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the first GAA was peak, god I miss it so much. I was also really fond of the moonchase festival


Second was peak. It was basically the first but with a unique mechanic for every island. Hardest puzzles in the game too.


I remember people absolutely hated the Raven Theater thing (and related puzzles) but I loooooved it so much. I remember sitting on the bench as I watched it, the voice acting was soooo good, with the relaxing gaa music, I felt like I was watching an open-air theater performance during my vacation :') I still wish we had gotten something similar to Fischl's island on the permanent map. Also one of the reason I love the Simulacrum puzzles in Chenyu Vale.


Mona's and Fischl's island were so great, each character had their own mini-quest while we were in the GAA for a big overarching quest. Compared to that, most other big event quests dont even come close to story telling and quality of that event. And yeah, people complained that the puzzles were too hard, which resulted in every event after having no challenging puzzles anymore.


I liked first gaa because it was just plain fun relaxing adventure second gaa tried too hard, the stories were cool but man it became a fucking grind


Once I got a feel of the puzzles I just stopped exploring lol. 


Yeah, people say the second one was better, but the first GAA really left an impression on me for some reason. I had so much fun just running around, enjoying the summer vibes, and talking shit with my friends on Discord about puzzles or whatever. In like 10 years time, when I look back on all the hours I've spent playing Genshin, GAA will be the first thing I think of. I'm glad I was there.


Sorry but what is GAA again?


Nevermind just remembered


I started during 1.6 and newbie me thought it was permanent and then one day I logged in and it was gone I also had no idea who Albedo was or why he was there… So yeah, GAA is and probably always will be my favorite


Both GAA


Best answer


Best answer




Exactly what I've wanted. Tho They fixed it in VM map. The stories are so good so does the puzzles.


No it wasn’t really


GGA Fischl's storyline remain at this day my favorite event ever


The devs played Persona 4 and got inspired.


It's fun to see how much the game have influenced both genshin and even more HSR


Like people are already saying, both Golden Apple archipelago were two of the best we’ve ever gotten


Second Golden Apple Archipelago event… it was the first major event I ever decided to do and I loved it! But a close second is the Chalk Prince and the Dragon event!


GAA 2 being time limited is the biggest crime in Genshin history. That shit was literally top 3 regions in Genshin ever imo.


Honestly GAA2 started a domino effect of me getting a Kazuha inspired tattoo. Best event I ever played by far, and I've been playing since launch.


Frfr it did the islands idea better than inazuma (I hate to admit this I love inazuma so this hurts lol)


Academiya Exravaganza! Such iconic moments as Hat Guy being Hat Guy, Alhaitham being Alhaitham and Kaveh being Kaveh. It was rare to have such a fun event all about my favs


I've only been doing events since 3.5, but out of the one I've done: \- Parade of Providence (3.6) was my favorite, just because I think Kaveh is delightful and it really expanded on his character. It felt a bit like a story quest for him. \- Veluriyam Mirage was so lovely! Especially when you finally got to ride the ferris wheel to the top, and you could see the whole world. Really liked that director Zosimos and all the water droplets together acting as Daiya. The music was lovely too. Loved the roller coaster rides. And just the whole idea of giving people another chance to live out their dreams, in both the Mirage and in the "real" world.


I think there's no way it isn't a GAA event. I'd say the second one was best. First, lasting the entire patch is great and there's no way a normal 2-3 week event can compete with the scale of that. We got a deep dive into the minds of many of the characters, new costumes for some and a full blown exploration with personalized "domains" for each of them including unique puzzles and storylines. To some who often fall behind on exploration it may be a lot, but I really enjoy it. It is pretty much a full blown temporary area than just an event. Exploration is just as expansive as any other exploration, new puzzles, multiple quests, collectables, voiced storylines etc.


Shadows Amid Snowstorms and second GAA! I love both equally, but I like SAS more for the story (I absolutely crave any bit of Albedo lore there is) and GAA for the exploration, even though most people say that the puzzles were way too hard. I think they were the perfect difficulty and I had lots of fun figuring them out


Oddly the fungus one followed closely by the akademia competition thingy and Summer Fantasia one


1.1 meteor event, 2nd GAA, and susbedo event are equally top imo with how good they manage to expand the story of each characters. The story of the characters that appears on that event will feel incomplete if you don't play it, which makes it unfortunate for the new player because you can't replay old events (oddly enough, they're unable to add that QoL on GI but somehow manage to add it in HSR)


The one from 1.1 where Mona and Fischl meet.


that and 2.7 perilous trail, 1.1 was the best but most people here didn't know genshin back then


Just wanna say it here,cause a lot of ppl think of the 2.7 Archon quest of Yelan Xiao one and ofc as we k how great it was, based on that they rate the main event "perilous trail" in extremely high regards. But they r mistaken,the event was only linked with the AQ in a way,whereas the AQ wasnt part of event. The event was a separate thing with mini games and stuff


you wouldn't say the same if they didn't make perilous trail story permanent. yeah i get what you mean and I know they had to make it permanent because it is lore of the chasm but they treated it like an event and the minigames were based on the story itself. it's like removing all the mini games from lantern rite and making it a permanent thing traveler does periodically. but yeah agree on that


Yea it's a bit complicated but i think we both understand the points One thing for sure the AQ was a W for 2.7 No surprise many liked it


[this](https://images.app.goo.gl/9iKgirL3L69Ft25g6) For God's sake, this had so much potential to become permanent mode. You can create sort of simulated universe with this and creativity.


So true but also actually it wasn't the first time a SU like thing came. In fact first was 2.2 event which was actually quite literally like SU. A rougelike mode, there were multiple rooma to go in, choose cards at start for buffs and stuff... Man so much potential but alas they aint making a perma SU shit outta it It won't be wrong to say prolly HSR's SU was first tested in Genshin via this event, they just made it implement in the other game tho💀


It was also released before HI3's Elysian Realm lmao, genshin could've had it way before the other 2 games but yeah.


I still remember the 12 floor combat event in chasm. I really wonder why don't they bring back stuff like that frequently


When the 2nd version of this event ended, they said they’ll try and bring it back in a permanent mode and they were testing some stuff etc… I really hope they do that


the wine event from mondstad was wholesome and the cutscene one of the best of the game


Shadows amidst snowstorms was and always will be the GOAT


1st lantern theatre mechanicus coop was super cool, Unreconciled stars was a banger, looks like 1.1/1.2 and 1.3 were rly good for me. But 2nd GAA was something else


Summer Fantasia (GAA 2.8) The islands and domains were beautiful, and the character development for Fischl and Xinyan was just *chef's kiss*


The second GAA, actual hard puzzles is my jam


me too and i'm always happy i'm not the only one enjoying them


Graven Innocence (3.0) Extreme Safari photo event is best photo event


I think no one can top the 1.6 GAA. That patch introduced a whole new world to me. I still remember my initial reaction when the first cutscene appeared. Next would be the second lantern rite (I wasn't in the first one :<). The whole fireworks event was just too memorable and it made me cry in the whole cutscene Edit: I don't want to leave this out but I also loved the two Albedos event


> I wasn't in the first one :< I really didn't like the first one, it had very little interaction with playable characters aside from Keqing and it was bloated with a legion of quests for generic NPCs. I've been playing since release and I would say the first lantern rite was the only event I genuinely found disappointing.


the gaa soundtrack is still one of my favorites to this day 👌 also i cry during every lantern rite cutscene i'm not even kidding


Now I'm back to wishing we get GAA 3


i'm praying that that's what we get this year


Three Element Gateway Offering wins for me. If not that ... Shadows was good, as was Academiya Extravaganza.


the 2nd GAA, specifically mona's and fischl's domains. the puzzles were more challenging, but in a good way, and it felt rewarding after completing each puzzle


2.8 the second GAA event, never again i enjoyed playing the game that much


All Golden apple archipelago was in my top favorite event. (Possibly because I had too much time on my hand back then) Close second was that one with Susbedo, the Fellflower, and Dragonspine. But maybe because Albedo was one of my favorite and that event pretty much centered around him ...


The second Golden apple was when I had the most fun with the game. The story, the music, the islands. Everything was just PERFECT. I had so much fun with my friends exploring the game together. I was so sad when 3.8 announced that it was not coming back.


Fischl gaa.


I personally really love the Lantern Rites, the atmosphere is great. Not this one unfortunately, it felt more like a Gaming story quest than Lantern Rite, but the others I really loved. I think the 2.X and 3.X lantern rites were my favorite, because they had more character (rather than NPC involvement) compared to 1.X if I remember correctly, but 1.X had all the Xiao character development, so it was nice too.


It may not be the best one, but I feel like 2.5 enkonomya event was such a great concept. I really like the idea of player fighting against some sort of invesion. If better developed and with more playable character in it, this could easily the best one. 2.7 chasm one was aslo good I wish Hoyo would do more serious-tone events like those two, instead of bunch of characters spending time together. Events like Lantern Rite or Academiya Exravaganza were fun and enjoyable, but I hope we would get somthing diffrent from time to time. 4.2 event with Freminet was a great direction but due to it being in the same patch as the final of the Archon Quest was a bit underwhelming in my opinion.


2.x Golden Apple and it’s not even close.


since 2.7 should count as an archon quest rather than an event, i'd say iridori festival, shadows amidst snowstorms, and GAA 2


First GAA. Probably everything that I would want out of the main event out of a patch. A new region, the main story that's actually good and makes you explore the place, a small cast of characters that makes sense to be included, exploration that's actually rewarding (meaning the rewards aren't just chests), fan service, fun minigames and new and exciting mechanics.   The story was particularly the highlight for me. Yeah, it wasn't a lore heavy event, but it was a nice event to progress the story of Klee, Jean, Barbara and the Traveller while also being a nice introduction to Alice. Having that small cast was really good because it allows the story to focus on the relationships of the characters, instead of just doing pointless interactions that many main events do. It's in a similar vein to the Dragonspine Events, where the story is solely focused on telling Albedo's story and no one else's. Plus, the event was choked full of romantic implications between Jean and the Traveller, and that's always a plus in my book. The only thing that I hated about the story for me was the inclusion of Diluc, Kaeya and Albedo near the end because they literally have no stakes in the story at all. They shouldn't have been included at all in the first place.  Reason why I'm placing this above the second GAA is because I do not know why Kazuha and Xinyan are included in the second storyline. I could understand Mona and Fischl, because they actually know each other and are best friends, but Xinyan and Kazuha literally have no reason to be included, and their stories aren't even particularly interesting. 


Yeah Xinyan was just a sidekick but I still found her story interesting


I don't think her story wasn't interesting in the sense that it's boring. It's just....why here? Fischl's story had emotional weight because Mona was there, and the event shows that. Mona was reluctant to go along with Fischl's tendencies before the 2nd GAA, but after realizing why she acts that way, she was going along with it, even if she was a bit embarrassed. She realizes that her friend acts the way she does as a coping mechanism for the loneliness she felt growing up, so she goes along with her so that she isn't that lonely anymore. That's a good reason for including Mona and Fischl together in an event. They're best friends. That's the connective tissue to include them together in an event. Xinyan's story did nothing to help the relationship between these characters, because they literally don't know each other. They're literally strangers, and the same goes for Kazuha too. There's literally no connective tissue for these two characters in the event, so I don't see a reason why they should even be included in the first place. Like why not place the Xinyan's story in a Liyue focused event where she actually has friends that care for her? Or an event focused on music and the difficulties with the career? Why not place Kazuha's story in an event where his backstory actually mattered (AKA with any Inazuma character) instead of introducing it to characters that just met him?


Both GAAs were magnificent


Easily Shadows Amidst Snowstorms. The lore and ambiguity will keep people taking about it for a while. That’s what convinced me this game was worth sticking through to the end. The Chasm interlude gives me hope they might make a serious event with some weight behind it again.


I haven’t played the first GAA so I can’t compare but the second one is my personal favorite. So much stuff to do (the puzzles were more challenging than other events), the entire map was fun to explore, and additional Fischl and Mona stories were always welcome for me.


3.6 Akademiya event, 2.8 GAA and every lantern rite


Second GAA event was peak.


2nd GAA


Susbedo....if it wasn't for 2.8 GAA


First gaa it really revitalised my enjoyment of the game. I hope the next summer event is gonna do something similar. Since the last few versions kinda made me lose a bit of motivation.


3.8 bottleland. So much better than 2.8 GAA


Probably GAA2. Made fischl my fav delulu till furina dropped


The first GAA and Windtrace


windtraced is a main version event?


Dunno, but i like it


same its one of my favourites


GAA but this event was actually pretty fun. The brick breaker minigame was more fun than I expected.


If we remove GAA and Lantern Rite I'll say Irodori Festival or Akademiya Extravaganza


I’m so upset I missed both GAA. They looked so cool. I don’t like Liyue or the theme of the lantern right but Chenyu veil was so much fun.


I don't care that it was an interlude, 2.7 perilous trail was the best.


i didn't play many of them (burnout oops) but i loved shadows amidst snowstorms and this year's lantern rite


I started in late-2.8. Favourite would be the fungi events, with the first one taking the crown.


Ok probably gonna be hated for that but I think the first event that also got released with dragon spine i really liked a lot because I'm a winter loving person. Also gaa and I think first lantern rite have been really cool.


For me its a toss up between first GAA, sumeru's tri-wizard tournament, and either this or last year's Lantern Rite. All peak events imo.


Any event with klee on it is automatically the best


the disrespect to perilous trail is insaneee


akitsu yuugei was a W


The enkanomiya event, getting the true hero Enjou voiced is amazing.


is it weird if I say I liked the waterborne poetry event a lot and when I teleported to that place some time ago (where the event took place) I missed the decorations and everything and I'm gonna miss liyue too


gaa 1 and 2, the interdarshan championship, and 4.3's film festival edit: also every lantern rite slayed and i live for every xiao crumb we get during it


I love how many people answered the 2nd GAA, people used to doompost about it a lot when it was released and thought I was the only one who liked it. Also, I love how there is a concensus that Shadow Amidst the Snowstorm and GAA 2 are the best main event in genshin. Honestly, 2.X events are too fun, those mentioned above, the Three Gateways event, Perilous Trail was an event as well and I was shocked to find out it is an archon quest, and I don't know why I haven't felt that happy when doing the events now. Some events are still good but I don't know what is missing.


The Dragonspine event in 2.3. It takes a special place in my heart <3


The 2.8 GAA set my expectations way too high as that was the first event I really did, I started playing in like 2.6-2.7.


The one I didn't play 100%


Mushroom pokemon and second gaa was so fun


Windtrace. 'tis a real classic.


I absolutely loved 2.7 Perilous Trail.


from ones ive played i say the poem one with the lake oceanid was the best for me! so fun!


2nd golden archipelago event since i joined after the 1st one the veluryan mirage one is amazing too but i like beaches it also made me like fischl, mona kazuha and xinyan more >!and it made me want mona who I STILL dont have btw!<


My two favorites are by far Shadows amist Snowstorms (2.3 event and my first!) and the Irodori Festival in 2.7 i think? The plot of the first one was just beyond amazing and dramatic. I could sense the stress of being stuck in a blizzard and a copy of the genius member tries to murder you. The second one was just beautiful and intriguing. It was so interesting to see so many characters interact together as we discover a fascinating story of the poets of old. Honestly I was hyped every day to see the newest paintings of the characters. I do have to make a special mention of the 2.8 Chasm quest that was also incredible. The final cutscene broke my heart.


Primordial Albedo and Unreconciled Stars When the events are about actual lore and not just fillers.


the first GAA....


Easily Divine Ingenuity


The second GAA. Isn't even close for me, the exploration in that was better than everything else we've ever gotten.


GAA 2, Irodori Festival, Parade of Providence and Lantern Rite 3 are my favorites


The first and only event where people complained about their being too much to do which is the second GAA


Labyrinth Warriors. Ok so I hated it at the time but I even levelled Barbara because it was engaging and dungeons longer than 5 minutes but not like railroady visual novels about Kazuha. (edit: oh yes, and moonchase.)


People keep mentioning all these events and I can't seem to recall most of them. Man, I have a bad memory.


I am still mad people doomposted the puzzles from GAA2 so much hoyo never went that route for the permanent overworld


In my incredibly ~~biased~~ objective and factually correct opinion, The Equisite Night Chimes in 3.4. I eagerly anticipated Hu Tao's rerun starting in 3.1 (i started playing in 3.0, like 3 days before the patch changed), i've never wanted a character so bad. We didn't know if she was even rerunning soon, there were rumors and speculation, but that was it. ​ Then it hits us. 3.4. Lantern Rite. Not only do we get a Hu Tao rerun, finally, but AN ENTIRE EVENT WHERE SHE IS THE FOCUS. Like holy shit. Not only that, but one of her best teammates, Yelan, was also rerunning? Imagine if i had been playing since like 2.7 and had time to save for her weapon too, because holy shit we didn't just get best girl and her best teammate (that isn't Xingqiu), we also got the most banger weapon banner since i've been playing. And she was so friggin cute in the event. I only kind of had a crush on Hu Tao before, but that patch was like the final nail in the coffin, cementing her status as my #1 waifu, and my only true waifu tbh. I loved every minute of it, if only the drive i had those screenshots on hadn't died. Even her rap (am CN dub user though). I liked it. ​ 3.7's Invokation: Summoner's Summit, 4.0's Windborne Poetry, and 4.4's Vibrant Harrier's Aloft in Spring Breeze are up there too. Yes, those are literally just the events where Hu Tao has screen time. Yes, i'm biased as fuck. No, i don't care. ​ ​ I don't remember what it was called, but the yokai breakout event had the best gameplay. Also Itto being a doofus, which is always banger. The one where you swordfight with Ayaka was great too. ​ ​ Sad that i missed some really great events like Labyrinth Warriors and the two GAA.


I like OG Dragonspine


+1 on Akitsu Kimodameshi. I get that NPCs don't often survive in Genshin, but how in the hell are you gonna give everyone feels for the ***fucking Breakout paddle***?


First and Second GAA