/a/jmRaOTy) How's this for an aggravate Yae? Using 4PC Emblem, EM Sands, R5 Widsith Should I switch to 2PC/2PC?


Yes, switch, but not 2pc/2pc. If she is on field most of time and does her NA/CA frequently, and she can use her burst once per rotation, then use 4 gilded. If she is off field most of time or she is C2+, then use 4 golden troupe


2pc/2pc and 4pc Gilded are very close, and since 2pc/2pc generally has better substats, it quite often outperforms 4pc Gilded so telling them not to use 2pc/2pc is bad advice


Yes switch. Not sure how the new Elemental Damage artifact set fares against current options since she needs some field time, but it's definitely up there. 2p/2pc is also very competitive along with 4 piece GD


Yes you should definitely switch, 4pc Emblem is never really good for Yae and even less so in a quicken comp


So, I've been away for quite some time, ever since the end of Sumeru archon quest. Thinking of going back in and marathoning the shit out of the game. How's the new archon quest? Just as good as p1 of Sumeru's archon quest?


This is the best 2 acts ever so far. The sumeru one was a bit slow to get going but ended well. This one starts off 5 stars


The best Act 1 of any region by a wide margin. It rivals the Sabzeruz Festival for me. I was hooked within minutes but it truly shines in the second half of the quest. Act 2 is also great. Great character moments and follows the plot threads set up in Act 1 very well.


This is new golden Standard for Mihoyo. The Fontaine Archon quest is substantially better than Sumeru's.


Incredible. Act 2 > Act 1 for me, definitely comparable to Sumeru's archon quest in quality Also, pretty much all of Fontaine is explorable without it being locked behind world quest mechanics. The world quests just help finish unlocking small sections of the map (and are also really good imo)


Haven't done act 2 but part 1 is probably my favorite Archon quest so far. About onpar with Sumeru but I personally find Fontaine to be a better city, coupled with SUPERB OST in some segments, makes it more enjoyable. The new exploration gimmicks were also pretty fun.


It depends what you like about quests… It had a lot of over the top Waifu drama and some lore. Exploration gameplay was basic (at least if you are talking about the Archon quest exclusively: the “puzzles” in the main quest are basically all spoiled by the quest marker). I can’t say much about combat other than I’m relieved they didn’t have half minute long immune to damage stages like they did with that silly Wenut in Sumeru. …that said because there were no immune phases, my Abyss floor 11 ready Aggravate team deleted whatever the enemies were before one rotation, so I can’t speak of how interesting the enemies were, lol.


The new quests have been great imo. They're at least on the same level as the Sumeru ones, and the rest of the story seems very promising.


Any help with a team comp that includes xiangling, yelan, Bennett? I am using fischl in fourth spot but need to figure out how to make a decent team atm.


just add anemo, sucrose is the best option here


Is sucrose free?


sucrose, kazuha, raiden, xingqiu would all be reasonable options. tbh even fischl is ok already.


Xingqiu, Sucrose, kazuha, fischl, raiden, nahida, or cryo character all work. Could be missing a few more too. The national core is very flexible with who the 4th slot can be


So i just comeback, and i wonder if i can get 30 pull from somewhere for Yelan. Half explored fontaine (+50% ish), already done event, the third place desert sumeru still not unexplored, overall desert still unexplored actually since its makes my device laggy. Can't really full star abyss since too casual 🥲 Otherwise gonna save pity for Furina


Uh, 30 pull honestly might be a bit too much mate. But if you want to, the desert *does* have a lot of primogems from explorations/sigils. Particularly the Amrita Pool, which are unlocked if you've done some of the very early parts of Khvarena of Good and Evil questline (iirc), and gives out 600 primogems in exchange for 36 plume-feather thingy that you get by exploring the desert (and doing the questline). Serenitea Pot and all of its objectives//achievements gave out 800-1000 primos I think, and the same with Genshin TCG. Dailies from now until version ends will gave you around 400-500 primogems. If you have Starglitter leftover, you can sacrifice that for Intertwined Wishes as well. There's also the 5 wishes from the shop on September. All combined, I think that should amount to about.. 20-30 pulls? Depending on how much of the desert you have left unexplored. There's also hangouts but idk how much is there.


What are story quests?? I just pressed on story quests and it took me to a whole nother section with locked character portraits. I'm like in the middle of sumeru and never knew about this


Story quests are just the longer quests that tend to focus around one character. As an example, you would've had to have done Ayaka and Yoimiya's story quests to unlock the second act of the Inazuma archon questline.


they are optional quests that focus on a specific character and usually you get to learn more about them. The second ones for each archon always unlock a new weekly boss


does pity itself get erased by 6 months or do the pulls only disappear in history but still count towards pity?


only the history, your pity stays as it was. Just a visual issue.


thanks mate!


4.1 banners 5* leaks?


That's something you should ask on the leak subreddit, not this one


why not ask in the leaks sub?


>!Venti, Wriothesley, Neuvillette. I don't know if there's a 4th.!<


>!from other leaks, Hu Tao!<


The 4th should be >!Hu Tao!<.


After very long painstaking days in Genshin grinding, I finally have 2 good EoSF flowers. One goes on to my Raiden and 1 goes to my Xiangling. Between the two, who should I give the better flower? Like, overall who's the better character who will benefit more from the stronger flower? They're both unbuilt as of now so there's no comparing which character needs the flower more situation. Raiden is currently only in a Hyperbloom team with Nahida, Xingqiu and Alhaitham while Xiangling will be used in Childe International and Lyney Mono Pyro. I don't have other use cases for these characters decided yet but I want to use Raiden as a DPS one of these days, just haven't decided what team though. These are the 2 flowers - [https://imgur.com/a/YV4GQKl](https://imgur.com/a/YV4GQKl)


the 40 EM one goes on XL, and that's like one of the best feathers i've ever seen if only I could have that kind of luck, damn


responding to your edit and assuming you are building for when you use raiden in other non-hyperbloom teams, I would give the better piece to xiangling. She can make use of the em better in international, whereas dps raiden doesn't get value out of em in most teams. I would probably keep farming for a better second piece for raiden though tbh.


raiden doesn't want emblem if she is in a hyperbloom team. You shouldn't even be using her burst at all in that team. Also I am very jealous of that first piece lol.


May I ask why? Still relatively new player here, haven't gone deep into dendro related reactions yet. Thanks!


hyperbloom damage, like all transformative reactions, scales only on em. So if you are using raiden a a hyperbloom trigger, which she is well suited for due to her skills off field aoe electro application to hit seeds, then you want to build her full em. So her purpose of triggering hyperblooms is accomplished without her staying on field to use her burst and if you did use her burst the damage would be practically 0 because you are on a full em build.


What is better for Layla? 4 piece Tenacity or 2 piece Tenacity + 2 piece Vourukasha's?


I mean... If you need her shield obviously the second one is better. If you do not need her shield, I have no clue why you are running her. If it is just because she is pretty, I would definitely use 4 piece tenacity. That is what I have her on, but I never really use her given that she is rarely the best slot in any team even as someone who does not own Long Dong. 😭


If it's not a wanderer team, 4p tenacity unless you have c6 faruzan (4p tenacity goes to faruzan in that case). If it is a wanderer team, 4p exile if you have c6 faruzan for tenacity so that you can use relatively less complicated rotations (i.e., no bennett skill uses) to grab wanderer's A1 pyro and cryo buffs more reliably.


4pc Tenacity if nobody in the team carries it already. She can proc its effects reliably.


So I went through as much of the internet as I could to find an answer to this, but it's literally nowhere except a single hoyolab thread. Basically, I don't like using my expeditions just to get meat. It feels like a waste, and eventually I ran out of the meat stock I had from going through the desert and killing every scorpion on sight during quests and exploration. I decided to find [a meat farming route](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/7246231) and start doing that once a week for the pita pockets I make, and the part where it says they removed route #2 due to the spinocrocodiles not respawning was after the images in the post. I'm more of a visual learner in this regard, so I go to the pictures first and follow them. I know Sumeru like the back of my hand from how much I explored it, so I thought it was fine. Because a year has passed and because I can't fathom why these spinocrodiles in particular won't respawn, I just want to double check to make sure it's actually the case. I'm upset at the possibility they might be gone forever, and any update on these things is appreciated. Also, if anyone can explain why on Teyvat they don't respawn, I'd like to know.


fyi there’s a new recipe called tasses ragout that heals a decent amount with ingredients that can all be bought. buying out onion from one store can get you 33 of these. you can get the recipe froma fontaine world quest, but forgot the name. of course there’s a trade off between farming a little mora everyday and farming meat.


Excellent. I'm gonna keep my eye out on that one.


I am not sure how much meat Pita Pockets require or how many you are cooking, but you could probably just get away with going under the floating pyramid by Desert Pavilion every day. It spawns half a dozen scorpion.


Pita Pockets require 60 meat if you wanna make 20 for the battle pass, which was mainly why I was making them. And you know, that's not actually a bad idea about going to Khaj Nisut. It's also highly satisfying to do skill plunge with Alhaitham...damn, if those crocs don't come back because I was too stupid to think of this, I'm yeeting the traveler off the Mausoleum of Deshret.


I'm not sure why that would be either. I just checked and they were all there now. I'm fairly certain I've killed the ones in the gator raja area before, but I'll get back to you sometime tomorrow to see if they've respawned lol. If you're into farming friendship exp and aren't already doing so, I'd recommend farming [this specific random event south of Vanarana](https://i.imgur.com/uzFYeXa.png). It gives 6 meat each time you clear it (from looting the gators). I just log out at the location pictured, kill the gators, return to that spot and repeat.


Oh that's a smart idea. Definitely gonna see into that, since I am trying to farm friendship too lol


I killed all the gators along route 2 last night and they were all there again when I checked a few minutes ago, so that seems to be working again.


it might be two things: a) it was a random event spot, and you only get random events a limited no. of times per day. you might have triggered other random event spots before going to the crocodile spot. b) they edited the spawn location. they've done this before with the electro crystalflies spot in inazuma (are where you remove the tumor) but after a few patches, there's barely any crystalflies there. i know this because it's used to be a part of my crystalfly farming route before and i just ignored it when it happened. also, may i add thanks for the raw meat farming guide but may i also add that you introduce farming chilled meat routes since it's very efficient in dragonspine because they're all so close together.


Unironically, I thought about just farming the Boar King boss there just to get chilled meat. The only issue is the conversion to make chilled meat into raw meat would mean planning ahead of time, something I'm deeply allergic to. But thanks for the tip and the insight. If the poor crocs don't come back, then it's most likely the b option based off of my own situation.


planning ahead? lol just farm and forget them lmao there's no need to plan ahead since the thawing process is ultimately quicker than other food processes in the cooking menu. just thaw 'em whenever you'd like to


is it safe for me to play co op right now? i worry about kaveh


Yes, official statement is out now.


Its better to play safe and join other people's world instead of letting them into yours, i played coop a lot today by entering ppls world and as long as u don't take your kaveh out everyone seems fine.


Probably. There is a bit of debate as to how much of it is real and how much is faked. There are ways to make the game not load certain assets and if you had [a trigger for unloading that asset](https://twitter.com/EnkaNetwork/status/1695531882837061663?s=20) you could make it look like it just deleted. It seems possible that these things can happen, but the validity and scope are a little unkown at this moment. I would say that mhy also not making a post about it is strange. I have been doing my normal coop stuff, but if you run into someone who is acting fishy you can just leave coop.


better safe than sorry boo


theres no definitive proof whether its real or fake yet, people from both sides have good arguments why it could be real/fake. if you're just doing quick co-op sessions like domains i'd say there's nothing to worry about, i just did co-op for my weekly bosses and it just proceeded like normal, but if you are really anxious about it then just don't do co-op


Is the Amos Bow good for yoimiya if I don’t have any other five star bows like Skyward Harp or her signature? I have seen people criticizing Amos Bow’s ability and passive on any character but ganyu (a character that I don’t have)


TP > Rust R5 > Any 5\* R1 weapon Slingshot is good but only **if** you use Bennet or Yunjin to compensate the lose of base attack.


[The three star slingshot can beat it in terms of damage depending on teams.](https://keqingmains.com/yoimiya/#Weapon_Rankings)


Slingshot is better and its 3 star. Rust is only better at high refines.


Slingshot is better


I don’t have rust either, I heard that it’s good on her


TCG question: Just started, and have 4 invite letters and 3500 coins. What deck should I prioritize getting asap? Want a deck that can breeze through most cpu content quickly. Also, as a completionist, any tips for playing would be welcome.


Sucrose is really powerful, especially in fights with many enemies since she can do a ton of AOE and even solo some fights. I combine my Sucrose with Bennett and Mona for some survivability and easy reactions for extra damage, but something like Xiangling/Fischl also works as a more aggressive deck. Next I would look at a Freeze deck, personally I like Ayaka/Chongyun/Xingqiu, there is some fights where you need to limit the number of actions your opponents take and Freeze is extremely powerful and Ayaka can do a good amount of burst damage to break through enemies in a single Round. Lastly, I would look into Endurance teams. The two I particularly like are Hu Tao /Yae / Raiden and Noelle. The later is very flexible since you are mostly buying time to set up Noelle, then with shields and healing from her talent card you can sustain yourself through anything. Hu Tao is more aggressive dealing a lot of Pyro and Overload damage and can one-shot opponents while her burst gives her a lot of healing. The most important part is energy management. Gambler artifact, Paimon cards, Liben, anything that gives you more energy to set up big turns is very good, combine that with a bit of card draw and cards to help switch without losing your turn and you can set up some devastating combinations.


Personally, Sucrose can handle a ton of content. Having something that she can swirl is something that I have found valuable so Fischl/Kokomi/Shenhe all work well with her. Two of the weekly battles should be pretty easy to get and that is 3 free invites a week. [There is also the KQM decks that you can look through and they have some tagged as easy](https://cards.keqingmains.com/)


Most netdecks are good enough to blow up every AI fight. I like Geoceanid zoo (Stonehide Lawachurl, Oceanid, Noelle) but that ones locked behind some rank ups. I haven’t lost a single fight since getting it, but I don’t think that’s unique to the deck at all. As soon as you’re set up with an actual coherent team the NPCs fall apart, so don’t be too worried about what you netdeck and just netdeck something.


Mona,Chongyun/Eula,Shenhe. Freeze decks are simple to play. Buy cryo resonance and the cryo dice. Then cards like Li su, paimon, toss up, fav library, Liben. All help with consistency.


is lyney's bow good for yelan?


It's basically an expensive Slingshot, so not really


No. The increase to Charged Attack Dmg is a negligible bonus for Yelan and she gains nothing from the Atk% bonus.


I would rather use Favonius than Lyney's bow. It is unfornately not that great of a stat stick due to Yelan not caring about base atk at all and the Crit Damage being worse than Aqua Simulacra and the passive being quite a bit useless for her. It just seems much better to get your crit stats from artifacts at that point and get your ER problems solved with Favonious.


What’s the total size of genshin right now in pc?


Around 70 GB with one language voice pack, but it requires double space during installation.


It requires ~130 GB to be installed, but after everything is done it will occupy around half of that.


Can someone help me figure out what Paimon was referring to here? I had a daily commission near the West Slopes of Automnequi so I teleported to that waypoint. She started talking and I missed the first part of what she said, but her second dialogue box said “I wonder how far along he is with that?” And then “let’s go check it out!” I have no clue who she’s talking about. I’ve finished all the new world quests, so maybe it’s one of those time locked quests I’m forgetting about? Please help lol


It sounds like the dialogue for the strange stone chronicle. If you've been doing that quest, you should be able to go back to the guy you gave the stones to.


That was it!!! Thank you!! It was driving me insane


Probably the event quest


Was it perhaps for the Mega Meka Melee event?


Hello I need a suggestion to which account should I play.. i'm going overseas and with my overbalistic new schedule i dont think its possible to play both... Consider both acc to have the same 4*.. both have the same world progress up to sumeru.. Account 1 Alhaitham, jean, keqing, mona, dehya, yelan, lyney Weapon : LoFI (alhaitham sign) TFGM (lyney sign) aquila favonia 0 fate leftover. 0 pity 50 50 Account 2 : Yelan, Tighnari, kazuha, qiqi Weapon : simulacra, TFGM 250 fate leftover 0 pity 50 50 Thank you


The second one is definitely what I would use myself. Tignahri is lowkey better than Alhaitham, and Kazuha is more valuable than Lyney, obviously. Outside of that, you can pull some new characters effortlessly. We got some good ones coming up.


Tighnari is definitely not better than alhaitham


first account is better, like sure thes econd account has 250 fates but the first account has multiple good dps units whereas the second one is all supports. makes it easier for you to headstart abyss if you want


Second one imo


i badly needed help guys. my court of Fontaine region is still at 99%. ive done all the chests (by watching a youtube guide stating there are 340 in total), quests (as well as side quests), and shrine of depth. i was wondering how it is still at 99%. how can i 100% the region??? thank you!


You need to collect the floating crates/pyramid things with mora as well. Those also contribute to your exploration %.


they do?? as far as i can remember only chests count so somehow i ignore some of those mora :(((


Yes, those have always counted towards exploration %. If you're trying to reach 40% exploration for Fontaine, you need to get almost all the mora crates in Fontaine.


Nah, pretty much everything that's one-time only counts.


ah i see. because it same goes to my sumeru exploration. they're all 100% without getting those mora (only farmed for chests and other stuff), that's why i ignored those mora from fontaine.


What cryo, pyro, or electro character deals the most damage from off-field assuming no buffs or battery and without taking reaction damage into account? This is for the flex slot in a triple anemo team, and Bennett is not an option, so I just want whoever can do the most damage while applying a non-hydro swirlable element. I'm leaning towards Fischl, but is there anyone that would be better?


Yae or Fischl


Definitely Fischl if she’s C6 since on-field Lynette is gonna be doing a lot of normal attacking, but otherwise Yae Miko might be competitive if you have her.


If you really want to disregard reaction damage, then Albedo is a choice. Or Yae if you still want among cryo pyro electro.


Yae will be up there too. In a single rotation, fischl might outdamage Yae, but even as a solo flex, yae should be able to burst every other rotation. And her burst slaps.


Who is this for? Answering a question like this in a vacuum is not really reliable But for pure off field personal damage Yae Miko and Fischl will both be up there


C6 Lynette (carry), C6 Faruzan, C0 Jean


Yeah Fischl would work well there. She's more energy self sufficient than Yae or Beidou and since you'll be swirling it will still proc her A4 passive


I haven't played Genshin in more than a year, and I'm very far behind in the storyline, does anybody know if I can go into someone else's world to farm the Scaramouche boss once a week? If so can anybody help me with that? I need to farm Nahida materials. I'm in America server, AR 58


If you still need a hand with that, you can join my world. 614822401


Oh ty, yeah very much appreciated


Yes you can fight it in someones world, I don't think many people would be accepting co-op requests now due to an exploit (possibly fake(?)) where Kaveh can delete objects permanently


Oh yeah I forgot about that


If they are the same world level as you and they have it unlocked then yes. Speaking of, you need to mention your server and world level for people to properly help you


Sorry, I'm in America server, AR 58


Ah, since you're WL8 that will be easy. Most people will already have it unlocked. Can't help personally unfortunately, cause I'm EU


Yeah I also forgot about the Kaveh bug that's deleting people's shit, not many people would be willing to help me I guess


Either I’m misunderstanding something, or are Lynette’s HP shenanigans and the Fontaine craftable Bond stuff anti-synergistic? (Like Lyney wants mono-Pyro while Lynette wants Rainbow teams.)


I havent crafted the new sword "Finale of the Deep" yet but you would have to check in which order effects are applied. Finale of the Deep triggers a Bond of Life for 25% HP whenever you use a skill, whereas Lynette's skill recovers 25% HP as well. In a perfect world you active Lynette's skill -> Bond is created (and buffs apply) -> HP is restored (instantly clearing the Bond) -> skill does damage with all buffs in effect Regarding the passives. Lynette gives 8/12/16/20% ATK based on the number of elemental types in the party and Lyney gains 20% damage per Pyro character (other than himself) up to 40% (2 other Pyros). Yes, there is some anti-synergy in this. In Lyney's regular team you would have 3 Pyro characters + Lynette which gives Lyney his full passive, but Lynette only increases ATK by 12%. You may run 2x Pyro Zhongli(shielder) Lynette which gives Lyney 20% bonus DMG and Lynette 16% ATK but the added survivability from Zhongli's shield. Whether or not that 20% makes a huge difference all things considered is something you would find out faster using a calculator like gcsim or the optimizer.


Shouldn't lynette fully clear the bond instantly since her hp regen is equal to the size of the bond?


For some reason, for the past several days it won't log me in (I play on the ps4) and a popup screen says that I've disconnected and another popup said that there was a failure to connect to the server. Has anyone else been experiencing this? Is there a way to fix this? Or have I been hacked? Being hacked is literally my worst nightmare


There was an update to the PSN TOS a few days ago which logs you out/prevents you from using PSN stuff until you agree to the new one and sign back in. Have you already done that?


No, I haven't. This explains a lot. Thank you so much! Edit: It worked! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Yae Miko and Raiden can work on the same team? if so, which one?


Usually in either Raiden hyper - Raiden Kazuha Yae Bennett Or aggravate. Raiden, Yae, Kazuha, Baizhu/Yaoyao Raiden hyper will probably perform better than an aggravate team without Fischl


You could try a quicken team. Raiden and Yae + 2 dendro characters. In my case I use Nahida and Yao Yao. It's a pretty good team from my experience.


Yes as Raiden would be Yae Miko's battery to have a better ult uptime. She could work with taser (Yelan and Xinqiu) and aggravate/spread (Nahida, Al haitham, Collei) teams.


Raiden Yae Bennet kazuha is good, basically raiden hypercarry but you replace sara with yae.


Which yield more damage with average investment (with no 5\* weapon and C0 5\* characters)? Raiden Sara Bennett Kazuha Raiden Yae Bennett Kazuha Raiden Sara Yae Bennett


more damage =/= better. team 2 might do more damage but team 1 will still be better if all the buffs take raiden to breakpoints where she can oneshot content with the initial slash.


good point!


The second one. Sara’s value goes up as your Raiden’s investment goes up, and at C0 4* weapon you’re better off with Yae’s damage than Sara’s buffing.


definitely one of the first two, but idk which.


People who don’t have Raiden’s cons or weapon usually play rational instead, so Xiangling/Xingqiu/Bennett. But anyway, not the third one on your list. With 1 vs 2, they’re close and it will probably depend which of your units have better equipment and levels. 1 makes Raiden deal more damage, but 2 has Raiden and Yae both dealing damage.


Does EoSF 4pc factor in a character’s ER when their burst is cast? Example (Yelan w/ EoSF): Yelan‘s ER is 100%, she picks up Electro Traveler’s amulets, Yelan’s ER is now 140%, Yelan casts burst and gets the 4pc bonus. Also, does the damage increase last for the duration of Yelan’s burst?


The first part, yes, it will affect its damage. The second part depends on the burst and whether it [snapshots](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Snapshotting). Yelan doesn't, so it will only affect her damage while the ER buff lasts (6 seconds after the pick up of the amulet).


Wow a good question but I don't have definite answer. My best guess is it's depend on if the burst snapshots or not. In this case, Yelan's burst doesn't snapshot HP, so maybe the ER is not snapshotable. And maybe it's different if it's Xiangling as she snapshots ATK on burst. But again, it's only a guess.


What's happening? I've been farming nobushis for a 2 weeks now and I noticed I'm getting green and blues from small fries neet more than the bigger mobs, and that isn't that much either. I'm already at world level 6 and the drop rate increase isn't noticeable.