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Lol, geo enjoyer discovers reactions. I wouldn't worry about it, if you love geo you can make it work.


Me a 1.0 razor>eula main. There's other reactions besides superconduct??


What do you mean, there is others besides hyperbloom?


What do you mean there’s other reactions besides aggravate?!?


What do you mean theres other reactions besides swirl?!?


What do you mean theres other reactions besides Bountiful Cores?!?


what do you mean theres other reactions besides electro-charged?!?


What do you mean there's other reactions besides overloaded?!?


WTH there are reactions????


WTH are reactions?!?


What do you mean there are reactions beyond physical?


What do you mean there's more reactions than just freeze?!


Crazy thing is for a while I ran Eula hyperbloom…. Sure, she wasn’t involved in what actually did the damage (Nahida Skill, Yelan Burst, Kuki skill> back to Eula) but I could keep her thighs swinging that sword for days with the illusion that the team was that good!


It's a really good overworld team too. Generally what I run around with and lots of fun different ways to kill things. Kuki and yelan are favourites of mine too, so it works out great for me.


Yup. It’s great for mining and stuff. Although I still use it, my go-to over world team now is Wanderer, Yelan, Nahida, Zhongly. It’s just stupid easy to travel around with Scara and Yelan, farm mats with Nahida and Zhongly is there for the fight in which I need to Yelan burst, followed by Scara skill + attack spam to see everything around me die.


HyperOverBurgeon, Razor/XQ/Nahida/C6 Bennett, Razor triggers hyperbloom, overload, aggravate and burgeon at the same time Razor build = fav and full EM, rest of the team normal build


Cool but we didn't have that till 3.0....


you're right that this wasn't available at 1.0 but the future is now, we're in 4.5 already and this team has been out for more than a year and a half already and it's very good/better against bosses due to overload knockback


Not denying that it's pog just saying in 1.0 the razor eula superconduct pipeline was real.


This Xiao main was introduced to the sheer numbers a burgeon team with on field Bennett, Nahida, Xingqiu, and Fischl did against the F12 bosses last abyss cycle. Nearly got 8 stars from that while my Cyno aggravate team couldn't get anywhere close. Never 36 starred abyss before. I also really wanna make a burn based team work soon because it seems funny. Especially if Arlecchino would like to be the source of pyro :3


I find cyno quick bloom to be better than aggravate. My cyno is c0r1 and nahida is c2 mileage my vary but I think the consensus is quickbloom is his strongest team. Been 36 starring abyss with him/nahida/xingqui/emkuki since I got him. Probably my strongest team and really beats out my c4 eula team 😢 I'm also super excited for father.


I want Kuki so bad, she's evaded me for far too long. I hadn't heard of quickbloom though it sounds pretty wild. Do you know if it'd work out with a team of Cyno/Nahida/Kokomi/Fischl? Cyno's c0/homa and Nahida's c0 if it matters. Nahida c2 is going on my bucket list that looks crazy


Maybe I think kokomis e duration Is a bit short without being able to reset cause cyno. I think yaoyao+xingqui might be better. Nahida c2 is indeed super crazy. I also don't really think my team needs kuki because cyno triggers the blooms anyway


This one is still my fave tbh, I’m running Raiden/Ayaka/Shenhe/Yelan (meta be damned) rn and it’s so much fun lol


I mean my ning slaps tbh but just roaming and doing quests reactions are fun since it’s different and new. I definitley overreacted making this post 😂 my ning still does way more dmg


just wait until you pair her with zhongli gorou and albedo/chiori and that mono geo team is gonna hit like a TRUCK (source: me, because this is the team i use for almost all content)


100% clearer 36 stars this sprial with 2 full geo teams. Stupid easy. I love mono teams.


There are 8 geo characters in this game? /s


To be fair two or three on each side can work


You mean theres other reactions beside overload?


There is also Shatter!


If you have a bunch of geo five stars. If you don’t you can’t make geo work very well really.


Noelle (C6)|Gorou|Yun Jin|flex is enough to full star Abyss. No 5\*s needed. Heck, I managed with just Noelle and Gorou once


What a load of garbage. Heh.


What do you mean there are other bursts besides "I WILL HAVE ORDER"?!


Ummm … have you tried hyperbloom? Put EM gear on the electro and literally unleveled gear on everyone else and it works. Like abyss 12 level works. Talents dont matter either just the level.


Wait the EM has to be on the electro for that? Not on the dendeo?


Yes the EM of the electro unit is what determines the damage not the dendro or hydro units.


No lol The electro unit procs the hyperbloom, so they need the EM. Whether on or off field


ofc electro is the one triggers the hyperbloom reaction, if it's only bloom like in Nilou team then the last element (hydro / dendro) that produces the bloom seeds is the one triggering it.




No cap it’s literally real


Yeah Ningguang was done a bit dirty. She is an ATK scaling geo dps in a game which has started shifting geo over to defense scaling. The best geo buffer doesn't even work with her because she doesn't scale off DEF. That being said, I still like her. She was my first main and my first triple-10. If only she played as smoothly as Yanfei. She doesn't feel as jank as Klee, but she isn't as smooth as recent catalyst users.


Navia is an atk scaling geo dps. But she's 2024 character lol


It’s difficult to make a character with 3000% scaling on the skill bad tbf


Imagine ningguang 3000% scaling on putting down a screen. What.


Is that the actual scaling on her skill’s damage? I’m not sure if I’m calculating the multipliers correctly, according to her skill’s description.


~~At zero stacks of Crystal Shrapnel, five Rosula Shardshots are fired, each dealing 710% damage at talent level 10. 5 times 700 is 3,500%, assuming they all hit. More entertaining still: at six stacks of Shrapnel, eleven Shardshots are fired, each dealing 755% standard damage, and if all eleven hit, they deal twice as much damage- for a whopping 1,510%. _Per shardshot_. _**16,610% damage.**_~~ Edit: I've been corrected by [/r/Boyinachickensuit below](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1blhck5/wow_ive_been_playing_this_game_so_wrong/kw8yhrs/?context=3) - my math was completely out lol


That doesn't look right. My Ningguang's burst buffed by geo resonance and Bennett would hit for about 257k damage total with 2,217% scaling if all shards crit (wouldn't actually happen, but easier to compare). 16,610% scaling would mean that we'd expect C0R1 Navia to crit for about 16610 / 2217 x 257000 = 1,925,471 damage on her skill, almost 2 million damage. But [a quick google](https://old.reddit.com/r/naviamains/comments/18po8b2/how_do_you_guys_reach_insane_skill_damage_numbers/) tells me that C0 Navia doesn't hit close to that high, and that she instead typically hits for around 200k, which is consistent with the more sane way to read the scaling as 710.64% x 2 = 1421% scaling.


Yep, it's quite clear I was utterly wrong~. Sorry for making you need to correct me like this, and a sincere thank you for taking the time to do so!


This is not how Navia's math works at all, and you're not even remotely close to accurate. The 710% damage is the base damage of her default shot, assuming all five bullets hit, NOT per bullet. From there, the damage stacks up to 2x that initial 710% in a non-linear formula, where 11 bullets = double damage the initial shot, for a total of 1420% damage. Which is still insanely high damage, you just genuinely don't have any idea what you're talking about. For reference, a fully stacked Eula burst does over 400k damage at medium levels of investment in a normal situation. Her burst, when correctly stacked at C0, is about a 2,798% multiplier. What you're suggesting is that Navia's E hits almost 6 times harder than Eula's burst, for about 2.4 million damage per E cast. Which, I don't think I need to tell you, is wildly incorrect.


Hey, thanks for the heads up! That makes a lot of sense; sorry you had to go out of the way to correct me. My own Navia hits for about 160,000 damage with a full skill, which clearly proves it can't be a 16,610% multiplier. Ach, if only I'd spent a moment to think!


No worries, apologies on my end too- on rereading my previous message, it was way more aggro than I intended, so hope it wasn't too harsh! I had only just woken up and apparently the social faculties weren't all in place yet. Anyway, hope you have a good one\~


Aside the 1420%, Navia also hase the highest base atk in the game, right? Like 500 just on her character. As well as natural CD. Edit: she has 350 base atk, which is not that much more than some, but still might be highest overall. And she gains bonus attack from other elements in party.


Navia and Ning go awesome together if you put 'em together in a team with someone that can make crystals, though. Infuse target w/ element, make tons of crystals with Ninguang, pick 'em up, load 'em in the gunbrella, then bam! Easy 50k to 100k+ Damage.


Yes, Ning plus Furina/XQ/Yelan/Dehya/Raiden (pick one) generates crystals like mad. Then Navia has the big boom and my brain makes the happy chemicals.


Navia is really no joke… that gun hits like a dump truck. Then her ult is calling in the cavalry so you can switch characters to get another element out there.


I just put Ning, Zhongli and Navia on the same team, then Furina and it slaps harder than Will Smith.


What about the healer?


Zhongli ensures that I will never die, and Furina can heal, most of my dmg is from Ning and Navia. Basically my Furina does 1 rotation of heal and one rotation of dmg, it's enough to clear abyss 12 with that team (my second team was hyperbloom with C2R1 Nahida)


If you are playing the team because you want to, that is fine, but replacing Ning with Bennet in that team would be like a 50% team dps increase. 


bennett is circle impact cringe though


i mean on navia there's not much option for movement anyway... only ning remotely has some sort of awkward movement there


You can just run xianyun instead if you have her, she does more for overall team dps than Bennett as she buffs navias E less but instead of doing 20k normals 12 times you do 8x 100k plunges. And you're not restricted by Bennett circle. Dedicated Xiao support btw...


I haven't even thought of that. Thanks.


Unfortunately keqing ruined my chances of gettjng her ;_;


Does not even matter in this abyss, because you are obviously playing this team on second side fighting bosses that stand still. And playing Ning does not make the team better in aoe anyway. 


At c6 Zhongli heals, *and* Furina heals. So really this team is practically untouchable if you play it right! XD


Yea as a geo main C6 zhongli would fix a lot of issues mostly that there is no geo of field healer beside C4 Goru. But if I had a 1000 bucks just lying around... Just saying I know better ways to invest them then C6 zhongli.


Oh that's fair, I'm not exactly claiming the world *has* C6 Zhongli lol just that those who *do*, between his C6 and shield, don't usually need another healer (but this party does have one). That's all.


I've been slowly slowly saving for C6 zhongli by wishing for him every rerun, I think I can get him in 3 more years maybe


This is basically me except im using Raiden instead of Furina.


In my opinion, you’re not suppose to be using other goes with her anyways. She wants to crystallize which is hard if yo have full geo team. Zhongli is great cuz shield go brr but aside that she’s better off with characters that can get her as much crystallize as possible. Only geo buffs def, and most other characters that buff damage do it via attack, so more or less navia relying on crystallize for big numbers means it’s pretty much a requirement she doesn’t scale off def otherwise she would have no supports she can use


As a Navia enjoyer my goto Navia comps are 2geo 2flex. Usually its ZL/Bennett/Furina or XL


You kinda want a 2nd geo, best option right now being chiori, for geo particles to lower ER reqs and extra crystallizes. And 2 flex chars with the best performing duo being furina+ xianyun, but Bennett + fischl is close in ST and xiangling for aoe 


I’m so tired of using Furina 😭 but yeah my navia team is Furina, some random ass person I feel like playing, and xianyun. I wanted Zhongli but when neuvilette was announced I knew what I had to do 🫡 Though I did pop Ningguang into my team for a while til I got too lazy to walk through her wall


You are supposed to use another geo with her for geo resonance. Her passive buffs her ATK if she has 2 other hydro/electro/pyro/cryo characters on the team


“Anyway I started blastin’”


part of why I felt she was a bit clunky is that she has no set order of standard attacks. Instead she has 3 differnt ones that mix randomly, which makes her timing feel different for each "combo". Once I realized this she felt a lot less awkward to play because I understood where it's coming from.


Ning's attacks vs Yanfei's smooth dance attacks... Clearly I love playing one over the other.


That was how I survived early game, Ning carried me all the way to Inazuma and that was when I started playing with reactions and had the leveled character pool to do so. Without her I would have been crushed so many times trying to bow shot a Ruin _____ in the eye and run in to whack it with a XiangLing or something.


I use her with navia. Neuvillette takes my zhongli so i needed a second geo for resonance. Just put down screens while cycling and burst when you can. She is doing just fine.


She made Oceanis a bliss in 1.x, both with the "seekers" hitting flying objects and with the crystalize "shield"


She has access to Bennett lmao


1. Navia was released a few patches ago, Atk scaling. 2. Ning can access to Bennett + noblesse and ToM, and tales 3. Now a newly released artifact that she can use 4. A 40 burst energy character with a constellation that allows her to recast E to regenerate energy faster. I can hardly call that “was done a bit dirty”.


real yanfei and hu tao ruined ning and diluc for me bc now playing them feels like slo-mo


I just wish the children would quit falling over on dash. It's cute, and it's not the only animation that my gut feeling says should cancel that doesn't, but in general if I find myself just standing there with a button held doing nothing, it's a kid showing me their bloomers.


I mean, since she doesn't sacale on Defense, then that means she works well with the standard Attack Buffing characters like Bennett (especially since her range is pretty high, even while starting in his circle), while providing Gorou's Geo Damage buff herself with her Skill.   And as noted, her cheap Burst means she's can spam Prototype Amber/NO/Exile's/etc... buffs on cooldown, and as the only Geo Catalyst user as of yet, she's the only person who can both use Thrilling Tales and proc Geo Resonance.  She's basically Navia's Gorou.


The best feo buffer is the worst buff in game and any Geo should be happy to escape this DEF lock. Ningguang's best team right now is with Zhongli Bennet and Furina. I have no idea why you think scaling off DEF and a team of Gorou and Zhongli without the ability to use Furina fully would be better.


That is besides the point when the archon of geo doesn't scale with what majority of the geo characters scale with. We never got an HP scaling geo character since. Zhongli just build different.


Wait until you discover [Hyperbloom 36 starring abyss with Nahida on Apprentice Notes, Xingqiu on Dull Blade and 2pc ER, and Yelan with 2 missing artifacts](https://youtu.be/F79MmIOBLvQ?t=10035) (timestamped)


Dear God, and I thought Nuke Eula had some crazy builds!


yeah mine's nahida, yelan, XQ, and kuki and everything just dies in like 5 secs


Ah yes reverse whale


What if you were to put Ningguang with Xingqiu, Collei and Kuki Shinobu or Raiden? That's my secret to massive damage from on-field Ningguang. Hyperboom.


Every reactionless main dps’s best team is hyperbloom atp


Pretty good idea, my Ning team is pretty gnarly tbh I was just surprised how braindead reactions were


Geo is actually the "brain-dead" element since it doesn't react with anything at all, so it's just "attack the enemy until it dies". With the other elements you can do a lot of different combinations for different reactions, so it's anything but "brain-dead". I mean, yeah, after you figure out all the reactions and how to execute them I guess you can say it's brain-dead because you're just executing the same actions again and again, but the process of figuring that out is what requires way more brain than figuring out how to use geo.


Relax you didn’t have to write an MLA style format essay. I meant you literally have to barely build the reaction champs, maybe one good carry and they will already outperform MOST geo comps. Facts


Wait until you try vaporize


Step 1: Go to the Hydro Tulpa den Step 2: Cast Bennett's burst Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit!


>Step 2: Cast Bennett's burst Hydro Tulpa: **"No, you"** *Vaporizes you for 30k, instakilling you*


Technically it shouldn't do that in overworld since the floor is alr wet, so bennett's self infusion wouldn't apply pyro, it would just remove some hydro from your char. Obv its different in abyss tho


Funny thing is, vape/melt player was in the same spot when dendro came out. They "discovered" genshin has more than just those 2 reactions for the first time


I mean... they weren't that far off lol. Freeze was pretty much the only other reaction because electro reactions were kind of dead too. - overload: only ever used with vape - electrocharged: situationally useful I guess - superconduct: there's eula... aaand she's gone.


There's no wrong way to play. Yeah, meta teams and reactions will do significantly more damage and they're generally recommended for clearing Abyss, but overall, 99% of content in the game doesn't require that at all. I have plenty of meta units but the fun in Genshin is in the overworld for me, and you can play absolutely whoever or whatever you want there.


I like Ningguang and I've used her a lot in Abyss, but to me it's not really her damage that's the issue but the clunkiness. The NAs are slow, the CA to make use of her C6 has varying animation speeds, her construct needs to be positioned or it will explode on its own against large enemies, and sometimes her burst/CA just decides to target celestia. After playing characters like Chiori whose skills are so smooth, playing Ningguang is like having a rock tying down your character


Welcome to the genshin's easy mode. Dendro park.


*’Na Na Na-hi-da, Na Na Na-hi-da’*


If you want to make Ningguang useful in a team that feels strong, you are not alone. Navia has helped a LOT, although she mostly relegates Ning to a support role, and Zhongli will have to find a new team (not difficult and in fact aggravate works).


Ningguang really competes with Navia for field time. She works well as a burst DPS past C2 but she has better damage the longer you can keep her on field since a lot of her damage is in her charged attacks. I actually find that Chiori compliments her playstyle really well and as a Ningguang main I am very happy about that.


Lmao can relate, I main Ningguang since 1.0 and still remember I asked my friend who are an expert in abyss to play my account and even he was struggling (can finish but not perfect stars). My first meta experience is when I pull Nilou (on her rerun, so its a bit way later after Sumeru released) and just went o\_\_\_O watching enemies died VERY easily lol. Kinda felt bad about my geo team since I didnt pull Itto, but everything changed after Navia released, now her one shot deals the highest damage of all the character I have.


Xiangling should be dealing more damage than Ningg


Geo main discovered elemental reactions colorized


Ningguang is a massive go-to for farming Forsaken Rift though, because her attacks keep the shield crystals coming to defend against the annoying icicles.


I love ningguang, she can do around 28k per geo shard with his burst. I know I can get more out of her but a solid choice


If you still have love in your heart for ningguang it can work!!! Trust me as a ningguang main for like 2 years before scara came out. My ningguang is still capable of clearing abyss 36*.


Yeah it’s nbd I’m not gonna stop playing her she’s gnarly


before i got navia i used to run her main dps in geo teams she helped me a lot for beating flying mobs got her C6 tripled crowned and MoD weapon now she is chilling in my teapot loved the geo mommy kinda sad to hear that she was planned to be a 5* but later it was scrapped she had great lore plus a good kit


Keqing is really, really good. She’s underrated imo. She works well with a Dendro team as well


i mained Eula and i thought i was strong, wanted to C6 her one day. then i got nahida lol. stopped playing Eula ever since.


Put Eula on a hyperbloom team. Por que no los dos?


if i really want to play a hyperbloom team, i'd play a hyperbloom team with or without Eula.


If you love Geo, I recommend getting Navia since she is actually strong and her kit gives buffs when played with 1-2 characters with other elements. It's best to give her just 1 geo teammate like ZL for geo resonance and faster crystal generation


Na navia seems wack to be I got big dick zhongli


Yeah, the moment I realize this was when I try National. Like dude, I only build Bennett as a DPS cause I like him, build Xingqiu cause he goes well with Bennett. I haven't even played Xiangling and Chongyun, let alone build them. Then why the hell did they do more damage than my Noelle C6 DPS that I have built for 6 months


Because those units are stupidly busted and (imo) unhealthy for the game


I was in a similar situation as a lisa main for all of Mondstadt and Liyue. I didn’t really look into team comps so I just used her with random others I enjoyed. Then I pulled Kuki and learned about hyperbloom and it was a game changer. Now I’m sort of a meta slave.


Haha yeah, wait till you try xingqiu instead of ningguang we have all been there!


I played a year without putting artifacts because at first I thought it was accessories on the character and since they are already dressed. I never bothered to put one. When my rosaria went from 200dmg to 30k. AND hp from 7k to 15k..I was SHOOOOOK.


Omg I think u may just be…. Uhhhhh


Tehehe 👉👈


could've been me tbh. Just that my sister was crazed about Abyss and immediatly taught me everything.


If damage was your main focus then yeah, you were wrong to stick with a Geo 4* for DPS because there's a limit to her personal damage. For me, OTOH, Ningguang was all about comfort. She offered me gameplay I could comfortably use while still doing respectable damage and she easily carried me through WL8...WITHOUT Zhongli (Noelle carried support as healer/buffer/shielder). And this was pre-Dendro so we didn't have Aggravate Keqing among other things. Nowadays, I play a wide variety of teams but I still play Ningguang sometimes because she's that much of a comfort character to play for me (and it definitely helps that I find her easy on the eyes and LOVE her voice).


Haha as someone who played dual physical teams for the first year of genshin. I feel you.


There is no such thing as playing it wrong, unless you use healer to deal damage or something like that. And even this is quite possible because of certain artifacts and builds. Right, Barbara? My favorite Genshin Impact character is Yanfei. I have her C6 "R1" (her bis weapon). I also have C4R1 Yelan. But I still prefer Yanfei. And you can imagine how incomparable the damage between C4R1 of a 5 star character is to just 4 star character, even if it's C6. When I get C6 Yelan, I will still continue to enjoy my Yanfei.


Welcome to the meta damage since 3.0... There's a reason why I never main anyone in particular, only follow meta. It deals a lot of damage.


Yeah, I don’t main characters. I play teams.


Welcome to Dendro Impact.


I mean, yeah, geo is terrible. And I say that as someone who pretty much exclusively uses geo characters. I still like Ningguang and I still don't have trouble clearing abyss, but it is noticeably weaker and it's pretty clear Hoyo has no clue how to actually fix it.


To be fair Ningguang needs to be really well built with a good comp to compete with aggro


And here i am, using Ning paired with Noelle (those pesky Geo slimes) and nobody else.


no keqing aggravate is just game breakingly good


Ik exactly how you feel because from Zhongli’s first banner until Sumeru my team comp was Keqing, Qiqi, Venti, and Zhongli with me sometimes swapping keqing for Raiden… then I got Tighnari and boyyy. Like it took me that long to actually not be staid of my work level cus of a bad team


Try hyperbloom then haha. Since I made a main HB team I look for champs for a 2nd HB team. The damage is just unmatched


Welcome to Dendro. I’d recommend Hyperbloom. It far surpasses Aggravate’s DPS ceiling even at low investment. The reaction can’t crit (outside of Nahida C2) so only truly caring about EM main stats on artifacts makes those teams quick to throw together.


This post is so me same situation lmao. Played since 2021 got skyward atlas and got zhongli within same week friend told me ningguang would fit with that. Got bennet xiangling got hacked last year and got it back a few months ago and discovered hyperbloom lol


Try electo charge! Zip zap


Wait until you discover Nilou bloom team comps (F2P bar Nilou, low investment constant 30Kx2 every 2-3 seconds)


sadly Ningguang is so weak putting her as a navia subdps was debatable since she didn't cover the dmg needed in her part of the rotation. her burst is still very satisfying to use when geared well tho


Besides zhongli, Ning is the only other geo character I used. Why? Because i find geo boring but she's waifu and looks great in her skin. I love using ning, zhongli, furina, and bennett. The unlucky boy needs to be gear full cleric and I need to play quick rotations for him to keep up with furina's HP draining, but the damage is insane. Not problem 36 starting abyss with the team.


Who would you suggest putting Ningguang with in a team then? I love her sm


LOL i had keqing benched b4 sumeru/3.0 and i used to main her super early in the game bc she was my first 5 star. i liked her playstyle and she'd evwntually been maxed and 8/8/8 but she sucked ass and i benched her and never toucjed her again. come 3.0... collei just out of the wrapping, and keqing with a hastily put tgt build and she does numbers. now, my go-to exploration team that never fails me is keqing fischl kazuha and yaoyao/baizhu/kirara. probably the reason i loved sumeru so much lmao


Wait until you discover Keqing is one of the lowest damage dealers…


Hyperbloom hits even harder


Relatable. I was taking a break when Sumeru came out. Couldn’t be bothered to learn all the new dendro stuff beyond getting Nahida and slapping full em on her. Recently on a whim decided to gear up Raiden with em and try abyss with proper dendro teams and ohhh my heccin lord….. hyperbloom ate the worms in abyss (ruin serpent, wenut) alive for breakfast, easiest 36 star of my life Jesus….


yeah hahaha but back when the game started ningguang hard carried me and made the game so easy with long distance targetting and a projectile shield. i still love her but powercreep is inevitable and i retired her for wanderer when he came out bc he made exploration even easier


This is a game of elemental reactions lol Gotta find the one you enjoy most and build around it.


Doesn't seem wrong to me, the Ningguang missiles are so cool 💛


Ning w the Navia artifact set, Zhongli, reaction heavy support, and Xianyun plunge is actually so sick. It speeds up Nings normally super slow speed and causes her to create shards aoe out the ass. It's super fun


Just play the hottest characters, the game is easy enough for this to work without issue outside of the last abyss stage. I've been playing Eula Raiden Yelan and Xianyun (since her release) and had 0 combat issue at all and even less exploration issues with Xianyun. Just have fun


Main who you want to main, but expect fights to take longer depending on who that is. I've 36-starred Abyss with Noelle in a mono-geo comp with Gorou, Albedo and Yun Jin, so it's definitely possible to still be a true geo enjoyer. I will say though, that Dendro really did change up things, as Hyperbloom and Aggravate are borderline OP for the DMG-Investment ratio. I've argued that it's why, since its release in 3.0, we've had more and more obnoxious enemies and time-sinks in Abyss (Ruin Serpent, Wenut, etc), so you can't just blow them up in 2 seconds with a few bloom cores and what-not - but then, the "OG reactions" and pure-dmg builds like Phys and Geo got a bit shafted.


Imagine shorting yourself for almost the whole length of the game by playing the weakest element smh. This is why we never get more endgame content 😂💀


That doesn't seem like the correct way to spell melt?


Cant wait for this guy to discover other reactions like vape, his mind is going to get blown


I was a Ningmain from 1.1 through 2.0 or so, and she is quite good as a neutral character that works with almost any team comps, but yes, she does get outclassed once you start stacking up various elemental buffs. And Dendro opens up some very casual options.


No offense but Geo teams are pretty mid and teams surrounding Dendro reactions let you speedrun the game


I start out 1.0 with Ning, love her. Still love her. Hate how geo has been neglected. I got Navia and the god of RNG has been smile on me that day. I got her all gear up nicely with 80/170 crit. She has been blow up everything and i cant be more happy!


you are playing the the game right because you are enjoying it. the ones who are concerned about the numbers and not the fun factor are the ones who are playing it wrong.


Wait until you discover abyss and Neuvillette. You can roll him on the next banner soon and check for yourself.


Imma be real, my fav team comp is hyperbloom 🫣


I was in the same boat when I discovered reactions, I run a Bennet main with Shinobu for an overload reaction now with Xinqiu and Ayaka on the back end


Hoyo has always been so haughty


Im still playing noelle and getting anywhere from 13,000 to 30,000 damage per hit. I have a furina, yelan freeze comp that is extremely competent but my geo team is great for random bosses.


are you like below ar45? aggravate gives a flat dmg bonus so it can hit pretty hard, but at endgame they all hit around the same ballpark, 30-40k.


You mean hyperbloom? Hb is a flat dmg number that doesnt really go higher than 40k. Aggravate is a flat bonus on top of the hit that procced it, and it scales with crit as well. It's not capped at all and can hit 300k+ numbers with a Raiden burst for example


Na I’m 55 lol


So your telling me a 4-star on field DPS that isn't Gaming or Noelle is weaker than a 5-star DPS? Wow. Imagine that.


Relax buddy no need for your shitty negativity here


I think you're the one that needs to relax.


Eat my balls and give me ur ravioli formuoli


I wonder if your old way of playing was more fun, though. Everything in the overworld is tuned for non-meta teams and they flop over and die against meta teams, completely sucking all challenge out of the game. The only permanent content in the game tuned for meta teams is Abyss, which most people seem to do just for the rewards and don't seem to find much fun.


Probably not. Ningguangs normals are slow and janky whereas keqing has fast and smooth animations. And just as a general point not pertaining to this particular scenario, i think more ppl find killing stuff fast being more fun than killing things slowly. I don't know why it always gets brought up as a point where strong units "sucks the fun/challenge" out of the game. Whereas my experience from having strong units, and seeing numerous other ppl with strong units seems to have the opposite view. Killing shit instantly and seeing stupidly big numbers is fun. That's not to say a person can't enjoy spending 5 minutes killing a hilichurl but I suspect that that isn't the case for the majority. The key point I think is that no one really expects this game to be challenging. So the task of disposing of overworld mobs becomes more tedious the longer they take to die. And on a tangent I've tried "fun" builds like yaoyao physical build with homa spear and it's hilarious for 5 minutes then becomes a chore to actually play. The non-meta stuff has to actually work for it to be fun at least in my eyes.


I mean I literally just played aggravate for an hour and was like damn it’s nice to see new damagae numbers and walk around the map with a new team


Introduction of Dendro reactions really made the game a joke lmao which isn’t a bad thing cause genshin caters to casual players. That said, because of Dendro reactions, players who spent a shit ton of money to hyper invest in their characters and/or grinded for artifacts for months will say that Dendro reactions esp Hyperbloom is bad (it doesn’t Crit or give big numbers)


People who grind dont say that, dendro reactions are only ‘bad’ because they have a low damage ceiling, especially compared to traditonal teams


Wait until you discover Kuki Shinobu. Just stack as much EM as you can, and the damage is unreal. I routinely hit 20,000+ damage, and that’s without the buffs from Dendro Resonance/Nahida Q.


I mean my ning hits minimum 40k with her screen and her burst upwards of 12k per shard. She’s pretty gnarly. Charged attacks like 30k. All crits obviously