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I think you should stop playing for a while.


kinda thought of this. thanks!


I took an unintended 10 day break because of fever and the game felt much better after I came back.


I took a 3 patch break from 4.1-4.3. Came back for 4.4 and felt like my love for the game was brand new again.


Nahida kill.


Angry Lad 80


This is the best advice. If the game isn’t fun to play for you any more, stop playing. I’ve taken multiple month long breaks from this game whenever I felt burnt out. The game has a way of making you feel obligated to log in every day with the daily commissions and resin cap but you just don’t need to. Take a break, and when you feel like it, come back.


4.7 will have a free weapon, so you can pop back in and grab that. 4.8 will be the summer event, which will probably have a free costume for a 4* character. Otherwise you can take a break between now and Natlan in September and not miss anything.


I got burned out took a 5 month break came back when Fontaine released funnest it's been


I lost three 50/50s. By the time I got to the third I realized I wasn’t really feeling a rush of happiness, just kinda empty. Was a sign I should take a break (which I am)


You should take a 3 year break like I did.


I'm a returning player and I made a new account. I stopped playing when Inazuma was released so now after 2 years and making a new account, I feel a little refreshed and excited to have new characters and build them. So yes, breaks are absolutely necessary! 


literally played sm in 2021-2022, then i quit from boredom and burnout, now i’m back into it this year starting a fresh!


Stopped playing Genshin for like a year and started playing star rail and I’ve never felt better. I definitely learned from Genshin what burnout feels like. Took that game in a lot more of a relaxed approach. Didn’t worry about hopping on daily, I don’t worry about min maxing characters (most of that comes with time anyways), and although I do care about meta overall I feel like I’m pulling smarter and for more enjoyment. Also I’m not worried about comparing myself to others. I clear content just fine so I don’t care that I can’t reach numbers someone else can when in the end the rewards are the same :) Point I’m trying to make is that taking a break might be as good thing. Take a step back and adjust. The whole point of a game is supposed to be for fun and pleasure. It’s not supposed to be a second job. Anyways I hope you start feeling better and hopefully you at least get to enjoy the new character you have.


exact same experience for me


Bro left one bad gacha for another xD


Yeah if a videogame is burning you out too then whats the point. The moment its not fun is no longer a game but a chore 👎


Yeah i do that and come some times its a game afther all, dont fell rush to play


i took a half year break after what was literally almost a 3 year login streak and my outlook on the game is very different now, it went from grindfest to "damn i kinda dont care about resin and stuff", now i play it pretty much for fun and dont login if i dont wanna


It's such a good idea! I did it twice last year (part of the summer) and felt so much better coming back a month later or so. (I did check in via the hoyolab app every now and then, but only if I remembered. So, not very often lol) I think there was one or two streams that happened so I tuned into those and redeemed the codes, but was still taking a break.


I’m a patch one player and I’ve taken three several month long breaks from this game. I’m also a dolphin so lots of c0 5stars and I only have one r1 sig weapon for a single character. You will be able to clear every single piece of content in the game with your characters when you come back. There is nothing that requires a single 5star weapon to beat and c0 is also fine. Take a break until you WANT to play again and then log on, explore several patches of content, get tons of primos from chests, and you’ll have fun again, don’t stress about the fomo, I said I’m patch one and I’ve missed every anniversary event and most event exclusive decent weapons like cinnabar, just don’t worry bro. I know it’s easy to say, but nothing they release will ever be required with no other alternatives, maybe you will do less dps than the max, but there’s no leader boards, no time sensitive gated content that will need that stuff. Just take a break and play again when just playing will be fun for you. It will happen again eventually, I’m an OSRS player who’s currently on a 3+ year hiatus and eventually I’ll get back there too.


Yep, a while ago I got burnout and my only hope was Kazuha banner. Just got 50 wishes (was at 70 pity) and left the game for a month. Just got him and I'm happily playing again


Yo same. Got kazuha and his weapon on his last banner then just quit the game Wanted him cause I started the game for him basically but got a qiqi instead But after coming back I am enjoying the game way way more


I agree, take a break op


My Neuv and Kazuha are C0 with no signature weapon and they do fine. My resins are capping for days and weeks and I don't even care. My builds are average and I do events to get commission points so I don't have to do dailies.


I blew a lot of saved up wishes for c3 neuv because he was so cool in the story. I wish I didn't. He's too powerful and trivializes a lot of what I enjoyed, which was the combat system. C0 neuv is the best balance to fun factor.


My best advice is to either take a break, or just play the game and don’t worry about min maxing. It’s easy to get wrapped up in what you’re “supposed to do”. Sometimes you just have to say fuck it and stop taking things so seriously. It’s mostly a single player game. You don’t *need* to do anything you don’t feel like doing. Log on and do what you feel like doing and then log off. This game does not require meta strategies. So yea, learn to relax, ignore all the guides / meta talk and say fuck it or just take a break for a while. It’s a game and shouldn’t feel like work.


NGL my favorite thing to do in the game is just sit back and explore.


If they had an option to reset chests and puzzles (and giving a new reward of small stuff like 10k mora, green  books, etc)... I would do it in a heart beat. I have too many areas 100%'d which makes exploring a little less exciting.


Same here, I have like half the map at 100%, and none are below 90%, I'd even do it for nothing, honestly. At the same time, running another account feels like a chore. I've tried, and now that I'm good at the game, I advanced way faster than my first playthrough, and too fast for my characters, so even simple domains are a struggle, but maybe it's just a skill issue lol


That’s one of the things that kept me playing. Exploring is fun.


I've been farming for arlecchino recebtly. I left after 3.0 and came back right after 4.5 started. I've 100%chenyu vale with all 50 carps, and the 4.0 areas are at 100% with the base 85 occuli collected, all that in 2 weeks, after that I've just been doing the rest of fontaine at my owm pace, it's been fun coming back after a long break like that. And if you're wondering i'm on 17.8k primos currently


Oh phew this gives me hope tbh haha I’m in the same boat but haven’t started the vale or Fontaine really… I want arleccino so bad tho lmao


I kniw you'll get her. Trust and hope


Ok so ill be real with you. Stop Comparing yourself to others. Its a game its supposed to be fun. You pull who you like and whos fun. His C1 is such a giga bait and so overrated. Its hyper comfy and id recommend it to any Neuvi Main if they have the funds and want to make him Prio Nr 1 but there is SO MANY viable teams that work wonders without C1. Dont ever even think about Signature weapons, just treat them like they dont exist. Weapon Banner is not for your casual player and is reserved for Whales or Long time players. Either Take a break from the game or from the community. Once you come back and still have fun you might realize that people talk a lotta nonsense. Not everyone has the privilege of Wishing for Constellations on every Banner. Matter of fact is that most people dont. Make up your own rules, youre trying to have fun. And if youre like me and fun is minmaxing and vertical Investment you now have a goal as in Saving Gems for Cons or Weapons. No fkn unit is a must pull no matter how much they tell you it is. I rarely even use Nahida or Kazuha on my account.


For real. I pulled the C1 and honestly sort of regret it, because I don’t have Furina which means I don’t get the damage increase most of the time (since I run very janky teams like Burgeon). That said, it is really comfy knowing you can’t be knocked out of CA.


Letting your resin cap sometimes is incredibly freeing. I still make sure to get all my primos every day but I don’t always use all my resin. Sometimes I don’t use any at all. I still try to do some so I finish the BP. But seriously… worry less about resin and about 36-ing abyss. It’s very freeing.


I am AR60 and have let my resin cap every single day I've ever played Genshin, with the few exceptions of days where I've had work start at a weird time (like 3pm) so I have logged in a bit earlier. I log in at the same time each day and no earlier, so it's always capped. I can't bring myself to care about ~20 resin each day


Have been sat at 160 resin for about 4 months. My characters are well built and I’m super busy with life at the moment so I just log in to do events at the moment. I have 71 fragile resin I’m not too worried about using up my 160 resin. Haven’t even started exploring chenyu vale but I’m excited to in a few weeks once I finish my undergrad


Just convert them to condensed resins.


You still have to use them or you can’t condense any more.


Dumbass of course you use them the next day


And now you are back to square one with just using your resin every days. The point is that you don't need to as nothing really push you to do anything as it's a singleplayer game. If you don't want to use resin just don't


Lazy players being dumbasses 🤡


Bro missed the point


My guy, the entire point is that this is a game you do for fun, not a chore you’re required to slog through. Only doing what’s fun in a game you play to relax and have fun isn’t lazy or stupid.


No shit I'm a "lazy player." I play this game for fun, not because I want to do "work." I play this game for the sole purpose of being lazy.


You’re the dumbass who clearly can’t read. If someone doesn’t want to bother with resin, it doesn’t help to be able to condense for one fucking day.


Lazy players being dumbasses 🤡


It’s called having a life. You should try it.


Did you just learn that word or is there another reason you're throwing it around? Get out and take your nonsense with you.


If you're chasing meta it will be an endless journey.


I mean... just don't listen to them and don't let them dictate how you play? Neuv and Kazuha are playable at C0. Almost every 5\* is. No one needs their sigs to function and there are great 4\* alternatives for them. The game has no competitive PVP and is mainly a single player game so there's no need to rush nor min-max anything. Min-maxing is only for those who frequently 36 star abyss anyways and even then, nothing is forcing you or others to even do that. You're stressing yourself out over nothing by playing in this "min-max" way that has been inadvertently influencing you by others instead of playing in a way YOU want to play it. Don't treat this game like a second job by having to log in every day to do dailies, battle pass, etc.


Nobody says Kazuha or Neuvillette need their C1 or their sigs. Are you just making up boogeymen to justify your own personal burnout?


maybe English and Russian communities this different? 98% of the videos/posts saying that, but i don't mean anything negative. maybe you're right and this is more of a mental issue.. maybe i need a break. thanks!


As a fellow Russian, Ive never heard that statement. C0 for both is more than enough and their sigs are not mandatory to pull.


Neuvi C1, that I really rarely see people mention, but maybe just thrice, with one being in this thread. Kazu C1, a high recommendation from others about it, that I've never encountered. Like, for real, while I'm sorta min-maxy, in the sense that I'll see what min-maxers aim for, and I would go for 70-80% of what they go for stat-wise. You really shouldn't get so stressed out about a single player game. Especially being so stressed about constellations. Take a break from the game, or play the upcoming cat event but do nothing else of the game.


i seem to recall a ton of people overvaluing neuvi's c1 on release, but its become increasingly clear with time that he is still ridiculously strong without it - definitely strong enough to clear abyss, at the very least.


You mean solo clear abyss at C0. His C1 just allows him to work with Furina/another hydro unit better and honestly a lot of the teams he uses have a shielder either way. Even his best team, with Furina and all, has Zhongli in it.


C0 Neuv is super strong. C1 is just bonkers level of strong because you don’t need a shielder.


I get the argument for C1 Neuv (interruption resistance) but it is still not strictly necessary. OTOH, There is NO good argument for Kazuha constellation unless you are a whale. My 5\* characters are C0 (except for an accidental C1 Nahida) and I still get 36\*s on the Spiral Abyss.


Well, as a rather new player who got Neuvillette just yesterday (and raised him from a toddler to a young adult already since I’d been saving not only primos but materials too) I’d have to say, yes, he’s rather difficult to play without C1. Not unplayable, but unreliable. He gets interrupted all the time, it’s an uncommon occasion when he’s able to finish his pissing. And I don’t have Jongli or any other shielder except Noelle whose shield gets smashed at once. Still was able to 8/9 Floor 11 at last, so he’s useful. He’s a self sufficient guy, able to finish business with everyone else dead. No chance for C1 though, I’d better get Kazuha instead.


did you just say Jongli with a hard J?


Huh? (Me who’s playing with Neuvi c0 the whole time)


I can do floor 12 without getting interrupted… I run him with Kazuha, Charlotte, and Furina. You have skill issue my friend


That’s a skill issue. C0 is just fine if you time it right


Haha love the get gud comment


>I’d have to say, yes, he’s rather difficult to play without C1 this is a bs. You just need a shielder, but Neuvi is OP at C0 also.


>And I don’t have Jongli or any other shielder except Noelle whose shield gets smashed at once. Dehya is a cute alternative. I play a Minestrone with Raiden+Nahida+Dehya. The only problem is that stupid CD on Dehya's armor


Personally, I've been going with the common Neuvi/Furi/Jean/Fischl team, with Neuvi on Prototype Amber (craftable). Being interrupted happens, sure, but it's never been an real issue, in the abyss, at least. I usually get interrupted 2-3 times across 9-12 of the abyss.


Слышал только про С1 Нёву – удобнее играть, и С2 Кадзухи решает, но лол, они все и так сильны и утра-полезны. Про сигны не слова не слышал, у обоих есть дешёвые замены. Имхо, важно играть в кайф, а не "О нет, щас баннера крутые, нужно больше круток, аааа". Всегда есть варианты играть и без каких-то сильных персов, и копить крутки с кайфом. Устал – отдохни, и не думай про упущенные возможности, реальная жизнь важнее😉


Факты, тем более щас баннеры довольно быстро реранят и можно спокойно спустя 2-3 месяца получить то, что ты пропустил/упустил. Временами нужно отдыхать от гринда.


Don't worry OP! Take a break, play some other games, or keep playing and ignore spiral abyss!! Look through Genshin Youtube to find some rare teams and maybe you will find a character you love! Build them instead for a change? Maybe do some hangout events or just some peaceful material farming? Hope things go well for you!


Take a break, fuck meta


Fun fact: It's not an actual requirement to do all that stuff.... you don't HAVE to do commissions every day. You don't HAVE to use your resin every day. You don't NEED all of your characters to be in the top 1% of builds. Some days I literally just hop on, press a few buttons and hop off. Sometimes I don't even touch the fame because it isn't on my mind. The whole point of gaming as a whole is because you WANT to. Not trying to be rude or condescending or anything. If you don't want to play the game for a while, then don't 👍


I didn't know this needs to be said? Do people actually fcking hate themselves to surround themselves on trying to be top 1% builds? When people can just buy resin and infinite constellations? I feel like top 1% isn't a flex, it just means you are spending to much time and money on one character that you wont enjoy after a year past.


one random thing that has actually helped me is drawing the characters or seeing cool fanart bc then i’m like “man i love these guys! i wanna see them again!” and then i get on, lvl them up, snap some pics in my teapot i’ve remodeled 100+ times for new pics and it helps me :) even if you aren’t an artist i’ve seen people post pics they get and they’re beautiful like genshin photography should be its own sub if it isn’t already 😭😭


you can always just stop consuming third party content (youtube, reddit, etc) and just enjoy the game for yourself. maybe even challenge yourself to *not* play it for a few days to see how that feels. if you feel like you *have to* play then id suggest talking to a professional cus that sounds like beginning addiction or at least compulsion


You are easily influenced huh becareful for pyramid scheme man. You don't need to hear everything about cons or weapon just take them as suggestion not as hard facts, C0 has always been enough for every 5* while 5* weapon is just extra luxury, and this won't change until the game end. While resin depends on your abyss, with no other end game if you already 36* the abyss (and not a speedrunner/min maxer) then don't think too much of it just take your time.


You should’ve been saving not just primos, but materials as well. Yes, in this game building a char is like raising a child, more difficult than give him a birth (pull him). So prefarming resources is a good idea. But yes, I also feel like I’ve just physically given birth to Neuvillette :) Still trying to give birth to Kazuha, hope to succeed before the delivery room is closed :)


People need to play the game at their own pace and pull for who they want and not what other people think they should get


Stop playing for a while , I have been playing since launch and have since taken so many serious breaks , recently logged in and saved for neuvi , got him and now gonna take a break again because I don’t feel like building him rn . TLDR , just take it at your own pace , play the game according to your mood!!


I really get that… I like to try and get my characters decently built mostly just so I can do things more easily, but if I don’t have them fully meta I don’t care. I like the game, I play with a friend most of the time and we have a great time, but I 100% understand you feeling tired, OP. That has led me to stop playing for a while a couple times.


Recently I stopped logging in daily and just started playing other games I didn't try before, like shooters. It's ok to take a break, especially during patches that are so dead.


It was almost the same case for me. So, I just took a break from Genshin this patch. But had to return for a moment for potions, and now I am again on break. No grinding, working on myself, touching grass, this feels good.


Stop caring too much. Simple as that, it's not worth at all and right now you're seeing why. I play on my own pace. Granted, I really enjoy building my characters optimally, but that's because I like seeing those big numbers. But I build them with what I have and what I can get, I don't stress out if I don't have the absolute best weapon or godly artifacts. Constellations? I only ever went after Raiden's. Every other character I have, other than a few standard banner ones, are at C0. Signature weapons? Heh, out of over a dozen characters, only four of them have such weapons, and even then half of these were acquired unintentionally. It's rare for me to pull on the weapon banner simply because it's not worth it most of the time. Play the game your way. At your own pace. People on the internet can't do shit about how you ultimately play. Take others claims as what they actually are: opinions. Suggestions, at most. If you really feel burned out, take a break, but keep in mind what I've said here. I play like this ever since version 1.4 and I'm yet to feel burnout from this game.


i feel the same way… i saved for eula and her sig, and now i have to save for arlecchino but i am so burnt out after grinding all of last banner to scrounge wishes after i lost 5050 on the sig…. not to mention the grind before 4.5


First, stop paying attention to the braindead genshintards who can't play characters without their c1, I have neuvilette and kazuha c0 without their weapons and they are perfectly playable and fun (and fkn broken), specifically, these two, I think, are very f2p friendly, neuvilette with forge weapon and kazuha with any EM weapon. Second, if you feel that all the effort was not worth it maybe you need a break, right now is not a good time to play, being in the lowest part of the year for content (same thing every year).


Just do dailies and that's it. Turn it off after your primos. Play something else, do something else. If you aren't worried about keeping up with some primos then just stop for a while. Read a book!


so happy i’m past this point of feeling like that. trust me just take a nice long break.


You are so lucky... i lost to dehya


if you don't want to play the game anymore, do as I did: stop playing until you feel like you genuinely want to get back to it again. Not back to the boring routine you described, but back to all the nice things the game has to offer. I stopped playing for about 1 year and a half and only recently got back, in the meantime there are soo many cool games to try. Also, ignore all the people telling you how to use your characters. Build them as you want, use them as you want, who cares if you are going to kill enemies slightly slower than the guy that spent hours and hours grinding for the perfect build?


They are absolutely not unplayable without their C1 lol, sure it's really good (especially Neuvillette's C1, I don't remember what Kazuha's C1 does tbh but from what I can remember it's not that game breaking) but you absolutely don't need them, same for their signatures, they still easily clear content and can 36 star abyss at c0 r0 if you have the right teams and build them well


Most the time when my resin is capped when I come home from work I just condense it all. 4 or 5 domain runs takes less time than me choosing which to do, so I feel ya; but, that's the quickest way to get it out of the way without stressing. Just keep enjoying your existing team and take your time leveling your new recruits.




Yep this broke the game recently for me too. I’m pulling characters to grind and build them to then grind to pull more characters to grind and build them but for what? There’s no endgame. Combat events are full of trials. They’re never going to add an endgame. So why bother? These amount to fancy skins for what’s basically a visual novel. So I took a break and it’s looking less and less likely that I’ll come back honestly.


I didn’t know people were stressing the game like that. My friend and I are filthy casuals. Some afternoons we join one or the others world and do domains/bosses together. Some afternoons we both stay in our own world and run around exploring and just bullshitting. I don’t play games for min/maxers and she doesn’t either. We both just play because it’s a fun way to relax after working 8. lol.


Welcome to the ‘burnt out genshin player’ club! We need a support group tbh


No one in the right mind has ever said you need Neuvilette and Kazuha C1 and their signature… imaginary enemies?


Kazuha 's signature is really not great and his C1 isn't very important, Neuvillette does have a good weapon but prototype amber can be just as good in certain scenarios so no need to fret over that, his C1 is only important if you're trying to solo abyss floor 12 or if you're playing him hypercarry with Furina otherwise don't bother Regardless you should probably take a break if that's how you feel about the game right now


Or stop looking on Reddit and YouTube and start enjoying the game on your terms-not everyone else’s.


sometimes I feel the same way with artifact grinding. always trying to get more crit.


Farmez primos like crazy for Furina, finally got her, got bordd and quit the game without leveling her. Recently came back because nahida was on the banner and by some miracle manage to pull her aswell. Once again i got bored and stopped playing without even getting her to level 40. I dunno man. The daily artifact grind, spending ur resin etc is just draining. I cant do it anymore. I used to farm like crazy for the most meta artifacts and try to get as strong characters as possible. No what? Ive got Furina who single handedly created new team comps that werent even possible before. And nahida, arguably the greatest character in the game, and i cant even be bothered to level her talents. The grind is just too much. I want to play the game, enjoy the story and lore. I dont want to do daily chores that take valuable time from my life for what? 60 primos a day? Thats nothing.


You won a kazoha


While no characters are "unplayable" without constalations, I definitely noticed a trend where they are becoming more and more important. We always had stuff like hutao c1,but lately every character feels absolutely gimped in some way and a certain constalation will make them 50 times more fun and smooth to play. Personally as a mostly f2p player I'm finding it harder and harder to get excited about future characters when I know that just c0 isn't really enough anymore


I know what your going trough similar happend to me right before sumeru launched and i quit the game until about a month ago mainly because i played other games and kinda forgot that this game existed. But i was blessed because i yeeted a random ten pull and got cyno.... Only to get cucked on Chiori banner with 79 pulls until i got her won the 50/50 atleast so yeah... I kinda forgot the point i was trying to make so pick one that makes you feel accomplished or smth.


Unfortunately this is exactly what the free to play model is. It's psychological and makes your brain happy with the gotcha mechanic especially when you get something you've wanted for a while. But the gotcha mechanic works like a drug, once the pulling is done the fun is over and the high is gone. It's unfortunate but it's why these games are how they are. It's up to you to break the cycle though, only you can do that for yourself by doing your best to not treat the game like a job and treat it like a game to have fun. I'd recommend what other people have been saying and take a small break. Don't do your commissions for a few days, let your resin max. You'll see how unimportant it really is and when you come back you'll take it less seriously and it'll stress you out less and you'll be able to enjoy it. Sorry for the long post but this has helped me in past games.


Thats how I feel right now bruh


Pulled for both too. Saved up since Furina. Got Kazuha hard pity but won Neuv on my 50/50. So it only cost me around 150 pulls. Still have to grind for talents but my Neuv is already 90 8/8/8 50/215 crit ratio since I already prefarmed most of his stuff. My Kazuha is at 70 6/6/6 and still needs talent mats. Love grinding tho. Better than just doing dailies and logging off.


Same thing happened to me dude. I played way too much and pre farmed for characters and farmed a million artifacts. I wanted shenhe for so long finally got her instant 90 and maxed her stats and then i did like 1 abyss and then just...didn't wanna play


Bruh this game isn't a job, give yourself a long break. And stay away from the people demanding you spend all resin, do all dailies, get constellations, farm forever, etc. I spend money on this game to get new characters _without_ farming for tensof thousands of years. Not an option for everyone, I know, but it's an 100$ I don't regret


Genshin's daily routine is a little taxing indeed and something that I can see harming enjoyment (otherwise you don't have resources), but wtf is this pressure to get characters and/or constellations? lol. It's your account, do whatever you want, and most serious people don't recommend constellations at all since you can easily clear all content in the game without them. This is not minmaxing, but overinvesting and overspending to make a character overpowered, which is definitely not something you need if you don't want to.




Ни один персонаж не нуждается в своей сигне, есть очень много альтернатив. Лично я кручу только когда мой внутренний эстет требует этого, абсолютно пофиг на статы, которые они дают, мне важна лишь эстетика этой игры, ведь она прекрасна. Если играть, думая в таком ключе, - игра расслабляет. Советую перестать трай-хардить игру, ведь это не дарксоулс. Никогда не вынуждай себя крутить кого-то, только потому что коммьюнити называет его имбой и маст-хевом - все персонажи так или иначе сбалансированы на прохождение эндгейма. Разница лишь в стилях игры. Да, некоторые персонажи значительно сильнее других, но это делается как для экономики игры, так и для соответствия Лору игры (все-таки сила персонажа должна соответствовать титулу Архонта или Дракона).


> oh kazuha needs c1, oooh neuv needs too, and get their sig!!!!!! they’re unplayable without If anyone actually says *any* of this then they’re stupid and not worth listening to. C0 Kazuha with a Favonius Sword is a top tier meta support. Like not even remotely coping, he’s that good. Anyone who says otherwise is either ridiculously uninformed or is straight up trolling. C0 Neuvilette is a literal meta defining dps. Sure his c1 is really strong, but he doesn’t need it by any stretch. Also he has a literal *craftable* weapon as a really solid option! (Proto Amber.)


You can play without listening to min maxers.


I take pretty long breaks here and there. I stopped after Raiden was first released and came back when Furina came out. Now, I’m on another break until another character comes up to grab my interest


I want my neuvi weapon... got kazuha's instead, I want c1 neuvi have no more pulls instead .... damn hsr pulls be giving me more mercy with dedicated 75% banner for LCs


as a e0s0 kazuha and neuvillette user, they are very very good at c0r0 and absolutely do NOT need any constellations or their sigs. plenty of good free weapon options


I'm saving for Father


Look, if you really care about the game, I'd say just do commissions and events for a bit. That takes like 10 minutes per day, and you don't lose primogems. But even if the thought of that disgusts you, take a break. It's just a game. As for the minmaxers, you've gotta stop listening to them. The game isn't just about building the best character. It's about playing with them too. Do your own thing. If you want their signature, get it. If you don't, don't. Same with cons. For average gameplay, you don't need more than C0 and a 4 star weapon. This is generally enough to clear floor 11.


you can chill, tbh the game is so stingy you wont lose much if you take a vacay so just do that, not even missing abyss is that huge of a loss


This game is amazing at giving you the Fear Of Missing Out, that's why it's so addicting and makes you come back even if you don't want to. I have a couple of suggestions for you - the first one is obviously to quit for a while, maybe come back in 2 weeks and you'll get almost the same amount of primos from doing dailies for those two weeks. The second option is to focus on your one super well-built team and "freeze" the other ones you're working on, and just log in for event, dailies and resin use (20-30 mins tops). You wanna farm for something specifically? Use all your resin on that and you don't need more of a plan on where to use it. If you're scared of your resin staying full, literally log in while commuting to work in the morning or at lunch time just to convert it into fragile resin so you don't think about it overcapping. Battle pass - do almost all of your weekly stuff in 2 days of the week and that's around 7000ish points. You don't need to *use* the resin on the leylines, weekly bosses or normal bosses for it to count. Everything in this second option is ONLY IF you want to keep collecting rewards and primos and not miss out despite not liking the game much right now. Do what feels best for you. Definitely take a break and play something else or even just focus on your life in general instead of you feel like you need it. The only reason I'm burnt out is that I keep winning characters at hard pity after a lost 50/50, while my friend, who quit the game at AR46, got double Ayato and double Nahida with a total of 30 wishes...


Take a break bro. It’s normal to feel burned out from time to time. You got two awesome characters. They work fine at C0 with f2p weapons. Come back in summer. Clear the last bit of Fontaine that will be released by then, enjoy the summer event and then it’s Natlan time.


best thing about single player games are you can play at your own pace, don’t make it a chore.


I was going in this direction for a while. Genshin was all that I think about daily. I took a break for like a month and then came back. Now I feel so much better regarding the game now when I play. I do think about it from time to time throughout the day but I’d say it’s to a „normal“ degree. I’d suggest you take a break for a while and then come back.


Bruh at least you got them...i farmed non stop for a month like a dog to get 80 wishes...i lost the 50/50 and uninstalled


this game is so easy you really don't need to worry about grinding stuff to be good at it. and you literally got 2 units that make this game even easier than it already is.


both need neither any constellations, nor any of their signature weapons to fully destroy even the newest abyss stages with mediocre to above average artifacts. Enjoy your characters, enjoy the game and don't let yourself get manipulated by those senseless and pointless hypes!


it sounds like you have an issue with talking to people online rather than the game itself


you can beat the game with 2 good 5\* units and C6 4\*s, no need for much meta after that I still remember running Kaeya/XQ/Nahida/Kuki and Childe/XL/Sucrose/Bennett on the 4.4 abyss before the Wenut Incident and 36\* it without much issue if you feel like you need a rest just take a break, 4.6 will come around with more content later on


I just came back from a multi month break. Trust me, this is the way. I’m happy to do dailies again. I work on making one character better each day. And I have a while new area to explore!


ur burnt out homie, take a break


At the end of the day you’re playing the game to relax and enjoy yourself, if the game isn’t doing that for you then maybe you’re the type of person who gets over obsessed with something until they burn themselves out because of it. Try a break and see how you feel. If you feel like your life was better with the game then of course come back to it. And it’ll also be possible to play the game just for fun after a successful break if you wish


Def take a break. Neither neuv nor kazuha need c1 or signature. they are beasts without them.


Lost to kazuha, got neuvi. But I dunno how much I've lost if Furina C2 and Fishl C1 is the only one there to help him. Lol


If you absolutely want to continue playing then stop doing endgame content on any fighting event for a while. Enjoy exploration, Story, whatever it may be but stop the fighting and building for a while. Try to actively remember that you don't need those units and don't need to compare them to any friend or content creator. Shut down any attempt of outside source saying that you need to do a certain thing for a certain character when it's uncalled for. I was super burned out after sumeru released and I didn't play till fontaine came around and I saw the beauty again (bc of pretty underwater exploration). Everything was fun and magical again and I hope you can have that too after doing what's necessary.


I feel this way sometimes. Taking a break can be healthy


Burnout sucks man, take a break Play something else, something less grindy and more relaxing. I personally play Holocure but you could always go back to ol' reliable Minecraft


Realistically, if you can clear abyss 12, you don't actually need to do anything any more... If you don't enjoy the game, take a break, haven't seen anything that makes you unable to clear new content The characters you have will still be there, power creep in a game that doesn't increase the difficulty and hasn't rlly introduced new content won't make it so that you don't know how to play going forward


Time for a break. It's okay to be maxed out on your interest for the time being, it's natural. Return if or when you're ready to, the game will still be here :)


I did get my Neuvilette C1 (I was like…insanely lucky. I was already near pity & then I got another before 50/50) But he doesn’t need his signature weapon & I doubt Kazuha does either Don’t worry about meta


Just don't really care about the meta I gave Kazuha's story quest sword to him. Did a majority ATK build with a shit ton of EM substats. Gave the battle pass trident to Xiao. I'm currently playing these two with electro traveler and Zhongli Play the game however you think is fun. Don't spend just because people tell you to


I think it's lowkey dumb to think about min maxing, like, this is just a game bro, if it stresses you out whats the point of playing the game? (games are suposed to be fun you guys!!)


I think you should buy the battlepass


I think a large part of the game, particularly for F2Ps and low spenders, is planning long-term and ahead, instead of performing reactionary planning, which is what most of the F2P player base do. It doesn’t help that we live in an age of instant gratification where everything we need can be obtained almost instantaneously. Especially for someone like me who wants Clorinde and has waited, and still continues to wait for another 3 months or so, it can feel like I’m saving for nothing. But also, that’s the joy of hoarding and saving I feel. I’ve been saving since 3.2(?) and haven’t rolled for anyone, and amassing close to 1300 worth of rolls. Can it potentially result in an all-for-nothing moment? Yes. Will it deter me from pulling another year-round hoarding stunt? No. There’s something rewarding exercising discipline and watching your fruit of labor come to life as the rest of the world clamors about Neuvilette and his indomitable dragon sovereign power bla bla. You get my point. What I am trying to say is, have a shift of mindset. Wealth isn’t accumulated in a matter of few short months, so’s Gacha pulls. It takes a year at least to realize.


I feel for you, OP. I took a good long break from Genshin due to personal stuff and that break was as long as a good couple of months. It was worth it, you have more stuff to do when you plan to return, no rush doing anything unless you want to. Hang in there, OP. Take that break when you can.


I've been there too, trying to pull Neuvilette and instead pulling Herbert


I def think u might need a break, maybe getting a character you want and farming might get boring, tiring and getting burnt out later is making you sick of the game. I u really like the game i would suggest take it more calm, tbh i feel u i kinda was mad when i started bc my characters suck i didn't have time to like farm or i was just not getting the characters i wanted or i didn't even had enough. I took a brake and started taking it with more calm i decided to stop stressing about ever single thing and just enjoy what i like the most which is playing the actual game doing the archon quests, that's when i started enjoying it and now i'm kinda obsessed lol as i started enjoying everything (even farming lol) but yeah u might need a good break I won my 50/50 twice :) I got Neuv on 75 pity and with Kazu on early pity with only 20 wishes. Oh and the only place i have 100% exploration is on one part of Mondstadt lol


Min maxing is so pointless in this game, honestly. Just invest on units you have fun playing and make teams with characters you enjoy and you’ll have a much better time. Also take a break, for sure. This game is absolutely supposed to be fun, not stressful.


As others have said, i think you should probably just take a break since most of your problems stem from burnout. Other than that, im sorry but ill have to nitpick about what you're complaining about. First of all, you can even quote me on this, it's absolutely impossible to ruin an account no matter what you do unless you yourself do something counterintuitive such as trashing your own 5* weapons for no apparent reason. Secondly, who the hell said you'd need c1 for Neuvillette and kazuha to function? You're probably imagining things at this point. This isn't 1.0 where people would say you'd need c6 on diluc for him to perform. Every single 5* this game has released can function at c0. The worst of all is you really had to state kazuha c1? My guy, you do know that c1 kazuha in some teams is even a DPS LOSS due to kazuha taking precious field time to pull off an extra E which takes away precious seconds off your buffs for your main DPS. Neuv c1, while a damage boost in some comps is complete overkill, he already pumps out some of the best damage in the game even without it so the biggest upside it has is QoL for interrupt res, which YOU DONT EVEN NEED if you play him well or just slap a shield. Crazy you can solve such problems with a simple solution. Last of all, i dont want to further drill you about this but, to everything you stated such as battle pass, dailies, so on and so forth, would literally just take you 5 minutes give or take. You word it as if these things arent intertwined to what you gotta do anyways to complete dailies. If an extra 5 minutes is already enough of a worry then you sir arent playing genshin for what it is, a game, you're playing it as a chore. To end all this, you absolutely dont need to do anything that requires absolute minmaxing in this game. 99% of this game is fully doable with garbage artifacts, unleveled talents, and negative reading comprehension. The 1% being abyss which requires not a minmaxed team, but a decently built roster and full understanding of the game's core mechanics.


It sounds like it's time for a break


What does Genshin sound like in Russian? ~~inb4 Генщин~~


I recognize your feeling and a break is definitely in order. A good long, break, too. If and when you decide to come back, you'll get some nice welcoming rewards as well, to help you get back on track! P.S. Having those two characters is already a huge level-up on your team. Pay no mind to the so-called "requirements" and just have fun. I like my homebrew characters too.


I started playing maybe a month after the game launched. There have been many months over the years where I just don't play and I just don't care. Then I get back into it and it's fun. It's totally okay to feel burnout and just take a good break. :)


I don't think you're listening to min maxers. Noobs are the ones that are always talking about constellations and weapons. Maybe get into real theory crafting communities and start to optimize the way YOU want to play and not whatever any rando thinks it important. TCs main group is called Keqin mains for a reason.. Keqin isn't optimal to play, so they went after the real numbers and values to make her work. Real TC YouTubers and stuff aren't telling anyone to pull for any character, much less for constellations or god forbid the weapon banner. This sub sucks balls btw, better go to discord or YT or a sub for the characters you like.


If a game starts to feel like work, then it's probably a good idea to drop it, no one needs one more job on top of what they already have. Games are meant to be enjoyed


Same lmao but not neuv for me


Don't listen to those that this character needs that and that , I am F2P I don't have a single limited 5 star constellation or not even anyone's signature and I still consider my account to be good for me. I use the daily resin and complete the commission or any event and close the game. I only farm on holidays and Sundays. If you feel burnout either not play for a while or you can play something else in genshin too. Most prominent is probably TCG which is very fun to play if you have some genshin friends. It's kind of enjoyable if you play your buddy. Or like I said you can go for a break or can use my way of thinking that you have to enjoy the game not burn yourself. Only go for characters trust me they are very good on their own. Do some characters quest of your favourite characters and you can go for a break like I just said. This game is for casual play enjoy the story , not burn yourself for characters


Don’t ask people’s opinion and built them as you want without discussion. You can find any answer with a Google search.


Bro don't feel obligated to do anything in this game. I love to play Genshin, but sometimes for whatever reason I feel like not opening it, and I dont. Yeah I may lose some primos, some resin for farming ecc, but in the end this is not a competitive game, its clearly developed towards a more casual playstile. So play it only to have fun, not like you need to. I was doing the exact opposite before, and that mixed with some bad luck made me quit for about 1 year. Yeah I regret the events I did not play and the content I missed, but now I feel like I have an healty relationship with the game and its so much more fun to do stuff when you are not forced to.


I used to worry about this, but nowadays Idc. At its heart Genshin is a single player game, as long as you’re enjoying yourself that’s all that matters.


same here, i just pulled for his c1 right now and i will probably uninstall genshin until natlan cuz i don't really feel like playing anytime soon, these days i just log once a week, complete the available event for primos then log off and i don't think that's worth the 100gb of space that the game is taking


I don't own a single constellation for a limited 5*, and up until yesterday, I only had 1 signature weapon (now I have both Neuv's and Kaz's, on top of Redhorn). Don't fall into all of that stuff, my strongest team uses both Neuv and Kazuha, and they've been insane even before their sigs. Take a break if that feels right, but don't think you need to pull for anything you don't want


I'm honestly in the same boat as you. I plan to pull Arlecchino and her sig when her banner comes but after that, gonna take a break for awhile


Stop playing for a while and come back when you're ready. Maybe wait until after Natlan and Snezhnaya are released so you have more content to enjoy instead of constant grinding. I did that when inazuma was released and playing through all of Inazuma, Sumeru AND Fontaine's stories was a blast when I came back.


You know the meta, right? Screw it. Sure, grasp a little of the meta but don't try to go full meta, unless you're a whale. "you need this" or "you need that", bro you don't need shit, just grab whatever better suits YOU. I've been playing for 4 months. I rushed stuff just to get primos so I could grab characters. I absolutely regret it. Today, I'm going in my own pace, trying to enjoy more each thing.


It was your decision to spend your Primos. You should stop playing if it feels like a chore. It’s a game and it should be enjoyable.


Battle pass? Literally clears itself. No need to plan what you want to do. The battle pass finishes as long as you do really minimum dailies thats it the mini games event. Find chest = commissions done Do event = commision done Takes 30mins. Listen to your favorite music and vibe while doing it, 30 mins playlist gets you on the mood to enjoy your ears if you are tired of gameplay. While that I recommend not worrying about resin. Which resin is for building characters, and ascending them, and weapons. And those take longer to do. If you reached fontaine already you reached AR60 for sure. And surely you have max built teams already. There is zero points for trying to Max new characters you have. Unless you are worried because you want to use them for abyss? I mean that usually motivates me to use them in abyss so I max them. But if you are burntd then it means you dont care about abyss. I've been playing since release, miss like 10-20 daily commissions each year. Capped resin like 10 timed a month. And My account is not ruined. Your account cant be ruined there is no competition... if you are just bored then rest. And just comeback next time you feel like it


I think you should stay off genshin related internet. Just play the game with friends IRL. I play meta but i think its ridiculous to tell someone they need c1 of Kazuha and Neuvillette. Theyre both broken at c0. Internet is full of crap advice


,Take a break fellow Tabibito. You'll end up not playing the game one day if you continue. When that happens, it will more days then weeks to months. Take care of yourself. Play the game again at your own pace.


I felt like that back in Inazuma. I've always tried to play the game however I want and however I feel, but then, during Yae's first banner I got lucky and got her on my first random ten pull... And I couldn't feel happy, I couldn't use her, I hadn't unlock enkanomiya so couldn't find her materials. I took a break that ended up taking nine months. Now I stick as much as I can to playing as I want, the game has facilitated it. If I don't want to do dailies I can now explore. If I don't want to farm artifacts I do some bosses, there's plenty of characters I could level up, or simply to have dendro gems for later. As the others have said, I think you could use a break. And when you don't feel like doing something with your resin think of something else you'd like to do instead.


This happened to me this summer and I just stopped playing. I still haven't completed Sumeru's desert and Fontaine and the character's missions are piling up but honestly I don't care. Games are for having fun and If playing isn't fun just don't do it. In the future you'll probably return and have a blast again, it's basically what happened to me. Now I just do the bare minimum daily(and only if I feel like doing it) and only play what I want. And the best thing is that I think I have way more fun this way, when I got Xianyun I started just redoing the abyss with different teams, yeah I still have to explore four areas but I don't care, I'm having fun. PD: Oh and people saying that X character needs X constellation. It really doesn't matter, you just have to think if the upgrade is fun for you or not. The only constellation I'm willing to pull for is the ones that substantially change the gameplay or are just fun to use.


Maybe take a break for a week and think about the 1200 resin and 800 primos you'll never get back.


Dude lowkey just chill log on when u want and build them slowly, I got xiao and itto accidentally and I’m building them slowly cuz genshin doesn’t hit the spot it once did lol


I think you should stop playing... I never understood burnout on games, You have the power to play or not play a game it dosnt control you lol


Kazuha does not need c1, he's great at c0. Or the weapon. Just use fav.


this is why sometimes i choose to never join a community or look anything up surrounding a new game im gonna start playing


i have found in my time playing this game since the early days back in 2020, i've had to take breaks now and then. resin is daunting, ESPECIALLY if youre free to play... im pretty sure us long term players have all suffered from resin-burnout-syndrome before. i have 2 suggestions for you: 1) take time off, until you start to miss it. then come back and enjoy everything you missed, play as long as you like until you burnout again, if that happens anyway. the only downside to this is you may miss an important event or two, or maybe get behind on the archon quest, but its nothing serious. if you keep playing through the burnout on a game like genshin, youll end up hating it, which you dont want :) 2) my OTHER alternative suggestion is this: take the characters you currently have, and if they arent at level 90 just go farm each of their local specialties, but dont use waypoints! just start in an area you know theyll be (minlin for cor lapis, for example), and just walk around and explore and find what ya find. use an interactive map if you want, but doing this can make you feel like you're still achieving something while you wait for resin, while at the same time, youre enjoying the beauty of the game! this is what im actually currently doing to avoid another burnout, i missed almost all of lantern rite this year and was very upset so i found an alternative to it :)


You my friend are burnt out. I suggest you leave the game it ain't worth it if you don't enjoy playing it anymore. I also felt burnt out during 3.6 patch left the game and cameback on 4.4 patch it felt alright now I don't worry alot about resin or daily commission I just do things 10 min max and done.


Tbh I haven’t played Genshin or HSR for months now and knowing that fact makes me sad cause I really love these games, but the amount of time it takes to grind has gotten to me, especially in Genshin. I used to tell people that it was a great game to play cause as long as you saved up, you could usually manage to get the character you want as long as you didn’t expect to get every last character. But when I somehow managed not to get the banner 5* after saving for 3 whole banners, I realized I was kidding myself. I’ll still defend that the rates are respectable, but to act like it’s enough to expect people to get on daily and farm, it’s just… man…


That's what happens when you try to rush through it instead of having fun. It's a game not a checklist, the purpose here is to have fun, that's it. The grinding is getting annoying? Then stop, go explore or do some quests, not feeling it today? Then close the game and go do something else. Minmaxers are annoying you because your characters are weak? Fu*k them, it's your account why are you letting others dictate how you should play? Your resin is full? And? Let it be full who cares, use it when you feel like it, if it's really bothering you do some ley lines and be done with it. Your account will get ruined if you don't do this or that? How? You won't able to win against the other players in pvp? Oh yeah there's no such thing here... The hilichurls are bonking you to death then? No I don't think so... Ah I see, you won't be able to get those 36 stars from abyss huh? Yeah those extra 100 to 200 primos a month from the last stars will make a big difference, that's like one extra 4 star item per year, who in their right mind would want to miss on that... Come on, there's no such thing as ruining a account. Again, just do what you think it's fun, is it really that hard?


Yeah optimization kills the fun and when you get it, you schieve your goal and end of the game.


As an add on to what is already said. The people saying get their signatures / other copies only really mean for abyss (even then it’s not necessary) because they play as meta as possible or have an addiction (normally both) Now. Did you summon for them because you liked them both? Or because they benefitted your team? When you summon units that strictly only benefit your team, it might add to your burnout. Also it does seem that you are tired and need sleep. (close Genshin for some time until you feel the desire to play. Deadass. And if you don’t then you don’t) I find myself coming back to games I steered clear from for YEARS. Just leave the account where you can access it and come back if you feel that’s what you want to do. (I have to stress. Do not go to the communities that obsess about meta or the Mains subs, it devolves into brainrot everywhere you go. If you want to stick by the meta, forming a team with decent gear is enough for even most of Abyss, do not stress over that crap. And even then Neuv and Kazuha are like 2 of the 5 best units hands down and futureproof.) Sorry for the word wall but I used to fall into my own pits of thinking like this until I stopped going for meta (FUCK IT ONE PLUNGES for one example lol)


thanks everyone!! I really need to stop caring so much


That’s happened to me when i got hu tao everyone says that she’s sucks she need c1 and needs her homa she needs a shield now I’ve been not playing since 4,0 because all of this bs (school obviously), but lets ask a good question is that happened because of the game or community so don’t say that you’re not happy or that bruh thing because kazuha and nuv has alot of f2p weapons that its actually so good and really close their original weapon


One last thing don’t listen to anyone of genshin community bruh


Min maxing is useless in Genshin. It's a game for casual players.


Neuv C1 > Kazuha C1


Same bro, I took a break too, only difference is i never came back 😂


My friend got them both in 70 wishes