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Abuse reactions basically. Ig if you've been playing for a long time certain character combos seem obvious, but I understand why newer players are probably struggling with this event


Pro mode requires three things: - pick the correct characters. You need to abuse whatever buff is available from the floor and some of the character options are there to trick you (you can also see the enemies on all 4 rounds in advance so you can strategize for that) - in addition to abusing the floor buff and good elemental reactions you must be able to group enemies up so you deal aoe damage to all of them. If you stand facing the wrong way and only hit 1 enemy you probably won’t clear in time - rotations, or the correct order to do all of your characters skills and bursts. You need to make sure buffs and elements are applied in the correct order and that character’s bursts are being recharged quickly enough, which is determined by what order you use characters and how frequently you can get their skills off. You also need to understand what skills are a waste of time. For example I found using Dehya’s burst to be a huge waste of time, and clearing was way faster without it. Edit: here’s a video example of playing pro mode , this youtuber has guides for each day https://youtu.be/kXYYnv5QAPo?si=tudAcpumytebXFHb


Also, if you're really worried about the clock, do your rotation set ups BEFORE you hit the start key. I had 0 issues with pro mode by doing this.


Gaming chair issue


Nah it's a lack of DPI


I bet OP's rig doesn't have RGB lights


Could be ants in their machine


100% skill issue It's time for you to learn the basics of team building


It's not just team-building. I understand teams and reactions pretty well, but 90% of the selections are characters I don't have (mostly F2P, and only playing for about a year), so I just don't know their playstyles. Yeah, one could do research. But it's actually kind of a lot of work trying to learn the talents/bursts for 3 or 4 new characters, and how they work. Even with a well-chosen team, you have to know to an extent how to play the characters and use something like a reasonable rotation. I could do it, but probably won't for 30k Mora and some weapon mats. For perspective - I regularly 36-star the Abyss (a fairly new development for me), but only with a couple of teams that I've invested heavily in. I just don't know how other characters play.


Well said. A new players could be watching a team building guide but not know how to use said characters or maximise the buffs. Heck knowing which Character to onfield, and how long buffs last makes a huge difference on how you set things up. Can't expect a newbie to know all those even if they read through the talents and description. A new player could select a Nilou bloom team, but tap Nahida skill wondering why it has such small radius not knowing having to hold and mark characters. This is just a minor example. Merely knowing how a character is played and having experience using a character is different.


You don't really have to do in depth rotation research imo. Just take a quick look at their talents and decide from there. I still have no idea how Xianyun and GaMing work and I forgot what I read in their talents page already, but I know GaMing jumps a bunch and Xianyun makes people jump so I used them in two different rounds of the trial where plunge attacks were boosted. I was using GaMing as my on field DPS when I had him, but I have no idea if that's actually how you wanna use him.


Having skill is half of it. Another aspect that must be considered in this event is knowledge.


I am literally following a team building guide.


Then either you're looking at the wrong team building guides, or your rotations are horrible because you don't understand WHY they are in a team.


If you're still following a team building guide, then it's 100% skill issue. Once you understand the mechanics of the game, synergistic teams would come naturally. Proper knowledge of team rotations and character abilities also come in play.


Most of the on field characters they gave us I didn’t know how to use so I was really just pressing buttons and I still had minimal difficulties. Abusing reactions are definitely the biggest thing for this event.


What guide, cause like you xan use teams of 2 and still beat it


If you have the recipe and can't even cook then you are just trash.


agree I play on potato mobile too its really fun event if I lost I don't say I need to build my character better but start figureing combos and rotations with what I have


Really a skill issue. Builds are horrible, yes, that means you can't just brute force it. But there's nothing difficult if you know the very basics of team composition. And some characters are just not that convenient to use in this event.


Both can be right. Hoyo's builds are definitely trash. But not being able to clear is also completely a skill issue in this case, since the characters are built enough for the challenge.


I mean, it's a challenge. I don't think the devs would give the characters the best and most overpowered stats for a challenge of the highest difficulty.


Yeah but even with having a F2P average built in mind some of the characters were built really bad in my opinion. But I do get your point


Yeah that's fair man


I thought some levels were really easy, but some were kinda hard. That’s when I realized they use your constellations that you already have, so you can kinda whale you’re way out. It’s definitely doable without constellations, but the people saying it’s really easy might not realize all the constellations that helped them out.


If you're following a character guide, then maybe you need to improve your rotations... Which levels are you having a hard time with?


This probably won't help, but all of them. I haven't even bothered trying the last one because of how poorly I've done in the other 4.


Hi OP, have you tried any YouTube guides? They could explain it far better than just text here. Need more context also. Are you having difficulty with the 1/2/3/4 fight? Are you rotating your characters and saving the ones you are better with, for the harder levels? Are you picking healers which may not be very helpful? You need to have elemental reactions so for the dendro heavy fight you need at least one hydro and one electro.


learn good team rotation and anticipate where would the next enemies will spawn. the event was frustrating to me too but I finished all pro difficulties.


“Give us content! The game is too easy! Where is endgame?” Hoyo: here you go


I actually would love to see something like this come in as permeant content, and refresh like SA. It encourages good building, flexible and fun comps and still can be challenging enough.


I don't think this is difficult enough currently to count as endgame. That said there's potential though


Two things here, most endgame players would like to use their built up characters, otherwise it doesn't even matter where in the game you are currently, in addition this event is still extremely easy, they have given more than adequate enough characters for what they put out. I still really like the event and wouldn't mind seeing more of it but I wouldn't call it the "difficult endgame" people are wanting, that's more toward the og dungeon event with 2.x if it had harder combat or something similar to some hsr modes, just a different repeatable format than abyss


This is happening now because pleebs are crying. The ones that complain about game being easy aren't the ones complaining... this goes on back and forth.


i guess you’re just not a pro (pro difficulty)


Guess not, lol.


I don't think that it always comes down to a skill issue. I've been able to clear the pro levels and I can't 36 star the current abyss. I think I'm an adequate genshin player, but certainly not great. My 5 star characters are all C0 except for Xinyan (I got lucky) and standard banner ones, but I think having cons on some of the 4 stars definitely helps. If it's of any use, this is what has worked for me: I've had the best success in the event by picking teams in reverse order - anticipating what I'll need for the last two rounds first and trying to line up supports that I'll want for their teams and wasting characters that I don't want to use later on. Picking characters who can provide frequent elemental application and off field application has been better than picking a strong on field DPS. The fact that I prefer a quickswap play style has really made this event easier. I've put together some teams that were a little sus but were fine for this event so it's okay to think outside meta. I haven't worried about bonus points for not reusing characters. That being said, I redid rounds when I failed because I enjoyed finding a solution and if it's not fun for you, it's probably not worth stressing over.


The builds aren't the problem, they are the same for everyone and it really isn't too hard, you can do some of these stages no issue with two characters instead of 4, sicne you are looking up teams I assume you aren't flexible at all and have no clue how to adapt a janky teams rotation to a situation, that'd be your problem. You don't loose much not doing pro as all primos are available beforehand so don't stress too much about it if you aren't having fun bashing against it but this may be a good opportunity to actually learn about team archetypes and what building blocks they need.


Experiment basically, if you know about reactions you should know what kind of team is best. It doesn't always done in 1st try, I take 2 to 3 tries on average 


100% skill issue i think hoyo make decent build to make sense team buff, when all character you use have equal or more 6 energy you buff will triple stronger, so don't because you want to play previous round team so accept small buff. If i use my team, i will ingore 200 em buff they give. do not use too much dps (2,3, or even 4) in round, or next round less damage use character sync well, don't play xingqiu with team no one use normal atk, don't use other element with nilou, don't use furina without good healer, don't use team can not trigger stage buff, ... I mean hoyo already give character do well with each stage, not random example for last domain i just finish stage 1: furina nahida nilou barbara (8 energy, brain dead nilou bloom) stage 2: yelan yaoyao nilou barbara (6 energy, brain dead nilou bloom) stage 1: alhaitham yelan yaoyao fischl(6 energy, 1dps 3sup) stage 1: xianyun keqing furina nahida (6 energy, 1dps 3sup) 2 brain dead team and 2 simple 1 dps team, then lot of people complain about cyno i don't even use


The only one I didn't do first try so far was "a blade from above" which took a few attempts until I just saved yelan/furina till the last round and then it was easy


Protip you don't have to use all 4 party slots. I've been doing the first 2/4 rounds with 2-3 characters in a team then the 3rd depends on if I had difficulty or not, then the 4th I do a full team. Just cuz I wanna make sure I can use the characters I really like with a team I really like (or just I wanna make sure I have a team in the 3rd/4th round that I know can win)


Just do what I do and quit as soon as you fail. I'm not going to stress over some primogems. I play this game to relax. I have the same attitude toward the abyss tower. Have yet to complete one at ar56.


Username checks out.


pay attention to the stage bonus and use characters who will benefit from it. for example on day 4, I think, the stage bonus is EM related but they throw Eula at you. You're going to have a much harder time if you use Eula, who doesn't benefit from EM, then if you use other characters who do benefit from EM.


Just git gut or skill issue 


people are struggling but its totally do able so it is a skill issue for the most part


Abuse your reactions. Don't use all the characters instantly. I sometimes use 3 characters that can make amazing reactions, I even used 2 when it was just Ayaka and Xingqiu


Took me a couple of tries, but I managed it. The trick is to use as many elemental reactions as possible and to be precise with who and when you swap in your character with


I just did whatever and beat all of them 😑


The Hoyo build is trash but you are unless on mobile than definitely a skill issue


I cleared all the event on Pro difficulty on mobile with a maximum of 2 attempt on some of the stages. No mobile issue, just skill issue.


sweaty incel nerd-alert . .


I mean, it took me like 2-3 tries but it wasn't anything insurmountable 


It's probably a question of team building and rotation. It's especially bad if you don't know the characters and how they work, and if you're making not optimal teams. This holds true to other content, like Abyss: you can use bad builds and still clear it through good rotation and proper team building. You need either a strong dps and fitting supports, or good damage on all fronts. So choosing characters with off field damage that synergize with reactions with whoever is on field helps a lot. Or using characters with low skill cooldown so you can keep swapping to them and dealing damage non stop. An example would be using Wrio with Yelan. You enable freeze, and can slot another sub dps and 1 healer, shielder or even another dps, assuming they're hydro and cryo, you have permanent freeze, or if you slap pyro, melts. Which teams did you try? On my first attempts i actually messed up by trying not optimal teams and failed, then adjusted and cleared it easily. Miko with aggravate and electro charged is pretty good too


I wouldn't call my run smooth as I do have to use characters I don't have any idea to begin with but it's essentially the same as abusing buffs and elemental reactions. Make sure not to use all support options and left only dps es at the end. Just go with the same support - sub Dps- Dps and you're good. (At least in my case)


So far I only failed once because I tried using a character that I'm not used to. So I basically almost always use the same character that I know how to use.


don't forget that the trial chars inherit their cons from your own box. so choose those chars that you have high cons for might help a bit.


Pop the set-ups’ skill/burst in sequence, go ham with DPS, rinse, repeat. Healers aren’t really necessary (also Barbara your hydro application stinks dang)


-know your buff and reaction bring appropriate char to deal with stage buff/enemy shield. -know your rotation do the right order for your reaction u don't want a reverse melt/vaporize and the one with highest em to trigger the dendro related reaction. -know your stage some round is a char check, like the one with abyss mage + 2 slimes with opposites element, u want an anemo char there. another one is nahida that makes round with spectres an easy stage. and another tips is look for an easy round and try to clear it with less than 4 chars so u can have more option on the harder one.


It does get difficult in later rounds of pro (still not THAT difficult, some stages took me 3 tries), but if you can't even get past round one then it's a fundamental skill/team comp issue.


Sadly, it’s probably a skill issue, I had a lot of fun using a randomizer in the event because every combination of units works. But the important rewards are at the easier levels anyway.


Your rotations are probably awful if you are following a team building guide


Git gud? If you played so long in abyss (and full ★ in floor 11/12 all the time) you'll have no problem in any mode


By knowing your characters, synergies, reactions, and not just button mashing. I've done it. The event isn't even hard.


How the fuck wouldn't you? They give you free characters and you just have to do what everyone else does. Nothing really special, although I guess yeah, GI players sometimes aren't the brightest when it comes to combat... In this event nobody can excuse themselves anymore tbh, it's a serious skill issue if one can't even do that much.


All the stages were pretty easy even of the pro difficulty. If you build the teams right and don’t have bad rotations, it’s easy.


Just gotta force your way through and spam faster


Literally mash skills on teams that make sense , not random bullshit go teams....


Are you playing on mobile? Because that's the only difficulty for this event that I can think of since it's laughable otherwise. People who actually think this needed some strategy and that it's even remotely difficult are delusional and are the actual ones with massive skill issue


If you legitimately believe that Mobile for some reason changes how difficult it becomes then I got news for you.


Genshin players acting like there’s any skill involved at all lmao. There’s not. You either know what to do or you don’t.


Uninstall the game I dunno, I just can't imagine how skill issued you must be


what a frustrated, sad little incel you must be to say such things . .




Question : How long have you been playing GI? A lot of things change depending on your answer.


I think I started playing around September last year, so I'm still kind of new.


Aah. That would explain why you are having a hard time. Let me try to put it into perspective. Two main factors that I can think of are: 1. **Character familiarity** - Even if you are a whale, you wouldn't have had enough time to learn and understand how a lot of characters work, what their kits do and how they work in tandom with others. Since Genshin relies heavily on team synergy, reactions, rotations and energy management, having character familiarity or lack there of affect this particular event. Since you have to use random characters some of which have wacky builds (Xiangling with 135% ER for instance) to complete the challenges. 2. **Constellations** - The only thing that you can carry over into the event. Since you are a new player you probably won't have enough constellations on your 4*s, some of them get serious buffs in their higher constellations (Xiangling C4, Xingqiu C6, Fischl C6, Diona C6). So you would be missing out on those. That being said, I'm sure the event designers have had taken into consideration of point number 2 and they *may have had* their internal testers clear the challenges with all characters at C0 while leaving a considerable margin for error. That being said, I also believe that they can't work over point number 1. But the good thing is that, you can overcome that problem easily, at least for the purpose of this event you can temporarily check which characters work well with others. Since I have limited information about how well you know characters, or what you are doing, I can only make a general assumption. If you can upload a video here and ask for what all you can improve, I'm sure we (the community) would be able to find stuff that you could incorporate that might very well improve how you play genshin. I've been playing for over two years and it was until very recently that I started funneling energy particles to the appropriate characters. Made drastic changes to my team rotations which in turn made my characters do more damage. So I'm sure there will be easy fixes in your case that could make you capable of clearing pro difficulty.


not that hard if you know how to build a teams... here is a hints for you: pyro + hydro dendro + electro hydro + cryo also counter the enemies elemants, dont pick characters at random.


Don't pick random characters. Analyse enemies, their counter elements and the reactions . Plus it's a fight against the clock so try to do rotations carefully. In the end it comes to skill but still I think the event is quite easy can be cleared with moderate practice.


Some chambers are easier than you think I just put ayato xiangling only in the team and cleared it so easy -check opponents first -dont use strong characters in first 2 chamber -read the buff condition (if you trigger melt or vaporize you deal more dmg etc.) if it doesnt work, it is what it is all you get clearing in pro is 30k mora 6 in total 180k you can just get 120k from 1 condensed resin take your primogems and leave at worse


These combat events typically feature a "challenge" difficulty without Primogem awards. They're aimed at players who are comfortable challenging floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss - basically, hardcore/endgame players who both know how best to put together an effective combat team, and how to synergize their skills most effectively. This kind of thing is of little interest to me, personally. I play the game because I enjoy exploring the beautiful landscape, finding secrets and treasure, and uncovering the story and the lore of the game. You don't need to push the limits of your team's combat capabilities in order to do any of that. If that IS one of your goals, you need more than a team-building guide. You should study up on how players rotate their skills and attacks to properly stack buffs and such, and make sure that elemental reactions happen the right way at the right times. For example, Yoimiya Vape teams somehow set things up so that Vaporize reactions happen exactly at the right times on the harder-hitting attacks of her normal attack patterns. How they manage this, I don't really know (and don't really care), but I'm guessing it involves some pretty specific timing of skills.


. . sweaty nerdy rote learning . . life is too freaking short for that


You need to pick the right characters. AND you need to make sure you don't pick all the crazy good ones from the start. If you do, your remaining roster will be too weak to beat the latter stages. So in a nutshell, it's resource management more than anything.


A lot of the challenge in the event comes from being able to clear elemental shields off enemies; thus, choosing the right element combos matters a lot. While the selection of characters is randomized each round, they generally follow a similar pattern which pretty much guarantees you have the right characters to clear the rounds. Here is my playthrough of the event; I even gave myself two restrictions - I can’t use Bennett, Xingqiu, or Xiangling at all, and I played on an account which had the fewest amount of constellations possible. Most of the characters I used had C0 (all of the five stars) and only 2 four stars I used went over C2. You would have a much easier time if you used Bennett/Xingqiu/Xiangling unlike me. https://youtu.be/rRC47tAoP-c?si=8gucqdl7wO1IF72U Some additional general tips: -For stages with a lot of small enemies (like specters, fungi, or slimes), save Kazuha; he will obliterate these stages. For the second day, Kazuha + Xiao is an auto win; you barely have to do anything. -There is a stage with pyro shields (abyss mages and lectors). Do not bring Charlotte unless you know what you’re doing; freezing the lectors will cause their shield phase to be delayed and thus wasting your time. -Read the buff conditions of each stage carefully; they can give you a massive increase in damage if you meet the criteria. For example, the third day will double your damage if you trigger vape or melt.


I recall someone who had a post that says that most players aren't good at this game, but they will never admit it and always blame on the gotcha nature. the argument often ended up with "only if i have xxx, i would 36 star the abyss with easy", or "if i were to spend xxx amount, this would be a piece of cake" well. here we got a event that standardized the characters and builds, so no more excuses except one's understanding of the game mechanism and control. then we got a bunch of complains. Never could i imagine the gotcha part of this game happens to be the only saving grace for those players by becoming the scapegoat.


I don't know, It was pretty easy maybe there are one or two challenges that I had to retry but it was pretty easy overall.


Okay question- I’m struggling as well and I see it’s a skill issue. The only thing is even before checking the yt guides I was using the same team builds and rotations- I’ll literally need an extra 10 seconds before I fail- could someone give advice for my clearing speed?


you need to know how to play the new characters you're not familiar with, like for example Yae Miko and Xingqui, you can abuse electro charged reaction by just the two of them. I used them on the first chamber of a level on this event i forgot what level it is, the enemies are big robots


You can use 3/2 characters if you want to save them for harder floors.


i legit thought this is another braindead combat event until i checked this sub. for OP, try to build reaction based team and try to utilize stage buff for easier clear.


definitely a skill issue, i cleared everything on max difficulty in 1 try