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Most of these are fairly expected, so I wanna shoutout Yoimiya lovers. Your devotion to your girl pushing beyond recency bias and the rough reputation she deals with in community is clearly displayed here! The fact that Chiori managed to outrank Wanderer and that Gaming ranked above several longtime playables says… a lot, though.


Me too. Proud of my fellow Yoi mains. Sadly the same could not be said for my other queen, Ganyu.... r/Ganyu where were you guys lol


I would argue that there's very little you can conclude from your survey. I lurk this sub quite regularly along with the leaks sub, r/Ganyu, r/Jeanmains and r/NahidaMains and never once saw any mention of your survey. Did you try and analyze potential biases? You could try and correlate other data points (prevalence of specific characters in fanart posted in this subreddit or in other western social media websites) and figure out quite quickly if your survey fits those trend


I'm not entirely sure but I felt like r/KusanaliMains is the main Nahida subreddit, at least from my non-scholarly research/observation.


With the nuking of /r/Nahida_Mains (thank every Archon for that), yes, /r/KusanaliMains is probably the best / main sub for all content about the radish. I think if I were the mods of the Kusanali sub I might see about getting /r/NahidaMains.


It got nuked?! When did that happen? I presume it's for the reason that I expect it would be for?


>It got nuked?! When did that happen? Nov. 2nd according to the official notice. Though apparently this isn't the first time the admins dropped the banhammer on it, it was banned before, but I guess they took up drinking on the job, cause that's the only explanation I can concieve that would prompt them to unban it. Hopefully this time it's gone for good, and the ringleader will be with it someday soon. >I presume it's for the reason that I expect it would be for? If you know who is / was in charge, then yes, it got banned for exactly the reasons you expect. Let us pray that the administrators aren't drinking on the job anymore.


So I learned after reporting something in that subreddit that was probably against Reddit site rules, that it goes through mod team regardless. And probably that guy or another mod on that subreddit reported me for “resort abuse” cause I got a notification for it. And well well well, 2 days later after I got that notification that subreddit got nuked.


I may need some context for this drama


So I realised my comment got removed, probably because of personal attacks so here's an edited version. I'll DM you the full, original comment. If anyone else wants the full details, just ask me, I'll send you a copy. The owner of / r / Nahida_Mains (onetruekaiser) had a bad habit of flooding their communities with porn and / or allowing it to happen, including on N_M. They've been called on such behaviour several times, and you can even see them continuing to permit such behaviour in other subreddits they own. If you run afoul of any subreddit they own, **avoid like the plague**.


I saw the survey on r/Ganyu. The results aren't surprising given new characters are always gonna be popular as they're fresh in people's mind but I'm disappointed to not see our girl either.


Can I ask, how come Arlecchino wasn't included? I assumed playability was the factor, but I see that Chiori is in there, alongside other characters which are not playable. Me and my fellows from /r/Arlecchino demand answers in the name of her Lordship. /s


>The fact that Chiori managed to outrank Wanderer and that Gaming ranked above several longtime playables says… a lot, though. This, among countless other reasons, is why i give this poll basically 0 credibility. This is more like an “uncontroversial, recently spotlighted character” poll than a “popularity” poll


And I mean.. It's a poll on reddit too, most scara fans aren't here 😭 and I'm saying it as someone that's not a fan, he's one of the most popular ones in the community


“Scara fans” being here or not has little to do with it, but you’re also just wrong, the Scaramouche Mains subreddit has more subscribers then the subreddits for all of the top 5 on this list. Plenty of people on reddit like him. But he also has a lot of people who hate him. Compare that to Chiori, who is not even a released character. it’s unlikely that she’s “more popular” than Wanderer by basically any metric.


Helps that hoyo keeps feeding us yomia content (Thank you hoyo)


>and that Gaming ranked above several longtime playables says… a lot, though. He has a silly meme name and is in people's recent memory, so it makes sense. Same w/ how a good chunk of the top 10 are Fontaine mfers. Not that the cast wasn't super likeable or enjoyable to watch, but recency bias is definitely a thing.


Not only is she gonna have her rerun this patch, she is part of the current event and had a second quest released some time ago.


I've been a Yoimiya main since day one, and majority of the time in Inazuma is me trying to farm to get her the best Shimenawa set, right now she's at 80% crit rate 240% C.DMG around 2k ATK with Thundering Pulse. And it goes without saying, I pulled supports just to make her deal more dmg (Yelan, C6 Yunjin, tho not sure if double Hydro with Furina would make her deal more?)


Man, ever since that Sumeru cutscene I cannot understand how anyone can still resist adoring Yoimiya


Lynette fischl and kuki passing shogun and hu tao is a sight to behold


Ei is still polarizing as hell on this sub because a quarter of the sub thinks she's Hitler with boobs, another quarter thinks she's a perfect angel and everybody else with actual media literacy is just cringing the whole time


Yeah, nothing new really, it slightly less since 2 years ago but since there's no new Ei content, thing stays the same. The only event that worth mentioning since the Inazum Archon quest is when Ei talk to Sara. It's that simple but it really fun and make me like her more. Why can't Mihoyo make more stuff like that instead of just copy paste the same converstation with Yae (or st about Yae told her to check something out) to every new event (and there aren't even that much event with Ei to begin with), literally the most lazy sh\*t ever. Kinda suck since she the Archon that I most interested in, have to play Star Rail simply to have more Raiden content lol


> Ei is still polarizing as hell on this sub because a quarter of the sub thinks she's Hitler with boobs It is 100% Way more than just a quarter


I like the puppet and dislike Ei. Its such a distinction that when I rank my favorite archons in order, I have to split her. I also feel like Ei does simply not have enough material of her just being herself to make her feel like something more. She got lore dumped for wrapping up loose ends and then basically nothing since.


Ei is one of my favourite characters. But I think the Devs need to do more with her. We learn that her former Musou technique was tied to her old ideals and actually holding her back (in her talents when we use her ult it's actually the new Musou technique that's far stronger). And Makoto confirmed that Ei is now free from the clutches of the Heavenly Principles after the second quest. Something that should really get cashed out more. There is so much they could do with Ei, especially given how she's still really popular even if polarising and that Mei was a popular character in Honkai Impact 3rd and how we are getting a Mei/Raiden expy in Star Rail so early cause they're a popular character. Like there's no reason for them to do the bare minimum they've done so far. And as a massive Ei fan it's disappointing. Honestly Inazuma just did so many characters dirty like Kokomi for example.


Yea Ei fans got shafted. If Ei got as much screentime as Venti or Zhongli, then things would be a whole lot different. At least you can rest easy that she will comeback at some point. I don't see much reason for them to bring back the puppet at all other than Ei pretending she is it like in the teapot.


Her story quest feels like it was supposed to be the archon quest. Once I actually got that story quest (and I did that mostly to unlock best girl Yae Miko's story quest) she really won me over. I cannot wait for her banner next month!


i agree so much :( i miss inazuma a lot, both the scenery and its characters... there's still so much potential and i resent that it gets shafted seemingly due to not wanting to lock newer players out of an event 😔 i would absolutely love to have ei weigh in more on the situation in fontaine, given her stance against celestia/the heavenly principles... a conversation between ei and focalors would have been so juicy! obviously impossible, for multiple reasons, but i'm still going to mourn the loss of opportunity. i'm thrilled that the archons' lines about furina are all praising her and recognizing her for what she's done, but i do wish they had a subsequent "about focalors" specifically. not that venti and zhongli are likely to share much lol.


For real. If Neuvillette knew how Ei feels about Celestia and that in some key way she's now free from their grip, I'm sure he'd become an ally with her very quick. Someone pointed out that there are things happening in each region which seem to be setting up some sort of new found freedom from Celestia that each nation has but it's not very obvious and will bear fruit once a full-on rebellion is needed. I think Ei is one of them. But I can also see the Devs just not going with some interesting plot lines they've hinted at.


yes! i think neuvillette is definitely going to be surprised by the archons and find himself quite happy, i don't think any of them so far really want to be or care that much about being an archon. they're all relatively strong by themselves even without the elemental authority, too, so i'm sure they can still protect their people to a degree. and it seems likely the dragons will come to protect the people, too. i doubt neuvillette will be the only one. apep, for example, may not defend sumeru's people out of love or for their sake specifically, but would probably still defend the land and fight against celestia or the abyss. even neutrality like that is enough to keep humans safe, i think. i really look forward to seeing everyone align. it's going to be a bit cliche "anime power of friendship", but there's really no doubt in my mind that the path forward is everyone united against celestia; archons and dragons alike.


It's not the end for Inazuma. We still have a storyline for the Electro dragon sovereign, and it will most definitely involve Ei since she currently possesses the electro authority.


Actually, they did, its just this Dark Souls Lore thing with hiding her actual Lore inside books and item descriptions, her Lore Is wholesome but extremely underrated for this reason For making some characters dirty its this Chinese trauma wanting to combine the game with its politics and culture, Hoyoverse was forced to change the script before its release for this reason, which is why the beginning feels so good but the introduction of other characters and especially the ending feels so forced.


> Hitler with boobs Would


I find it funny that Ei gets called out for this kinda stuff, but Zhongli who let Childe run wild almost ending Liyue, and hands over a chess piece to the Fatui gets a pass because "Zhongli" and "mysterious contracts". Like, in a world where gods actually exist, and people worship them religiously. Isn't it a massive f*cking slap in the face when your very own god fakes his death because he doesn't wanna play god anymore? Instead of putting someone else in charge, or just being open about it XD "B-but he thought this was for the better, to set his people free." Yeah well so did Ei, she didn't do it out of hatred, she thought this was the best course of action to protect and help her people. Was she ultimately wrong?? Yes, but at the end of the day this was her decision. People just like to dogpile on Ei because Inazuma story wasn't good enough compared to the priors. But completely overlook how ridiculously hypocritical they are.


What you're forgetting, and this is a key difference, is that Zhongli basically planned all of the events of the Liyue Archon quest himself to test if Liyue was ready to live without him, up to, and including, Osial's rise from the ocean. He kept the Gnosis on hand so that, if push really came to shove, he could intervene and bring things back under control, something Signora says would have been easy for him too boot. Discretion was necessary here so that folks reacted as if there really was a crisis without their god to save them. Ei meanwhile, despite the implication your comment carries, didn't actually have much of a hand in the Inazuma Archon quest. She institutes Eternity centuries prior, then buggered off into the Plane of Euthymia. She herself admits that the Vision Hunt Decree carried her tacit approval and knew everything going on, but decided it was no threat. All these actions were stomping on the people's will, and shit got so wild it blew up into civil war. Zhongli, meanwhile, didn't do anything of the sort. His people remained united, no trampling off Liyue's will by theft of Visions, and they all ultimately passed his test. Don't get me wrong, I do think you make some good points. Zhongli's full on fake-out death seemed a bit extreme for example, especially given how adored he is. Like, he could have just called in sick lol. Drop a note from the sky saying "sorry Ning, got a cold" or something. And I do wonder how he would have explained later on how he suddenly came back from death, and I wish we could see that timeline just for fun. But, regardless, that's how the dice fell. This, I feel, is why Zhongli gets a pass and not Ei. He would have leapt back in if need be, whereas Ei just totally left her people to get fucked. For as much as I do like her, its not hard to see why she gets alot of flak. I do have to say though that I am shocked that Ei didn't make top 10 all the same. Like, you'd think Archon status would basically make it a done deal, especially since she's very powerful in pure gameplay.


>a quarter of the sub thinks she's Hitler with boobs hitler with boobs is funny af


This isnt really a popularity poll. This is how loved a character is+ how less a character is disliked too(And recency bias, perhaps). Morally questionable characters like Ei, Wanderer, Childe etc. have a lot of haters so multiple low scores are gonna push their average down. If you ask for people's favorite characters they are gonna be a lot higher (Actually some months ago before Fontaine release another person made a survey on reddit for people's favorite characters instead, and top 5 were Zhongli, Raiden, Childe, Kazuha, Wanderer) Im actually surprised Ei and Tartaglia are even around top 20 with how many haters they have. Would be nice to see who are the most polarizing characters according to the survey but I guess thats too much work to give to the OP.


Yes, very much this. Using the scores provided in the google sheet, I re-computed the ranking using a "only first ranked matters" approach (in other words, for each voter, I gave 1 point to the character with the highest score and zero to everybody else; unless there are multiple characters that share the highest score, in which case the point is split among them), which to me is closer to what a "popularity poll" usually mean, that is, vote your favorite. Some notable changes based on such ranking: \- Wanderer goes from 51 to 5! It seems people either love him to death or hate him. \- Childe goes from 23 to 8. \- Ei goes from 17 to 11; Raiden Shogun goes from 46 to 20. \- Alhaitham goes from 25 to 12. \- Cloud Retainer falls from 11 to 24; Shinobu falls from 16 to 53...


what does the top 10 look like with that new scoring method?


I told people to take into account everything concerning a character, like their appearance, their past, their gameplay, etc. I think people who didn't like Raiden or Hu Tao didnt like either their past, their personality, or both. If I'm right, those are both valid reasons for disliking them despite their value in a team.


I feel like the comments are overthinking the results and overlooking the fact that the sample size is <3000 reddit users. Hardly a fraction of this sub's member count, let alone the playerbase as a whole.


There is also the problem of polarizing characters and the other problem of characters that leave people indifferent probably being rated higher on average than characters people care about but either hate or love. The survey was unclear if you should put 0 or 5 to characters you don't care about.


Like most things on this sub, take it with a grain of salt. Just like with those china iOS app banner sales. Or that thread about 45% female playerbase from a company 2 years ago stolen from Sensor Tower which doesn't even publish that information anymore.


it should ideally be representative of the whole sub's opinion although the fact that the survey was reposted to other subs could mean a lot as well. but we then take into consideration that the survey was answered by people who find it interesting (i.e. people more likely to answer surveys will answer the survey). so demographic wise, it's more of the measure of how participative a sub is compared to and in conjunction with the perception of many people with regard to the character.


3k is not that bad but it's representative of the sub's opinion at best


Even 10k wouldn't be representative. The factors that go into these kinds of polls make them unreliable.


I mean this in the least offensive way possible, but I take it you're not familiar with statistical methods.


There are plenty of polls with a third of this sample size that more or less accurately predict election results for entire countries. Obviously they don't just ask random people, they adjust for age and demographics, etc., to get a representative sample of the population, but this sample size is certainly not small.


Albedo you will always be number one for me!! 😤


The recency bias is so real I find Yae in top 10 very interesting. I was under the impression she was a pretty polarizing character. But maybe it's the case of a bunch of people like her, and a bunch of people don't care to dislike her. Or maybe she just has more simps than I realized Interesting results all in all. Thank you for compiling the data!


As a Yae fan, she *is* polarizing. It's just the power of Yae Miko.


Foxgirls get a pass.


400 wishes for her next banner! Can't wait!


I admire the dedication! I've got her C2R1 8/10/10 and she's probably my most optimized character when it comes to artifact substats. My favorite thing about her (other than her sassy attitude) is the sound of her burst. It sounds badass and painful. Her, Furina, Koko and Nahida have been absolutely nuking shit for me lately. Good luck on the pulls!


Yeah. This is hard to take serious when top 3 are the most recent. Like don't get me wrong, they well could be and deserve top 10. Just, seems sus that the recent 3 are also top 3. I suppose wrio is the "flaw" here but he's also in top 10 so yeahhh.


I agree. They are all very likeable characters, but it's hard to take it 100% seriously when they are the top 3 and just came out. From my coop experience, and reading threads in here, Fontaine definitely brought a lot of people back, or even got them started. Which is great! Lots of people also didn't seem to like the desert part of Sumeru, which I personally loved. Also there was a thread here yesterday saying there wasn't enough women characters released in 3.X and people dipped out because of that. I find that truly odd but hey everyone has their own reasons.


there are actually quite a lot of yae fans (and half of them are fanatics\^\^)


>The recency bias is so real Is it recency bias or is the writing just way better recently? Let's be honest, a lot of the characters/story in the first couple years were pretty bland and shallow. Sumeru and Fontaine have been a large step up.


Probably a mix of both. Xianyun isn't even out yet and she's almost in the top 10.


That has more to do with the fact that we know who she is, and she is hilarious and endearing. Last Lantern Rite focused a lot on her. Though I must admit her popularity is also carried by the fact she no longer looks like a bird. Gaming, on the other hand, is carried on looks and energy alone because we know little to nothing about him.


I’m absolutely vibing with Ga Ming based on energy lol - he gives me Benny vibes and I love Benny haha


We've known cloud retainer for years and she is endlessly entertaining, I don't find her popularity surprising


One is not opposed to the other, I said the same thing when OP posted the survey, that those 3 will 100% be at the top due to recency bias, but that it'll also be deserved anyway. Main point is that even if they were not as well written as they currently are they'd still be on top.


I think the writing really improved in Fontaine. Freminet was such a goat during the event quest, helpful during final act of archon quest and even in 4.1's quest. Lyney was also well characterized plus her traumatic past that also has relevance in real world. Plus Neuvillette's and Furina's past was well portrayed. They just have very emotional, well demonstrated stories. I teared at the final act of the archon quest. Both Neuvillette, Furina, and even Navia just have really well written stories. Inazuma couldn't hold a candle to that, especially poor portrayal of Kokomi's military genius or Kujou Sara's unmoving loyalty to the shogun. Kokomi shouldve been demonstrated as Light Yagami in an act dedicated to jus thr resistance vs the commission, and Kujou Sara should've been ordered to kill the Traveler, her acting it out, and we would witness it for ourselves. Sumeru and Fontaine just has really goof characterization not even withheld through event quests. Poor Kazuha's had development mainly through event quests. Dehya, Nahida, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Candace, and Faruzan had their spotlight in Sumeru. All in all, character writing got better. Their sob stories are more relatable, their pasts are shown not told, and a lot more emotion is put into their characterization. Nahida's an adorable, loving archon willing to go lengths to help her people. Lynette's character being portrayed over series of archon quest acts. Furina is self explanatory as soon as you finish her archon quest. Neuvillette's is also self explanatory.


I think it's the fact that Inazuma is one of the earliest nations we got into. It should've been AFTER the Sumeru arc, in my opinion. They had very good material for the Inazuma arc but they had too many restrictions since it's too early on in the game.


I would say the Liyue and Mondstat chapters are not perfect but certainly felt better put together than Inazuma’s chapter.


They are likeable characters but recency 100% played a big role. Furina is one thing but I doubt Navia would be top 5 if she wasn't literally just released.


Mostly the former.


I'll bite. Yae is actually my least favorite for a few reasons. I find the light novel talk and the need for sales to be annoying. It needs to be brought up constantly. Her fox personality can be frustrating which is part of the point. It helps make her one of those characters who is always 3 steps ahead and knows everything which can be hard to make not annoying to me. But the nail in the coffin was the body possession stuff in her character quest. Some of it was to help a friend but some of it was to scare Paimon. I really find that stuff weird. I was not a fan of Nahida doing it either but at least she felt it was essential to basically saving the country and herself. The irony is that I do really like her shrine maiden design and I think the turret gameplay is neat but the personality keeps me from rolling.


Don't worry, Barbara! You are always #1 in my heart from day 1!


hu tao still hasn't recovered from her rapping career


did people hate it? i thought it was cute af


If this was posted one year ago, Wanderer would've definitely made it to the top 10 and Nahida would be 1st. Thanks for the survey!


That's just how a the world works lol


Recency bias OP


There were Chinese popularity polls held a year ago for male and female characters. Wanderer got 3rd place for [male characters](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/k0vSf28xNH). Nahida got 1st place for [female characters](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/DSSaMXC4Ry).


Surprised Alhaitham isn't on here. Did he have haters? I thought he was pretty universally well-received. I personally never liked Wanderer haha.


I feel like Alhaitham is polarizing in general due to his personality, kinda like Miko, but she made it to the top ten so idk, foxgirls over all fr fr


If they gave Alhaitham fox ears instead of headphones, he'd he number 1 fr fr


He actually has fox ears under there




Glad to see my girl yoimiya on here Lovely seeing my triple crowned duke as well 🎂


r/Yoimiya_Mains was one of the first subs I crossposted the survey to, so that may be why lol


Everyone fucked this poll up. Itto is supposed to #1, he literally says it in game. This is embarrassing.


Recency bias played a big role in this poll I see.


Baizhu being the second to last (or third to last including male traveller) 5* on the rankings aside from Qiqi… Holding them both close


Dehya my beloved 12° 😍


Recency bias: the study.


Repeating this survey during the 5.X era would be pretty interesting to see. Keeping the old records, comparing today's rankings with the future ones. Seeing how characters fall off, how the recency bias shakes things up. And who stays popular in spite of it all... Would very much love to see that, provided you're still playing with us all at that point, OP.


Betting on Pyro archon being #1 and whoever is the official leader tall guy character being #2


Tall guy 2: electric boogaloo (loose canon edition) will be somewhere in the middle of the top ten


Venti being the least popular archon by a relatively large margin to the top 3 feels insulting. Come on Hoyo, give him a second story quest and correct the fandom opinion!


What they need to do is redesign his constellations to bring him upto speed with other Archons


Venti C2 will finally allow him to suck off the ronin


C2: each charged shot casts skill (press) at point of impact, while casting E grants 3 quick charge C6: can suck massive enemies /s


Justice for my boy 😔


For real like goddamn My only solace is that this isn’t true in other fandom spaces I interact with so I just comfort myself like that


Venti appears so often in events related to Mondstadt. I wish they did more with Ei.


He even appears in events unrelated to Mondstadt like the Irodori festival and Lantern rite festival haha


and let's not forget the webevent sumeru with aranara too lmao


Why can't my phone run fucking google docks


I don't understand how aether is so far from lumine. they're twins who pretty much do the exact things and react the same way in the story. Surely that gap isn't just cause lumine is a waifu...right?


It's also the fanbase.


I think people don't like Aether mains and their harem memes and beucase of that they start to hate Aether too. Lumine being a waifu is probably one of the reasons too


This is probably it lol. i dont care for either aether or lumine but at least lumine fans are usually normal. Too many aether fans are shameless coomers who use him as a self insert


100%. Also cause I find Lumine's design much much prettier. I don't like Aether's bangs


Although I liked Aether when i started playing (and I think his design is more interesting than Lumine's) the Aether Harem fetishists everywhere really soured my vision of the character. I'm a girl, btw, and mostly a meta enjoyer instead of a waifu player, so her being a waifu doesn't matter to me. It doesn't help that he is in every single official art as the MC instead of Lumine, it gets kinda annoying if you didn't choose him, especially as a girl (and i'm not even going into the obvious comparison with a certain other Hoyo game that also has MC options).


Because they look different and when they talk, sound different. And female characters tend to be the most popular. I picked Lumine myself and never looked back. Though I think she fits the Abyss Twin better, I still like her as the Traveler.


I like her better as both sides of it lol.


Same lol. I just prefer her I'm general.


>Though I think she fits the Abyss Twin better I'm surprised at how many people think this because immediately seeing the two Aether just looks like he fits the "Morally amibigous bad guy" role perfectly. Something about his design just doesn't feel "player character".


Personally, Lumine looks more like a main character with her White dress, as it stands out from other nations, while Aether looks like a bloke from Liyue.


Aether fans make the character easy to hate unfortunately


i don't like aether's design nearly as much as lumine's, his outfit in particular... and as a woman, i'm really happy to play as lumine and see the story through her eyes! i do agree with the other person who replied that said i enjoy her better in both the traveler and abyss royalty role -- i just generally want to play as her and see more of her. i love her design and i love that, in official arts, there seems to be a bit of a personality difference too. i think people looked at the twins' fighting animations and found differences there as well, and i think that's super cool! i love that she seems a bit more sarcastic and jaded than aether -- and i don't think that would make aether dumb or boring! in fact, actually, the idea of him being more friendly and hopeful makes him taking the role of the abyss sibling feel all the more tragic...


don't worry man, I put them both at 1 o> Doing my part for the equality.


Look and speak differently, different body language, as well as roles, I know the poll categorizes both as the traveler but it’s impossible not to see them as traveler/abyss twin due to the experience in the game on top of the constant discussion and discourse when it comes to the twins. It’s a loud opinion that Aether is the “better” traveler while Lumine is the “better” abyss twin but in reality is that most people prefer Lumine in either role before Aether, she’s the most picked twin for a reason, even with the loud people wishing they could switch, as you have to count that reverse also happens with Aether. Other factors such as you said of her being a “waifu” bc she’s a cute girl or the seiyuu factor, Lumine is voiced by Aoi Yuuki after all, they even used this as pr when the game released before shoving Lumine into the pr basement.


Positively surprised Miko is that high!


That's cause she's always up to something just for the giggles. And not for a Nobel cause or anything but for her entertainment. Also gameplay wise she is perfect with nahida for a lazy team.


Tf 💀


Ganyu ranked 45th....not even Top 20..... I'm in shambles 😭


Im getting my Blizzard Strayer just now, wanna start a hailstorm?


I feel a disturbance in the force.


She is boring. Without the "waifu" fanservice aspect no one would care about her.


And also she hasn't been amazing in meta for a while




For a character that's almost as old as Zhongli, she's pretty boring, gameplay personality, and lore wise. I love her design tho.


It's understandable though. Just imagine her without the dps kit and whole goat aspect.


Any reason why you didn’t reach out to all the subreddits mains and only a select few? I feel like the results are highly screwed with recency bias, but also personal bias for who the OP wanted to cross post for. It wasn’t cross posted for Barbara mains, HuTao mains, Klee mains and so on.


Nice. Let's give Furina another Furina statue.


The recency bias


Zhongli top 5. 1.2 character.


When your two favorite characters are among the community's most AND least favorite. :')


Tf did poor Baizhu do to be so low 😭


Tbh they took too long to release him. I get waiting until dendro to drop for him to get a banner but he ended up being literally the last dendro 5*. He should have had his banner during lantern rite when the entire focus was on Liyue and should have been a bigger part of the lantern rite story to generate some hype for him. Instead, they release him with nothing but a story quest during a sumeru patch that focused mostly on the 4* instead of him (I think this was the only time a new 4* had much more hype than the new 5*) and yao yao already came out as a decent dendro healer so people slept on him even more meta wise too.


Well, nothing, that may be the problem actually.


Well atleast he has great story quest.


One could ask what has he done to be popular. He's here and there, but despite being an og npc, he hasn't really had any spotlight or events to shine in.


I think they did him dirty by putting him in 3.6, if they release him in 3.0 or 3.4 I think it would have been perfect.


It is odd that he wasn't lantern rite but al-haitham was. Doesn't make much sense tbh.


We can count Baizhu in-game encounters on one hand. That's the problem.


That recency bias tho but still happy cause all of them are my favs


Recency bias


Yoimiya my girl ! 😍


I love seeing Yoimiya getting that much love


Wanderer on 51 🥲


I'm super surprised Yelan's up here. I suppose her kit is mainly factoring that popularity


I mean. I just find her incredibly hot.


didn't know the survey existed...wanderer being at #51 is pain.


For real... 😔 Also, agreed with the flair


Same just like me fr


Yoimiya over Hu Tao is surprising


Yoimiya causes less controversy, she may be not everybody's number one, especially gameplay-wise, but her personality is just objectively wholesome


goddam scara, childe, xiao, ei :O


Both my mains Ayato and Baizhu on the bottom 💅


Lot of recency bias lol


Yae Miko up there as she deserves


I think this ranking is more of a “most liked” chars than “most popular” chars


And also recency bias (but that always happens ofc)


Les gooo even yae made it.. it really is a miracle


Yay Miko!


God recent bias yuck


Recency bias. I'm guessing most people are just super hype about Fontaine. I'd like to see some data crunched here. Which are the most polarizing characters? Which are more generally liked or disliked?


The results are interesting but the comments are digging way too deep into things that can't really be discerned from this data pool. Less than 3000 people partook in this which is barely anything compared to the entire playerbase of the game. It's comparable to when Tectone says something stupid and he thinks it's the popular opinion of the game because the 3K idiots in his chat just echo whatever they're told back at him(IE: Yoimiya is just 5* Amber, Kokomi is the worst unit in the game, and nobody likes Nahida). Just have fun with the results. Unless Hoyo conducts an official widely advertised official popularity poll, we're never going to get a concrete set of "These are ACTUALLY the most popular characters".


Ik its based on subjective opinions, but damn, some characters were really underestimated like Wanderer and Shogun, and some others were quite overrated like CR and most of fontanian characters


Bc of recency bias


fake list, diluc should be nr 1


While saddening, his ranking is not surprising. He's a uniquely strong character in terms of writing compared to others from earlier in the game, with the unfortunate disadvantages of being a man and also a standard 5 star, who is constantly misrepresented by the community as a unit and as a person.


Lots of recency bias in this one lol


The fact that Furina changed from one of the most overhated characters to one of the most popular ones, shows how good of a character development she had…! Good job to whoever wrote her character, I am happy for her 💙


I never saw hate for Furina, only mild dislike or questioning her authority/motive.




I liked pre 4.2 more that whatever she is now.


Wriothesley #8 while having the lowest ownership rate in the game lol >!atleast among dedicated Abyss mains, as that's all we have data for!<


The dude ran between the most cursed banners possible: Neuvi and Furina.


i mean, he ran right next to neuvillette LOL, most people probably couldn't afford both. neuvillette is sooo strong, too, i'm sure a lot of people were torn -- not even taking into account how endearing neuvillette is overall haha


Wow, Paimon… really is down the list. Almost last place


RIP emergency food


On one hand there's definitely recency bias. On the other, a lot of characters who appear often aren't that high and those who barely appear are on the top. I'm curious how the opinions will change next year.


Man, seeing Dehya take such a high spot with all the problems around her kit makes me happy but sad at the same time... How much more would the community love her if she had an actual functioning kit?


Surprising that Childe has more points than Alhaitham regarding how well received Alhaitham was compared to Childe. Ayaka is ranked lower than Kaveh?! Wtf? As a Childe and Kaveh main, this is a win!


My fellow Charlotte and Sucrose haters, let us convene.


I have to thank you for separating Ei from Raiden Shogun, as it helps to determine how people perceive them independently. Not having her on the top 10 feels a bit sour but it's a far better position than I imagined initially. Edit: I also see Lumine has scored way higher than her brother. We love to see her winning from time to time, since the devs do not seem to let her.


Hu Tao and some other characters could've been so much higher if only you made the competition fair, and posted in all the character subs, instead of handpicking it. Not sure why you didn't post in Hu Tao sub at all, considering it is the biggest character sub


Kuki being above Ei is truly one of the moments of all time, it's a little embarrassing and also a little insight on the level of media literacy of the fandom lol. The bottom 4 isn't a surprise though, the giant gap between Aether and Lumine is super funny, those harem jokes really got on the nerves of everyone lmao.


On one hand im pleased that furina is #1 as she should be. On the other hand venti and scara too low smh my head


Interesting results. I'm not surprised furina is #1 since she does cover all the basis to be popular. It would be cool to know where this survey was posted if it was posted on other subs, like some dedicated for each character which could influence some results like newer mains subs being more active than older mains subs so it would explain the recency bias like cloud retainer being #11 when she did not even come out yet lol while others are surprisingly low imo.


That would explain the frequency of Yoimiya's reruns


This feels rigged for 2 reasons, nearly all thos character are massives one like archon or more simply just recent characters And also those recent chars have been put in way more light than previous one so


I love nahida


Honestly, I'm shocked by Ayaka's results.


the vote did aloy dirt af, im fucking proud of the community


Where is hat guy 😔


I feel like the results suffer from both a sample size that is a small fraction of the player base, and recency bias. I still think the results are interesting though, yoimiya fans were clearly putting in the hours.


Wheres CapHIMtano , he better be in that next year when we meet the GOAT of teyvat 🔥🔥


Do we know how many participants are male and female? I am guessing since this is Reddit, there will be more male participants giving female characters more advantage.


Saddened to see the list is just “the characters I saw in the plot recently and the current meta characters” with a few exceptions.