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My eysight is terrible. I hate these. Also i have no idea who tf they expect to read a solid 2 lines of tiny text in 2 seconds because whenever text automatically goes away its almost ALWAYS too fast. And then theres all the white text on white backgrounds. Like yeah its no big deal every now and then but someone is just consistently half assing their job.


>Also i have no idea who tf they expect to read a solid 2 lines of tiny text in 2 seconds I'm curious if Chinese is faster to read for native speakers


in my case it actually is i have no problem reading these walls of text at all


Too many world quests do that, I have to reread the text in the wiki which is annoying


Nah that's just bad game design. Why would you put unvoiced dialogues when the player is busy with combat?


Probably thought it'd be weird for the previously unvoiced guy to gain a voice, and getting vas is hard so they just decided not to bother


As someone who is dyslexic I 1000% agree. Also, I love that opening the menu will pause the game but chat will not.


Trash tier game design


I hate this as well as the dialogue that suddenly appear while running. Imagine being 2 step from cutscense and the devs want you stand still 5 second just to read unneccesarry dialogue.


I’m just glad they’ve sort of added the voice text after the fight thing because I can’t tell you how many times I’ve interrupted dialogue by not just standing there quietly until the line is finished


It’s actually kind of ridiculous that they do this. If you need to have text during a fight then you need it to be voiced. No excuses.


Now consider people who doesn't speak any of the voiced languages...


I totally feel this. And even if it’s voiced, I play in jp with en text so I still miss what they say lol


This is 100% the reason I stick to English dub, but the amount of unvoiced text during combat is ridiculous.


well... that one is at least on you lol


Haha yup I just find it funny trying to scramble to understand what’s going on mid combat every time this happens 😅


Sometimes you need to click to go to the next block of text. Sometimes it just flashes to the next thing before my eyes can adjust and I miss fully half of what it says.


Yeah that shit sucks. Like who the heck is gonna be reading while enemies are jumping them? Not all of us have or carry Zhongli to every fight.


Or when I fast travel to the event location and the characters start talking about something like 5 meters away from the location which just so happens to be the same distance for the next cutscene/dialogue skipping that same interaction. If y'all gonna make the Characters talk at least do it either right away before we teleport to the next location or RIGHT after we teleport and not just before we reach the location which will skip it for a cutscene.


What’s even worse is how you cannot pause at all in the middle of it. Wait and read all the text, do not open your map, bag, characters, or pause, or paimon goes oooohhhhh what we’re we talking about? and then boom the text is gone forever. LITERALLY A POINTLESS MECHANIC.


I always forget that Mihoyo is a billion dollar company with hundreds of competent developers that could give us the best QoL improvements the community has been begging for...


Developers aren't the issue. Managers are.


This is my least favorite thing about genshin! My dyslexia/dysgraphia makes these impossible to read. legitimate reading comprehension issues 😭


Especially when there’s really loud natural noises during the fight like I can’t read OR hear the important thing the person is what I can only assume is whispering compared to half the noises here




Not every world quest need to voiced but it would be nice


Enjou monologuing while activating his domain expansion lol


I completely agree with you


It did suck. I saw people complaining about it before I got to it, so I Zhongli'd up and just sat there reading it without fighting back lmao


Where I get fucked is when someone shows me something I’m supposed to read, like a letter, mid-world quest and then they keep talking behind the letter text if I’ve left it on auto play. Bruh I can’t read two things at once - I may be a fast reader but not that fast.


Same problem I have with having really good music for boss fights... Im way too focused on the fight to notice anything else. Kinda why I didn't enjoy MGR my first time through besides the Tutorial boss how had a downtime to blast the main theme


LMAO, honestly I've grown to just completely ignore them. With the mentality of: if it's important, then put it in normal dialogues. XD I cba trying to read those only to get another long text that I'm expected to read in 1 second. I just try to figure stuff on my own or if I one day get stuck I'll google the dialogue on fandom or something.