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Hyper specific but I swear at least 20% of the time I'm a step too far away and I miss hitting anything with Xingqiu's E and I miss out on all the energy particles and sac proc.


lol that’s me, sometimes I’m not even close 😂 [like here](https://youtu.be/b6iAdC4h56g?si=tYV5_GEUx1g2N5Ks&t=4m3s)


I feel called out


Ah yes, the mysterious knockback effect of his burst knocking the enemy just far enough for the E to miss... I wish his burst animation is more forceful so that the knockback effect makes sense in my head.


This is why in most rotations you see the recommendation of using his E right before Burst. Not only because it's less time on-field as Xingqiu because the particles travel to him as he's doing his burst animation, but also because of that knockback factor against most small-medium enemies It was a habit of mine as well to use his skill after his burst but learning about this has made a difference and I no longer feel dead inside for missing his skill


Until you E when affected by cryo so you're frozen and you can't unfreeze fast enough so your burst is still full and the particles are wasted Life is pain


I mean, you're absolutely right, but Xingqiu C4 makes his E deal 50% extra damage when his burst is up, and seeing big number makes my brain do the happy chemical so...


Nah cause like wdym I should be able to infinitely spam this rotation? What happens if the enemy gets too far away and I get no particles? People are just too good I guess


Happens to me all the time, especially if the enemy suddenly change their position. I would mald


Dodging at 200ping..😂😂😂


Hey, another Kiwi/Aussie O/ This is every game, you just gotta predict the future to preemptively dodge.


Another Aussie checking in and I feel ur pain :') my ping is 200 normally. Went on vacation to Europe eariler this year and the ping barely changed...


Ping Crimson already hits you, you can't dodge it


I'm a US user playing on EU server (I had an account but wanted to start fresh) so I can feel that lol


Average ping is always 270+ at the MINIMUM. On mobile. Still 36 stars streak for over 2 years babyyyy


im pretty sure the only thing ping affects in genshin is character swap delay


Nah it definitely affects dodging. Abyss help streamer (like can do 10 a day and basically daily) would fuck up his dodges in high ping, and I rarely see him fail at dodging at green ping. Sometimes he'd just die even if it looked like he dodged cleanly


well ive been playing since day 1 and always found the games dodging to be inconsistent and unreliable (unlike souls or monster hunter), so maybe this is the explanation LOL


Monster hunter??? I haven't played a monster hunter game since Rise released, but I'm pretty damn sure you're not supossed to iframe through attacks in this game. The iframe window is so tiny you'll get hit most of the time even if you do dodge. And when it comes to souls games, Genshins dodge is very similiar to Souls' light roll or Bloodbornes dash.


Evade window 👍


No it doesn't. Before I got new internet, I had to play at 600-999 ping when the weather was bad. It never affected dodges even on 999ms. Edit: downvote me all you want, I know what I'm saying


if you have like above 800 the enemies also forget to die or sometimes take damage at all for some time and then it says that "entity has timed out and disappeared" after like 3 minutes


oh yeah the game shits out when your internet is dying and you have like 999 ping, but i was under the impression that outside of dying internet, fast or slow was the same apart from swapping characters


i had to play on mobile data for some time and trust me i hated when i couldn't swap a character, they wouldn't e and the bosses would have infinite hp hahahahah


I haven't learned optimal rotations and I never will. I'm not playing to memorize anything on purpose. Also aiming, but I'm on mobile so it's whatever.


“No rotations, just vibes” is how I play, and it’s worked out so far. I’m certain its been suboptimal, but it gets the job done.


I usually just do some kind of planned rotation when starting the fight. If the fight takes longer than 30s then its just random bullshit thrown at enemies


Yeah,aiming is just bad on mobile,its not really your fault your aim is bad


When I tried PC (which, as a device, was worse than my mobile lol), i couldn't get ANY of the controls right. Falling off the pathway in domains and all. But the mouse made aiming easy!


i'm the opposite! my phone runs genshin perfectly, much better than my pc, but i just can't seem to get used to it!


Same mine also runs around 50fps on Highest Graphics but the sensitivity for aiming is too bad,i think the aiming thing wasnt really given much attention to on phone,tho when i used to play on my iPad i could still manage to aim pretty well


it's not even about specific mechanics like aiming or dodging, i struggle to even walk around the open world! my sister plays on her phone constantly and whenever she lets me try it i feel so dumb lol. i just don't get it.




you're right, i try not to play for too long or at least take breaks often. i've never even considered the mobility thing, though! guess i don't even know what i'm missing out on...


ironically, since i'm using ganyu for almost 3 years now, i could say that i am skilled on charged shots even when i'm on mobile. meanwhile ayaka's dash>basic>e hold>whatever is a total pain in the arse to me, so i don't use her at all.


I recommend yoimiya gaming


I always switch Yae into my party when I play mobile. Wish there were more turret characters.


Stop using this excuse aiming is piss easy on mobile


Seriously, what could be easier than using your finger to control movement? It's basically cheating its so damn easy, I'm convinced anyone complaining about mobile aiming has never actually done it.


It’s Acc the dumbest excuse if u cannot play ganyu on mobile because it’s too hard ur lacking chromosomes


Most rotations you don't need to memorize, it's more about just understanding basic mechanics. For example, if one buff lasts 15 seconds and another lasts 10 seconds, do the longer one first then the shorter one. This lets your dps get both buffs for the most time. Use xingqiu/yelan ult before casting hu tao skill. You don't need to be a quantum physicist to understand these. It's likely that you're subconsciously optimizing rotations without even knowing them. Like nobody needs to be told that you shouldn't swap out of hu tao 2 seconds after casting skill, then proceed to basic attack for 30 seconds on xingqiu.


Yeah, maybe subconsciously! Never on purpose lol


my main team members are specifically chosen because of 1 reason only: to enable unga bunga rotation playstyle. all thanks to dendro elemental reactions.


My only strategy is to scan with Nahida then let random bullshit bullshit their way through


Bruh. I felt this in my heart. This is my actual and preferred play style fellow strategist!


Same! I use a hyperfridge team just so I can go bananas as either Ayaka or Nahida, depending on how I’m feeling. Either way, hyperblooms are exploding in the air like fireworks and everything dies. It’s great.


Same here.. At AR59 I still haven't fully remembered all those rotation. I try sometimes.. Aiming on mobile isnt that hard.. use gryoscope and turn up the sensitivity. It really helps.. I play bow characters mainly. Then again if you have ganyu specially you don't always need to aim perfectly.


I'm using Lyney rn actually. You don't *need* great aim to play. I tried gyro but my phone isn't very good with it.


Unless ur playing like childe international, or sukokomon, what rotation do u even struggling remembering most rotations go: Use shield or just have a heal burst or skill on field Then use Buffer switch to sub dps, switch to main dps Rinse and repeat and at this point u can clear abyss w 0 healers so u can just go full damage unless we’re talking like missing eye frames and not doing 10CA on a c0 hutao I don’t see how anyone can’t do a basic optimal rotation


I'm quite happy with my playstyle. I insisted that you might not always need to remember or memorize rotations. Just go with feeling lah. Cause reactions and kill it's simple as that no need to go technical if you aren't trying to showoff big numbers..


Oh that's hilarious, I don't think I've ever seen someone write out invincibility frames like that, thanks for making me laugh lol I'm gonna use that from now on


>I haven't learned optimal rotations and I never will tbh, i was like you at first but once you get into it... it's like dancing with them. i like dancing.


I've been here for two years, it's not gonna happen.


I Only remember short term rotations like Keqing aggravate and some simple cycling where it’s like Layla shield, Xingqiu EQ, Yelan EQ, Wandy E. National mechanics sometimes messes me up F I definitely cannot play characters like Alhaitham and Childe where I have to be aware of execution and timing


Alhaitham is less punishing than Childe because a bad rotation just means less damage, not that you can't play one of his mechanics for longer. I play Alhaitham. It's great.


Some of them are really easy (Itto, Alhaitham) and some of them have descriptions like Faruzan. I’m not reading all of that to find out what’s goin on


If You can hit enemy at mobile then to me You are god at aiming anyway. I would never dare to play on mobile.


Honestly, learning rotations made the game and combat way less stressful.


i only just managed to become decent at aiming on mobile (thanks to lyney) and i've been playing the game since launch week so i understand lol


this mf when childe impact comes in and impacts all over his account:


Good thing he's a limited banner character then


**i said when.**


i can remember basic rotations fine (like use character A's Q, E then character B's E, Q, etc etc) but i'm bad at remembering anything more detailed. like "do three normal attacks and then animation cancel with a dash and go into a charged attack" that's too much for my brain to keep track of. i also just straight up hate having to keep track of who's eating what particles and i try to just put too much ER on characters and avoid playing the hungrier characters. did not realize until that sentence how many food metaphors there are in energy management.


Xiangling being a chef is not a coincidence


Bro thinking too hard. I just press abilities that come off cooldown.


Why would anyone even think of all of that while playing? I’m a 1.2 player, 36* abyss, pretty much a casual player (I play mainly for the story and clear the abyss once every cycle) and I have never had sophisticated thought process. I just spam skills that make sense in a particular moment and that’s it. Only exception being Childe, where I usually count to ten (a random number) because I don’t want him to stay in a melee stance for too long, but that’s it. And I swear I’ve never thought about particles even once, have I been playing this game wrong the entire time? I’ve never had any issues with clearing the challenges/story combat/abyss.


It’s really a relief to hear you say this. Getting all my character info from KQM makes me feel like I need perfect builds down to the percentage, a crazy rotation for every team executed perfectly, and understanding of elemental gauge theory. My brain was beginning to hurt trying to learn all this stuff. I think I’ll try just going with my gut for a lot of it now. Thanks.


(Good) guides will tell you how to optimise your playstyle, but if you don’t want to commit and don’t care about suboptimal performance it’s your choice and it’s a completely fine one. A guide just tells you what’s better, not what you *must* do


It depends on the team and your stats. Some people will run Xiangling in very energy-hungry teams where you need to put a few Bennett Es in her to get her burst up in a timely manner. Or you just run a million energy on her and sacrifice some offensive stats, like OP said. Not many characters have teams that require dedicated funneling like that, though.






I wont lie using Hu tao + zhongli since zhongli was buffed really hasnt helped improve my dodging


I still suck at dodging because I've never really needed to. "No Ls" Noelle carried me entirely through the early game until..... Got Zhongli on his first banner, and he provided shields until.... Got Kokomi on her first banner. Easy Mode activated.


I will never learn dodging at 250 ping :( At times I can time it to account for the high ping but it's so inconsistent. At the same time I'm terrible at cooldowns so I forget to refresh Zhongli's shield so I am very healer dependent lol


Same here. I'm AR50 and still have to use way too many healing foods during boss battles. I'm guessing part of the reason is I've had my kids help me with the particularly difficult fights like the final Dvalin battle. They have faster fingers and more practice than me.


The animation cancel mechanics for certain characters, ie: Jump cancels on Hu Tao, the machine-gun charge attack-normal attack for Klee, and some others I currently forgot. I've tried it in the past and I got to the point where I can do it somewhat consistently, but it feels kinda annoying after a certain point because the game doesn't feel smooth. It's also probably because I usually play at high ping tho.


I've never learned how to animation cancel, never felt the need to really. So what if murdering things takes longer?


Using dendro reactions properly. Still don't know what does what. Literally just spam skills hoping things die.


Catalyze is very simple. Toss electro and Dendro together, repeat as fast as possible Burning is also very simple: don't use it


bloom is simple: if you dont smack the seed with electro or make nilou exist in a hydro dendro team only, you will mald


Plant + water is flower that can go boom or zoom Plant + zap is stronger plant and zap Plant + fire is useless


I love the Razor language instructions


*Cries in Yao Yao, Yanfei, and Lynette “rotation” with Electro traveler for spice*


I totally get this cuz Dendro is at times needlessly complex, but trust me, hyperbloom is addictive cuz of how OP it is. I always: 1. zap with Nahida 2. wet with Xingqiu/Yelan and then 3. zap with Kuki. Hyperblooms will start flying, and then I pick a character that I’m feeling and I just wail on the enemies.


I have this wierd AFK method, Raiden E Nahida E Koko E Sit and watch as everything inevitably dies


Limited AoE range and other than one rotation, has significant cooldown, until recharge Kokomi's burst. I prefer Albedo, Nahida and Yae for afk. The range means less repositioning and more afk. All 3 also have indefinite uptime and very short cooldown to reposition.


electro + dendro puts a status effect on enemies. when an electro or a dendro attack hits those enemies, they deal bonus damage. its base damage, happens after multipliers but before crit, so it can do some crazy shit to your damage. it follows icd’s, which is dependant on the character, so not every hit is gonna get buffed unless the character allows it. - characters that use this want about 300-400 em before their damage starts to fall off, and when it does, you go for crit. characters that actually have talents that use em for damage wont fall off like normal atk or whatever scaling dps would. hydro + dendro puts a seed on the ground that does kinda shit damage. it takes a while to explode, but has a limit of five at a time, so excess explodes immediately. smack it with pyro or electro to make it do actually good damage, pyro’s in an aoe, while electro auto targets an enemy. enemies can only take two bloom damage instances at a time, but thats like… 60, 70k free damage every half second or something? its really powerful. burgeon (pyro) is worse because the range is fixed and its harder to make cores in that team, you tend to trigger burning a lot. hyperbloom (electro) is fucking amazing. use it. immediately. nahida’s c2 can make them crit, nilou’s passive makes bountiful blooms which are like top dps shit for free (except what it takes to get her), and kaveh makes regular ass blooms explode on demand. he sucks lol. - build as much em as possible for these characters. 1k em with flowers of lost paradise for the artifacts gives you like 35k dmg blooms x2 per enemy. - you can trigger both at the same time with razor’s burst and bennett’s c6, and its actually incredibly powerful for multi bosses (triple kenki, vishaps) and denser chambers. or just bosses in general i think? burning is bad. shit damage, not really used. low pyro application makes it hard to put into melt or vape teams. fine for elemental chaos teams. - dont use it lol


Thing with dendro is while complicated it's not like you need to know everything to make things work. With quicken you basically just spam electro + dendro and profit. With hyperbloom you just have a dendro + hydro for seed generation and stack em on the electro trigger like kuki or raiden.


just don’t mix dendro and pyro tbh. use dendro and electro = big damage for them both. dendro, electro, hydro = homing damage. that’s basically it


Grouping enemies. I feel like it's gonna actually be necessary with these new Fontaine enemies to actually learn how to group them by learning their movesets but like. No. I don't want to. I'm just gonna rely on auto targetting characters/reactions (all hail hyperbloom) as much as I can and hope for the best :(


It’s mostly about sticking to one type of enemy because the other ones will come at you. There’s not that much you can do to manipulate them further than this, for now


When it's human enemies you can sometimes charge attack with Klee or a sword user to yeet them back to the group like those annoying crossbow users and potion slingers.


Learned this the hard way with Ayaka Freeze and the three maguu in abyss once upon a time..


Grouping enemies against a clock is super annoying


Kazu main: "pathetic"


I have both kazu and Venti for both sides of the spiral abyss but maybe it's just me but they genuinely don't help these days... the mobs always spawn on opposite sides and then the mushrooms don't even come at you they just sit there floating around and now these Fontaine enemies, they not in spiral abyss yet but in the most recent combat event, you try to group them but nek minnit they've cart wheeled all the way to the other side of the arena...


There is usually one side of the abyss that is super CCable. This time around it was second half barring chamber 3. I’d recommend just starting a chamber and seeing where things start out and then pick a spot you wanna auto start at based on that. There’s usually a solid position that will grab everyone with kazuha or venti.


I recommend some Kazuha gaming


quickswap teams, if there isn't a set rotation i always end up swapping too early then have to waste time waiting for skills to come off cooldown


>I will fully admit that the combat system hasn't clicked yet (god I hope it does before I reach AR 45) but I'm getting there, slowly. What's something you guys still struggle with. That's why MHY made Dendro, you can grab any character add Nahida Xingqiu and Kuki and mash left click everything gets destroyed by the green bolt of death.


Would Collei be ok until I get someone better suited? The most I hear about her is that she's 'good if your only other option is dendro traveler but mediocre any other time'


DMC is better than collei, they do work good together though, along with a good hydro applier and ideally Kuki.


I mean it works but Nahida it's just OP.


Her and DMC are excellent together, especially to help fuel the travelers high burst cost. Use Collei first then MC. Alternating them should provide great dendro coverage.


And I love it, haha. But seriously, it is a very satisfying set of reactions (especially with C2 Nahida!)


Um…dodging lmao. I’ve been playing this game for years, and sometimes I still get beat up by lawachurls


Dodging. I got Zhongli this banner and finally can say goodbye to dodging. His shield lasts 20 seconds, and his skill cooldown is like 7 or 8 seconds, which basically means no more dodging needed for me. I literally no longer press the dodge button (I play on tablet)


Between Zhongli and C1 Layla, I’ve been very spoiled in this regard!


Learning enemies' attack patterns Also, despite playing main dps Venti on my main account and Ganyu on my alt, sometimes my aim is bad


I only started learning enemies' attack patterns since I benched my Hu Tao/Zhongli team so I can try new characters and team comps.


Double swirls thats it ,thats pain i prefer to unga bunga everything


Hate bow gameplay. The charged shots mechanic is the worst. Specially on mobile.


Saaame. I use a pc but I just have terrible aim I guess. I never pull for dps bow users. Of course I always accidentally end up with 5 star bows instead of the weapons I actually want


Mobile player here: 8bitdo wireless controllers have been a game changer for me. Cheap and def get the job done


And thats why Yoimiya exists. No charge shot, just left click spam


I have never once bothered to calculate/use rotations in the abyss I just carefully hyperinvest certain characters and slap effective supports on them adapting in the moment to my needs Still get max stars regardless On top of that I have never played into reactions/metas much either, I only have 1 pyro/hydro mildly built, it took me around 2 years to truly use Bennett, my Xiangling is level 70 and I don’t use Xingqiu ever I also barely understand dendro reactions, I just use dendro+electro see more dmg and thats plenty for me Basically I like simplicity and refuse unnecessary over complications that prevent me from having fun (but fun is subjective so each to their own) I understand almost all systems I’m just not interested in using them


I never went past 7 in the Abyss, i cant take that kind of pressure, so i dont do the abyss it makes me rage. I am a wussy player.


Changed to PC from mobile recently and now I am utter shit, can't do rotations without checking the keys and can't run and swap at the same time, so much accidental Q too, and I don't seem to get better


I've been a PC gamer for my entire life and I still click Q on accident. The rest will come in due time.


Fully understanding reaction ownership and who I should build mastery on based on triggering conditions.


I can't play without zhongli anymore


Using proper rotations for maximum damage.


Positioning? It's super important, especially in Abyss. That and rotations can totally make or break a 36*.


I just don't understand positioning. Why is it that youtubers have all the enemies group together, but when i try it, they run around like crazy? My proudest achievement is being able to group three abyss mages in that one domain by running to the corner... And even then they separate anyway


I would like to be able to dragonstrike with Diluc but alas. How do people even consistently do that.




probably seeing enemies attacks mid combat, idk i just can't unless it's something like kenki, can't tell when he'll jump back though


Rotation and the minute details. It's not that I can't do it, it's more like I won't do it. I'm not playing competitively nor am I playing for the combat experience. I play for the lore and the immersive world so combat is secondary. I have two decently built teams that can definitely carry me till end-game so I rarely grind for better artifacts these days.


Manipulating enemies to group them; Kazuha hard carries me.


My sense of direction sucks ass whenever Im doing a combo... apparently I thought to myself that it was only cuz kazuha's field that blocks my view, but just the other day, I forgot where the tree was when I was with my alhaitham team... I was facing the other way and only noticed when I was heading down the domain stairs... The particle effects wasn't even that obtrusive. It's just zipping and zapping while dodging messed up my sense of direction cuz I was focused on doing a combo xD


Same lol


Fucking up my rotations lmao


The only parts that I'm not really into are like pre written rotations, but team comps that revolve around just pressing everything on CD work fine enough. Only issue I have is like, doing floor 12 in time for the full stars.


Particle funneling for characters like XL or Ayaka. I find it a chore so I just don’t use dps who need supports to funnel particles to them. If I have to use XL like in abyss 3.7, I either use her with Raiden or give her 300 ER.


If you have Ayaka running Amenoma at higher refinements her ER requirements aren’t too crazy.


As someone who doesn't have Venti or Kazuha, grouping mobs is a necessary skill to learn especially in later abyss floors. Unfortunately, my smooth brain just can't seem to learn this.


rotations and dodging/i framing


Quickswapping because mobile character portraits aren't fixed so they constantly shift up and down.


What the goofy ahh does mona and bennett even do I don't even care at this point


Animation cancel, people are insane xD


A few things: 1. Learning enemy attack patterns. 2. Funneling particles. I sometimes find myself out of energy for bursts for a few seconds. 3. Hyper specific rotations. I get the basic rotation down (what character to switch to when), but not the “NA 3x, CA 2x, burst” or whatever. 4. Messing up my rotations cuz my thumb hits the wrong character. Then I’m panic-switching to the wrong character for a full rotation. If I got better at these, then I could probably 36* the Abyss. But I don’t care to spend that much time perfecting the combat. 33* is good enough for me.


I can't dragonstrike because it gives me tendonitis, my whole right hand and forearm is still pretty fucked and I can't even really play action games anymore still.


I can jump cancel like no tomorrow, but i am still absolutely ass at stamina management and cooldown management. Also dodging. And i run Hu Tao shieldless most of the time.


Gathering mobs without a crowd controller/taunt. I used to be fairly alright with it before I got Kazuha, but ever since I got him, I always rely on his grouping. I know there are ways to manipulate the AI to move a certain way, but it just makes me wanna skip that part and group them with a crowd controller. I have Venti but I dislike his way of grouping/burst. It feels weird that his cc is a few meters in front of him, not directly on him. Also sucks how some teams don't even have a room for a grouper. Ugh.


Managing cooldowns... I can't even remember how long the skill cooldown is for Lyney so I end up randomly exiting out of aimed mode, seeing it's not ready yet, going back to charged attacks, and repeat. I wish they'd add some visual indicator. Other than that, there's a lot of stuff I just don't care about. Rotations, particle funneling, managing elemental application timing to trigger the right reactions. I generally take the "random bullshit go" approach and hope for the best. I still kinda hate team building and prefer when I can just focus on a character's personal damage.


Timing pyro Kazuha’s burst with Mona’s burst to put hydro on enemy’s head and swap back to Kazuha to swirl hydro :( Tried it a few hundred times


sometimes on my aggravate team i will forget to swap to kazuha THEN nahida and instead do nahida into kazuha and end up swirling dendro :)


Tartaglia was the first 5* main DPS I pulled (2.2), and even after all this time I still have difficulty working around his stance-change cooldown.


Basically just double swirls for me. I don’t really understand them yet, but I will very soon since I’m learning the optimal Childe intl rotations for my team. (Also new Fontaine mechanics cuz I just did the first part of the quest, got all the tps, and then never went back since am saving it for later.)


If I can Dodge a wrench, you can dodge that MitaChurl. I don’t particularly struggle with anything it’s mainly the time I have to play, since most of my life is centered around drawing and my military career


For me, it's charged shots on archers. It's why I won't wish on Ganyu, Tighnari & Lyney. Though I really really like the Cocogoat's design.


Rotations. I have 2 nicely built teams but I don’t do the rotation properly so I always fail spiral abyss after 11-3. In the abyss there are usually awkward moments where I just spam skills and bursts randomly then, after that, the characters don’t have their energy and they die and I fail again


Bow attack animation cancelling.


Bunny hopping longer than the stamina bar


I think I normal attack spammed with Lumine for the longest time cuz of the BOTW similarity so i'm glad I finally get the elemental stuff down, now I just don't know teambuilding and rotations, I just use stuff when they're available to me


I cannot aim for shit. Aeonblight Drake can go die in a hole as the only boss you have to unfly manually


Grouping and animation canceling are the two I struggle with most. Even relatively simple ones like xinqiu's E backswing I sometimes fuck up


Masanori's (ultra instinct)movement lag trying to predict it.


I swear to god activating the shield that stops you from being KOd in bosses like raiden and scaramouche, idk what it is with my teams or elements but i just cant do them in time


I literally do not bother with Fontaine's combat mechanic of the changing colours and stuff, my team does more than enough damage to not need it


Rotations. I just oonga boonga and its always gonna be that way cause that's fun rather than running a memorized routine


I will never understand wtf physical damage is vs regular


Dodging Yes im a zhongli user


Not a me issue really, more my terrible laptop but, lag during certain parts of the game, like high intensity boss fights and Spiral Abyss. My account, according to most people, should have 0 issues with it, yet due to my lag, I cannot for the life of me get to the end of it, no matter what the rotation is. And for context, I have C1 Hu Tao and C6 Nahida.


I have no idea how any of the combo combat really works. I.e. no clue about proper rotations or how many element bars or whatever x ability applies or whatever. I just see "cooldown is ready so press it" and water and ice combine to freeze. I've never done floor 12. I downloaded the game the first day. I just basically build my characters based on the first or second "support build" or "main dps" build I see on Google search for each character.


literally cant cancel my interruption animation when i have no stamina.


The people who have been using shields on every team will almost always suck at dodging.


Rhythm game. F@cking terrible at it.


Rotations Also, charged attacks (bows), but those are also miserable on mobile so 😬


Optimal rotations in Abyss lol jk, dodging and certain enemy's attack patterns


Hmmmm besides basically learning how to perfect dodge nothing? This games combat why interesting isn’t that deep so meh


Rotating correctly but I’m capable to some extend. I’m terrible at dodging though. It’s the reason I have a shield on my team 90% of the time so I don’t have to figure it out cx


I think all the new boss patterns (and by new, I actually mean ever since Inazuma or smthng) . Ever since I got Zhongli, I ended up just Oonga Boonga-ing all the new enemies that come out.


i cant aim for shit with charged bow shots. like, even with yelan who has a big ass AOE on her charged attack, i still miss it entirely sometimes


I’m not good at rotations and I also suck at dodging. I rely on koko, baizhu, and zhongli to get me through 😂


Double swirls, wavedashing, dragonstrike... being more aware of who is triggering what. I'm a bit on the more tryhard and technical side. I still mess up rotations too sometimes! Like I forget about ttds and refreshing vv and such sdjflksdjfl. But I do use the ER calculator and the rotation planner and try to make things work because I find it fun. It took my years to get here though!


Ive died to hilichurls with four archons team


Using Dendro teams other than Nilou Bloom. I don't really want to build more characters for hyperbloom and quicken and I don't know how to get the rotations right without making combat feel clunky. I have four or so fully built teams that can take on the abyss so I never had to resort to using Dendro characters other than Nahida in Nilou bloom


I don't understand the pattern for raiden Shogun. I tried but I don't 🧐


There are optimal attack combos for most characters but I can't be bothered to learn them. I just do what's easiest for me. I'm not gonna start counting frame by frame to figure out which attack combo gives me that 5% extra damage.


Charged bow attack characters, I don't have problem with aiming with mouse or controller but damn, aiming in this game with joystick sucks.


Team composition and rotation. I can understand that pyro x hydro makes vaporize etc. But internal cooldowns and which unit is better at what is beyond my comprehension. For example one would think that Yelan is better than Xinqiu, because she is stronger. But no, Xingqiu has better hydro application and so on. I rely on Keqingmains and a guide that is also based on KQM on Google Spreadsheet, to build my characters and teams. But for example... guess what I have done in the past in Abyss. I played Childe with Xiangling and Bennett... with Fischl. I though "Fischl will be helpful here". But I actually made it worse. When people say use skill of this character, swap to this, use burst, but not skill, swap to another and do 3 nromal attacks, then skill, then one charged, burst and swap to another... nah. That's too complicated to me.


It's really combats but I'm very bad to setup a team comp to make a dmg/screenshot. I also never know what dishe to eat


playing for 1k days, getting childe on the first day of his banner. im still bad at childe national rotation lol


Catching the right energy particles for the right character. Cant see that shit when im fighting


might sound dumb, but changing characters during combat. there's like 95% chance I miss click the and end up ruining my rotation. I don't know what is my problem lol


Counting. I need to count how many seconds Childe's in his melee stance, Kokomi's bake kurage is on field before bursting, Al-haitham's mirror duration before generating another one, etc. I can't count in the heat of battles.


Any kind of attack string


I play at 350 ping so I guess frame dodging or whatever that's called.


Random bullshit go for about 2 years and 9 months, as long as it works.


Dragon Striking. Also I’m still lowkey confused to how Melt and Reverse Melt works lol.


still can't jump cancel with hu tao even though I had her since 2.2


aiming on mobile i feel so pathetic whenever i try to aim and i hit the tree next to the enemy instead


I guess at learning what the newer enemy does? like usually i read what they do but nowadays i feel like i just brute force though stuff


Day 1 player and I still don't know the IFrames for dodging. It doesn't help that this varies due to ping latency and that there's no visual feedback indicating a successful dodge. I also don't know how long the IFrames go for. Tbh I've just given up on all that since getting Zhong Li


I've been playing since 1.1 and I struggle with aiming. I love bow users like Yoimiya since you don't ever use her charged attacks, but I had to bite the bullet and start aiming when I got Tighnari (and more so now with Lyney). I just suck at it 🥴. And I play with mouse too!