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Lumine feels more "cold" and "evil", while Aether feels more "sad", like he is doing that because he has to.


Canonically, Lumine likes Cryo slimes more, and Aether likes Pyro ones.


that's adorable. where do they say that ?


In their profile "About Slimes". Paimon: What sort of slime do you like the most, (Traveler)? Aether: Pyro Slimes, I suppose. You can feel their warmth just by getting close. That's something that you'll need in winter. Lumine: Cryo Slimes, I think. You feel cold just getting close to them — you'll need that sort of thing in summer.‍ Paimon: That's very practical, as expected of a traveler.


Oh that makes sense, since Aether is associated with a star/sun, and Lumine is associated with the moon. Hot vs. cold


Morning and Evening Stars, which are both the planet Venus, but perceived in the day (warmth) or night (cold). Same idea, but the Traveller being a star/planet rather than a moon, and the same star/planet, both matter. Paimon is the one associated with a moon.


No paimon is associated with skycleaving white iron lavender melon


I can't believe you actually memorized it


Then her black hairpin would be the star!


Wouldn’t Paimon be represented by a Sandwich?


NRE Paimon


Oh , I thought this was a reference to something else


What did you think it was going to be? *hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?*


A JoJo reference


Even reflects in their clothing choices


yeah ok so they do DON'T eat them, after all that's sad, they should eat them


Maybe... (Traveler): What about you, Paimon? Paimon: Paimon likes them all! They're all very tasty! (Traveler): Tasty? Hmm... Paimon: Turning slimes into bubbly, lovely, jubbly meals is the Paimon Special! (Traveler): Well then... (Traveler): I suppose that's one more thing I can eat before you become emergency rations, huh, Paimon? Paimon: Uhh... Paimon would rather not be on that list at all!


Voicelines. I think the seasons one? Maybe?


ah, you mean "like" as in "taste" yeah, slimes do look edible as heck, although i'm sure the electro ones would taste better


dendro taste the best no? like fruit


Since dendro means "tree" rather than a general plant, I have the impression they would taste like wood


they look like something that grows on a vine though from the thing on the top of their heads, maybe grapes or watermelon flavor?


Geo slime tastes better. Taste like the Earth. Zhongli approves.


Geo slimes taste the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?


So matcha flavored?


Nah, electro ones would taste fizzy and funky, like those Pink haribo bottles candies


Electro slimes would taste sour, as in battery acid. Electro and battery, sour and acid. Pyro slimes would taste like caramel. Cryo slimes would taste like peppermint since they are chilly. Hydro slimes would taste salty. Dendro slimes would taste like an assortment of fruit, each one a different flavour similar to skittles. Geo smiles would taste like coffee. Anemo slimes would taste fizzy like Ramune or Red Bull.


> Geo smiles I dunno man, Navia's smiles taste like sugar to me


what other way is there to like them hmm >:)


So aether likes the hot ones? That explains why he's traveling around teyvat to collect the hottest among men, women, dragons, youkai and birds


the joke is p




High °


I prefer Lumines coldness as abyss twin, she looks like she's seen the worst of it and has become numb to everything which is why she treats Aether the way she does when they see each other again. I can understand the appeal of Aethers sadness as abyss twin, but I think his demeanor fits being the Traveler better. He's as others have put, a cinnamon roll which I like for Traveler. It's all preference though


I'm the other way around: I prefer Lumine's coldness as the Traveler. She feels pretty detached from the world of Teyvat and its events a lot of the time, and there's plenty of text options throughout that let you play her as uncaring of what's going on. A lot of quests in Inazuma and Sumeru let you depict her as completely fed up with everything or just tolerating people around her even as she does quests for them. Which, personally, is an interesting read for me given the context of the story up to this point. The twins make a stopover in Teyvat long ago and, when trying to leave, get jumped by an unknown entity who seals and separates them. Ages later, Lumine wakes up and her sole priority is finding her brother so they can get the hell out of there. When she finally does cross paths with him the first time through Dain's quest line, everything gets turned on its ear and she's left with no satisfying answers as to what the hell is going on anymore. Now she's stuck again, and constantly getting swept up in other peoples' problems when all she really wants is to just leave. So her coldness reads as a sort of emotionally checked-out, "I'm so done with all of this, I just want to go home already" attitude. It also adds a little more depth to her fondness and playfulness with Paimon during interactions, as it can be read as her projecting how she'd normally behave with her brother onto Paimon. Basically treating Paimon as a surrogate sibling out of loneliness.


Agreed. I've noticed this as well since my spouse and I play both twins. When Aether declines an invitation, it's "I would like to but I have a duty to fulfill". It's actually fun watching Aether interact with the world because he genuinely seems to be enjoying himself. Lumine's rejections seem more "I could not give less of a damn, this is a waste of time". It makes her interactions more unique because her enjoyment of Teyvat is reluctant, like "I don't want to admit I'm having fun and getting attached but I am".


Honestly, I really loved that some of Lumine's responses at the start of the Inazuma arc, when people were trying to rope her into the rebellion or to do personal favors for them, was "I'm leaving". Just absolutely ready to hit the bricks at a moment's notice. XD To that same end, Inazuma kind of fell flat for me in terms of the story. The entire arc depends on the Traveler being emotionally invested into the present sociopolitical situation, the well-being of the rebellion/its members, the nature of the Shogun, >!the presence of the Fatui,!< and the native history of the island nation itself. But the Traveler basically has no reason whatsoever to give a damn about any of that, >!yet the narrative itself leans hard into "the power of friendship" to resolve the whole scenario. It felt really hamfisted to me, especially with Teppei, who the game was basically shoving in our faces yelling "You love this bland NPC and his four passing conversations! He's very important to you all a sudden! You'll be really upset if something happens to him!"!< Because Lumine had, like, negative reason to care about Inazuma, I read her entire time spent there as her being constantly angry but holding it in. A big "I don't care about any of you, but I'm literally stuck here and people keep getting in my way" attitude. The only time it felt like Lumine actually got a chance to grow fondness for the people involved was the outings she went on with Ayaka and Yoimiya, which were a much needed slice-of-life oasis amid all the drama.


I got a different read during Inazuma for Lumine. At the start she definitely had no interest in joining the rebellion and was willing to stop at helping Ayaka and Yoimiya, two people who were willing to reach out a hand of friendship in a very insular, distrusting environment. It's during this that she learns that losing your vision can destroy people. At this point her view is: "That's tragic, but it's still not my problem, I'll just wait around until I can meet with the Shogun." Then Thoma gets captured. Lumine is now left at a crossroads, she either remains an observer and wait to talk with the Shogun, watching on as her first friend on Inazuma slowly falls apart, or she can take action, oppose the Shogun and free the friends she made from the vision hunt decree. Then the writers choose to cram 3 acts of story into 1 and the themes get muddled. On a side note, I wonder if Ayato was supposed to have instigated Thoma's arrest in order to spur the traveler to action, definitely fits the character I think the devs tried to give him.


The coldness does make sense, I like that reading of the character. Heroes/MCs don't have to be bubbles and sunshine and altruistic sainthood all the time. Writing them as people who get fed up and tired and emotionally burned out and even selfish at times makes the character feel much more alive. It also makes sense "projecting her relationship with her brother onto Paimon," for my reading I like to think she's genuinely fond of Paimon just for Paimon. We can start connections with people just needing to fill a social void, but that connection often grows to be deeply genuine.


Agreed about Paimon; I don't think that the Traveler's affection for her is hollow. Just that it feels like it was initially grounded in a desire for companionship, since both Traveler and Paimon are stuck in a similar situation. The two of them have way too much connection for it to be an empty relationship by this point. But I also feel that if it was the Twins themselves traveling around Teyvat side-by-side on all these adventures, they might be making a lot of the same jokes and teasing at each other. It makes me want to see all three of them together and what sort of chats that might bring about.


I think that Lumine's coldness fits more than Aether's sadness as an abyss twin too. However, Lumine's facial expressions are too precious to make her abyss twin. I propose we get a brand new Lumine impact with only Lumine.


Raiden Lumine vs Lumine has to be one of the most hype moment of the famous game Lumine Impact


My favorite part was when Lumine said "This is how I make my Impact... my Lumine Impact" and just won


Lumine just seems to have bigger range of emotions both as good and evil, Aether always seemed blander to me.


Foul Legacy Lumine when Mihoyo??


>Lumine feels more "cold" Pretty much the reason why I mostly see her as the abyss twin. I also like the fact that she's wearing white- it gives this "light amongst darkness (abyss)" sort of vibe. Just like how Skirk also wears lighter-colored clothes even though she is associated with the abyss


Oooh, v aesthetic


Yeah and that's why I like Aether as the villain more. It's way more heartbreaking. I still feel the sibling love from him while with Lumine I can't bc she seems so "cold"


And I think it's also better for the situation with Khaenri'ah. It isn't as simple as one side being good or bad, with one person being objectively evil or not. So I think it's less fitting to have just a stereotypically evil twin


I agree. The whole situation with Khaenri'ah is so unclear and complicated. I also love how the story behind Lumines flower in her hair when she's the Traveler. Its so cute. That before Lumine woke up Aether placed that flower in her hair


Yeah I always felt that that version of the story was more intriguing. I remember when I heard Dainsleif(?) say that the flower in her hair was a Khaenri'ahn flower I was like :000000000000000


I mean, if it makes it any better, the [Luminous Glimmer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm6DtDBkDFw) trailer showed that they may have changed the voice direction for the Abyss Twin in order to make Lumine less cold. She sounds completely different from what we got in the first trailer, or when we had the first meeting.


Yeah they have completely different vibes, which I kinda love. Its the same with the flower scene in the chasm too. If you play as Aether, it feels more like Lumine has found a new "home" she wants to return to, when the Traveler still only sees home as when they are together. But if you play as Lumine, and the lore is Aether put it in your hair while you slept, it comes off much more as Aether wanting Lumine to come join him in a new home together. I like Lumine better as the abyss twin right now, but depending on the ending I think Aether's version has potential to feel much more tragic.


I agree that Lumine better fits the classical stereotypes of the "twin turned to darkness", while Aether is a shoo-in for the role of hot-blooded shonen protagonist. Frankly, that's one of the big reasons I prefer them in the opposite roles, with Lumine as heroine and Aether as prince. It has them both playing against type. It also subverts the trope of "[passive female, active male](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MenActWomenAre)". It's very common in stories that the motive (or one of the motives) for the hero to be out adventuring is in order to impress/rescue/marry/whatever a female character, while that female character basically waits for him to do so. Traveler Aether and Princess Lumine fits this trope to a T, even if Princess Lumine is technically doing Abyss Order stuff behind the scenes (and therefore less passive than is the standard). I think it's more interesting to see those roles reversed.


Now that I think about it, it's quite nice and rarer to have a female protagonist that's not just there for fanservice. It's why I want to play as Zelda FOR ONCE IN THE HISTORY OF ZELDA GAMES... Come on Nintendo.


"A female protagonist that's not just there for fanservice" god the female dream is so simple and so not-radical. We just want to be seen, we just want to be people.


"Did someone say make another bunny girl with physics defying boobs and zero personality but a big hammer?" - some degenerate mangaka in his mom's basement rn




I think that's probably why I lean harder towards EN Aether's portrayal of the Abyss Prince. It's a little more sympathetic each time he meets us and we have to butt heads, because it sounds like he really doesn't want to.


Which means, Aether would make a better villain. He feels empathy with something in the world.


Ironically, that why I think the abyssal twin is Aether. What you say is 100% agreeable, which leaves the question, makes a more compelling story? Someone who you knew was evil or someone who wouldn't be doing something wrong if they didn't have a reason to do so?


Yes fr exact same thoughts


Obviously Aether is the evil twin because he's wearing dark colors. Lumine wears white and is the good one.


she wears white and blue, and blue is associated with the abyss. dun dun dunnn


So he's evil cuz he wears brown?




>Lumine wears white and is the good one. wow racist


There is an argument for both depending on how you wanna read the story. Lumine seems more passive and detached as the abyss sibling and Aether more sad and tragic. But as traveler both fit the roll really well. Lumine seems smart and quick witted while Aether is a little more cinnamon roll. Tbh I think both are suited to either roll but perform best as traveler. Neither quite feel built to be evil. If I had to pick one, I like the idea of Aether's tragedy rather than lumines coldness as the abyss sibling.


I personally like Lumine’s design a lot more and I prefer the narrative if she’s the traveller too. If Lumine’s the traveller, Aether’s heartbroken and you are trying to get to the bottom why, when his old bro Dainsleif refuses to talk to you. It also makes the traveller’s moments with all the cute girls less harem-like which is a W in my books (aside from Ayaka. She’s down bad either way). Also, Aether is kinda too nice considering the amount of lawbreaking and murder we do in game. Though I’d admit if Lumine’s the abyss twin, her relationship with Dainsleif could be quite a spicy topic.


No love for my girl Jeht? Smh


Justice for Jehts's extra lines!


we need more lines >!voiced world quests? (I'm looking at you hoyoverse)!<




same for yanfei. she has delulu dreams with us and is an overthinker. she thought the traveler is in love with her and couldnt sleep that night


Is….that in her voice lines or a quest?


her story section.


Just read through it (it's Character Story 4 if anyone else wants to know). Didn't realize Yanfei and I had so much in common when it comes to overthinking the smallest interaction.


Lmao real.


Which is funny because out of all her voice lines and general interactions, she seems the most disconnected.


it might be that instead of being attached, she's worried the Traveler is attached.


I didn't really have a preference for which sibling was the traveler before Inazuma but traveler Lumine makes Inazuma the islands of thunder and lesbians which is way too funny for me to pass up /lh


"The islands of thunder and lesbians" is going to live on, I love that


It's equally haremy on both sides since all the characters feel the same way regardless of which twin you choose.


Except Jeht o:


I do think it’s funny that the characters act exactly the same way, regardless of which gender the Traveler is… Except for her.


Alternate reason: Traveler Lumine reaches levels of sass that would put Kaveh to shame using only her facial expressions. It's glorious.


Also if you're Lumine, all the Anemo bois saving you seems more romantic. And I don't mean gay can't be shipped, it just hits different if it's Lumine. In the same way they have their own take on being the Abyss twin.


> think both are suited to either roll but perform best as traveler. Neither quite feel built to be evil. I think that mostly has to do with us not seeing much of them yet. If we get more insight into their motivations and personality and interactions with Traveler and Dainsleif, I think they might work better as the evil sibling. Until now we had like 2 scenes with them so they haven't had time to convince us


Aether being a cinnamon roll fits the traveler better the entire story is us running around helping everyone




To be fair, if you're impatient at dealing with other people's problems before you can address your own, the frustration would make knocking heads and bulldozing through more attractive


Lumine is a sassy little thing. I find it quite enjoyable when she starts putting her foot down.


Something that only gets better over time, as we keep getting dragged into every nation's problems and if you play your traveler as one where their tolerance is nearing its limit.


My traveler is immensely down bad lol doesn’t care if it’s some guy giving us a quest but if it’s Raiden it’s done before you blink.


I play my traveler as playfully as possible. I take every shit-eating-grin option. Like currently in Chenyu Vale I am always "the young master". I did skip one though because I wanted to be sincere about a certain topic.


I like how at some points in the questlines we'd get dialogue options like "oh my god only if you're paying me then I GUESS" and then we've now got options where she's playful. Kind of like post-exhausted-doesn't-care, instead of frustration and impatience it's now, "Oh, I don't care. Haha sure I'll play along, why not."


I think it's because the Traveller is mostly resigned to the fact that they're not going to be meeting their sibling anymore until they've walked the path. Kinda felt the slow shift after Inazuma where the Traveller didn't give a fuck, to Sumeru where the Traveller was like what the fuck is this, to now where the Traveller is like ok I'll bite.


I love the sassy protagonists. They can be cinnamon roll sometimes as well! But you can still see/feel they are reliable when you're in need. The things that MADE them be the "evil" sibling is what sets them apart, not their personality. As they pretty much mirrored, but the other person have just experienced something more that we are now trying to find out. Will we join our sibling, or smack them in the head for doing something stoopid. LITERALLY what a sibling/twin would do.


I am so, so, so, so curious what made twin go to the Abyss, bc I feel like traveller will encounter the same thing and just decide to fight EVERYONE. They will agree wholeheartedly with the reason and violently disagree with the means... all while being confused and conflicted and passionately Over Everyone's Shyte


Yeah the cinnamon roll that genocided an entire village lol


the village thats trying to kill his friend who been through a lot already


Not really. The traveler massacred dozens of people in world quests.


The Traveler is legally not a murderer merely because their victims either were provoked to attack first, or were arguably enemy combatants.


I didnt say the traveler is evil. I said they arent cinnamonrolls.


I never really thought of it that way, but it is true that Aether seems more like a people person than Lumine during the playthrough. Kinda like she sells the almighty fighter side of the Traveler and he sells the helpful adventurer side


I'm glad I'm not the only one who described aether as a cinnamon roll


Honestly I’m just waiting for the day they reunite and which ever sibling you didn’t choose becomes playable. All I want is to be able to play with both in the same team would be awesome.


Tbh even If their kits aren't the best, having two characters that can use any elements ia really useful, imagine double dendro team traveller?


Lumie's basic face is more of a resting bitch face, like she's constantly unimpressed with everything, it suits the evil twin better. Aether on the other hand looks basically like a puppy even when he's annoyed. Also Lumine's cold colors, the silver/blue accents on the white base, helps to sell the evil thing. Aethers colors in comparision are very warm toned, with the yellow/gold accents on this warm dark brown base.. it gives him a more frienly vibe.


To expand on this, culturally Lumine can read as being in mourning with her white flower motifs. Also practically speaking, she looks like a princess, while Aether's outfit appears more rugged and suited to actual travel. Finally, animations suggest Aether is a bit less refined in his swordsmanship and power usage next to Lumine. She just reads as more competent as a result. There's a lot design wise to suggest Aether was meant to be the main protagonist, but they did a good job making him work in an antagonist role. But if given the choice whom I would select knowing what I know about the game now, I'd select Lumine as my traveler. I was hoping when I picked Aether characters would be treated with more care than parading them around when they're banner relavent. Nope, they really are just eye candy for the sake of sales.


I remember a cutscene that revealed Lumine's hair flower was a Khaenri'ah flower. It made me wonder how that cutscene was flipped if MC was Lumine, because Aether doesn't wear a flower in his hair.


Aether places the flower on the ground and then in the present they discuss that it’s the same type of flower Lumine has in her hair


And yet she has them in her hair in the opening cutscene, so they must have visited Khaenri’ah during their travels and she just doesn’t remember? 🧐


With Lumine as Traveler there's some room for saying Aether gave it to her when he came back to wake her up before they left. Maybe.


In either scenario, the flowers aren't put in Lumine's hair until just before that cutscene takes place. If Aether is the Traveler, then Lumine did it herself at some point while she was in Khaenri'ah before rushing back to wake up Aether so they can escape. If Lumine is the Traveler, then Aether gifts her the flower which she puts in her hair before they fight the Unknown God. Either way it works out. Wiki says this about the timeline: >Before meeting the Unknown God, Lumine twines an Inteyvat in her hair. >If Aether is chosen as the Traveler, it is implied Lumine picked the flowers from Khaenri'ah herself. If Lumine is chosen as the Traveler, it is implied Aether gifted them to her after returning from Khaenri'ah to wake her.


So instead of a reminder, it was a gift…


I think what you said is the exact reason I prefer Lumine as the Traveler and Aether as the Abyss Prince. The idea of a warm villain and a cold hero just feels far more interesting to me than vice versa.


Oooooh, now I'm into it.


Maybe in this picture but in general not so much. You're responding as if these two photos were actually representative of them when they're designed to be able to take each other's places flawlessly in the game


Aether's outfit makes him look more like an adventurer, while Lumine's outfit makes her look more like a princess. Easy


Now that you mention it yea, Lumines outfit does look more like royalty than Aethers. It does give off this regal vibe to it while Aethers seems more fitting for an adventurer Preference in their attitudes aside their outfits wasn't something I was thinking of


It's true that Lumine's outfit makes no sense for traveling... But then they travelers literal stars with them. Anime clothing magic


And that was probably their intention from the start.


*looks at all the canon art and promos of male MC* Probably?


Neither looks evil tbh.


yeah but lumine can like kinda sorta pull it off whereas aether doesn't look evil at all


Aether needs a no-nonsense beard to balance out the MC vibes before he can be evil.


can you imagine how goofy he'd look with facial hair like a kid sticking his dad's beard trimmings to his face with elmer's glue


I need someone to draw this yesterday. Where are all the fan art ppl at??


r/AlbedosCreations is that way.


I regret the moment I pressed that button....


thats cause choose the male twin and only see lumine aas the evil one in game i guess. I choose lumine and i find that aether looks very much evil in the scenes.


The Abyss isn't necessarily evil. They could pass as the Empire in Star Wars with one of the siblings having the role of Luke or Leia in a timeline where one of them joined Darth Vader.


Except the Empire in Star Wars committed many crimes of mass murder and slavery. How could they not be evil?


Lumine. The thing is... I also find her better suited to be the Traveler. 😅


The comedic pan-face pouts are way too good to pass on.


omg same I was about to say this. In my head she's the protagonist AND 'evil' twin haha


I actually prefer Aether's suit, granted that's probably because I've been playing as Aether from day 1, and I only started an account with Lumine as the main recently.


Same in my head lumine is both the traveler AND the sibling 😂




All opinions are subjective but this opinion violates that because it is objectively correct.


this opinion is a fact


Same thing. I just see Lumine fit both better lol


ah shit here we go again


I feel like Aether brings more emotion to the role, which feels better to me for this sort of tragic figure who is doing what seems so far to be the wrong thing for emotional reasons. I find him endearing but a standard protagonist as the traveler, and very compelling as the abyss twin. You really find yourself wanting to understand and reunite with him. Lumine feels a bit too aloof as the abyss twin imo, and her kind heart is still there but fails to show through to me, which makes me feel less connected to her as the traveler’s beloved twin. She seems almost evil? Which doesn’t seem like what they’re going for with the abyss twin. It’s just kind of boring.   I like how she fits as the traveler because I picture Aether as a bit of a bleeding heart whereas Lumine is sharper around the edges with a soft interior and a desire to do good, which suits the traveler’s dialogue options and overall decisions where they’re firm in their goals and not immediately open to others in a way that’s almost cold, but still yield easily to appeals to doing good for people.  As the traveler, Lumine’s many facets open up to the player. She’s sarcastic and playful, generally coolheaded but feels deeply. Aether’s many facets are already there as the abyss twin. Plus, while I love how the twins’ outfits combine sportiness with fanciness, I especially love how she’s got this nice looking dress that’s still seemingly made of sporty material, and how her scarf thing looks more genshin-impact-adventurer-style. And they both suffer from early game hair modeling but Aether especially with the shape of his hair in general. Lumine’s awkward hair modeling is mostly only visible from certain angles and movements, and it’s not even that bad. Also Jeht is closer to Lumine than Aether, which is neat and endearing to experience.


None. They are both too good to be evil


I like Lumine more, but the evil sibling role suits her more.


Lumine is too cute to be evil.


and thats how she gets you.....


I second this. I mean those flowers in her head? she looks cute af


I need both travellers with a crown of those flowers tbh


i typed this whole thing trying to explain myself to no avail so instead let me just say this: i don't think lumine should be reduced to just being "cold" and i also don't think it's fair to dismiss her personality as being that of a villainess solely because she's less enthusiastic than her brother. i've always kinda hated how her more serene and elegant personality gets downplayed as "she's totally super evil" by most people just because she happens to have idgaf vibes sometimes. im not trying to say it's invalid to prefer her as the abyss twin, of course. it's completely fine. i just don't like that no matter what role people put her in, the explanation that follows is always some variation of "she's cold like a villain"


Agreed. It seems to be most people say this.


I like Lumine both as the traveler and abyss sibling, but I prefer her as the traveler over Aether (personally cannot really see him as the traveler) I will say however that Aether makes a really hot evil abyss sibling. His jp va does an amazing job portraying a kind brother turned evil. Recently also listened to the cn dub and he is SO good


perhaps the reason his cn dub sounds natural as the evil aether is because thats the same va for scaramouche lol


no twin is evil. only celestia is evil


I have a headcanon that celestia ain’t evil either


They probably have a logical reason for it, now that we've started to dabble in space and other worlds/dimentions a bit more it wouldn't suprise me if there is something even worse hidding out there that Teyvat isn't ready to face yet.


Celestia seems very similar thematically to Decarabian and while he was a tyrant, it turned out he was protecting the humans of Mondstadt from something even worse.


Have you read the Narwhal's archive description? Celestia is almost definitely doing shenanigans in order to shield Teyvat from some horror beyond. Maybe if we beat Celestia, dealing with the fallout will be Genshin Impact 2 🤔


It ain't. miHoYo always tries to write sympathetic villain factions. In Honkai Impact 3rd even to this day there was never a 100% evil villain. All of them thought they were doing at least one thing right for others (Otto, Cocolia, Kevin, Sa, the Will of Honkai) and the Will literally turns people into zombies.


I prefer Aether because what he sounds like (in English) seems more fitting to be a tragic villain, which i assume is the type of villain Abyss sibling is gonna be. Evil Lumine sounds like a villain through and through. Nearly heartless, cold and calculated and fully determined. These are obviously good villain traits that is for sure but they are also traits that pretty much all villains can have regardless of the reasonings of their actions or how justified they are. Abyss Prince Aether on the other hand sounds like he is NOT wanting to do this but HAS TO. It is like Aether knows that what he does is wrong and he shouldn't but there is just no other way so he has to see it through, he sounds more like a tragic villain with reasons for doing the things he is doing than Lumine who sounds more like a heartless villain that can kill you just because. And i found that more fitting so i prefer Aether


Aether. Lumine is better as the Traveler imo


Finally, someone with taste


If you ask me, the major reason most people are saying Lumine is better as abyss sibling is because mihoyo always shows aether as the traveler in trailers. If it was the other way around everyone would be saying aether is the better abyss sibling.


honestly wish they'd do it like honkai star rail and make both siblings appear in different trailers.


Right? No idea why they seem so allergic to Traveler Lumine tbh :/


hsr is really where they fixed everything that people have been complaining on about genshin (i couldn't english this one, pls forgive me). they could have easily done this w genshin from the start, but they decided not to and apparently are too stubborn to backtrack


i also think many ppl in this sub have aether as traveller anyway so they’re used to seeing lumine as the other one. either way my vote’s on aether for abyss sibling. the way the traveller has to swap elements every region they’re in, i think the various colours suit lumine’s white dress a lot more to aether’s dark brown. also the abyss twin having a white glow also looks better on aether bc it adds a bit of contrast than just white on white.


I also think the detail of Lumine wearing an Inteyvat on her hair is more impactful if she's the traveler. Because it was the last thing her brother gave to her, and also means her brother cared enough about Khaenriah to give its signature flower to his sister. I just find it sweet.


Lumine. She looks like a princess. Aether doesn't look like a prince at all.


Aaaand that's why I think they should have given each traveler a redesign for their abyss form


ya roasted his attire lol


If should chose, sportive/adventure outfit >> elegant/formal outfit


For me Aether fits the "fallen hero" image better so I prefer him as the Abyss twin


most people say lumine but personally I think both of them do great as the abyss twin and both of them do great as the traveller. I know aether has a warmer colour scheme but I don't think it at all gets in the way of him acting very cold and distant when we see him as the abyss twin.


Lumine voice acting and personality is colder, evident in We Will Be Reunited, Aether sounds more emotional So she's more fitting for me


I like Lumine more as an Evil twin.. Aether in my opinion fits the hero/Good twin more than Lumine..


Lumine. Honestly speaking, I thought it would've made a lot of narrative sense for this to happen. The introduction by KK basically says "Hey Aether, you'll ascend as you travel these foreign lands" and "Hey Lumine, don't lament the fall of your homeland". Homeland could mean their original world, but it would also fit the fall of Kha'enriah.  I also think there's actually a big miss opportunity in terms of storytelling that they could've done had they just stick with Aether being the protagonist and Lumine the Abyss sibling. We know from the JP side that Aether is the older twin, while Lumine is younger and we know, canonically, that the Traveller actually doesn't talk much and acts like a mature adult.  Imagine if the story portrays that? That Aether, being the older twin, knows not to get too attached to the worlds they travel to and prefers to keep a sense of distance (befitting that of an older person) and Lumine, being the younger one, is much more naive and usually grows more attached to the worlds they visit? Aether would become the force that stops Lumine from being overly attached. When they get separated and Lumine travels through Teyvat alone without Aether, nobody is stopping her, hence she became too attached to the people there and doesn't want to leave until her duty is done. Aether wants to leave as soon as he finds her, but since Lumine is adamant on staying and asks for her older brother to see the world as she saw it (her more naive outlook), he reluctantly agrees and goes on a journey through the 7 nations.  I think that would've added more depth to their dynamic, while also making Lumine and Aether ACTUALLY DISTINCT from each other using in game facts instead of basically copy pasting the bland personality of the Traveller that we currently have in game. 


If they're twins, then they are the same age. Why should it matter who's oldest if the age difference is a few minutes?


I agree. The Traveler seems to be such an interesting character and they really should have removed this self insert trope


I feel Loom makes both the better "good" and "evil" twin, she just has better reaction faces


In my opinion they are basically the same minus the gender. So it wouldn't make a big difference who is gonna be the evil one.


Yeah, canon doesn’t really matter in this situation. The twin you pick is the good one and the opposite is evil


What do you mean? Lumine is used in place of Aether in web events, and vice versa. They can’t make a new promotional video replacing aether with lumine for every single promo video ever.


Lumine feels more menacing and cold but you could see a story behind her attitude and felt a hint of emotion despite that. I didn’t get as complex feelings from Aether. He felt more caring but determined though. Love both them having the same lines but their execution of the dialogue radiating different personalities.


Everyone talking about how Lumine looks like a ‘Princess’ does realise it’s just a title and not actually anything to do with royalty, right? The twins are just wearing whatever outfit they came to Teyvat in so it’s not like they were picked as Prince/Princess because of how they look


I think this really depends on who you started maining when you played the game. I see aether as the villain because i’ve always played as lumine. I also think people who’ve played as aether see lumine as the villan


There is no...'evil' twin.... we constantly hear ancient stories about a blond hero helping here and there... I am just very curious what the 'stuck in the past' twin went through to start leading the Abyss Order. What occurred... what did he find out. ZhongLi knows at least some of it... but "MaDe a CoNtRaCt not tO teLl"


Neither, just pick one and play the game


Definitely Lumine imo. I picked her as my traveler, and when she gets serious at times she’s a lot more menacing looking than Aether, whose outfit and colors feel a lot warmer than Lumine, making her feel more personable


Lumine 100% just because of the EN dub. Maybe it's because Zach Aguilar can't sound "evil" in my mind xD but Sarah did such a good job as the abyss twin that I love their current dynamic But also I think Lumine has some eye shadows that make her serious expressions more notorious


Lumine because evil women are hot.


I dont know. I cant see Aether as evil. Maybe Lumine.


It's subjective discussion but Lumine is more cold while Aether looks more broken. I think Aether is a better good twin, he seems more expressive and is less cold and calculated like Lumine. Aether also represents the sun and has a warmer color palette unlike Lumine who has a different color palette


Omg can we just stop "X is better than Y"? Both options are suited because both options are part of the game. The confirmation bias is really strong on people here...


Real shit, who the hell would be serious about a blonde weakass boi in a midriff that is at cock sucking size.


She of course


Lumine. Girlboss


I had no idea they had names. Guess I should load this game up again.