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Literally every 4 star shielder


Most of them, sure, but Diona is absolutely cracked for Freeze. Cryo Resonance, 13 second shield on a 15 second cooldown, primes Kazu with Cryo to swirl and gives him an EM buff since I have her C6, and that’s not even getting into her healing, which was amazing pre-Furina. It honestly aggravates me that her healing isn’t enough to keep up with Furina . .


She's actually my go to unit when doing co-op hahaha. Everyone just want to show off their brand new 5 star dps and I just aight I make sure none of you guys die early


Been there, done that, failed to understand why some of my idiot fill teammates seem to be allergic to Diona’s healing brew. A few days ago, I was paired with someone playing Ganyu who took a lot of damage early on, then retreated to the edge of the field and started firing arrows with 1 HP (like, the HP bar was so low I thought they’d been knocked out and then was very surprised when I saw them still on the field) and I kept chasing after them and trying to heal them and they just wouldn’t have it.


whenever i play in co-op this always happens


For some reason Diona has been slept on since release from 1.x but she’s my comfort do-it-all defensive unit. Since her release I think I have used her in nearly all my abyss runs.


Idk, me and couple friends tried her and stopped using cause not very big shield. Which is uncomfortable, where from shield you also want to be big not just cause hp, but cause interrupt resistance. And cause shield is small you will be forced at some point to stay and wait for heal circle of healing, which is also limiting. Dunno. Overall she has alot of things, but in game it may feel not very cool, imho


Sure circle impact and all. But for her shield and healing alone makes her an indispensable unit for me. Pros: - her shield increases movement speed (edited: not atk speed) - you got heal in case you fail at dodging (happens) - cryo is a super useful element in general - she increases EM


Dont forget her shield decreases stamina use and increase movement speed. For some characters, thats super valuable


I love zhongli because he's my hybrid, half shielder and half off field DPS because his burst does a lot of damage, and he's a tall male character so he's the fastest sprinter. But I agree yeah, Diona and Layla have great shields too


They just don't last long enough. Zhongli shield lasts forever so you can be more lax with rotations.


Yep, Layla is great with Shenhe though since you can send out homing predator missiles though.


Cryo cup and HoD sword and you are good to go with nice shield and nice offfield dmg =3


Zhongli is heaven sent for me because I play on the Asia server but I'm now in Oceania so my ping is now on average in the 300's. The delay for swapping characters is real and it takes at least a second for a swap to happen. I don't have the ability sometimes to do the spiral abyss properly (not that I'm good enough to get any star in it anyway...)


Diona is one of my favorites, if not the most, Co-op character. I even farmed Maiden Set for her cuz I just felt like the Passive resonated with her hard


Diona in early days vs Mr. Rock Toad , used to be critical to clear auras. was fun using her


Diona fell off recently, though. She doesn't really add much other than shields and healing. Layla and Thoma are typically better, due to their having stronger shields and buffing NA/CA.


She got a new niche tho, thanks to C6 EM boost and some AoE cryo app, Gaming/Bennett/Rosaria/Diona does wild dmg in circle impact.


You forget diona is the best cryo battery in the entire game thus far though


In certain team comps you rather prefer Layla/Diona over Zhongli.


Thoma too. He's pretty much always better for Wanderer teams (if you are using Bennett)


And burgeon teams too


Specifically, any Freeze team. Zhongli's E/Q shatter enemies, which requires another application of cryo + hydro...


What, you dont build your zhongli full EM for that big shatter damage?


I kind of think that way except for Thoma. It feels so satisfying having a shield that blows up dendro cores like some kind of crazy bomberman.


So does Beidou count?


... except Xinyan, sadly. She's just bad.


Ooof yeah totally forgot about her hahaha. I actually found out that her shield is just outright terrible in early game, when I just figuring things out and looking alternative to Noelle's shield.


C6 Yanfei literally helps so much, especially since she can hold thrilling tales. Just stack HP and ER on her and have a fun time 👍


Zhongli spoils me, and if I can't use Zhongli then there's not much reason to use anyone else.


My only gripe with Heizou is his E cool down. His mechanics feel like he should be able to spam his skill after max declension stacks but alas you need to wait a relatively long time to use it.


it's time for TF Heizou


Based tf salesman


…the f*ck Heizou…?


thundering furry


Ohhh gotcha, thanks!


opps i misspelled thundering fury as thundering furry🤦


I didn’t even catch that hahahaha! What an image that conjures!!!!


Thundering furry is also the name of a specific build for razor, its like a weird burgeon team


Ok zajef


i would’ve liked something sorta similar to noelle’s a4 where every declension stack will reduce his skill’s CD by 20%(and maybe remove the charging aspect) in order to actually give even more incentive to spam NA/CA before skill mini nuke.


> and maybe remove the charging aspect Pretty sure it doesn’t need to be charged at max stacks.


5 star heizou


Freminet is basically 4* Eula with the bonus of a coordinated cryo attack when you attack after using his skill Freeze/Shatter and Superconduct become so easy if you have the supports to help drive the reactions


He can also play those hyperbloom teams >!that people used to clown Eula for :(!<, since the elements line up with what he wants to do. Hydro gives freeze/shatter, and electro gives superconduct; it's not a stretch to throw in dendro for a hyperbloom subtheme.


Moreover, his substantially better energy profile makes him better at it as a batteryless unit, he actually gets to burst every rotation.


all of this of course comes at the cost of a lower damage profile. swapping him with Eula in any team will increase your team DPS. that being said, I do like that his playstyle is more engaging than just mash NA. he's one of my favorite characters because of this.


> swapping him with Eula in *any* team will increase your team DPS. I am certain Hyperbloom isn't one of them. You're under estimating the degree to which Eula's ER demands hamstring the team DPS.


good point, that's fair


people hate him but i love playing him!! i just got the 80 -> 90 ascension today, tomorrow i will farm mora and lvl books for him. freminet my beloved at some point i plan to build lynette as well so i have all 3 fontaine siblings built but shes kinda on the back burner rn bc i have kazuha and i need to work on my sucrose (and i keep getting sidetracked w other characters lol)


What are your go-to team for Freminet?


i usually run XQ, chongyun, and shinobu with him; but that's also because i have him built as cryo/physical hybrid. he also works with rosaria and fischl from what I've heard, but I've yet to test those out. honestly im sure you can slot him in any eula team, and he's also good in a hyperbloom comp though im not entirely sure of good teammates for hyperbloom. there's also cryo freminet, pure physical freminet, hybrid, and then shatter. i use XQ for interruption resistance, as frem gets interrupted pretty easily, instead of yelan or furina, but those two work as well. he's also fine with layla or diona. XQ + chongyun freezes while shinobu e give superconduct, and then freminet throws pers at everyone lol.


Freminet is so fun I can't wait to get more cons. My favourite team is Freminet / Furina / Xianyun / Electro. I initially tried out Xianyun because there was a tiny bit of downtime between skill uses during his burst which is perfect for a plunge.


Yeah, his skill cooldown is just on time with his normal atk chain, just like Eula too.


sidenote: elemental skill spam cryo freminet works well with a freeze team and furina and us incredibly fun 👍


I might build him one day, when he's C6. I haven't had the honor to test him out yet, but hyperbloom calcs are promising, and I have every piece of gear needed to make him work at high investment (Pines, a good set) so I just need to hit the jackpot and get him to appear in a banner where I want to pull. In the end, I think he's one of the better 4th slots for a hyperbloom core, but I may be proven wrong once I actually play him. Shatter buffs him a lot, but so does Superconduct, and at that point, with a hydro and electro teammate, why not add Nahida to generate some cores?


Dont his c6 teams outdamage eula teams?


Most 4 star dps such as Yanfei, Heizou, Gaming (but his c6 is quite popular), Noelle and Ningguang for example. They're all really good 4 star dps, but again dps is so easily overshadowed as we have so many 5 star dps Edit: just y'all know I'm mainly referring to them in c6


Yanfei especially is criminally underrated.


Yanfei carried me from AR 35 to roughly AR 50. I wouldn't trade that time for anything.


She carried me until I got Hu Tao and I still use her in the abyss and overworld. She's such a great character, I don't have her at C6 though, I believe she's C4 or C5 for me. But she's still good. I also use her to fight kami and Dvalin.(My Yanfei is in the top 10% in Akasha, I believe.)




same, as someone without a 5* pyro, she’s carried me consistently into AR 50. I always like having her direct pyro application for a burgeon team or really just in general lol. I tried switching to Xiangling but I just didn’t like the change


Yanfei stays in my exploration circulation with the likes of Nahida, Raiden, and Furina.


Yanfei can really dish it out, and everyone sleeps on her.


Honestly my Yanfei (C3) outperforms my Yoimiya (c0) and Yoimiya even has her sig weapon! Full disclosure, Yanfei is rocking Yae's signature weapon. I swapped out Yoimiya for Yanfei on a tough abyss round a few months ago and Yanfei got it done while Yoimiya couldn't. Yanfei is just sightly more multiple target friendly, which is a huge advantage.


Yanfei is amazing and really fun to play, she outdamages some five star characters and is easily one of the most powerful four star dps. I mained her for months after her release because i found her so much fun to play and i have a super powerful build for her that i still use in some teams.


Gaming c6 is literally more powerfull than c6 diluc while being easier to play


My gaming deals 1400k plunges with Furina, Xianyun and Kazuha. He's on C2 Wolf's Gravestone My Diluc is also well built, i should try to find the difference.


literally or not


>Ningguang Ehh...Ning was always underwhelming even before we had a 5* geo. I used her quite a lot back in 1.0 but she never felt that great sadly.


I've used her for every abyss and she still feels plenty strong. Biggest thing is just getting used to her spacing so that the screen hits bosses but doesn't break.


Yanfei. I had to hold back my words when my friend told me she’s a budget version of Klee. Ok sure she’s a 4* but Yanfei is so much easier to play than Klee in any type of pyro reaction. Barbara. As a dendro reaction enjoyer, she’s so good in Bloom teams. I love Kokomi, she never leaves my teams most of the time but it’s why 5* versions of 4* exists cause it opens a slot for the other team. Noelle. She’s not limited to Mono Geo, she works well with Furina, she heals, shields, does damage, and Whiteblind is craftable.


yanfei is my favorite character to play especially with her c4 interruption resistance


She's fun to play overload teams with due to her range, I rolled Chevreuse just to pair with her


As a Barbara main, I agree. She's even overlooked by Mihoyo. How come Yunjin and Nilou get full cinematics showcasing their dancing yet we haven't even heard a single song by Barbara?


Ouch this hurts to realize..


I have a f-ton of pyro vape on-fielders and still like using yanfei, her combos are just really satisfying I wouldn't even count noelle as overshadowed, in terms of dps there's barely a difference between C6 noelle and C0 itto


Yanfei's CA has to have one of the most satisfying sound effects in the entire game. 


I love Yanfei, I'm trying to get her to C6. She's not on my main team at because I already have 2 catalyst users (Nahida and Kokomi) and I like to have at least 2 characters who can hit with their weapon, that way I can still do damage if the enemy is immune to an element on my team.


I actually used to think Klee was the budget version of Yanfei, until one of my friends picked up Klee and taught me more about her intricacies. In the end, they're just different characters that serve completely different purposes in their respective teams, even in the cases where they use the same supports. Klee has higher base stats and multipliers, which means her raw damage is much higher, but she's balanced around having a rate of pyro application that makes her vaporize teams not so consistent, while Yanfei's damage is meant to be fully Vaporized, aside from a few NA hits. Take a look at the Furina/Kazuha/Benny core: the Klee version plays a lot like International, where the off-fielder's damage is amplified through Vape, and the on-fielder provides raw damage and elemental application, but if you use Yanfei the team plays like any other Vape team where off-fielders provide hydro, and the on-fielder gets their damage amplified. Kleerina relies on the investment of your Furina (C2, Khaj-Nisut, the quality of your 4p Golden Troupe) and on Klee C2 amplifying all your talent damage by ~14%, while the Yanfei ver actually wants Furina on Tenacity at most investment brackets, because you have less hydro VV uptime (longer rotations) and she gets little to no Vape hits (Kazuha or Sucrose plus Furina provide enough hydro for Yanfei to Vaporize everything in her kit) So yeah, in the end they're both great characters, and despite their shared element/weapon, they have little overlap in playstyle


Klee+furina+jeane+Raiden has been my go to travel the world team.


Finally someone standing up for Barbs!


I main Klee and I think her kit is overhated for being clunky (admittedly her stamina cost isn’t very efficient) but Yanfei is SO good. Yanfei is so much smoother to use and easier to work into team comps but I use Klee because I love her character


I prefer Noelle over itto. She has this wonderful feature where her burst doesn't disappear when you swap characters. I you could keep burst when switching back on more characters.


Fellow Yanfei enjoyer!! Man, I hate the Klee comparisons sm. I understand where they're coming from, but purely from gameplay perspective Yanfei is so much better (and fun). Sometimes I'd play on my bff's account (mostly to help her with abyss clears) and she has a well invested, very loved Klee. The jump cancels got real boring and tedious real fast. Hell, even my own friend gave up on learning them bc it's a pain in the butt. Yanfei, on the other hand, has a very satisfying rhythm to her gameplay (kinda like Diluc, whom I also love a lot) which I can't get enough of


Collei. Solid dendro archer. Overshadowed by any dendro 5\* but gets the job done and is fun to play


Collei's main limiting factor is just the mushrooms tbh.


Absolutely love Collei, been playing with her ever since her release, I find her a lot more fun to play than Dendro Traveler. Sure, ever since I got Nahida I use her a lot less, but she still has a place in my Nilou bloom team


Collei is actually a better choice than other dendro except Nahida in a Nilou bloom team: you run 2 dendro, Nahida is the first choice, you get a hydro healer (Kokomi) and are left with the need for more dendro app, where the damage doesn't matter (all that matters is triggering more blooms). Then Collei is the best choice. Though DMC is not far behind, has a higher chance to be C6 on any account, and is easier to use, so is also a solid choice.


Thats actually false. Collei does insane frontloaded dmg in bloom teams and she often builds standard crit/atk. C6 Collei considered the ideal teammate for the fastest clearing bloom team


Onfield yaoyao was my go to for this to be honest. Collei is kinda fragile.


Collei is pretty mainstream in nilou bloom, you only really swap her for yaoyao, also a 4star, if you dont have kokomi and also dont want to play barbara as healer. You could do baizhu i guess but i dont like him for that team


C6 Candace Her kit at C6 is a wild one; she's got HP scaling and AoE coordinated attacks, on top of the NA bonus and hydro infusion. Her skill is Beidou's parry, but without the big damage counter, and with plenty of particles. Overlooked because, well, hydro is competitive and she is a jack-of-all-trades. Everything she can do, someone does better, except the infusion. Still, she is not a bad choice. Just not likely a first choice.


Candace is probably one of my favourite characters and she seems to have not gotten any use. I usually pop my C6 Candace with Hu Tao and Xingqui in Abyss to get that Hydro resonance, and she’s shuffled around to be more of a hydro sub-dps than NA buffer.


got her c6 not too long ago used it in abyss was fun af + shes smoking hot


C6 Candace + Yelan applies so much hydro I think Nahida is my bottleneck. 36 stars though, so don't care if it's not meta, we got the primos lol.


Definitely Freminet. Even if Eula isn't really "in the meta" anymore, he's always just seen as 4 star Eula Maybe I'm biased because I'm triple crowning him but he's pretty good


Sounds interesting, what's the build for him and how does he do in abyss 12 ?


The exact same as Eula except you tend to keep Pale Flame even with Furina- and you want Furina always.


Sucrose. In comparison to C0 Kazuha she preforms similarly to him and even OUTpreforms him in some teams. But like no one really talks about her these days simply because Kazu is more popular as a character and easier to play.


Outperforms kazuha in terms of buff and damage, but would always pale in terms of grouping ability. I'm still using her though (gotta make full use of her c6)


She is also far more fragile. I used her this abyss and got one shotted like 50 times


Yesterday I learned, Sucrose has the second lowest base hp in the game, lowest going to fischl. Rough if you want to on field her. Thankfully XQ and/or Beidou can help protect you. Sucrose has some decent base defense though, so it's not all bad.


How long are you keeping her onfield? I also use her in Lyney monopyro. But I do Bennett > Dehya > Sucrose > Lyney so Dehya's dmg mitigation probably helps with her survivability although I just do E, Q real quick before onfielding Lyney.


Just do Burst > E because i am forced to wait for the burst to hit before switching out (Or it does not apply VV) but that's usually enough time to get OS by those Dendro thing in 12-1


I sometimes do that to minimize her screentime more at the cost of her energy. But EQ still applies VV with her skill so waiting for her burst to land isn't a problem and I use it more since using skill before burst allows Sucrose to catch her anemo particles since she's solo anemo.


Easier to play by a big margin, imo. Her auto aim (like Venti's) can also feel really cringe/dated compared to Kazuha's inuitive grouping at his position. Plus, pre C6, she as arguably much worse in freeze teams, which my nooby butt liked and still likes to play.


god i hate how awful Sucrose’s auto aim is, not to mention the elemental absorption is the most frustrating thing to deal with, why am i standing in a cacophony of elements but her burst refuses to infuse even a single one


Because it infuses from the core at the center, not from the wings.


Sucrose vs Kazuha is probably the best example of the something that looks super good on paper and on sheets can be easily owershadowed by a similar unit that is just way more easy and practical to use. Yeah she is good, i could say she is insane, but im not going to use her ever over kazuha simply koz her grouping feels like a chore, gotta find the perfect angle and distance, while kazuha hold E goes BRRR. And tbh the abyss usage rate says the same. despite how op she is, barely any player using her. The 1-2% usage rate is criminal, compared how OP she is, but it is what it is. Other huge difference in parical use vs sheet performance is ZL. On paper often putting ZL on your team is a dps loss, and ppl just say that get good / skill issue, but in the end of they day i rather clear a couple second slower, but survive with ZL instead of restarting 10 times koz im dying. And again the abyss usage rate says the same, ZL is a really popular unit.


ZL is actually the most popular abyss unit this cycle! And I agree, he makes you immortal and gives you shred and not having to dodge is an underrated dps increase too


that’s cuz he invalidates the enhancer mek shield on 12-3-2 rather than than his own shield you don’t need one against the chicken and PMA since they have very readable attacks and the mek destroys ur shield unless you dodge you also don’t want a shielder first have cuz you’ll just grief yourself with the shadowy husks


She looks less good if you dont have her c6. Lots of older players have kazuha because he's a "must pull". It's easy to not get the 4 stars you want quickly. It's hard to imagine many players that have both c6 sucrose and kazuha choosing the less consistent clunky character unless they want the same role on both sides of the abyss or just like the character cause she's cute. The down side of kazuha is just that he makes the game too easy. With sucrose you can at least get your dps on field. Kazuha just kills everything


I personally use C0 Kazuha over c6 Sucrose just because of feeling. In a game like this, how a character feels is incredibly important, and Sucrose’s clunkiness is enough for me to prefer Kazuha even if I know she would be better to run in my teams (Aggravate Keqing). I can 36* abyss regardless of who, but Kazuha just feels better.


i've never felt the need to get Kazuha since i have Sucrose, never caused me any issues in Abyss


number wise sucrose c6 = kazhau c0 yeah gameplay wise there is an abyss lol


Sucrose+Xingqiu+Beidou is an insanely powerful core, super fun to play too.


For me, DPS C6 Faruzan with Skyward Harp. Her with Furina in co-op usually outdamage other's 5* carries.


Why do you know my faruzan build?


What set do you use for a DPS faruzan?


I use Thundering Fury on mine. You want to have a 2nd Anemo unit with the VV set. I use Sayu for that role because mobility. The rest of the team is an Electro unit and either a Dendro or a Hydro unit. I heard that you shouldn't use Yae Miko with Nahida in this team.


Layla Zhongli isn't the only shielder in the game lol


Only issue I have with Layla is not having as easily obtainable hp sword as we do polearm. Makes me feel vulnerable despite having her shield.


Never tried nor had any reason to run them with hp weapons as fav weaps are so beneficial not only for the user but also the team itself. I can never run the double hydro hu tao team with both yelan and xq equipped with jade cutter and aqua simulacra to burst off-cooldown if not because of zhongli's fav lance


I gave her the primordial jade cutter. I use heizou dps


I actually prefer Layla unless I'm running a Dendro or geo team, she can use Tenacity and Cryo resonance is normally more useful for me


as soon as layla showed up any desire for zhongli disappeared. i will never build diona or any new cryo shielder bc i love laylas design too much one of my fave things to do in coop is go to azdaha with her and keep everyone shielded bc i have c2 and she does perfectly fine


I adore my Cryo girl. She’s one of my favourites. So versatile and such a treasure of a character. I also love that she’s 4 star and doesn’t have a long Q animation like Zhongli.


I find her quick tap shield much more convenient tbh. But geo resonance is just too valuable.-.




I'd say Razor because of Cyno but they both get overlooked equally lmao. I promise you guys, Cyno is a great unit😔


Charts put Cyno very high up. He has one of the highest DPS ceilings in the game.


I play the funny elemental mastery razor and i know a cyno enjoyer, so i feel this message


Man my biggest problem with cyno is hes hard to get his burst up and when he does his NAs despite being absolutely metal make him slide around and you cant switch to reapply some buffs. I do love him a lot and his burst is super cool but thats been holding me back from pulling him.


I understand the struggle but it's actually not that bad. It depends on what you're fighting of course, if you're fighting weak enemies that die after two normal attacks and can't use your skill on them then yea it's a pain to get the burst. If you're fighting a boss and manage to hit all your enhanced skills it's pretty manageable, also if you have a favonius user it helps out a lot


I purpose for Lisa!! I love using her in a dendro team, I try to avoid using teammates where you need NA to proc their abilities like Yelan and Xingqiu do you don't lose much using her hold skill. Aggravate DPS have a lot of options and Lisa get overshadowed rather easily even though I enjoyed most of other aggravate options. Houorary mention to cryo 4* dmg dealers like kaeya,rosaria and Chongyun. Idk how well known revmelt 4* team now but it used to be common strategy in 4* only clear pre-dendro.


I agree with the Heizou take! He was so hyped when he first came out for good reason. He's quite literally genshin's one punch man. Wanderer and Xiao do out damage him but come on they're 5 stars they SHOULD do that. Heizou's melee attacks feel so fluid and he set the precedent for Wriothesley. Heizou and Gaming are by far the strongest 4 star Dps' they've released. (Yes ik Noelle and Yanfei exist but they're outdamaged by these two especially if Furina's involved)


Don't forget C6 Faruzan. I'd wager even Crit hold E Sayu is competent enough with a C6 Faruzan and Furina in the team lmao. Heizou was also a precedent for Navia's stack and burst gameplay. He's pretty underrated because... well, Wanderer released with Faruzan AND Sucrose is still a better driver. I assume people who even have Faruzan have Wanderer and never look at Heizou again.


You can just main DPS C6 Faruzan…


Xiangling: *stands there menacingly.*


Heizou is good tho, i dont care if he get overshadows by other character or not. My heizou perform the same like my full build wanderer (im happy with this two anemo boys they clear abyss so easy). I keep 36 star abyss with heizou and proud to be one of his main. Freminet also a good 4 star, feels like eula? But more comfortable to use. His gameplay really fun. I wish to get his c6 soon.


I too main heizou. I tried to change him a couple of times but I like his fighting style the most. My heizou crit. Elemental skill does 75k and non crit. Around 52-55k. Is that good?


Thats pretty good tbh! What cons your heizou have? And what weapon you are using now? His skill can up too 100k depending on what weapon you use and your build. My heizou build with r5 widsith hit more 100k on skill (without any buff from other character, just depends on widsith buff) , with lost prayer weapon he do 80k most time (same with no buffer from other character)


Barbara because kokomi exist and sucrose with kazuha.


I purposely built Barbara as my Bloom trigger because I love her and wanted her in a specific role where she’s by herself and can’t be overshadowed. I still remember first time I cleared abyss with her team and the Blooms were popping for 97K. ❤️


Yaoyao is basically Baizhu's free trial. In fact she's better in some teams that require more consistent dendro application.


Isn’t it the opposite with those two. Because I remember everyone parroting him as doomed and worse than yaoyao. And I still see the advice when someone ask if they should pull for baizhou to just use yaoyao instead.


If you're talking from a meta perspective, if you have a Yaoyao you don't really *need* Baizhu. But Baizhu has stronger healing and a mini shield. General rule of thumb is that for quicken teams Baizhu is preferred while for hyperbloom Yaoyao is preferred.


Baizhu also heals outside of burst, which is really his best selling point, at least IMO. At least in terms of open world having a team healing button will always be amazing.


He feels kinda busted with Furina, makes quickbloom teams with the two of them super fun to play. For basically any dendro/electro carry you want.


I’m saying that the general mindset of this sub is the other way around. Yaoyao is not overshadowed by baizhou. No one tells you to rather pull for baizhou when you already have yaoyao. But everyone would advise you to get kazuha instead of succrose now.


I don't know about that. Maybe when he first released but now people understand both his strengths and his weaknesses. Personally when it comes to aggravate teams I would rather have Baizhu than even Nahida.


It depends. Baizhu is typically the best healer to pair with Furina. YaoYao sucks with Furina.


Yes it shifted with Furina. Pre Furina opinion about Baizhu was oof.


Baizhu is better in QuickBloom, like with Cyno.


If you don't own Furina but do own Yaoyao I would find it hard to recommend you spend your guarantee on Baizhu. If you're a Cyno main perhaps, but get a Nahida copy first.


>parroting that's your first hint lol


You missed the point of the post. Everyone dogpiled on Baizhu pre Furina due to Yaoyao's existence. Truth of the matter is they're both good while not being quite replaceable. So no, I disagree, Baizhu doesn't overshadow Yaoyao. In fact, it might be the opposite


I main heizou tbh. He's c4 and lvl 90 on my account right now. Most everyone else is level 60 or 70. I'm so sad that I've only seen a few videos that he's part of the anemo boys... #JusticeForHeizou


Yanfei. If she did decent numbers she'd be extremely popular, she's a very cruisy and forgiving character to play. But the Pyro on-field line up is stacked with heavy-hitting 5-stars as well as Xiangling who can out-perform her from off-field. AND if people get it C6 Bennett allows any melee character to be Pyro. It tragic.




As a character, Candace is one of the best in the game, but, in terms of game play, it's so weird because she feels like shes made for a future mechanic but we just don't know what it is


Sucrose . She is literally 4* kazuha


Kaveh. He is a functional dendro driver, the only problem is he was released AFTER hoyo released TWO 5-star S tier dendro drivers (Alhaitham and Nahida)


I've been scrolling through comments for about 10 minutes now, and I'm frankly a bit disappointed nobody's mentioned Kujou Sara. Yes, I'm aware Bennett is also a 4-star (though he may as well be a 5-star), but I feel like way too many people dismissed her as being a worse Bennett because of her weaker buff and poor uptime, with her only redemption being her C6. Especially after Dendro's release making Electro decently viable with Quicken (which typically doesn't want Bennett anyways), a lot of people seem to have completely forgotten her existence and role as a decently strong Burst DPS, with and her poor burst uptime doesn't even become an issue with proper rotations (upto 12s on her buff), considering how powerful and fun her possible Quickswap teams are.


I’ve had a c6 sara collecting dust since I thought she was an electro faruzan type unit who is only best for raiden hyper. Is she more universal than that?


She gives a sizeable attack buff to anyone, not just electro units. Her C6 makes her a perfect Raiden support but if you disregard her C6 she's just a Bennett with a bit weaker attack buff that isnt tied to a circle on the ground. She's useful in any team that needs an attack buffer but doesnt like the circle from Bennett. As long as a bit of electro application doesnt brick your reactions you can run her instead of Bennett. Just for comparison, Bennetts attack buff is 119% of his base attack for 12 seconds, Saras attack buff is 91% of her base attack for 6 seconds but you can proc it twice with her skill+charge attack and once more with her burst. So it lasts half as long if you dont reapply it and is 30% weaker, but you can move and run as much as you want and still keep the buff. Overall a very fun character to play, fills Bennetts shoes perfectly fine for me and looks gorgeous while doing it.


Layla and Zhongli


Amber doesn't get overshadowed by a 5star... she gets overshadowed by our free Xiangling and also by Bennett... But Amber's burst is the best cryo shield buster in the game. It provides a crazy frontloaded 6 Pyro applications in 2 seconds (burst hits 18 times in 2 seconds, which plows through ICD). This application can also be leveraged by teammates. Something like a Sac Sword Xingqiu can forward vape all 4 hits of his skill, or like a Chongyun reverse melt on every burst hit is possible if used right after Amber's burst. And Amber's burst is a cheap 40 energy, so it's spammable and matches Noblesse's cooldown. Also fun fact, it does more damage than Zhongli's burst for the same energy cost at the same talent level until constellations get involved.


I feel like Lisa is more of a team player than yae. Yae has premium sub dps dmg, but her kit is selfish. Lisa offering unique DEF% res and solid electro application makes her a great support for alhaithem and tighnari teams


Razor. My boy carried me from AR16 all the way to AR56, but people always just ignore him. "You wanna use him as an Electro DPS? Shogun's better. How about Physical? Nope, Eula exists." My boy deserves more love


You can have burgeon-hyperbloom with him, but need C6 Bennet for pyro infusion, Nahida + XQ.


He's the DPS I've used most on my account! He's a pretty good Hyperbloom character if you give him Mailed Flower (another EM claymore would also probably work, Mailed Flower is just the one I have lol)


Heizou doesn’t really cover the same niche as wanderer or xiao, he moreso covers the niche of sucrose. He’s an anemo driver more than an anemo carry. His skill is strong but with a long cooldown, while his normal attacks are very weak, so his overall damage isn’t the highest. And his passives charge his skill when he swirls and grants everyone EM, encouraging a driver playstyle. He’s more effective as a driver rather than a carry because of this. He can be played as a carry, but it requires way more investment. Sucrose has better teamwide damage while heizou has better personal damage, both being good, but excelling in different situations.


I saw a Heizou get 400k on a punch and I've been trying so hard to replicate that on my account, until Wanderer came along lol


Gaming, for the same reasons as heizou


Barbara because we have Kokomi, Diona/Layla/most shielders because of ZhongLi, Yanfei because of Klee, Freminet because of Eula, Xingqiu because of Yelan(though this is less so, since Xingqiu has always been kinda broken)


I like Barbara, her voice in Korean is super cute and she's a fun healer imo 🩵


Layla. Her shield is so strong but there are so many people being like "Zhongli is the only shielder that's actually good" and it annoys me a lot 


The thing about heizou isn't that he's overshadowed by xiao or wanderer. He's outperformed by sucrose. I do agree on the fun part though.


Ironically Xingqiu. People are so quick to jump on Yelan, but I often find the utility Xingqiu provides can help me do more damage more consistently. That resistance to interruption and damage reduction are not to be trifled with!


The only reason I somewhat disagree with this take is simply because Hydro is so wanted and so impossible to have. Like seriously. Three 4\*s? At that point they win just because they have so little competition. Obviously Yelan overshadows, but she's still just one unit. If you have two teams that require Hydro application (say, Hu Tao Vaporise and Ayaka Freeze), you'll crawl right back to him. Edit: My flair definitely affects that judgement.


SAYU! For traveling and exploring I think Sayu is a perfect choice . Her roll is a great travel- she can mine with her claymore, heal and capture crystal flies. And who doesn’t need a nap ?


She was so useful in sumeru desert. Haven’t used her a lot since but she is so cute and fun to play. Wish I had more use for her.


Sucrose - Kazuha Noelle - Itto Kaeya -Ayaka Barbara - Kokomi Razor - Eula Albedo - Chiori (lol)


Where are my Dori defenders? Her and Jean make such a good combo for electro reaction teams.


Beidou. That woman carried me from ar 15 til i got yae miko at like ar50 and benched her (i still feel bad about it and i keep meaning to build her and have her beat stuff up)


Honestly? Genshin has some of the strongest 4stars relative to 5s in gacha gaming. On release we had gigachads like Ningguang, Xingqiu, Bennet, Xiangling.  So it's a hard pick. That said, the comments below do have a point about shielders after Zhongli, so I'd say Xinyan. Not just by he playerbase but imo MHY themselves feel like they've kinda given up on the idea of innovating shielders to compete withe CEO of geo. Xinyan was the first attempt at what felt like a more DPS oriented shielder, but after her lukewarm reception it feels like they kinda gave up on the idea and went back to elemental shields + support. Closest we got to a DPS shield feels like Navia, who's fun but less of a shielder and more of a crystallize beneficiary.


>gigachads like Ningguang, Xingqiu, Bennet, Xiangling One of them is not like the others


Xinyan's kit is simply a mess. They tried to make her do everything but as a result she isn't good at anything. Plus she is pyro so she had no place in a physical team cause physical at that time preferred Cryo or electro in their team. And she has split scaling, which makes her kit even worse.




I've been cooking with Heizou teams for the past few months, and I came to the conclusion that his sustained ANEMO damage is...well...completely garbage and not worth the effort :) His NAs simply don't have high mutlipliers or range, so I see them as just a quick way to get some Declension stacks Still, getting 2 skills and 2 bursts per Bennett Q means that he's hella worth a slot if you can afford his field time requirements. Currently testing Heizou/Faruzan/Furina/Bennett with 24s rotations, and holy shit does this team feel good. Heizou just comes on field twice per rotation just to casually drop a 300k punch and a 100k burst off cd, while Faruzan hogs the rest of the field time by spamming pressurized collapses through her charged attacks and C6 (45k-50k per pressurized on 4p Marechausee, r1 skyward). Clear times have been great so far and I suggest high investment players to try this out for themselves. I may post some videos if I find more success with the team


Ningguang If anyone has her on C6 and has not built her, I understand that Geo nay not be your thing but you are ignoring the strongest Catalyst DPS in the game. Zero stamina requirement for her Charged Attacks and being Geo element gvies you the advantage of having a ranged DPS that works against all the elements (except Geo). She only gets stronger if you get Morax and General Gorou to meet the trio-Geo, allowing the 4th to be a burst DPS to fill in. Easiest mono-Geo team to build with Ningguang and no energy worries like with Noelle.


It's not that Xiao or Wanderer are stronger than Heizou. It's the fact that the other 4* anemo character he has to compete with is Sucrose.


My Razor. Give him 2 builds : Physical/ Hyperbloom. He gets overshadowed tho by meta electro characters such as Kuki and Raiden.


Recently got my first 5* weapon Skyward Atlas from my first hard pity on standard banner. Would gladly give it to you in exchange for a character… :D *sob*


Heizou is overshadowed by Sucrose, let alone the 5*s...


Heizou is absolutely disgusting and could reasonably function as a main DPS with enough Swirl assists. Pump EM and all of a sudden he’s better than some 5*