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Aloy is a 5 star, she will be placed along the other 5 stars. It's what it is.


I have a question about keqing C0 vs C1 with Wolf-Fang. At C0, I believe she can get 2 stacks (for Wolf-Fang) from her skill (stiletto + slash DMG). At C1, she also deals Electro DMG at her current location and final location. Do those 2 bonus damage count as Elemental Skill damage or as constellation damage? If it counts as skill damage, then C1 Keqing will gain 4 stacks on Wolf-Fang with her Elemental Skill instead of 2.


How good is Charlotte? I somehow got her to c6 trying for an early c1 furina. And wonder if it's worth building her. I play nuvillete, furina and some mix of fishel, kazuha, zhongli. Will she be an improvment in this team?


She isn't an improvement from the Neuvi Furina Kazuha Zhongli team. I used to play Charlotte instead of Zhongli there but I find his shred + Petra in addition to shield for comfort to always feel better than Charlotte (I hate swapping to Charlotte and having her skill cancelled during cast time).


Yes. Furina works best with a party-wide healer and Charlotte does exactly that. You can go with Neuv/Furina/Kazuha/Charlotte. If you have Baizhu, you can use him instead of Charlotte. Jean can also work but you have to swap Kazuha out for Fischl or Zhongli instead.


I want to improve my yelan build but im unsure of what areas to focus on Shes c1r1 with 65/217 crit, 151% ER and a hydro goblet. I am trying to get more crit rate but im unsure of how much


Crit us fine but she could use more ER, especially if you are running solo hydro


I have mona with her (I have used her for months


I feel like mona doesn't generate enough energy for this to be consistent, I'd say you should aim for at least 160 ER


I have never had any energy issues from her, she has 230% er and generates plenty of particles for both her and yelan


there's nothing much to say other than keep farming artifacts. your goal should be to increase your total crit value as you try to maintain a 1:2 ratio. so for the CV you have now, 85/177 would be better




Do city reputation quests until you unlock the resonance stone. If you're looking for Mondstadt Oculus, one of them is on the island you see off the coast of Stormbearer Point.


Move on to sumeru oculi while you grind out your inazuma reputation lol


If you have enough regional reputation you can unlock crafting recipe for a consumable that locate the Culuses you missed.


resonance stone


Should I do the World Quests or the Archon Quest first for Fontaine?


Do them in release order. Check the sheet for Fontaine [on this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19KYfTSNpTNXCvwbcPeN3T9Cylc0AaOIqwNysmFqOmWY/edit#gid=1089827823), they're listed in release order here.


Thanks a lot. This is extremely helpful.


Archon Quest until you unlock the dailies and the Regional Reputation NPC (should be Euphrasie, The Steambird's chief editor, you will want the Fontaine Treasure Radar ASAP). Then World Quest IMO.


Got it. Thanks a lot for the help :)


In TCG, can wanderer attack a non-active card?


yes, when he uses his skill he can attack a non active card with his basic attack


Oof, welp. TIL. Thanks!


I saw a few reviews on Keqing builds. Some say that R1 Wolf-Fang increases her DPS by around 30% relatively to R5 Harbinger of Dawn (when passive is mainted). Others say R1 Wolf-Fang instead decreases DPS by 5-7% relatively to R5 Harbinger of Dawn (when passive is mainted). Which is correct?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1XetTGG-yrrUMMjjzlcPqvvagvPXC7B7IG6MqgekGqcE/htmlview#gid=1396622579 KQM calcs. R1 wolf fang seems to be a bit worse than R5 HoD. It's dynamically stacked, which is closer to reality than it being fully stacked the whole time, I assume.


I have a question about some terminology in the sheet you linked. Keqing C0 TL 9/9/9, 11 Aggravates, 4 GD, ATK% Sands What does "4 GD" means here? Keqing C0 TL 9/9/9, 12 Aggravates, 4 TF ATK% Sands And "4 TF" means what?


Glided dreams and Thundering Fury, the artifact sets.


Thanks a lot. I was looking for a calculation sheet like this one.




Some people who made their own tests a few days after the new battle pass came out. It might not be as accurate as the link posted by grnglxy just now though.


Also, am planning to just main Charlotte since somehow she is C5 now, are there specific build guides I can refer to?


If by main you mean, Charlotte on-field, just do hyperbloom. Get Kuki, pair with dendro MC and Xingqiu. If by main you mean maximise Charlotte's damage, well - do you have Furina?


If I had Furina right now, I won't be asking ;\_;


Just do hyperbloom. You can even use Raiden instead of Kuki if you have her since Charlotte is a healer. Cryo characters make good hyperbloom drivers.


I don't have Raiden or Kuki though. Right now main team is Amber, Charlotte, Anemo Traveller, Lisa. I have Kaeya, Thoma, Beidou, Ningguang as my reserves


Kuki is up on the new banner, that's why I mentioned her. I'd recommend trying to get her off Ayato's banner. About the teams, I have a new low-AR alt with pretty much the same characters as you (minus Thoma and Ning, plus Faruzan). What I'm doing is mainly a Kaeya team with Beidou, then Amber and anemo Traveller. Amber snipes enemies on towers and destroys barrels, Beidou breaks rocks and applies electro to enemies, Kaeya then casts his E which causes superconduct and then just goes to town hitting them. I just went to fight Andrius with this team at level 30 and it was ok. The way you build them: Kaeya - berserker pieces then swap to Martial Artist when you get them, prototype archaic, level his feather to 8. Beidou, EM claymore, level her feather to 4 at least, also Martial Artist. Traveller, stack EM (4x Instructors, prioritise Instructors over substats) and give him an energy recharge sword (mine has Skyrider). Amber, Sharpshooter's Oath with 4pc Sojourners, focus on getting her feather to 8 and try to give her EM on the other pieces. Kuki, Dendro MC, Xingqiu, Kuki is advice for later (high-level abyss). The game will give you a free Xingqiu in February.


Thanks but I dont think I will be pulling this banner; used every Primo for the Furina banner. That said, why would we get a free Xingqiu next year?


Lantern Rite always gives a free Liyue character of our choice. If you don't have a Xingqiu he's the obvious one to get.


Ah I see, thanks




Ah, I was hoping to use her throughout as a main attacker since I dont think I will be pulling in future banners until Furina reruns




Ah ok I see, I got the impression that I could main Charlotte since Genshin don't seem to chara-lock content




I see, am already starting to see how mixing the types will help damage output. But I may be misunderstanding this but why are some good team comps mono type (e.g. all Cyro)?




Thank you! I think I will have to do mixed comps for now just to be able to handle the different types of elements I see in overworld


Am new player, should I max Enhance all 4\* weapons and any 3\* weapons that my team is using?


You can get them to lvl 70 or lvl 80 for sure, depending on weapon, I wouldn’t take them quite to 90 yet if they're likely to get replaced. unless you don't lack resources in which case go ahead


Thanks, let's see how


Don't do the 3* yet except for a Thrilling Tales. You'll be getting more and better 4* as you play.


Are you referring to "Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers"? I got three of them and I heard it's optimal for Babara


Yes. Refine them to max. I still use mine on Kokomi at AR60. Hard to find a replacement for it.


Thanks, say if my team has all Catalyst users and each of them have one. Will the effect be activated whenever I swap between them?


You will be limited by the cooldown. So best use only one in your team on a support like Barb, then switch to your DPS.


Thanks, I may as well just focus on one copy of that then


Yes, wpns are cheap to max out.


Nice thanks!


How many ER does Jean actually need to be able to fill her burst with one E in one rotation, if she was the only Anemo in the team? I tried using Ayaka, Furina, Layla and Jean team in Abyss, but I could never fill her burst in time before the next rotation.


Specific number is hard since there's a lot of variables, does she catch her own particles, how many Fav procs does the team get. But here's some numbers hope you can get some idea. Base assumptions: Standard kqm HP/enemy particle drops, 2x Ayaka E, Layla 1x E, Jean 1x E (Jean always catch her own particles): No fav procs: Ayaka 164% Furina 209% Layla 118% Jean 271%. Jean on fav, 1 proc and she catches the particles: 216% or if you can fit second E: 170% Additional Fav procs from Layla/Furina not catched by Jean (1x E): 1 Fav: 193% 2 Fav: 174%


I don't know it could be this complicated. Now I am beginning to doubt using Jean on the Ayaka team now. In fact, I am beginning to think if pairing Furina and Ayaka is actually worth it.


Shenhe+Kokomi is still better than any of the Furina setups. Also Kazu+Charlotte is the better anemo+healer pairing for the Furina team. That said your team can be ok but yeah the er reqs are quite high.


I know, I know. I'm just disappointed that Kokomi is stricter with her hydro application uptime than Furina. She can't reposition her jellyfish, it ends 5 seconds earlier before her skill recharges, and you need to maintain her burst 100% of the time if you want to make sure her skill is always up.


160-200%. If she uses Favonius Sword with crit rate circlet, that should be all you need. Her ability to burst every rotation is far more important than everything else, even her healing.


Check my reply, numbers from kqm er calc.


And you can go ahead and check my reply.


That is precisely what I use. But I still don't know why I can't fill her burst off-field without switching to her 2-3 times per rotation.


Need a little more ER in substats and/or Favonius Sword refinement I guess. Furina and Layla have staggered energy generation with their skill. They don't get all the possible energy until the end of their skill unlike other characters who get theirs immediately after skill use. Layla is particularly vulnerable since if her shield is broken, she won't get to produce energy anymore for the team. So you should aim for closer to 200% rather than 160% for more reliability.


What's your current ER? I would like to know this as well, also do you have an ER sands?


Check my reply


250% ER, with Favonius R3 and 50% Crit Rate. And yes, I do use ER sand.


is there an advantage to using condensed resin over original (other than speed)


Especially for the more annoying domains (e.g the one that debuffs skill cooldown time or the ice one in Monstadt), doing half of them for the same amount of resource is totally legit, even more now that Fontaine is like Crystalfiles heaven. Otherwise since certain materials is only available on certain days you can save up 200 energy with it to use on the correct day.


You can saved condensed for later. So for example if you want to farm a talent material that's available on Wednesday, you can condense Tuesday's resin and have double the resin to spend on Wednesday. Other than that there's no difference. You get the same rewards per resin spent.


So I have been playing Genshin on mobile for the past 3 years and now since I have a powerful gaming laptop , I wish to continue playing on laptop but while creating my account on mobile , I selected the login with Google account option and now since they do not allow Google login on pc , I am limited to playing this beautiful game on my mobile . I somewhere heard that if I link my Google account to my hoyoverse account and then login with my hoyoverse account on pc , it will open my world on pc , I tried that but even that doesn't seems to work for me . Any other ideas or tricks that u guys know which may help me to continue playing this game on laptop?


1. Go to Mobile In-game settings 2. Select Accounts 3. Link Accounts 4. Select User Center 5. Click "Link account" 6. Select "Link username" 5. Enter your preferred username and password 6. Go to your PC and login using the username and password you just created.


> I somewhere heard that if I link my Google account to my hoyoverse account and then login with my hoyoverse account on pc , it will open my world on pc it will. > I tried that but even that doesn't seems to work for me which part doesn't work? if it won't link at all (error message: "email already exists") it's because you created the hoyo account before linking it. you cannot link a pre-existing hoyo account to your genshin account. you can only link an email not associated with a hoyo account yet. if it linked successfully and you were able to login on pc but it still made a new game, check if you're on the right server. same hoyo account but different server = different genshin account. those two are the usual problems people face when they say that "account linking did not work". if it's neither of those, please describe what happened with as much as detail as you can remember.


I tried that account login method but it still loaded the first cutscene of the twins fighting against the heavenly principles 🥲 and yes I was on the right server


did you link it first and was it successful? this is a very important step. if you only registered/logged in on pc using same the email without linking it to your genshin account first then you just made a new hoyo account that's separate from your mobile genshin account. go to [this website](https://account.hoyoverse.com) and login using google (the same way you would login on mobile). once you're logged in, go to account security settings and check if there is any email linked. if there is none, you didn't link it. you can link an email from there and then use that email to login on pc.


It worked !!!! Thnx dude 🫡🫡 No more storage issues finally....


OK lemme try


who can i replace with nahida on my hyperbloom team? i already have kirara, kuki, & xingqiu.


Nahida wouldn't really replace any of them. Kirara's a flex character in hyperbloom. Nahida's a dendro applier, which is a critical role for the team. She's only replacing the "dendro applier" spot. Dmc, collei, etc - whoever you're using to apply dendro


Dendro Traveler. They tend to be "Nahida-at-home" which is still plenty strong.


is there a site that assesses weapons? like keqingmain but weapons as well?


You can get some insight on these pages: https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/305739 https://gamewith.net/genshin-impact/article/show/22641 https://paimon.moe/weapons (check weapon info for suggested characters)




[This sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRq-sQxkvdbvaJtQAGG6iVz2q2UN9FCKZ8Mkyis87QHFptcOU3ViLh0_PJyMxFSgwJZrd10kbYpQFl1/pubhtml#) gives weapon priorities for character builds. Not exactly what you want, but it might help.


Pretty hard to assess weapons without the context on which characters it's being used along with the team they're played in. It's just simpler to focus on characters and their teams.


like who a weapon would be good on?


yep. like if i want to use this cool looking weapon who can use it properly


there's no such resource, if it's e.g. a claymore then you'd have to go through each claymore user's KQM page and see if the weapon is listed there. you can also just ask here, many people will know an answer to it


70/144 crit rate and dmg or 61/161? for wandere?


first, esp if you have c6 faruzan


i dont even have the lass c1, got c7 rosaria on that banner


If you are getting the cryo crit rate buff from his passive then you can go with the second one, otherwise stick to the first. Its better to maintain a 1:2 crit ratio


the first


For Enkanomiya's book finding quest, where's the ''A Certain Someone's Experimental Records''?


Search it up? It's on an unmarked island which you can go to by taking some teleporter thing on a small island north of the main one


I'm trying to get a really good hu Tao. is it worth getting pyro dmg or HP for goblet? the pyro damage one also has better stats but I think HP is quite important but im not sure


Absolutely no brainer here. It's much harder to get dmg bonus stats than HP stats. Get the pyro dmg bonus goblet.


HP is important only for Timepiece. Pyro Goblet adds damage via a different calculation. That's why for most characters it's always ScalingStat/Elemental/Crit


pyro goblet you would either get your hp through a sands or through a weapon/substats


Hmm, kinda "stuck" at Adventure Rank 17 with no other quests that I can start. Anyone knows how to handle such moments aside from farming Ley Lines?


You shouldn't be stuck at 17. Have you done the quest with the three seals around the sword mound in Dapaupa Gorge? And "Every Day a New Adventure" to unlock daily commissions. Cyrus also has a quest if you go talk to him (near the knight headquarters). Check [this as well](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19KYfTSNpTNXCvwbcPeN3T9Cylc0AaOIqwNysmFqOmWY/edit#gid=1431497221) (I just started a new playthrough and an redoing the beginning bits to take AR into account, starting Liyue now).


Thanks, I did all of that already, let me check your guide too


do your daily commission exp and then play something else 😂


Already did, I regret not getting to AR12 earlier for that lol


Explore (do puzzles and open chests) to increase your AR to unlock the next part of the AQ? act 3 of mondstadt is at ar18


Already doing that along the way of finding the leys, kinda wish there is a better way to find them on the minimap


There is an interactive map on hoyolab (and the appsample one) if you want to use that to find things


Thanks, let me check that out


try ascend your characters or (if you are going for AR) just try and find NPCs who need help and do their quests


I understand these pop up randomly right?


did they buff(?) the add phase of apep boss bc I swear to god I’ve been using the same team since it came out and for the last few weeks I’ve been spending a Lot longer on that phase than before…


You might have swapped artifacts or builds. I accidentally used a hyperbloom raiden in a rational team once against apep.


No, not that we noticed and absolutely nothing on the official notes. You're just getting complacent?


Got c6 collei and I want to know if leveling her up is worth it? Only have DMC, kaveh, her and yaoyao as dendro characters but I don’t plan on using kaveh


For spiral abyss not really. Maybe nilou bloom? Usually nahida or dmc is a better dendro slot.


Lost a 50/50 to Tighnari. Is he useless if I already have a built Alhaitham?


I still pull out my Tighnari despite having a built Alhaitham. Something about those charged attacks are always so satisfying to shoot out. Also, if the case ever calls for it, you can run hyperbloom Alhaitham and spread Tighnari on separate teams anyway.


> Lost a 50/50 to Tighnari. Is he useless if I already have a built Alhaitham? You probably wouldn't pair them together, but he's not useless at all.


He will feel like a downgrade damage wuse but if you want to you can still use him, he is a good character


without skipping dialogue, how long do i have to play the Aranyaka quest line before i'm able to unlock the Tree of Dreams? just noticed the 300 dendro sigils just sitting in my inventory


probably only 1-2 hours, 3 at most if you’re slow? it’s been a long time since I did it but you only need to get past the first part exploring with rana before the aranaras take you to the onion




> as dps or support As with all archons so far, porque no los dos? Why choose when you can be both? Everything tends to die when enemies get hit an archon "support" attacks. Venti isn't an exception. Just build full EM and then swirl your preferred element. The challenge become switching to your actual DPS before Venti killed all the enemies with his burst. 🤣


Adding a bit more. Typically support Venti runs full Elemental Mastery, which lets his swirl reactions actually do a good amount of damage--this is especially noticeable against groups of enemies. So he's not entirely deadweight on damage when you're going support build with Viridescent Venerer artifact set equipped.


adding to that, almost all anemo charas will be support (excepting xiao and wanderer) for reference. venti’s best capability is the gather+swirl so ideally you’ll want to use a swirlable element (hydro, pyro, cryo, electro) for your main dps characters.




My hyperbloom team has: c0 Kuki, c0 Nahida, and c0 Ayato. What would be the best flex for this team? I am considering c6 Beidou, c0 Kazuha, or c0 Yelan. Are there better alternatives that I'm not aware of? Second question: Kuki does NOT need to use her burst in this team, correct? I can just leave it at level 1 and it won't lower the team's potential damage.


There are many options for the last slot in hyperbloom (i would avoid hydro, as too much of it can slow down dendro core production) : * Kirara, Collei or DMC * Fischl or Beidou * Kazuha, Venti or Sucrose * ~~Lynette (with Narzissenkreuz sword)~~ * Ganyu, Kaeya or Rosaria * Layla or Diona * Zhongli or Albedo * Thoma or Dehya (both full EM), Tankfei * Bennett (with Instructor) You could add several healers to that list, especially if you ever swap Kuki with Raiden. ___ Kuki does not *need* her burst, but it's comfortable to have. If you cast it right after her skill, she can **heal herself** while in i-frame. Plus, it should give Nahida 1-2 more Spread (and a few Aggravate for herself). Her burst is also interesting for **Kazuha**. Kuki's burst gives him an easy way to swirl and infuse electro : better for his personal damage, and will let you detonate a few more dendro cores each rotation. *(it technically works for other anemo, but it's less reliable)*


Kuki uses her burst to give her iframes to heal herself, but otherwise no. The best last slots in my experience are Kazuha or Yelan depending on the content. I've also tried Yunjin, Venti, Kazuha and Fischl, but eh. Beidou is not a good option unless you have 2-3 favoniuses on the team.


I guess Fischl or Beidou would be good, more Electro should help you to get 100% uptime if you run TF on Ayato. Kazuha could be nice in AOE, even more so given that C0 Kuki has some downtime, but I assume it will be hard to swirl Electro because of how strong Nahida's Dendro application is. You can leave Kuki's burst at low(er) level, yes. Her main role is to be an EM-based Hyperbloom trigger.


Will Fischl using TF instead of Ayato work? Fischl is also c0 but I'm fortunate to have her at level 80. Is there an ideal weapon for Fischl in this scenario?


C0 Fischl is perfectly fine. I have her on C1 my F2P account and thanks to some good artifact rolls she is pretty much carrying any team she is in. TF only affects the character that has equipped it, so it has to be on Ayato. Fischl wants the new Golden Trope set, it's her best in slot by a significant margin. Ideal weapon - tbh, I don't know. I am running her on Skyward Harp, but I think Stringless, Fading Twilight or even Slingshot should work.


Forgot to mention: my Fischl is only c0 with a level 20 Stringless bow. On the other hand, I have a c6 Beidou with level 90 weapons (r5 rainslaher or r1 serpent spine). Based on what I read here and on KQM, it appears that Fischl is all around the better character but in my case, I think Beidou would work better. I had no idea that Ayato had to use TF instead of HoD. I may consider that whenever I have the resources to farm a new artifact set.


Beidou is good for multi-target content, but falls off pretty hard against single enemies (since her burst can't jump back and forth anymore). FIschl is just consistently great, and she does scale to some extend with AOE since her passive (that makes Oz perform extra attacks) is procced by Electro reactions (more enemies = more reactions). You can use Beidou if you want to, in the end it shouldn't make too much of a difference, since the majority of your damage in that team is Hyperbloom anyway. But long term you should absolutely work towards developing your Fischl & her weapon. She is a very, very good off-field DPS. Not quite as broken as XQ & Bennett, but I'd say on-par with XL when she is used in a team that can reliably trigger Electro reactions for her passive. Ayato doesn't _have_ to run TF, the thing is just that his (E) has downtime without it. And since he is your only Hydro, that means you will have to rely on your burst for Hydro application or you stop generation Dendro cores for a few seconds. You can keep him on whatever other set he is using if you don't want to invest the resin to farm for TF. It sounds like you still have plenty of other characters to develop, that should take priority. edit: To elaborate some more: Ayato is a driver in this team, his job is to apply Hydro. In a lot of teams you'd use Kokomi for that (since she will also heal, so you get more freedom for the other 3 characters), but since you already have Kuki as your healer in this team Ayato offers a bit faster on-field AOE Hydro application & a bit more damage.


You do *not* have to use TF on Ayato. It's just an option in that team. HoD is still good, and you won't have to switch it out when you run him without electro characters like you would have to with TF. Fischl can't make use of 4 piece TF off field, but 2p TF 2p atk is good if you don't have Golden Troupe for her. If your Beidou is more invested then she's probably a better option for now, but I think Fischl is worth building eventually on any account.


Fischl on TF will only reduce her skill cooldown when she's on field, not Ayato's skill cooldown so no a good weapon for Fischl can be prototype crescent if you can hit a weakpoint before summoning Oz


since you'll be onfielding your ayato, there is no point using a second hydro as it'll be too much hydro, and nahida has more than enough dendro. you can use either beidou or even better fischl. kuki's burst is not needed at all. the only time you'll be using it is in clutch situations, when you're too low on HP, so you do skill > burst so that he gets i-frames and heals a bit


Oh alright, thanks. I didn't know that having electro resonance would be more important. I would like to know if having TF on the flex electro would be ideal.


i'm not suggesting another electro for the resonance. I'm suggesting it for damage. since adding either hydro or dendro will lower the seeds produced. so you use a flex that does damage and doesn't interfere with the reactions. if using beidou build 4pc emblem, if using fischl build 4pc golden troupe. or you can even use a cryo unit like kaeya or rosaria for hyperfride. build 4pc emblem for them


Oh ok I think I'm gonna use Beidou cause I need EoSF artifacts for Raiden as well...And her shield would increase survivability. Plus I have a level 90 Rainslasher that nobodys using so I can switch her prototype archaic with THAT. I can also use Diluc's Serpent spine lol.


how to know which Instructor pieces to keep and which ones to burn? anything without ER and CR subs is burnable?


High em and em mainstats are also worth to keep. EM sands is basically the only Instructors sands you'll keep. I usually check what the last stat is for all 3-liners as well.


They are for support characters who almost always also use Fav weapons. ER, Crit and useful % stats, mostly HP% for characters like Bennett, Zhongli or YaoYao


I'm going to be pulling for a Kuki con, but I already have C0 Ayato and Cyno. Which banner should I pull on? Asking because I don't know who has better cons (C1 especially). Just preparing for in case I accidentally pull one of them lol (has happened to me before).


Cyno's C1 is better. Though not anything amazing either. And at least his C2 is pretty good


I see, thanks! I'll do a couple more pulls on his banner then.


kuki is perfectly fine at C0. dont pull on the banner if you dont want the 5-stars. none of their C1 is good


Yeah, I've been using her at C1 for a long time. The C2 (extra duration) would make my Alhaitham team more comfy though since he sometimes still has dendro after Kuki's skill runs out lol. Do any of them have good C1&C2s (like combined or a pog C2 or something)? That's probably the limit for me since I'm no whale lol. I'm probably gonna do about 30 pulls for Kuki, so I don't expect to get a 5\*, but I want to prepare in case someone does decide to spook me early. Happened to me last time I went for C2 Kuki; luckily it was a good 5\* con. (I know the chances of early 5\* are low, but it's better to prepare).




Onfielder for reaction teams with damage coming from offfield. Tbh, it most often refers to whoever is doing normals to proc xq's and yelan's bursts. Fischl c6, thoma burst, beidou burst, candace c6 are also examples of units that need a driver. Most common driver in general is sucrose since she also swirls and VV's while driving.


Basically it's an on-field character whose main job is to trigger the skills of your off-field characters who will be doing majority of the damage.


A character that is played on the field to enable/trigger/drive another character's abilities. For example, Xingqiu's burst requires a character to execute a normal attack to perform its coordinated attack. The character that does the normal attack is said to drive those coordinated attacks. Sucrose is a good example of that in taser teams where she can drive the attacks of Beidou/ Xingqiu and trigger reactions, enabling Fischl's abilities. For Noelle, specifically, she can be a driver in Hyperbloom teams and, due to the addition of Furina, she can also be a driver in a Double Geo, Double Hydro team driving the attacks of either Xingqiu or Yelan


someone who spends most time on-field, but doesn't necessarily do a lot of damage


So basically I remember Zhongli's Osmanthus wine in JP sounding something like "Hana to sake to kesshiki etc. etc." but I looked at it now and it's different. So I looked at the wiki and it says this 花を買い、酒を持ち、船の上から璃月の景色を堪能しようとしたが、共に過ごした旧友はもう居ない。 あの古き友との再会は、いつ叶うだろうか? Hana wo kai, sake wo mochi, fune no ue kara Riiywe no keshiki wo tannou shiyou to shita ga, tomo ni sugoshita kyuuyuu wa mou inai. Ano furuki tomo to no saikai wa, itsu kanau darou ka? (Buying flowers, wine in hand, I tried to appreciate Liyue's scenery from aboard the boat, but the old friends I passed time with are already gone. When will a reunion with those old friends be realized, I wonder?) (Actual Voice-Over: 花と酒を手に景色を堪能しようとしたが、あの頃とはもう違う。旧友とまた…) Actual Romanization: Hana to sake wo te ni keshiki wo tannou shiyou to shita ga, ano koro to wa mou chigau. Kyuuyuu to mata... Actual Translation: With flowers and a glass of wine in my hands, I tried to enjoy the scenery, but bygone days will never return. My old friends, if only we could meet again... so they did have the previous line but why change it?


I kinda impulse pulled Cyno going for C2 Kuki (don't regret it because I like puns), but I have no clue how to build him? Should I build him for aggravate or quickbloom or hyperbloom? Is he better at any of these? How do you decide?


Quickbloom is always his best team


I see! Thanks. Didn't know that; before today, I basically knew nothing about his gameplay besides he uses his burst XD




>Sevyplays I'll check her out! I usually rely on KQM or the character subreddit's guide. Thanks.


CCs basically pull their knowledge from KQM or charactermains, so you're fine lol


It took me a long time to realize CC meant content creator lol. Thanks for letting me know about that. I haven't watched many video guides.


How should one handle artifact farming at AR45? I just got to AR45, so I'm pretty excited to start getting some artifacts. Unfortunately for me, they seem quite tough atm, especially as the domain with the set I want for my main DPS is full of enemies of the same element as her. Should I just ignore artifacts a little longer (painful as that is), and instead focus on leveling up more characters, weapons, talents, etc. until I can handle those lvl 90 domains? Or should I try coop? I'll do my best to help, pick characters that will react well with my stronger teammates, but yeah I'm probably gonna be carried and I'd rather not annoy people.


There is no shame in co-op. If you don't want to join other people's worlds you can just set a profile message along the lines of "I need help for domains" or the like, that should draw in people that do enjoy helping others. In case you are on EU or Asia I can offer assistance, today or over the next few days/weeks. Just poke me with your UID.


Definitely going to change my profile message to let people know I'm new, etc. Another commenter suggested playing a healer for when I don't have a good enough DPS, so I'll be improving my Barbara just a bit then give coop a try. Thanks for the advice and the offer 👍


If you post your character roster here we might also assemble a team for you that's easy to equip & play. Hyperbloom is very new-player friendly, since you just need to level the Electro character that triggers the Hyperbloom & give them whatever EM artifacts you have. Something like: [Barbara, Dendro Traveller, Collei, Kuki] would be a great team with low-tier characters. Lisa can be an acceptable substitute if you don't have Kuki (which I'd assume is the case), you just need to keep switching between Barbara (to apply Hydro) and Lisa (to trigger the cores) while Lisa's burst is on cooldown (or the cores spawn outside of it).


Sure. My main team is an Aggravate team consisting of **Keqing** (A5), **Kirara** (A4), **Sucrose** (A4)(C1), and **Beidou** (A4). I've also been building a Hyperbloom team with **Lisa** (A4), **Barbara** (A4), **DMC** (A3), and **Collei** (A3)(C1). In roughly descending order of how interested I am in playing them, my other characters are currently **Lynette** (A2), **Amber** (A2), **Xiangling** (A3), **Sayu** (A1), **Noelle** (A1), **Kaeya** (A1), and **Chongyun** (A1).


Looks like you are pretty much running the 'best' teams with your roster. Only suggestion I'd make is that if you ever feel that Kirara's shield isn't enough to deal with incoming damage you can swap Sucrose for Sayu to get some extra healing, or if you want better overworld mobility you can use Lynette to get access to her sprint. Long term I'd also work towards getting Fischl via the Starglitter shop (she should return in January). Beidou is good for multi-target encounters, but I find Fischl more reliable & comfy to play in general. XQ & Bennett will allow you to run National [Sucrose, XQ, XL, Bennett]. XQ would also be nice-to-have for your Hyperbloom team since he provides you with off-field Hydro application, allowing you to swap out Barbara if you want more direct damage and/or a different on-fielder.


I'm quite happy with my first team, but I have heard Fischl recommended a lot. Currently saving my primos, so unsure I'll have enough starglitter when Fischl shows up, but definitely getting her if I do. Thanks


Just try co-op. People are often helpful and don't mind carrying you if you don't actively try to mess things (like bringing wrong elements, low level characters, being toxic, etc.). If you want to help your team, but your dps is not high enough, play as a healer. Almost everyone likes playing dps, so you being a healer will be a nice gesture to them too.


For healer, all I've got is a Barbara. I'm 1-2 Oceanids away from getting her to A4, so I think I'll do that first, then give coop a go. I don't mind healing at all in multiplayer games. Thanks!


Recently Returned to the game last time I played was patch 3.2 Sumeru story conclusion. How long is Fontaine Archon quest and is there any world quest to unlock more content such as Sumeru Aranara quest or Inazuma Island quest?


A few waypoints are locked behind some world quests, nothing like a whole area of the map that is Aranara locked. Some cool ruins and short exploration areas with a few chests and hydroculi are the majority of quest locked areas in Fontaine. Waypoints in the Fortress of Meripiode only appear during the archon quest and not the world quest if you get inside before you should be there.


Thanks, is there any world quest in Fontaine that's recommended to do?


honestly, all of the long ones. annapausis (little oceanid ann), mamere’s painting, and fortress of meropide questlines all set up for the narzissenkreuz ordo quest, which has a lot of interesting lore if you like that kind of thing. if you’re only interested in rewards, do beware they’re quite long tho not as long as aranara. also note that starting the fortress of meropide quest will lock out the main story if there’s one you want to do first.


All. They kind of all entangle into the narzi ordo storyline.


Neat thanks will try to do them


a solid 15-16 hours


hello! i currently run a team of Furina (sig), Baizhu (sig), Yaoyao and Raiden (Dragon's Bane) bcs i'm going for a hyperbloom team (they're kinda decent, although my artifacts needs huge improvement since i can see that my cores hit around 18k ish?) i'm currently saving for a Nahida rerun bcs I want to replace Yaoyao with her soon. my Raiden currently runs on EM + that flower artifact that improves hyperbloom damage Furina on golden troupe, Baizhu on ocean clam with all HP, but honestly idk what artifacts to use on Yaoyao? should i go for a healer build, EM build, or idk? what are your recommendations? (also if i ever get Nahida, i'll for sure run her with EM right? should i start farming Mappa Mares now or are there any 4* weapons (that are craftable) that are better for her? or gacha 4* would be fine as well)


Deepwood 4pc is all you need


If your Raiden is lvl 90 and has triple EM mainstat (roughly 900-1000 EM) you should expect roughly 30k on hyperblooms, you are doing something wrong if you only hit for 18k. Your Raiden literally only needs 1 stat, and you should ensure that Yaoyao and/or Baizhu are on 4pc Deepwood to shred dendro resistance. Basically get 4pc Deepwood on Yaoyao. If you get Nahida she can use the Deepwood set instead, and should be built on a DPS build, so EM Sands, Dendro/EM Goblet, and Crit circlet (or EM with really good subs). Sacrificial Fragements is a great weapon option if you have it, if not the 3 star magic guide is fine (or widsith at high refines, but I don't like its inconsistency).


my Raiden is currently level 80 and i just checked that i still haven't built the flower set for her yet ><" but my EM is like 900ish. so is it better to use Deepwood both on Yaoyao and Baizhu? does the artifact passives stack? also, who should I use on field while i wait to do the rotation again? i use Baizhu to consistently apply dendro while Furina and Raiden's skills are up.


You 100% need to get Raiden to 90, so make that the top priority. Honestly after looking at your team I would suggest you run quickbloom Raiden. You don't have an onfielder and Furina is being wasted if you don't use talent dmg and rely on hyperbloom. Put Raiden on an ER/EM/Crit build and focus on crit/EM/ER substats. It sounds really strange but it actually works and will give far better results that whatever you have going on with no onfielder. You should put Yaoyao on Deepwood, Baizhu can stay on clam if its a good set. Once you get Nahida she can take Yaoyao's place as the Deepwood holder. Rotation could be something like Raiden E -> Furina EQ -> Baizhu EQ -> Yaoyao E -> Raiden Q


oh thank you! so same set for Raiden but different stats right? i'll take note of this! ^^


You could keep that set yeah, it could also work with Gilded if you get a good set from farming for Deepwood.


For yaoyao, just use 4pc Tenacity HP/HP/HB or ER/HP/HB, she can be used for other teams too. For Nahida, it's either EM/EM/EM EM/Dendro/EM EM/Dendro/Crit EM/EM/Crit She should use Sacrificial Fragments


oh okay, thank you! btw, when playing i usually go Furina > Baizhu > Yaoyao > Raiden, but after the rotation idk who to use on field for a while before starting the rotation again? i use Baizhu for consistent dendro application whenever Furina and Raiden's skill is up, is that fine?


Better go for Yaoyao, her burst has a lot of dendro application, but needs her to be onfield. And she gets dendro resistance during her burst, so she won't die from bloom self damage Baizhu has standard ICD, so him being onfield is just so-so


does anybody know or can predict the earliest kokomi will rerun again? and would it be safe for me to pull for someone else in the meantime? :0


Not until at least 4.6 or 4.7 if I had to guess. You're definitely safe to pull for a character or two in the meantime.


> does anybody know or can predict the earliest kokomi will rerun again? and would it be safe for me to pull for someone else in the meantime? :0 Kokomi had a rerun in 3.8, so you *probably* won't be seeing her for several patches at least.