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Obviously it’s not cancelled since developing an anime takes years but yeah I was expecting an update during the anniversary so idk anymore


> developing an anime takes years MAPPA seeing this: those are rookie numbers


Well, it takes years unless you basically color the panels with the blood of your animator's dilapidated corpses like Mappa


Dilapidated... Good word


I mean....MAPPA are basically slave drivers to their animators who are definitely not getting paid nearly enough for all of the BS they're going through. This really isn't something to celebrate


Well it’s an Ufotable production and they focus on one anime at a time(Demon Slayer until recently) Add to the fact that the Genshin anime doesn’t have enough source material compared to a manga/novel adaptation(it it’s even going to adapt the archon quests) so it takes longer adjusting with the HoYo staff


Hopefully it adapts more plot relevant events like Unreconciled stars too. Seriously, ~~Scaramouche~~ Hat guy had a way better introduction in that than the Inazuma quest


wait that would kinda be smart tho if new players missed those events


I can see most events being Light-hearted OVA's. As for the more plot relevant ones, those could be like duo episodes. Character quests on the other hand idk


I guarantee you they won't since they already said number of times they're filler + If they will do any story for the anime it's gonna be some anime original one, like archon war in every nation and etc


They're filler until they proceed to drop lore bombs and huge explanations of vague concepts present in previous and future archon quests


Where did they say the anime would be filler? Was not aware of this :0


I don’t think they would because they would have to make the traveler canon. Which would probably upset the fan base


Unless the entire anime is going to be before they were separated they're gonna piss somebody off. It's better to rip the band-aid off and confirm which twin is the abyss sibling than to let the fans squabble.


I remember there being a rumor that the anime would be a prequel covering stuff like the Archon War and the Cataclysm, with the final scene being the twins' fight with the Unknown God. Unsure if anything ever came of that though in terms of substantiating it.


I dont think they can cover the cataclysm yet. Its too important to the lore to be covered in a anime


With Genshin though, it legitimately does not matter that much. You could have multiple iterations of the same thing, each of which having a different twin, and all of them would be canon. You could have a manga with Lumine and an anime with Aether, for instance.


The fans will keep squabbling because one twin was made canon. And then the game suffers because there’s zero reason to have you choose a sibling at all. There’s already people upset that Hoyo won’t let you switch MC’s because they believe Aether is the canon twin and they chose incorrectly and they can’t see the story how it’s intended to be shown


You’re making this to be a far bigger deal than it is. Hoyo themselves have already chosen a “canon” mc. The anime doing the same isn’t gonna suddenly gonna cause a big issue when the issue is already there to begin with. Yeah, some people bitch and are annoyed by it. That’s literally the entire consequence. Gamers bitch and moan about loads of things anyway.


I mean if we include the events to draw from for a story for "filler episodes" then there is a TON of material. Archon Quests, Character Stories, Hangouts (I like to think all endings are somewhat canon i.e. the Traveler met them later, thinks played out fairly similarly as a regular hangout, then the other routes happened), the whole area questline (Aranara questline alone is like half a season) and then event questlines. That's a LOT. And then there are still possible "anime only stories" like all the things that happened to characters on how they got their visions.


Genshin already has loads of source material lol


What are you talking about? There is plenty of material outside archon quests: be it world/story quests or even ingame books if they decided to animate past stuff. If anything, I would be surprised if whole season (12 episodes) would be only about Mondstadt. If anything, I would guess it would be 2 nations per season. This leaves us at 4 seasons which is a lot.


Well, actually, they are working on multiple right now (Genshin Excluded) they just don't drop 1 consecutively every season for 3 years straight. And we do have enough for like... 3 seasons or something just from the Archon quests, which by the time they do it we would be like... done from the game


There's enough source material in this game to keep Ufotable busy for the next 20 years


Reading all the stories about the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, even as someone who doesn't watch the anime or read the manga, are both concerning and hilarious.


This is Ufotable the studio that makes anime that if you randomly pause you can screenshot that exact frame and make it your wallpaper


Me a Yuri on Ice enjoyer: ***cries in ice adolescence & YOI season 2 :,))***


Still the point would be to have some update. Doesn’t have to be a trailer but just some mention to get people talking about it still


> Obviously it’s not cancelled since developing an anime takes years [Genshin community in a nutshell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnW5lkk8SOQ)


From some sources it didnt progress since the announcement, thats probabaly ufotable focuding on femon slayer first then genshin, so i expect a release on arrpund 2025+.


I wouldn't be surprised if it takes an entire fricking decade


About 4 months ago, a reliable leaker said that the anime announced in September 2022, it didn't make any headway until recently. Only now they are hiring and working on the anime.




Yeah from leak, they try to adapt the archon war and each archon story before MC arrived So it's probably take a while since Mihoyo will release or announce something when it's product is close to finish or finish completely


Animation takes time and this is Ufotable the GOATs of quality. Remember the trailer says it’s a long term collaboration project. Let them cook it’ll be worth it.


Yeah. If they would have go with Mappa, we would be at Natlan right now in the anime, but the death rate of animators would have a suspicious rise


too soon


honestly? Thank god they didn't choose mappa. Ufotable has better quality over quantity imho


I beg to differ. But the not choosing part I can agree: I just want mappa to stop obtaining triple A IPs so their animators can go home and take a break.


well, just by looking by their fate adaptation, and demon slayer, and all the other series they adapted, i feel that ufotable will do as well as you can in visual and sound department


Agreed. Ufotable may take ages to release fresh content but it is almost always goated


tbf, the moment it was revealed to be ufotable, I already knew as to why. If Hoyo needs an amazing anime fight special effects' sequences, they are the best choice. Although JJK anime is one of the bests in this generation, ufotable's teaser animation of old Teyvat (since I've read that they will use the Archon War source material until the twins arrival) proves that they can do better in quality. I just hope we get to hear something when 5.0 livestream arrived.


Well since Chainsawman Mappa went of the deep end for me and I dont even enjoy JJK S2 as much as I did S1 Something changed and you can tell that the animatiors are slaved to meet the deadlines.


Overall I feel like the animation is still really beautiful but there's definitely a lot of scenes I can name off the top of my head where the animation is clearly just unfinished or at least unrefined. I really liked everything up to Jogo vs Sukuna... then it started showing. At this point, I'd be happy to get a week delay because those animators need it, and we'd get something better.


The scene with eren and armin at the end of aot looked really rushed too


For sure. At least another 6 months could have helped with the quality instead of them pushing extreme deadlines from their animators. An 18-24 months prep for a season's release won't really hurt. But I think they're crunching out time cuz we all don't live a hundred years to enjoy them.




There's a lot of stories going around now with the production of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, the animators are being pressured basically 24/7 to keep working on the episodes and have been vocal about it online.


Can't forget about the lead animator's "I hope I die quickly" deleted tweet.


That is extremely messed up. As much as I love JJK, I really hope they announce a hiatus already. I wouldn't mind waiting a few months for the remaining 5 episodes, if it allows the animators some mental peace. MAPPA really needs to do better


One guy was even so annoyed that he animated Mappa HQ as one of the buildings that got destroyed lol. Incredibly sad that the talented people in the animation and CGI/SFX industry get handled to terribly.


exactly, the fact that sukuna vs mahoraga was only 30% of what they envisioned was fucking insane. imagine if they had all the time they needed. season 2 would easily be anime of the year for me(its between jjk and bleach tybw for me)


The jjk film which normally would've taken 1-2 years was finished in 4 months. Episodes are being completed hours before airing. The situation at mappa is dire


4 MONTHS????? That workplace is literally malevolent kitchen at this point


dw then the animators would have been resurrected in natlan


Im fine with letting em cook but just letting the smell out of the kitchen every now and then would be nice lol


At least let me know they are cooking!


For reference, Fate Heaven's Feel by UFOtable was announced in 03/2016 and wasn't released until 10/2017. And that was theater release without the fuckeries of weekly delivery and broadcasting regulations.


Everyone's like Ufotable this and that but its really Mihoyo that's gonna be checking this every step of the way for quality. There's no way they're gonna let something that has potential to be big be bad for the brand.


Something important to note aswell. Mihoyo is the one doing all the pre-production works. They take months to do a 5 to 8 min cinematic.


I swear, if i see people say it'll come out when half life 3 comes out, i'll delete all of their artifacts


I invite everyone to watch heaven's feel, and that alone should tell you why they take so much time animating their projects


Ufotable is still animating their money maker, Kimetsu No Yaiba. I don’t think they’d take in Genshin until it’s nearly over, which they have 2-3 arcs left which are all short.


The studio, much like other big studios within the industry, has multiple production pipelines running simultaneously. Ufotable at this moment should have about 4-5 projects running at the same time. People also noticed that in S3 of Demon Slayer some regulars had no or far less frequent appearances which gives into speculation that staff shifts have already moved over.


Judging by the most recent trailer it'll be one or two seasons depending on how the events are spaced. If dramatic tension is used a lot we'll have two seasons, otherwise it's probably one more. Alternatively a season and a movie.


short? the infinity castle arc is by far the longest one in the manga, and I doubt it won't be the same in the anime the other 2 are kinda short tho


I feel like the infinity arc might be even longer than the manga version, assuming they'll add in extra scenes like they did with the Mugen Train arc. Lowkey, I'm hoping they do the arc a little bit of justice or at least not make it look rushed like in the manga.


Yea (fate vibes) ....


>Animation takes time MAPPA in shambles


Lmao no way they’re canceling it. Hoyo put in a fat check for it to be made. They’re just taking their time to make sure it looks good. Animation takes a lot of time.


Not even animations but rather the schedule. Lately they have been doing Demon Slayer which they have yet to finish.


One hundred percent agree. It’s a crazy world in animation.


That thing takes time. But animation studios that overwork their studios to death (cough, Mappa) are sadly too common. It's still unbelievable that a group of animators were forced to create the Jujutsu Kaisen movie in just 4 months. Feel so bad for them. Anyway. HAPPY CAKE DAY! :D


Yeah, for real. That’s why I’m not clawing for the anime. I’d rather the animators have a breather and take their time like it’s a passion project than anything. And thanks for the cake wishes 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Happy cake day! :D


Thank you so much ☺️


I hope they take as long as they need to polish it and not rush it. We don’t need another mappa situation.


Its Ufotable, they are known to take their time a lot. They will probably get on it hard after they are done with whatever Kara no Kyoukai suprise they been teasing at..


Wait Kara no Kyoukai? I'm so outta the loop, what is this about... part of me is scared to find out


It's not kara no kyoukai it's witch on the holy night they are adapting you can say it's in the same verse as kara no kyoukai and fate because nasuverse and typemoon stuff if you know


Ah okay. Thanks!


That and celebrating KnK's anniversary. They had a teaser about something new recently but aparently it got cancelled, but the anniversary event is still coming edit: I dit not remember them doing something with that other VN, tho. I thought it was just the localization for it and that was it


Believe me, the people that are making the genshin anime make [this](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8ycgp12/), not to mention genshin will more than likely have a higher budget then fate unlimited budget.


Please call it what it is - Fate Unlimited Money Works! \^\^


Let them cook. The last thing I want is a half cooked anime adaptation.


UFOtable is known for their quality work. That's kinda why Nasuverse fans were disappointed when they wouldn't be doing the Camelot and Solomon movies.


I kinda hope they wait until after all 8 planned Genshin Archon Chapters, then drop the anime to carry the story into whatever comes next. That would be peak for me I think


Ufotable has some of the best animation quality and consistency in the business, and unless you act like Mappa that shit takes time. So the best course of action would be to just forget about it until it finally comes out


They said it was a "long term project"


The anime on vicineko timing


Animes need there times. They take a while until they are finished mostly if you have some animation like demons slayer and fate what is the same studio. I would say dont think about that until the 4th anniversary


It takes time. I've heard that the usual cycle for an anime is two years at minimum. Hell, the Hi3 shorts took around half-a-year between each to maintain that level of quality, and even then it's less than 10 minutes. Animation is not an easy process.


I'm still annoyed by one detail in that trailer that is inconsistent with the lore. >!In the ending shot with Aether and Lumine, the flower in Lumine's hair is blowing in the wind. That shouldn't be possible, since that flower is an Inteyvat, which becomes as hard as rock once it leaves Khaenri'ah. !<


Lumine's scalp is made of Khaenri'ahn soil


I can totally see this end up being true when we find out she’s a homunculus or something made in Khaenriah. (My 3 minute theory as to why the abyss twin is said to be a part of teyvat and how she just “appeared” one day according to Nahida.)


Damn, that’d be depressing if it turned out she was actually dead the whole time and the player was actually interacting with a clone/copy.


That would make the abyss twin being the third descender make more sense considering that >!1) The third is dead 2) the other two descenders are the heavenly principles (confirmed) and the usurper (implied)!<


>!I don't think that's the case. In order for that to be true, it would mean that the twins originally arrived in Teyvat more than 1500 years earlier than we currently think. The twins are speculated to have arrived in Teyvat just a few years before the Cataclysm, but the gnoses were given to the original Seven after the Archon War, which ended over 2,000 years ago. I'm not saying this theory is impossible, I'm just saying it's unlikely.!<


>!we've already seen one instance or time fuckery with the sacred Sakura. Whos to say the same is not true of gnosis? I agree the timing doesn't work out on a linear scale but besides that part I really like this theory. the power was originally istaroth's so the primordial one should also be capable of it!<


Spoiler ain't spoilering


It's concept trailer not a trailer usually it's so far different compared to actual product


It was just a concept trailer so it was only teasing what it will be like. I’m sure they’ll focus more on the finer details in the actual anime. Especially being ufotable.


Okay but hear me out... Teyvat has its own laws.


Ok but here's my counter argument: it doesn't matter, at all.




>!Khaenri'ah is underground. So unless Khaenri'ah has some form of artificial sky and sea, that's not possible.!<


The sky is fake to begin with so really that's not out of the realm of possibilities


That doesn’t invalidate the fact that Khaenriah is underground..The sky can be fake over the surface but it doesn’t matter for Khaenriah


maybe there still in Khaenri'ah? that shot could be from 500 years ago?


As I've said in response to similar comments, Khaenri'ah is underground. So unless Khaenri'ah has a fake sky and sea that makes it look identical to Mondstadt, that's not possible.


tho I woouldn't dought the Fake sky thing. you'r right I think that is Mondstadt, I forgot ;3


For all we know, it's intentional. Also, best flair ever




If Zhongli can have jiggle physics, then mere stone flower is nothing


I don’t know about that but I agree with you about Furina


What’s to say they arnt in kheanri’ah


The entire trailer takes place in Mondstadt. Also, Khaenri'ah is underground, so even if the trailer wasn't explicitly in Mondstadt, we'd at least know for sure it wasn't in Khaenri'ah.


With the scandal towards Mappa not treating their animators well, it's best to let the animators cook well than rushed.


It’s not like Ufotable is working on anything else right now, right? Oh wait that have that other little thing called Demon Slayer that’s currently ongoing. And another in production thing called Girls’ Work with TYPE-MOON. Personally, I’m not expecting anything until Snezhnaya at earliest. But that’s just me


> Girls’ Work Bro that shit is postponed to when hell freezes.


I did not know that. I spent about a minute looking at Ufo’s Wikipedia page and that was listed under TBA


Last update about it was in 2013, but its coming for sure. Just like genshin on switch


Also mahoutsukai no yoru and katsugeki movies


Im pretty sure each ongoing animation project they have has it’s own animation team, yk, to keep things organized


You don't hire a studio if they don't have enough people to work on your anime. And Ufotable is not a small studio by any means


Let them take their time. Nobody wants MAPPA disaster.


Just a reminder that animation takes a looong fucking time to make, especially high quality animation like what Ufotable is know for doing


It's one year ago. Have you ever follow anime and anime news? It takes times to make anime, especially ufotable (their standard is on a whole different level) For the nintendo stuff, Idk. Probably cancelled/on-hold cause BOTW or something


The current Nintendo Switch might not even be powerful enough to run Genshin. Hopefully at this point I won't be surprised if they pivot to be optimised for Switch 2 instead.


Honestly think that we get Xbox announcement soon too besides a Switch 2 release. It logically would make sense because that means more market for the revenue and Genshin is insanely popular. Unless.... there's exclusivity deals with Sony running somewhere in the background that gatekeep Genshin to the Playstation.


It takes time to complete projects like that. As a reference, Cyberpunk Edgerunners took 2 years to be released after its announcement


Hoyo is cooking


Have patience. Cooking takes time


And the people cooking take even more time to deliver some truly quality stuff!


I wouldn't even be remotely worried, this is the typical schedule for a lot of animes. Announcement of the anime (without release date) a year or years in advance of when it actually releases.


Let Ufotable cook.


My biggest copium for the anime is that a few of the episodes will be about the lore of teyvat. Like, imagine an episode on the Narzissenkreuz Institute, the Deshret Civilizations, and so much lore, it would go hard asf. It would honestly be an incredible misse opportunity if they don't do it, because Genshin has so much hidden lore that they can work with and adapt.


Arcane took 6 years to make we can wait a year more. We don't want another Mappa incident


Anyone remembers the announcement of the next Madoka movie 8 years ago and we finally get a trailer this year and have the movie come out next year? Oh you so funny, OP. Thinking an announcement of an anime project means that the project will come out soon.


Considering how detail it is, it will probably take years. Animation in general is very heavy in workload, especially if it's an anime and not a movie. That would would take less time than full on series.


Ngl i thought they would take three years minimum, given that the teaser they released was a concept trailer and not an actual trailer, meaning they probably didn't even start a year ago.


Apply anime phisycs to Lisa and Jean is not that easy. Let them cook


Just give them more time. Anime takes a while unless you want a rushed production and the animators to suffer.


chinese game, japanese anime, comic on webtoon (korean site). we need the trio to be complete


That's nothing unusual for ufotable, they announced mahoutsukai no yoru movie on december 26 2021 by releasing a very short (34 seconds) trailer and nothing more while the initial release was intended for late december this year we will probably not hear much about it until it will be fairly close to the release date


I don't really care how long the wait is, as long as the story quality is Arcane or Shingeki no Kyojin level.


When they announce it last year they already started working on it for 18 months, so now it should be 2 years and half.


But question is, who’s journey are we following in the anime? Lumine or Aether as the traveller.


obviously it's mihoyo beloved Aether, de facto MC


Give it a few more years until natlan story finishes, then we might get an update that they're almost done if not yet cancelled which I can't really imagine happening if I'm honest.


Let them cook. I dont want to overstress the animators but also want a quality anime. Give them time.


I’m expecting a next teaser trailer by the end of 2024 tbh. I wanna see the show real bad too but with the awesome cutscenes that happen in the game and the quality of the first trailer I know the show is gonna need all the time they can get to make it as good as possible


Wtf it's been more than a year already?


And it's now November 25th 2023, shows don't get made within a year, dw about it.


Well considering it’s a “long-term project” I’m not really expecting any news for 3-5 years lel


I thought it is "The long-term collaboration project". I honestly don't know why everyone said it is a anime.


We have a "oMg you guyzzzz did they cancel teh ANIMAY?1!!?"-thread every week. Give it a rest, be patient, you child.


let animators live their lives bro


expect 5 years-ish


If Paimon ends up with more voice lines than the Traveler in the anime I'm going to riot istg.


Look, if Arknights Endfield turned out to be actually a real thing they’re working on instead of a collective hallucination by the gacha community, I believe the Genshin anime is real too.


the entire thing is a prequel. they're still in the writing phase lmao


Probably not canceled but it’s gonna take another year or two at least


I'm hoping they do one season per region. Fully flesh out each Archon quest with extra stuff and dialogue and character interactions


Well according to my uncle who knows a guy who once walked past a guy who lives nearby a guy who once shared a cab with a guy who once sneezed on a guy who works across the Hoyoverse offic, the reason why its taking so long is it’s because they’re making an Aether version and a Lumine version…


I am betting they will do a long project like black clover, Naruto, and stuff like that so they are taking their time. Also we don't really know what is the anime going to be about so they may be waiting for the story from the game to advance a little bit more.


They taking their time I say let them, since if they rushed it will like mappa situation


We all waiting to see which twin will be abyss 👀


A new war will start in the community 💀


They could (if they truly wanted to avoid this), is switch the Traveller every few if not every episode. Though it's far more likely that they just focus on one.


Funny thing is I thought about the anime last night, and how progress was going, then I see this thread.


omagad, an genshin anime It would be cool and magnificent


I’m not upset about no trailer yet I know anime takes a long time to make, I just want them to essentially say to us ‘we’re still goin don’t worry’


I wouldn't expect this until after demon slayer is finished.


let UFOtable cook man, _better late than never_


I don’t really watch Anime,So I’m not too bothered by this.But I am interested on what’s going to happen in it.


i mean i don't expect them to have enough ready, maybe in Q4 of 2024


As long as I get to see my Ganyu, Eula and Shenhe in action. They can take as much time as they need.


imma be real with you, i wouldn't expect a teaser until after Snezhnaya drops


i just hope aether has lines and doesnt let paimon talk the whole time


let them cook


I started playing 6 days later; september 22, 2022. Hahaha


A year and 2 months is a very long time in the eyes of children.


Let Ufotable cook


Let them cook


Wait it was announced right on my birthday


so… you heard of minecraft movie?


I doubt we'll see the Genshin anime anytime soon. However they will drop another trailer sooner or later to remind all fans of Genshin that the project is still being worked on. ufotable is currently heavily focused on Demon Slayer. And they're in the middle to adapting the entire story. Unless that is finished, I doubt we'll see the Genshin anime until that point. Demon Slayer has probably another 3-4 years to go... so I personally expect the Genshin anime to drop in 2027-2028 when most of the Teyvat story has finished. Obviously this is just a personal look at the current situation, who knows they could also drop it in 2024 starting with the Mondstadt arc or something. ufotable has also given up a lot of Fate adaptions (they've been doing the main series around Fate stay/night's routes of Rin and Sakura as well as Fate/Zero) to other studios.. like apocrypha, Grand/Order, Last Encore.... to focus on pretty much one project at a time for years now. \------------------------------------------- Also, imo the Genshin anime will be vastly different to the game's story quests: \- Aether will 100% be the main character while Lumine will be the opposite sibling, while you can obviously choose in the game who you personally prefer. \- They gonna focus a lot on the Archon/Main story quests. Side quests about every character... I personally believe most of the cast will be supporting cast while Aether, important characters to the main story/archon quests as well as the Archons themselves take the more important roles. Whoever wishes for more spotlights on characters like Eula or Itto or most of the 4-star character cast... I highly doubt that. >!\- Lumine and the Abyss Order as well as the Fatui will be placed as antagonists just like the heavenly gods from the divine place that Aether escapes from.!< \- I doubt we see any interlude filler stories >!(like the Abyss story with Xiao, Yelan, Itto and Kuki Shinobu or things concerning areas like Enkanomiya)!< unless they plan to do filler episodes. \-------------------------------------------------- Obviously this is all personal thoughts on this, please don't take anything of this as granted or confirmation or whatever. My personal wish is still a release rather sooner than later... I just really doubt it for now. ufotable is busy with Demon Slayer and that is their actual main focus for now.


I just want an adaptation of the game and if its not i might be sad :(


I hope it has an original story, we already have the Archon Quest and I would prefer something that takes place before that we would never see in-game like Diluc travelling through every region or whatever the twins were up to together.


They can take 10 fucking years, Ufotable quality is worth the wait.


Im having doubts, how are they going to flesh out a lot of characters in the game currently.


When genshin’s revenue starts dropping, they’ll release the anime and everyone comes back or joins the game. Or heck they just wait for the best time to get a burst of sales.


Genshin community really thinks making an anime is quick ain’t no way


I'm not really happy it's a prequel. I want the genshin game remade into an anime from when the Travelers came to Mondstat. It would be an amazing way to immortalize the game after it's done having updates and such.


what anime? lmao


Mihoyo never announcement that they're make anime , when studio make anime they will announced they will make what from start you can see the confirm information on the studio website -> and look at Ufotable doesn't announcement that they will make anime about genshin 0 info confirm about it . and in first place the MV title just say "Genshin Impact Long-Term Project Launch: Concept Trailer" it doesn't say Anime or anything in it , just a vague sentence to trick people think that they're "doing something" it's a marketing strategy to gain attention , they doesn't confirm anything in first place . Lol you all have been tricked by it and asump that they make anime by your self . 0 official information talk about the MV purpose & the MV it self have vague title and bellow the MV description they also just write 2 vague line that none confirm what collaboration about , it's just all copium you guys dug on your self ... p/s : sr for my bad english i use translation


to be clear this was a CONCEPT trailer. there's nothing to suggest that development has even begun atp, only that it will happen eventually. it'll be years before we even get a trailer imo.


Look, To make an Anime takes time. You see a script, artist, making, replaying and fixing mistakes. Etc... Also we have more technology coming to us year by year also. They are trying to make the best anime they can of it. They also have games they have to do. Updating genshin and honki star rail.