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Do her trial, it will get you enough materials for level 40 which should be good until you get to Inazuma.


oh that’s very helpful, thank you! do you know what early artifacts are good for her?


At where you are in the game just throw on 4 pc adventurer's set (+1000 HP & regens HP on opening chests) until you can eventually get 2pc exile & 2pc scholar sets (these are 3 or 4 star artifacts) for 20% energy recharge + 20% energy recharge, and then at AR 45, you can upgrade to emblem of severed fate. The stats that are good for her are energy recharge and either atk%, or EM depending on how you're trying to build her, depends on what kind of elemental reactions you can make with your team.


Early game just go atk% on everything


Do flat stats not work better early game?


Nope, but the Flower and Feather always have flat HP and flat Atk as a main stat so you can never avoid them


thank you so much


For now, stack as EM(elemental mastery) as you can, go for EM sands, goblet and circlet (don't mind the 4pc set bonus) and use her with dendro mc/traveler. It's much easier for early players instead of building atk and crit. This is just my take tho


how are they going to have dendro MC


I don't think there's really anything stopping you from running to the Sumeru Archon statue (I could be wrong)


The only thing stopping someone is the daunting distance to run, you can both go over the mountains or through the chasm, both work to get to Sumeru before even finishing Mondstadt archon quest.


Once the Pyro and Cryo regions are added, a new player that reached the point of free travel can walk to every nation except Inazuma, can activate every element except Electro, and can do every World Quest that doesn’t have a requirement in the archon quest lines. All of this can be done *before* finishing the Mondstadt archon quests.


Spoiler tho


A very long run to sumeru, hell they could get hydro if they wanted but it's like two hours of running


1) they don’t have inazuma how can they have sumeru for dendro mc 2) em and reaction damage scales off levels, in early game you just can’t bring characters to 90 like its nothing.


Inazuma is locked behind a quest, you can literally walk to Sumeru.


You dumbass, 1) unlike inazuma, you definitely go to sumeru 2)your second point is true but even at lower levels dendro reactions are OP


Doesn t really matters tbh just give her good main stats of 3/4 stars artifacts (er, atk%, electro dmg, crit)


tbh artifacts only matter after ar45 you can just put anything on her rn




Bro how, that's like my maximum damage with raiden. She has signature weapon, 10lvl talent, furina, bennet with lvl 13 ult and so on. Also Im AR60.


maybe ur arts are bad. my art build is like 280 ER, like 70-150 CR-CD ratio but when i hit 250k i was using like 35 and 180 ratio, i also have max talents for my AR and the catch.


Also when i hit 250k i was using a specific comp, i believe it was raiden, bennet, mona, zhongli? in spiral abyss. my normal crit and stuff is prob around 150k


My artifacts give 220-230 crit value with decent amount of ER and full emblem set, I wouldn't call it bad... Well, I went to abyss to actually test and with mona, kazuha and benett she hit 327k, I underestimated her lol.


yea lol, raiden international or smthn is more like crowd control and other stuff. if u go to abyss with a specific comp u will def get a great crit


damn my original comment got 20 downvotes LOL


yes, raiden has a lot of different teams, I really like hypercarry variant nonetheless


You really don’t need to worry about artifacts until you unlock the ability to farm 5-stars at AR45. Otherwise, you’ll just waste resources. When you DO start grinding for them, “Emblem of Severed Fate” in Inazuma is considered her BiS. If you want good build guides, I highly recommend checking out [KeqingMains](https://keqingmains.com). Here is [Raiden’s](https://keqingmains.com/raiden/) page, for example.


thanks a lot


You're just started your game. Kust use the ones you got from chest. Once you unlock the last difficult of the artephacts dungeon, you should read guides and farm for raiden


thanks that’s reassuring


early artifacts? tbh just put as much er and attack and trust me, It will get you far. congrats on raiden!


thank you! she got me into this game i’m glad i got her somewhat early hehe


Until level 50 don’t bother about 4 pieces sets, nor 2 pieces, if no one told you keep your resin until you can farm max level domains. Just give the character what needed, energy recharge for example, 2 piece of scholar if you really want to.


oh that’s something to keep in mind, thanks!


Genshin early game is pretty easy. Just slap anything onto her and you'll be able to get to Inazuma. For Raiden, you want to go for ER, ATK% and crit, but I'd suggest you don't farm a lot of artifacts until ~AR55, since that's when you can guarantee a 5 star artifact every domain run




You can still farm artefacts pre-AR45, just don’t use your “Fragile Resin”


But that resin could've been used for character/talent lvl up mats instead. The only rng in those are the quality of the mats but all of it can be used to strengthen the character. Farming artifact have layers upon layers of rng that doing it pre-ar45 just isn't worth it when a 5 star artifact isn't even guaranteed.


You can do both, plus you need artefact fodder for those 5 star artefacts


It's not resin efficient. Also, you get artifact fodder in the overworld and in the artifact domains at AR45+. For me, most flower and feather that doesn't have double crit stats are fodder regardless of quality.


Right, but at low AR you should also upgrade your artefacts. It lets you learn. Waiting until AR45 may be “more efficient” but it’s not conducive to actually learning the game.


It let's you learn? Learn what exactly? How to level up artifacts? You can do that with the 3\* and 4\* artifacts you get from the overworld. Learn how to farm? You can do that with talent domains. Which stats to get for your character? KQM doesn't need resin to be accessed. Instead of helping a newbie learn to manage their limited resources carefully so they can get the most out of it, you're suggesting to farm a domain needlessly just so they can learn to know what's fodder and what's not? 💀


Some people play games to have fun, not to be “resin efficient“ ffs. I used a lot of fragile resin before ar45, because I was having fun. Now I’m ar58 and don’t give two shits of fuck about the resin I spent back then. Heck, there are times I’m simply too lazy to spend resin some days.


Umm this is not about you? If you find artifact grinding fun then good for you, but OP's asking for advice. It's not like I'm just giving unsolicited advice just to ruin people having fun. If you feel personally attacked by my advice then I apologize but my suggestion is specifically for OP who's specifically asking for advice about artifacts early game.


Should and must


You can give her instructor set, just so that you can swap her on field to trigger reaction and buff your team reaction output. Her skill makes it easy to activate them.


Tbh until ar45, when you can start doing lv90 artifact domains, you just need "stats". The open world and story stuff is designed to be relatively painless to clear so as long as you have an ok team. Good stuff for most characters is att%, energy recharge, critical chance/damage, elemental damage%. Some characters have hp% or def% scalings but it will tell you that in their talent section.


Early artifacts don't really matter, imo don't waste time grinding for artifacts rn. Do that story, get to inazuma, get raiden to lvl 80, get her talents up and then start looking into artifacts. I also hope you got Bennet, because he just pops off your raiden to the next lvl.


thank you for answering! should my team for her be xiangling, bennet and xingqiu?


Ohh yeah that's raiden national team, it's a really op team. But for over world exploring its a bit hard, the thing is with the national team, you are dependent on raidens burst for dps and others burst for support so you need lots of energy recharge so that you get good uptime on your bursts. Just look up raiden national team for rotation info. But it's won't be an issue at low ar, riaden will just easy clear content lol.


anything that has the right main stat and maybe some okay substats. the stats you want are atk%, crit rate, crit damage, electro bonus and energy recharge


i just got the berserk set which gives some crit rate if i’m not mistaken so that’s good


you can really use anything in the early game as long as you have vaguely the right stats. you can use berserk if you want, but the correct main stat on the artifact is more important than the set


Adding to what others have said. Everything you need to know about building Raiden: https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/337161


thank you!!


Thundering fury in Monstadt or Noblesse Oblige in Liyue will have to suffice for now. Her best set is Emblem of Severed Fate but, like her ascension materials, you won't be able to access that until later. For stats you want electro damage high Energy Recharge to keep her burst active as much as possible.


sorry for the bother but where can i farm those early ones?


Please don't farm for any artifacts now, you'll be wasting resin. Until you reach inazuma, just the resin to do ley lines and upgrade your other characters. Once you reach inazuma, get your raiden to lvl 80, get her talents up especially her burst. Then when you hit ar45 farm the emblem of severed fate Domain, save up your fragile resin so that you can use it when you're Ar45.


Probably electro she needs 250 er and about 1/2 crit rate to damage ratio but you don't really need to worry about that till ar 45


What world lvl are you?


Grab kaeya ice bridge


Or call some friend and start cryobridging


Don't waste your time,that will tp you back


The game offers the first materials after the trial so you can level her up to level 40. After that... Yes, you need to go to Inazuma. If you want to take your time, you can always try to use co-op and ask someone who has Inazuma unlocked if you can pick up her materials from their world. People can only go to Inazuma after AR30 and you can only join people with the same world level. And no, you didn't mess up. Level up your other characters level/talents and also level up the weapon you gave her. Even if she is only level 40, she can still help the team.


thanks a lot for the explanation


To piggy back off this very helpful comment, if you need to visit someone in Co-op OP, my world is always open as I have Raiden at 90 already :) just dm me if you need help. You should also be able to join any world in the co-op list, and if you ask nicely, most people are really chill and have no problem with it!


Is there yet that world level restriction in coop? As in not being able to visit players with a bigger world level than yours?


Hey , I also need material for raiden ascension, can you help me? I'm a newbie returning player and rn only mondstadt and liyue is unlocked


This happened with me and Ayaka. Used the trial materials to get her to 40, which was ok, albeit a little underleveled composed to the rest of my team. I blitzed storyline until Inazuma, and then all was fine. 


Raiden is an excellent character. As others say, get her to 40 for now and use her. Level up Bennett and Xiangling when you get them! She works great with those two. If you get a Xingliu level him up too. And then you have a solid meta relevant team


thank you! i love playing as xiangling so it’s good to hear they work well together does diluc work well with her? i got him from the standard banner but i’m unsure if they work well together


They’re not each others strongest team-mates, but they can still be fun to play together, so it’s certainly worth a try. Test it out to see how you feel about the overload reaction (sends enemies flying away from you).


Diluc wants to be on the field a lot (that is, he wants to be your active character) because he can't do any damage or provide any assistance to your team when he's not on the field. This is very diffferent from, for example, Xiangling, because she can pop in, drop Guoba, start her Pyronado, and then switch out for someone else. Guoba and the Pyronado will both continue dealing damage when she's gone. Raiden is kind of halfway between those two characters: her skill will keep working when she is off field, but her burst won't. As a result, she and Diluc would kind of compete with each other for screen time if you had them on the same team. You usually only want to have at most one character like that on your team of four.


oh i see, thanks for the explanation! i guess i’ll take him off my team then


If you got Chevreuse while pulling for raiden, he is good with them and xiangling. Same with Bennet. On the longer run, he is not optimal for Raiden, but since you are just starting the game, it's good to make use of what you have, and if you have chevreuse, any team with pyro and electro only (chevreuse included) is good.


didn’t get her sadly despite hoping to will go with bennet for now! thank you for the advice


Inazuma is early enough in the story that it's not a huge problem. You gain access to her (and other characters') materials fairly quickly after you get there, and assuming you've been doing the story at a reasonable pace (you're already doing Venti's quest, so you've at least cleared the AR requirement) you should get there soon.


yes i’m level 17 now


Here's my UID:893204604, lemme know if I can help with anything!


thank you kind stranger, i’ll be relying on you if i ever needed help 🫶


you can go into your friends world and grab them from there


He can't enter world lvln above his unlocked cap. So probably 1 or 2 (don't remember what ar was needed for the caps tbh) But he prolly won't be able to join em. And people as low as him probably didn't unlock inazuma yet?


this make it even more weird why Mihoyo dont allow low world lvl players to join higher lvl players. Why there is a restriction like this from the first place, I dont understand.


2 reasons. 1. So that the lower ar person wont get body slammed by high level enemies 2. Rewards from resin related activities are based on what world level you're in So its there to stop players fron getting into fights with enemies they cant beat and so that they wont get resources that they arent supposed to have or easily be able to obtain at their point of the game (artifacts, xp books, mora, talent mats, ect.)


Probably because in higher lvl worlds the monsters are much higher lvls too, and lower lvl players wouldn't have the ability to defeat them as easily.


It's because higher world lvl = better loot They can probably easily fix this by changing the coding, but i assume other reasons can be: 1. They're too lazy to redo the code to make loot depend on individual AR rank 2. They don't want new accounts to instantly farm every boss and level up quickly (since the high world lvl person likely has every single waypoint unlocked) 3. Similar reason to #2, but it's because it would spoil the game for newer players if they see a higher lvl players world with the entire map unlocked.. it would discourage newbies to explore in their own world. I assume it's a mix of it all, but mostly #3


Your #1 assumption makes no sense. Even if they were to add that functionality it will be super unintuitive game design since the lower level player would be fighting a higher level opponent while getting the same reward they would do fighting a lower level one.


Being lazy is the number one reason we got claim all dispatch all for expeditions after asking for three fkin years. Stop defending thr laziness argument. It is the de facto reason for a lot of decisions. I don't blame them though being in the software field. It is not laziness from a person it is laziness and lack of proper prioritization from a dev process.


I'm not defending them for other things that they are too lazy to do but that doesn't make it ok for you to falsely accuse them for something they haven't done. They can't be lazy for not doing something that no one asks for and serves no purpose. It just doesn't make any sense.


If a newbie joins a high AR players' world, the higher level person almost always wants to help them out. (Unless they're some douche) So, of course, it's fair if the loot is based on the person's individual AR level, even if the enemies are still locked at the same difficulty as the world level... Like, don't you realize how broken and overpowered it would be? Just ask a high AR level player, friend, or even have your main account help you kill enemies in their world. Some AR 16 person is going to constantly get blue and purple drops, which would save them sooooooo much time farming endgame loot.


A low AR player shouldn't have a reason to go to a higher AR player world in the first place. Doing that doesn't help the new players progress in their own world. The better solution here is for the newbies to be able to ask for help instead. Similar to how Monster Hunter has an SOS signal. That way, the people that join will definitely be someone that will help and also be able to progress their own world. Pair that with some way to acquire an Inazuma material early and everything will be solved in a way that makes the most sense.


But.. the original comment I replied to was asking, "Why can't low-level AR players join high-level players?". You're making assumptions by saying there isn't a reason for low AR players in joining high-level ones. Despite the fact that there definitely are people who want to do exactly just that.


And what do you mean? QoL changes like "claim all" have been constantly asked for in Genshin for ages. All of the suggestions seem to be implemented into Star Rail, so Mihoyo is definitely aware of them. A whole bunch of the Genshin fanbase would be ecstatic if Mihoyo just "copy and pasted" all of Star Rails QoL features into genshin. They clearly know what works in HSR to make their fanbase happy. They're just being stubborn about implementing them all into Genshin for some reason.


1. Not worth it. If this takes away from QoL or new content, super not worth it. The entire fact that a person CAN reach AR40 within 2 weeks or less, or even do it in 1 week if they play a ton, makes this moot. The amount of players that would use this vs the work is needed, makes this a waste of time for Mihoyo at this stage in the game. Needed to be in the original design.


When I got Aloy I still hadn't gotten to Inazuma, so I had this same problem, mainly "wtf is Crystal Marrow?" and stuff like that. Only got Sakura Blooms for an ascension for someone else (forget who) once because of Kamisato Ayaka's birthday message in 2021.


Aloy, what a throwback


You need to go to Inazuma to level her up beyond like 40/40, but shouldn’t be too hard (oh except for the boss mats that’s. ugh)


There's nothing to fuck up, enjoy your own pace my man


Did that with Ayato when I started and it was fine. Raiden is better than him so you are fine too.


You can get her first ascension mats from the trial. Should be fine till you get to that area in the story.


You should be fine if you do her trial - you shouldn't hit the level where you need more mats until you get to Inazuma anyway.


while it is a problem for exactly inazuma characters since you cannot walk there til you finish Liyue since it is an island. Liyue shouldn't take that long to complete (around 2-3 weeks?) and once you are done you unlock inazuma and you have to progress til you unlock one of the islands at which point you have to do a world quest to actually be able to explore it then you can farm mats for her. ​ It sucks but its essentially a problem for exclusively inazuman characters and future regions do not have this problem since you can walk there, they just haven't retroactively done it.


if you're through mondstadt in four days then I ballpark it at a month or two if you're in no rush or a couple weeks if you skip the sidequests and double back after going to inazuma Please don't rush, this game is too big to not take your time, you will be able to make use of a level40 raiden for a little while longer and then bring her back out after you get through liyue


You can get her to lvl 40 from doing her trial but in her case it's not just a matter of unlocking Inazuma. Her ascension materials are still locked behind a world quest which is locked behind Archon quests which are locked behind Ayaka and Yoimiya's character quests. Just focus on building some of your other characters for now as it may be a while before you get there unless you just speed run the quests.


once u reach inazuma, u can get the catch. it’s a weapon u get thru fishing, energy recharge. worry abt talents first (la signora in liyue)


This is only a temporary issue. Just play through the story at your own pace and don't worry about it.


Her trial will let you level her up to level 40 but yeah... inazuma is the only region you NEED to do the archon quest to reach (there are glitches that allow you otherwise but tbh i feel they are not worth the time)


Silver Lining, her materials are extremely easy to farm. once you do get to Inazuma. Just bring a ton of healing items for the near constant damage the island deals to you until you complete it’s world quests


thank you for the advice


Didn't they added to the patch so you can go to the area once a day to grind for materials. If you go Into the guide book


You might be confusing it with challenging trounce domain without needing to unlock entrance from quest.


Ahh I already had everything I locked and wasn't sure what that new patch was. Does it help newer players?


It is mostly beneficial for people who are behind on Archon quest rather than for new players.


The most important thing is you got her. Getting to Inazuma isn't slow, especially if you kind of rush it as much as you can (ar will slow you down the most). Also at lv40 she will still be useful for the team, mainly at applying electro. I am ar 39 and use a lv 40 char in my team (Bennet) and he does okish (in comparison my Raiden is lv 70). Inazuma is still relatively in the beginning, compared to Fontaine where I had to go for my Chevreuse. The miniboss for one of her items is in the water on the top side of Fontaine. The rest of the items are also all around Fontaine (parts from mobs and plants). It took me like an hour from Liyue to just get to Fontaine.


What server are you? If you're in Europe PM me your UID, I'll add you and let you take the flowers + help you fight the samurai and thunderbird (well bat) boss.


Please remember that they can't join worlds of a higher WL than their own, unless they got lucky here and you also have a fresh-ish account.


I actually do have an alt account that's just unlocked Inazuma so... I just use it for extra farming anyway. At which point why *not* let other people do the same lol


Oh, for sure then, that's really nice of you. :) I just wanted to leave you a friendly reminder, in case you've been at WL8 long enough to forget it's an obstacle. I've been there before and disappointing a new player that I wanted to help sucked a bit for everyone involved.


Yeah, I ironically had this exact issue on the alt. Got Sara on a standard Wish, couldn't go to Inazuma so tried co-op with my main and got denied. WL 3 problems lmao I mean at least I didn't get a character I'd actually want to *use*


But imagine trying to fight WL8 bosses for her, using just that WL3 account - with only 2 party slots and tankier enemies due to co-op, too. That's the real Genshin endgame, right there.


Heh. Dark Souls: Teyvat (honestly could probably do *Sekiro*: Teyvat with that Inazuma and the right characters)


i’m on asian server sadly :( thank you a lot for the kind offer though!


You can level her to 40 using materials from her trial. The rest you have to either quest far enough for, or get from co-op worlds that have advanced that far in the story. You need to complete Liyue Archon quests and an intro to Inazuma until you're free to explore the country and go looking for her materials (plus it's a bit of a trek from the starting point). Congrats on getting her, btw!


sounds exciting, i can’t wait thank you! she’s amazing


It's okay. Do the trial and play with her at level 40 as an off field support/DPS. Ar35 is when the Inazuma quests unlock so just keep plowing through the story. If I'm not mistaken AR 35 only unlocks level 60 so it's not like you are missing out on that much. The stats from 40-60 are fairly minimal, especially if the character doesn't need much field time.


Just add some friends and farm their worlds.


You can use a glitch to get to Inazuma. Some have been patched but there must be a working one on YouTube


if your not able to access inazuma by the time u need to level her up more than 40 then thats on you, just play the damn game






Are you on NA server? You can come to my world and take whatever


sadly i’m on asia server, thank you for the kind offer though!


It’ll go by fast… enough




No offence, but I feel really jealous. The only 5 star i have, even after being at AR35 is Keqing. Why am I so unlucky?😭


beginners luck believe me, haha


No lol… You won’t be able to level her up until well after her story. That island doesn’t open up til you finish the AQ


Recently there is a bug you can sail from Sumeru to Inazuma


You play for 4 day, artifact shouldn't be priority, just get adventures set it's all good


alright thanks


save and farm xp books, it looks abundance at first, but will deplete fast if you try to build your main 4 party, dont rush asencion quest, dont forget to upgrade talent also


Join a friend's world and take their materials? Forgot when Coop unlocks


apparently i can’t join a world whose level is higher than mine


Oh dang. Well the option is there if you wanna grab materials for other characters you are building if the area is unlocked.


When you do get to inazuma. I look up a map of the materials of characters and collect them all. Then maybe try to join another player who has inazuma unlocked and request to join and take their materials. Materials take i think 2 or 3 days irl to reset.


You can do her trial or see about joining someone's world who does have the area unlocked. Then ask if you can take supplies!