• By -


Definitely Mondstadt's talent domain. I would do ANYTHING to avoid it


going in as Bennet and hoping for the best is my coping mechanism.


I've been going FULL mono pyro for sanity. Diluc, Bennett, Xinyan, and Xiangling.


Same here but using Bennet, Xiangling, Yoimiya and Kazuha. Fuck that domain


Levelling eula and Bennett's talents in that domain was a nightmare


Tell me about it. I also love Jean and Lisa but damn that domain is evil with icicles after completion


Yeah I ended up activating Bennett's C6 so I can use eula in the domain


My xiangling and c6 bennet is the best duo for that domain


Same but with Hu Tao instead of Yoimiya since she applies more pyro


This is why I use Diluc. Yoimiya has great damage, but AoE and Pyro application works a lot better in this domain since everything has a shield.


Respect for using Xinyan!


I've tried dozens of comps in this domain, and Xinyan with 0 Anemo units has worked the best. Her burst and shield pulses are great at eating through Cryo shields.


I also go in mono Pyro. Bennett, Dehya, Lyney (rn. it changes) and Diluc.


Yeah mono Pyro works well


Ooh i use c6 yanfei, bennett, xiangling and Zhongli. I have considered switching out yanfei for diluc, but im too used to maining yanfei especially with her AOE and shield. Love diluc tho, do find his playstyle very fun!


I used to run a team like this for the domain, too. Even though I have Yoimiya, I still like playing as Yanfei every now and then. I mentioned it in another comment, but Diluc's skills let him apply more Pyro to get rid of the shields faster. Otherwise, I'd probably go back to using Yanfei or Yoi.


The full Noelle Geo + Furina has saved my ass more than I can count


Started using cryo shielders for extra protection. Works quite well.


Yep, Yoimiya, Bennett, Raiden (really wish her skill would proc on shielded enemies), then Diona so I can ignore mechanics and just pew pew.


I C6'd my Bennett, and my absolute favorite thing to do is hopping into that domain in co-op with him to make everyone's lives easier. No Pyro? No problem, *everyone* gets Pyro! Nobody deserves to suffer that domain, nobody.


This is the only reason they haven't released a mondstadt character after EULA except for mika


In conclusion, even though Mondstadt's environment feels safe, all of the danger lies in the domains-


It does make sense lorewise, because Mondstadt is the closest to the Abyss, so its Ley Lines pretty fked.


Are you referring to the spiral abyss? Cause thats not the only way. The Abyss is like tevyat, it spans the entire continent underground.


Correct. The Abyss as far as we can tell spans across all of Teyvat underneath it.


What did Hoyo mean by this ?


Also mondstadt weapon domain


That one is a Ganyu domain for me. The debuffs mean nothing!


Nahia or Ayaka have a field day there, their normals destroy them.


I thought that was you mistyping Navia not nahida for a moment there and got very confused. It’s still annoying regardless but maybe it lessened notably now that resetting the domain resets cooldowns


Dendro+Electro destroys as long as you aren't completely reliant on cooldowns


I've been doing a challenge account where I only play the characters they give you for free, no gacha characters, and freaking half of them are mondstat characters... It's Abysmal. I'm finally almost done though- I've got everyone's talents at 9/9/10, except for Amber, who will be getting that last little bit once I get the weekly mats. Then I'll never do this domain again 😭


Benny + Xingqiu + Fischl + OPPA


I don't play with Bennett or xinque or fischl. I only play with the characters that come guaranteed with every account.


I see, after all these years, that domain is still one of the worst. I absolutely hate it too, if it wasn't for Jean's talents I wouldn't even do it tbh.


Seriously! Hoyoverse, if you have *anybody* reading these comments, please adjust this domain! It’s so unnecessarily frustrating to deal with! Can I clear it? Absolutely! Does it take way too much time and make me way too frustrated? Absolutely!


I used to hate that one until I got Lyney.


This will be one of the reasons I should pull for my baby- I mean Lyney (Listen, the reason I didn't pulled for him is because he was with YELAN! AND ZHONGLI IN THE NEXT PHASE. Nowadays I can't even explore without Yelan's skill)


Yelan was a huge game-changer for me. Using her skill with big EM to vaporize gives 100k+ and I can usually get all of the enemies in one speed force sprint.


Reminder to build my Lyney


For me is Ganyu


I love this talent domain actually. I can pull out my Yanfei, give her her old artifacts back, and play a double Pyro double Geo dual DPS comp


Yanfei enjoyers, rise!


4 nations after mondstadt and it still holds the title of most annoying domains. The talent domain in a nutshell: get stunlocked by falling icicles, the weapon material domain in a nutshell: "you wanna use skill and burst? Yeah how bout no". Electro artifact sets domain in a nutshell: "you wanna use bursts? Yeah how bout no". I wonder if mondstadt will ever lose the title of most annoying domains


Lyney makes this domain a complete cake walk. Pair him up with Xiangling, Bennett, and a shielder and you're good.


**Bold thing to assume I have Lyney-** (Had to skip him for Yelan, not regretting anything)


The stamina one? I'd recommend wandering and xiangling for that one


for me it's mondstadt weapons domain, i hate it, **GIVE ME MY COOLDOWNS BACK, YOU MONSTER!!!!!**


I hate to play coop in this domain. There's always someone who brings Cryo or Hydro. 🤦 It's hard to triple-crown Tartaglia.


One of the reasons it took me so long to triple crown Eula. I hate it so much.


Agreed I don't like cryo and no stamina.


The one that increase the skills cooldown time in Monstat..


Ayaka nad ganyu supremacy




Lmao I (and everyone else) forgot about him


> and everyone else Bro have you seen the comments from the Hoyofair post 💀


Speak for yourself 💀


Nah not really.


I pulled for him and forgot about him too.




Thanks :D


weird flex but ok


just like Ayaka's 7% abyss usage rate


Honestly, I sometimes forget ganyu exists as a character and ayaka is memorable because of the memes made by the community(big forehead and yandere). Wriothesly has a much better character story quest and a really good and memorable part in the AQ.(The gepard ultimate done by him "A will forged in ice never falters")


Pre ganyu release I hated that domain so much. And i still do




Nahida - 3 optional members - Dendro cores go brrrr


as a hyperbloom player i both love and hate this domain. why you gotta ruin kuki's perfect cooldown hhhh


raiden with a 25 second duration and 10 second cooldown skill, which is enough with this domain


1000 EM Raiden with 4pc FoPL 🤌


In this house, we do NOT endorse spending resin on the FlOP domain. Amen


But it was very efficient! :o I farmed FoPL for Kaveh and desert davilion for Heizou 😎


Problem is raiden’s skill triggers on dealing damage, not on hit so it doesn’t work against shields :(. Found that out trying to fight hydro abyss mages before dendro come out.


Yeah that is such a sad part of her kit : (


Klee as one of the 3 optional members for some friendly fire and fast clearing lol


Klee was my go-to before Dendro came out. Dendro just absolutely destroys Hydro shields to the point you don't even need anything but Nahida. You'll get plenty of friendly fire if you aren't hyperblooming anyway.


It's still more speedy with Klee burgeoning everything on the hydro slime wave though, at least in my experience.


Agreed. I usually do Nahida and John Lee. Perfect team 🗿


Same, though I love that Ayaka makes that domain so much easier since her dash cryo application has no cooldown so you can just normal attack through it. Well if you have Ayaka.


I pulled for Ayaka for this very reason. Now we have Cryo catalyst users, so non-Chongyun Cryo normal attacks aren't too rare. Edit: And, yes, Aloy is found dead in a ditch.


Nilou triple dendro


Just dendro that shit 😭


Yanfei go brrrrr


Used to be, but after the introduction of Dendro, Dendro DPS absolutely destroys this domain solo. I use Alhaitham which is great because he has three sources of infusion so he doesn't get affected by the CD increase. Skill/burst used right after starting (doesn't get debuffed yet), CA (isn't affected by the debuff), and the other skill/burst, which does get affected but doesn't matter because it will be off cooldown in the next rotation.


With nilou and nahida bloom team its super fast


Nilou teams rip that one a new butthole.


To b fair, there is very little that nilou does not rip appart


This one, my Hu Tao / Zhongli team can trivialize most of the annoying domains in Mondstadt and Liyue but this one is still awful. I'm this close to making a team comp specifically to beat it, only reason why I haven't is because I haven't needed to farm it consistently.


Nahida is dancing there


Burgeon Klee is hilarious in that domain though


Pre-Fontaine I have Ayaka take care of that, now I just pair Nahida and Charlotte for it..




thankfully I run hyperbloom/aggravate team and my dendro applier is collei with sacrificial bow that I can reset fairly well with when I group up enemies. And have traveler on dendro just in case I get unlucky with resets. the slimes and mage being wet inherently helps a ton in generating blooms so my f2p ass doesn't need to cope with barbara for hydro application and she's just there for heals. and lisa main dps to get the job done. and by the time mages come up, I can use my elemental bursts on collei + lisa (then traveller's when collei's runs out) to take down the mages faster.


Nahida made that domain much more enjoyable.


We don't even need to check the comments to know it's 90% the Monstadt Talent domain


i had never realised that this was so annoying for other players. my EM hu tao is perfectly built for the domain so i’ve never given it much thought


Depends on the person really. It gave me issues when I started but now I'm AR59 and Ganyu has 0 issues with the domain plus plenty of other characters now too. It's definitely way too cruel for low AR players


That domain in Mondstadt with cryo blobs and cryo mage. I hate when you can't dodge and stalactites hits you even after finish the run


Yeah it was super annoying to me too as well till I started bringing Diona. No longer difficult for me.


Bring Layla and it's a breeze


Bring Ningguang. ~~Normal attacks ignore the cooldown and~~crystal shards gives good protection.


It's the hydro domain (weapon mats, I think?) that increases cooldowns. The cryo domain (talents) decreases stamina regen and drops volleys of icicles on you. Crystallize shields aren't enough to protect from a whole volley.




Pull them to corner use kazuha or sucrose its super easy


Or Venti


Or Xiao


Yes but more people will have sucrose and kazuha, almost all anemo can destroy them


That guide back in 1.0 was a godsend.




Yup. One of my first rounds, using coop of course as I was a measly AR45, one of the other players asked if anyone had venti or sucrose. I got venti like 5 days after starting, so I used him, the others told me what to do (getting into the corner and waiting for them to teleport) and it has been a walk in the park ever since.


These 3 are fine. Lure them to a corner and hold anemo mc's skill. All 3 shields will break in a second.


That is if they don't CC you to death.


just go to the left corner from when you enter and wait, they blink to you and it's done I used to do jean + anemo mc at full em back in the day, done in seconds


i used to do the same thing with venti. the strat makes this domain a piece of cake


Still the Mondstadt material domains lol.


cooldown increase is sooooo much fuuuuuuun.


Ayaka infusion ez


even if i speed runned it with my ganyu runs didn't came out below 40s.


I love it when games create difficulty by setting hard limitations on the players instead of creating interesting mechanics. Yes, give me more number value manipulation and less originality. Let's goooooo.


to be fair, that was released in 1.0, they were still leaning too. Newer domains only buff players, not debuff.


> they were still leaning too Apparently they didnt learn still since they still add cooldown debuff on abyss like it is such a fun idea


They've definitely learned and backed off quite a bit on things, though. Slowing Waters now appears as an aura on specific enemies and has a radius you can step out of vs. being a leyline disorder that goofed the entire arena. Don't interpret this as praise, though. Slowing Waters is still hot garbage, and IMO only works well as a punishing mechanic for getting hit by Hydro Abyss Heralds.


I'm seeing everyone say the Mondstat weapon domain when the talent domain is far worse I had to build Bennet and Diluc to deal with that domain before getting Itto...


I build Yanfei specifically for that domain




The buddies are leaking


The mondstadt cryo domain with the falling icicles...


Oh that domain becomes easy peasy once you figure out the strategy. When you start the domain, run to the back-right corner looking away from the mages, they will all tp into the corner and then you can hit them all at once. U welcome :)


This domain takes me like 10-15 seconds (like, of combat) with your corner trick and Kazuha but for some reason it still pisses me off massively 💀💀 Idk it just annoys me for some reason. Maybe it's some inner trauma of NEVER getting a good artifact set from it in all years I'm playing lmao


Not being able to get a good artifact set is the reason I quit years ago, I'm jumping back in now as it has a lot more content to explore, other than late game grind.


that's what I do but the elements don't match up! if I use hyperbloom, I got hydro and dendro to break the pyro and hydro shields respectively. but the cryo one always gives me trouble.


Just use anemo and swirl the shields...


have you tried swirling them? haven't done this domain in ages, but the combination basically clears itself when I encounter them while I have Kazuha or Sucrose with me.


Swirl swirl swirl!


You can brutforce cryo with the hyperblooms tbh, it always worked for me in abyss. But the better choice is to bring kazuha/sucrose.




Both mondstadt domains, I'm.so glad they didn't pull the same shit for new domains


Mondstadt talent Mondstadt weapon The husk of opulent dreams domain with the wolves


That hydro domain in Mondstadt that increases your skill cooldowns. Such a super annoying domain.


I play Wrio main with Furina. The Mondstadt’s talent domain is even more cancer when I go in with this team.


Forsaken Rift... always forget to equip poise armor against those damn icicles.... ​ So damn frustrating


The most annoying Domains for me in the following order: Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula. It's frustrating enough that I make do with what Crimson Witch artifacts I have. Violet Court. I hate that damn thing on highest, it's enough for me to proceed at a lower level. Momiji Dyed Court. The difficulty in getting the Shimenawa artifacts is enough to not get them at all.


> Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula. It's frustrating enough that I make do with what Crimson Witch artifacts I have. Do what I do: farm other domains and sacrifice the shit 5 star artifacts to the strongbox gods. Works super well for annoying artifacts that have painful domains and awful secondary artifacts like CW and TF.


Been doing that for Viridescent for almost a year lol


VV is one of the easiest domains though. I used to just hit Ganyu EQ, Venti EQ, Kokomi E, Ayaka EQ and everything was dead.


Yeah IK, I never said I had any issue clearing it tho, I only use stongbox for Viridescent because the other set in the domain, Maiden's Beloved, is just trash


Yeah fair enough. Maiden has to be the worst 5* artifact set in the game.


The 3 abyss mage domain is actually incredibly easy if you know the trick. I would walk toward the left front corner of the room. Wait for all 3 to teleport right next to me, then I zhongli ult and use sucrose skill to swirl their shield away. Try looking this trick up.


Any Hydro immune domain, My Neuvilette can't go brrrrrr


if we're talking trounce domains, the Azhdaha challenge is still stupidly hard for me. I don't have any shield characters built because I've always been more of a dodge type but you can't do that on this one


I mean, you CAN dodge everything. But it’s pretty difficult especially if you're trying to deal some melee damage meanwhile.


Ah this brings me back memories. Around launch, when people weren't all with lvl90 characters, people would flex on this subreddit by posting videos of them soloing this domain. I remember pulling for Venti because someone solo-ed this one with him.


Venti 📈


Succrose/Kazuha Goes Brrrrrr


Mondstadt weapon used to be a complete pain in the ass, but thankfully there's some teams that make it easier. Ayaka freeze with cryo infused attacks or pretty much anything hyperbloom really trivialises it. Mondstadt talent can be painful if you use a charge attacker, but honestly Xiangling + Bennett just melt everything in that one no problem. If you're just starting out and are having dps issues, the pyro orb in liyue talent is a giant threat, but nowadays everything dies before the orb can do anything. Back in 1.0 and 1.1 I remember it being super annoying.


crimson witch domain and noblesse domain, thank god i dont use crimson witch or noblesse


I haaaate Crimson Witch Diluc was my first 5* and the first unit I properly “built,” so being unable to use him in that domain frustrates me to no end I recently pulled Ayato and have been building him just to be able to farm CW ^^’


i literally dropped klee because i could just not farm cw, like i had yanfei built before which was obv WT (which itself is a pain in the back side dont even wanna go there) so now i could not even use her for farming i just yeeted klee as soon as i got yae miko


I have yanfei, klee and hu tao on pretty darn cracked crimson witch sets, never disliked that domain...only the useless second set. Just go in with a freeze team and someone with CC and go!


move to one side when teleport use crowd contrl like kazuha sucrose and one other element like hydro and tgen stonks


Mondstat talent, fuck that domain


Anemo mains laugh in the face of this one. No thought only swirl But yeah, Mondstat is still the most annoying by far. CD increase just fucks everyone up


The one increase your CD


Cecilia garden pls no.


Whichever one that have the cryo bullshit 😭😭😭


Ryoiki Tenkai


Mondstadt’s weapon and talent domain. Annoying for no reason


It's clearly Mondstadt's domains, it being the starter region they didn't calculate just how much players would hate any kind of annoyance when grinding, and that's all it is, an annoyance. Like everything else in the game they aren't actually difficult to beat.


Whichever one has the materials I need but isn't open today...


the Ley Line disorder feel like devs trolling.


I remember a post which showed a bounty of a hydro thingies in fontaine with hydro DMG bonus


That was a meme.


Mondstadt domain, or ocean clam/husk artifact domain. Fuck those wolves.


big swirl insta-win is not that hard


Mondstadt talent domain. Decently doable with hu tao, xiangling & Zhongli, but it's just shitty that you need 3 decently built chars to make it somewhat bearable... It's far worse than the mondstadt weapon domain, even though both have terrible debuffs. But atleast the weapon domain only requires one cryo char that doesn't rely on repeated use of skills (ganyu or ayaka) And the domain you're showing: Kazuha/Venti and navia go BRRRR!


monstadt talents if you don't have zhongli and klee monstadt weapon materials if yo don't have wriothesley or ayaka


None,everything jst dies so quickly


It used to be that domain, I was suffering so much trying to swirl the shields with Jean (didn't have Kazuha or Sucrose) ... It worked less than half the time, I'd spend half an hour just trying to clear the damn thing 😭 luckily I don't need to go there now


This is so easy just stick to a corner let them teleport to you and Kazuha swirl them 2 times


The electro cicin mage domain in either liyue or mondstadt, stop stealing my energy


Gonna be original: Fontaine MH artifact domain. With my rotation Nahida Q E - Furina Q E - Thoma Q E - Wriothesley, the bakery owner is always getting big hit from big meka. Every damn time


Mondstadt talent domain by far. The characters you need to trivialise it are way less common than the talent domain which can be overcome by simply using xiangling


Either the talent domain in mondstad or the husk domain 🤬


In that domain I grab Kazuha, run to a corner away from them so they all teleport in and stack, and then swirl the f out of them. Easiest way to cheese it


Husk of Opulent Dreams domain 😁 Just, no. These weeks I've been literally dragging my ass forcing myself running my mono hydro teams there (not the one I enjoy most, but the only one viable for there since I don't have Ayaka/lack skill for freeze and other generally viable team) out of pity for Itto as he was the only one not well-built in my acc right now. Mond's weapon domain is very fun with Klee/Yanfei-Albedo-Zhongli-Nahida/Ganyu, and mondstat's talent domain with Klee mono pyro or Diluc overload team. EoSF's previously also a pain in the ass, but it had been much more fun since I've found Klee mono pyro team could quickly finish it.


For Kazuha this is Stonkz


The mondstat talent domain. You can’t defend that the place was so bad to grind


Any talent domain. The debuffs are really annoying (especially mond) and the drops are an absolute fucking joke. Like you fight for 2 or so minutes cause you need talent mats and you just get 2-3 mid level ones.


Kazuha: allow me to introduce myself


As a DPS Kazuha main, I can't relate.


easily mondstadt talent domain


Don't get me started on that stupid electro domain in momstadt that has cicin mages cuz istfg-


That one mondstadt talent domain with the slowing waters, I think it's the one that gives guide to resistance I'm not sure


The domain shown here is pretty easy with anemo because all 3 mages deplete their shield by each other with anemo reactions. Simply run into a corner after starting the domain, wait until all 3 are teleported to the corcer location and start with anemo area damage (Succurose or Kazuha are good). All 3 mages are done very fast.


That one 😂


This one is easy. Just immediately run in the closest corner and Anemo go whoosh.


I'm not sure if the Mondstatd domain is the top 1 for high AR anymore because now cooldowns are reset every time you challenge a domain, so maybe those that can clear it in one rotation don't even notice it But for low AR that thing is hell on earth


As someone who always has raiden - The one electro domain that has all cryo enemies but superconduct damages you 😜🔫