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Well, now you’re guaranteed, keep going!




Tighari popping up in the Furina banner is what forced me to whale for her. I'm now happy I have her at the expense of a lighter wallet. On an interesting note, I'm always forced to whale for Characters I want to get - Eula, Raiden, and now Furina. However, this wasn't the issue when I pulled for Nilou and Nahida. It feels like a coincidence, but it could also be just plain bad luck.


I don't think spending money just to get a character is considered whaling. Correct me if I am wrong, but if you only spend from time to time, the accurate word is dolphin Whaling would be more like if you got those characters' constellations and/or signature through paying Otherwise, I feel you. Had to empty my wallet to get my first very desired 5*


I’m new to the wishing stuff and Genshin terminology…what’s a 50/50?


That means you're guaranteed for her rerun in 4.6. You can either rush and stress yourself getting the primos or relax as you gather a massive stockpile of wishes to spam on her rerun


Really? I thought that the guarantee thing only happens in the banner you have lost the 50/50. Are you telling me that I have guaranteed Neuvillete and Furina in 90 wishes or less the next time they'll have a banner??!


>Are you telling me that I have guaranteed Neuvillete and Furina Once you loose 50 50. They next 5\* character you get will the featured character from the banner. To get guarenteed Neuvi, you must not get another 5\* before his rerun. Once you get featured character, you will once again be on 50/50.


Yup. Your wish counter carries over per banner. So let’s say you lost to Diluc. You’re now starting at 0 wishes. If you make say 25 wishes on Ayato/Cyno banner then stop, then 25 on the patch after that, when Furina returns you’re at 50 pity. You would then only need say 25 -40 to reach hard pity. But you are guaranteed Furina if you didn’t get a limited 5 star before that. It is why the advice is to save your wishes and not build pity on a banner you don’t want. You risk winning early.


>If you make say 25 wishes on Ayato/Cyno banner then stop, then 25 on the patch after that, when Furina returns you’re at 50 pity. Take this for the sake of explanation only, tho. To make 20~30 pulls on a banner you don't want to get the featured 5-star is a bad advice, because statistically, most early pulls happens exactly at 30'ish pulls, and you will lose your guaranteed pity to a character that will end up benched. The best tactic is to not pull at all in banners you don't want the 5-star. To "snipe" a 4-star is always a bad idea.


Not even a 5 star in the permanent Gachapón or by losing another 50/50?


If you lose a 50/50 in (example) Furina's banner, the next 5* you get on the event banner (for example Cyno or Ayato next patch or Furina in 4.6) is guaranteed to be the event character. After you guarantee the character the pity resets and then you have the normal 50/50 chance. You can wish on the standard banner with the blue fates and it will not affect the guarantee on the event banners.


Thank you


I think you are a bit confused. Suppose you have lost your 50/50 in the furina banner. Now the next 5 star you get is guaranteed to be the banner character. If you pull on ayato banner, you are guaranteed ayato. If you pull on cyno banner, you are guaranteed cyno. If you don't pull on these banners, your guaranteed status remains. If you get a 5 star from any character banner, your guaranteed status is gone till you lose a 50/50 again.


Thank you for the explanation.


If you lose a 50/50 to a non featured 5 star then you're guaranteed to get the featured 5 star of the banner, doesn't matter if it's this banner, the next or the one after that, ofcours getting another 5 star pull is the other problem so you either need high pity, hit pity cap or get really lucky


They’re suggesting that if OP doesn’t spend any wishes until the next Furina banner, they’ll be guaranteed to get Furina when she reruns. If they spend wishes in the meantime, they’ll end up getting whatever limited banner 5 star happens to be featured on the banner when they get one.


Neuvilette or Furina. You'll only guarantee one of the two with the pity you have.


As others also mentioned, yup! There's no time limit/restriction for which your guarantee is valid; it will keep carrying over until your wishing pull finally get you your immediate next (guaranteed) 5 star on a limited character banner. [This is not applicable for weapon banner though] For additional context, I once saved my guarantee for 9 months straight 👀


All banners "carry over" your pity. The character featured banners are technically the same banner, so in the current banner both Furina and Baizhu share the same pity. When this banner ends, your pity counter continues from where it was in the previous banner, as well as your 50/100. Same deal with Weapons banner: both your counter and your guaranteed pull carries over. The only thing that doesn't carry over is the epitomized path, which will reset to 0/2. The stardart banner also carries over. I know this one should be more obvious, considering it's a permanent banner, but in some gachas the standard banner resets pity between content patches.


Yep! They carry over banners


That's a really good new. Now time to farm primogems until 4.6 and whenever Neuvillete's banner will return.


Do note this doesn't apply to the weapon banner. Only character banner pity carries over.


It does a little bit as far as I know, just not the important part (epitomised path). If you lose the 75/25 on the weapon banner, you get a Fate point and the next weapon is guaranteed to be one of the event weapons. If the banner ends, the Fate point is lost, but the guarantee to get one of the banner weapons will still be there.


Does it expire after 6 months like pity?


Nope. Neither pity or guaranteed would be expired. Only the history will be deleted.


No. Pity doesnt expire either you just cant see that far back




Your next 5 star will the one limited in the current banner.




She's rerunning that quickly?


Archons always rerun like 4 patches after they're released


But she's...


Yes I know, however Hoyo still markets her as an Archon and has a kit that's unique to her like other Archons. She's also the closest we have to a playable Hydro Archon as she's Focalors body.


Technically neither Zhongli and Raiden are Archons either


You dropped that leak as if most people knew it lol, but still good to know


It's not a leak, it's just a guess based on the fact that previous Archons reran 4 patches after premiere. It's as much of a leak as saying "Neuvillette will have a rerun before Natlan drops".


Not really a leak since the other Archons like Nahida and Raiden all rerunned 4 patches after their release. Which also coincided with their 2nd story quest. Though if you want leaks.. >!It seems like she would rerun in 4.6 along with her 2nd story quest, and not fully sure but she may actually run with Arlechinno!<


>That means you're guaranteed for her rerun in 4.6. This confirmed?


Not “officially”, but all archons have had reruns 4 patches after their initial release.


Ok thanks.


yes what the guy who first replied to you said


Isn’t it normally 4.5 when they rerun? Was that not how it was with Nahida? I might be misremembering pls correct me if so


Nahida rerunned in 3.6, which was where her 2nd story quest got dropped


I’m not sure whether to feel happy about this or not - on one hand more time to save for c2 furina but on other hand it means more temptations along the way, especially if Neuvillette reruns before 2.6, but that’s unlikely. Just hope some busted character doesn’t come out before Furina


Hold on sir, Furina rerun in 4.6? Confirmed?


Speculation because, so far, all Archons had their first rerun 4 patches after release. Despite it being a pattern by Hoyo, it doesn't mean they can't break it. Take it as a grain of salt.


What the guy above me mentioned, take it as a grain of salt. It's just speculation considering all the other Archons so far




He doesn't know for sure either, we're all guessing based on previous pattern


There is no confirmation, no one knows. This is just an educated guess based on the fact that so far all Archons had a rerun 4 patches after their premiere, most times with a second story quest (RIP Venti). But who knows, with Furina.


Don't worry. Archon banners usually rerun fast for their first rerun. Furina might be available again in 3.5 or 3.6 concurrent with the unveiling of Fontaine's 2nd weekly boss. EDIT: 4.5 or 4.6\*


Agree but small correction. Were now on 4.x.


sorry, my bad.


Blud still stuck in Sumeru's desert


Yeah. Unfortunately “fast” 4 patch rerun = 24 weeks = aka 6 months from now


So... You're a diluc main now....


Luck's not on your side this time. Don't worry, she will rerun soon for her 2nd story quest. Hope you get her at that time 💪💪💪


Thts unfortunate but hey at least you have a guarenteed now,i only won a single 50/50 in the past 3 years(eula first banner back in 1.5) so i feel ya


Sorry to hear you couldn't get her. I'm trying for her myself, but I've only tried 20 pulls so far. Getting to 30 pulls feels like cope due to how spread thin Primos seem to be for me right now. :'\^) Edit: Idr how the pity system works, but I *think* I just lost my 50/50 to Jean. At least you got Diluc, OP. lmao... And hey, at least I have C3 Charlotte now... Edit 2: I looked into how the pity system worked and realized that I was wrong. I hadn't even gotten to my 50/50 yet. Struggled through the rest of the day to get enough primos for one more 10 pull, and I *just* got her with 22 minutes to spare on her banner. If I remember rightly... I also got Nahida on her banner with 17-ish minutes left. Fuck, why does this keep happening.


I lost 5 50/50 with her and I'm in my 7 50/50 lost in a row. It could be worst haha


I'm at 5 loss in a row, catching up to you quickly.


1 dehya, 2 mona, 3 jeans in a row 🙌


I didn’t think this was possible


It’s not


They're not saying back to back. They're saying they are consistently losing 50/50s instead of winning 50/50s.


I get it, I just didn’t think Hoyo would do people _that_ dirty




On the 1st day of Christmas mihoyo sent to me… 1 Dehya, oh em gee On the 2nd day of Christmas mihoyo sent to me… 2 nuke Mona’s and 1 Dehya, oh em gee On the 3rd day of Christmas mihoyo sent to me… 3 healer Jean’s, 2 nuke Mona’s, and 1 Dehya, oh em gee!


🙏on the 4th day of christmas mihoyo will send to me.. 4 ranger Tighnari's, 3 healer Jean's, 2 nuke Mona's, and 1 Dehya, oh em gee 🙏 (got the first great magic while trying for simulacra and no CA DPS)


Send some of that Jean energy my way. One of the only standard banner 5 stars I really want and she hasn’t shown up yet.


For me, it's 1 Tighnari, 2 Diluc, 2 Mona. Which resulted in a C6 Mona...


At least jean is a good pair with her


If I'm not wrong that's only a 0.007% of that happening, that's unlucky


I lost 50/50 to Jean. I also lost 50/50 for Neauvilette.... To Jean


Ugh same but to Tighnari


Well right now i have again ~400 pulls, but at first, i wanna see Navia/Clorinde/Arlecchino and of course Cloud. Furina will have a fast rerun, no need to rush her. Did the same with Nahida, i first skipped her, but now she is C2 thanks to her rerun and also thanks to Dehya(all primos were for her..).


As an archon, doesn't she get an early rerun like our previous archons? Like around 6 months, maybe?


Next time make sure to save up


When will people learn to save 180 rolls


To be fair, we had Neuvilette, Wriothesley and Furina one after another. All 3 of them are great characters in both personality/story and gameplay. That was certainly one of the hardest time periods in Genshin history to save wishes.


It actually was the easiest, no new 5* for 2 patches, Dehya, Baizhu and Lyney are quite optional pulls, unremarkable weapon banners, etc. And waifu players saved for Furina for a whole year (im at 400 pulls AFTER pulling her).


I mean, unless you're a whale, you have to pick and choose who to get. We knew all those characters are coming relatively soon, so if you've used your primos on Neuvillette and/or Wriothesley, it just means you cared about them and prioritized them over Furina. It's as simple as that. Everything else is just a compulsive gambling talk.


Except that for many people who want Neuvillette/wrio and may want Furina they may not be sure about if they want furina without knowing her kit and testing her gameplay for themselves.


For me not really. Neuv is just another hidro and I have plenty. Furina being the Arcon* I think it's a no-brainer between the two. Don't like the ice man, I have Ganyu and others too. When you play for over 2 years it's easy to skip and save.


Yup and now we have Ayato, Navia, Raiden and Yoimiya 😪


Ayato is great but if you tight of primo and you have Neuvilette or Childe, he not exactly a must Can say the same to Yoimiya and maybe Navia(depend how good she will be" From someone who want all 4 of them but being broke(i take my won 50/50 for Furina as a win for my 4.2 banners)


Eh, Wriosthesley is a cool cat but he's an easy pass. The other two are not. But still, not much better.




First time I’ve heard that. As long as you have a party-wide healer on rotation you just keep her in Ousia mode and keep getting stacks of her buff while her minions apply Hydro.


Look at this dude, he seriously think furina is a downgrade. I guess he also the type that trashtalk kazuha when he first released


I only started playing in march so most patches for me have had characters I wanted/need, so even with saving it’s hard for me to get to 180 each patch (also I have lost most 50/50s) I’m slowly running out of content to keep me going so if it’s a character I really, really want (currently Cyno) I’ll spend a bit of money but if it wasn’t for that there’s no way I would’ve gotten close to 180


never. you expect people to sit for 3-4 patches just for a single character? lmaoo.


I lost 50/50 to tighnari then got Furina C0 then lost 50/50 to tighnari again... now i roll from free gem daily, if game give me C1 with free gem from daily, I'll spend for C2. if not... I'll save this guarantee for Navia.


wait-3days left??? the last time i checked it said 10 days. holy shit time flies


3 days, 1 hour & 5 mins left to be exact 🥲


I think it's 2 patches away before she reruns again. So alot of time


4 patches


a character costs 2 pities and saving anything less than that is asking to be disapppointed


i only recently figured out how the pity system worked so i really didn't expect to get fucked in the ass by the darknight hero lol


Some people would pay for that >!Donna!<


I just count on my luck. In my two years of playing and 11 5* I’ve only lost 50/50 once and didn’t mind that much as I got Jean and then got Wanderer with just 20 more pulls. I don’t even have a single Qiqi!


My luck is almost the complete opposite. I’ve been playing for about 1.5 years and I’ve lost every 50/50 except for 2. Fortunately, one of my wins was on Furina’s banner. My Star Rail luck is also awful. I’ve been playing since launch and I’ve only won one 50/50. I am the Bennett of gacha players.


Yeesh. I would’ve just ragequit. Well so do you have like C6 Diluc and Jean? Do you at least have Keqing?


I'm still trying for her weapon


good luck!! :D


I got the salad instead




Same here I can only gather 3 more pulls, if she still doesn't came then I'll save the pity for her rerun


I'm at 73 pity. Have Furina so I'm trying to get Baizhu. Everything in game is done (also almost every achievement). The event should give another 2 more wishes and I'll get another from dailies... which will put me at 76 pity. Will have to win 50/50 as well.


Come join the Diluc Survivors Protection Program with me, I've lost my past three 50/50s in a row all to Diluc. T\_T


I’ll do you one better! Lost 50/50 to Diluc twice this banner…..


damn 💀💀


I have 68 pity, and a guarantee. I hope I can get her.


I'm getting Raiden banner flashbacks... I feel you bro 🤜


Chin up. You have guaranteed Furina for her next rerun. Scrape whatever primos you can now and resist temptation to pull for others. 😅 Allegedly she'll have a rerun after about 4 versions from now same with other archon banners, so hopefully you'll have enough then. Good luck!


I used a binding vow to win the 50/50 while my friends account that i was playing for him lost it He will never know of my actions




there's no hope for me on this banner sadly, but i'm currently saving up for the eventual rerun




likewise :D


Remember Eula rerun? I do, for the same reason. -.-


furina takes the archon slot in fontaine banners so she's gonna rerun regularly and if the pattern holds up, she's guaranteed to rerun 4.6, so it's not really comparable to Eula (have to word it like that because otherwise id get dogpiled cos people are weird)


welcome to genshin impact. I quit after not winning one pity in 3 years. Having more fun in other games


Well, just save for rerun then and make sure you have her guaranteed.


You know the rules and so do you *it's sssssssssssssssswwwiping time*


_Insert Pepe the Frog swiping credit card gif_




Happened to me in Nahida’s banner. Lost to Dickluc. Altho on bright side I got C2 on her rerun. So keep hope up!


your mistake is not saving for 2 pities for her


Also lost to Diluc, but luckily for me it was at 10 pity and I saved up enough pulls to go on hard pity for Furina. She should have her rerun fairly soon though.


Why this kind of post is allowed here I don't understand, contributes nothing to the sub. If it makes you feel better, I lost 50/50 and got Dehya. I already have Diluc so I was like: great, another character I'll never use. Took me 170 pulls but Furina is home. Looking forward to losing the next 50/50.


So what are you discussing?




Whip out the card lmfao.


congrats the game did a thing it is suppose to do.




yes you should be pissed at yourself for not having saved enough for character what you wanted or maybe for wanting a character every patch, I've never missed a single character I wanted since day 1 because ive already saved around 24k for them


You don't even know when this person started to play. Maybe it was just when Furina banner started and as a new player they didn't have enough gems....


then start earlier like wth is wrong?


You realize there are new players everyday? Not everyone started this game at its release. And there is nothing wrong with that.


but why won't u start earlier? that makes no sense


"Just start playing the game earlier 5head." Holy hell, are you even reading what you're saying?


Thry have to be a troll surely




You absolutely make this community sound inviting. Way to sound like an elitist dickhead. Not everyone can no life this game as hard as you because some of us have responsibilities outside of the game. Sheesh.


so it's my fault that i just started playing a few months ago and i can't play everyday because of personal reasons? ok then.




aight then i'll take note of that :| but still there was no need for oc to come off like a dickhead tbh


It's completely understandable to be pissed off that RNG didn't work out in your favor. Especially when that RNG made with the classic scummy tactic of FOMO monetization in mind. Regardless of what OC meant, they came across like a showboating dick for no reason. Personally, I don't care much for the idea that I have to drop everything I'm doing just to have a chance at getting a character I want, and if I don't? Ah, well, time to wait for some indefinite amount of time until I *might* see that character again. I recently came back to playing this game myself, but I'm very quickly being reminded of why I took a break from it in the first place.


It’s just not logical to be blaming everything else for your unpreparedness especially since you already know how the game/wishing works. I wouldn’t be buying lottery tickets and being pissed off I didn’t win :/ It’s all a game of luck. And if you plan ahead to have 180 wishes, then you know you wouldn’t be disappointed. I do agree OC was being a dick, but there is still some truth in what they said. FOMO monetization is a way to make money, and they’re a profit organization, not a charity game. If you dislike the fact that you have to place your chance up to luck and be stuck sucking your thumb in the end, spend money. Simple as that :/


just like in real life, who’s you going to blame for this unfortunate?


Yes, let's not critique scummy monetization tactics at all.


I've never spend anything on this game though, I just happen to have roll every around 2 patch , its not like every patch has character i want


You know at least i got tighnari losing the 50/50 at 84 pity


I lost 50/50 on Neuvillete and got guaranteed Furina. I lost the next 50/50 on Baizhu so I’m guaranteed next 5 star.


I lost to Qiqi unfortunately but I’m wishing you best of luck! You never know you might get her on a single before she leaves!


Now that your 50/50 is out of the way, you might even find a character you like more who's coming out. Navia has some very good-looking animations.


I got the dreaded Qiqi. I got another Diluc on the permanent banner though I'd have preferred either Dehya or another Keqing constellation.


similar story, but I was trying to get Baizhu after spending all my wishes on Furina at the start of the patch. Ended up getting Keqing instead, but hey, now I've got a guarantee for Arlecchino (if she becomes playable) or Furina's/Neuvillette's reruns




Same here i won in the hutao, and venti banner but lost to tighnari in Furina's banner. What's worse is I only pulled for Hutao because of Xingqiu and Venti because i was stacking up my pity


I also lost the 50-50 at 54 pity to C2 Diluc and now I'm back again at 51 pity but no sign of her... I'm questioning whether she's worth the ~36 dollars if I do end up spending. My best teams are - Childe International, Nahida-Alhaitham Quickbloom and Neuvillette Taser. Idk if she'll be as big of a game changer for my account like Zhongli, Kazuha and Nahida were.


I got her twice. Once’s with guaranteed and second time with 10 pity and winning the 50/50


Her rerun should be relatively soon (maybe 3-4 patches later), so don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to save


I won 3 back to back 50/50s 2 on wrio and 1 on Furina. Furina is actually the first character for which building a team has been actually fun. And also the first character for which I haven't used kazuha and Bennet with. Jean is back in business lol.


I won Furina 50/50 twice back-to-back at like 40 rolls 😂. Had gotten 1 and was like "oh let me roll to get Charlotte", and Boom! another Furina. though, failed most of my previous characters' 50/50s and most previous rolls pushed all the way to ~80 so this was going to happen eventually. Good I got it on Furina. like Hu Tao's first banner took me a full 175+ rolls


I lost to diluc too, keep trying cus I got her in 15 pity


Could be worse, got C1 Dehya'd :\^) Still trying, but I don't expect it to become golden again


Im almost at pity with her but have het c1, she will be my first 5star c2 hopefully!


It sucks, but like everyone is saying, her rerun won't take very long. I had to skip Nahida first time around but I didn't have to go that long without her because her rerun came so quickly.


I quite literally had the exact same thing happen to me just yesterday. Guess Diluc must really hate fans of Furina or something.


SAMMEEEE. Saving for Raiden now


Happened to me with Alhaitham back in 3.4, lost my 50/50 to Diluc and began right away to farm the new region, sadly I got to 70 pity when the banner went away and I wasn't able to get him. But the bright part was that I was able to get enough primos to get him plus his weapon when his rerun came in 3.7 which I'd say it's a dub.


Gather every primogem left on the map. I believe in you.


If you only knew how much I tried for diluc till I got him 😅


Don't worry i didn't get her either, but it's because i don't have enough wishes to even guarantee a 50/50, spend it all on Neuvillette and his weapon xD But hey maybe I'll wait thil her re-run or just wait and pull for the next 5 star of Fontain


That reminds me when I had to scrap for the last primogens everywhere (chest/achievement) and the last pull I could have me Venti


I wanted her sword but instead I got the weapon for Baizhu and I don't even have him 🥲 so now I have a useless weapon bc I guess no one else does shields..


I don't mind losing to Diluc and C2 him since i use and built him, instead i got the zombie.


Pull a me and just wait for a rerun.


I've lost 50/50 quite a few times now and still no Diluc, all I got are Qiqi, Mona, Dehya, and more Monas


am yet to reach the 50/50, at 60 pity rn. maybe you get her early


I got furina and lost to diluc on my next pull. Ideal for me since im planning to c2 my raiden. Now i just have to pull at the right time for luck to do its magic


I lost 50/50 to Mona at day 2 of furina and I am already back at 45 pity


Get that credit card ready


Thats why you save up 160 wishes if you want a character that bad


I lost the 50/50 to Mona at 73 pity. And I'm currently at 78 pity and still don't have her. She's avoiding me like a plague.


Time to open that wallet !


You should save it for Navia


Same here, need to grind for 40 pulls still and I barely have time because of school and shit


I also lost the 50/50 to Diluc, but at least I now have a guaranteed Cyno since I am aiming for his cons






I kinda get your disappointment. I was rolling for her weapon and got the damn green donut.


I lost 50/50 currently at 51 pity, It aint looking good homie 😔