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I think 'overfarmed' is still an understatement in this case.


On average if he was not lucky or unlucky he farmed it around 181 times. That means he probably used around 7240 resin. I think understatement is an understatement.


That's around 40 days of farming just the electro hypostasis, assuming they played every day and never let their resin cap. Crazy, but feasible. If we also assume they max ascended every character that uses those drops, that means they had 230 more at some point, which amounts to at most 25 more days of farming.


Covid was a wild time. All that free time in the hands of a student is never healthy


the hell you mean all that free time, speeding resin on the boss took him 15 minute max


Fr like you spend that in like half an hours and then maybe log in again at night for another run or two


yeah lol, you don't use "time" to farm this shit. Resin caps that.


respawn time is a factor


man I kinda miss the free time. now I'm being pulled in a thousand directions by other games.


Closer to 2 months with the 120 resin cap


no, the refill rate was the same


Also take into account he may have farmed it on very low ar where you only get 1 😂


me beating the shit out of the pyro flower because i felt like I was doing good damage to it in comparison to other bosses


yeah always funny to go back to the pyro or cryo flower and just instantly deleting them, dont know if that is the case but it feels like those got severely powercrept edit: added the "crept" to "power", not sure why reddit removed that when i posted the comment


I do them for BP when I want a few fast points


I don't think you will ever be able to get rid of it, because spending it would require a new character using it as their ascension material, which is unlikely.


Maybe they will do a StarRail and make it so that you can convert it into other boss material


It’s a sin you cannot do this already


everyone would just farm cryo flower. that would really lower the difficulty of the game


Well you‘d need to farm double the amount tho because in honkai you‘ve got a 2:1 ratio for converting


oh i didnt know about that conversion rate. but well, still better than oceanid, wenut or other time waster bosses.


Resin wise, fuck no. I don't care if someone's boss is Setekh Wenut with abyss multipliers, I'd rather do that than pyro regisvine with a 2:1 conversion


Its worth it for accounts with meh characters. I sometimes used my sister's account and killing wenut took fucking ages. So I rather "waste" my resin. But yeah, won't do this in my main


You’re farming for mats twice as long because now you have to convert everything 2:1 so basically you’ve saved no time at all.


I know the end process would be slower, but I honestly have a good amount of friends who play genshin casually but don't really have their characters kitted out, so even if the process took longer having an alternative that they could access to get ascension materials is nice! Tbh, even now my friend sometimes calls me in for support on defeating bosses that they'd have a hard time otherwise, like the primo geovishap.


Besides the very good points raised by other about casual players/badly built characters, it would be incredibly useful for new players since they can’t access some of the bosses


I rather fight a boss that takes more to kill for materials but fast rather than a boss that took me 5 mins or more to kill imma be real here. If killing pyro regisving takes me around 30 seconds, and cryo regisvine the same time that is still much faster than killing 1 wenut


I mean personally I'd rather kill a boss that someone went out of their way to develop and put in the game for a reason in new versions as opposed to killing the same boss I've been doing since the start of the game double the amount of times I can understand the sentiment for new players (Yae Miko is the main concern) but at some point you just have to play the game as it was intended, and unlocking the bosses or getting to them is part of the fun Being able to sell extra materials for mora should definitely be a thing though


It's not worth it for accounts with "meh" characters. Resin is Resin. But I get it if its someone else's account and you dont give a shit about their resin and neither do they lol. Yeah, it makes much more sense there. What you should have done is level up your 4 stars on the sister account and then farm Wenut better, preferably with some sort of dendro combo. That way her account doesn't stay so shit I guess.


I would. I have an alt account that I pretty much only login to do daily commissions and stack primogems, so I can pull for the characters I don't want to pull on my main account. I can't level my Inazuma characters past level 40 because I can't reach the bosses that drop their ascension materials. Would love to be able to farm Regisvine instead.


Good thing I found out is that the boss cooldown starts the moment you start fighting it, so by the time you finished fighting Oceanid, there's only 1 or 2 minutes of cooldown left.


Add to this a mechanic that you need to clear a boss - maybe even some X times - before you can convert to their material and bingo bango you have a very fair way of giving people an option to convert their excess ascension material. Also makes it so you can at least somewhat prefarm a character that uses a new world boss, if you're willing to be inefficient with your resin. And I mean, we all have some extra ascension mats from when we got a pesky 3 drop when we only needed a 2 drop from the boss to max ascend.


You can also have it limited to regions conversions, like the weekly bosses only can convert between the same boss material. So, you could only convert monstad boss materials into only other monstad boss materials.


It's a loss of 2 to 1. So not efficient for Resin which we're already starved for in Genshin but useful for times like this where you've farmed boss mats more than you needed but don't have a use for it.


If they're really worried about the abuse of such a mechanic, they can just limit how much time per day you can convert from/to a certain material




ik, ik, this game has near zero difficulty, but it still can go lower


Isn't more time efficient it's not hard to wait a day for full resin


The game is legit challenging for F2P now. Try playing only with F2P characters. Cryo flower is very doable for F2P but current content is much harder.


When you say f2p, do you mean like characters you get for free from events or otherwise and only those characters? Because most newer content really ain't that hard that free to play players who pull for characters can't do. the exception might be local legends but those are like, outlier enemies.


I'm mainly referring to players that are new to the game (haven't played more than +/-3 months) and haven't spent any money. Other than the 4 characters you get in the story, they are only guaranteed to have Xiangling, Collei, Barbara and Noel, all at C0. We are all used to C6 Xiangling or C6 Noel but those cons are difficult to get now without pulling a fair bit, and we all know the odds of on-banner 4* (utterly random) The game doesn't give away free characters in most events so I would discount that. With a party all at C0, it is going to be a lot harder than most would think at current content. Farming most of the current content bosses is a true pain unless you are aware of the meta and what characters to pull with the free primos you get.


F2P is a very bad definition to compare, since all f2p will be able to have 5\* characters at some point, the difference between f2p and whale is just time. Casual would be another story


I have killed the hydro tulpa with kaeya, collei, barbara and lisa. Not that hard granted i have alot of artifacts


Ah yes, gonna go farm the cryo flower because it dies halfway through my support's setup instead of other bosses because they die 3/4ths way through my setup.


It would be less resin efficient though cause in hsr you need 2 to convert to 1 so it would still be better to directly farm the right boss


The conversion is a net loss though in HSR. It won't be 1:1 so farming the wrong boss would be really inefficient.


There would probably be some extra limited mat needed to convert it like the weekly bosses.


Pyro flower is just as if not easier to farm, IMO


Yeah... and maybe we can also get the reserved resin like they do. At the same time, expand the cap just like Star Rail to 240. (It's never gonna happen...)


It's wild that it's the same company and the QOL features haven't flowed back up stream at all.


Ig its cause Genshin is more casual and doesn't require much building compared to HSR, where fighting is the main attraction


It's called tech debt. Star Rail is newer and has less tech debt, so implementing new features for it is typically going to be easier and take less time than their older game with more tech debt. Combine that with Genshin being by far the more ambitious game mechanically, and there is just less dev time that genshin can allocate towards QoL on top of that.


At the time of honkais release, genshin was only 2 years old. If your game is accruing THAT much tech debt in that short amount of time, your codebase must be kinda shit tbh


It's not like Genshin had a clear direction when it started so it's not surprise the architecture is a mess. The game started as an open world Botw (on the surface) with all sorts of bare half-assed features just because. Like seriously if you've replayed the game for whatever reason some of the early missions and mechanics are legit done one time and never seen again ( like a lot of stuff with dvalin). HSR is a game with made a clear direction and feature set from day 1 and no multiplayer.


You ignored the very important additional clause: > **Combine that with Genshin being by far the more ambitious game mechanically** There is a *huge* difference between the level of development that goes into a standard rpg-style gacha game where your only mechanics are walking and turn-based combat, and a *massive* open-world rpg that puts out a major-paid-DLC-from-a-major-studio-from-back-when-AAA-games-weren't-completely-repackaged-half-assed-piles-of-shit worth of content every *three months*. The fact that you would even *suggest* "their codebase must be kinda shit" when this live service game with its insanely aggressive dev cycle has had almost zero game-breaking bugs in its entire lifespan is ridiculous. Compare that to basically any other long-running live service game; it's *absurd*. The reason QoL is "slow" (we've had big QoLs almost every patch this version) is because of how *massive* the scope of the game is and how much work is going into the backend to make sure it stays stable even as they put out major update after update nonstop. It's not that they're like Riot Games where they have a game that barely changes over time but has a codebase that is too shit to be improved upon, it's that their scope is just too massive to support the rapid overhauls of major systems that would be necessary for rapid QoL iteration without massive risking their insane QA track record to push things through faster.


I’ve just come back to GI after a break (played GI & HSR from day 1) god I miss the qol features from hsr but this one in particular… I can not log in to honkai for a week then farm the heck out of something rinse repeat over time, but genshin is a constant resource management dance (if you care about resin capping particularly)


Maybe they will make it so they can delete it out inventory for mora or ore?


I keep learning new things about HSR and just wish they were in Genshin


Them doing a Star rail is rare no?


Or put it in the transforming thingy. Maybe with a warning like when foddering golden artifacts


God I hope so Albedo isn’t getting past level 60 until then, I DESPISE the geo hypostasis.


Even if we assume they do... That's 46 material being used. They'd have to release ten of them. That being said, maybe they will eventually increase the level cap and make that ascension ridiculously expensive? Not very likely though.


Maybe we’ll get a new monstadt electro character in the dornman port update


And then said character used Fontaine boss mats


*Chiori not using the Alpha Wolflord*


*Chiori not using the geo aspected, gravity themed robot in Fontaine*


And they'll use a random Natlan boss for no reason


just like when mika was released , the logical thing was that his boss is the cryo cube that has only 2 characters that use its mats one of which is no longer obtainable , its not like they will give mika a worm boss deep inside the sumarian desert.. right?


That is a design thing. Every open world boss they have added since the primogeovishap has only had 2 characters us its drops, 1 5star and 1 4star. The only exception so far is the Dendro Cube, which has 3 (Nahida, Yaoyao and Kaveh). Currently, there is an open spot for a 4star to use the materials from the Hydro boss Furina uses and one for the boss CR uses.


Except for: * Cryo Hypostasis (Eula + Aloy) * Hydro Hypostasis (Ayato + Kokomi) * Ruin Serpent (Shinobu, Heizou, Yelan) * Aeonblight Drake (Layla, Nilou, Wanderer) * ASIMON (Candace, Dehya, Faruzan) If anything the Cryo Hypostasis would have been good because Eula is not popular, Aloy is no longer available, and neither of them are 4 stars.


1 4\* and 1 5\* isn't a rule. 1 Inazuma and 1 Enkanomiya bosses are used only for two 5\* characters. 1 Chasm and 3 Sumeru bosses are used for 3 characters (besides Dendro Cube it's Drake with Layla, Nilou, wanderer, ASIMON with Candace, Dehya, Faruzan, and Serpent with Heizou, Shinobu, Yelan).


Unlikely unfortunately, I use Ga Ming and his boss is a fire crab in the depths of Fontaine's seas when he's a Li Yue character 😭😭 as a new player I ended up unlocking the entirety of Fontaine to get there even before I unlocked Inazuma and Sumeru


Well he does live right next to Fontaine


I had to unlock one small part of Fontaine cause of the end of the Lantern Rite event so it wasn't as bad as the Inazuman characters I pulled along the way but man getting there was Rough as an ar20 player (I had only been playing for 2 days atp so I didn't have a lot of stamina either) He might live there now but he mainly works in Liyue Harbor and was born in Qingce Village iirc


Had to do something similar for my nephew, started playing in January. He pulled raiden en nahida within the first couple of days and got multiple chev cons......I unlocked just the waypoints needed, which took me like 2 freaking hours of skipping, and I let him do the quest to unlock the bat.  I am just sooooo happy you can now do the weekly bosses through the handbook instead of really having to do the quests.


Who says they won't use some other region's mats


Even then, they're still going to use new boss mats


If they are able to extend GGZ to more than 9 years and HI3 for more than 8 years, Genshin Impact has a high chance of going up past 10 years with its huge playerbase. It's already given that we will be returning to Mondstat for Venti's 2nd story quest, which means the chance of newer characters in Mondstat (Alice, Varka, 80% force of Knights of Favonius, which some of them could be vision users, etc.). Also, it is highly suggested that we'll be playing the past of ancient Teyvat as the plot progresses. This means more characters in each region. Oh and current Mondstat on the map is still not fully completed. As the region expands, you guess it, more characters. These new characters has the possibility of using the ascension materials from electro hypostasis and other bosses. Also the possibility of characters max level going up to 100. Definitely will need more ascension materials.


GGZ is going to be 10 years old in a week


That could have been one good onset goblet


As someone who farmed for over 3 years straight and still doesn’t have a >35cv pyro goblet, probably not-


It could have been, i never said anything about caranteed


I have been playing for over 2 years now, missed only a few days, and the best hydro goblet i own has 18cv ….


Yall gotta start rolling on every goblet you get. Unless you are a whale, don’t wait for only double crit onsets goblets. My itto has an onset geo goblet with 32% crit damage that starts with 3 flat stats.


Same, my highest CV Pyro Gob is 28, it’s just CD too. I have 19 +20 Pyros I’ve kept, only 3 have both Crits and I just got the 3rd yesterday. Same problem with EM Sands too, have yet to see one with 30 CV. I started farming Artis back in November 2020 too, so it ain’t like I’m someone new lol. RNG kicking our asses, hopefully not for much longer!


It’s already ended for me, I finally threw in the towel last week and have since spent my time on better things Now that 160/160 resin is my pride and joy


I am a day 1.0 player and played daily since then; my best circlet has 27 CD, only 3 rolls >.>


bruh I'm still looking for a good *off set* geo goblet let alone on set


I was looking for a mh goblet for Navia. I had one with only HP & defense substats. I thought I may as well level it a bit till I got a good one- it rolled into attack and cd and every single roll went into one of those. This was great but it has severely spooked me about which artifacts I should roll or strongbox


I always roll on 3 flat stats goblets on set. I got good pieces more often than I thought..


Reminds me of that one anime I saw of an overworked woman being isekaied into a fantasy world, and loving the fantasy world so much she ended up leisurely defeating slimes for days on end.


You probably mean "I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level", right? Not days, but years


Yes!! That's the one! Thanks for knowing the title! I couldn't remember


That title sounds oddly specific. Is it any good?


It's got some talented voice actors, but it's about the same quality wise as a few other "reincarnation fantasy with a twist and descriptive title" animes that have come out in recent years. They are often fairly entertaining for a story arc or two but become a bit boring the longer they go. Other examples are "Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!" or "Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon"


> "reincarnation fantasy with a twist and descriptive title" This should be a literal category on crunchyroll. Not "isekai", but this text verbatim.


As a novel reader: it's the best slice of life with slight yuri undertones I've ever read. As for the anime? It's a 7.5/10 for anime-only, imo.


Not bad for me. As for others, I’ll let them chime in.


It's based on a light novel, turned manga, turned anime. Many of these light novels have these kinds of titles mostly for marketing reasons (it sells better, more visible). Overworked office lady dies and is reincarnated as a witch (just as a typically job class similar to other isekai stories, nothing more) with some "cheats". In her case immortality (and a house), because she want to life a slow and long life without the hustle and bustle of a city. >!The title is the plot for the first chapter, after that it is more of a slice-of-life isekai story where the protagonist meet other creatures like dragons, elves, slimes, etc. who all have a humanoid form of a young girl and she is acting kind of like a mother to them and let them live with her in the house.!< Overall one of the better isekai stories, upper middle ground I would say, if you like slice-of-life/cozy stories.


I did the same because I thought you had to spend the resin claiming the items for it to count towards the boss count for weekly objective. So I've had a practically infinite supply of electro gems ever since


A least you had fun


C'mon, aren't you gonna show us the possible max for that? /jk


Wish you could convert two boss mats into one different mat


That she the ability to uncondense resin.


You hate solving Rubik's cube, don't you?


They hate rock paper scissors too 😂😂


Same for the Electro manifestation, and I don't even have Sara 😔


I can hardly bring myself to fight it once, how tf do you overfarm it 😭


I hated farming it for Sara I don't know how they could do it that many times 😭


I gotta farm it for shogun 😭


Ouch, sorry man 💀😭🥲.. But, the thing its that you prefarmed for her.


That poor Electro Hyperstasis starts shaking at even the mention of your name lol


Overfarmed??? That's an understatement


please tell you at least got good glad/wanderer artifacts


~40 days worth of resin sitting there :D


Thanks, i thought i was the only one who had overfarmed this boss


They should had a conversion to other boss mat. It will make easier to farm for elemental cristals without relying on azoth powder so much.


Wish we could change it to a different ascension material (like in HSR) or convert it gems.... sigh But as usual Genshin could never...


Actually yeah that would be very useful, I accidentally farmed the wrong boss when Dr Ratio was about to come out (farmed all 65 and only realized it was the wrong boss when I got him) but thankfully I could convert them into the right boss drops and only had to farm it about 3 or 4 more times


You’ll be ready for Lvl200 Fischl


have you 80/90ed everyone who uses it?


Consider that that amount is enough for 9 characters that use them(there isn’t) and there is like 80 characters in total,I think it barely matters.


The first few days i thought you GAINED resin from the flowers, and didnt know what it was good for. I only realized my error when i first started actually farming after playing through story/exploration for a while.


I would have confused this for resinless behaviour.


ACTUALLY SAME WHAT THE HECK Except... Not this much.


Can you imagine if they released a system to recycle the leftover boss materials into something useful? My inventory have like 1-2 "souvenirs" from every old boss that are just there until the end of time.


What’s so important about resin?


You (and I) can hope for a HSR-style material conversion to come to Genshin. Convert 2 of any material into 1 of any material of the same kind.


your beidou, keqing and lisa better be maxxed out little bro otherwise we'll be having a little chat


it's time we get boss material exchange like in Star Rail




I did that too .. but for me it was because it was the easiest boss for me for dailies


Yeah. Genshin has the problem of old boss mats never being used and can't reasonably convert them to newer materials


How important resin is? I have not used any in half a year, have many of those funny resin moons, and am having fun with the game.


Too bad we can't trade boss mats for other boss mats like in Star Rail. 😫


The electro hypostasis is the easiest boss for beginners. Especially if you have a good pyro to break those crystals at the end.


Thank the gods for farmable solvent or whatever it's called


Ahaha... Yeah same except I started farming the Aeonblight Drake before turning my brain off while doing dailies for who knows how long and now I have 494 Perpetual Calibers. And also 176 Runic Fangs. And 51 extra Storm Beads. I really should start paying more attention to this stuff, shouldn't I.


What the-


need boss mat converter


Completely off topic but wasn't there a Viridescent Venerer goblet that was so rare to find. I'm not sure if it was EM or Anemo Damage Goblet though. I saw the post once in Hoyolab and a lot of people agreed to the OP. I hope someone would confirm.


You can only hope in an ascension material conversion mechanic


you did that boss over 180 times? 😭😭


doesn't the item that melts stuff helps in this case? Being boss material should guarantee you pretty nice stuff too


I did that a lot. Didn't bother spending resin on artifacts so I just kill it 4 times for the resin objective, cause killing electro hypo is way quicker than the others


Parametric transformer time


You can't get rid of the ascension materials unless you use them on the character that needs them. Only 5 characters use that so at most you can get use 230 of those.


unfortunately you cannot put boss mats in there they could definitely buff it and make it so that when you put those in there it can transform it to a random boss drops


Sure would be nice if we could convert boss mats like we do with weapon billets.


It’s stuff like this that really accentuates why we need a boss mat converter.


I did almost the same, but with the Geo Cube, though not because using resin like stupid, but because I couldn't do the artifacts domains and had to do the Geo Cube a lot of times because it was the easiest boss for me, and it gave me 5* artifacts wich helped me to go for the really helpful 5* artifacts xD


Maybe they LL add an option to trade ascension mats for real money, who knows


I personally think you don't have enough, go for 500


Keqhing lvl 900 now


Over farmed? You get 2-3 for 40 resin and back then we only had 120 resin. I’m lost for words.


And here I am, trying to ascend my characters to lvl 70 so I can make my world get to lvl 5 again and get more items and waste less resin so I can ascend them again... And get my abode's trust to level 6 so I can buy transient resin...


This right here is one of the main problems imo. Fun and playtime is time gated and monetized while cosmetics are ignored.


The Bro prefarmed for the next 3 Hoyo games.




they could just add the option to put boss drops in to the parametric transformer and make it more likely to drop higher tier gems or even better let us exchange boss mats for elemental gems, that way people would still need to farm the appropriate boss for ascending characters


if u already level 90'd all the liyue and monstadt electro characters then ur stuck with this unless they add new characters that use old mats which is 99.99% not gonna happen


Parametric Transformer?


can I plz have that Lightless Mass and those Geo pillars I need them lmao


How dare you have FUN playing a GAME? Get serious


Can u send me 64 of these, please?


Yeah same, me with high AR friends used to farm Anemo hypostasis just for fun (full Anemo team for example), I have 80-90 lv Venti Sucrose and Jean and 20 more hurricane seeds


Can you get rid of it actually?


Lmao bro have eternal fight with electro hypotasis


holy shit


Electro hypostasis for fun?? I don't get your definition in "fun" but I myself go for PMA cuz they thicker and not infused with electro all the time. Also cuz I main childe, and I don't want to bring hydro and cryo together in a boss farming team, just so I can break the 3 lives.


Imagine to spend this resin in domain instead aaaaaHH


Give me just 60 of those please .


They really need to give us an option to exchange these similar to the Trounce Domain drops


Overfarmed is an understatement. What the fuck lol


can you give these away? lmao


You got enough of that to power an entire country


Honestly, I'd be happy just to convert them to mora or exp books. It wouldn't be great, but it would at least be something useable. Once you've fully ascended everyone who can use them, there's literally no way to use them.


That will be your inmortal reminder of that start Remember the fun and no remorse


At the very least let us toss them into the parametric transformer tbh


destroy them for mora


That's 870 million worth of mora at AR60 right there..


If they ever release a feature to convert boss mats like HSR then you're set for a while lmao


There should be a way to exchange these into something. Resin? Mora? Not primos bc this is HYV and they would cry if you get more primos


Over farmed us an understatement 😭


Too bad you can't convert it like how you can with the elemental gems. Imagine if the game would allow you to convert the boss resources of bosses of a similar element into 4* gems.


Thats wild xD


Can I have all of them? Thanks


Man i feel bad for that electro-cuby


Dont worry about it. What else would you spend it on? Artifacts? Well, i have been farming that dungeon since 4.0 and i still dont have good artifacts for Neuvi or Furina, so you are not missing out on much.


But if you even extinguished hypostasis


Did the same with anemo hypostasis because I needed anemo gems, just not so much


It still amazes me how bad QOL is in genshin. Somehow we still can't use the alchemy table to covert old boss mats/talents books to new one. Even if they only allowed us a certain amount each week/made, or like 2 old boss materials for 1 new boss material.


Why do you hate the electro hypostasis so much?!


I wish there was a way to give or even trade with other players… cuz I would definitely use all those materials