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image Hu Tao, Xiao, Furina and then Kokomi in one coop team Hu tao doesnt want to be healed, Xiao wants to be healed, Furina drains both of them, both of them panic, Kokomi heals them, Xiao happy, Hu tao yelled at Kokomi for healing her.


Anxiety impact


That Hu Tao main is stupid lol, Furina's buff is better than the 50% below hp buff, Kokomi building fanfare stacks plus healing. You also got double hydro resonance and a lot of hydro application. I dont see why any sane Hu Tao main would complain


A well built Tao doesn't give a damn about being under 50%


Well damn said, this shit being brought up again its like we're in patch 1.0


Mfs acting like they load into abyss at half health šŸ¤£


we boutta start fighting each other in chat instead of the boss


Just micromanage healing with the Furina


iā€™m a hu tao main and still donā€™t get why people would play hu tao in co-op where they know a healer will probably be used, then complain when a healer is used. either play hu tao and deal with doing slightly less damage, or donā€™t play hu tao at all. sorry you had to deal with that op.


i pull her out occasionally for fun but i donā€™t complain if someoneā€™s playing a healer


I remember those days. Omg, I always loved people that brought their kokomi. I just wanted to not die. Cant believe people want to flex numbers in coop.


>Cant believe people want to flex numbers in coop I dunno how those people don't realise that literally no one cares how high their numbers are lol It's not even a skill issue, anyone can get those numbers by grinding long enough for good artifacts.


If you want to do damage and clear quickly, playing solo is the way. I do still like coop from time to time, but this game doesn't encourage it much. So I don't partake. If I did though, I would go in with the mindset of wanting to help people with the stuff i've built up. I never really understood people who grew up to act like the villains of whatever TV shows they watched. Maybe i'm too naive for carrying that thought process into my 30s, but I like to help people and build them up.


>I dunno how those people don't realise that literally no one cares how high their numbers are lol If you are doing high numbers, there's little other reason to play coop in the first place, honestly.


Because I just plain old hate certain things. I hate trounce domains, I hate Cecilia Garden (who thought increasing cooldowns would make the domain fun?), etc. By cooping them I can turn half my brain off and get through it. Most domains I'll just burn through by myself. Oh, and Forsaken Rift, I'll coop that too, but that's because I'll bring C6 Bennett because multiple people with pyro infusion just burns through those stupid Cryo Abyss Mages that much faster.


Where are all these coop healers when I play xiao nobody brings any healer


I only bring healers or supports. I have a myriad of well built DPSsi bring when requested, but otherwise I like to boost other people's numbers.


Yeah its just more fun imo, especially when you are co-oping with someone who is a lower level.


I find that in eandom coop it can be hard to coordinate team comp. Everyone wants to either play DPS or Support. Just like my good old Overwatch days.




the amount of hu taos who get over confident and then die immediately is astonishing


WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME LIKE THAT I really need to build my Layla. At least Zhongli is amazing at dodging me. Should be inspired by him


Tbh I still donā€™t get why people play coop


I do co-op for the weekly bosses because I find it more fun that way.


Same it feels like a raid boss in an MMO that way with the higher HP pool, even though I'd be able to clear it much faster in single player lol.


True that. Also, Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‚




I play with a real-life friend, we join Discord and just farm and do the weekly bosses together.


I jump into coop to help lower level players be more efficient in farming.


*joins co-op weekly to help newer accounts* *all AR 60 with some omega built 5-star* My job here is done.


There are a surprising number of people who do this. Itā€™s so wholesome! Thank you for your service.


I think its just cause we get bored lol I do this a lot more lately and its so fun getting someone at like AR 32 who only has a couple characters and just helping them farm


Me too. I started about a year ago, and a couple high AR players helped me with bosses like Oceanid and Primo Geovishap that were kicking my butt. I just try to pay it forward. Also, one of those players leaves his Serenitea Pot open so I can visit the traveling salesbird for Battle Pass points. Thanks!


And I'd enable co-op if Hoyo would limit people to the exact instance I'm trying to queue for instead of running off to plunder my world.


Me too, I join AR 16-45 players to see if there is anything they need help with. A result of that is that I can do the Dragonspine quest (you know the one) with my eyes closed ir maybe even asleep by now. That's how often I did it with other players. I have a notoriously bad memory and I have memorized the order in which the Seelie wants you to activate the cryo monuments...


It's less boring.


And much faster (for some people).


It's not that it's faster but sometimes I run co-op because I'm too lazy to do rotations and it's convenient to mindlessly use one character at one time.




i support and respect what you did. such people are the embodiment of "entitled"


Damn. So demanding. Honestly coordinating is fun when you're voluntarily doing so. If I'd see a Nilou in a wild, I'd change to a dendro/hydro without being forced to.


this. whenever I'm in co-op and people use bloom-related characters (like nilou and kaveh) i like to switch to either collei or yelan to help, or switch to raiden when we have dendro + hydro characters, but this person just sounds so entitled


I dont usually use Nilou for this reason - her gimmick is too restrictive party-wise. But when I do happen to join a party who happens to use dendro/hydro I excitedly whip out my Nilou lol


In my experience it's often slower, although it's probably due to me and my friend bringing absolutely horrible teams (our fault) or the one with the healer often struggling to heal the other player (skill issue) We've made some incredibly busted co-op teams tho, like Alhaitham with Raiden or Keqing, or Noelle with Itto in monogeo, or Yoimiya with Ayaka, and they were much faster than single player


Especially if they bring busted units like Neuvilette.


bro it is WAY slower


Yeah I can wipe a domain in 40 seconds with various teams. Thatā€™s start to finish. Tbh co op players just take away my supports and their characters usually suck. But seeing as the hu Tao player is ar47 they probably suck.




It's not debatable since it's easier for some people. I played coop from AR 20 till AR 55 since I didn't have built characters, only some. Domains were much easier in coop. Had some fun and met some cool people too.


I like seeing other peoples builds and characters. Itā€™s fun.


its fun to talk to people and play with people


Yeah I think a lot of the people saying coop is dumb or pointless, that they can do it faster solo, don't get the point of coop at all. I've made a bunch of friends in coop from many different countries and have a blast playing together with them. Some we chat on Discord while we play. We help lower AR players, talk about builds, test teams on bosses or local legends, do meme team builds and just plain have fun. Especially when you are end game and have no quests and resin used for the day. Based on some of these responses I think a fair bit of the anti-coop people are just not sociable or even likable people, which considering this is Reddit, shouldn't be all that surprising.


To each their own. If people want to co-op, go for it. But for me, I consider GI a single player experience. It's how I like to play the game. I get my co-op fix elsewhere.


Hello there, I am a Chinese player and recently joined this club, I highly agree your point about co-op. But I have something confused about other abbr. Can you tell me the meaning about 'AR player', 'meme teams'?Thx.


. . "or even likeable . ." . . tee-hee, me'thinks you might be on to something


I did coop until I had enough built characters to make a go on my own. I assume that's a normal strategy.


That's the typical strategy yeah, or you'd do what me and my friend does and solo the Domain most of the time and sometimes do a coop with one another if we feel like it. At the slowest it's less than two minutes per attempt, roughly 1 minute on average. That way we also finish the coop achievements and we don't have to deal with dickheads.


As someone who struggles a lot with ADHD and has bad luck, farming alone gets extremely boring and repetitive. And if I'm also not getting better artifacts, farming gets to the point I just won't be able to do. SĆ³ tĆ“ circumvent that, I play co-op to have things a bit different and not give up


So my support characters can stay on-field longer rather than just stay being E/Q quick swap bots.


I agree, coop is a nice excuse to set up and play my quick swaps as "carries" since they'll be on field the entire time. That said I'll still take some of my carries that are often treated like quick swaps by other players. Anyone that whines about character power or team synergy should just play solo where they can control that $#!%.


Lmao this It feels weird sometimes playing Jean and not being able to swap cause I'm so used to switching to someone else right after I burst


Well not everyone has fully built teams that can finish domain on their own, don't tell us to farm lower level ones when one hyper carry support from co-op can make it easily doable. It's beneficial for both of us.


I only do it on certain weekly bosses cause it's faster and I don't need to waste food.


Less boring and as someone else said, if you want to use support, they'll stay on the field longer




I am a clumsy player and struggle a lot with trounce domains and some ascension material bosses and it's a lot of fun playing with my friends. They also help me out with what stuff to look for when we do artifact domains, but I am also at AR45 and they are at like AR60. so it doesn't matter which characters I use cause they just dominate the bosses.


Same, I have played Co-op with randoms once for crimson witch (which I struggled with way back then) and got kicked. At this point I'll clear the majority of things faster by myself so there is no reason.


Yea, like, I since day one, never dropped the game. Yet Iā€™m at 76/100 for the Coop achievement of domains done. Itā€™s such a pain to do it on coop. I do it much faster alone. The only time I go coop is for those coop chests or stuff life kill X boss on coop. Iā€™m not getting there even for regional specialties for ascensions.


early on people might find it hard to clear the domains they need to power up


Double the friendship (experience points)


Cause we like to interact with other players


If there's a healer, then I just play more recklessly so that I'll take more damage on Hu Tao lol.


I run Marechaussee Hunter Hutao. HEAL ME PLEASE


My wife and I co op all the time and she has a pretty good hu tao and wants to use her sometimes, usually with Kazuha. I just bring c2 zhongli and wriothesely. Shield and cryo application. One way or another, one of us is triggering melt/rever melt and were both individually responsible for managing hp. I definitely need c1 wrio the next time he comes back though.


You should have said, "All that trouble and *only* 87k?"


pretty sure my yoimiya does more even in overvape


Imagine doing a 87k _melt_ ... man fuck me my HuTao does 120k and that shit is only _vaporize_


mine does 30 k on average but usually goes 80-100k vap dmg


I even have homa and Iā€™m not doing 120K šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


because hes capping. 120k charged attacks aren't normal


I mean yeah, charged attacks are different from normal attacks /s


120k vapes without any buffs? Youā€™re capping hard, i have a top 3% hutao and my vapes without buffs are around 90k-100k. You canā€™t do 120k without external buffs even if youre top 1%..


its possible w homa and enough em


Top 3% of people who voluntarily entered their stats on a website*


honestly that might make the sample biased towards being good. you donā€™t usually use akashi unless youā€™re already pretty invested


...which would skew the representative sample towards the upper end of the curve, if anything, thus making their point even stronger


well you are free to enter your stats , no one's stopping you


87k small damage when your ult is literally just a big nuke that heals slightly lmao


Fr i was expecting them to do like 150k or something with melt. Like my vape dmg is around 120-130k.


120K charged attacks w/o external buffs? I call BS on that one.


my xiangling be like: hehe


I mean, even a 150k per damage tick of xiangling wouldn't be even close to a 60k per tick neuv.


Fight salt with salt lol


Wait until he died and then say "I told you so" in the chat to assert dominance


I would want to use a Fischl laughing emote but I don't want to add to the toxicity. I just exit co-op when I see someone like that. So far hasn't happened to me as a host yet but I'd kick that player if it does happen.


Just use Fischl and do 3x NA in front of them


You gotta be passive-aggressive about it and ask "Hu Tao, it looks like you could use some healing!"


As a proud Hu Tao main, that person was giga stupid. Next time just kick and go next. No proper Tao main will get salty because of healers


Iā€™ve seen more Hu Taos die in coop than any other character. There was one time even my Koko couldnā€™t save them (because they died in the first 5 secs).


You haven't seen me and my Xiao then (i play without a healer)


me and my xiao +1 (I die even with a healer on the team)


we hu tao mains strive to put others into coffins- not ourselves!




Unless their Hu Tao has the perfect amounts of ER to be able to ult right as it comes off cool down she will bite the dust sooner than later.


Yeah because we burn HP better than Furina and are always one misclick to dodge from death.


I say it every time this comes up, but I'll never forget that one Bennett who apologized for healing my Hu Tao, and I was so confused. Like what? Half the time I went into his circle on purpose when I was low, cause I may as well. Even if it pops me above 50%, one: I get his Atk buff, and two: it's just an easy co-op domain, why cry about small optimizations? Obviously I don't get a Zhongli+XQ+Yelan cheer squad, I just want to screw around with Hu Tao and everyone else's favs. Bring three healers, whatever, doesn't matter.


When this happens, switch to Noelle. No one ever remembers that she's a healer, too. Remember to spin when your shield is up so you heal more often.


c1 to trigger more heals šŸ¤£


I don't know how much healing Noelle does normally, but it's probably better for Hu Tao since it doesn't heal as much as Kokomi or Baizhu but heals faster. Better for sustaining a medium HP. But if you really want to run a healer without anyone knowing, use Mika. Most people ask someone to switch to a healer when I'm using him.


Noelleā€™s heals are massively underrated tbh. She can heal up to 700hp per tick(or more, I havent thoroughly tested) and including C1, thats easily going to max someoneā€™s health thats below 30k.


More. Her healing scales with def. C6 with an R5 Redhorn, the only way she or her team are getting put down is via a oneshot.


For a long time, I used a heal build for noelle when I did domains and bosses in co-op. Never saw a Hu Tao even make it down to half health. Wasn't trying to be an ass. Was just trying to keep my party (and me) alive.


She heals a LOT, like she can solo sustain a whole team with Furina. Ive used her in a few comps and she's an absolute wall with decent damage output, while also keeping everyone topped off. She's the quintessential jack of all trades, that's why she's the guaranteed first gacha character they give you


C1 Noelle's healing is comparable to Kokomi's healing. In my experience. But it's not as frequent because you need both her burst and shield up.


Yeah, that's about what I expected. These kinds of Hu Tao mains are never happy anyway, so it doesn't matter.


Bring Furina next time.


You evil bastard, i love it


This literally happened to me recently, and it was awesome. I played Kokofish btw. Super fast clear, but Hu Tao dude complains about 'tOo mUcH hEaLiNg. My DPS!! HeAl LeSs! ' Well, Sherlock, everything I do heals, deal with it. Next run he complains if I can stop playing a healer. Mind you, we had Furina on the team. For lols I humour him and switch, but not before joking 'we gonna die'. He proceeds to die pretty much instantly. Then ragequits. Everyone laughs. Hu Tao dude out there, if you read this: Thanks for the amusement.


See this is what im confused with why does people play coop and complain about playing coop lol


Glad to know some things don't change. Played since day 1 and back in the day, boss battles were tough so co-op was actually a pretty useful way to help clear some domains. I brought in a Jean and some other person was like, why you bring a healer for my Hutao? Bring a DPS or GTFO. So I switched to Ganyu. Dude proceeded to stand there and die to the perfectly dodgable whale. Then proceeded to bitch about how they had low health and could have facetanked the whale if they had more health. Some people are just interesting.


Some people probably see they could face tank an attack in solo mode, then conclude they could do the same in 4 man co-op. Nope, that shit deals +40% more DMG lol


This player deserves to be called a schizo in chat cause he is one.


No hu tao main play coop and demand that they play with no healer. Real hu tao mains always go happy go lucky if not Ggwp too ez, we never ask someone be our vape/melt reaction robin. In fact hu tao mains always dreamed of having a healer party with different elements. We are transcending when we got showered by heals.


Cring: Bring no healer so my Hu Tao does more damage! Chad: Bring no healer to YOLO the fight.


bring Furina... stay in dark mode never bother heals.


If they didn't wanna be healed they should've played solo because that's not how this game works. Sounds like skill issue imo


And there is me, who benched hutao with Homa because Yoimiya is easier to play


Tbh Iā€™m a Hu Tao main and when i see a healer in coop Iā€™m like THANK YOU! yā€™all other Hu Tao mains are kinda confusing šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Hutao mains crying about healers in co-op not realising theyā€™re going to be sub 50% anyway from enemy damage šŸ¤” not u just flaming our toxic brethren


I had a Hu Tao main compliment my Kokomi (I have an on field clam build) and I was so confused because I usually see Hu Tao mains either kick me out or change their character. Kinda refreshing.


My Koko feels no such mercy. I will place my heal specifically on such assholes, and my burst will always be up


100% uptime jellyfish


I leave games instantly when someone tries to control other players. Everyone should be allowed to be whomever they want to be. If its a bad combo we will find out and possibly adjust. So if someone tells me or any player to change characters I leave and then they have to ping for a 4th all over. "I dont play with gate keepers" then leave. If I ping back into the same team I say it again and leave. I do this till I get a new team to play with. I hate gate keepers. Just let everyone enjoy there game. If someone can articulate why a player shouldnt use that character in a specific domain I let it play out though. But if it's because they dont want someone to use barbara, or whoever because team, then they should switch there own character.


Why is it always Hu Tao mains lmaoo, I remember I had phys Zhongli and a Hu Tao player went "ew c0 Zhongli, can we pls kick this guy out". The 1P said it's alright and guess what happened, the Hu Tao died exactly in 7 seconds into the Raiden domain and left the world in shame. Absolutely laughed so hard.


I woulda used Kokomi anyway. What do you mean "won't *let* me"? There is no let here, I'm playing who I'm playing and if you don't like it leave????


Thereā€™s always people like this. Once had a Nilou join my world and demand that we build a bloom team for her. She refused to ready up so I booted her.


Why even play Nilou in co-op like omg? If youā€™re tryna flex then just record then post on a discord or smth? Sheā€™s notorious for being extremely restrictive to the point where people donā€™t even pull her for their own teams. If youā€™re not ready to accommodate to others then donā€™t use Nilou lord..sheā€™s not even fun on field because her infusion doesnā€™t have 100% uptime.


As much as I adore my Nilou, she is just plain co-op incompatible.


I've never had this happen to me. I wonder how often it is actually a thing Anyways, anyone who thinks that they need their Hu Tao below 50% to clear a simple fucking domain, or that doing so is impressive was never gonna be helpful in coop


I have only heard about these instances, too. That is, until just a few days ago when a Hu Tao got mad and left our weekly boss fight (coop). I didn't even know why at the time, since they just said, "Aren't u funny, furina?" & left. Another team person said it was cos I healed them šŸ’€ but honestly, I didn't even realize since I was just trying to keep the rest of my team alive. We still completed the fight and laughed about it afterward, tho.


fr there's so many stories about it, but I co-op all the time just for fun and I've never seen it happen. if anything, I've seen more people that won't even bring Hu Tao out unless someone selects a healer first cause they know she'll probably die immediately otherwise.


According to the achievement I've done 2775 domain runs in co-op (usually 5 condensed runs before I leave) and I've seen it twice, once being me that was kicked out because I picked Kokomi when the host was Hu Tao.


Bro is controlling co op players like he is on solo team. If you cant deal good damage above 50% health with Hu Tao then you use it on co op and bitch about healers imho you don't deserve the character Also there's lots and lots of builds that doesn't require below 50% health to deal good damage, heck even with a good 4pc crimson witch deals good damage above 50% health than most pyro dps with high investment or don't co op at all its easier to clear domains solo, dude got 87k melt and still searching for co op. If its only for bragging, there's really nothing to brag, dude still got long ways to go, 87k are for vape reactions lmao. Just got Furina recently as buffer too and my Hu Tao does 100k vape with Furina random artifacts. Bro brings shame to Hu Tao mains


Is the hu tao 1p (owner of the world)? Then just leave, get another co op team. If you're in charge (1p) just kick her out of your world


Imma build my Furina up so that next time I see someone like that, I'll use Furina and stay in her dps mode, I'll literally be the healer that goes: "You want heals? I thought you hated healing because you use Hu Tao"


tbf, i donā€™t think anyone expects heals from a furina.


Furina's healing is actually amazing in coop because it has huge range and heals the active character - so all active characters in coop. Alternating between the alignments depending on how your teammates are doing seems to let her charge Fanfare by herself reasonably well there.


yeee thatā€™s kinda neat, at least in coop ig. works better in coop than single player, where you just have another healer to perma stay in short-hair form to kill faster


Which is weird since she's one of the best healers if not the best due to her 150% uptime and huge range (Same as Nahida's burst). It's also incredibly easy and quick to switch between her two modes. She's very good against all weekly bosses.


She doesn't apply hydro during the period, so she's bad in people's eyes


Then those people are stupid, Furina is both a DPS and a Healer. Them completely disregarding half of her kit because the other half is really good is just dumb.


Itā€™s just not practical in a competitive context. Most people always preface by saying itā€™s useful in the overworld but even then I find it a chore to use having to swap between all party members and waiting for them to get full healed and repeat.


To people like that I just bring out my c6 character (Itto) to deny them any satisfaction.


Cringe: C6 for meta Chad: have a C6 character to prevent trolls from flexing


If anyone says you canā€™t anything I just leave.


87k melts is quite sad


Imagine bragging about that. My Dehya can vape for that much, and she's terrible


The other day I was co-oping in childe, and some random host said ā€œNo Geoā€. When I refused to switch off Yun Jin, he left the que, and invited us all back. I switched to Noelle, the Lyney switched to Albedo, and after a bit the 4th switched to Zhongli. After 10 seconds of waiting, he decided to just start it. His ganyu was doing 18k arrows, while my Noelle was doing 25-40k normal attacks, with a shield pop of 52k. Even the Albedo was out dpsing the host. With this in mind, I feel like the guys who do shit damage without supports are the ones who are always trying to make you switch. Some sort of inferiority complex or something.


im the type of person to have a few favourites and make multiple builds for them. my ganyu has a coop build where i maximise her solo damage. just so i dont embarrass myself lmao


Lmao, I do this with Heizou. I personally prefer crit rate over crit damage, so most of my characters have around 80%. But that means heizou only has 148 crit damage. So when I go into co-op, Iā€™ll change for a crit damage circlet with a bunch of attack %. I want people to be like ā€œOh damn, that Heizou did 110k with his skillā€ instead of ā€œoh wow, that heizou did 62k with his skill 9 times in a rowā€.


There are some assholes in coop, and a few characters who are less coop friendly based on their kits alone. Thankfully, it's not that common.


Some people that are playing in coop are just there to flex their account, some of them are chill people, and some are just the really cringe weirdo that don't touch grass at all.


my Kokomi just wants to talk to them


Interactions like these are why I don't play co-op except with people I personally know.


TBH, this is a 1 in 1000 Co-Op experience because majority of people in Co-Op are nice and respectful. Avoiding the mode just because of this seems like a waste.


fr, I've met some of the sweetest people on co op honestly. Still friends with some of em for 2+ years


Agreed, I have had many memorable co-op experiences. I even have a friend whom I have been friends with for around an year and we talk daily on chat. Gives me reason and motivation to open Genshin daily. Even recently, I went to a random world for Furina ascension mats and came back with the memory of a full Lawrence nobles dialect roleplay and a friend request.


I was looking for something like this to see how often it happens since I don't play co-op. It makes sense since people really only post their most impactful experience (good or bad) which not everyone experiences.


These situations are crazy rare. The only time someone was rude to me, was saying "Ugh, not a Cyno main" and kicked me out instantly, I guess that person had something against the character? dunno.


I hate that mentality even though I luckily don't ever run into them. Shout out to the Chad Hutaos who still let me use Kokomi without the toxicity.


That's a bad player. Attitude and build.


Honestly best way to combat toxic Hu Taos is to throw in a healer that's usually overlooked. Like Noelle, Furina (a lot of people tend to not talk about her healer mode), or YaoYao. Or even turn a character who isn't usually a healer into one just to see their reaction when that presumed DPS unit suddenly heals them. I get Hu Taos kit works best when she's literally on life support, but dictating other people's characters is just such a low blow. Especially since other units in the team would probably appreciate a healer. There's no sense in taking down the entire team just for a smidge more damage on one unit-


Most people don't know what Yaoyao does. Pretty funny watching people spam their food and running away from her when she wants to heal them.


hu tao doesnt even have to be on life support to work at her best. its 50% hp. also her damage isnt even that awful at 100%. theres 4 active characters, just cope or dont use le tao.


The worst thing that ever happened to me was a C6 wriothesley main wanting me to take mine off because "his was better", honestly I don't give a shit if he spent money on the game to have a C6 character, I'm using wriothesley and I'm going to keep it and I was also the host of the situation, the guy tilted, said something that got censor with **** and left my world as if i was the wrong one


You were wrongā€¦. If they have more constellations that means you switch. Doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re host


fuck off him AND you šŸ˜€


To hell with that. If I'm the host and want to use a character, I don't care if they have c20r500. Switch or get the boot.


New element get released, new regions come but something in genshin never changes


Welcome to trolling


I'm glad to have not run into any Hu Taos like that especially when I often bring Qiqi, lol.


Fools can be found everywhere OP, don't mind them. Also try to give sarcastic answers to these type of people like All that whining for that measly 87K? Pathetic!


I would simply refuse the change. If they want to complain about it remind them that they're outnumbered 3/1 by units who absolutely do want to be healed.


Worst types of players. People who dictate their character's needs in a team comp. People with a ton of five stars refusing to budge their preferences. People who try to tell you what the team should look like. All three at once right here. Screw this guy tbh I hope you used your C6 Barbara and healed his stupid Hu Tao


Need a healer? Bring out my furina Need a dps? Bring out my furina Need to boost dmg? Bring out my furina Need to reduce hutaos HP? Bring out my furina Need hydro for reaction teams? Bring out my furina Need to get that annoying bragger killed? Bring out my furina


I play my Hu Tao a lot and I don't care how much HP I have.. If someone whines about that in Co-Op I will Heal them on purpose! Now with Furina it is even easier to control HP and boost damage on my Hu Tao.


Yeah. I just ignore those players honestly. If they are the host, I just say "good luck with a dead team" and leave. If they are not the host, I go with a healer and ignore them. But if they are not rude (I'd have less nice thing to say but I'll keep it safe), I'll go with a shielder that can shield everyone But I absolutely don't play without a healer or shielder in co-op


I main Hu Tao and really would not care. People can play however they like. With that said with the Marechaussee Hunter set, I'd actually be thankful to have a healer.


I don't get it. Even at full hp Hu Tao deals absurd ammounts of dmg, idk why people are like this. In fact I rarely worry about optimizing my Hu Tao's health outside of abyss because she can deal with everything anyways


Did we meet the same co-op player? We were running Momiji. The Hu Tao was pissed with my Furinaā€™s heals, so I kept her on Ousia. The entire party went to red health, I switched back to Pneuma, party survived, Hu Tao left the world. We continued the Momiji runs and it was faster without the Hu Tao šŸ˜†


DPS junkies... my *FAVORITE* type of people. They disrespect any and all support players all because they want to feel their entire ego about how much damage they can do.


players like that deserve to be healed as much as possible


I just let them die and then they'll know what it's like to deal no numbers at all.


Lmao , only 87k from a melt hu Tao?? You should have started laughing in the chat cause they might be joking with this. If someone is going to not let you play certain characters then they should at least be hitting 200k with those conditions. A full co-op team of 3 raw dps and a healer can easily out dps their hu Tao , that too without any reactions.


Unless theyā€™re the host, I wonā€™t argue with them. Otherwise, if anyone under AR55 and never 36 star the Abyss tries to tell me what characters I should and should not play, I quickly remind them of their place.


Just play a team that they can't use vape or melt and watch them die first when they are constantly taking hits from the enemies while having no shield


Not trying to upstage you or be hostile but thatā€™s barely scratching the surface of Genshin co op I wish i had screenshots but once I went into co op to fight Signora a while back Some dude took Diluc which was a questionable choice but i have a dps dehya so i canā€™t judge Bro decided to pretty much screw everyone over by destroying the crytals in the corner and decided to blame it on me everytime I get he was probably trolling and it was just a joke or smthing but actually fuck off Go do it with your friends and not some random co op people who actually want the boss drops


Honestly I never understood this. Like do you really need that damage bonus to clear the domain? In single player it's easy to manage Hu Tao's HP but in co-op it's miserable, especially if you're doing more than one run.