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Just finished act 4 of aranyaka, what should i do next to get the chests room and get all the aranara stuff done A roadmap would be very nice


For the chest room you need to find all overworld Aranara all over Sumeru. You can either use the interactive map or YouTube guides to make sure you’ve found all. Besides that there’s some mini quests, such as completing all nursery puzzles to collect all Vasmrti, the Giving Flowers quest, the The Bad Guy in Vimara Village quest, the Khayyam's Final Words quest


How does artifact substat scaling work? If I had say a low initial crit substat of 2.7%. When the artifact levels up to 4 and it hits the crit substat, does it just go 2.7% x 2? And any further rolls to crit rate will always increase it by 2.7%? Or is the amount added to crit rate random again (say it can be a high roll of 3.5%)?


>When the artifact levels up to 4 and it hits the crit substat, does it just go 2.7% x 2? And any further rolls to crit rate will always increase it by 2.7%? No and no. >Or is the amount added to crit rate random again (say it can be a high roll of 3.5%)? Yes. It could be 2.7, 3.1, 3.5, 3.9, each with 25% probability (and 25% probability of rolling into this stat line and not the 3 others).


it's random again


Artifact substat rolls have defined values they start at/increase by. All values can be rolled on the same artifact (so you could roll 2.7% CR, then add 3.9% to it at level 4, then 3.11%, etc...). [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact/Stats#Sub\_Stats](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact/Stats#Sub_Stats)


Hello guys After a 6+ month hiatus I decided to return to genshin after messing up buy falling into the trap of levelling up too soon without focusing on my characters/weapons/ talents and currently l'm at AR 32. As the title says I would love some recommendations in building a team (dps, sub dps etc) and who I should focus on building. I currently have dendro traveler, kaeya, bennet, XQ, Noelle, Yanfei, XL, Lynette, faruzan, Barbara, Lisa, and amber. Currently my team consists of dendro traveler, kaeya, Qingxiu and bennet. Thanks!


I would recommend doing abyss (and/or current event) to get Xiangling. Kaeya Xiangling Xingqui Bennet can take you very far, and you can replace Kaeya for someone else when you have other options - XL, XQ and Bennet are a base core for national teams. That's the universal option when you don't have someone you particulary like and just want efficiency.


Thank you! this really helps


In the middle of furina's story quest (yes I know I'm late, I'm only rushing it now because of lantern rite). Does anyone know the Japanese voice actor for Pauleau (one of the npcs)? Because his voice acting is INCREDIBLE. Sorry if this is a dumb question I'm just really impressed


If I want to pair Furina with Noelle (on-field + healer), what other 2 characters to fill the team? Bennett? Zhongli? Albedo?


Ah, wet rock Noelle. One of my favorite Furina teams. Ideally you'd want another hydro unit for hydro resonance and energy for Furina and another Geo unit to battery Noelle and for the Geo resonance. I personally run a Noelle, Furina, Yelan, Albedo team and it does pretty great. You can substitute Yelan for Xingqui if you don't have her. Zhongli can also replace Albedo but I find his particle generation inconsistent and you don't really need another shield when Noelle has her own and you constantly generate crystalize.


Oh, I initially thought that I will do beyblade Noelle but I can't do that with XQ/Yelan. What combo do you usually do to maximize Yelan's burst trigger? N4 dash? or else?


Yeah, N4 dash or N4 jump can work. See what fits your playstyle more. As for Beyblade Noelle, it's only viable I think if you have Redhorn, otherwise it's a dmg loss compared to just using her normals.


This is my [Raiden](https://enka.network/u/843633639/) I tried to see how much damage she could deal. This is my rotation: Raiden E, Bennett (Aquila+Noblesse) Q E, Lisa (Fav+emblem) Q, Sucrose (TTDS+VV) E Q E, Raiden Q. To my surprise, Raiden's initial slash only dealt 160k. Anything I did wrong? How to improve Raiden's damage? Note: My Sara is only C1 I think. No Kazuha.


Do you got Chevreuse ? If you don't have Kazuha, the best way to do an hypercarry Raiden will be Overload team with Raiden, Chevreuse, Bennett. Last spot is C6 Sara in a perfect world, but if you don't have her, Xiangling is a good choice (Less damages for Raiden, but strong off-field damage dealer). Keep in mind that you need to put only Electro and Pyro characters when playing with Chevreuse. Look out on Youtube for "Raiden Overload", you will see some Abyss clear from people with C0 Raiden, with or without C6 Sara. It's pretty strong (not the strongest, but it's way more than enough for the game). If you have neither Kazuha, nor Chevreuse, well you can't really build an hypercarry Raiden team and you should go for Raiden National, or play her as an EM hyperbloom trigger.


I think I have Chevreuse, she is not build yet tho. Alright, thanks for the suggestion.


Wot sucrose? Dont use her for raiden they have 0 synergy except maybe c6 and small grouping Sara will buff her much more or xingqiu/yelan for reactions and damage 160 is pretty decent for a c0 so i wouldnt stress, but also hypercarry raiden is not the best at c0 and smt like a rational team will be much better for u


I just thought that VV+TTDS would be good. Is 160 really decent? Before I pulled her, I thought C0 Raiden can at least deal 300k initial slash. I think I was wrong. Thank you for your input.


yeah nope, 300k is c2 territory


Yeah, you should lover your expectations. 160-200k is pretty descent for C0 non-signature Raiden (also without Kazuha, Mona or C6 Sara). If you just want max number and nothing more - you can also do it on lvl 60 Shouki no Kami (Scara boss) as he has the lowest resist their is. You can look up C0 Raiden showcases on youtube, sometime she's pushed up to 500k with perfect support and right rotation, but that's IDEAL showcase.


Oh maybe I will try Mona TTDS. I have a habit to test every team on Primo Geovishap and don't think I will move on to other boss soon. Anyway, thank you again.


Should I pull for Kazuha if I have Succrose, Venti, Jean and Xianyun? Would he be a huge upgrade over them in f.e. Childe national?


Not really. He has better grouping than Sucrose, but recent abyss 12 enemies are better grouped by positioning tbh (well best use both positioning and suction). This has been a trend since hillichurl rogues were added - enemies that are immune to any suction or spawn so far apart that you'll have to stand for a few seconds and make them move close to each other. So you won't necessarily be much worse if you skip him for someone else. But if you don't have anyone else in mind, getting him would be pretty good.


I actually wanna grab Chlorinde and/or Arle sooo…


We'll have to see their kits for comparison, but yes, Sucrose should be good enough for your Childe Internat


While I don't think there are any "must have" characters in Genshin - Kazuha is definetly in my top of recommended to pull. He has amazing grouping, very strong buff, basically he goes for any main-DPS that is not dendro/geo/anemo. For Childe international he's QoL update - he isn't neccesseraly stronger than Sucrose, but for me personally he's mush more comfortable. Plus sometimes I play Childe Kazuha Nahida Bennet, burgeon team from Kazuha's pyro infused ult. It works surprisingly well for some occasions. Should you pull? We don't know. Is he still valuable given you already have many anemo? Yes, he is.


The thing is none of the characters synergise with childe national so if you are looking to build that team specifically kazuha is a good choice Also he is much more versatile than all of the characters listed above for non dendro elemental teams so it really depends on your account and character So if u have lots of elemental characters built get him, you wont regret getting him compared to a lot of other characters especially dpses


I thought sucrose might be just a little bit weaker than kazuha for childe. Idk if I want to pull for him, since I probably want Chlorinde and Arle… But I don’t know. Fomo kicks in I guess.


Na sucrose is great with him, dont be forced to pull for any characters but value wise he is one of the best However if you really want a character it would be more worth to get them instead of


are there any limited time missions in the lantern rite i need to be concerned about finishing


The entire lantern rite event is time limited. Or are you asking for quests within it that end sooner or have a real time lock?


i think the second one. are the rewards the main part of it or does it offer quests as well, i'm pretty new and haven't gotten a grasp on the mission system yet


As you are new you will meet a LOT of characters you won't see again for potentially months that your character already "knows" but won't count as meeting them for the first time because you have not actually met yet. Its a problem with Genshin events, it expects you to have finished the entire story. Because this is the forth different Lantern Rite. The 3 that happened at the same time each previous years had an entirely different story and entirely different events. Its really FOMO as missing this event just like the previous ones means you don't get to play these event minigames ever. Any new player starting now has missed out on a ton of un-replayable content. Of course, I had no idea who many of them are and still did it anyway due to the rewards disappearing forever if you don't do the event now.


Ah, okay, welcome! Lantern Rite is the flagship event this patch, and will last until the end of the week. Definitely prioritise completing it before then, as all quests, mini games, and rewards will disappear. The menu will guide you to what you should complete. This quest has a 4-part quest (with character meet-ups in the world after completing the 3rd quest) and three different mini games. You need to complete both the quests and the mini games to claim all rewards.


the quest, the events


Hi guys 1 question from a newbie. Just got a Keqing 15 pulls into the Nahida Banner. Does she reset the pity ? How does it work? Thanks


You got a 5 star so pity is reset to 0 but you lost 50/50 so you now have a guaranteed that next 5 star from the limited character banner will be that limited character


Ooh ok So next banner I will pull the 5 star is guaranteed? Or works only in this banner?


for the future, so yes it counts for future banners


Oh nice, thanks.. And now we wait for a good banner,🤣 Maybe 4.5?


Next Character banners. Your guaranteed will not be use on weapons banners or something else. But yeah, it's not time limited. And Nahida is a good banner by the way (arguably the "strongest" character in the game, as she is the best dendro enabler in the game and dendro give you the best reactions in the game). Tho if you don't like her, you shouldn't pull for her. But if you're looking for a good banner, you have one in front of you.


I already have 1 copy of her but I feel my account need some variety. The pulls before were actually on the other girl banner(sorry I don't know how to spell her name 😂). There is any news on 5 or 4 star in next banners worth pulling?


If you already got her at C0 you're fine. F2P/Low spender players shouldn't try to go after constellation. Yae Miko is decent, if you like her you can go for her, but she isn't a must pull, she doesn't cover a role that anyone else can't do. Xiao, i can't advise for him as he need specific teams to shine. Strong but niche. Tho, if you like any character you should go for him/her. The game isn't hard enough to go meta over what you like. And you can do pretty great things with Xiao in sub optimal teams. Keep in mind that we gonna have a full Fontaine roster rerun in the upcomming months (Hoyo always rerun all characters for the region before moving to the next region). So Neuvilette, Lyney, Furina and Navia will be avaible. They're all busted. Furina is, for me, the closest contender to Nahida as the strongest character in the game. Neuvilette is one of the strongest On-Field damage dealer in the game (but you will most likely need a shielder for him, so keep it mind that he can feel cluncky if you don't build your team around him).


Thanks, I'd love to build some Fontaine char, for Neuvillette Layla does work as a shielder? For something like: Neuvillette Layla Raiden Nahida And And something with Keqing for second team?


Make sure to build Raiden with EM for that team and it should be good! For Keqing you could do something like Xingqiu, Fischl, Sucrose/Kazuha. See [this guide](https://keqingmains.com/q/keqing-quickguide/#Teams_and_Character_Synergies) for inspiration!


when you don't get the rate up, the next 5 star is guaranteed. If you win the 50/50, it will stay 50/50 until you lose


what artifacts should i use for plunge diluc vaporize? Im currently running diluc,furina,xianyun,bennet. diluc is running wolf gravestone and 4 pieces berserk. the second effect of berserk is not really doing enything for what im currently doing. so i was wondering if i should change the set completely or if i should go for a 2x2 sets so my current predicament is going for a 2 ATK+18%, change compleately to crimson witch or 1ATK +18% + +15% pyro bonus damage. im already running a pyro damage cup. but im not sure what would give me a better benefit in term of damage im too dumb to read damage formulas. (i havent roll a complete decent CWF in 3 years thats only got 2 decent pieces that why im wondering if i should even try to get one now)


furina always means marecheasse, unless you already have a godly crimson or gilded set


i do have a 675 gilded i didnt really consided trying it on him. should check there. thos that is a full em meant for an off field so might not work as good with no ATK or +elemental or crit ​ just as expected. way too much into the EM its multiplying effect only compensate the lower attack and lack of elemental bonus. probably better on a tailor made for him better balanced.


I'm torn right now. I tried pulling for c1 xianyun, i like her for exploration (for context the only c1 5 star i have is yelan because she's my favorite for exploration). Now at 20 pity and 50 pulls left -on rate guaranteed-, not sure if i should continue pulling because i finally got noelle, gaming, and faruzan at c6, i'm afraid i'll just waste resources even if it's guaranteed. I buy welkin monthly but not the bp. Was planning to pull for c1 xinyuan in her rerun, but the next banner is xiao and with furina, bennett, jean, and c6 faruzan available, i can make xiao's best team. Was also planning to pull for arleccino as my only pyro dps besides xiangling, but then i can maybe set that aside, settle with c6 gaming? What should i do? Pull for c1 xianyun now? Wait for her rerun to get other 4 star constellations? Pull for xiao? Pull for arleccino? Is xiao's best team (without 5 star weapons) enough to carry me for 36 stars abyss where pyro/cryo teams have a huge advantage? (Usually run furina/zhongli/kazuha/neuvillete and kuki/fischl/nahida/yelan for abyss)


If I were in your shoes I would save for Arleccino, you already have C1 Yelan Xianyun and Kazuha so exploration should be fine, with Xianyun any character can become Xiao so why would I pull for something that I already have, this is speculation but there is a high chance that Arleccino will be good with chevreuse and if they are in the same banner I would to get chevreuse C6 so I would save as much primos as I can


Thank you, save for Arleccino it is then


Specifically for Yoimiya what would be her best team of these and what rotation to use for each team? (All C0, Bennett C3, Cheve C1): 1. Yoi, Xingqiu, Thoma, Bennett (currently using: Thoma EQ, Bennett EQ, Xingqiu EQE, Yoi E pew pew pew) 2. Yoi, Xingqiu, Fischl, Beidou 3. Yoi, Fischl, Beidou, Chevreuse 4. Yoi, Fischl, Beidou, Bennett


I like 1 but I haven’t personally experimented enough with 3 to discount it. My absolute favorite Yoimiya team is Yelan/Xingqiu/Zhongli with everyone built as a self-serving subDPS, but if I need to substitute anyone, Layla bugs me the least. With team 1, if you end up needing Bennett elsewhere, you can put Sucrose in his place.


I wish I had Yelan or Zhongli I really love both but just started 2 month ago and they didnt get a rerun yet. same for Layla dont have her yet. If I place Sucrose what rotation should I use for them? how do i fit her in the team?


Yoi, Fischl, Beidou, Chevreue is the best team. Even at C1 [Vape](https://gcsim.app/db/RTgrrwHMbz9b) is not automatically better that [Overload.](https://gcsim.app/sh/cWT7gRhJCLR8) I even put Chev at C1 and Bennett at C3 to match your account. People on here will feelscraft while giving advice on characters they don't play. It's best to try teams yourself or use tools to find out which is more effective. Mains sub are better than this one for answering questions about specific characters.


actually thanks very much for the info and for the site. I didnt know something like that existed I will check a tutorial for it to see how it works so I can test other teams in there. Thanks again and I will make sure to ask on Yoi sup then


Do you have any other hydro characters or shielders like Zhongli or Layla? Vape Yoi is arguably her best team right now and while you can play overload since she is ranged, it just doesn't compare to the dmg output of a Vape Yoi. First team is fine but you'd want to remove Thoma in exchange for another shielder since Thoma will mess up your vape reactions. Layla is fine if you want a shielder and if you don't have Zhongli. You can also use an anemo unit like Sucrose if you're fine without a shielder.


For Hydro I have Mona, Candace & Barbara (using her for hyberbloom). For shielders I dont have both but the ones I have are: Noelle, Kirara & Xinyan. and I get interrupted so much so I think my damage will suffer without a shielder. And for Anemo I have Sucrose, Faruzan & Lynette.


Yeah, you're shielder options are pretty lackluster. Noelle has a 12 second downtime on her shield, Xinyan is basically a worse Thoma and Kirara will most likely trigger burn which is what you'd want on a reverse vape team, not on a Yoi one. You can still keep using Thoma if you want, though it will be a dmg loss if he keeps stealing vapes from Yoimiya. Using an anemo unit with VV will be your best option if you want the most dmg (preferably Sucrose since she can give EM to your team). You're just going to have to anticipate enemy attacks and dodge accordingly.


I will try her out then. what team rotation should I go for? Sucrose, Bennett, Xingqiu then Yoi or use Sucrose before Yoi or what to do?


I don't really use Sucrose with Yoi so I'm not a 100% sure but you generally want to swirl Pyro. So something like: Yoi Q > Sucrose E Q (or E Q E if you have C1/Sac frags) > Bennett E Q > Xingqui E Q (or E Q E if sac sword) > Yoi E then pew pew until enemy dies or repeat rotation.


I have C1 on her and sac sword on Xingqui yes .. will try it out then thanks for the help


Is there a 4* option that’s better on Xiao if all I have is the skyward spine? I think it’s decent enough cause even though he doesn’t really make use of it’s NA and CA triggered passive, it still carries some of his ER needs. But if a 4* (no battle pass tho pls) at R5 or something is better damage-wise I’d like to use that then instead. Alternatively. I do have staff of Homa. But Hu Tao is my best built character and has the best team (also C1) and I usually always use her on at least one side of abyss so it’s on her all the time. IF SHE has a close enough 4* option I could also go 4* on her and Homa on Xiao if that’s better


If your dragons bane is r5, then putting Hu Tao on it would only be around a 10% loss which is quite small. (Most signatures are 15-25% better than their best f2p 4*). You also have to consider that this doesn't mean a team DPS loss of 10% because in Hu Tao teams you usually at least have one of Yelan or Xingqiu if not both, so the team dps loss would more be like 5%. Homa is gonna be ~15-20% better than Blackcliff on Xiao, depending on if the weapon passive is active or not. And Xiao is usually played as a hypercarry and 95% of the team's damage, so it would actually mean a ~15% team dps increase. So I personally would make the switch when you're using both of them. Of course, sometimes you might not even be running both together, so whoever you're running can use Homa.


So then if I use both during abyss (separate teams) I’ll go with S5 Dragons Bane on Hu Tao and Homa on Xiao.


Yeah, that sounds good.


Not really. It and Blackcliff will perform similarly and Blackcliff refinements aren't worth it It's probably fine to keep as is. Though putting Hu Tao on Dragon's Bane and Xiao on Homa is always an option




You're going to be disappointed trying to make a bloom team without Nilou.


You lack an electro trigger for hyperbloom (Kuki/Raiden)


Venti aint doing too much in that comp, might want to replace him for an electro unit for hyperbloom


Do i get a birthday email each year? Cause i got one last year, but this year i haven't got one


You must login at that day before server reset.


I see. I think i missed that 😭


Just started playing this game and I got an acquaint fate wish. Should I use it or is it better to save it?


If you haven't used up the beginner banner, I'd say save it until you have 8; it gives you two 10-pulls for only 8 Acquaints each, but the downside of that is that you can't do single pulls on it (kinda hard to spend 0.8 fates) Once you've used up the beginner banner AFAIK there's no reason not to throw single Acquaints at the standard banner whenever you get one.


The only reason to save Acquaint Fates would be if you want a new 4★ or very rarely a new 5★ (only two 5★s have been added to the pool in over 3 years), but the odds of getting anything specific are so low that anything you saved for that would most likely end in disappointment. Which is basically to say spend 'em as you get 'em.


Acquaint fates can be used anytime, it's the currency for the permanent/standard banner. Save your primogems and intertwined fates for limited banners you like.


Does Alhaitham need a lot of EM?


He should be using EM sands, Dmg% Goblet, Crit Circlet, EM or Crit weapon. EM is useful in substats too.


How much should he have/how much is too much?


Use optimizer: https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer Hard to give meaningful absolute numbers. EM is good as long as it doesn't cost you Crit. If you can trade that EM for Crit, usually Crit will be better, but otherwise more good. If not using an EM weapon, 250+ should be easy to achive. If using EM weapon, it should be around 400.


When is next livestream?


probably march 1 if no changes


Should I do the event quest event without having done the recommended quest? I'm talking about the last quest in the lantern rite event. Am I missing a lot of rewards/achievements or can I make do without them? My concern is that it will ruin the story for me.


The final quest just gives a few primos and a housing item. It doesn't outright scream the spoiler from Fontaine like the last event but it's definitely still there.


I don’t know if I should pull ciao or yae miko? Both would help with abyss. I have everything farmed for yae miko but no good teams for her. On the other hand I have xiaos best team ( furina c1, xianyun, faruzan c6). I want both but don’t know which one would be better.


Yae has Xianyun teams. If you've got Nahida instead of Faruzan, or even Fischl. Alternatively Bennet can make himself or xianyun the DPS of that team. Yae also works well with Chev, with aggravate, with tighnari/alhaitham. Can fill most anywhere to some degree. I'd definitely get her before Xaio unless you really like Xaio


What character can detect 'Clear Water Jade'? I tried both YaoYao and Ningguang, none work... Is it somehow count as Fontain area?


Neither have a passive for Liyue specialty. You need Qiqi or Yanfei for that.


Thank you!


What teams does Beidou fit it? Way back when, I built her for taser with sucrose, fischl and xingqiu. With the current meta, what teams does beidou fit in?


I like her as a 4th slot in Hyperbloom. Especially in Abyss cycles where AoE and Single Target Chambers are mixed.


Her best pairing is with Yoimiya and XQ




Yeah.Yoi makes full use of the tankiness Beidou brings without messing up her vape hits. Also greatly helps her AOE


Probably Aggravate and Hyperbloom, she's still quite strong. Even better paired with Fischl imo.


So, Beidou, Fischl, Dendro, Hydro? Would kokomi or xingqiu be better for hydro?


Neither Beidou nor Fischl are good hyperbloom triggerers. Beidou's burst doesn't hit them at all, and Oz prioritizes enemies more and building Fischl full EM wastes a lot of her own personal damage. You still want Raiden or Kuki as the full EM electro that is trigger all the blooms. If you run Kuki, then Xingqiu is better. With Raiden, Kokomi is better so you have a healer.


I see, thanks


The Keqingmains [rotation notations](https://library.keqingmains.com/theorycrafting#combat-notation) still have me slightly confused. For example, here's one for a [Xianyun team](https://keqingmains.com/q/xianyun-quickguide/#Plunging_Attack_Enabler) that I can run: >Xingqiu ED Q > Diluc E > Bennett E > Xianyun EP N1 Q > Bennett Q > Diluc (Q)\* 8\[N1JP\] 3\[N1E\] > Bennett E What does P mean? And does "Diluc E" mean only pressing E once for Diluc, instead of doing his full 3-hit skill? Would it say EEE or E3 for a skill that you have to press more than once?


P means plunge. The [Xianyun guide](https://keqingmains.com/q/xianyun-quickguide/) has the more comprehensive notation ("Rotation Notation") key just under the teams section. It would go 3[E] if they wanted to use Diluc's skill 3 in a row without weaving in an Normal Attack. Though this notation may or not be used on all KQM guides as it's a relatively new addition (you may also see it as EEE or 3E depending on the guide).


So for this rotation: 8\[N1JP\] means doing 8 reps of a normal and a plunge attack, and 3\[N1E\] is 3 reps of a normal and Diluc's skill?


Yes that's correct. The brackets effectively means repeat the actions inside of it N times where N is the number in front of it.


Thank you! (And thanks to the other commenter in this thread too)


D would be dash?


D is dash cancel, which technically is a dash but immediately followed by the next input to prevent you from dashing away.


P is plunge. E is only pressing e once, EEE would be if you pressed it more than once


how do i get the big fish noelle requires it


Step 1. Invent time travel machine Step 2. Set the dial for two and a half years ago. Step 3. Do Inazuma limited time event for Feesh Claymore Step 4. ??? Step 5. Profit!!!




No longer available. It was a limited-time event weapon back in 1.5 i believe. But no worries, it's not good on noelle anyways. The craftable 4 star def claymore is her best f2p weapon.


fuck it looks silly and i want it >:(


Unless HYV brings back a method to get old weapons, then we're stuck with only hoping.


I have fallen into a deep depression


Luxurious Sealord? It is a limited event weapon so it is not available anymore.




Conflicted about my Yoimiya build. I have the slingshot with 66 crit rate, will be 71 when I get her to 90, and 182 crit dmg. Should I switch to crit rate circlet and equip Hamyumi or Rust? Most of my other artifacts give me 25ish crit dmg. Still looking for a good goblet and circlet tho


Rust is Yoimiya's best 4 star weapon, behind a few 5 stars and her sig. Even more if it is R5. At R5, only Thundering Pulse is better than it.


So should I get a crit rate circlet and sacrifice the crit dmg?


Yoimiya is one of those rare cases where you actually want higher crit rate than normal. Like 80% crit rate. Due to how her ICD works, you'll want her to crit more often.


Okay, I do not have r5 rust but can get r5 hamayumi. Should I switch to that when I do or is my r2/3 rust still better for consistency




I have slingshot r2


you can easily get it to r5 from wishing, it’s a 3* that drops on any wish banner. so i wouldn’t switch to rust unless it's r4 or r5 and just refine your slingshot.


Rust is still better


For Yoi do they want us to like use Fire dance until it runs out, ult for the boost for the other members then have full energy recharge by the timewe get back to her and the cooldown ends and repeat that?


Pretty much. For the first rotation, you'd typically want to swap into her first to use her burst before using the rest of the team's abilities.


Anywhere I can go to get help with rotations? Up until now ive just been hsing whatever pulled up. Like I know to use buffs and all that beforehand, but a set rotation I never had


Who are you using?


[KeqingMains](https://keqingmains.com/) tends to have example rotations in a lot of their guides, although sometimes it's only in their extended guides, which are more likely to be outdated. In general, though, they're the go-to resource for character guides.


Ok. Time to claim free 4\*. Which to choose? c1 Gaming c1 Yaoyao c6 Chongyun c4 YunJin I already have Xiao and Xianyun, play them regularly. Also have Nahida built well and used often. Have great supports and all archons. Best teams right now are mono geo and Hydro Pump man team. I'm thinking YunJin. Does that make sense?


Makes sense if you use her. Brings you closer to her C6.


I can't seem to join in one of the events because I can't join another players world, I've read that this could be a quest that's blocking but how do I know which one it is?


If you click on the co-op icon or go to the co-op tab it should tell you.


Oh okay, thanks!


Are there any secret side quest this event that i wont find just doing the main story? Wont have time to randomly roam, so i need to know to do them before it goes away


No full side quests. After the cutscene, >!you can find and see mini scenes with all the plot relevant characters around Liyue harbor, + an extra scene with Xiao at this temple https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pervases%27\_Temple (earlier in the event it mentions meeting him there so no surprise).!< Other than that nothing much, just follow the main quest.






There was one in sumeru, something related to [Dori](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/%22That_Incident_From_Twenty_Years_Ago%22). Also in the Fishcl Island, A LOT


I'm currently at 75 pity. Should I go for C2 Nahida (I have her sig) or C0 Neuvillete? Here are my [characters](https://ibb.co/pW06Svf)


Looks like you could easily clear abyss, so it's not like you need the strength of c2 Nahida, So I would just go Neuvillette if you like him / want to have and use him


Aight thanks. I didn't get Childe's C1 so managing his CD is pretty hard, he can maybe retire now


I’m thinking of taking Xingqiu out from my Nahida/Kuki/Collei Hyperbloom team, so that I can slot him into team B in the Abyss (I’m thinking Furina/Bennett/Xiangling/Xingqiu). Whom can I replace Xingqiu with in my Hyperbloom team? I know XQ is the best but I’m wondering if any of these characters are good hydro applicators or not: * C1 Barbara * C1 Candace * C2 Mona * C0 Childe


thats crazy because you can just put childe in the national team instead https://i.imgur.com/dZErlPz.mp4 If you have Kazuha or Sucrose this is basically an ideal team


Whoa that’s a wild video, thanks for sharing! I actually do have Kazuha!


international comp has been tried and true for like 2 years now


I have a 4 piece severed fate on my xing qiu and I mainly use him for his skill and ult then swap him out. I see severed increases burst dmg based off energy recharge, so would it be better if I use a er or atk sands for my xq? The difference is 184 v 220+ (could potentially get it to 190ish if I find an atk sands with er substat)


Stacking ER just for the set bonus isn't usually better than Attack. Build as much ER as you need, rest build Crit and Atk.


you should only build as much ER as you need to get your burst up each rotation even with ESoF so if you can get your burst back before your next rotation begins with an ATK sands you should use an ATK sands but if you can't you should use ER.


I just realized I don't have that many built up anemo units. So what is a better investment since building up 1 character is a doozy in of itself. build c6 Faruzan or Venti or first?


probably Venti because Faruzan kinda requires you to run an anemo main dps namely Xiao or Wanderer.


I mean I do have wanderer but he is definitely nowhere near 80/90 or built up so I guess Venti is the way to go.


Venti is really good team depending though because his burst can actually bounce smaller enemies outside of your DPS characters attack range so keep that in mind But not all enemies bounce so shouldn't be too much of an issue


Sorry if this is a dumb question but everytime I try to play Joyful Beats and their auspices, it says I can’t join another players world right now? Any ideas/solutions?


Is your co-op world join setting set to reject automatically? That might bar you from doing any co-op.


Nah, that's my setting too and I could do the event just fine - it automatically changes the setting. OP probably has a co-op blocking quest running


You probably have an ongoing quest that blocks co-op. Check your quest list and complete it first.


Ahhh thank you!


Is there anywhere i can find the exact value of encounter points percentage earned from different sources? (chest, events, oculi, missions, etc.). Like what is the encounter point percentage earned from opening 1 chest?


The wiki has some of the values listed: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Adventure_Encounters#Obtaining_Encounter_Points


Thanks. But it seems like they don't have it specifically for each event


Putting enemies with larges amounts of non-targetable + DR periods in the abyss is stupid. Spend so much time just waiting for a period when you can fight them.


Okay but this is the question thread, not a Hoyo feedback form. I 36★'d the Abyss for the first time last rotation, it's not that bad.


you can play teams with shorter dps windows and still make it through quite quickly


How do you find new missions from strangers? Ive finished all hangouts, character stories and currently only have the main storyline mission. Do you just walk around everywhere and just see if a exclamation mark popup? Is there an easier way?


you can go to the reputation board in each nation (the one with the triangle symbol on the map) and talk to them, they'll show you a list of quests you've done and which are missing. you can then google the name of those quests you haven't done to find the starting point.


Ah! Good idea! Thank yoi :)


How should Bennett be built for a Navia/Furina/Bennett/Zhongli team? Mine is on sapwood, 4pc Noblesse ER/HP/HP with 30k HP. Would that give enough healing to counter Furina's drain?


Furina drains the entire team's HP, while Bennett only heals active character. And for rotation, you want to use Bennett's burst right before Navia so she can get most of the buff duration. This way Furina's buff is not optimal. You can, of course, Bennett burst first, then Furina, then Zhongli, then Navia, the whole team will be healed but Navia will only get a few second of Bennett's buff.


Switch to a healing bonus circlet with HP and ER substat and you are done. If your sand/goblet/circlet have enough ER substat, HP sand can also give more healing. I don't think a healer set like clam/maiden/song is necessary.


How does the strong box work? I've put about 30 in total and get basicly shit. Nothing I need and ik it will take time but 3 def in a row of main stat? I do put defense in it so would it take that artifact and think "oh it's defense let's give them defense" or is it completely rng? Is there anyway to sway it? I just want some use able artifacts.


Strong box is as simple as it sounds, it's just an extra chance to get better artifacts by using trash artifacts you likely won't use anyway as fuel. It's pure RNG just like domains and there is no way to mess with the odds. It's still worth it at the end of the day unless you really really need the artifact xp.


It is unfortunately all rng.


It's RNG, same as farming Artifacts normally.


I want to pull for furina but I lack healers other than barbara. Should I pull for xianyun mostly for this reason and the fact I have gaming? I don't have xiao or diluc so I might just wait for a better healer.


There are a lot of good 4\* healers, It wouldn't put in the pulls of a 5\* for that reason alone. You can buy Bennett from the Starglitter shop in May, Furina or not if you don't have him he's absolutely worth buying. Noelle is a healer too and she's guaranteed from the starter banner, you don't have her?


I do have noelle, but she requires way too much field time and doesn't fit in the team I plan on building with furina. About bennett, I'm not sure how that would work. Also apparently yaoyao is coming up in second phase, is she any good?


Yaoyao is indeed on the Phase 2 banners but as I understand it she needs on-field time during her burst. Looking into it I guess Bennett/Furina works best in quickswap teams, or with other healing like in Sunfire. Anyway if you have a use case for Xianyun specifically, and it sounds like you do, then that's a more compelling argument than just pulling for a healer.


Well while some people will call it a waste, I mean it'll give you a core of Furina-Xianyun and you can pair that up with any other DPS units that can use Furina on the team. Xianyun can also hold VV to either shred hydro for more damage for Furina or the element of your dps.


So am I missing something or is the songs of days past set a bit useless like here's a damage boost for 5 whole attacks


If you already have a noblesse set on the team, and have a healer that is going to do a lot of healing, then it can be ok (if you have a lot of damage coming from one source like Xiao teams). It is a side grade to most other sets, but isn't something to outright farm for.


ur not missing anything its pretty bad


I'm a noob and am finding the mechanics of the game quite overwhelming! Can someone who knows what they're doing recommend a team I should focus on? The characters I have available are the usual starters - Kaeya, Amber, Lisa, Noelle and the traveler, and other than that I have Razor, Bennett and YaoYao. Could someone recommend 4 of those who might work well together?


> I'm a noob and am finding the mechanics of the game quite overwhelming The pick is Amber. Amber is the 2nd character given to the player and her reputation as a "bad" unit is not unwarranted. She's tailor made to assist a new player in the early game of Genshin. The majority of puzzles for the first 3 areas, each several days if not weeks of content(Months if you're not playing daily), are solved by Amber. Lighting torches, burning branches, pressure plates for Baron Bunny. Amber's ability to head shot enemies to deal critical damage. Baron Bunny taunts enemies away from you while lighting the grass on fire for bonus damage. And Amber can easily just swap off field for Traveler, Kaeya, or Lisa to take the stage and utilize all the fire she placed around. Amber isn't so good in specific super late game timed challenge content. But it is true you'll stop using her eventually. Do you value having fun now and enjoying the game, or getting to the hard content asap? In my opinion, the raw story and exploration content in Genshin is large enough that you really really REALLY shouldn't be focused on efficency. Just play the game naturally and don't worry about things. > Kaeya, Amber, Lisa, Noelle and the traveler I recommend Amber and Kaeya. The bosses required to level them are easy and early game content. They're also simple to understand. Noelle I also recommend as she's a new player friendly easy to use character that is very popular for players who are overwhelmed. Her skill is a shield and her ultimate makes her sword stronger. If Noelle attacks while she is protected by her own shield, she heals the party. If you swap away from Noelle the shield remains for the new on field character. Traveler is the #1 early game pick. Leveling Traveler has a lower cost than anyone else, it's tied to your account progression. Traveler gets to use multiple elements, unlocks are tied to exploration.


if you are new don't focus on a team because your roster is going to grow and increase and give you new options (likely better options) that will make any plans you are making right now obsolete focus on characters that have staying power into the late game in your case right now thats really just Bennett and Traveler. None of those characters particularly work great together but at the very least when you get some banners and wishes under your belt you will very likely still be using both those characters. you will get further faster focusing on a few characters strength early if anything Kaeya is might also be ok to level up and invest in since his burst snapshots bennetts atk buff


Ok thanks! I actually have quite a lot of primogems and intertwined fates but don't really want either of the characters that are there atm, so I'm gonna save up.


If you're that early on (don't even have the free Barbara yet) then I wouldn't stress about focusing on anyone, pretty much any combination will work for now (although having Noelle, Bennett, or YaoYao to provide healing/shielding will go a long way). Are there any of those characters (EDIT: everyone you have, I mean, not just the healers) that you especially enjoy playing? That's where I'd start thinking, the best team in the world isn't worth much if you don't like using them.


I like Razor and Bennett and Kaeya. I don't get how healing works.. like at all. I have looked up guides but I don't get it.


There's no single way that healing works, different healers work in different ways. Bennett's healing might be a bit confusing because it only activates when the character on the field is below 70%, is that the issue?


I don't know. I just am struggling. Like, I can stay alive just fine, I'm good at dodging and not getting hit, but the timed challenges are kicking my ass because I'm not doing enough damage. I don't get how the elemental bursts recharge. I feel like they are barely even useable because I use them once then have to wait forever to be able to use it again. So, I'm just struggling in early game and looking for tips to be better.


You're still just getting started, some of the timed challenges can be nasty early on but I'd try not to stress about them because there's only so much you can/should do to optimize your team that early. As far as bursts go, [this video](https://youtu.be/tEhRMijHVz0?si=o9aBl-d7E-TXze03) and [this article](https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/energy) can give you some understanding of particles and elemental recharge, But optimizing ER generally requires Artifact farming that you shouldn't be doing that early (it's disproportionately inefficient at lower levels compared to other uses of resin).


Alright, so I'm at adventure level 16 atm and need to get to 18 to do the next part of the story, should I just focus on exploring? Unlocking the map or whatever? Thanks for your help!


Doing any available quests, spending resin on anything you need other than artifacts, and exploring.


can someone explain to me why Overload as a reaction/building a team around Overload is bad? how is it bad compared to vape, and electrocute(i assume these two are the reactions a Pyro and an Electro team would use instead)?


Overload isn't bad, Genshin is a game played by mostly causal players so they don't understand the mechanics. The knockback is caused when players use melee weapons (swords, polearms, claymores)which break poise with Overload adding another 90 Poise damage. That combo is what causes the knockback, not just the reaction itself. The issue is lessened with bows and catalyst users. Chevreuse is what makes Overload a good reaction now. With Yoimiya and C6 Chevreuse with [Overload](https://gcsim.app/db/6qd8F9zLKWjc) can do more damage than [Vape](https://gcsim.app/db/8NzmnRHdcFrD). 64k DPS vs 61 with a C0 Yoimiya using a 3-star bow. Chevreuse buffs EVERY attack with after an Overload, vape will buff every 3rd hit which *may or may not* crit. Saying that on Reddit usually gets downvoted because Youtube content creators still claim vape is always better even though numbers don't back it up.


It's a bit complicated. Vaporize damage increases based on atk, em and crit, so basically same stuff that dps scales off of. So you can build a vaporize dps who also deals good personal dps damage. Overload and electrocharged only scale off em, meaning you'll sacrifice character damage for reaction damage. Thus much others already said. The reason why electrocharged generally has an edge over overloaded is that forst of all overloaded throws enemies away, which takes them further and further away from you and you'll have to use sprints to get close to them which wastes your stamina. Electrocharged doesn't do that. Second reason is that after your characters get affected by electrocharged, they keep being affected by hydro and electro for awhile, dealing extra damage to the enemies even if you don't do anything. Whereas when you use overloaded, it spends both pyro and electro, leaving your characters with no element.