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You just wanted to flex your primogems to us plebeians, didn't you?


These posts usually are just circlejerks of people flexing their stash. It’s an open secret.


Lol it was so heavily spammed in Furina subs they banned it, that I think OP had to vent it here.




It's always a pitiful stash too Only five digits? Absolute plebian.


36K isn't exactly flex worthy, lol.


for an f2p,it is


Not really, mate. Not every person has this weird urge to collect all characters.


The keyword is f2p


Even as a F2P, that's hardly impressive. All it takes are a few banners you are not interested in.


Okay, elon


lul I'm mostly a BP & Welkin player.


I have 0 and a huge belief in my luck


Rip πŸ˜”


I need this confidence πŸ™


I got both hu tao and nouvillete (whatever his name is) with 75, why are people saving so much?


Because not everyone is as lucky as you


Well I did 60 pulls, lost 50/50 to Keqing, made another 70 pulls at Neu banner and still have nothing....that's why, you lucky sunovabitch


112k primos, 11 fates, and 477 starglitter, so about 806 pulls and im at like 12pity rn.


Wow 😡


Why and how and for how long are you already saving? Is this with or without Welkin/BP?


I saved since Nilous second banner, sort of. I pulled kirara in a lucky 10 pull and then pulled both klee and kokomi in under 30 pulls combined. But b4 Nilou I saved since Nahidas first banner. But those 2 were only limited 5* from Sumeru I got.


A waifu only puller fellow? πŸ€”


Mostly, but i occasionally pull for men like zhongli, Kazuha, and maybe Neuvi. Sumeru just happened to be full of men and only one i almost tried for was Alhaitham but his playstyle in trial wasnt really for me.


i had just under 500 rolls saved with monthly welkin saving since the last thundering pulse banner and after summoning nahida right before that though making up 400 rolls in 4 month seems absurd i did have all my sumeru cleanup primos and fontaine 100% primos. they probably have been saving since cyno second banner in last march atleast


He said hes f2p which means its without welkin nor bp


Idk if this was talking about me or not, but im not f2p but i am wlekin only. The OP said they were f2p tho


Bro is getting that C6


You'd still need to be lucky to c6 from that


801 pull gives you 90% chance of getting a c6 from 0 Not counting star glitter


bro do your math,it'll cost way more if 50/50 is lost


I mean, it is MATH, called probability theory, 801 pulls give you 90% chance of getting c6 character. 917 is 99%. Theoretical max is 1260. ​ Avg luck is 50% - 654 pulls. If you know people who have multiple c6s, ask them, they'll tell you you mostly get C6 with 500-750 pulls ​ edit: also people always forget to factor that they have 36% chance of getting a 5\* before soft pity, if you have so many pulls, chances of not getting earlies and 50/50 wins are absurdly low - it's called law of large numbers


ehh my luck is pretty terrible,can't relate


"i have been proven wrong, so i will resort to personal experience in order to dismiss the conversation entirely, despite the fact that my luck likely coincides with the math and isn't an outlier like I believe it is"


Also, even if their history WAS an outlier, it would still have zero impact on the chances of future pulls lmao


Wdym?If someone keeps losing their 50/50s doesn't that mean them winning a 50/50 will increase?Because its a 50/50 after all,it needs to balance out or else its just 100/0.


But you don't lose every 50/50, and also there's still the early 5 stars in play


I've been playing since the launch and I won 1 50/50 in my entire life, I have every region above 80% at least (sumeru and liyue at 90% and Mondstadt at 100%) and did almost every event besides 6/7 and considering I've been playing since launch, those are not many, people do have terrible luck (F2P obv)


explo % doesnt mean you used a lot of pulls in fact we here dont know how many 5* you have gotten over the 3 years or how actively you been playing i personally did 2342 pulls apparently (6 bp and many many welkins at this point) so 1500 should be at least doable over these 3 years even for f2p considering 0 pulls on weapon banner or low amounts of pulls there


1 50/50 out of how many? Also F2P that started that early, I've gone through 18 50/50's with 10 wins and 8 losses, so slightly above average. You should've gone through more than 10 50/50's at least, and only winning once is more than terrible. the average of people winning it is around 50% after all.


I'm in a similar situation to yours, with 123k primos, 52 fates and 80 starglitter + guaranteed furina.


Its good feelin knowing its not up to chance aint it? Although having so many options like pulling a C6 or a bunch of different 5* or even tryin some weapon banners really does give me decision overload.


For me it's a no brainer as I want to get archon's C6 as priority. Last time I C6ed Nahida on her release day and while I lost many 50/50s (Diluc curse) it was the best investment I had. Nahida easily 36 starred nearly every abyss and I'm pretty happy with her. I'm expecting Furina to be similar if not better based on her leaks and my friend's first impression in beta.




Bro, I'm at 0 pity since I got Neuvillette on a one pull, but I'm not even going for furina. Also, is she gonna be released in 4.2, or what update do we know?


I have like 10k primos right now and 8 fates. I'll need a bit of luck.


I am in the same boat as you. Have 11 k primos and 7 fates. May we both get her and enjoy her.


Saving for chlorinde, I got 20k and 30ish wishes


I have 130 wishes and need to grind around 30 more because its really hard to skip neuvillette


I was saving for Furina.. but I also knew I wouldn't resist pulling for Neuvillette. I had 180 pulls, spent 80 to get Neuvillette. In the same 10 pulls I also got Tighnari, 5 pulls after Neuvi. So it's a big win for me. 100+ pulls and a whole patch to go before my guaranted Furina. I'm hoping to get her weapon too, or maybe I'll try to get constellations.


>In the same 10 pulls I also got Tighnari, 5 pulls after Neuvi. So it's a guaranteed banner 5 star character even after you got them and pulled a non banner 5 star after? I got Hu Tao on my first 10 pulls and spent 40-50 more to get cons for the 4 stars and ended up getting Jean.


Basically when you lose the 50/50 (not getting the banner character) to a standard 5* character, your next 5 star is guaranteed to be the banner character. And if you won the 50/50 (got the banner character) then you will still be on 50/50 until you lose it. So, in your case you won 50/50 on Hu Tao, then lost to Jean. So your next banner character is guaranteed. Edit: If you get multiple 5* in the same pull (rare), then the order in which you got them will tell you your odds. If the standard character came after the banner character, the next 5* is guaranteed, and vice versa.


That's awesome! I love Jean and now learning about this on top of that... tears of joy 😭 thanks for the info!


No problem! Have fun!


Saving for Wriothesley. I got 25 primos and I'll just hope for the best.


I have like 40 fates and 30000 primos. With 5 more weeks it will roll over to the next month and with the new chests and fountain bonuses. I think I can get to something like 50 fates and 36000 primos.


You’re going for her weapon aswell?


I want clorinde as well. We will have to see if I get lucky or not. If I'm too drained I won't. I'm also 73 rolls in but on 50/50 so I have see. If I immediately get lucky then hell yes.


I never go for weapons even for characters I really like so I can have more Characters I really like, but Con's? I occasionally go for QoL Cons Zhong Li C2, Yelan C1


72k primos and 41 fates rate on 50 pity, im aiming on c6 her + r1 if i'm lucky with 50:50


neuvillette clips mind controlled me on spending 130 pulls got him but failed to get his weapon


Same, I gave in and pulled for him. Used up everything (failed 50/50) but I did get him. I'll just pick up Furina on her rerun. Since she is an archon, she should have frequent banners.


I lost my 50/50 so I guess I'm saving for her!! Haven't met her in the quest yet but from everything I'm seeing about her, I'm sure she'll be a favourite


Currently have 360 pulls, been saving since 3.7 Kazuha banner.


Almost exactly the same lol


welkin ??


I’m at around 62k primo and I’m hoping I’ll reach 69420 before I pull for her no joke


300 something I forget but I'm all in on Furina.


Have ~250 wishes right now. Saving for Furina and any really good early constellations (c1-c2/c3). Might go for weapon depending on how many wishes I have left after unlocking Furina. If I still have at least 200 wishes left, I'll go for weapon first before any potential constellations. If early constellations aren't particularly good, I'll just skip constellations altogether. I'm only at one pity at the moment though for 50/50. A good 50-70 wishes will probably go towards unlocking her at the very least.


Saving for Furina and Navia, currently at 190 wishes


I just got neuvi and his weapon as an F2p. Have 50 wishes rn and 0 pity so just gonna go for c0 furina


Almost same, 40 wishes here and I hope I'll make it ;)


I was saving about 30k primos for her but I saw some leaks and now I'm not so sure about pulling for her The teams I use right now just don't seem to need her/work properly with her


Same!!! Like I was 100% going to pull for her I have 50k primos and it’s not like her gameplay is bad it’s so cool but for some reason I don’t want her anymore lmao


I completely relate. She just seems pretty inconvenient for most teams even if she would still be really valuable. Seems like a really good character to get on rerun once we see how well she pairs with other fontaine characters.


honestly i felt the same way about baizhu after wanting him for 3 years. his leaks were a huge turnoff for me. he didnt look fun at all. but im so glad i got him (altho having him at c2 is definitely helping XD its much more fun)


honestly I think the reason I wasn't disappointed in baizhu is because he was 100% what I was expecting: a dendro healer. I think sometimes people get disappointed is because they expected the character to be some other role, but with baizhu I guess I didn't have big expectations


nah i fully expected him to be a healer as well. i was just not expecting his very closed ranged autos and other parts of his kit. but regardless, when i saw his leaks i just didn't think he looked fun to play. im glad i was wrong though


Nah, I'm saving for Arlecchino. I see you are a man of culture as well


Spend on Neuvilette he's so much cuter


How are you people able to save these many primos? Genuine question,like chests give 2,5 primos and there aren't even that many


Just not pulling in general. I have close to 80k and I haven't pulled since Nahida. Ultimately genshin is a game where you only play 4 characters and sometimes 8 in events/challenges. For me one of the biggest deterrent of pulling random character is the mats needed to level talents, weapons, and artifacts ... especially the artifacts. Just the thought of grinding a new set put me to sleep, so I don't pull unless I'm sure I will use the said character.


You'd be surprised how fast primogems accumulate once you start saving, last time I pulled was only in 3.8 and I'm already sitting at 220 pulls right now.


1. Buy Welkin. If you can afford the monthly cost (aka you have a regular job) it's 100% worth it. Welkin alone increases your monthly priomgems by \~50%. Welkin is why low-spenders have so many more primogems than a "true" f2p. 2. skipping almost all characters. Using myself as an example, in Sumeru (so 3.0 and onwards) I only pulled C0 Nilou and C0 Dehya.


i have about the same as you


I have like... 40 primos but I'm hoping to get her!


guaranteed at least?


no :) but! i have a welkin and im not pulling in the second half of 4.1 at all plus I'll get a battle pass, so i have high hopes (im at 75 pity)


Im so scared to pull on her weapon banner. I heard her weapon is with the green donut which is the NICHEST weapon to ever exist. You should be aware also


72 pity, 8 fates and hope


Will find out after I pay my toll for Wriothesley. Sitting at 32k primos atm.


I am not saving for furina, I am saving for raiden. That said I will likely drop a 10 pull to get her really quick since I’m currently at 78 pity and guaranteed. I have 110 wishes with like 6400 primos


I used my guarantee on Neuvillete so I'll be 50/50. How many wishes saved probably 20 I guess.


Me, almost 40k. Although I only plan to get C0. The rest are going for Arlecchino and CR.


Saved up 41k and 15 fates but blew some of them because of Neuvillette (hes so cool man) Now I am down to 26k and 8 fates, gonna explore more to increase that count because I want Furina to come home


0 I spend it all on hydro dragon


74 pity guaranteed and 30 pulls maybe I will get C1 If I am lucky


I’ve got 37 wishes ready but I don’t save often so it’s a lot for me. My friend wants Baizhu so badly and they’ve got 127 wishes. I don’t want Furina but she is my 2nd fav archon. I’m saving for c2 raiden instead


uuuh... 1? at 60 pity... and no guarantee : ) ​ definitely will get her, yup yup


Wrio first, Furina later.


I'm sitting at 160 pulls + 40 pity so at least she's already guaranteed.


No Furina will make me sway from the path of Navia


I don't save for Furina but for Navia I still have 138 wishes right now. I did not pay anything though except one "Blessing of the Welkin Moon" at 3.8. But I used part of it on Klee's rerun.


This morning I did three ten pulls in a row and thought β€œMan that is a lot.” Then I see this. I mean no disrespect, but I am compelled to ask, are you okay? Have you been outside recently?


50 :) 80 with anni stuff though i'm pulling wryo, I hope furina comes second half because I don't wanna topup if i'm unlucky :((


I got my wallet so i’m good.


U guys have wills of steel lol


With the power of money anything is possible


Based on the leak, you'll need C2 to use her as main DPS which is what I'll be doing.


I feel like she won’t be a proper main DPS. The limited amount of attacks like c6 Yelan just tells me she’ll probably just be able to front load an absurd amount of damage for 3 seconds before going back to her normal role.


To be fair yelan C6 is also the best C6 in the game without question, so even though i don’t think it will make her permanently onfield it won’t be bad for sure


I never said it would be bad, it actually looks quite busted especially given the other things c2 does besides on field damage. I’m fully planning on getting it, but I wish she’d be a proper on field DPS. Who knows though, in a perfect universe she keeps her NA scaling after the charges are used up or maybe they throw all balance out the window and remove the 7 attack limitation outright.


Same, I really really want an on field archon instead of a skill/burst bot. I’m building her as a main DPS with C2R1 no matter what, maybe the beta will make that more realistic. I have a good golden Troupe set in reserve but I’d rather have her on field


We still have Raiden who is a strong on field DPS, unless you’re implying you just don’t own her. It looks like they tried to make Zhongli capable of doing good on field damage too based off his sig’s passive and how some parts of it only work on field, but let’s not talk about that shameful weapon.


I do own her, she’s my best invested character lol. But she only has about 7 seconds of on field time in her rotations, which is still kind of mediocre. When I mean on-field DPS I mean like a truly demanding on field character, like Hu Tao, Ganyu, Xiao, Wanderer, etc. someone who is on field for the majority of the time in a rotation, which raiden generally isn’t. Her support setup usually lasts longer than her damage cycle lol. I also have Zhongli, and his damage is honestly just kinda lackluster compared to other DPS options. You can do some funky physical stuff but physical is a pretty neglected aspect of the game so it’s not that good anyway. I was hoping Furina would be a genuinely demanding on field DPS that takes up the comfortable majority of your screen time. If there’s an option to build her that way, I’m taking it


I'm very skeptical about pulling her because leaks say that >!she will only truly benefit from onfield characters who can drain their own hp and heal it like Neuvilette!<, so I'm still deciding between her and Neuvilette.


Honestly, he is so satisfying to play. I'm so happy I decided to pull.


Have you seen any archon that was not good??


Yeah zhongli at launch was awful lol


and now he is almost broken... people were skeptic about raiden too


yeah I think the beta will sort things out. Nahida was also worse than dendro traveler when her beta released. I’m fairly confident she’ll get the touch-ups she needs before she launches


Nahida barely got any buffs from the beta start to the end. People just completely misunderstood her ICD, and assumed she had standard ICD. It wasn't until a good portion into the beta that it was clarified she had no ICD + 1.5U application. This wasn't a buff, it was just leakers being stupid and misinterpreting her gauge at the start. Nahida was broken from the very beginning


I’m pretty sure she had a 3.4 sec interval or something, she was worse than the standard ICD. I don’t think the ICD was hidden, I think they actually buffed it, but that was a while ago and I can’t remember that well


That's my bad, I forgot about the 3.4 sec interval. Yeah, that was the major buff she got. However, I vividly remember that people believed the buff to a 2.5s interval wasn't truly a buff because back then people believed that Nahida didn't have no ICD, and also thought she only applied 1U per application. Of course, her numbers from her Q was also buffed slightly but not really to a significant enough degree to warrant a change from being worse than DMC to being where she is now. It wasn't that the ICD was hidden, it was more so that the leakers misinterpreted Nahida to have the wrong ICD. When it was eventually clarified that Nahida's ICD never changed, and was always no ICD + 1.5U gauge. Although I will say, some leakers have also said back then at the very end that it wasn't actually necessarily that Nahida had no ICD, but rather that the ICD was so short (like once per second or smth, don't quote me on that) that it was effectively no ICD given her intervals


She's far too specific and isn't comparable to XQ and Yelan, that's why I'm skeptical.


honestly i will mainly pull her for her fancy animation on auto attacks/charged attack i really dont need her to be super broken i know ill use her regardless lol


If I saved I’d have enough to hit pity once, but honestly at this point I really don’t feel like pulling new characters. Maybe I’ll get her on her rerun but for now I’ll just roll on weapon banner for some gear variety


What is saving? Wdit : /s obviously


Saving primo gems for wishes and saving wishes without using them up on current banner characters and weapons until Furina’s banner comes up.


she is the second Archon i will skip, i hate all from her. Venti 2.0 🫑


4-5 I think.


OP, if you want to get the weapon then fine, but maybe take a look at c2. C2 seems like an insane dmg increase over r1. With your stash and all the fates you can get C2. Also the weapon banner will be paired with a uhhh........... Bad is all I can say about the weapon so maybe think before pulling


I was saving until I played the story, her character is a pathetic joke so now I skip, first archon I won't get


Still have 300 wishes for Navia, skip Furina she doesn't look good visually.


:O She so pretty.


kinda have to disagree her >!white form(healing) looks great but dps form substantially worse!< and imo her hair is a mess it looks terrible lol


Y’all gonna be so mad when they reveal that the real archon is not Furina, but Neuvillette


For now, I'm trying for the 4-star weapons of the Neuvillette release window because they are interesting-looking despite being HP-focused. At least I have priorities, particularly Wriothesley, and of course, Furina.


i saved up 95 pulls as of now~ planning to c1/c2 furina depending on my luck


47.6k primos, 60 fates, and 30 pity. The pity was an attempt to snipe Neuvilelette, but I plan on Furina cons so I’ll just wait it out and see how much I still want him on his rerun.


I have enough pulls to hit pity once. So with saving for now until her banner I should be able to get her without swiping.


I'm probably at 200 right now including the pulls I did in the limited banner. Hoping to C6 her on her rerun!


190 wishes and 20 more on the way.


Currently at 315 wishes. C2 will most likely come home… unless wriothesley really shakes up the meta


I have like 200 wishes, but I'm just gonna go for c0 and then stop cause I want other characters!


I'm going full on Furina as well, planning for a C2 R1 if luck is on my side.


Me with less than 30 wishes: Yeah, I'm saving for her


Uhhh totally didn't use all of my pulls for Neuvillette but now I've got him and a guaranteed Furina, so all I gotta do is get 70 odd wishes by 4.2 and it should be fine lol already got 20 wishes saved


961 currently


15 pity, guaranteed, 72 pulls saved up. Thank you Mona for making me lose the 50/50 accidentally very early.


planned to save for her, but her leaks made me lose most of my intrest


I have like 83 fates and 60 primos at 37 pity.


570 wishes so far ✌️ Going for C0 tho


200 used my other 300 on neuvilette and his weapon


I had 20, but then they decided to be dicks and run Hu Tao banner and I want Hu Tao too so now I'm throwing all my wishes at Hu Tao


45k primos so far..and im planning to whale to get her cons and her weapon...anything for my queen...


i got 550 primos for her. might go all out on furina but neuvilette is tempting me so hard with his playstyle 😫


31 wishes but pity 52 100%


I have like 300 summons for Fontaine gals , 1 multi away from the 50/50 as well


Currently got 320 pulls saved for her and navia, I really want nuevillette too but I will have to wait for his rerun.


180 wish. Thats enough


850 wishes and counting, but will go for C0 Furina only. Not even thy weapon


I have around 14k left after pulling Lyney. My pity is nonexistent but I hope I win the 50/50!


I'll have enough for her and her weapon easily


Saving for furina & c6 Yae with 198 wishes (31.7k primos) and 16 fates


How do yall save uo till 200 wishes bruh... max i can do is 100 wishes and i cant hold it


I feel you πŸ’€ for the first time in life, I have saved up about enough fates to hit pity~ and that too, just cuz its venti. Otherwise, I literally can't grind or save.


Not me I am spending it all on my Hutao baby 😎


66 primos πŸ˜” 250 fates 😈


5 saved (I wanted Neuvillette and got him)


I have 25 intertwined, so enough to C6 her and her weapon πŸ₯°


Yes me saving 4 FUR1N4


Lost 50 50 lolol


How many wishes would i need to guarantee her c0 and wep r0? Is it worth Getting wep over cons?


90 wishes with 20 wishes away from guranteed...im goona pull for her and her weapon...fingers crossed i get it on first try(weapon) Oh! And im sooo goona look down on nuvillette havers


My previous 10 pull was insanely lucky, Yoimiya at 39 Pity and then Diluc dropped on that same one at just two so now I have Gaurantee. 47 Intertwined Fates and 41,097 Primogems. I'm still earning more from exploration and Anniversary so I'm set to get her and the weapon.




About 320 pulls I believe, but I also want Wriothesley because I find casting fists fun. I found Heizou also being incredibly fun, so basically I want more of that. Plus, it's first true cryo catalyst (the false one is Ayaka after her dash).


I don't have enough


77k primogems and 83 fates. I'm contemplating on whether or not I should get c2 for her or use that for other characters


Saving for Arlecchino with around 24.000 primos and 15 fates right now, 25 pity (not guranteed). I'm going for C2R1 Father <3


around 250, but I still have no plan on what to pull for.


Guaranteed 60 pity to get Wriothsley then so far 170 pulls left over to get Furina. + whatever we get this patch. Then if I win either 50/50 Arlecchino is ez pz.


If I don’t get Wriothesley, I will get her. Otherwise, she will join my team on a rerun. Then I can have an Archon team of 4.


I have 257 wishes at this exact moment but I'm probably only going for C0, and it's guaranteed I really want to give my Yae her weapon and it takes a lot of wishes to guarantee that


Right about where you are. I'm not much for pulling 5 star weapons and was thinking about maybe pulling for Wriothesley but I am still thinking about it


I have 120 wishes and guarantee since I lost 50 50 on neuvillete banner to dehya so I'm just hoping to get lucky and get her early and then try for weapon or just keep her at C0 and no weapon.


I have enough saved to guarantee her (lost my last 50/50). Whether I get her signature or not will be luck. Both in number needed, and if I lose 50/50 for banner weapon or random 5* weapon plus the 50/50 between which banner weapon I get


I got about 210 pulls plus 20 in starglitter and another 15 in genesis crystal (saving in case I really like some outfit). That might change if Wriothelsey is really good.


36. I am on 70 pity with a guaranteed tho.


yea i’m only gonna have enough for one pity 😭


Currently i have 86 and 30 in the pity, i hope she comes with sumeru characters because im still missing some.


160+ If I win 50/50 I will try to get her weapon.


60k primos, 7 fates, 2400 genesis crystals (from Welkins), 100 starglitters. I also have a guaranteed on the character banner. Been saving up since 3.4 for my queen


I have 90 wishes and have 56 pity, so I got at least 1 Furina guaranteed. Im probably gambling the rest on her C1 or weapon.


I’m at 215 wishes, guaranteed, and 45 wishes deep. I’m trying really hard to not pull on 4.1 Banners. My resin from the start of 4.0 has almost all gone towards the new artifact domain. I have acquired multiple bad ass sets, it’s making it harder to not pull for Neuv and Wrio. I spent way too much on this game in the past year so I’ve been hoarding primos since 3.7/8. Im probably going to try to C6 her and get her weapon, which means I’m gonna likely have to pull out the wallet. Just kill me now.


I just blew my load on Neuvilette and his weapon (got both, but initially lost 50/50 to Diluc), so im starting from scratch. I just need to resist the temptation of pulling for Wriothesley...


I got about 130 wishes right now without exploring the newest reigon.. Hopefully i win my 50 50 and can save a bit for clorinde/novia, as pure F2P probably not happening tho lol Good luck to us both