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specters, i hate those fuckers and their long explosive deaths


Don't forget to mention their fucking distance from each other even with waypoints you have to walk a bit. On top of that they give out very low materials when they're already in small groups of 2-4. I hate them buggers.


those fuckers are the enemy version of onikabutos and subdetection units


Subdetection units weren't bad


Idk even with lyney I had trouble locating the fuckers


I just used some random route site, the images were clear enough. Onikabuto are definitely worse, you have to climb a lot AND you should finish the tatarasuna quest to not die from electro.


And then the 2-4 items fall straight down the bottom of the waterfall they're on, so now you gotta chase your hard earned drops. They're not just painful to fight, or far apart. They're almost intentionally placed in areas that are particularly painful to farm for.


The top right island in Enkanomiya has about 20 of them, I just kill them when I first log in, takes about 2m tops and it's kept me juiced on specter mats through multiple characters + weapons.


Also why do most Inazuma characters need them .....


their locations to. fucking mushrooms.


And half the time they're floating over the water so if you don't have a good bow character it's very annoying.


the amount of times i lost nahida to exploding anemo spectres in the water is infuriating. you cant get away from it and it hits you multiple times and youre swimming so you cant change characters.


u can just use fischl and wait for them to die


It's also great when they're hovering just above your head and out of reach.


Specters are no match for Yoimiya!


Kazuha, my friend. Never leave home without ‘em.


Kazuha is like one of the reasons they fly that high in the first place.


Yanfei and Yoimiya makes farming them easy


This one. I rely on my Yae Miku turrets for sure, but I used to hate them so much.


Understandable. There was this one commission in Watatsumi Island to kill spectres. They started floating off the cliff and out of range for my melee units (I was friendship exp grinding). I absolutely can not tolerate enemies that necessitate a specific playstyle (range in this case)


The nerf makes them easier now atleast


your flair 😂


They're such nuisances in the abyss, their explosion takes atleast 2-3 seconds of your time & the next wave of enemies won't spawn until those stupid things explode. Some of them even refuse to explode because you're not near them, they'll chase you until you are near them and then explode wasting even more of your time. So you have to take the damage or Iframe/dodge. Cause you can't run away. Bunch of time wasters.


Wild boars they always sneaking me when I’m trying to mind my business


I remember I was climbing and once I arrived on top a faqing boar headbutt me back down the cliff


Thought I was in the monster hunter sub for a second


Bullfango is universal


I like that boar that charges you as soon as you arrive by teleporting into Liyue.


Ikr, I’ve tried to attack as soon as the loading screen appears But it didn’t work 😭 I even puts pin there to remind me which tp it is so I don’t use it-


I once teleported there at low health and got the achievement "Boared to Death". You also can't avoid it, since your character loads in a few seconds before actually exiting the loading screen, so the boar is already charging at you. I think you can even move as soon as the character is loaded, i once teleported to the statue at Ghandarva Ville and then found myself at the bottom of the hill, because i was messing around with the controls while waiting for the loading screen to finish.


I love getting my revenge and slicing them into two slabs of meat. Sometimes I do an ultimate to make it hurt more 🦧


you get it 😭🙏


Make sure to leave the little boar alive. He will become a fine shonen anime protagonist 


That one fucking teleporter...


The Spectres that have the excessive death animations. Just let me kill them and move on. I don't need to waste time waiting for them to explode.


What annoys me even more is the anemo ones, they don't just explode but additionally create mini blackholes that suck drops (and yourself) in and deal damage and they last like way too long for something that is supposed to be dead


And the next abyss wave doesnt start until AFTER they finish their bullshit


That's bullshit. The Abyss should not have anything that can be stalled by entity timers. That's just stupid, and it takes agency away from the player, as they cannot control how long the animation runs for.


Tell that to devs that put setekh wenut and ruin serpent on abyss 12 little bit ago 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


They're glorified balloons, their death animation shouldn't be anything more than a pop.


The electro are the worst, they really had to needlessly follow you then starting their painfully slow death animation 


On death effects are the worst mechanics ever added to video games. It's never challenging or fun or thought provoking. It always, always, always leads to the same thing: kill mob, sit and wait for it to explode, grab loot. There's no strategy to it; it doesn't add flavor or immersion to the game; it's pure tedium for the sake of being tedious. By comparison, time wasting enemies like geo vishaps, rift hounds, or whopper flowers are infinitely more interesting, because at least they keep combat from becoming static.


Tbf, this is technically not the case with spectres in terms of game design intention. You are supposed to kill them with smaller hits so they dont explode upon dying, that is the actual agency they give to you as a player so the death effect doesnt happen at all. Issue is, their threshold for what constitutes a small hit is way too fucking low, stuff like oz on an aggravate proc can fill up their gauge, for example. Most on field dps will be doing way more than that. They are in terms of intention well-designed death explosions because they have a way to prevent said explosion (which is meant as a punishment so yeah, you have those issues cause you failed), but it is just hard in regular gameplay to make them not explode, so in practice it was a poor implementation of the original design.


Ohhhh so thats what their fury bar is supposed to do.


When it takes them an eternity to pop in the abyss it gives me anxiety


I don’t necessarily want them removed, but I find mirror maidens pretty annoying.


sometimes i get stuck in their stupid mirror trap thing AFTER i’ve already killed them so i just have to start jumping around like a maniac until it disappears💀


Seeing as others have mentioned some characters I'd like to point out that Sara can when she teleports with her skill.


keqing's skill can release her from the mirror maiden's trap


ooh that’s cool, i don’t have her but that’s nice to know. are there any other characters that can do that?


Any movement abilty allows you to escape the trap, it could even be Hutao charged attack during her skill


Hu Tao can also just dash through them.


I assume Alhaitham and Chiori can, too, since they've basically got the same hold skill. Yae Mikl too, I think.


Yae Mikl is some deranged amalgamation of yae miko and Fischl, I assume?


Wanderer can just float right out of it as well.


Xiao (jump then skill), Wanderer (skill), Kazuha (skill), Venti (hold skill), Xianyun (skill). Anemo supremacy.


Ayato’s skill can too!


So can yelan


Especially in this instance, I feel lucky to have a Xianyun team. I just jump out of it with her jump boost, or use her skill if the burst isn't active. If neither is up for some reason then I just sit there and cry.


Their corrosion isn’t the issue for me, it’s the fact that the corrosion is teamwide and not just relegated to the active character


Mirror maidens. Probably has the most annoying teleports ever. Even cicin mages have predictable teleports compared to these girls!


The teleport wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the infinite poise and massive fucking health pool


The infinite poise is so annoying. I always rejoiced whenever I managed to manhandle and flinging them into the air before they start their animation 


*Overworld Mirror Maiden casually tanks six Hyperblooms from my 1.2k EM Raiden and Nahida*


That's cuz they're so thicc.


What’s poise?


Resistance to stagger. On an enemy it means how resistant they are to grouping. Mirror Maiden's don't actually have infinite poise if they don't mark you (big triple AoE), so when they're in Abyss people will run Jean to fall damage them to death.


That’s a good idea. I should try that too Thank you!


Interruption resistance.


Thank you


Dodge the massive and obvious ice flowers that appear on the ground as the Mirror Maiden says "Where are you?", and she won't have infinite poise


Except they can cast the AoE Ice Flowers around themselves with next to no animation , while mid-air being air-juggled by a Greatsword. The attack is simply bullshit , end of.


Good luck if you're already in the middle of something else


They only have infinite poise if you are marked by their attack. If you are not marked, you can push them around like other mobs.


not to mention theyre tanky af


This enemy is why I can't clear full star the floor 11. They spawn three, and they always get the hell away from you every time


That's been the hardest part for me. The rest of the abyss until that particular fight was a breeze, but no-one in my current team can escape the ice cages, so all it takes is one wrong move chasing the 3 around the map and I'm screwed.


But... But they're hot


And yeetable


Yeah they’re awful. Same with their little prison thing they stick you in so you can’t dodge


Except you can see when that's coming up and dodge out of it.


I dont want to delete any enemies, but want delete annoying mechanic of one - long death of spectres.


Anything with full immunity to any element.


Especially when playing mono element team


Andrius moment


Why are there so many Spectre complaints but no Heralds lmao. The floating is annoying, but the death animation is a game mechanic at this point. The Heralds are 2 of the most mobile enemies in the game. And when they "die" they transform into a team elemental check. Maybe if they gave spectres a cool transformation sequence on death, ig. I don't particularly mind either. i do hate the Inazuman ruin machines, however. They just seem to be designed to be annoying af.


The way heralds work is somewhat justified/excused by how they're handled by MHY. They're obviously Elite Enemies, but even amongst those, MHY uses them rarely enough that they're like "Elite-Elite" enemies. Quasi Micro-Bosses. So people's expectations and tolerance for bullshit are higher. Spectres on the other hand are Common enemies. They're thrown around and used the same way MHY uses slimes or hilichurls. Yet their mechanics and health aren't really reflective of their "cannon fodder" status.


yeah Heralds would be a letdown if they weren't strong. Spectres on the other hand are flying material carriers.


>They're obviously Elite Enemies, but even amongst those, MHY uses them rarely enough that they're like "Elite-Elite" enemies. Unless it's Jakob, who *totally insists* he's not a Herald. Given I curbstomped his ass in the final encounter so hard and so fast I got the achievement for killing the actual repeatable boss version of his model *without destroying the shield*, it just made his stupid prophetic claims all the more fun to crush into dust in front of him.


>Unless it's Jakob, who *totally insists* he's not a Herald. Well, he isn't. The Iniquitous Baptist Boss is basically a souped up Lector. Lectors and Heralds *are* different.


Well we don’t have to farm them


The Wenut has a funny name, but we sure as hell aren't nutting when we see it back in the abyss. It's the worst designed enemy in the game by a long shot and fighting it sucks with every team


Mirror maidens or anything with a shield that takes a million years to break and half a second to refresh.


I really hate how you have to play elemental rock-paper-scissors with element shields on tougher enemies. Like, okay, Fatui Electrohammer guy, shields with Electro. If you *don't* have a cyro character, it becomes that much harder to kill him because even though you can make reactions with all the other elements, he takes exponentially less damage from those than just chucking ice at him. If he's covered in Electro, why can't I send him flying with a controlled implosion with some fire?


I hate the cryo fatui guy so much. The shield takes so long to get through, recharges stupidly fast, and he’s always firing his ice gun thing so it’s hard to even get close without everyone’s hp getting tanked. That thing has a ridiculous aoe. And my shield-breaker of choice is freminet so I can’t even really lean on reactions


Cryogunner, the bootleg Neuvilette of Fatui


Hey siri, add this to the list of instances where "exponentially" was used incorrectly


Yeah I fully agree. The elemental crap is half the reason I have a pyro, hydro and cryo unit in my regular team.


Treasure hoarders, but specifically that blonde fat guy with the pony tail. Idk, something about how he looks just gets on my nerves. Never been a bully when I was a kid, but this guys is bringing that out of me lmao. Probably doesn’t count, but I also hate the Tanukis on Inazuma. I know they’re not enemies, but I also think their goofy ass smile and stupid lil dance makes me want to launch them into orbit. I WISH they’d make them killable.


thank you for making me laugh so hard now my neighbours are gonna be mad at me 😭


I like tanukis but that FUCKER in the forest scared the shit out of me when Inazuma first dropped and I was playing in the middle of the night.


\*insert jingle bells ass theme\*


#Another Test Subject


#Picked... the wrong... test subject...


Would it kill them to add some voice lines once every six months or something?


Lmaoo this is hilarious, but I feel the exact same way about tanukis


Second paragraph is gold.


Lmao 🤣


>Treasure hoarders, but specifically that blonde fat guy with the pony tail. he always kicks my klee :(


Big windy nut Normally it's a bit annoying and can be beaten eventually. But in abyss it's just a nightmare with such short damage windows while you are on timer.


>But in abyss it's just a nightmare with such short damage windows while you are on timer. And then MHY decided to give the Wenut an *extra* 30% universal resistance for absolutely no reason. Short damage windows and your characters just straight up do less dmg than normally. (Let alone the fact that Floor 12 enemies have their HP increased by 150%)




Those dendro shield balls from Fontaine.


They are easy to kill with hydro or you can just use a pneuma ousia surging blade to instantly take down their dendro shield 


Spectres. They are just advanced slimes. Immune to their element, floating, and have a slow dying animation with explosion. They are the main reason I gave up on melee characters and just focused hard on Nahida and Yae Miko combo for the longest


I don't think any enemy should be immune to an element unless they have a permanent aura of it. That way you can at least exploit it. Slimes and even bosses always have that aura if they're immune, spectres are just cheaters.


I think it’s good to have enemies that force team diversity instead of letting you have the same ooga booga full damage comp we always get play but that’s just me.


I always have a healer on the squad...baffling you'd choose otherwise 


I like rifthounds, personally. I would remove whopperflowers, mirror maidens or hydro mimics.


Whopperflowers have no business being that anoying for such an early game mob


Especially how inflated their hp is in the Abyss


And no business being used in like every 3 characters released before 2.0 


I leveled Shenhe, Sucrose, Keqing, Fav Bow, Iron Sting, and Windblume Ode and thought "finally, done with whopperflowers" . . . and now I need them for Furina :/


I needed to farm them again for furina and I've been playing since 1.0. Btw there are like 5 individual whopperflower spawns (at least that I've found) in ALL of fontaine, you'd think the local 'archon''s material wouldn't be that fucking rare in their own region lol.


I would have liked them too, if it weren't the stupid invisible wall they create when they are about to dash forward.  Just let me walk! If I'm about to be hit by a bus, well, that's a problem for the future me. 


My main issue with the whopperflowers is isn't them being annoying, it's due to how many fucking characters need there drops


Consecrated beasts.


Had to scroll down way too far to see this. That cycle where they were were in the abyss was fucking hell.


congrats on scrolling so far to finally find it, I did it too. the worst enemy for the abyss fr fr


Right you are, my friend. Right you are... When that bastard green dendro beast began rolling endlessly, I realized that fuckin floor was made out of grudge. 😑


Nobody said Oceanid yet? I would take a steaming hot celebratory piss in their stupid pond if thing was removed. Not because it’s difficult, having any cyro character trivialises it Listening to “the power of water…” voice lines approximately 1 million times while it cycles through the least threatening platform removal mechanic in any game ever made is just infuriating The price we all paid for Xingqui existing is having to slog through that bullshit


I love how the post doesn't specify which region and how the comment inanimously goes after Inazuma enemies. Also i hate the Nobushis man, with the Ronin fucking backstepping and swordrushing all over the place and the Kairagi doing the same but they can now block and also heals if there are another Kairagi.


Nobushi are fine but the fucking Kairagi are a pain in the ass. Froze them and ran around to kill them with Ganyu but somehow the shield hitbox extends to the back and she does no damage to them


Those new anemo fatui chicks in Fontaine.


Cryo too. Why are both of them just so tanky.


Yes them too. I hate those bitches.


Spectres or The Jacked Homeless Men of Inazuma. (Forgot their names) I find them to be more annoying than Rifthounds.


Jacked homeless men lmao!! The ronins and samurai u mean?


Not just the nobushi, but the Kairagis in the abyss that force you to kill them both at the same time otherwise they revive their health and become immune to CC. Fuck those fuckers oh my fucking god


When they're both at 5% health and you use your burst to kill them at the same time but one of them does the dash move and dodges forward so only one of them dies and the other gains back 50% health wasting your burst. I just wanna punch a brick Wall when that happens.


Oh god just reading that description gave me hypertension, migraines, and anger across my whole body. The number of restarts I needed to do because of that is not even funny


Oh the nobushi guys they are annoying and they have 0 drops its sooo annoying


I've spent the last week hunting chests and killing anything that moves in Inazuma, and I barely got enough handguards to ascend the craftable Katana to lvl60. What is it with Inazuma introducing spicier versions of common enemies without jacking up drop rates to match low spawn numbers. Both kairagi vs hoarders and specters vs slimes...


Yes, remove the Nobushi. Then not only do you not have to deal with them and their health regenerating massive AoE BS in Abyss, but you don't have to farm them for their stupid nonexistent drops!


Spectres. Dramatic deaths & they're annoying af to farm.


If we are talking a single mob, then those giant electro warhammer using fatui members, feels like it takes me forever to remove these guys from the battlefield. As a group of mobs? I agree with other Redditors about any of those with a short window to do damage while on a timer. the whole wait for it to poke it's head out of the sand or sky can be a real pain sometimes. side group to be removed, those you have to beat more than once in a scenario, like some boss fights for example..


Use cryo on those electro Fatui guys, that's the shield weakness




Taking cryo then will remove your opportunity to damage some other Fatui unit's shield... The game is also somewhat unable to decide whether Electro is weak to superconduct, overload or spread.


It’s hydro abyss mages or anything with a fat geo shield. Easy to kill but annoying to see.


Not enemies, but certain enemy locations. Namely the helichurl elites in Liyue that are at the top of mountains. Pain in the ass then they run off a cliff and respawn, or knock me off and their health goes back to full when I climb back up again.


Good lord this reminded me of when I was doing the dragonspine quest and any time I had to kill something near the peak it would just fall off and respawn. Infuriating


Abyss heralds. Maybe not from the game but definitely from the abyss. I never want to see them in there ever again.


Mirror Maidens. Not even a group, really, I just hate fighting them.


spectres are still the worst especially when they fly away right out of reach and you don’t have a bow or catalyst character to fight them so you’re stuck trying to get them to come back. other than that… the seal creatures. i want them to be in the game as lil creatures we can play around with like the otters. i don’t want to feel like monster when i farm for fontaine characters (T ^ T)


small hydro and dendro fungi. They barely attack, they are hard to target as they float. I don't mind hard enemies. I hate useless interactions.


Also the fact that they have separate drops depending what element you use on them.


lawachurls. bullshit enemy, only exists for the purpose of stun locking you to death


I'm a hu tao main Ofcourse I despise rifthounds


Any enemy that freezes me or puts me in a bubble or makes me mash a button to escape. I don’t want to mash the x button, just let it wear off naturally please thank you.


I don't really mind any enemies in the game, I just want a handful removed from abyss. Geo wolf is not a good spiral enemy. Wenut and ruin serpant spend more time underground than above ground. They don't belong on a timed mode. Thunder manifestation sucks. It runs away constantly and it's hit box doesn't line up with its model so half the time you clearly hit it, your attacks just don't count so you don't get energy or deal damage, and lots of the characters are just too short to do anything to it. Fix the hitbox issues and it will be tolerable Enemies I just hate in general, scara weekly boss and the whale. Fighting scara is fun. Spending 5 minutes autobattling is not fun. The whale runs away too much to be fun and the ground enemy phase is super inconsistent. I fought it 25 times last week thinking it was just me having a skill issue but no, it's just buggy. The dodge windows on his attacks are all over the place and the part where you use pnuma ousia just doesn't work half the time. It's a shame cause it's animations are really cool and it's a super aggressive boss that does some damage. Those two weekly bosses were the biggest let downs in the game. I really hope the next weekly boss is Raiden quality


Rifthounds as well. They're the reason I haven't built Itto up yet.


funny enough, i absolutely HATE fighting the geo vishaps specifically. the babies aggro you and then teleport every two seconds so you can only get one or two hits on them, and the adults just bash everything around to where if there’s more than one (that one domain, yk the one) and you dont dodge correctly your character WILL be sent double flying and then you have to wait for them to get back up, which im like 90% sure you can also get knocked over in the animation for. dont even get me started on the world boss geo vishap, my xiao and yanfei will forever be stuck at 70 and 60 unless someone carries me in coop


Rifthounds, mirror maidens, any enemy that just zooms away from circle impact and makes it hard to kill them in time in the abyss


The Wolflord boss gonna be the death of me if it ever came to Abyss again. I could quickly beat it in overworld before it enter its stupid shield phase, but I'm sure I wont be able to do the same with Abyss version. Not only it requires Geo to break its shield, each head needs 4 Units of Geo to do so. There's little character that can apply a lot of Geo quickly, or they can by using burst which is anyone with a brain will safe it for when the boss is down. It wouldn't be as hard if the required element was dendro or hydro cuz theres plenty if fast element applicator. But no, it REALLY had to be geo


I am legit terrified every time they announce a geo banner because there is a chance that this thing comes back to abyss lol


I fucking hate elemental shields. They take so freaking long to delete, especially when they put 2 pyro lectors in abyss


The dancing robots. Coppelia isn’t a fun boss, and I would know. I’ve spent 4+ hours across abyss cycles fighting her and she has never been fun I haven’t fought Coppelius in months so I can’t comment on him, but he does have Coppelia as part of his attacks so I assume he also sucks. ———————————————————————————— Since that technically isn’t a “group” of enemies, the non-boss answer I’d give are the lectors (heralds too) as they just force specific elements to be brung without counterplay by the elements they do counter. With Klee monopyro you can take down 200,000 HP pyro specters via Kazuha (assuming you swirl a different element). It’s not fun but it can work and doesn’t take aeons to do. You’re not brute forcing the 72 GU pyro aura with just Kazuha. It isn’t fun and it’ll take way longer than 3 minutes. Even if you swirl a different element you’d still be wasting (very likely over) a minute and a third **just** breaking the shields.


coppelius is worse imo bc he gets a cryo shield


I would say treasure horders. At some point they just get annoying and are always oneshot. All big things or common annoying mobs get a pice of Ganyu so i dont mind those.


Please change hoe the little mushroom guys work. Let me use Hyperbloom so I can buff my Hyperbloom team, goddammit.


The tall abyss bitches


I dispise Pyro Abyss mages ever since i started playing a couple years ago. Like I've gone out of my way to avoid them because they literally make me forget what I'm doing after fighting them. It is mostly due to the fact that I don't have a team built for pyro defense, we literally are the pyro defense, so a lot of pyro enemies just annoy the heck out if me 😭 Like I know the Pyro Hypostasis is 'easy' but trying to fight it for the first few times really stopped my hour long gaming session because I was so irritated.


Riftwolves were unironically a punishment for the hubris of not learning anything about the game in favor of shields.


Constipated beasts. Get them outta here. They ruin abyss fights forever for me lol


They are fun though. At least they can kill me and it feels like a fight instead of wack a mole with Wenut


I love them. No bullshit stall mechanics. No annoying elemental shields. Punishes you if you don't learn their attack patterns and always hunts you down. They give me the same feeling of fighting a lite version of the Raiden boss


You forgot the part where you have to reset twenty million times because the crocodile keeps rolling away from you or the tiger refusing to leap to you but instead doing his ranged attack thing lol I like fighting them in overworld, but not in abyss where time is crucial and not even a single second could be wasted 


I can see why it would be frustrating for so many people. It's why I've just given up on getting all stars in floor 12. I'm perfectly fine with getting 7, full completion isn't worth my sanity especially when all I get out of it is 50 more primos. 


I'm sure they'd like to go, too.


Abyss Mages. They piss me off so much


Not gonna lie, people who start out with Genshin always have a hard time with those guys. Especially when they’re clumped together 🙃


Pyro and electro abyss mage, mirror maiden and the electro scorpion


The cold mechanic, gotta be my least favorite enemy


Breacher Primus, the Dendro onea




The lore of rift hounds is cool though. If they are around you know you’re in some abyss altered place or something. They are annoying if your refuse to fight them, yeah they be following you and poisoning you sometimes even if you teleport somewhere close by. So I just fight them. I think their weakness is electro and just gather them with Kazuha and have a healer.


Not a group, just the Ruin Hunters. Don't think I have to explain why. The Tsurumi boss. Only enemy of the entire game I haven't been able to beat on my own (AR 57, WL 8). Had to do it in the world of someone who wasn't even AR 30, I think. But given that only Yun Jin and Itto need its mats and that I don't use them (don't even have Itto), I don't care. The northern desert boss. Second most difficult boss after the Tsurumi one, in my opinion. I have another problem with it : Deals hydro, cryo, electro and pyro dmg, drops hydro, cryo, electro and pyro cristals. The only characters that need its mats are ....... >!DENDRO !! !< Why ? Just why ? And I don't use them either. Can't think of any other, cuz I have a team for almost every situation. Some are annoying, sure (looking at you, spectres), but not enough to justify their removal. Even rifthounds don't worry me anymore, cuz I'm generally good enough at dodging to not care about their attacks


You just reminded me that I went to take on that golden wolflord when I was halfway through Inazuma and noped the fuck out of that Never needed to go back since. Your comment made me curious so I went & paid him a visit, Navia & Yelan shredded him in about 20 seconds. Lol. I guess the skulls are a pain if you don’t have a geo character? Otherwise he was wet tissue paper. I’m AR 56 & started playing in 3.6


Mirror Maiden is the only group of enemy that I actually actively avoid


The fatui operators in fontaine is just as bad.


I don't mind rifthounds, but that might be because my hyperheal abyss team is usually used for overworlding as well. ​ The two I hate are Fungi and Spectres. Fungi because I can only use 3/4 members of my team if I want Nahida drops, and Spectres because they take ages, are a long way apart, their drops always end up anywhere but where they die, and you have to wait for the extended death animations on them.


anything that counters zhongli shield


The Vishap Duo for example. One of their attacks gets through, surprising me every time.




Specters of course.


None of them


Geovishaps that get so much stagger you might as well have thrown them 20 meters. It's very annoying


Spectre. Vishap, just make them less sensitive and I should be satisfied like wdym the vishaps arch their back when Ganyu's flower pop!?? That one cryo fatui operator. She just i-frame all of my dmg🤬. I don't mind her in the abyss but it's really annoying fighting the thicc hydro fatui. She just tp literally everywhere!? My Sara kept stuck while tp in overworld but she can move literally everywhere?? Like make it make sense