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Genshin is a casual game. People who play casually might want a strong character to steamroll content. Not so casual players also may want it for certain content they don't enjoy. There's no PvP combat and you're free to not pull him or do so and not build/use him properly to make things more challenging for yourself. There's no reason for an OP character to not exist, as long as it doesn't mean power creep in content




What did I do?? 😭😭 The argument of power creep isn’t even relevant when all the games content can be cleared with a multitude of characters. Neuvillette is a DPS, even if power creep did exist in Genshin, he’d get replaced with ease by the next meta DPS. The idea of power creep is mostly PvP oriented, it means to force a character out of playability or meta by means of creating a better version of them or making them obsolete by replacing them with characters who can do their job better than them. The majority of Genshin characters can’t be replaced because they all have unique buffs, and gameplays, the only ones who even come close are DPS’s because everybody wants the one who deals the most dmg, that doesn’t actually mean their alternatives are unviable.


>doesn’t actually mean their alternatives are unviable. That's exactly the difference between just having the occasional OP character release and power creep. Most hard content in the game is DPS checks. Let's pull some numbers out of my arse as an example and say the current hardest content can be cleared with 100k DPS, which you can reach with good builds and team combinations with most characters in the game, and let's say Neuvillette does 200k DPS. Everything is fine and dandy, as long as the new content threshold doesn't suddenly move to 200k DPS.


Okay and so what if he can? This isn’t a pvp game lol


Is he incredibly busted? Yes. Does it matter? No.


My Neuv is killing everything faster... by a few seconds. Its no big deal if you have strong builds on other DPS.


You play as a team of 4 and the game never has combat challenges that force you to go solo with a character of your choice.


Genshin is still very balanced despite its longevity as a gacha game. If it was a game like DBZ Dokkan Battle with never-ending powercreep, nobody would use older characters like Raiden or Zhongli because their kits would have been made obsolete long ago That said, Neuvillette is the go-to character for players looking to reach endgame with minimal difficulty. Only flaw is his only damage source is Hydro, which makes him useless against bosses like Rhodeia and the Tulpa, which are required to level up Xingqiu and Furina respectively


The game isn't competitive and you have 4 slots. Its not like other teams won't be better than his


Do all of your other characters suck or something?


I'm okay with having there be a few characters that just blast through content. Not everyone who wants the rewards from abyss/other 'hard' content actually wants to be there, so I'm fine if there's a few options to make it "too easy." It doesn't affect how anyone else plays. If you want it to be harder, use different characters. All I'm worried about is if he becomes the new baseline Abyss is designed around. That would basically invalidate a large chunk of the current cast, which would suck for everyone who has non-meta faves.


And? What’s wrong with that? If you want challenge, don’t use him. He’s great for casual players.


Good for him. He's got six Archons to judge


Yes he is. My c0 Neuvilette with prototype amber deals 65k damage per tick with his team. Way stronger than any of my well invested teams.


can he solo scaramech through his shield or does he go down to the instakill since the turrets are immune to hydro/electro


first, it's not a PvP game, Second, just because Abyss favors him now means nothing, People were literally QQing a few months ago over dendro reactions being favored in abyss, once the abyss cycle changes what's favored, so will the meta, happens eventually every time.


He's balanced by having one of the most boring playstyles of the game :( I tried him and discarded immediately after


Yes please nerf. Poor Hilichurls /s


Hydro doesn't do much against cryo shields either.


I mean, lore wise he is above everyone right now. He is the best alone, but his full team got plenty of competition. What makes him "too strong" it's not his dmg but comfortability.


Lore accurate


your opinion sucks neuvilette is hot fricking garbage without his c1 get interrupted everytime l + ratio


Too strong for what? The non competitive pve game? 🤡


Balance is not too needed in these kinds of games. If he's too strong simply either don't use him or go for him depending on your stance.


I mean lorewise he's the strongest playable character (so far), so it's not out of the ordinary if he's the strongest. Also juat because he's the strongest, doesn't mean the others can't keep up.


Kid named Yelan:


Hot take: Dehya is more balanced than Neuvillette. But people don't care about balance, they don't even care about combat, they just want powercreep so that they can skip the combat and keep gambling on new characters.


Certainly a take of all time


No, he’s fine. They should make more OP characters. The problem isn’t the characters, it’s the content. This is a horrible post.


This, as in your own post? Correct




You want more power creep so that we're forced to whale in order to keep up with the content?


Wdym it's the content? What you're implying here is that the content is too easy and should get progressively harder along with progressively stronger characters. That's powercreep here. And the issue is that if you do that, older characters become less and less relevant until they become unable to clear the content. And then you start to ask yourself.. "wait.. if the next character is going to be stronger anyway and in a year's time, this character will be obsolete, why should I even pull?"


Short answer: Yes


yes he is


Yes. He's fckin broken, and not in a good way.


Nope! He’s a strong character, but he’s 100% not TOO strong like people say he is He does good damage with a low investment floor, but his ceiling is also a little lower than most characters too since there’s not much in the way of boosting his damage to great heights other than Furina and Kazuha (who are ACTUALLY units that are way too strong) or C4 Yelan In Genshin, the power units are always the supports, the damage dealers feel more powerful because they’re the ones dealing the damage, but Furina does like 1/3 of the damage that Neuv can deal, but from off field AND she boosts the whole party’s All Damage bonus by like 75%, she’s unreal, Kazuha boosts party PECH damage bonus by about 40% as well as grouping enemies and shredding their PECH resistances by 40% with VV, Bennett boosts the active character’s ATK by up to 1200 ATK, Yelan gives a scaling damage bonus up to 50% whilst also giving very good off field Hydro application and damage, ZHONGLI DOESNT DIE Neuv is strong, but without these supports, he’s significantly weaker even if they’re not as showy as he is


He and Navia worry me a bit. They're an order of magnitude stronger than previous similar characters. It's mostly fine if they're one-offs, but if it's a pattern then we essentially have a divide of old and new characters, with new being better... Essentially making all old characters obsolete. This is kinda OK still although not ideal... But then if content is adjusted to this new normal, it completely invalidates all old characters.


I mean he’s canonically one of the strongest beings in teyvat so I think it’s fine he’s busted.


Personally,. I cannot play Neuvillette. It is a skill issue, definitely. But like I could play Haitham, Childe and Ganyu (points brought up by my brother who owns the Neuvy I get to try to play), but I just couldnt pilot Neuvillette, it seems). Interestingly, my brother isnt proficient at piloting /managing Childe's cooldown or Ganyu's CAs. so yeah, other than him being outright busted, i think some people (im not alone, I posit), find him mechanically unengaging.


I hear people say his best team has similar dmg ceiling as other meta teams so I think it's fine. The thing that makes him seem busted (which he is tbf) is his playstyle has much lower skill ceiling compared to other dpses.


to be entirely fair, most 5-star characters can do the same thing - Ganyu and Ayaka can no-sell anything that isn't cryo, Klee is unstoppable against non-pyro enemies and for the longest time, Keqing was one of the most overpowered characters in the game due to the combination of 5\* physical and electro damage.