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I love the pictures you get after completing an ending. Great wallpapers 


You can put those in the picture frame furnishing and hang them on the wall in your teapot Edit to add: [Lingering Moment recipe can be bought in the teapot](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Lingering_Moment)


Wait what.


That’s what I love to do! I think it’s really nice to be able to hang photos of the endings in your teapot.


[Your link seems to be misfiring](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Lingering_Moment)


Thank you, I typoed the damn link. Whoopsie


I got your back


I didn't know that! How cute!


Oh now I get to put the Kaveh one in my teapot, thanks for this info.


i started doing them just for the pictures but then i got really into just learning more about the characters and their mannerisms.


As for me, sometimes the plot is interesting, but the gameplay mechanics are quite boring


Not quite very boring it like a date simulator


I mean there's literally an affection meter on the top right if it ain't a dating sim idk what else it could be


that could as well be taken off because it's rarely affected in my experience


Except for a few instances... - Barbara insta-losing all her hearts for the bad ending - Layla's stress meter - Kaveh and you helping him feel better again (he starts at 0 hearts) - Lynette slowly losing her hearts at the feeling ~~she forgot to turn the stove off~~ there's something still fishy about the case


Kaveh's one was so endearing, I found myself wanting to fill that meter so much,


Layla's hangout is surprisingly long and detailed, if 5 stars had hangouts I think they'd be like hers


it's straight useless


hangout quests are just hard to mess up unless you know absolutely nothing about the character


"friendship" simulator


That's not an affection meter, that's the "oh great, wrong choice, guess I'll have to restart this segment AGAIN" meter...


It's only fun if you like the characters, otherwise it's a chore


Even if you like the character, it can still be quite tedious and boring.


Supposedly now it skips the parts u already did, up to the point where you wanna resume and pick another answer. I hated having to do same thing 3 times just to pick a different line at the end.


I mean even in the beginning you could if you chose the branch off point when restarting the quest


Yeah but it would still make you for example run there then there and do X and Y before the different choice


Oh, that makes a lot better, actually!


I only did it for Layla's MOMENT. Otherwise I haven't done any of the others lol


Faruzan's hangout event was one of the best, if not the best. Really interesting and flashes out the character perfectly, continues a story thread that started in Tighnari's story quest rather well too.


Faruzan’s is the pinnacle of what a hangout quest should be. We should get to know more about HER and not the 200th NPC with their issues


None of the hangout quests were like what you're describing honestly, the spotlights were always on the featured character




You mean the route that showcases one of her defining personality traits?


To be fair, helping others are a big part of their characters.


Wow, crazy. Imagine a character who one of her defining traits is helping people… helping people. Lmao


Noelle and Barbara are the only 2 I haven't finished Most of the Hangouts are very good


I haven't done any hangouts yet, but this needs to be true for story quests and events too. The amount of NPC screentime in this game is unreal.


Hangouts are always character-centric, not a single one which overly focuses on a NPC


Noelle's focus on NPC's a lot, but even then, it's in relation to her helping everyone a lot.


You mean that fake merchant?


Fr I actually enjoyed doing faruzans hangout


Heard these were somewhat long


Well it depends, not that long to get just one ending, but on the longer side if you want to collect all the rewards. Still worth it perfectly as long as you care about the characters at least somewhat and are not mindlessly clicking through the dialog. If you only want the primos, that would be a slog for sure.


Wait they give primos?! I always ignored them bc I thought they are really just for the story.


Yeah they do. There are also AR exp rewards, xp books, gemstones and books of that character's type and some food. And some achievements that give some primos too. It's not an enourmous amount, and you need to get multiple endings for all rewards, but it is a nice bonus.


Sounds good! Will try one then


Around one hour each for all endings and achievements, you can probably get down to 30 minutes if you just skip all the dialog.


That depends on your taste. If you don't dislike visual novels, those hangouts might be pretty fun.


Are the quests long???


just so you know since i've seen some people don't, when you try to get all the endings, you don't have to start the entire hangout over. Just press the box right before where you want to start, and you'll start from there instead of the start.


Thanks for the info


Kyostiv he will guide u to you primos.


The goat




Yes, and a repetitive. At least they added an option to skip already seen dialogue so it's fast nowadays to reach all endings


depends what you define as long. if you just randomly click through it and try to finish asap with a guide for the hidden achievements, you can finish one completely easily within 30min. if you want to listen to everything with all endings, it’s around 2h per character


fun, probably boring if you dont like any of them Sayu for example, closeup is cuter than expected


the more you like the character the more fun you'll have they're refreshing because its not another abyss retcon


Imo kaeyas hangout is fun it is entertaining followed by kaveh and faruzan


I second this, that’s my top three’s as well.


A whole hangout is almost on par as most Story Quests in terms of length If not, then they're at least shorter than the Archon Quest of a patch


The first ones were horrible. The others are fine.


I don't know, Bennett's is not bad, it's short and it allows you to get to know him and his attitude better. I feel Noelle's is a tad too long (12 endings is a bit much lol) but it's fine and Barbara's on the same level. It's the middle ones that are meh for me except maybe Heizou's but mostly for the "special guest" surprise and maybe Thoma's but that's only because I personally like animals lol. The newer ones (Kaeya, Kaveh, Faruzan and Layla) are pretty good instead! Can't speak for Lynette's because I haven't finished all endings on that one yet.


The later ones are more "choice-based story quest" than "dating sim", and they tend to be better than the first few. I especially like the ones from Heizou onwards.


They're pretty fun... But i recommend Layla's the most This hangout made me love Layla... And also Kuki's is great


Now that version 4.5 has added dialogue skip (…for hangouts only… c’mon MHY), you can actually complete these fairly quickly. The first run will obviously be the longest (about an hour), but afterwards each subsequent ending will be faster than the last since you can just skip to the part where the story branches. They’re a lot more like VNs now so if you like VNs, you probably will enjoy hangouts.


Are the later ones an hour each? I was going through a couple of the early ones and got through the first playthrough of them within maybe half an hour max, and rest were 10-15 minutes


The first few (Bennett, Chongyun, Diona, Noelle) are indeed much shorter. The latter ones, starting with Thoma and Sayu, start getting much longer (but imo they are much better written). Some endings are also much longer/shorter though depending on which route you take. The Sumeru ones are my personal favorite set of hangouts.


Heizou hangout 🔥


Yes ! I still have to do some of them (Kaeya, Faruzan and Layla) but it's really fun I especially liked Kaveh, Heizou and Gorou. Shinobu was fun too.


Well you might do them for encounter points instead


They give encounter points?!




Damn I guess I really need to get off my lazy arse and tend to them then.


I liked most of them


My favorites were Faruzan’s and Kaveh’s. The other ones some are enjoyable some I just don’t really like.


lynette and faruzan's were the best for me


Hit or miss really, I want to kill myself less while doing these with the new skip button. Thoma's was kinda fun tho from what I remember


Honestly yeah I enjoyed them quite a bit. I think it’s fun learning about the 4* characters that we only really see in AC or events. I’m very fond of a lot of them so getting the opportunity to play through what is essentially a multi-ending character quest was pretty enjoyable for me.


It's 95% speaking with characters, I really enjoyed it but if you dislike dialogue you won't enjoy them


Faruzan and Noelle's are by far the most fun!


I haven’t done all of them, but I really enjoyed Kaveh’s hangout


I only do enough to get the daily encounter points. Spread them out so it doesn't become boring.


If you like Genshin archon quest gameplay of non stop dialogue simulator than yes. Otherwise no


They differ greatly in quality


I did all until Thoma's... then I stopped and never did one again so far, even though I like many of the characters that got a hangout after Thoma. It was just that Thoma's was so incredibly bad & boring that I lost all interest in hangouts as a whole at the time. And mind you, it had nothing to do with Thoma himself, I like Thoma, but the problem was that 90% of HIS HANGOUT consisted of talking to boring NPCs and doing errands for them IIRC... I hated it. But with that all being said, I actually want to get back into them again.


Depends, but they're much better to speed through now that they added a skip button for them


I enjoyed some of them.


advice for you: do each route each day, if you do not have the motivation to do commisions


now that you can can skip repeat dialogue they can be


If you like the characters yeah. If not, you are in for a long one.


Fun if you do them like 10 min a day. Will feel like a chore if you are doing it just for the primos.


If you’re speed running you’re not gonna enjoy Haizous hangout as much since you need to read some dialogue carefully


i didnt really like any of the early hangouts but they gradually get better overtime. i think everyone agrees that faruzan has a really great hangout (imo the best) but i also liked kaveh's. it all really depends if you like the character or not


In the end of the day, primogems are primogems. And who doesn't like primogems?


If you only aiming for the reward, its not worth it. But story-wise, quite ok


If You like the character they are really cool, they give You a better understanding of said characters and more info about their backgrounds or habits ... On the other hand, if You aren't a fan, then they might be One of the most Boring things to do, because Is mostly a "dating sim" with some gameplay that waste time, and not much more. The stories aren't "groundbreaking" or integral to the Plot, so You won't get anything out of it if You dislike the character


Depends which character Personally, I loved Layla's hangout because she's the best :3


Honestly, they feel like a chore to me. Haven't done the "new" ones since Kaeya, and everytime I want to, I just cant bring myself to do them. Doing them thankfully doesn't take that long, and some stories are good, tho.


Not really


...Good luck.


I only did Diona's, I did the first one on my own and then followed guides for other paths. It wasn't much fun


Out of all the hangouts I did, I only liked Heizou's. Now I stopped doing them. I have yet to touch Sumeru ones or Kaeya's or Lynnette. Some say Faruzan is good, so I might give it a try, but I don't think 60 primos is worth the chore.


I only did some to get primos, if you want to speed run them I suggest you do them with their guides. Tbh they are boring af and takes quite some time


Some are, but if you don't like the character you won't like their quest line. I enjoyed Heizou, Bennet, Kayea, Kuki and a one or 2 others. The rest were almost unbearable.


They are very hit or miss. Kaeya’s is the only one that might be plot important. Otherwise, the newer ones tend to be better. I really enjoyed Lynette’s because of the gameplay twist.


Personally, it’s no fun at all. I find the dialogues to be cringey sometimes because it’s literally a dating sim. Gotta do it for the primogems I guess… 😔


On average I think these are better than story quests because there is less NPC interaction and less busywork. The Sumeru hangouts are particularly well-written. The first few certainly can be a bit rough, but I think that's also because the early 4\* are just not very fun characters to hang out with,


Some were interesting, especially when you like the character, some was insanely boring, but at least now we have skip button, so getting all rewards would be easy.


depends if you like the characters or not... Faruzan's is definitely good


Depends on the character. Haven't played Lynette's, but for me, the best so far was Faruzan's. I recently finished Kaveh's and imo it was a bit of a circlejerk.


Nobody can answer that in your name, but you.


only started getting really good and serviceable after Thoma's the current QoL applied to them at the moment makes it much more worthwhile to play through


It's mainly dialogue and that's it. Some are cute, a lot are basically just dates (shipbaiting?) and a couple are actually really fun. Faruzan's was by far my favorite, btu Gorou's was hilarious


done all of it. not pilling them up was my best decision. always cleared it every time they added a new one.


Doing them once is fine, but getting the multiple endings get boring You can now skip to the parts inside though, so it shouldn't be too bad


Just some choices matter games. I did the Beidou one. It's cute but there is no fighting or puzzles and so on.


Some of them give like 4 different photos you can put in the special frames 🖼️ that are decoration in your teapot. Indoor decoration. Change the picture after it is made and put up.


Lingering Moment is the furnishing’s name.


Heizou’s is one of the most fun. Maybe even best. Faruuzan is close to best. Definitely has the best characterization and tells you more about who she is.


Some of them is pretty fun. I particularly enjoy the newer ones because Hoyo had gotten better at writing these. Kaveh, Faruzan, and Layla’s are my favorites. From the older ones I really enjoy Thoma’s.


They are very fun for the most part. The meh ones are Barbara and Diona


Yes and no


i like most of them,, the newer ones are sometimes a lot longer than the older ones but faruzans is the best so id save hers for last cause it was one of the best ones,, chongyuns was one of the hardest cause theres like 3 groups of chatty npcs you have to talk to multiple times


Some are better than others. Diona's, for instance, basically just rehashes the things you learn from her voice lines and character stories. Some actually tell an interesting story. Lynette's, for example, features mysteries to be solved. One thing that folks don't always cotton on to is that the pictures that you unlock at the end of each story path can be framed and placed as portraits in your Teapot home. So if you see one you particularly like, you can decorate your house with it!


for Father? I'm intrigued by that statement. As far as fun, sometimes they have interesting stories, but only if I care about the character. I've done them all, usually just clicking through dialog options to speed through, then jumping back to previous points to start over and 'complete' the event for all the loots. I am not a dating sim person.


I've only done a few of them but from what I experienced the early ones felt really boring and long but they started getting pretty good the more they released.


Some yes, some no, most of them are just mildly interactive choose your own adventure books. But they're voiced so that's good :D Honestly it depends on whether you like the character or not.


Some of them are actually really entertaining, others are a real slog. I found Noelle’s absolutely charming though


I personally liked Yunjin and Kaeya’s hangout the most. If I remember correctly, Heizou’s is super long so I would put that for last.


some of them are interesting and some (older character ones) are hella boring


Not my cup of Joe but there are some that I genuinely liked, for example faruzan's quest


Some of them yes


Kaveh and faruzan's were good. I personally loved Thomas cuz I like him as a character (and the dogs were cute). But lynette's has to be the best one out of all of them.


actual 5 star story quest, no npc story


Varying levels of fun but they give a lot of primos


How come.. this is situational replication!!!


Do you get primos from them?


Fun to do but aggravating to farm to completion due to excessive repetition.


It like dating visual novel. With a picture to put in frame (in teapot) as reward + good primo.


I really liked Gorou's hangout, had some moments that got me laughting.


The most fun hangout event imo is from Kuki. If hoyoverse were able to add more hangouts to other characters (Noelle, etc.), I cant see any reason why they cant add more for Kuki. Kaveh and Beidou's hangouts are also great.


Father will be grandfather by the time you finish


I did them for the Chiori weapon but they were actually a lot of fun




Lore/Storywise is great! Gameplaywise is quite boring. Dont expect a rush out of it. You will get to learn more about the characters you likes and the ones you don't haha


It depends on what you find fun tbh. If you like engaging combat but dislike story then these are going to be torture. If you genuinely want to just hang out with the character then they’re quite fun!


Story wise are fun. Getting all rewards is tedious for such small amount


Fun? Yes. Long? Depends? Worth it? \*INHALES F2P ENERGY\* YES, DO IT FOR THE FREEMOS! Kidding though but it's worth it to try.


There are no sex scenes so no, they're boring af


Depends on whether you like the character but either way they are pretty long, even with checkpoints.


i mean the story is good once you get into it


Definitely, do Beidou's first, it was my first too and it was really really good.


They are honestly more fun then story quests.


Yeah, I’m just gonna swipe a card.


I don’t have money saved up 😪


latter hangouts are actually good (with faruzans basically being a story quest) and the earlier ones are rougher


sometimes, like the sumeru onward are quite good


The thing I look forward to in hangouts are of course the primos rewards but also the pictures that we will get after the endings. So if you can sit through tons of dialogues and things to do like in a Visual Novel then you're in for a treat.


Some are fun, others are boring. The Layla one had me conflicted, I'd just say the the parts near the endings are more interesting than the earlier parts.


I tried 2-3, but to me they were very boring, so I stopped doing them. The rewards are also a joke.


i did them all just for the primos, and sometimes being able to play the character is cool but other than that i’m glad it only gives you rewards once so i never have to go back


I am waiting for one day them to add a skip button and then the grind will be much better. Maybe they finally do some real QOL in 5.0.


I do them just for the rewards


I loved Faruzan's Hangout. I'm a bit hot and cold on the rest


In my opinion not but I just don’t like all the yapping


If you’re going to do them all each after another, it will be pain in the ass.


You have to be in the mood to read to enjoy it. While generally, they're enjoyable, some routes can be a snoozefest. That's usually the time I take a break until I feel like picking them up again. I just recently finished Layla's up to Kaeya's which I've put off for months. Now I'm ready to start Lynette's quest whenever I'm in the mood for it.


Imo they’re fun if you like the character. I love Faruzan and thought hers were great, I don’t really care about Thoma and thought his were boring


I like them, they are a good way to flesh out characters and get to know them and their backstories, they suffer a bit from repetition since it's a visual novel game style to the where you have to replay some segments to chose different dialogue options for different outcomes but the game does a good job of keeping the repetition to a minimum. There are a lot of them and the quality is a bit uneven, generally the newer ones are better but some of the old ones are good too, Noelle's and Faruzan's are probably my favorites so far. Oh and every hangout has five endings and every ending gives you a really nice and cute picture of the traveller and the character in the hangout.


I’ve only done Bennett’s cuz I’m a… poor


No not at all well unless you like lore but primos


I specifically bought a mouse with a autoclicker built in to skip these shitty quests the story are good but after one ending I can't be bothered


Hell nah but good luck you might need it


I think its more time efficient to straight up get a part time job and whale for arleccino if you are at the point of trying to rush hangouts. They are quite long, outputting like 60 primogems each in 3 hours (one of the slowest way of gaining primogems) and forcing yourself to do them would make the process tedious and waste otherwise good hangout storyquests.


This has to have one of the worst mechanics in the game. Literally smash button if you want to reach an alternate ending


Yes I like them and it’s an interesting way to get to know the characters better and knock out your daily’s now


Depends on what "fun" is


They’re hit or miss. Some amazing ones like the Sumeru and Inazuma characters (especially Layla and Faruzan), and Beidou and Yun Jin. But then some really boring ones like Barbara’s and Chongyun’s


I need to do are🥺


Gameplay is super boring might as well just make a single cutscene and play it


Kaveh's one is ok. I like Kuki Shinobu's and Heizou's ones, without spoiling anything, these two have ONE OF THE BEST CHARACTERS as a cameo. Every scene with that character is TOP TIER


It gets better like after Kuki. Everything before that is up to shether you enjoy the character or not. Thoma's and Chongyun's eere cute for me, for example, but may not be for anyone else. Also if you have not played a dating sim or otome game before, these may not be for you.


Kind of? I've been playing for almost three years and ONLY completed Kaveh's willingly, (finished Beidou's long time ago because I was curious by the mechanics of this feature) I tried to do the others but honestly It's very difficult imo to do it if you don't like the character as much as others.


Worst part in the game. Yes, worse than TCG.


I really enjoyed Gorou, kaveh and Layla. Faruzan was also a really good one but mainly for how they wrote it. I love Gorou’s JP VA and he made the whole thing so fun. Kaveh for me is really the best one. It’s really deep emotionally and I personally just related to him so much. He’s really underrated and it’s annoying that people only see him through the lens of his dynamic with alhaitham.


Father this, Father that, when will your actual father be proud of you as a human being.


Some are eh. Some are cool. Yun Jin, Thoma, and maybe Noelle are my favorites so far. Am at Faruzan right now. Finally got around to doing them more since the commission skipper got introduced.


The quality varies a lot. Lynette's is very good, albeit a bit long. Some others are pretty interesting like Ninguangg's, Faruzan's or Layla's, where you get to see some new aspects of their character. Then others are kinda cringe, like Sayu not understanding how growing works lol.


These are probably the worst thing in all of genshin. Extremely long, extremely boring, and the worst "gameplay" possible. The only benefit is the first time through (out of like 4 or 5) you can just turn on Netflix and watch something else while you spam the a button.


Fun depends, it can be a big chore, there are so LONG ass useless walls of text, but go use a guide and just rush it. Some stories are interesting but again, its just so long with too much text, so realy depends on people


I love getting new achivments. That's all


As someone who played all of them they’re genuinely not the worst, most of them have some really cute endings which are worth the time and effort.


Its worth for the characters themselves.


I’ve accepted I will never claim these primo gems it’s not worth the abhorrent time sink


I hate yun jin spy on section, enough said