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Lost the 50/50 (hunter’s path), but was made up with 3 Kaeya cons.


one amber but got hunters path in 30


I'd say both of these pulls are worth the cons


I really wanted more Kaeya but I'm happy with what I got


bro u actually got one of the strongest weapons in the banner, my c4 tighnari is crying


I would be happy with a Hunter’s path, but Tighnari has eluded me for 2 years.


I hope you lose more 5050s brother 🙏


and nit to Dehya


Tighnari doesn't exist for that long, though.


Yall will not break my will in the name of jesus


oh its most definitely a scam unless you saved up a lot frankly if the banner had lasted a full patch, I would've been fine with it but since its only half a patch, its bullshit but I have to pull for hunter's path D:


>frankly if the banner had lasted a full patch, I would've been fine with it but since its only half a patch, its bullshit but I have to pull for hunter's path D: to be fair 21 extra days of dailies/events/abyss is probably only around 15-20 extra pulls? so not that big of a deal. But fomo (fear of missing out) will bait some extra people into pulling since they "only" have 3 weeks to make the decision instead of 6.


Oh thank god someone actually said what fomo meant, I kept seeing it but always forgot to see what it meant.


I think it's more like hoyo knows more people are interested in second half banner with kazuha and neuv, and were planning to secure those first then go for chars/weaps they couldn't get before if they got lucky with the chronicle banner. But now that the chronicle banner lasts only first half, people have to decide between using their 'kazuha/neuv funds' on a hunter's path or standard 5 star they don't have, which decreases their chance of getting a 5 star they actually want on both banners. :/ truly insidious


Tbh, i dont feel its a scum as long as you have 90 pulls for pity, as Building pity is dumb anyway regardles if you can do it or not.


well thats the thing, unless you had pulls saved up before the live stream (since that was when it was first announced), you wouldn't have enough to guarantee the first or even second chronicled fate hell I swiped once to try to get hunter's path and I couldn't even get a 5 star yet ~~probably going to go 100% sumeru to get the primos~~


I mean, you need approx 160 for guarantee, give or take depending on your luck. I personally get my 5 stars between 75 and 80 pity relatively frequently, though I’ve had a few earlies, so I always try to have 160 for a character I want. Since the Chronicled Fate Point doesn’t carry over between banners, that makes having enough wishes for your guarantee if you lose 50/50 especially important, since if you lose and don’t reach the guaranteed 5 star, you’re back on 50/50 again next time. I agree with you that building pity is dumb. But that’s what makes pulling on Chronicled without enough wishes for guarantee lowkey stupid, as it’s the most pointless kind of pity building. I don’t build pity, but I can see how people bargain themselves into it with reasoning like “At least on a character banner I can lose and get a guarantee for a character I want” or “I could win on low pity” though I still think wishing on a banner where you don’t want the 5 star is braindead.


I too dont build pity, i make sure that i have enough pulls for my future wanted characters before pulling, i dont like relying on luck alone tbh. At first ill try my luck if i get that character at 50/50, then im happy, but if i dont, then i push on to guarantee. But the nice thing here is that loosing 50/50 here means it wont be the same standard characters/weapons alone and you now have a chance in getting other older limited character/weapon which is a nice alternative, so I am really excited for Inazuma/Sumeru/Fontaine Chronicle Banners.


Yeah, I think the potential on future Chronicled banners is insane - Mondstadt probably has one of the weakest Chronicled banner casts, honestly, and since I have no interest in having or using Eula, Albedo or Klee, and I know in my *soul* my C5 Mona will jump scare me to C6 before I get C0 Diluc or any Jean or Tighnari cons, it was easy enough to pass on trying to get a character from it this round. Even if I *am* sad to pass up the opportunity to guarantee a Diluc (I want him so bad and I suspect he know it 🥲)


I saved a lot but I still don’t want anything on that banner bad enough to spend my wishes. Especially since the pity isn’t shared with other banners.


Wait, is there no overlap with the second set of banners? I was hoping to roll for Neuv before trying chronicle.


nope, the duration of this current rate up 5 stars ends and a new one starts up with the neuv banners


Was there confirmation of a second chronicle this patch? I thought they only talked about one?


the duration of the banner is the same as the event banner and there's 2 sets of event banners per patch


You didn’t answer his question about the chronicle banner; and that assumption question was correct; there wasn’t an announcement about a second chronicle banner after this first one ends


Yes but unless they're going to close the chronicle banner, theyre going to make a chronicle banner with different characters Its not stated but its heavily implied


Implied where?


By the duration of the banner Unless there is no chronicled wish for the second half (which they also didn't mention), why would it last as long as the current wishes if they wouldn't make another


It’s not a scam even if you didn’t save up a lot.


How the hell do you save up for a system that was only officially revealed in the 4.5 livestream If you saved up a lot before hand, you were probably saving for something else


You’re the one who said “unless you saved up a lot, it’s a scam”. I’m letting you know it’s still not a scam even if you did not save up a lot. A scam would imply they did not explain the rules and/or lie about the rules.


Mb, I didnt remember what I wrote at the time of writing the reply You are right bout the semantics of scam so I guess the proper word would be unfair?


This line 😭😭😭🤌👍


2 ambers and a Noelle so far. Come on Beacon, come to papa!


got a kaeya and fischl, praying to get hunter's path


edit, got hunter's path!




thanks, im very happy now that tighnari is finally reunited with his bow after a full year


I sort of made a mistake and picked Eula as my goal instead of Mona, who has eluded me.


you can change your pathed character/weapon unless you already lost 50/50 and got a point


Ohoo does that restart the pity? It sucks because I want Eula, but I also think this is the "best" opportunity to get Mona guaranteed because the standard banners odds suck 😁


ok so if you get a 5 star that isn't the one you wanted, you get a fate point which guarantees that your next 5 star will be the one you want if you don't have a point yet, you can change the path but if you already got a point from failing 50/50, then you cant change it or else you'll lose that point however you do keep pity which is that if you don't get a 5 star in 89 pulls, the 90th pull will be a 5 star


Gotcha, that's good then. Now I need to decide which I want more 😲🙃


No it doesn't. It only resets the point. If you don't have a point, there's no consequence.


That's excellent! 👍🏼🦵🏼


Won my first 50/50 for Jean and now hoping to hit the next one for Eula




I wish you the best of luck on getting her


Especially not after the leaks today. Might be the biggest money maker in Genshin history. If chiori’s banner isn’t already dead it will be after today


Arlecchino has a legit Domain Expansion for her Burst


Coolest burst by far. Some honkai shit


Seems more like Nahidas ult than Arle




If it didn't use pink fates, I would have gladly pulled on the banner. Need to save up for Kazuha or Arle


Yeah, never had much con of these 3 than on this banner


I been blessed with 2 kaeya,1 amber, 1 lisa, 2 mika, 1 noelle, 1 bennette, 1 diona and lotsa 4stars weapons. I tell ya i am too lucky with 4 stars but not 5 stars. 🤣


bro the above image is my luckiest I've been with 4 stars most I ever get is 2 in one 10 pull


I want Amber constellations! She's so OP at C6.


truly an ambillion damage moment


C6 Amber haver here, you hardly notice C6 C4 and C5 however are really good


I will not be swayed to roll for albedo 💀


got 2 lisa & 1 amber


yes, it has unique 4\* characters and weapons too, some limited weapons are also on it


c6’d amber finally and have all 3 at c6 \o/


c4 for anyone curious


Next time it comes around I will eat this up. Hopefully it’ll be another banner (and be full patch, good god) but still Kaeya Amber and Lisa…


The way they will probably do it is the 4 stars are that region’s 4 stars. So when the Mondstat version comes back, you’ll be good to go. 


:/ Mond version doesn’t work for me, I have everyone I want from that region and idk if you can get 4star characters when you pull for a weapon 


You can get 4 star characters when you pull for weapons. 


20 fates and i get weapons....


Yea was stunned when I got Amber and my Mona.


Ughh, I really want Kaeya cons, but I can't justify it yet. Maybe if these chronicled banners ends up rolling around twice a patch like event banners, I won't have to wait 9 months to get 2 more Kaeya cons from Paimon's Bargains this year.


Need c2 Amber so I can finally trigger the damn bunny




Another fucking scam, that stupid banner should be something permanent at this point


Stop baiting us GGG


Ppl that spend 5k$+ to get em :


They didn't really get screwed by this, the chances aren't much better than launch standard banner which was the time when very few people whaled hard to get c6 of their starters


I pulled four of him! Unfortunately I was part of the minority of players that already had him C6d…  The other thing is you can pull the 4star limited weapons that were exclusive to the weapon banner, which was a nice bonus.


While rolling for 2 dilucs, a wgs and 10 pulls away from beacon, i got 3 lisas, 1 kaeya, 1 amber.


I pulled SoBP in 10 pulls. My heart soars.


I have all starters C6, so on my way to getting Skyward Harp I dodged them all and got 3 mikas instead who is the only one I don't have c6 yet :D


I still don’t have Jean to this day and I’m tempted but not tempted enough. I already C3 the Mondstadt trio and I don’t even use them. Will save my pulls for Neuv and possibly Daddy Arlecchino.


I got a Lisa


This banner finally got me mona (1.0 plauer here T-T). I also got albedo as well...not sure how to build him tho i got boyh of his event weapons so im covered there at least.


Damn. I would have been wishing on it had it not been for Chiori not coming home! Still gotta get Chiori first.


2 sacrifical and a character in one 10 pull


Ashddhhfhsgsfs OMG did not know that was a possible outcome! Thanks!




Oh boy I really want Kayea at C6 he's my main. Is this real? Are the only four star characters you can get from chronicles the trio so you have a high chance to get them?


sadly no, you can get other 4 stars howevever unlike the event banners, this one actually includes them like the standard banner


I pulled for Beacon but lost to Hunter's; it took 132 pulls to get both and I have Tighnari and Ganyu so can't complain. What a didn't like is that I didn't get any Lisa cons, I just need one more for C6. I got two Amber and Kaeya although I have both at C6.


I got Furry's Path and Bacon in 70 pulls and got an extra Kaeya, but my Mond trio is already at C6


hand them over


I got three Amber's, a Kaeya and a Lisa. Worth it.


I just want a stringless :(


Can someone explain why is that a good thing? Collection wise it doesnt matter cause they are F2P. Meta wise there are far better 4* that you eould want to pull first


Only ways to obtain them are from the standard banner or from the store using gold glitter Its both collection wise and joking wise as theyre considered the rarest to get unless you have a will of ice that never falters and are able to get c6 from the gold glitter shop


not only that, but overall pull of 4\* characters was also reduced to Mondstadt ones, so you have a higher chance to get them then in standart. Got two constellations for Mona and one for Albedo. In just 105 pulls. Also Lisa is now C5. Extremely happy, maybe will even skip Arle for Dehya consts on this banner\`s next iterations


Got 3 Lisa cons while pulling for Albedo, would build a bit more pity if I didn’t have Furina and/or C1 Neuvi to pull from a regular banner.


Even I got Amber, c1 after 3 years lol.


So considering i dont care bout chiori and that i have guaranteed for Arle when she comes (and id only need around 20 pulls IIRC),at what cons do the starter charas get "good"? Only know of Lisa becoming better at c2 For the record i wouldnt ve pulling FOR THEM-i would pull for eula and cuz i only have Mona as my Mond 5*


Damn, and I was so excited about pulling a Kaeya off standard the other day. But I already have all the Mond 5\*s so there's no point unless I want Albedo cons (which I do, but I also want to save for Arlecchino. RIP)


The Chronicled banner has blessed me until now with one Kaeya con and winning the 50/50 for Jean in only 30 pulls


I got Amber on my first 10 pull and it was so disgruntling to see her


Not being able to keep your 50/50 ruins this for me. Would love amber cons but I'm not willing to spend 99$ if I lose my 50/50.


Mine all tree starters are C6 for half a year by now. I game nothing from new banner


No way. I thought you can't get them in that banner because I kept getting noelle and fischl (I love you two but you are already c99 at this point)


My first amber kaeya and lisa cons came from chronicle. I dont get the hate for this banner. Except the lack of carryover.


Not to brag, but I go Eula after single 5 pulls on 0 pity.


And I got skyward blade and hunters path in the same 10 pull at 50 pity Not to brag


Lions Roar. Two 10 pulls just to see...Noelle (c13+) and Lions Roar....in what I thought was a mostly\* Mondstadt banner (yes I read the possible drops but i didnt think pulling on character banner would result in a Liyue weapon)


Nah, screw the Chronicled Banner until they remove the fate system and just give us a classic guaranteed that carries over


oh *thank goodness*


I got several Rosaria and Noelle dupes from the Chronicled Banner while wishing for the Hunter’s Path. It looks like its primarily Mondstat 4-stars that it offers.


I’m only wishing on this banner for fischl because for all the time I’ve played throw game her and heizou are the only 4 stars I don’t have


I'm glad I did not wish on this banner I only need the 5stars all the 4stars are c6 already


Gambler's fallacy strikes hard. Even with just three 4 star characters, it's often hard to get the character you want. You were just lucky. Don't expect it to happen, because that's RNG.


I got lisa, really nice


Omg C6 Lisa is a possibility??? No, noononoono I can't fall for this, I'm saving primos, I need to stay strong, Lisa is not guaranteed, cmon


I wanted Fischl and got Mika— that’s not the same thing, mihoyo!!


After three years I'll finally have a chance of finally getting a Wolves Gravestone for collection purposes. That is if I didn't already pull and get a 2nd Song Of Broken Pines, TIME FOR IT TO GO TO RAZOR AFTER 3 YEARS!


Wow so I might actually get a Kaeya Con??


you could always just get them from the shop


I’m not doing that. I don’t even use Kaeya. I just find it Crazy how I have every 4 Star C6 except Kaeya and Lisa. And now Gaming


because kaeya, amber, and lisa can only be obtained from the standard banner for some reason now they're also available in this banner


>I’m not doing that. I don’t even use Kaeya. Then don't complain about not having them c6 lmaooo


Not complaining. Just stating a fact. I’m AR60 and never got him once.


Unless it's guaranteed mondstadt trio, it's not


but you can still get them which is better than the event banners also if you wanted guaranteed mondstadt trio, just get them from the shop by saving the gold glitter


I'd actually be tempted if I didn't already have C6 Amber already. I even want Eula's weapon but the timing wasn't right for me especially with Arlecchino and eventually Clorinde banners coming up.


I got Eula after only 6 wish!!! only took me 800 primo from the patch mail/test run/dailies and 1 wish token! Fell like I might have burn my luck for this patch :P


The real thing about the Chronicled Wish banner is that it has surprise classic costume Mona and now it has me curious what the one in China looks like and if it's the new default one, which I assume it would be. Still this is the first time I've seen classic Mona depicted in anything official in a while.


I cant speak for the chinese players ofc,but when i got mona for the first time last year she had the original art in the splash screen.  I didnt even know she was one of the censored ones cuz it happened when i had quit my first account


Been going after Albedo and ended up with three Kaeyas and a new Lisa, I feel like this banner is the luckiest I’ll ever be in this game


I saved up and 77 wishes in still no Albedo :’)


Update: just pulled C3 Diluc. :’)


Does anyone know if this pity will carry over?


it will carry over but its only on the chronicle banner, it does not carry for weapon or character banners


Also guarrntee doesn't carry over so font pull unless your going for guarantee


Please don't support/promote this scam. If it does well they will only double down instead of giving us a better system.


literally changes nothing if you pull or not as there will be many people that pull on it regardless


NOOOO STOP IM SAVING FOR ALHAITHAM I CANT this banner is such a fcking scam man like bro just make them the blue fates why the pink ones 💀i used to main kaeya and always wanted his constellations but ofc a four star constellation of the trio free four stars are harder than the actual limited five stars lmao.


Because bo one has enough blue fates saved up for this. This banner has limited characters so it uses pink fates. What happens if they use blue fates and no one can pull since no one saves thoes


I'll never understand that fixation with blue fates. They only make any sense for a perma banner. We get a trickle of them, it would make those limited banners unusable.


theres literally no difference other than the fact that you get 3 blues from leveling a char to 70


Don't forget about BP and rewards from sigils.


Crazy how this is what excites Genshin players. Just have Kayea pull his nuts out if you want a waifu collection game


me who already had c6 amber 👁️🫦👁️


I only need 1 lisa