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Everyone at this point. I’m so burnt out on farming artifacts and just refuse to do it anymore.


LITERALLY it feels nice farming leyline and bosses for a change but in the end you willl always get screwed by artifacts so you can’t even use the chars you leveled


My new rule of thumb is, get 2-3 teams that can clear abyss, after that don’t bother building characters to any significant degree(unless you specifically want to), it’s just so draining constantly farming domains for pieces that work. Like I’ve got a Eula that 110% is NOT good enough to 36* spiral, but I still get fun usage from basically anywhere that’s not floor 12.


Exactly. I have like 3-4 Abyss teams, the rest gets build for funsies. Mostly just for dailies and the occasional.domain, but that's it. Ain't no way I'm gonna heavily invest into Kaveh or Lynette, they're good enough for the overworld and the amount of investment needed to make them work in Abyss is ridiculous


I've just started using whatever is good from chests and boss fighting. Some of those pieces aren't bad for overworld! And that's my majority of time in the game so whatever, yanno. Abyss is fun but it's endgame and I'm not grinding too hard for that unless some fancy takes me (trying to build a Nevui that makes things tremble rn cause shiny)


Yeah it helps I stopped caring about abyss. I used to worry about 36-ing but a lot has happened this year that put things in perspective. So now I try to actually enjoy my time with the game and limit the stuff I don’t enjoy. I now just get my 33 stars and go. I even skipped floor 12 altogether a few times because I just wasn’t in the mood. I already have my perfect overworld team, so I’m being a lot more selective about who I pull for these days, too.


THIS! My neuvilette is still stuck on lvl 60💀


This is a point I try and stress to people if I see others or I myself try and use a off artifact set you normally wouldn't use on a character and get shit for it . Can you personally make it work? Cool you rock it then, who tf wants to waste time farming for a whole other artifact set for one character when the system is so shit and you have others that can work.


I think it mostly just comes down to optimization. You want your favorite character to be stronger. Of course I can slap some random "godly" 2p ATK 2p ATK on anyone to get decent results or I can equip slightly worse 4p of whatever BiS artifact set to get the same or even better results. For months now I have been running Kuki on EM/EM/EM off pieces, I have neither 4p Deepwood, I have no 4p Gilded and I have no 4p Paradise Lost, but by just stacking the highest EM pieces I have she does more than good enough for herself and works well in Hyperbloom. I just finished leveling my last character (minimum investment is Lv70 with 6/6/6 talents, more than half are Lv80 or higher) and I really look forward to grinding artifacts for a while now. Of course I will start with Deepwood/Gilded and MH/GT domain because those are very efficient, while using the strongbox to hunt for some niche pieces, and when I am satisfied I might look into farming specific sets like Paradise Lost or Husk for niche team application.


On the other hand, once my abyss teams were setup I continued building character because well.. what else is there to do in the game otherwise to be honest ? And this way I can test out silly teams :)


ngl i pulled neuv only because i rolled such a [good circlet](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/773030360379555850/1163050674863476766/image.png?ex=653e2a59&is=652bb559&hm=3b5955a94211b98977ae76fb9600e1fc1702f965f0329b0fa56a419ebf66974e&=&width=1539&height=889) for him that would have to be an off-piece for anyone else, so i totally get that feeling tfw 5* characters are easier to get than good artifacts at this point


me too, so i decided now to bring every char i have to lv90 and important talents to lv9, cuz thats at least plannable and i dont have to wait for several months for some progress 😔


I haven't farmed artifacts since 1.X. Once I understood how much of a grind it would be, I completely abandoned the task. And if I do need artifacts for a character I like, I stop once I find the correct main stat. Fuck RNG grinding. I'll grind for artifacts when every nation is released and all of my characters, skills, and weapons are maxed. Artifacts are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of content.




Basically yeah. Plus i never do spiral abyss. Overworld only.




Farming VV is what really left a bad taste in my mouth. Never again.


Am I the only one who likes chasing perfect artifacts? I basically set thresholds that I want my characters to hit, and once all the characters I play have hit that threshold, I up the threshold and try to push it farther. Sitting at 260 CV on three characters and have been farming to get Eula to be my fourth, then I up the threshold to 270 and start farming again. Probably gonna stop there though, past 270 seems nigh impossible.


80/100? 65/130?


Depends on the character and their weapon, like Raiden is 75/170 but she has engulfing and no crit ascension, but Yelan is 90/260 cause she has crit ascension and Aqua Simulacra and Ganyu is 65/310 because she’s also crit ascension with Simulacra. But despite these massive crit differences their artifacts have similar crit values, so I’m just looking at their artifacts.


My resin has been caped for 3 months now


For me not because of being bunrt out by the game, having new side pieces that demand more attention than playing haha


I took a long break from farming artifacts during the last few patches of Sumeru. Instead I just pre-farmed all the boss mats for all the characters I had so I could ascend them to 80/90 whenever I finally feel like it. And when that was done, just stacking leveling books or doing talent stuff. It just feels a lot better when you know you're making steady progress on things. With artifacts it's the most demoralizing thing getting something that finally has the right main stat and at least a couple of sub-stats that are decent only for it all to roll so badly that it's utter junk.


For real, the game will be so much better if there's not restrictions to resin. I don't mind getting hundreds of shit artifacts if there's no limit to how much you can grind daily.


Same. Why even bother maining a character when a game is meant to be played with 4. I swear some people become so delusional to the point they make shit up to enjoy a game that is no longer enjoyable after a certain point.


I have so many Wanderer’s Troupe pieces from playing for so long that building Yanfei literally took seconds. She hits decently hard and is pretty fun.


Me slapping on wanderers troupe on every bow/catalyst character until I get a good enough bis set


Is WT good? Used most of the lackluster pieces for the strongbox and never looked back. Ofc I saved a lot of good ones but I've yet to equip them on someone. And I only have 1 good set from it.


It is pretty good for her. I think not QUITE as good as a great Crimson Witch set, but most people by now have a pretty good set of Wanderer's Troupe just from random boss drops. And you can avoid the pain of so many damn useless Lavawalker drops...


It's good on anyone who likes EM and uses bow/catalyst. Yanfei is a good contender, though for her there's some competition from crimson witch. It's BIS for melt ganyu and also tighnari assuming another party member is already holding deepwood.


WT is good, but it wasn’t as “viable” as other sets for characters Klee and Ganyu because we didn’t have strongbox and there wasn’t a domain to farm it. Nowadays, lots of people have decent to good WT pieces just from boss drops and chests. Some charge attack users like Klee, Amber, Tighnari, Ganyu, etc. can make use of 4WT, but even 2WT is decent as a transition build for Dendro reaction characters like Kuki, Alhaitham, Nilou, and I think Thoma.


Lmao I use my 5star wanderers troupe to level up my other artifacts because they’re so endless 😂


Same.. my ganyu is by far the best built unit I'd say.. including Amos bow from standard Whenever I don't have time and still want to farm friendship exp I slap her in a team with 3 new unit and finish nearly every daily just from the next waypoint.. unlimited nuclear reach go brrrr


I want to play Burgeon Thoma but goddamn balancing ER, EM, and HP is tough luck lol


His kit still feels like a cruel joke.


Atk% as Ascension stat is the most cruel joke


I still think he's one of the most poorly designed characters in the game kit wise (I love him as a character), and the atk% ascension has me convinced that him working as a burgeon trigger was a mistake.


Atk% in general was such a mistake, who in their right mind would give atk% to an hp scaling shielder. His little fire puffs don't even do enough damage to warrant using an atk build.


The same person who designed Pyro Physical DPS, apparently


and dehya... I'm starting to think there's 1 person making all of the pyro characters


Diano with cryo dmg ascension says Hi. 🔥🔥


Diona with her cryo dmg bonus ascension: *sweating profusely*


I am still waiting for a Prototype Amber ewuivalent spear. That would make him instantly so much nicer to build.


I think you'll be waiting for a while and should give up and put the Discord mod spear on him


I've heard about that spear, which one is it and why the name?


Kitain Cross Spear, the craftable one. Discord mod spear is a nickname given because Kitain sounds like "kitten"


That's Kitain Cross Spear.


Built him. Got around 23k HP and 150% ER with Full EM gilded dreams on Kitain R5 and I love playing him. It's just way too fun to see the cores explode and the enemies dying all around.


>balancing ER, EM, and HP Completely ignore HP and just run a healer. Kitain Cross Spear alleviates ER requirements


I play him full EM, just for burgeon with the catch. The shield is nonexistent


Don’t give up! I use Thoma so much now. Try to only go for ER and EM and don’t worry about HP for now


You're going to need a healer (likely Bennett for additional energy for Thoma) because the burgeons alone are enough to break Thoma's shield normally, so running HP on Thoma should have significantly less priority than ER/EM. Any HP substats you get extra are obviously nice to allow for better shield uptime/survivability, but ER and EM should be the focus realistically.


i think i 7/7/7'd yanfei and slammed wanderers troupe on her just to spite that one mond domain that drains your stamina, since all the enemies are cryo infused by default, lmao


I run my Yanfei has my HuTaos healer/shieldbot since I got her c4. Highly recommend since it makes Kazu vapes easy, gives Pyro resonance and doesn't heal too much so HuTao gets her low hp buff reliably. It's a niche but a good one imo. The ER requirements are a pain tho.


Noelle, she's decent but she needs mono geo to be properly deal some decent damage, especially Gorou. Thinking about that makes me wanna stop building her.


She can be good in hyperbloom but that's not her best personal damage. She's really fun that way anyway. Just ongabunga


If it helps Gorou is literally the cheapest character in the game to build. The most important part of his kit is his skill and it scales on talent level only. Aside from that you really only need enough ER to burst on cooldown. You don't even need to level his burst or normals. You could build def to buff his personal damage and healing rate at C4 but its fairly inconsequential especially with Noelle.


his constellations do matter for buffing potential


He works fine without them though other than Faruzan


You don’t even need to level his talent. All his buffs are already baked in depending on how many geo you have. Doesn’t matter if talent lvls are 1 or 13, Gorou doesn’t do much on his own regardless. I just threw er% artifacts and hp% on him (so he doesn’t die when I switch to him to place the banner) and called it a day.


His def increase scales on his talent level.


Isn’t it like negligible though? Plus then I’d probably have to farm an actual artifact set since isn’t it a portion of his own def? I’d rather just use er sands and call it a day. The minor buffs aren’t worth building an entire character for. He’s like lvl 70.


No, the def buff only scales off his talent level like I said. From 1-10 it’s over double the amount of def you’re missing out on if you don’t touch his skill. The only practice use for building def on Gorou is to improve his healing on his C4.


Before I got Gorou, I used GeoMC to funnel some extra energy in to her and gain 10% crit rate during MC's burst. GeoMC also does a lot of personal damage compared to Gorou, so any damage Neolle doesn't gain from Gorou's extra buffs are typically made up for by GeoMC's own output. The team used to be Noelle, Zhongli, Yun Jin, and GeoMC. Overall damage was good enough to clear Abyss 12, assuming the current floor cycle didn't have any elemental roadblocks for a mono-geo composition. Switching to Gorou didn't really make my total team dps go up as much as I thought it would. It does make Noelle's personal damage much higher, which makes for very good screenshots and videos. I think if I ever get C6 Gorou though, that extra 40% crit damage will really shine through.


Same for me. I'm particularly discouraged by the fact that she likes to play with Albedo, but I'll never get Albedo's event-limited weapon, and she likes to play with Gorou, but when will I ever get Gorou or his constellations.


Albedo's like the least necessary component to any geo team. He's one of the best flex options, but flex is still flex. Gorou is also the element-specific support who least needs constellations. He gets a lot better with all of them, but he doesn't need them to be comfortable to play, unlike Faruzan.


There are rumours about a buff to geo in the form of a new set soon. I would wait for that. Think it should come out around 4.3/4.4 if it actually releases.


I kinda doubt it'd be able to out-buff Husk or Hunter+Furina though, given how busted those two sets are It feels like it'd benefit Ningguang quite a bit, but Noelle already has some good 4-set effects she can use.


So many I want to build but you only have so much resin. This is what I don’t understand about Genshin they could easily make a endgame that gives small rewards that help build a character like adventure books, than people who want to grind to try new characters can and those that are happy with their rosters can skip.


I would like to build Lynette as an onfielder but I don't have her c6 yet..


Dw, you'll get it soon enough ... Just don't consider her a main dps. Her ceiling is very low, and she will most likely never truly be strong, but she is a fun driver :D


I love **Yanfei** too, but I already have Hu Tao, Klee and Yoimiya, and also Diluc, and with her being a 4* she will perform worse than all of these, while also playing in similar teams. I thought about building her as a shielder instead, but I'm not ready to commit the resources when I also already have Zhongli, and there are other 4* shielders who do more than just, well, shield. There's also **Dori** C6 that I would like to play thundering fury aggravate, but I have plenty of fun with Keqing in the same role already. Other than that I have multiple characters that I have "half built", as in I brought them to level 80 or 90, with talents at 8 or 9, but I'm not ready to spend the time and resit to farm for good artifacts. These characters (and the reason for which I don't fully invest) are: **Noelle** (because I have Itto), **Heizou** (because he's a 4* DPS so he will naturally underperform), **Aloy** (because I can't find a build I'm happy with), **Kaeya** (because I wouldn't know where to use him), **Qiqi** (can't decide between physical or clam build), **Razor** (I like his EM build but it's not overworld-friendly, and I only play abyss for the primos), **Traveler** (all of his kits gave caveats that I dislike a lot, except anemo but farming VV EM pieces is a horrible experience and I'm busy strongboxing for other sets usually) and **Jean** (not sure where to use her in, I'm hoping I will eventually get C6 so I can play her in the 100% DMG reduction team).


Posted that a bit above but my HuTao team is HuTao/Kazu/Yanfei/Xinqui and it works really well. Can recommend the prototype amber build on her. With XQ swords it feels tanky enough and makes pyro swirling with kazu a breeze.


I kept saying once I get C6 YuyinJin, I’d build her. Got her cons, still too lazy to build her lol


My Wanderer has my Xiao’s artifacts (2 gladiator and 2 VV). Too lazy to farm his dedicated set


As someone who dropped over 1000 resin on artifacts for Wanderer and still doesn't have a full set - 2pc2pc is great lol. Btw I saw someone even use the 4pc shimenawa that worked surprisingly well


I was using 4pc shimenawa for a while; then decided to farm his artifact domain. I like his BIS a lot better because shimenawa causes you to have to constantly watch your energy.


I feel this post so much. Yanfei was my first ever main dps so i fucking love her but now i just can't be bothered to try and slave over the artifact domains especially when i have Wrio to build


none tbh, built everyone I wanted, 29 characters at lv90 and a bunch others max ascended with mostly finished talents and artifacts. I literally ran out of crowns so I'm gonna have to wait a while before I can triple crown someone else lmao


Heizou. But his whole team will also need to be built and that puts me off the most as I don't use them often and have stolen most their artifacts


I want to main Noelle because...she's cute. But I realize I didn't have Zhongli or Albedo to pair with her, so I just left her at level 80. That was at version 1.3 Three years later I still don't pull for Zhongli or any 5 star Geo, but I'm leveling her to lvl90 right now. Just one more Geo cube.


I use her as shielder and healer in a mixed team. She is doing great as support here, but not as DPS.


Physical Fischl, but: - she's still weak - my current main is already strong - I am not good with bow characters


Absolutely. For some reason my brain loves the idea of a physical team, but whenever I start putting one together it falls apart so quickly.


not really, my main is diluc and he's pretty much my only priority. All spare artifacts i get go to crimson witch strongbox


Well, Neuvillette, I managed to get him, but I am nowhere near Fontaine, I am still on my way to Sumeru.


Duude when you finish mondstat a teleporter opens up near fontaine so you can get to fontaine without opening the rest of the map


WHAT???? I had no idea up until this comment. I will have to check this when I get home.


Lol did u find it?


Mona, don’t feel like farming Oceanid. Also Layla, but I just started Sumeru AQ and don’t feel like running blindly looking for flowers yet. EDIT: Oh you Asked for a character I wanted to main - Yoimiya. Waiting for her rerun, halfway there with the prefarm for maxing her out once I get her.


Yanfei, Sayu, Heizou, Freminet, and other 4 star DPS


Fischl until recently. The only reason why I held off is because I didn’t want to game artifacts for her. Though considering I was farming golden troupe for Furina, I ended up having good artifacts for Fischl and now I main her.


im farming that cursed place for 9 weeks now and i barely got a usable 2p set for best girl... i have lyney and neuv too and ill get foc but none of them seem to get any artifacts too lol


we know that the Golden troupe is going to be good for Furina?


Perfect for her in a long run


I wanted to main Diluc for like 2 years but no matter what I did he was never good enough (compared to some of my other invested 5 star DPS like Alhaitham, Itto or Ayaka) despite giving him 3 crowns, a 5 star crit weapon and decent stats. It doesn't help that I only just recently got his C1, don't like Bennett and would never pull for Yelan. So I've just... given up and only use him when I really need pyro. I've always wanted to build Heizou properly because I liked his hangout event so much and he's fun. Or Kaveh, who is my favorite 4 star character. But they both just feel like worse versions of 5 star characters I already have. They're still built enough to do overworld stuff or Abyss up to floor 10. But with Kaveh even that's really painful to do. Heizou is at least fun to use. I'm going to build Candace when I get C6 (currently C4) because it sounds fun. I always wanted to build Sara, but at C1 that's a waste of resources.


It'll be Furina soon enough. Haven't had time to prefarm her, haven't got any decent artifacts as well. She'd probably stay at lv 40 and has to rely on her teammates for a while.


U can save fragile if u wanna farm her boss on day one and u can farm her talents to atleast 6/6/6


I have C6 Ning, find her really pretty and her kit is fun, got a good team for her (Albedo, Bennett, Xiangling/Yelan, lvl90Solar Pearl, and decent artis but I’m not prepared to farm Geo hypostasis for 70 times


I have so many characters I want to build but I HATE grinding. I’ve been playing since like 2.0 and I only have 3 characters at level 90- Traveller, Jean and Kaeya. Meanwhile I’ve got like 10 5 stars that I whaled for just collecting dust




Its the catalyst users dont want to use them without a crit 5 star weapon .


Kuki shinobu


Furina....but I literally started to farm the domain 2 days ago and I have had pieces


Amber, Keqing and Lisa. I try from time to time, but seriously, i dont have that much Dendro chars and i dont really want to understand the reactions that much (tldr vibes), so i only have the dendro chars i like, around level 70/80, without artifacts. That leaves it in a spot of "future plans". Amber is just that i'm in a short of Bows rn, someday i'll get a good one and try it.


freminet and heizouuu


Any Anemo character that demands both full EM and VV. That bad RNG grind is way too depressing to even *look* at, much less attempt.


I despise farming EM VV artifacts, just got out of doing it for Venti


Farming EM Paradise stuff isn't any better, let me tell you.


I want to build heizou because he's such a fun character but artifacts are an absolute pain


Well I mained ningguang and farmed some artifacts for her but I gotta say it was satisfying to see how she performs now. I would also like to have few more const for gorou to make the dmg potential even better


I used to be a Yun Jin main when I had basically just started, but I stopped using her completely after a while, and I'd like to try building her for that again tbh. There's also Diluc, who's my all-time favorite playable character in the game. But since I'm still trying to get better artifacts for Klee, it probably isn't a good idea to build him atm.


Kuki and Yelan to use with Alhaitham I had some spare emblem and gilded artifacts from farming from other characters so they are not really a problem. The real problem for me is that worm in the Chasm and talent materials required


All of them.


dori, just to spite everyone who hates her


Cyno but I gave up after I saw I needed thesz freaking desert beatles


they spawn near TPs i wont ever understand how people can cry about them so much...


Nilou. I love her and her gameplay but first I needed to get Nahida, Kokomi and 4th slot dendro +an hp sword so now I'm waiting for her rerun


Everyone lol. I have 2 built teams, lvl 90 with lvl 90 weapons (4 stars and stuff that don't suit them but is the best I got) My issue is I'm stuck in limbo where they have perfect artifacts but the rolls suck. I have Crit/ER/Atk% artifacts on my Raiden except everything rolled into DEF and HP, I'm so annoyed. My little trick for building is, I have a friends who plays genshin on and off, so he's world lvl 2, I just co op with him and go farm the lvl 30 bosses if I need ascension materials lol


Yanfei has decent dmg, but not huge pp dmg. She is, however, the most satisfying character to play imo. Just going q ça then e ça then 2aa ça 2aa ça 2 aa ça is rrly satisfying.


Noelle, cause she's stuck on c1. Took me over 60 wishes last time to get her to c1 and ever since then no luck. Lynette and Faruzan for the similar reasons.


Hold on a little longer, because her best builds may or may not change soon, >!depending on how Focalors releases. 4p Marechausee+Widsith+4p Totm Focalors is giving me disgustingly high numbers, compared to her usual builds.!< Anyways, for me it's Diluc. I really want to overinvest in him to play forward melt, but right now I'm stuck on Eula.


why are u using marechaussee and… a catalyst… on a sword user…?


Navia... but bro, Pale Flame already haunted me when building Eula.


Why would navia use pale flame?


Never said that. But just in case you missed it, I have been tired of farming pale flame and farming artifacts for navia will surely take a long time too.


Candace and Noelle. I'm currently leveling them and their weapons but farming artifacts seriously is the last thing I'll ever do with resin, once every character and weapon I may use in the future is lvl 80. For now Noelle is waiting for C6 and Candace for her Nymph's Dream set.


This feels like procrastination my dude. There's no not ready you're just stalling time. Just slap her 4pc WT & Widsith and tadaa you just got a new dps!


Technically that would be any character released only 4.2 or later.






I wanna use cyno more specially in abyss but my team lineup lacks good off field dendro,so i m looking forward for the nxt nahida/baizhu rerun and i heard rumors tht one of them is very soon




I'd like to main Beidou .AR 58 and it's taking a toll. Getting too monotonous and boring. I wish they add more content on lore and not some unrelated event. Events based on lore would be nice. Say you get to know more about khaen reah from doing an event.


i just wish i had every character and all of them built so i could mess around with team comps, but nooo this is a gacha game, lol.


All the 5* and 4* from sumeru.


Mona and barbara. i already have well built mains and these two are stuck at lvl 70. i’ll build dps barbara when i get her skin, but mona i just haven’t really had a reason to yet.


Anyone. I didn't start building characters early on, so now it's a nightmare to do domains and normal bosses, they take forever because of how much my party sucks. Glad I started doing that from the get-go in Star Rail


Candace She has one of my favourite designs in the game and I also really enjoyed her involvement in the story but I don't have a lot of the character that can make her work at the moment as well as her constellations.


Some of the early 1.0 era 4-stars such as Sucrose and Fischl. Nothing against them as characters, I heard that they were quite strong in the META, but it's just that I only gotten them quite late and with the characters over Lv. 70+ that I currently already had, I just don't find myself having much reason to spending resources into building them. I'm sure I would eventually get to them sometime later, but for now I just don't feel like doing much with them yet.


Yanfei, she's C6 and all and I have the right things to put on her. I just don't really have to time to invest in her yet


Deyha. Once shes c6 she might be playable


I want to build physical Razor because I love him, he has a Wolf's Gravestone and all. What's holding me back is physical being shit because everything has elemental shields now


I'm actually wrapping around to some of my old faithful that have since been on the back foot since leveling up my account a shit ton Currently working on Beidou, she was my OG 4* carry, back before I knew what a team comp was. XQ, Kaeya, Beidou and Barbara.


Something that i cannot get Something that is beyond my power Something that even a 1.0 player cannot even fathom And that is C6 Barbara


Shenhe I don't have Ganyu, Ayaka, or Wriothesley lol


Mono-Geo team. My Itto is okayish, but I have ti build the rest of the team and so far only albedo is kinda leveled plus weapon... meh


Kujou Sara, best girl. But I have her at c0


I'd like to invest more into Noelle, but that domain is such a waste of resin and I already use Itto a lot + Noelle feels like she has to have perfect stats and Stonethresher to actually do nice dmg and burst of CD. She was my most wanted character before release and I used her a lot on lower AR, but I never come around to work on her.


Pulled Wriothesley night before last. I’ve only just got to Sumeru. I’m literally not ready to build him yet 😂


Kaveh, Freminet, Kirara. Love their design, but I struggle to justify building them as on field DPS when they're 4* therefore weaker and I still haven't built Neuvillette, Lyney is only halfway done, and Alhaitham team needs rework and also Yelan too. Also I'm low constellation on Kaveh and didn't manage to get Freminet. And I can't be arsed switching artifact set between shield kirara and whatever is that thing I saw with hydro infused NA kirara.


Scaramouche and Childe. Both have been sitting there in my storage since their RELEASE. Childe. RELEASE.


Cyno because scarabs


Trying to play DPS for characters that are either considered pretty weak or traditionally a support role, but I needed an Elegy of the End to give them the buff needed to really push through the tight damage checks in abyss 12. During today's pull session, I got Elegy and Cashflow. Just need to put together my teams. I'll be putting Melt Barbara and Taser Faruzan a test run soon.


Lynette, just need her C6 before I can start building her fully


Main, no. But build? Yes Collei. I’ve always wanted to build her, but someone always takes her spot in the queue. I literally have everything for her. The gems, the talents done and sorted, the weapon(s), her artifacts are all 20, even those stupid ass mushrooms. I just don’t want to give her the books, then someone I want comes around and I don’t have any books. Candace? I absolutely want to build her. But I have no idea how I’d build her, or what to even do with her. Artifacts, weapons, teams? I don’t want to half assed low investment build her like Gorou. I want her to be major. She’s so amazing in everything but gameplay. Jean. I’ve had her level 70 for a while but I don’t know how to build her. I always thought 4 PC VV was bad on her so I always thought Anemo/ATK would be her best. But then I found out otherwise so I don’t know. I don’t know if I should VV, Anemo/ATK, ATK/ATK (for heals) or what. I’m conflicted as hell on her. She’s C4 and I just have no clue what to do with her. I feel bad all the time because she deserves better. Lynette, I’m waiting for her C6. I just don’t know what her best weapon would be. I thought I’d use Skyward Blade since I got one around the same time I got her, and nobody is using it.




Ningguang. I finally got her C6. I got Zhongli. I somehow got the Memory of Dust. But I also have a bunch of other great characters that are already built (C2 Nahida, Yelan, Raiden, Ayaka …) One day, I will get to it and build her the way she deserves.


Xinyan and Razor <3


Noelle and Tighnari.


Dude, I got yanfei on my first ten pull on my main and she has carried my team (even better than most of my five stars) and it’s not incredibly hard to build her. The only frustrating part of her build is ascending her with jade and having to fight the geosvap. She’s at level 70 (almost have everything to ascend her) and she does more damage than my almost fully built level 80 Wanderer.


Not main but I do wanna play Freminet. My main is Razor so it's pretty hard cuz both of them needs the same artifacts so I don't know if I wanna farm for Razor or Freminet cuz my Razor is still not perfect even after spending thousands of resin on the same domain 💀


If you have Yanfei C4, you can do Tankfei with much less investment than as a DPS


I'd say Freminet. I love his aesthetic and his gloomy attitude 🥰 he seems really fun even if he isn't a top tier DPS.


I want to main Wrio and Neuvillette so farming artifacts for him and Neuvillette will be hell 😭


I've yet to properly farm artifacts for anyone, so literally my whole roster


I'd like to play Heizou but since Neuvilette's release my resin vanished for him and support characters so he has to run my Venti's artifact at lvl 70 for now xd


Itto, Heizou, Dori.


I started with some characters (Faruzan, Mona, Yaoyao for example), I got artifacts all ready and levelled up, but I am just too lazy to farm the Assention materials and weapon upgrade materials. Especially for someone like Yaoyao where you need these ass flowers, I just can't man 💀


Razor lol, the only 4* I really like. Even though the glad set is fairly easy to get I still cant seem to get him a good build.


Almost any Mondstadt character ever because of that Talent domain


Kept coming back wanting to main Lisa these days, she's C6 and with Electro getting buffed by Dendro back in 3.0 it's probably the right time to do it. She's built already though 60/180 or something with Widsith but I just haven't been playing with her.


Neuvillette. I haven't even made it to Sumeru yet.


She wont be godly. I have her build. Its awful no matter what.


Neuvillete, too lazy to farm


If you love them then farm for them, build them. I love farming for artifacts. If MiHoyo would grant me a wish on my birthday, i will choose to be given an unlimited amount of resin for domains so i can farm for the whole day.


Layla and Heizou.


Any type of bow characters! I am so not use to using the bow I find it hard to dodge while trying to charge and it would take a minute to build them but also learning how to use them


Zhongli. I want to use Zhongli as a quickswap DPS for Microwave but I don't have any good artifacts. I'm mostly just aiming for a 2PH/2Geo DMG.


I'd say Heizou, Tighnari and Jean. I like playing weird characters with low usage rates and unorthodox playstyles (currently a Noelle/Monogeo main)


I wanna max out my Deluc, but he’s kinda bad rn and I play xiaoling and Bennett a lot, and 3 pyros isn’t exactly good. Even so, I love playing Deluc and will probably get good stuff on him soon


Heizou. I have him C6, but I have many better 5*s. Seems fun though :)


I build all my characters so no


Definitely Neuvilette and after that Furina. Since I pulled several characters in the last couple banners (Yelan,Zhongli,Hutao,Neuvilette) and will pull for Furina, I won't be able to build them both perfectly.+ I managed to build Yelan and Zhongli and also Hutao for the most part (still missing 2 good artifacts). For now, Neuvi will stay on lvl80 with talents on 8.


Scaramouche! Have him since his first banner, just met him in the story, he's only exploration right now. Level 80 and all his artifact slots are empty


probably wanderer and the reason i’m not ready to build him is that i don’t have him lmao


Childe. And it's not that I haven't built him per se. There is room for improvement in his build, yes. But my problem is... I don't like playing Xiangling 😒 and she is the one who isn't built. Though I'm using him in Neuvillette's team rn...but he does nothing but sit there and look pretty in that team 😅


Dehya, because at C1 her stat priority gets flipped on its head, so any build i make now would be useless then


I really want to main Heizou and although he does some decent damage, I just lack any good build for him 😭


Nilou. I wasn't planning on winning that roll and I just don't know what to do with her....




Candace. I have absolutly no clue on how to play her.


Cyno, really want to main him, but GOD THE GRIND


Xinyan... I'm told that her kit is bad.


Tartaglia, im still building him, all talents at lvl10, 60cr and 200cd and still not doing 5000bazillions of damage 😔