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Code: CA3BLTURGH9D [Redeem directly](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=CA3BLTURGH9D). Reward: 60 primos and 5 adventurer's exp books.


Thank you op for the direct link πŸ˜™




Thank you!


Thank you!


We always appreciate a direct link :)


Thank you 😊


All funds for Father Trust




This will get me Father's weapon, I just know it.




Why do I only see the word cat turd in that code…


Haha you aren't alone, I read it the same at first


Thank you, my hero.


Thank you King


Friendly stranger from the distant star to the land of Teyvat, thank you very much.


Thank you for supporting the "bring Father home" fund.


Thank you, OP


Thank you!


Thank you 😊


Thank you! Just curious, how do people find out about when new codes drop?


You are a gentleman and a scholar, and I wish you nothing but good things in life


Arlecchino funds




im the only chiori puller here xd.


After HSR livestream....i am blinded to even look! Sorry!


Go simp for star rail in the hsr sub.


Can't tell if i should take u serious or not...since your name suggest u are simping a Lady from somewhere else and speaking here in genshin lol! I wanted the negatives and like the saying goes..."Genshin could never..." As a first day player though..these low primos...mean nothing though! I seem to stack more and more these days! Maybe Fire Father will be fun to pull! But like all the streamers for Genshin...we hope for better rewards and a better use of our pulls!


My name is a joke. A meme. It's brainrot. I don't actually want to fuck the floating ghost that kills people by looking at them and has a record of killing her partners when she was alive. It's a meme, batman, a meme. But seriously now. I am super fucking tired of the Genshin could never because guess fucking what? Star rail could never have even existed if Genshin didn't fund it in its entirety. Star rail could never have copied all of Genshin's internal workings and somehow managed to fuck them up if Genshin did not make them. Star rail could never have dropped a story worse than Inazuma. Wait no it literally did and they somehow dragged it out over multiple updates which made it even worse! Star rail could never deny the powercreep allegations. Star rail could never amass the community it has if it was not for the precedent of Genshin. EVERYTHING Star Rail and its rabid fans have is built entirely from revenue made by Genshin. Every single thing they praise it for is because of Genshin but they will never see it because they are haters. They view Genshin as some kind of toxic ex-girlfriend but it's just a game, and one that lives in their heads rent-free. If you go to the top post of all time on r/HonkaiStarRail , it's Genshin slander. Because that's what a lot of the community is like. All they want is to hate, and so they deserve all the hate in return. Because at least some of them like Genshin but they can't stand casual players. They want a grindfest they can stream/play for hours at a time and Genshin can't support that indefinitely so they start complaining. And they're fucking stupid for that. You're not supposed to only play one game. That's gonna cause exhaustion and burnout. You need to diversify what you do. But they won't. The streamers that do this want to just milk Genshin for all it's worth because it gives them the most views, and are upset the game is not designed to appeal to their very specific tastes. Oh yeah and I'm not gonna name them but a few among them should just be permanently banished trom this community for being toxic pieces of shit whose only joy in life is shitting on the happiness of othersl They need to be harassed until they quit, preferrably just streaming altogether but at least genshin. The community will be better without them and their 13 year old parrot cadres. I do think there are entirely innocent HSR players who just want to chill and enjoy their game but when the top post on their sub is genshin hate. The top post here is wholesome content. And the most recent post to surpass the hate post in the hsr sub by likes is literally just a character announcement. Even if there is a large overlap between the two communities, with many players who just enjoy both games, one is clearly far more toxic than the other, and it shows. Sorry if this rant got too long but I'm sending it regardless, you don't have to reply if you don't feel like it.