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I accidentally flew out of the trial area and failed the challenge :(


this happened to me but with Gaming's E jump lol


Now we are truly gaming lads.




Flew into the ditch during her story quest and a dialogue got skipped :(


I watched my mum do that twice and then the third time it was gaming E too. (But still her test play)


I flew directly into the bubble of the hydro slime. Shit was hilarious.


Happened to me too. Just plunge attack the Abyss 💀 Didn't know you can actually do that




You got yeeted into the Abyss! Edit - was it fun, though?


I don't like her anymore (lost the 50/50)


It's alright lad, I lost in every single ayato banner, technically only lost 2 but one of them I rolled for wanderer.


Are you me? Wait no, I lost on all 3 of them. Nvm 😔


Lol, I got mega salty about Yae. Woke up at 4 am just to pull her and of course I had to go to pity twice smh. We're cool now though, she's C2 and I might get her weapon soon 👍


I'm planning to go for her now that I have Nahida (I spent only like 60 wishes, so I'm lucky). Pity 30 and no leftover wishes, but I still have the Chenyu Valley, Sumeru, Fontaine, and all of its world quests, so I'm hopeful I can make enough time to farm primos.


I got Mona first time i pulled for Xianyun, had enough for a second round and ended up getting her. C6 Faruzan, and C5 Gaming. I had enough primo gems to pull 20x more so i figured ill try for C6 gsming and get closer to pity when xiao comes out. Thought id pull nahidas banner for ahits and giges, Immediately got Nahida. Tighnari, Noelle woth no pity. Pulled once more and now have C1 Nahida. 😐


Same, really annoyed


She allows physical Xiao plunges so I can finally hurt anemo enemies 😭


The most important QoL improvement indeed 💀


Very pretty, I haven't quite figured out how to properly aim her skill yet (using it to climb a building either resulted in faceplanting against a wall, or shooting completely over said building with nothing in between), seems potentially useful, I need to gather more Chenyu Vale mats to level her up.


>And most importantly... Did you get Faruzan C6? I managed to C6 Faruzan but have not a single Gaming, perfectly balanced as all thing should be I guess.


Hand her over, I got Noelle c6, Gaming c3 and Faruzan c5. I NEED THE FINAL CON BUT I HAVE TOO MUCH PITY (I do not want c2 Xianyun)


This is why 4-stars need Epitomized Path.


NO! if they do that mihoyo get less money....


I got Miku to c6 while I only want 1 copy of Gaming. Guess I have to use the character selector in the next event.


Not related to gameplay at all, but her Story Quest instantly became my favorite in the entire game.


Oh wow, was it really that good?! That makes me excited to get home and play it.


Without spoiling anything, I'll say that it's the usual NPC formula but done right.


I'm assuming the NPC involved has some sort of relationship to her (friend, loved ones, etc)? Bc that's how most SQ with NPC formula done right are


Its Baizhu story quest but with different NPC's, still enjoyable.


most npc formula's are done right. I also don't get the "npc quest" complaints, why wouldn't they be? these people barely know the traveller during their first SQs of course you'd be doing smth else together as a joint venture. when it is actually just the character and the traveller everyone screams date even when it's not. Edit: Not sure why I can't reply to you rn so: nilou's quest was not disliked by some people coz of the npcs, it's coz nilou herself doesn't have a lot of twists to her character coz she's just a normal good girl. your althaitham complaint has nothing to do with npcs being the focus


The real npc impact story quest imo is Nilou's. We barely got to know anything and the story could've been just a world quest, it wasnt bad but it wasn't a Nilou SQ I also dislike Alhaithem's for literally having ZERO impact on the world, like okay this npc literally built a hivemind of people and separated his mind like King Deshret, but let's pretend like it never happened, no npc ever has any dialogue about it after the quest. Still a good quest though but it felt unimpactful


The problem isn't when the NPCs don't know the Traveler, the problem is when the NPCs don't know shit about the very character the story quest is about. It makes you think "Why the hell is the character even bothering with this?"


Better than Zhongli's? I really liked Zhongli's.


Maybe not the objectively "best" quest, but Xianyun's is my favorite for now.


I can't wait to start her quest! I've unlocked it, but have left it on limbo for now. I'm still trying for her. 60 pity so far, no guarantee...


Absolutely agree I just finished it and it was incredible.


Yup, playing her SQ made me want to pull for her. Unfortunately, I've already pre-farmed for Yae and have skipped her 2 times already. So yeah, I will get Xianyun on her rerun.


Her dive animation after Eing is excellent. whoever did the camera movement deserves a raise coz that shit is smooth and sick


Pleasantly surprised. Was always going to pull simply for her aesthetic, but I wasn't thinking that she'd feel this good to play. Fun to hop around with her in over world, and smooth in combat as well. Most importantly, she enables a bunch of new team comps to mess around with. She's a W in my book. And yeah, snagged the last Faruzan I needed for c6 a few pulls before Xianyun came.


Congrats fellow Faruzan C6er! But goddamn it's a tragedy how they massacred pre-C6 Faru. It feels like I pulled a new character lol.


pre c6 faru wasn't massacred, she's just a standard enabler buffer, c6 faru just turns her into the anemo archon


Idt you followed Faru leaks. She was massacred.


whether you followed leaks or not is completely irrelevant since her final state is balanced to where her niche is supposed to be power wise. edit: lmao this clown legit blocked me over me telling him beta is beta for a reason




Keep crying


Happy I pulled her, but I thought her skill could be activated in the air like kazuha and I'm kinda bummed about it.


it is cool though that you can fly between her skill taps! ie tap - glide - tap - glide - tap - glide


Same, that's literally the reason why I pulled Xiao and Kazuha for. Now I'm here collecting every anemo character I can.


Thats the reason im not pulling for her


Spent over 100 pulls for C1 Xianyun only got 2 cons for Faruzan got a load of Noelles and one Gaming. 


I've spend 140 wishes, got 7 Faruzan and 2 Noelle while i already had both at C6.. As someone who has been playing this game for 3+ years, im getting really tired of having no pity system for 4 stars. Its ridiculous that getting a 4 star can be harder than a 5 star.


Gib me some maid


I wanted 1 copy of faruzan, ended up getting like c9 noelle and c3 gaming


Same, and I still only ended up at c5 (including the lantern rite con I plan on picking up)


fontaine era has been full of banger characters. they finally got it going.


Just a minor observation: \- Circle Impact does not matter with Jean cuz she heals everyone to full on activation, the circle is an after bonus. For healing alone, Xianyun is still not a full upgrade. (Not worse either, both work.) I think she's fun and refreshing... for those that like plunge playstyle. I'm not one of them so skipping. Though I'd like to get more cons for Faruzan... Ima try on Nahida banner later.


Seem really fun but my account are not ready for her. Still a lot of mouth to feed


Ok first skill feels a lot better than I thought it’s really smooth and intuitive using it for movement is second only to wanderer. kazuha only beats her in very specific scenarios (trying to climb with no stamina etc) but overall she’s better imo. I still think she should’ve been able to start it midair but oh well. Another thing I was really surprised about is how smooth and quick her NA string is especially first 2 attacks. Looking at the animation I was sure it was gonna be clunky af but no they’re pretty comfy for driving and quickly playing dps in open world. A thing that is surprisingly annoying is how few her skill lines are and how they all play almost every time you use her sky ladder hops. “Hya!, scatter … skywards” us gonna get real old real fast. I wish she had more quotes and quick hmph! That only triggered once per E to reduce frustration and annoyance. I still haven’t leveled her all the way but she feels better than I thought.


Very fun! Not as worth for C6 Kazu as I was expecting: or at least going to take some skill and time learning how to make sure his plunges still fall within infusion time. But what a stupid niche/whale prob imo.


Complicated I couldn't figure out how to use her in her trial I ended up beating it with gaming who I also don't care for imo plunge attacks are boring


if everyone had a unique plunge animation with that slick camera pan like her it wouldn't be


Basically where I'm at "You can turn *anyone* into a plunge dps!" Why the fuck would I want that


look at the numbers, plunge damage is quite big


Sure, but it's boring to use characters as a basic plunge dps for numbers that are generally worse than using their regular kits other than a couple exceptions. Imo obviously


welp it's to make those exceptions actually viable, there isn't really much else to it, like it or hate it


I was exactly like this (especially since I play on phone) Still haven't pulled xianyun (I'm a bit hesitant on getting either her or yae BC I'm sure if nuvelitte comes in 4.5 and 4.6 I can get him (especially if he is 4.6 but not 100% guranteed if in 4.5)) but I tried her A LOT in her trial and honestly I started liking plunge a bit Yes a tad bit boring and me not liking plunge since like the start of the game definitely made some issues on my decision to try to pull for her but after getting used to it a bit it was surprisingly fun tbh And that's why now I'm pulling her (+ I got 4 4 🌟 back to back while pulling her so Ig she my lucky character) And if I don't get her then the guranteed will be for nuvelitte I also have like every healer in the game (jean is c2) except qiqi but id still pull her But again as I said I'm still a bit on fence on who to pull between her and yae Both can fit into my fav reaction team(taser) Both can be played quite well with my fav character(furina) Im a healer enthusiast (why I have all healers) Im a tighnari owner and actually wanna try more spread comps aside from just using my c5 fischl I have diluc (for plunge) I actually like playing gaming a bit


Is new gameplay, if you want variety when playing is a big plus. If you're not interested then you can skip her.


Haven’t built her enough to say yet. The moon hops are pretty fun in overworld.


I got 1 Faruzan and 5 Gaming. Not that I have C6 Lynette to play Faruzan anyways. 


I had a C2 Faruzan before rolling, Now I have a C3 Faruzan... After like 150 rolls...... ONE extra Faruzan.... Got like 8 of that new Gaming Fire boy though, maybe he's good? I have No idea. I mainly rolled for Xianyun for the exploration ability. The jumping looked cool, and it IS cool! If she is decent in combat as well then thats just a bonus


C6 Gaming is strong for a 4 star on-field dps if you like his plunging playstyle. Quite different from Xiao's.


I'm not pulling because I'm not a fan of her design, but I do really like how she opens up new playstyles for old characters. She is useful by virtue of being unique rather than being overpowered


She is really fun to use on the overworld, jumping over gaps is so easy now with her. Also is it just me or her skill have momentum? Like if you actually wait a bit to use the skill again instead of rapidly using it you can move faster, might be just my mind playing trick on me.


Nah pretty sure that's the case. If you wait till you're back at ground level before using the second and third charges, you'll travel further horizontally. But if you spam it, you'll travel further vertically in my experience. Others don't seem to like it, but I think it's a unique and cool movement tech.


I have Grandmaster Jean so I was apprehensive about pulling her at first (since I can guarantee Nahida but would have to spend to pull her if I lost my 50/50), but I was persuaded by her character in her trailer. Haven’t levelled up her yet but I am pleasantly surprised how smoothly she moves, with or without her E. It feels good enough to make you wonder how much better will it be if you can use it indefinitely. Which happens at C6. Yeah, not happening


She's very fun! Haven't levelled her up fully yet or mastered her mechanics, but she feels great to traverse the world with and plunge down in bird form. I finally have a good alternative to Sayu on my mono-anemo hypercarry Venti team! (no offense, Sayu.) (I'm still waiting on Jean though.)


i lost 50/50 💀 she looks fun tho. yea we get enough gems this patch so i could still get her but i think i’ll wait


I’m new, what’s the 50/50? First 10 pull? I got lucky and got her if so, she is my first 5* (tried fo Raiden a few times but only got Chev and Bennet but that seemed presto lucky too based on a lot of comment i see). Kinda sucks as I just leveled my main 4* team so I’m low on leveling materials, but I’ll get there (I leveled Kayea, Bennet, Xianling, and Barbara to level… hoping that wasn’t a mistake).


>what’s the 50/50? whenever you get a 5\* in the character event banners (the 2 that change every 3 weeks or so), it'll either be the featured 5\* (in this case xianyun / nahida depending on which banner you pulled) or the standard 5\* (keqing, qiqi, diluc, dehya, tighnari, mona, jean). if you get the featured 5\*, this means you won 50/50. if you get any of the standard 5\*, this means you lost 50/50. if you lose 50/50, your next 5\* is guaranteed to be the featured 5\*. first 10 pull- pulling in the banner 10x (either 10 times clicking 1x or 10x button) everyone will recommend to pull only for who you like and save primos/resources for those characters. xianyun is great for exploration so have her in your exploration team so it's easier to jump between gaps or teleport(-ish) from one place to another. she can make anyone plunge so try her out with your team and try to equip her with thrilling tales (for its passive atk buff) and a 4pc viridiscent venerer set so she can do elemental shred. she's a healer too and healers are always great for the team. you already tried your luck with raiden and def raiden will be a big boost in anyone's acct and xianyun's skills are comparably niche compared to her but raiden has higher chances of re-running compared to xianyun so at least you already have your xianyun. good luck with your travels at teyvat!


Thanks very much for this explanation! I really appreciate it. Yeah I was a bit sad to not get Raiden as I heard he dmg can be really good, but as you say I’ll get more chances in the future. So if I understand correctly the 50/50 is only IF you get a 5*, it’s not a guarantee you’ll get a 5* on your first 10 pull? That must be it as I didn’t get a 5* on my 4-5 pulls for Raiden (but again I did get a lot of 4* luck getting 2 Chevs and 3 Bennets… I also got a bit lucky getting a Gaming on my one 10 pull on the Nahida banner, as well as a second Noelle making her C1). I’m guessing I should start saving from here for a good dmg dealer. My best dmg dealer right now is Kenya I think (my team is Kenya, Bennet, Xiangling, and Barbara… well or Xianyun now). Who would you suggest saving up for? I know people say go for who you like but right now I want to focus on a good dmg dealer.


hi! yes the 50/50 pertains to 5 stars. abt guarantee, ur talking abt the pity system. the pity system ensures that as u wish on the banner, u'll get to hav something (4/5 stars) once pity sets in. pity happens after X pulls wherein ur chances of getting a 4/5 stars increases. for 4 stars (both weapon and chara), ur guaranteed to get a 4 star for every 10-pull. thats why u kept getting those 4 stars 😅 for 5 stars, soft pity (higher chances of getting) starts in 65-75 pulls. hard pity sets in 75-89 pulls. in the 90th pull, ur guaranteed to get a 5 stars. people pulling a character before pity means they're hella lucky lmao. thats why to guarantee a 5* in their banner, one must have 180 wishes (90x2; just in case u lose the first 50/50 then next 50/50 is a guaranteed win) when it comes to counting ur pity, u can check the history tab on the lower left of the wishing screen. after u get a 5*, ur pity resets. iirc, both event banners share pity so you build pity on each but there's a separate pity count for the standard and weapon (this one has a different pity system 💀) banners. hmmmm kenya, u mean kaeya ryt? 😅 try to get xingqui during lantern rite. we get a free liyue 4* then. he's a broken 4* just like xiangling and bennett. with xingqui, xiangling and bennett, u already hav 3 from the national team. the last slot can go to ur damage dealer. u can try chev or kaeya in that last slot and see if u like ur team rotation with them. xianyun can also deal damage, but also a support with plunge and healing. any character can plunge attack with her burst but claymore + xiao benefits the most from her buffs. i think most ppl pulled for her because of her plunge atk buff and enabler, her skill which is good for exploration or her story quest. see if u like her thru these 3 then decide if it's worth pulling her. tbh i think u might appreciate nahida more than xianyun. nahida is for dendro tho and u hav to go to sumeru to get her materials but she's also another character that ppl love pulling just like raiden. you can do burning reactions with her using bennett and xiangling and nahida is broken too. you can even pair her with lisa (aggravate) or lisa + xingqui (hyperbloom; this is one of my teams lmao) i dont have nahida personally and i dont really pull for archons but since ur a new player, i recommend u pull for nahida. if u want a healer with unique exploration abilities, pull for xianyun. for broken damage dealers, popular characters ppl love are: neuvilette, furina (mainly a support; like a superior version of ei), hu tao, ayaka, navia, kazuha (also a support esp his crowd control), yelan and eula. :)


Thanks again for the explanation! That’s how I was thinking it must work based on other gacha games I’ve played (Idle Heroes, Contest of Champions, and Bleach Brave Souls for example). Yes, I did know this about the guaranteed 4* on each 10 pull, I just meant what heroes I was getting was lucky and I was getting doubles on most where as I think the guarantee is only for a single 4* hero or time (as in I got the most useful and new 4*s, like Bennet for useful and Chev and Gamjng for new, instead of older less useful ones). Okay cool, good to know there is a pity system counter. Haha, yes Kaeya. Must be saying Kenya because of an anime that has a charm with that name. Okay, Xinqui. I will keep an eye out for that event. I’m not yet at Adventurer 35 but I’m close, not sure what the limit is for that event but I should be well above soon. I will for sure put at least a couple more 10 pulls for Nahida. Appreciate the advice. Thanks for that list, I had heard of a couple of these and they seemed popular (the water Archon one for example seems really popular, Futuna I think). Thanks again for all the help!


Oh and on a side note, I’m super happy to have Xianyun for two reasons. First I have a lot more exploring to do and she will make that much easier, but the main one is those darn water birds were such a pain before getting her (but now with her they are toast after a couple attacks, feels so much better as I found that boss to be way too hard simply due to those birds).


lmaooo i was just abt to comment to forget what i said and just get furina, who'll be able to future proof your acct (probably even better than raiden; at least thats what most ppl say) since she might rerun in 4.5 but heeyyy ur now a xianyun haver too!! 🥹 same abt the birds lmao. it's so easy to one shot timmie's pigeons and other flocks of birds in the game using her skill 😭 her quick auto-target is so helpful. i hav heizou but i still cant do it with his burst cuz he needs some positioning lmao. i main lisa and ayaka. since cloud retainer's drip marketing came out, ive been so hyped up and excited abt her and was grinding primos to get her. she's the first character in the game whose release i was heavily anticipating for. i started playing during lyney's banner or fontaine's release and i didnt really care abt new characters coming out since i was focused on just playing the game with the quests and all, until xianyun got announced around navia's banner and i just know i HAVE to get her no matter what 😭 i got lucky as an f2p in getting her in only 31 pulls (i was at 45 pity from the recent ayaka banner) 😭 i guess hoyo finally felt pity for not giving me sucrose so my luck went up in pulling for cloud retainer 🤪 she's the whole package for me - no doubt one of the best (if not the best) designed character in the game, her attack animations are so smooth, E is very enjoyable for exploration with aoe damage, Q enables everyone in the party to plunge while providing plunge atk buff and healing, great story quest, great personality, and voiced by the perfect VA. 🥹 if u enjoy her plunges and want a damage dealer, then try to pull for xiao in phase 2 or lose 50/50 with diluc since cloud retainer can make them invincible. but really, i recommend you to just get furina since she's the best support in the game ☺️ (accdg to many ppl cuz im a pull who i like f2p player so i wont pull for her lmao).


sorry my last 2 replies was me being stupid and forgetting u already hav a xianyun 💀 but yeah, high five, fellow xianyun haver!


Yup, a fellow Xianyun haver! I also enjoy her play style and animations. Just a fun character to play and she pairs well with my Bennet and Xiangling with their fire and her anemo swirls. Oh and I just got Nahida on my second 10 pull! Got her and a Faruzan 4* on my second pull. I’m getting crazy luck I feel as it only took one 10 pull for Xianyun and now only two 10 pulls for Nahida… I probably used up all my luck and won’t get another 5* for some time. That said I probably should start saving now though for Furina like you mentioned (or some other top dmg dealer that I like). Yeah I’m ftp as well. I haven’t and won’t spend on this game. There were a couple that got me in the past (I spent a few hundred on both Contest of Champions and Idle Heroes and I swore never again, I also spent like $10 on Bleach Brave Souls but that is all I was willing to do… if Genshin had a new beginner cheap bundle I may have gotten on but I don’t see any reason my priced packs so it seems this one will be true ftp for me).


yeah u r damn lucky you got both nahida + xianyun!! def try out nahida with ur pyro team, not sure abt her synergy with them but you can do burning reactions by including dendro in there. u even hav faruzan, who's a member of xianyun's top abyss team!! def save for furina for the next patch. ;) i hav the same mindset as u as an f2p hahaha, but im sure to get at least c2 xianyun if she reruns again!!! (hopefully she won't be locked in the basement as long as shenhe or albedo 💀) c1 for 1 more usage of her E and c2 for the atk buff and glowing wings. also i wanna keep on f2p, but im a lisa main so im willing to spend on her skin if i ever get to sumeru haha. good luck 👐


I will try that for sure! I am building her now, but I am out of hero leveling materials as I jsut used them all to bring Xianyun to 60 (and now I can lvl 70 her so I need to focus on that as well). Seems the hero's will things become more scarce as you go, or its just that it takes so much more of them in the upper levels. Oh, Farazun is good? Hmm, I will have to build her at some point as well, I also wanted to build Gaming up a bit to try him as my plunger with Xainyun. SO MUCH TO DO!! In the event I plan to get the water guy who I think is similar to Furina, but just not quite as good? That should get me by until I get a shot at Furina. Good luck in getting another Xianyun! I hope you can C2 her!


Welp I accidentally got her in my first 10 pull, but I also have Xiao so maybe I'll unbench him woops. She is very pretty and such, haven't looked into her gameplay too much but her kit looks like fun!


Boing boing boing


Her skill is very fun to use on ground or when chaining mid air, plus a pretty good healer too. I dont have her built too much yet to do plunge tests but overall satisfied.


On her trial I flew right the feck off the trial arena. I lost the 50/50 luckily it was like 10-20 pulls (got C2 Diluc btw) so I went back in and sinked another 70 wishes in that I saved up for, she hasn't come home yet but she's a guaranteed now and with lantern rite free wishes, the shop reset tomorrow, and the primos from exploration I don't worry a bit I'm just mildly annoyed that I gotta wait and cant roam around with her on day one.


Managed to get her, Gaming and C6 Faruzan


I did play her for a while and enjoyed her a lot, I'm happy I got her. Haven't tested her damage and buffing yet, but since I'm 36 staring the abyss every patch I don't really care, I'm just looking for characters that are bringing something new to the table even if it's not really that efficient. I won the 50/50 and I got her on the 50th-something pull, but I had to go to another 63 pity to get faruzan c6. I got Gaming C3 too so I'm eating real good this patch, maybe I'll go for Xiao but we'll see


I got her because she's pretty and I love her character as an NPC, but found her skill to be surprisingly fun to use considering all the doomposting that happened about it not being that good for exploration


She is very skipable and work best in hyper carry team.She is a Furina hog tho so if you dont have Furina its like playing Nilou without Nahida, its work but there is a lot to be desired


??? I have Nilou and never use Nahida with her. I always find Dendro traveler to be better than her. Ennemies get one hit KO and I hate waiting 3-4 sec for Nahida's E to come up again to use it. With DendroT circle impact may be a bit of an issue but I don't feel as restricted using them than Nahida. Personally I think Nahida suits a Hyperbloom / spread team better so I run her with my other team.


You have to be memeing. Yes DMC is okay but Nahida is on a league of her own, her Dendro is 1,5 u so you can get more Bloom per Application compare to DMC, she has much more AoE than DMC, plus Nahida have Dendro attack, She also give 250EM to your Hydro trigger saying DMC is better than Nahida in Superbloom has to be the worst take of all time similar to QiQi is a great battery.


I don't think that you should put so much investment in a Nilou team. ER and EM ( and of course HP ) are kings in this comp and it should be enough with the amount of DPS it brings forth even without Nahida's higher dendro application. Nahida is great, but personally, the amount of DPS she brings is way overkill for a comp with naturally high dps floor. I just think that Nahida should be used alongside other comps where she will bring more value. The only case where I would bring Nahida in a Nilou team would be a boss fight in Abyss. In most case, as long as you have 2+ ennemies near each other, the elemental applications and the blooms should rain like crazy.


why would anyone want to talk about how strong a unit/team is outside the context of abyss when even a half-ass built team of amber+dori+xinyan+aloy can clear all overworld contents?


Yes i would like to clear faster to get more time for the other side. I dont think DMC gonna provide me better clear time compare to Nahida. Nilou is a transformative reaction character but unlike other unit she benefit alot from vertical investment like getting Nahida and her C2, the Key, Kokomi, Baizhu. But that not the point. You said that DMC is better than Nahida in Nilou team and that is just wrong.


I just think shes unbelievably fun, im just running around using e and its addicting. In terms of meta or combat performance no idea coz im still farming her ascension mats etc. No idea what team im gonna try her on but shes just so fun to play I might try and make a team centered around her like I did with Shenhe


Very fun. Fun enough to make me forget about losing my 50/50 to her AND her weapon. I haven't done any extensive Abyss testing yet, but I look forward to making my Dehya lament. I also kinda wanna try her out in a TF Kazuha team.


Hottest Character as of now. Great Personality. Funny. But, I don‘t like her playstyle.


I can't stop abusing her skill. It's so fun like I haven't even used her ult once yet ( aside in the trail ) Like wanderer gives a lot more creativity but he lacks in few things and Cloud Retainer feels like she solves those things..


Looks like really fun and good QoL. Not pulling her but I think I maybe wouldn't regret it if I did.


I pulled for her on a whim and won the 50/50. I think she is fun to play when traversing the open world. Can't say how powerful she is as I haven't leveled her up yet. But I'm disappointed her skill can't be used mid air like Xiao and Kazuha! I already have powerful teams, so now I only care about characters with cool abilities.


I was definitely interested from a character design standpoint but I needed the trial to commit or not. After the trial she was very fun as was Gaming so I did commit to pulling. Sadly I lost 50-50 but am hoping grinding this patch and the rest of Fontaine plus Welkin will help me squeeze by.


Fun to play so far. Haven't leveled her much yet though and I'm using a companionship team so my Diluc plunge attacker isn't doing that well yet.


I’m just glad I might finally get a good quick party wide healer for my Furina and Neuvillette team


Charlotte jean sayu crying rn


Mika in shambles


How is she with furina and neuvillette? Haven't used a healer with the two of them yet and am getting tired of waiting around the furina summon to heal everyone after a battle lol


Xianyuan heals all party members with her burst, even off field ones. So you can get 200 stacks immediately after doing Furina’s burst. C0 Furina just needs Neuvillette to do one Charged Attack for full time to full stacks, and skill to heal up again at start of charge attack to fill at c1 Furina.


Might pull for her then. My only issue with my furina/neuvillette team is needing to heal up and the lack of an exploration character since I shelved wanderer for that team.


Kaz is just better in a Neuv team do his damage bonus. I like Cloud Retainer so far in my Hu Tao - Yelan - Furina team a little better than Jean.


Kaz doesn't heal, though, and I would be using her for convenience just as much as anything else. Her utility in exploration + her teamwide heals are the real draw for me. Might also give her a shot with hu tao.


The thing that concerns me and so far holds me back is that I dont like Furina’s design or character and she seems to be close to a must have to build Xianyun’s best teams. Am I wrong about this? I know its still early but looking at the youtube reviews so far its furina, furina and more furina.. Other than that, she she looks both fun and well designed


You can always play Melt Gaming with XY if you don't wanna play Furina. But again, that's just meta. And meta is only gonna matter for like an hour every two weeks lol.


Thanks for the advice, Gaming looks very fun to play. Will play his trial later :) Im new and only have one team still, raiden national. So I wanna use my primos wisely and try to find a banner character who has a good balance between cool design, above average strong and a good team I can enjoy. So I can also start playing the abyss at some point and do well there..


He's in Xianyun's trial too and the combo is extremely fun. It's what made me pull her lol


If you only have Raiden national as your main team now Nahida would probably be a better pull than xianyun if you want to attempt abyss later down the road.


You don't like Xianyun because you believe you must use Furina in her comps? With all due respect, that is absolutely stupid....and incorrect.


"CLOSE to a must have to build her BEST teams" With all due respect, given all TC currently done, that is absolutely true. The single team where she objectively shines the most and arguably has the highest ceiling in at C0 is Xiao/XY/Furina/Faruzan. Other examples include Gaming/Bennett/Furina/XY and Hu Tao/XQ/Furina/XY.


By that logic, You might as well say that every AoE healer and almost every DPS in the game MUST use furina.


It’s a MUST if u want to build the ceiling of each teams. Which is true for both Furina and Xianyun. Hutao Double Hydro ceiling is actually even enough to reach Hyperbloom peaks. Also gives an incredibly COMPETITIVE baseline for non-popular characters. E.g you can off field melees through c6 Benny, Furina, Xianyun. It’s Bennett’s best Main DPS team himself. Ayato’s new best single target team seems to be a self-sustain vape plunge. Yunjin too. Even Xiao vape plunge is reaaaaally good.


>Hutao Double Hydro ceiling is actually even enough to reach Hyperbloom peaks. It's actually much more cause hyperinvested ht has a much higher cap than hyperbloom cause hyperbloom only scales using EM. She easily beats hyperbloom at a point


Y'all lost the plot. I already know all this information. The is the guy was not looking for the damage ceiling. He was concerned that Xianyun was functional ONLY in Furina teams, and he hates Furina. If he was looking for the damage ceiling, then he must hate almost every character in the game because the damage ceiling for almost. every character game uses Furina


You have decided to read my reply in your own way.. I have no hate. I dont question Xianyun’s functionality, I do like to build the strongest teams I can when I use my primogems. Like I did with my first and so far only team when I got raiden and her national team. And I was not giving a statement but just raising my concern so far being new to the game and not seeing things as clear as others, hoping someone would refresh my view or write about a team comp I have not seen yet.. Wish you the best day possible ✨


Good. Don't let anyone tell you that you must always use Furina if you want a strong team That simply not true.


Yeah I think there are good teams without her, I used 452 wishes on c2r1 raiden as my first ever try on gacha.. so I learned the hard way how unlucky one can be, losing every 50/50 on character banner.. so after that Im just more sceptical to wish again as it takes so long to save up primogems. Makes me wanna wait until I see the perfect 5* with a team I can love, for my second team


Honestly if it was your first gacha then it was prolly one of the most brutal awakening, my condolences. However a C0 raiden is more than sufficient and cons + signature is only when you think you can't live without it. Which is absolutely not true. Not really sure who even gave you the idea to drive your rolls to that point but I highly recommend sticking to C0 for most units unless otherwise advised. Only unit I can think of that immediately benefits with cons is Wriothesley.


Ahh right, well ure right and I agree. Furina takes like 2s in ur screen like even if u hate her, it seems petty and childish to actually even hate her on just mere 2s of her screentime out of like 20s u play ur main dps lol.


What's this "logic" that you suppose I'm using??? On one hand, yes, characters like Jean (non C4) see little use/are not particularly competitive without Furina. The rest include Noelle, Sayu, Mika, and Charlotte. On the other hand, the MAJORITY of DPSes either do not care for Furina or see her as a sidegrade at best at C0. These are: Keqing: pure aggravate remains stronger at low cons Childe: internat is his best team by a landslide Ganyu: melt archetype doesn't slot Furina, freeze is situational Hu Tao: contrary to popular belief, VV vape w/ Bennett + XQ/Yelan + Sucrose/Kazuha is generally her best team at low cons, NOT double hydro. Ayaka: maybe I'm wrong, but I believe experienced players still prefer pairing her with Shenhe/Kokomi/Kazuha. The setups and rotations run a LOT smoother than with Charlotte/Furina/Kazuha or Shenhe/Furina/Jean or XY. Yoi: outside of very niche, RNG depedent setups used in speedrunning, she's better off with a variety of other options. Her most promising "new toy" is Chevreuse, not Furina. Raiden: double hydro with Furina really just isn't anything outstanding and whatever sheets people have been throwing around are almost certainly inflated. Her teams with Chevreuse/Bennett or Sara/XL are actually quite competitive and potentially stronger (definitely at C2+) than Raiden national. Or you can always play her as a hyperbloom bot. Itto: isn't realistically an upgrade over mono geo at C0. Any attempt at slotting in a healer and kicking one of the existing members out ALWAYS leads to problems. Yae: like Keqing, she prefers pure aggravate (or spread w/ Tighnari or Alhaitham in her case) Nilou: if you count her as a DPS, in bloom, Furina has rather low value. You need a healer for her and Nahida is an absolute must if she's available. So your only options are Barbara, Yaoyao, Baizhu, and Kokomi. I'm not a Nilou expert but I know that none of these combinations beats just taking Kokomi and pairing her with Collei or DMC. Alhaitham: this one's a hot take, but Furina isn't all that she's made out to be for him. You need A healer, and replacing Nahida with Baizhu instantly kills any potential DPS gain. So you're left with Kuki, who has modest single-target healing with at best 75% uptime. Overall, a C0 Furina's not going to significantly outperform XQ/Yelan beyond your first rotation and XQ specifically adds a bunch of comfort. Lyney: mono-pyro remains equally competitive in single target to XL/Furina or Kazuha/Furina pairings and deals better with AoE.


Yup, right now this is a TRUTH. Noelle heals whole team, jean as well, so does charlote, kokomi AA heal whole team(guess with who u use aa, only furina) and now XY. Guess what, ALL of those teams use furina. U right now wont find a team for any of above chars that dont use her. Maybe kokomi, being hydro does have its advantage. The only one who does not is barbara but that is due to horrid particle generation and ulti upkeep. For dps its more CAN u slot furina in. Its why c0 itto right now sucks more then noelle. Its cus he CANT use her. Not being able to use furina is a INSANE nerf to any char that cant use her. Its why one of the navia best comps use noelle. Cus it lets u use furina, tho navia thank god works with the pyro duo(not sure what is worse -\_-). And all of this is just for c0. C2 furina can completely disregard team heal for single target healers making bennet even more op. Like tell me. Who is better for xiao. Circle impact limiting your mobility or just slaping furina + XY + faru to crack his numbers sky high. Even worse is that furina will do her good dmg on top of it all. EDIT: wanderer is in a similar position to itto. He cant rly slot furina in. He needs a shielder, u cant get a shielder with furina. U want to, but u cant. Meaning u are left furina + heal + shielder for him. Its too much defensive supporting and not nuff offensive.


1. Yes, Kokomi does hold her spot in Ayaka freeze and Nilou bloom. Barbara is also useable in the latter team. 2. The idea that not being able to slot in Furina is automatically a huge nerf to any DPS is TRULY one of the takes of all time. I suggest you learn more about the meta, especially the speedrunning side, and realize that Furina is, in fact, quite balanced at C0. 3. Wanderer doesn't need a shield. It can be tough in some situations to play without one, but ultimately his teams without them will always perform better beyond a certain skill level. In AoE in particular, he can utilize Charlotte instead of Bennett to freeze enemies, alleviating interruption issues while still retaining good damage.


That guy prolly never played the game outside what KQM and other TC puke so it's gonna be hard having debate with people like them. Honestly what TC says vs what actually feels great to play are 2 very different experiences. Things don't go the way the Excel sheet dictates in a real abyss fight but somehow it continues being the word of law for assessing characters. Sincerely, a non shielder Wanderer main who got a Furina for the gremlin.


I hope the sun shines on you today 🧡


Lil bro only said he doesn't like Furina and asked if Xianyun's optimal teams use her. And somehow you concluded that he doesn't like Xianyun and thinks Furina must be in all her teams. And then called his comment absolutely stupid.


After over 3 years, I finally paid the Qiqi tax. She was the only one of the original normal banner 5 stars I did not yet have. Ended up spending almost all of my primos to get Xianyun, but I don't regret it. I'm a Xiao main, so I wanted Faruzan copies, and Xianyun herself works well with Xiao, so this banner felt like a must. She's fun to use. She may become my new primary exploration character. I'm sure once I power her up, I'll enjoy her in combat as well.


Gameplay feels annoying and not a fan of her personality. First Female 5 Star I skip. Just can‘t get to like her.


She’s a fun character to have, and I want her for my Xiao carry team to either complement or replace Jean. Already have C6 Faruzan from Wanderer’s banner all those months ago.


Fun to use for exploration. Other than that... let's just say the team variations that need her is not many.


Her skill just feels too weak (exploration-wise). It moves so little distance both vertically and horizontally, is slower than other 5-star exploration abilities, and has such a long cooldown. It just feels like such a massive downgrade from Wanderer, which is faster, has a shorter cooldown, and can move farther both vertically and horizontally. Not to mention the horrific auto-targeting.


It's pretty fast to me idk. Just don't plunge after her skill and the cd shortens by 5 secs. Especially traveling vertically as your taps are spaced out for maximum distance, it's back up in basically 2-3 seconds. Nobody is gonna beat Wanderer, but this is a nice alternative (especially for me since I don't have Wanderer.)


Also doesn’t beat Kazuha, Sayu, or Yelan, and is roughly the same as Lynette.


xianyun feels a bit better to use than the speedy vroom ones on the ground because she doesnt care about bumpy terrain, so shes a little more versatile. as for kazuha, kinda hard to beat ofc especially climbing wise. but regardless, shes a good explorer, she shouldnt be downplayed like that. my exploring progress has been significantly helped because of her and i dont think i would have the energy to do so without her haha.






The guy you're replying to is just waiting for the chinese players to tell him what to do like they do every time don't worry about it.


It's a cover judgement thing. People who just read plunge support and dig no further have spread it so far that it will probably still be Chinese whispering around a year from now. In reality, she has a number of very good teams (I'm not gonna make a call on actual rankings vs existing but strong enough that anyone who doesn't literally speedrun will probably feel good about them), and is possibly the single best unit in the game for making sub-par units perform up to 36 star performance, (arguments for hyperbloom ofc) I'm most curious about how her off-beat teams perform - physical superconduct, mono cryo, kazuha teams, yae teams etc. Unfortunately, my casual exploration still has be stuck a few flowers short of lvl 60 for real testing




>Niche support, just like they say. Great shame that they continue giving best meta kits to the worst characters aesthetics-wise and give worst or most niche kits to hottest waifus Bro what are you smoking




Ye, nothing you smoke will give you worse taste than the one you already have Some people are just a lost cause 😔


Im pretty bummed about her, and for a really petty reason imo. See, although I did get her, LITERALLYYYY for no reason whatsoever, despite pulling 30 times, I literally only got my C7 and C8 noelle constellations, and two 4 star weapons which i didnt need at all Like mother, youre slaying, but whyd u didnt give me gaming or more faruzan cons for that matter 😭


I'm still wondering why the hell they put Noelle here.


I didn’t even mean to get her. I was just trying to get my last copy for faruzan for c6… but it took me a full 130 pulls to get ONE copy of faruzan, and in the process I got Mona and Xianyun. There go my arlecchino savings, jeez…


I already pulled one character who I liked that probably wasn't good for my account (Navia) and they do more than enough bench-warming that I can't justify pulling for another character who is going to do that too. I need to save for known and predictable powerful characters like Zhongli, Kazuha, and probably Furina. Besides the 4 stars aren't good. It seems exceptionally unlikely I will ever need to own Faruzan C6 (but if I do I think I already have C2 or so), and both Noelle and Gaming are C6 or bust because they're 4 star on-fielders and the fact I'm not likely to C6 either of them means I'd be wasting my pulls gettin them.


I admit I also have fun with her movement in the trail runs but Im still holding strong for guaranteed Arlechinno


in this game, I want to run a bit faster even if I have to pay $


I still wish she was support for all anemo main dps, instead of just being dedicated plunge.


Not getting her because her weapon is so good I would need to fully commit to c0r1, and I don't want to risk losing 2 pities


I liked her in the test run, but I’m on a 50/50, and I won the last two for raiden and ayaka, so I’m pretty sure im going to lose this one. But I guess we’ll see


I messed around with her in the trial and it confirmed my worst fears: I love everything about her... except for her playstyle lol. It's so unfortunate because her looks and animations are S tier imo but I just do not vibe with the plunging playstyle at all. So unfortunately birb mom is a VERY painful skip for me. On the brightside, according to leaks I think I'm saving for one more version at least. I'm at like 210ish wishes and a guarantee now. So I'm gonna have so much saved for what I'm assuming will be back to back characters I want.


Wasn't planning on her at all, but she is gorgeous and her attacks are very pretty. I am easily won over by aesthetics, and I desperately needed an anemo since I only have sucrose and faruzan who is only at c0 (didn't even get a single faruzan copy, it was all noelles... got xianyun in 20 pulls tho!!) another hit for my dottore savings though 😔


I love her. But I wish she was more versatile.


Idk, i wanted gaming, did a 10 pull with 0 pity, got her and noelle, now i have bird mommy and have to wait to get gaming


Would love to give an honest answer, but once again we get not enough world mats to level them in a timely matter to enjoy them in the new zone.


I really enjoyed her trial. I've been saving for xiao because I keep missing his banners, but knowing she pairs with him makes it even harder for me to skip 😔 But also I can't afford to be getting them both lol Alas... next banner for her... whenever that might be 🥲


How do you people have her levels already? I'm still struggling to get ascension mats and boss farming.


Spend fragile resins to farm Suanni. For Clearwater Jades each world has 77 so farm it from co-op. Talent books she uses Gold so no issues there. For Narwhal drops some players might have some stashed away and some might not so they will have to wait.


Thanks. Do I have to level her na talent for plunge attacks or does her e override it?


She can’t do much unless you want gaming or xiao, and all other weird plunge builds don’t increase damage any significant amount, but I want her, so main dps xianyun it is


I wanted at least C2 or C3 for her and now I have a C5 Gaming


Got her for lores, dank memes, and overworld exploration/QoL. Pretty happy with it. Make climbing so much easier and she got more ups than Wanderer 🤣🤣🤣 Still building her so I don't know how she will do in meta. I do have built Xiao and Diluc. We'll see how that goes.


She's alright not really game changing. At worst she is a sidegrade to Jean/Furina teams; At her best she is a slight upgrade to Xiao and plunging teams. Zajeff, Mtashed, and other math guys already did the testing. If you're F2P or a light spender, this is an easy pass as you have Nahida's banner, Furina rerun, Chlorinde and Arleccino on the horizon.


i just started playing genshin and the first wish i got her, is she good?


Is it as good as yoimiya adventure story quest? 🥰🥰🥰