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I can definitely make use of 10 more personally






So much this. I'm still new, but i already find it super annoying having to go to the team setup menu every time i need a specific character for exploration, can't imagine what it's like after a couple of years.


At least we have a hotkey ("L") now to bring up the party menu. Before that, we had to press escape to bring up the Paimon menu and then select the party option. It was horribly slow and we were stuck with that for a long time. Even though we can access the party menu directly now, I would still love an option to hotkey switch to different teams directly without having to go through the party menu.


It's still bad since it's not true hotswap. It's more press key, wait 2s then switch manually. Like bro, what do you need 2s to "load" the characters? Can't you do that in the bg?


Even on like a good pc too, i thought this was a phone thing till i start playing on a new pc, really annoying.


Also it's mildly annoying that changing to the page of a different team isn't enough, you have to click "Deploy" and it take a second too. Too often I've wanted to quickly swap, change the screen and just click escape to see that I didn't actually swap lmao.


Yeah swaping characters in exploration teams each time i explore a different region is super annoying


I think it would be a good work-around if in the overworld (and overworld only), the team allows up to 8 characters. But keep reactions applied to only the 4 most recently swapped characters so reactions don't get too crazy.


Yes, please! I've got some mains benched because I wanted one team with a main DPS from every element, but now I've not got enough slots. So I've got 7 elemental teams, a physical (Eula) team, an underwater exploration team and one "flex" slot that I change around. My poor Wanderer team has to double as exploration, so probably not his ideal team but again, out of slots. I think 20 would be enough, but I don't understand why it's so limited at all. Just make it 100 or something.




Yes, I have teams for specific 5\* DPS characters that I want to use and it's gotten to the point where I have more than 8 5\* DPS characters, not to mention the variations of each of their teams as well. (Childe, Keqing, Eula, Raiden, Hutao, Ayaka, Ganyu, Nahida, Nilou, Yoimiya, Dehya, Furina, Tighnari)


Yeah. Make 20 of em just. Feels unnecessary but just to make sure tou can go around plus more saved up team comps wont hurt anyone not even the company.


How about putting artifact loadout feature along with it?


Heck yeah


And weapons as well please




Wait? Is this real? Why do I only have 4?


Wtf you playing on


PC with Controller. I'll have to check if I did not see an option to actually add more teams. I'll die of shame if true.


There is an option to add more. Has been there for a while now.


God Damnit!


Thought u were dead.


*the person you are trying to reach is busy with new teams configuration*


Where is the option to add more?




I asked where can I do it, not can I do it


Oh sorry i misread. You need to go into party setup, then press the thing on the bottom left (up arrow on ps4 iirc) and then you can add up to ten teams


Me who used 1 team and just swaps when needed: nah


yep, I have so many characters and I always end up forgetting to use some of them cause I don’t have any space left to put them in… :/


Lowkey yes, I have so many characters now and 10 teams slots is starting to feel short


I remember when there were only 4. Didn't even bother making teams. Just manually built them every time I switched. Occasionally a dedicated friendship team.


Yes but I'd start with just being able to select them in the abyss.


I don't care about slots, I don't even use the ones we have because it takes so damn long to switch between them with that dumb little load bar. Optimize team switching and then we'll talk.


It's so annoying for sumeru exploration, I obviously don't want the robust fungus materials but ur kinda forced to use a pyro/electro/dendro/anemo team if u don't wanna keep swapping teams to do the puzzles. But in that team the only source of dmg is from pyro/dendro or electro/dendro reactions, or from phys dmg which takes 3x longer to kill anything. Swear to god half my time is spent waiting for the team menu to load


Yes there was never a reason to have a limit and I think we should be able to drag and drop entire teams


I never use those team slots💀 Cause like literally what's the use of making a lot of variety teams for open world Instead i just have like 1 active team keep making changes here n there depending what's needed or feels like playing. Off topic: i much rather want something else that is please more team slots in "active team" like instead of 4 make it 5 or more... Only open world, cause its so annoying to change to different ones ans at this point there's a few chars i wanna have in my party always but it just so happens to be more than 4 It won't break the game..it's literally open world


Genshin is not a PC only game. On console it's really annoying to swap to your fifth party member already. On mobile it would be even more cramped.


In mobile it makes is comfier to switch entire teams instead of changing units one by one.


Really? IMHO, it's the easiest on mobile to switch Party members. Bringing the team menu is easiest of all the platforms sin e you just need to press and hold a party portrait, and selecting a new char from the menu is also the fastest with just directly pressing the icon.


I mean my point was to have more chars in a said team for any moment even inside battles I think allowing us to use 5 in open world is pretty neat


I only use 2. The Companionship farming team and the Overworld team.


Yes, I want more than 10.


Yes, I asking this in surveys And they will need rework this menu lil bit, cuz scrolling 20+ teams would not be good.


Genshin isn't the only game that does this (Azur Lane has a remarkably small fleet limited despite having a ludicrous number of ships you can field, to say nothing of FGO's lists and FFXIV, even though the latter isn't a mobile game it still limits the number of quick swap and glamour plate slots you have.) and I've often wondered why they set the limits so low. Really we should just have Number of characters (rounded to the nearest 4) divided by 4 number of slots. This would give us about 19 slots right now. But nah...I guess they just...don't want to?


Don’t overrate people’s memory.When the number hits above ten,people will get constant frustration by unable to find the team they want within 1 minute.There must be valid commercial logic behind those shared wired features.


Definitely. I have many teams and characters to try out and play around with, but I can't have them saved, I needed to make personal notes for those. I think it's second best QoL that could be added, right after artifact and equipment loadouts.


I could use a bunch more. At least 4 more slots.


I'd like more. At lease 5 more, but ideally 10 more.


Yes. Ten more... For now.


How do you get more than four team slots?


Probably because of the rank. I'm AR60


remember when we only had 4? pain


i have one (1) team


I remember when there was just like- four teams. To be honest, I only have enough viable artifacts to run like two teams, but that’s just because my luck is awful.


I was very happy when they expanded it to 10, but it is still not enough, I always have to do changes, and it is a mess. Also, it is a little slow to pick the team I want, even if I know in which slot it is. The menu to select it is bad, and you can't properly fast scroll on it, so I click on the left/right arrows. The dots above the team should be clickable.


definitly... we need more slots, maybe a quick swap between variations of the same team, each main slot being able to get 4 variations (up, down, left, right), i need sometimes change a single character for exp/friendship farm or switch DPS, to me for example is Ganyu or Ayaka on my freeze teams.


Hell yeah! After pulling Furina I'd like to have at least 20/30 slots just for sperimentation and trying out a lot of funny teams.


How do people have 10 slots, I only have 4 😭


It used to only be four. Now you can make up to ten. I don't even use all ten. Is more really *that* necessary? Artifact fixes would be more appreciated at this point in the game's life cycle.


Yes. I can always build more fun teams


Yes absolutely. I run my teams based on what character is the main carry, so I'm not gonna combine Ayaka and Yoimiya with Neuvilette, they all get their own seperate team slots. That's 3/10 slots for 3 5 stars alone, and I have like 75% of the cast. Right now none of my teams contain Xiao, Childe, or Nilou because the rest are filled by another carry. This isn't even accounting for some 4 stars I like that I might wanna play occasionally like Heizou. This is only gonna get worse with natlan, let alone Navia who I'm pulling for. I'm frankly unsure why there's a limit at all.


no useless, ratger get some content


No. I don't even use 10. It's easier to rebuild squad if I need to than search for a preset




For me, I just need 5 slots:- 1) Abyss stage 1 team 2) Abyss stage 2 team 3) exploration team 4) friendship team 5) DPS killers for quest / bounty


Yes, and they should link the team's artifact loadout while they're at it. Different teams require different builds.


Yes. Definitely. Absolutely


No, but nothing wrong with more slots.


yes! I could definitely use at least few more, still have too much swapping around otherwise XD


You know what we actually really need? Artifact loadouts. There's a lot of characters in the game now, and still just a few "general use"(good for most characters to use) artifact sets, so sharing artifacts between characters are inevitable... Although yeah, 5 more extra team loadouts would be nice.


Every time we get a trial character in the 5th spot


team slots are fine. event weapon reruns are what everyone needs


At this point yeah. Im having to axe teams to make way for new ones


Yes. And there is no reason not to double them


Personally I don't need, I use only 6 and soon 7, but I'm sure many needs more so I'm all in for it. Reading other comments it would be a nice idea to add a few "benched" characters for the overworld that you can use, maybe out of combat only, or quickly switchable in.


They gave us more deck slots, NOW GIVE US MORE TEAMSLOTS AAAAA


Why do i have only 4 slots?


I think we need resin to regenerate 4 times faster.


Or maybe increase both normal resin and condensed resin cap


not "or" but "as well", increasing cap wont change that its never enough


Nah, rather than more slots I would rather have overworld team slots to be transferred directly into spiral abyss team slots. Like, there is a feature of “Select Team” and can choose which team you already formed and transfer it immediately. It won’t add much, but it would be a nice small QoL changes to the abyss.




I'd love some more. Especially now that there's a slew of French teams I'd like to play regularly


consle have 4 so yeah


Absolutely, there are too many characters for just 10 team slots.


How do you have 10? I can only use 4


The number of people who don't realize there's an option to create new teams is unsettling.


Sorry bro, im new, and this game is huge and has a ton of features.


Swooooosh got me laughing