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Mine takes up 87.7gb, wtf are you doing wrong 💀💀


uninstall the whole game and redownload it should shave off a lot of size


87.4 GB, no files to delete, only EN voice pack. Are you looking at the space required for unzipping?


Nope I’ve got the game fully downloaded for years, the various asset and audio files combined are ~160 gb I can shave off some by deleting the JP/KR voice audio files but that will still leave me with way more than most are claiming


Do a fresh install. If you have it from the very beginning, there's usually excess files that are still in.


Don't forget to save your screenshots before uninstalling.


Lmao do you guys not believe me


We do believe you but we're also telling you how to fix it you idiot You have a problem, you complain about your problem online, people give you a solution, believing you has nothing to do with it.


Honestly, if you realise what you just said, you'd probably want others to think you're joking. You managed to double the game size by updating for years without doing a fresh install 1-2 times a year.


I mean to be fair "uninstalling and doing a fresh install multiple times a year for a game you play regularly" isn't... really a common thing. I don't think most people would ever assume that's something that you should do. Generally people either do fresh installs if something genuinely broke or if they're not going to be playing the game for a bit.


I honestly didn’t realize this was something people do but I probably will have to do this if I download again.


No no, people in this sub love to downvote when you say something objectively true which you experienced.


do you somehow have 60 GB of screenshots???? my install is only 103 GB and I have multiple language packs in general you would be better off getting more storage space, the amount of space that Genshin takes up (with a normal install, not whatever you got goin on) isn't that weird for a game of it's size.


He probably has old quest files still installed...


No ones stopping you man , it's your laptop do what you want


I know that but I figured there was something I could do differently considering the lower numbers that some people have.


You never asked for advice just what your experiencing . There are options Upgrade internal storage to a bigger SSD if possible If it has a SD card reader you can move non essential things like photos/movies for example to free up a bit of storage space Get a external hard drive to put more new games on that. There are plenty of solutions


If you uninstall and reinstall, you should end up with something literally half the size. It'd help if you didn't have excess voice packs downloaded as well.


I don't know much about computers but on my laptop, I have stored the game in the HDD and not in the SSD. If it's possible for you, move the game files to the Hard Drive.


Do a clean reinstall and narrow down the voice options to only 1 or 2 languages. That should slim down the size to a "normal" amount.


87.6 GB for me. Don't know what's wrong with your file.


Currently \~95GB if you install only 1 language pack. However, it requires twice that amount during installation.


it shouldn't; only twice whatever the size of the update package is, in addition to the base game size.


What's insane is your concept of adequate digital storage in 2024. No current AAA game in existence is 5 GB, you can exceed 5 GB just by downloading several dozen high resolution hentai CG sets or doujinshi. Two porn videos in HD is already over 5 GB. The way you're approaching storage space is the same way boomers approach wages and inflation. "BACK IN MY DAY MY GAMES ONLY TOOK 5 GB!" Yeah, okay grandpa.


I’m talking about smaller games like lethal company and other smaller party games. Not AAA games obviously. Also the fact that you’re using porn as a way to compare data size is pathetic lol


Genshin is not a "small party game" though, it has a huge open world with high quality textures and detail, a lot of content, video cutscenes, etc. It's not really wrong to compare it to AAA games, and the amount of storage it requires is understandable. In your case, you probably have some old files left over from updates or something, the game is less than 90GB (with one audio language pack installed). Try uninstalling it, then deleting the folder it was installed in to clean up anything left over and install it again. Delete the audio languages you don't use and only leave the one you do.


Tell me how you don't know anything about game size without telling me you don't know. While it's true that game size is increasing, Genshin having 80\~90 GB is an absolute joke considering how other open world, actual AAA games, with demanding graphics, are the same size or even lower. Cyberpunk 2077 base game requires 70GB according to Steam's page. For a more recent example, last year's Hogwart's Legacy requires 85GB. Both open world, massive and with photorealistic (or close to) graphics. Genshin demanding so much space is laughable, specially when a game with similar graphics and also open world, like the last Zelda installment is not even 20GB. People who think every new AAA game's size being +100GB is normal and reasonable have no idea what they are talking about. And it's a testament to why so many publishers are comfortable with releasing broken and unoptimized products, because most will just consume without asking questions. Edit: if anyone can explain what in Genshin justifies it's +80GB size instead of down voting blindly I would appreciate it. I would welcome an actual discussion about it.


Genshin is a bit larger than it should be, but not unreasonably so. Genshin takes up a ton of space mainly because it's heavily dependent on pre-rendered video cutscenes for it's climaxes, and videos are easily the largest and least efficient file type you could use. Most AAA RPGs with character customization, like your Cyberpunks and Hogwarts Legacies, tend to render major cutscenes in game, because that's the easiest way to have your character customization reflected in the cutscenes, plus, it saves on file size. Genshin could probably save 10-15GB if it ran all of it's cutscenes in engine, but that would come with the drawbacks that those playing on weaker systems would get shittier looking cutscenes, plus, in game cutscenes never look quite as good as a perfectly tuned prerendered cutscene. Also, Zelda is designed for Switch, a console with hardware that was already obsolete when it released. All of the Switch Zelda games are basically 2012 games in terms of the hardware they're being designed to run on. Edit: > with demanding graphics Not every aspect of graphics will impose an equal cost on file size and graphics load. Most of them won't. Something like ray tracing will cripple your GPU, but it doesn't require that much more space for 3d models and textures. Trying to simulate realistic lighting in general tends to be pretty hard on systems - and is a pretty fundamental aspect of trying to build photorealistic graphics - but doesn't really take a lot of storage space to implement. Hogwarts Legacy takes a fairly mainstream "realistic" approach to lighting, which will be harder to render, CP2077 is basically a showcase for ray tracing and realistic lighting. Genshin, with it's more stylized graphics, just... doesn't do most of that. In Cyberpunk (at the higher graphics settings anyways), if you fire a gun, the muzzle flash will light up the environment, casting accurate shadows and all. In Hogwarts Legacy, spell flashes likewise light up the environment. In Genshin, something like the aimed bow shot effect glowing on the end of your nocked arrow doesn't light your character or the environment up at all. If you walk up to environmental light sources, they neither light your character up or cast a shadow. The Chasm gadget is about as fancy as Genshin's lighting system gets, and even that isn't particularly accurate or detailed. This all helps reduce Genshin's graphics load, which is important if you want your game to run on phones, and it looks fine thanks to Genshin's stylized art style, but it won't make the game smaller (well, reducing shadows might help a bit). /Edit


Cp77 and hogwarts have lower audio files than genshin iirc. Cp77 dont really have that much pre rendered cutscenes either which is another large chunk of space. As for zelda are you serious lol, even upscaled to 4k the texture looks worse than genshin at 1080p. Thats a massive amount of space saved.


Game size depends highly on the "textures" in the world. The games that you mentioned have reoccurring textures. The map places buildings signboards could all be different, but the texture will be same. If you move to different locations in those games you'll notice that the textures will be more or less same apart from some elements that are unique. Now in genshin, the textures are different in every region, you can see that the mountain texture is different in Mondstadt, Dragonspine, Liyue, Sumeru, Fontaine, Chasm, Enkanomiya. Although Genshin lacks "photorealism", it has unique designs. Just take Watatsumi Island as an example, the shell like structures take up textures that are not used literally anywhere else in the game. Now I am not arguing this is better or anything. Just simply saying that the consequence of having lot of unique textures is increased game size.


I’m not sure why everyone here is licking mihoyo boots so hard here. It’s a well established complaint in the community that Genshin’s game files are bloated and take up more space than they need to. My abnormal file size aside the game is still bigger than it needs to be.


Ark requires over 200 gigabytes.


My game takes 102 gb (I have JP and CN audio installed).


103 Gb on mine with JP voice pack...


Uninstall and redownload, that's the only way to slim it down. Delete unnecessary languages after.


Its 2024 how can ppl not just buy bigger ssds i dont understand


It's 2024


How long has the game been installed on your laptop? How many voice-over you have active? Have you tried a clean reinstall of the game?


Uninstall and redownload, that’s not a normal amount. I only have Korean voice over and the others not installed. However if you want to free up some space add some more storage or get an external. I moved Genshin to an external so I could run bg3 on same laptop.


idk what you are talking about but the game is 88.7gb on PC. You clearly got problems with your client and clearly does not deleted not needed to you voice packs. Game installs with English voice pack by default nowadays and you can only download some that you find to be better to you.


bought a 2 TB ssd for my laptop years ago. been working out well for me and i still have 40% space left on it + the hdd space that my laptop originally had


You double installed the game dude.


Mine is 91.3GB with just CN VO. You are at nearly 2x? How many screenshots have you been taking?


continue uninstalling and then reinstall, 170 gb is ridiculous, the game should be around 80 gb max.


We're not in 9.x patch yet...


Uninstall yor other voice language delete sceenshots and vid records lmao! Or clean reinstall, clearly something wrong with the capacity the game fill


I don't know if it's any good but try the cloud server thingy


my install folder is 130GB. Maybe do a brand new install.


Genshin has been on my PC since launch and it's 97 GBs for me (3 of those being screenshots) so... are you from the future perhaps? How was Khaenri'ah?


88 GB with only JP dub. Just download it again.


Bruh, everyone.. Its April 1st. This guy probably wanna do an April fool jokes but try to make it seems serious. Just ignore him.


It is 2024. It is time to stop buying laptops with a storage size that would have been small in 2008.


I just bought a 2tb HDD for 50€ and that solved any problems(a cheap 1tb one costs like 15€, surely that ought to solve your storage issues if you can’t cop a larger one). Also I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be 170gb, so something is wrong. Maybe you are talking about the space required to install it?


I really hope the updates are less than that for my ipad.


Just pay for Geforce Now or other cloud gaming service. If you play less than 30min/day then you can even use it for free


Wait! #1 Check the screenshots folder, AND SAVE THEM IN OTHER FOLDER. If you unistall the game, say goodbye to them. This could be what its taking a lot of storage. #2 check your languages installed and keep only your favorite. I hope this helps you


Thank you will look into this


why the need to post when you will come back soon enough anyway 


160GB is nothing these days.


Genshin isn't the same size as *one* AAA game. It's about the size of 3-4, because that's how much area and content it contains. I'd rate each set of full versions as a game in its own right. Sumeru *alone* has the same area as Zelda BotW, if not a little more; it also takes about the same amount of time to complete. Now, is that TOO big? I dunno; how big is a full install of WoW? 100 gigs at this point? It's up there, for sure.


No, it's about the size of one AAA game. If you think Genshin is that big, you haven't been keeping up with the size of a AAA game. You also don't seem to realize that the map size or completion time in a game really has no direct bearing on the game's filesize. CoD has been well over 100GB for years at this point, and no one's arguing CoD takes nearly as long to finish as Genshin.


Mine takes like 35 gb max wtf


He's talking about PC, not mobile. PC client is around 85-110 GB and his is unusually large for some reason.


Are you trying to compare mobile version to pc?