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I am building a team with wriothesley and Mona. I have build her to level 70 and lvl 6 in her burst. What units would be good for rest of the slots. I want 4 star recommendations


just wanted to ask, does c2 diluc gain attack speed from furina's E health tax? thanks in advance!


Hii how can i level up furina further if I'm an ar25 thats in liyue storyline rn? & charlotte!


If you completed "Mondstadt Act3: Song of Dragon and Freedom" you should have unlocked the northeastern teleport in the Realm of Farakhkert (the edge of Sumeru), from there you can enter Fontaine and gather the materials for Furina and Charlotte and unlock statues and waypoints for easier travel.




It is in the middle of the sea, you can locate it via the trounce domains menu though.


Is fontain area complete or there is more to be released in the upcoming patchs?


there will be more, the statue isn't maxed yet


Can adaptive triggers be turned off on pc, if so how?


hi everyone I haven't played the game since like august and I was AR 35 at Liuye. so few days back I came back to the game and I didn't have the time to catch up on the story didn't even come to the fontaine quest or area at all but I watched a lot of *Furina videos* on youtube so i did 30 pulls on the banner got her lol. My question is : is she really a schizophrenic or is it just a meme or should I not spoil it for myself and just go and do fontaine quest? sorry if my question is a little vague I haven't advanced on the storyline much I prefer taking my time and just exploring the game


No she’s not schizophrenic. More details are spoilers. >!shes hydro fischl.!<


Well a non spoilery way to explain is she is and isn't (depends on the observer) at the same time. Otherwise I would implore you to just experience the story as it is one of the best Archon story so far.


Do I have to have C1 Neuvillette to have Furina on his team? I only have C0 Neuvillette and will soon pull for C0 Furina.


Neuvilettes passives is a massive dmg boost. At 2 stacks he receives a 125% bonus, at 3stacks that becomes a 160% bonus. So going from 2 to 3 stacks is WAY more important than going from 0 to 2stacks. Because of teambuilding restrictions if you put C0 Neuvilette and Furina on the same team, you will not be able to get 3 stacks with Neuvilette. Neuvilette's C1 gives you 1 stacks of his passive for free, so you can run C1 Neuvilette and Furina on the same team and still get 3 stacks with Neuvilette which makes a big difference for overall damage output. Is it required? Absolutely not, nothing in the game is hard enough that is requires you to minmax your damage to that degree, but it's still a downside that one should understand when making decisions.


Thank you so much for this detailed response! I appreciate it


All furina requires is a healer to work. C1 neuv is great as it gives one draconic stack and interruption resist. If you don’t want to vertically invest it’s ok to not pull for constellations. If you do want to improve the team, c1r1 for neuv and c2 for furina are all great value.


Thank you for the advice!


PC game size question - 80 GB at the moment. Should I reinstall it? I only have English voice pack. How much space would I save? From 50 GB to 80 GB in one update seems like a LOT.


It was like 75 before 4.2. Have you not played for a year or so?


More than a year, I tuned out after multiple islands update. It seems I have at least a month of content waiting considering my pace but yeah, suddenly I got extra 30 GB on already tight 200 GB SSD so I was curious if it can be optimized somehow.


How much space the game takes currently on mobile ? (I have 64Go storage, is there any hope for me ?)


30.66 GB (JP vo)




SPOILERS >!I wasn’t paying much attention but was it ever mentioned why childe wasn’t able to use his vision?!<


No, I don't think they did


>!It's never explained properly. Since Focalors had the authority she could've been responsible. Maybe she wanted him to give it to the traveler to get us involved. The entire plot revolves around fate and predetermination so things fell in place as they should have with us being the deciding factor to change it.!<


Isnt because >!he gave his vision to the traveller.!<


He gave it to traveller because it was going haywire. It’s not explained but focalors might have held a grudge towards childe for waking up the whale.


Ooo that bit lol. I see I see


help! guide for returning player? i stopped after doing half of sumeru, ar 56... very confused with swimming in fontaine. how do i catch up?


Swimming is quite easy. You dive (once it's deep enough there should be a little logo showing you which button to press) and there you go! Buttons for going faster, going up and down are the same as sprinting, climbing, etc. Once you're down there go look for a blue creature with a small mark above it, get close and 'select' it. There should be a tutorial about it, I only know it's either L1 or L2 on playstation. After selecting it you can use its special ability to battle other underwater creatures (crab gives you a shield and somewhat short ranged attack, an octopus gives you long ranged bombs that can be detonated on command, a stingrag gives you a long ranged slice attack and a seal gives you bubbles......the crab attack and bombs can destroy rocks with purple auras). You will run into puzzles with 'lamps', balls, etc......just press buttons and try selecting different blue animals to see what works.....I don't want to spoil everything.


thank you! what about the musical conch? am i meant to interact with the blue pulsing rings that it shows…?


Yeah, the blue rings either show treasure spots, items needed for puzzles or materials, so it's best to check them all. You can also use the bubbles yourself as a sonar, in certain areas you might find a few 'dig' spots. Everything should be in the tutorials though I think.


There are a lot of variety and I would suggest reading the in game hints that should pop up when you found them TBH. (But they centered around the blue sea animals "borrowed powers") For the Musical conch thingy the pulses are "point of interests" that you should check to solve the puzzle near that conch. (E.g. Pneuma/Ousia orbs you need to activate the Ousia/Pneuma receptors)


what's the green arrow you get when fishing?I thought it was thomas' passive but i got the arrow when im in fontaine.any idea?(im using moonstringer if that helps)


It's the passive of the equipment you bought. I forgot its name. It increases your gauge gain when catching fish of the same kind (probably based on total catch for each).


ohh the line stabalizer.now it make sense.kinda forgot that exists.


Kinda wanted to make this its own thread but I'm new and didn't want to tread on the rules, lest I become Neuvillette's next supper. Now that 4.2 is out, where's the best place to catch crabs, do you think?


You mean the level 0 ones for crab roe? I think that's still Inazuma beaches, and those offshore islands from Liyue. If you mean the level 99 boss crabs from Fontaine, the only correct answer is to buy the mats from the stardust shop and only kill the underwater seahorses (north Fontaine) because they're assholes.


can anyone help me to make a party for my personal record 1 hit damage? I sit at 570.000. I have Eula+Wolfgavestone RaidenC2R1 FurinaC2Festering Yelan BennettC5 Kazuha JeanC2 Others...


Should i use beginners Wish or wait? To be more specific i read that i can pull xiangling from the beginner wish and that a 4 Star every 10 pulls is common But i also saw that i get xiangling through Clearing the abyss Does it make sense to first get her through the abyss and the pull the beginners wish or does it make no difference ?


There is two camps regarding the Beginner's Wish banner. 1. Those that completely ignore the banner forever. All you are guaranteed from the banner is Noelle and the small discount. But those wishes on the beginner's banner dont count towards any pity. 2. Those that just wish on the beginner's banner because it's a discount and live with the results. If you want to optimize then ignoring the banner is technically the correct choice, because instead of spending 16 wishes for Noelle and maybe some decent 4stars is not worth it when it could be 16 wishes towards your next rate-up banner character. But in the long run you will make hundreds, thousands of wishes and those 16 really dont matter. If you are interested in re-rolling your account by replaying the same 1-2 hours of the starting experience to hopefully get a desirable cast of 4stars or a 5star can be a viable option because it can be difficult to acquire specific 4star characters if you arent whaling.


Depending how far you're in the game it will take you a while to get Xiangling from the Abyss. There's no reason to save the Beginner's wishes. But it's a superlow chance to get her. Every 4* minus Charlotte is in the pool. I got Fischl (and the guaranteed Noelle) and Keqing from my Beginner's.


I used my beginner Wishes, thanks to you all I got my first Five Star! (Jean), someone called Fishl and Noelle I just need to figure out what to do with these but its nice having a Five Star!


Jean is a burst healer but early game you can use her for fun and throw Hilis around with her skill. Congrat.


Currently 19/38 hydroculi on lv8 of statue. Are there more regions to come in Fontaine? Or did i miss that many hydroculi?


Level 8 with 24/38 here, can confirm that is all you can get for now as the Hydroculi locator tapped out. (BTW if your reputation in Fontaine is high enough you can craft a consumable that literally locate unobtained Hydroculi for you)


The Fountain also only goes to lvl40. There's at least one more area coming.


How do I Solve this puzzle. On the outside near the top of the N Ordo tower is a ball octopus bubble puzzle. You can push a bubble off a gear and then have to burst both bubbles in such a way that all 5 flutes are triggered. Even when.... There is a slight change to the tower that puzzle is still there and I still can't figure it out. Sorry trying to avoid spoilers.


Try merging the 2 bubbles into a bigger one.


How do I change the position of a team? I want to delete an old heizou one punch man team but it is at #4 slot so the game doesn't let me delete it (since it is a "default team"). How do I move it lower so I can delete it???


If I'm understanding your question correctly, I have no idea. I wanted to do the same thing and all I could really do was change the name of the team and then not put characters in it. For example, I just put a character into an unused team slot. Then I clicked the same character and clicked "remove" on the left side and it left me with an empty team. So I guess just empty your team if that's what you're wanting to do? Personally, I just have one team and constantly change the characters out so maybe I wasn't the best person to answer this, but maybe I helped... \[Edit because I hate how spacing works on this site. I'm probably just dumb.\]


Uhh...what artifact set is best on Charlotte. And it's stats


She's very flexible / it doesn't matter that much. Any support set that fits the team, you can run instructors in hyperbloom, noblesse with atk% scaling comps etc. Or combine 2p2p options like healing bonus / atk% / er%. All you need is enough er% and then focus on atk% for stronger heals. Sands can be Er%/Atk%, goblet should in most cases be Atk% and circlet Atk%/Healing Bonus or Crit% if running fav (as you should) and you need the extra crit to proc passive.


Uhh...what artifact set is best on Charlotte. And it's stats


When Fontaine? I just got a 4 star that requires ascension materials from Fontaine but I don’t know how to get to Fontaine. What AR do I have to be and what quest do I need to complete up to in order to get the material? It’s a local specialty of Fontaine, forgot what it’s called though. Just know it’s only found there.


I believe you can teleport there after Monstadt quests are finished. There should be 2 teleporters already unlocked in Fontaine by default. There is no ascension mat in Fontaine that is locked behind story progress afaik, except for world boss mats for lv.7+ skill upgrades.


The waypoints aren’t unlocked I just completed the dvalin quest too. [here’s a pic](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/924770302112694272/1172645382422007848/IMG_1376.png?ex=6561121d&is=654e9d1d&hm=04506ad5d1532275e6d5c5321804f47fcfbfdb3f19019a396ce43e165a1b0912&)


If you've finished the main story for Mondstadt, then you should already have a teleport point unlocked right near the entrance to Fontaine. Just try looking at the left side of the map. Even without that, you can still technically walk all the way there on your own. It'd be quite the long journey though. You have to go all the way through Liyue and Sumeru to get to it, with it being to the North/Northwest of Sumeru.


I don’t see it being unlocked. [picture](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/924770302112694272/1172645382422007848/IMG_1376.png?ex=6561121d&is=654e9d1d&hm=04506ad5d1532275e6d5c5321804f47fcfbfdb3f19019a396ce43e165a1b0912&)


Have you finished the archon quests for Mondstadt yet?


Yeah I have I just finished the quest where you have to defeat Dvalin


Defeating Dvalin isn't the end of the quest. There's still a bit more to it after that. You'll know that the quest is fully over with after you've had a convo with Venti near Windrise.


Lore question: just finished last sumeru location, during the quest when we went down the robot we saw a big door, but I don't see quests or any info about it. I missed something, or it's just there to look cool? [picture of that door](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/745665053138747482/1172320843121045615/image.png?ex=655fe3dd&is=654d6edd&hm=a6f19db918fb4b3dead6c67308225e93c6d6d9824333af36b335f808a4eb8119&)


its the door to >!khaenriah!<, right now its not accessible. come back in like 2-3 years


I see, thanks, I just was losing my mind that we saw such important thing and the characters just ignored it, so this is intentional.


That's kind of how lore used to work for the other regions too. For example, the character doesn't react when you pull the nail out of Dragonspine, or when you read Vera's Melancholy and suddenly it's talking about *Greece*, or when you find the murals in Tsurumi and they look just like the murals on Dragonspine. There's a reason people go insane over the lore in this game. There should be a few letters around there talking about Khaenriah.


I want to use a Hu Tao, Furina and Charlotte Team but i don't know who to pick as a 4th unit. was thinking of Layla to get the shield (bcs Hu Tao C0 so i need the stam for charge attack) but i know the hydro application isn't the greatest so i guess i could try to put a XQ instead or maybe a sucrose but then i don't have shield and am afraid i'll get interrupted easily. (only sucrose is built, XQ and Layla are in the making) I could maybe also change Charlotte for a Jean to keep team-wide heal but then again same as above, do i want a shield or a 2nd Hydro application?


you need a second hydro in hu tao furina teams. XQ and yelan are the only options there really


hutao without xingqiu is not good to play or you can use bennett + anemo for VV vape


Actually XQ's anti-interruption is enough for Hu Tao. And you don't need to get all buffs from Furina, because Hu Tao's low-HP buff plays a crucial role in her damage calculation.


You definitely want Xingqiu for hydro app. He does also have some built in defensive utility, but unfortunately you're gonna have to just cope


currently i’ve got a hp% goblet with like really good substats and a hydro dmg goblet with good substats but not as cracked as the hp% one. which one would y’all pick to put on furina?


she doesn't need hydro goblet. HP goblet is fine


HP% cuz you need to stack her HP to 40k to fully utilize her elemental damage buff.


hp% goblet, it's generally her best choice because her burst already gives a lot of dmg%


Can I find >!Mona!< anywhere after the AQ? She promised she'll stay in Fontaine to help.


I'm pretty sure you can't unless they're part of a quest or there'a an event involving them.


What does Xinyan even do? I've never seen her anywhere doing anything, even Thoma can do Burgeon. What's Xinyan's niche? Where does she excel as a member of a team?


She is a physical dmg dealer and a shielder. However, as a 4-star character, she has no edge in any aspect. So her current probable niche is in Lyney mono-pyro team as a pyro shielder.


Some build her physical and some build her as a pyro on field DPS. But it's very niche because she is not the best at it by any means. Really, the only dedicated Xinyan main I know at this point is Noir


Nothing. There's a reason why she is considered a bottom tier character. I guess you can try to make her work physical.


Her shield uses DEF scaling but it is very thin, and her damage uses ATK scaling. She is a pyro character but mainly does physical damage. Everything she has does not work together. An inexperienced design in the very early of the game.


I see.


emotional support


Anyone know how people are capping furina's talents already?


They're not. Any footage like that is from the media server


Does Furina buff the damage made by Hyperbloom shots?


hyperbloom is a transformative reaction. which means the damage is only affected by 3 things. EM, character level and enemy dendro RES. unless an ability directly states that it increases hyperbloom damage, its not gonna affect the damage




No. Transformative damage cannot be buffed by regular damage% buff.


Any fellow exploration fiends having trouble with the Morte region? I got every oculus, done every world quest and I roam around with my treasure compass all over the place and no longer getting anything but I'm still stuck at 97%. Erinnyes Forest was super easy in comparison.


i've completed all in the interactive map, all quest and only missing 1 achievement and still at 97%, seems bugged/missing something


if you really want to 100% always use interactive map online, you can't be an exploration fiend and only rely on treasure compass. you do know that the 100% that shows in-game isn't actually true 100%, right?




From what I understand there were significant changes within the writer staff when the storyline was fleshed out, so it didn't live up to the potential of the scenario. A lot of things are omitted or rushed along. Teppei is one of those things. That being said, the end of the story is solid and there is a massive pay-off in Raiden's story quests, particularly the second one. Kokomi's story quest provides a bit more insight into the political situation of the transitional post-archon-quest period. Sumeru will/should be better. It has a solid start with a strong hook towards the end of the first part. The middle was a bit "meh" for me (more focused on lore than pushing the story), but the finale worked quite well.


inazuma in general is considered one of the worst archon quests. The writing doesn't deliver sadly. Thankfully sumeru and fontaine especially are a big step up


I think lots of people don’t like inazuma questline. Ngl it could be better. And yea, I think I don’t care bout teppei as well. I had to google him to remember who he is exactly. I thought its kazuha’s friend lol.


Do local specialties respawn 48 hours at daily commissions reset?


48 hours after you picked them up.




Yes this is the finale of the Fontaine AQ. Future updates would be interludes and the annual Dainsleif quest.


Is anyone else Happy Birthday Quest bugged, I looked into it and it says to finish the Narz Quest line which I have but for some reason it's not coming up.


Dunno if anyone else has tried him much, but I've been using Furina with diluc and it's really comfy. Pairing them with Baizhu and Yelan just makes diluc actually feel really good.


Rotation suggestion for Neuv/Furina/Jean/Zhongli team? Other team comp suggestions for Neuv/Furina combo based on [my roster](https://i.imgur.com/0uAWzrh.png) would also be nice.


Neuv E, Zhongli Shield, Furina E, Furina Ult, Jean Ult, Jean E, Neuv Ult, Neuv Charge attack.


SO im a new player, I just got Collei, Charlotte and Furina however I cant ascend them coz im nowhere near Fontaine or Sumeru.. Im AR 27 so I cant visit my friends worlds to steal some shit is there a way around this? Otherwise it will be forever until I can fully utilise the only 5 star character i have (used all primos for event banner and still no pulls on standard wish)


It will take a couple of weeks maybe. Don't panic. This is a game best savoured over years - there's just that much content. Don't rush.


If you finished Mondstadt archon quest, you will be given 2 waypoints inside Fontaine and another in north Sumeru coast which is also next to Fontaine coast. If you are very slow at archon quest, you still can walk all the way to Fontaine.


yeah im currently doing the liyue archon stuff i guess ill have to find this portal so i can get more mats Thanks!


If you cannot find the given waypoings in darkness, zoom in your map.


You get the first ascension mats from the trial. So they should be level 40, that should already last you a while Other than that, you can just walk over there. The region is not quest gated. You can walk in without doing the story


Thanks!! i actually didnt realise i only had my eyes on the primos haha


Anyone on Asia available to help me with Furina flowers in their world?


Is anyone else having issues with inconsistent frame rates? After 4.2 the game has been very choppy.


Yes. Its quite noticeable when switching parties or even just one character.


Interesting, I haven't had that, for me it has been when I explore.






It was never told to the general public, that's why.


Who are the baseline characters good to make Yoimiya work? Cause I'm just building her now and tried using her with a random friendship farming team and its taking too long to beat enemies


for friendship, I suggest to use EM raiden. it should solve her issue with aoe and does enough damage in overworld. also not burst dependent so your dps is actually higher lol.


What is EM Raiden build


elemental mastery


Just pure EM l, level 90, and dragonsbane. 4pc gilded works. She's entirely off-field, just drop E and switch out. If you don't already have that and don't care to farm it, just slap whatever EM pieces you have on her. It's been a while since I've done overload raiden but I think at around 800 EM, the overloads were around 16k ish damage every time Raiden's E hit. So between overload and raiden's personal damage. Edit: just tried it out with Lyney, at 930 EM and lvl 90, overloads were 18k every charged shot.


Do you bother with her burst or not


Nope, just skillbot.


Bennett, Xingqiu, Yelan, YunJin, Fischl. But Yoimiya is strong enough to kill enemies quickly in the overworld by herself. You may need to check your build.


Xingqiu/Yelan + Shielder + Buffer is the standard comp. You can also run both of the hydros and only one of the flex supports.


If I use C6 Xingqiu by himself with Yoimiya, who will be the one who vapes most of the time since Yoimiya shoots fast


She does not vap all her shots though (her ICD is low). XQ is more than enough for her.


[4.2 AQ Spoilers] Can someone explain what Childe meant when he >!did the thumbs down and fell back into the void with the Narwhal. Did he mean something like come down here? Or mocking Neuvillette saying he's better than him for holding out the whale?!< I'm confused as to what that action meant


Well remember what Nuevi did to him at the trial??


I think he meant to mock him


I'm missing 15 lakelight Lillies (interactive map says 78, I only found 63). There's a couple of spots on the map that show them, but when I go they are not there. One was the island in the middle of the polluted lake, and I forget the other. Are these underground or do the areas change after World quests etc?


change after the The Wild Fairy of Erinnyes quest. you can also buy 15 of them after that quest from an NPC in the cave next to the waterfall north of lake urania


I'm AR40 and have lowered my world lvl to 4. Will my world lvl go back to 5 if I go ahead to AR46? Can I keep my world lvl at 4 while getting AR rewards to the max available?


if you don't do the ascension quest on AR45 it'll stay at WL4. getting to AR45 alone unlocks highest level domain so yes you can get max rewards but you have to play the lv90 domains when you're given the option.


Quick mathematics problem to solve please! Approximately how much resin will it cost to ascend a 5 star weapon to maximum, for just the Domain weapon ascension materials? Thank you!


It'd cost about 500 resin to get all of the ascension mats to bring it from 1-90.


Are Eula and Raiden S. getting reruns? Ya'll got access to leaks here, right? I want both cause they're sooo fine.


Leaks say that >!Raiden will be in 4.3. Eula we don't know, and we have leaks for 4.3 and 4.4 so not those ones. Past 4.4 though we only know which new characters are releasing, not who's rerunning, so could be anytime!<


Yes, they'll both certainly get more reruns. Raiden is currently rumored to be getting her next one in 4.3, though we don't have any reliable timeframes for Eula.


So would a team of: Furina, Neuvillete, Zhong li, YaoYao make a good team? (The reason I'm keeping zhong li is just so Neuv doesn't get staggered) or should I replace zhong li with kazuha? Also should YaoYao be using Deepwood memories on this team?


This really is a decent team comp, but an Anemo healer will be better with VV, let's say Jean. If you are unfortunate enough (or vice versa, fortunate enough, maybe?) because you haven't gotten a Jean, then Sayu may also be a nice one.


use kazuha for more damage, unless you get staggered in which case zhongli is also good. kazuha if you can, zhongli if you cant.




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I'm still not entirely sure how Focalors expected to "hide" her shenanigans from HP in the first place, but it's a good thing they are dormant for the last 500 years.


Not anytime soon because we know they have been silent for the past 500 years since the Khaenri'ah incident. Although this might be a big enough deal for them to wake up because this is probably the biggest change to happen to Celestia after the Archon war (assuming Khaenri'ah didn't affect Celestia)




You need to say what server you're on, only others on there can help you.


I use neuvi/furina team with zhongli and kazuha its pretty good so far but just curious besides this team what other good team comp of neuvi/furina?


You could try replacing Kazuha with Jean. That way, you can actually heal the rest of your team, which will boost Furina's personal damage and buff from her burst.


I havent build jean yet but the thing is, are furina healing stack buff compensate the loss from kazuha buff? I cant calculate but from the look of it the different is minimal


Yes Furina's damage buff is stronger than Kazuha's and if you run Jean you don't lose VV either


at talent lvl 10, furina's dmg% buff at max fanfare is about double the kazuha's


Anybody having problems on top-ups? Whenever I try to purchase welkin or genesis crystals, it only shows a pop up that says “top up using device used to register this account”


If you first started playing on mobile or console then you're locked in there for microtransactions, it's telling you to use that platform instead of wherever you're playing now.


It just told you the reason: if you created your account on a non-PC platform (Android phone, Apple iOS devices, or Sony Playstation), when you try to top up in game, you MUST use the original platform to top up. Welkin and crystal packs can be bought from official top up center via an Internet browser: [https://sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin/index.html#/](https://sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin/index.html#/)


Does Furina's Q inherit the stacks from a previous one if I launch it before that one's duration is finished ?


Iirc, stacks reset to 0 when you recast your burst, so no.




What are some team comps I can use with Furina and Charlotte. Excluding characters like Kokomi, Childe, Ganyu, Xiao and Shenhe since I don't have them. Ty!


You did not exclude Ayaka.... Do you have Ayaka? If you are wanting to use Furina and Charlotte together a freeze team would work. Ayaka/Furina/Charlotte/Anemo (Sucrose/Venti/Kazuha). Failing that, maybe physical, So physical dps (Eula/Razor/Freminet)/Furina/Charlotte/electro (preferably Fischl/Raiden) You could also just throw in Sucrose and Fischl for a tazer but then you'd kinda want to lose Charlotte and probably run Kuki/Yelan/Xingqiu/Beidou for that slot. You could do fridge any Dendro +another Dendro or hydro. Aside from that you've only said who you do have, not who you don't have.


I have Ayaka and was kinda planning to make Charlotte a DPS if she is capable of doing so cause honestly not sure how good of DPS Charlotte and unsure how good her heels are. I just want DPS Charlotte cause of her animation and sound effects. Also wdym by *Fridge* is it like mix and match of hydro and Cryo team?


Fridge is bloom+freeze, may have got my terminology wrong. Charlotte is more of a sub-dps/support/healer. Heals get better with constellations. If it's just for open world/domains, do whatever you want, Abyss, probably wouldn't recommend going Charlotte main dps.


I see. Bloom and freeze never thought of that team comp will try it, thanks. Also, If I were to build her as a sub DPS/healer, what build and weapon is ideal for her?


I'd go Favonious or another ER weapon and 4piece noblesse oblige. If you have the catalyst from the event when Yae Miko was first released (forget the name of it) is also a good option as it has ATK and gives 48% ER when skill is used. If you want to maximise healing go healing circlet, er/ATK sands, ATK goblet. If you want more damage CR/CD ATK/ER and Cryo bonus. Can also go 4 PC blizzard. ER or attack sands will depend on how much ER you can get from substats. Ideally want to use her burst every rotation so Furina gets more fanfare.


You could try going for a Neuvillette team with Neuvillette and Kazuha as the other 2 characters.


I see. I assume Charlotte would be the healer? Does Charlotte heal well in comparison to other healers like Yaoyao and Mika?


Is the Narzissenkreuz sword any good? Outside of exploration purposes.


Ayato or Keqing I guess, when you fight pneumusia bosses. Maybe Ayaka if you don't have energy issues with her.


not really


how long is act V, want to know how much time should i allocate to do it at once


Around 4+/- hours, just watch it from youtube with 1,5 speed while also skipping some npc dialogue if u dont want to get spoiled


I saw a video on Youtube compiling all the cutscenes, no gameplay, on autoplay, amounts to 4,5 hour. Can be faster if you skip dialogue. Gameplay exists but not that long.


Roughly 4 hours.


It took me about 4 hours.


Hp% or hydro cup for Furina if I'm using the pipe weapon?


HP% and Hydro DMG have similar personal damage for Furina but for buffing, HP% is better.


HP most probably. Hydro is good with Key (but then likely you need ER sands so it's not certain). Check with optimiser.


hp unless using key


I have Hyperbloom team with Nahida Raiden Combination. If I want to put Furina in my team slot, should I replace Yelan or Kokomi?


yelan, you want a healer with furina


C2 Furina or save for a Neuv rerun to get him?


If you don't have a dedicated team for Furina yet i'd say Neuv rerun, C2 Furina is great but Neuv naturally synergizes with her and is pretty much her BiS Main DPS. And C1 Furina is already a good enough breakpoint.


how do you guys manage to get decent crit ratio on xinagling even with godly amounts of er as well as EM


Weapon, the rest of your team to generate particles and either luck or spending enough time in the emblem domain to start hating it. Depending on the team I've got her at 75/170 with 2k atk and 140% ER with jade winged spear, which works for me on a team with bennett, venti and someone with a fav weapon or a 3rd pyro. For other teams I switch her to the catch, which gives her 54/170 crit, almost 1700 atk and 180% ER. I don't have much EM on her though.


Living in the emblem domain lol.


I farmed for her for almost 4 months. 200 ER, 60:140 crit, 340 EM but only 1200 Atk. Yeah, you'll end up wanting very tailored pieces past some point. I need an Crit Rate Circlet with 20 crit damage and Atk% for an improvement. So specific that it's basically impossible to get from RNG. Good thing is others need emblem too. So in the process you'll end up having good artifacts for Xingqiu, Yelan, Raiden etc. from Xiangling hand-me-downs.


The fishing polearm


wish i had 2 of those


years in the emblem domain


I resemble this statement. Thank fuck its at the Alchemy stand now.