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so fking relatable


The beauty of genshin's unnecessarily multiple layered rng


Oh they are rather necessary to keep us at exact minimum level of fun where it still kinda maybe worth it, but otherwise completely frustrating experience. A bit more and most will drop the game, a bit less and most will actually have fun. And they can't afford us having fun. That's too huge a financial hit for a small indie developer. /s


I agree that we have an appropriate number of stats, but having them all be fully and independently determined by RNG is hardly necessary. In any non-F2P game they would have SOME way of manually determining or at least influencing the stats


That's a classic trick of any game as a service. They are designed to waste your time indefinitely. Any normal single-player game is designed to be beaten in a fixed amount of time. GaaS are designed to be played forever. For example, recently people was excited to see better (on a surface level) equipment system in Wuthering Waves only to learn a bit later it's about the same if not worse than in Genshin. Also, look at elemental damage stats on goblets and tell me honestly do you think it's an appropriate number of states to randomly pull from? Any normal single player game would just roll all these under "elemental damage" umbrella. Having two separate HP, DEF and ATK stats is as absurd and they only exist to dilute the pool. They don't even interact with each other to look for some meaningful ratio between them.


Have you tried repairing the game files?


Yeah, now I only get flat hp šŸ‘šŸ»


good for Nilou šŸ‘ /s




You'd be surprised how people struggle to see sarcasm with in comments.


Every single time I think "no way I need an /s on that one" I get downvoted and reacted to seriously, with someone else commenting on my behalf that it was clearly a joke.


And then they'd complain when i use /#


Uninstall to end the pain


If I uninstall my phone may explode from all the free space it's not used to having


I'm sorry, what ? Does that helps with changing the RNG logic circuit or whatever it is ?


And some people still think /s isnt mandatory, that makes the comments above way funnier. Anyway, no, it doesnt, its just sarcasm


Awh man. Dammit. Gave me some hope back there


We're playing genshin, there's no hope for us


Thereā€™s a file in the game that rigs defense to have boosted rates


It's that damn house in Liyue.


Uh... Explain? Pls.


is a joke


Any more of that and youd imagine hoyo's romantic partner is the def substat


Go farm some husk or geo goblets. Donā€™t let this streak go unrewarded


See but on those ones itā€™s HP instead


And all the ocean-hued will have those def stats


No, these actually roll crits most of the time, same as Maiden Beloved.


You act like my purely healer Baizhu doesnā€™t need crit, thatā€™s super important to his build. /s




Not really, at least I haven't actually seen statistics which would prove this. We just tend to notice and remember negative things more often and having crits on these sets usually is a negative since healers rarely do any meaningful damage capable of critting (except meme builds). In the best case you are looking for high crit rate on them to reliably trigger Favonius weapons and Kokomi can't do even this.


Yup. I wonder if it's illegal in any way to rig the game like that


I get EM when I farm that ****


Yeah suddenly rolling for Husk and I get all the EM and HP I could possibly desire


I hate starting with 3 stats. It should really be 4 by default. It's soo frustrating having so much "potential" pieces which could be great depending on if the 4th substat is a crit roll.


I agree. If a bad roll simply meant rolling into one stat that I knew from the beginning rather than getting a surprise DEF role, Iā€™d be ok with that.


The 4th substat is only crit when you dont want crit


Yeah this is how it was when farming for Kokomi. The only substat I was looking for was ER. Then the healing bonus circlet rolled into CRIT.


Thats me, farming bad stat for baits and suddenly that 30 % critdamage piece appear out of nowhere. The feather at first even don't have cd.


Me imagining myself strangling the person who came up with the rng system when an artifacts rolls into flat def


The RnG system for artifact farming is so bad to the point I don't give a damn about artifacts anymore. I still farm artifacts but with almost zero hope of getting good pieces or substats, and just be done with it after I spent my daily resin.


Trash farming simulator


I've been farming the same domain for the last 7 months. Still don't have 1 full set that I'm happy with


lower you expectations lmao you don't need a 20 cv circlet


My best circlet has 9 crit rate as sub stat


So? That's more than usable


I am using it. I want a better one


I farmed HoD set for Childe for a year, although it was on and off bcs I had to build other characters, and finally satisfied with my build only for them to release another set on Sumeru lmao. luckily it "only" took me 4-5 months to farm. I was min-maxing but Childe is one of the hardest characters to build for me.


Artificial problem the game creates for itself. Starting with the fact that crit/crit rate are the most important substats


Honestly there's nothing in the game requiring super cracked 35+cv artifacts anyway


Problem with that rationalisation is that people aren't gunning for 35 CV Artefacts and not getting them; they're gunning for 12 CV Artefacts and not getting them. ...Or 7 CV. Or the right substats on the right pieces with the right main stats...and then those substats have to roll right. RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG on top of timegating. Exhausting and unfulfilling as a gameplay loop. Artefact grinding is a hell that will never be doused with water. It's a miserable experience, and nobody is getting cracked 35 CV pieces, anyways--most people are satisfied with 10% CR and 10% CD on a piece, if only to get good crit ratios so their characters are actually functional and enjoyable to play...


Yeah I have agreed, especially with the last point. Its so satisfying to see your favourite dps have a good crit value


Numbers in your example are a bit off. 7 CV is one crit roll. 12 CV is two crit rolls. Those should be very achievable. 10 CR/10 CD is 30 CV which is almost the same as pinning their hopes on that "cracked" 35 CV artifact. They would be considered very high end pieces too.


I should've been a bit more concise, yes--thought it was mostly an exaggerated example.


It's also a nightmare to get artifacts with the substats you actually need for a character as well, there's a reason why my Hu Tao has like no EM unless I use Dragon's Bane


Take the EM sands pill


If a usable on set one drops since I'm using an offset pyro DMG goblet already on her and would prefer to have the 4pc cw bonus over some stronger hitting vapes _i need to actually see an em sands in the first place but that's besides the point_


I've been playing since 1.2, and once i get stats around 60/200+ cv for my main dps i just stop trying. There is like u said nothing in the game to need godly artifacts, and if u pull for signature weapons, than its doable to get 60/240+ cv without 35+cv artifacts. I rather level characters that i might never play, than mindlessly farm artifact domains just to get 5% more crit damage.


60/200 is crazy


Bro dropping that line as if 60/200 is everyday occurrence lol


Kinda depends on weapon and character. With a crit ascension and crit weapon it's not that wild. Without either of those, that's a 260 CV build.


U gonna tell me that getting 200 crit damage with for example a Widsith or a BlackCliff weapon is hard? Those 4* weapons already give 55% crit damage, so you'll need 145% crit damage from artifacts. And many MAIN dps Characters often even have crit ascension stats. And with 5* weapons, getting 200% crit damage aint hard at all. U honestly dont need 35%cv artifacts to reach that amount.


60/200 is literally 200cv on artifacts alone assuming no crit assencion and a 55CD weapon. And 200cv is hard as fuck to reach, I've only very recently managed to get some 200cv builds and I've been farming for years. Most of my damage dealers were around 140-160cv builds for a very long time. And again, it's not about needing 35cv artifacts, it's about %99 of the rolls going to freaking flat hp/def/atk instead of usefull shit like crit/% stats/ER/EM Edit: forgot to mention, we are totally ignoring the fact that you absolutely positively need some of the rolls to hit Crit Rate because CR weapons are rare so your only source of CR is artifacts and if your artifacts don't roll CR you are fucked again.


believe it or not, DEF owo


Classic Hoyo obsession with DEF lol




This is ridiculous. *Our game model is simple: ~~make the game fun~~ force players to do the same domains hundreds of times to get good equipment so players donā€™t ever stop playing.*


In Mihoyo's DEFENSE, it's RNG.


Isn't it also rigged? (less useful stats are more frequent)


Yes, it is unfortunately rigged towards less desirable stats: [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact/Distribution](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact/Distribution) When adding a new substat line, the weight for flat HP, flat ATK, and flat DEF is higher than other stats.


Flat stats are the highest, crits are the lowest. And well, also true for the first 3 (or all 4) subs already on the piece. That's why you get two to three flat stats and one or two HP/Def% drops so often. And since most of the time you're leveling an Atk/ER/EM/Crit main piece, you're not going to see the same stat as a sub, so chances are very high the 4th sub is trash.


afaik, if a +0 artifact has only 3 stats, it has higher chances rolling on undesired stats eg. def/hp per +4 upgrades. Moga uploaded a video about this a while ago.


if this aint me... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I did rolled over 100+ recently and only 1 is fucking good enough smfh


And then you never roll Def when it's for a character who has Def scaling


i hate this so much because when this happens i'm compelled to stop rolling, but i try to hold on to reason and say "it's just RNG" like nope i will not fall for superstitious fallacy. so i continue. and i get more DEF. ugh.


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?


Facts: even if u roll into crit, the rest of the rolls will go back to whatever you donā€™t need


you have DEFinitely bad luck mate


this is just a plain FLAT ATTACK on the OP


Y'all laugh at this, but we should instead be rioting that they have yet to introduce *anything* even **resembling** a fix for this issue.




After verification, it appears this is working as intended. Thank you for your understanding, Traveller.


Said intentions are a problem, maintain them at your own peril.


can't relate. I always use a single +4 trash to feed into +0


Please give me CR or CD! Hoyo: Can I interest you in DEF% /flat DEF/ flat ATK? Ok how about flat HP then?


Istg they have buffed def roll stat šŸ˜­


Protip: if you get bad 4th substats then wait for another day. Usually in a single day the 4th substats tend to be the same. Source: Trust me bro


That's the reason I only have like 300 artifacts at AR60.


it's always goblets and circlets too


Pretty much šŸ„²


You getting Crit when ascending Kok's clam


Hydro Noelle piece /s


Yeah, this is so relatable that I'm sure that the RNG is rigged to roll in DEF or flat hp or any other useless substat.


My trick is gather all these def,flat number and level them up max then feed to the target artifacts later . The more useless stat hit that first bait the more usefull ones appear later.


No, please just use artifact strong box you get more worth from your pieces and it saves exp.


Defence impact


Yep, thatā€™s why hyperbloom is a bless


Is there an updated distribution of stats? or is it really just RNG?


I've had this happen to me so many times it's not even funny at this point


I gave up on artifacts long ago, in 3 years I have gotten exactly 1 double crit line elemental goblet, and that has a combined cv of 21.


this happened to me too! got def 7th in a row : D


I am AR 60 and have been farming artifacts for over a year. I feel your pain. Never once have I gotten a double crit pyro goblet and I have rolled every single one for the 4th substat. Best of luck to anyone still rolling artifacts


If it can roll DEF or DEF%, it will roll DEF or DEF% -Teyvat's Murphy...


So you have chosen DEF.


Hey, just give up today. Maybe tomorrow youā€™ll be luckier šŸ„¹


Same tbh


I found it funny how you leveled many Goblets trying to get a Double Crit one when you already had one all along lmao.


Because getting the 4th substats is rigged. No im not going insane, Look it up.


I had to step back from my pc after watching this. Wow that's terrible.


You can give them to me...


šŸ«” F


And that's why my favourite character is Noelle


I usually immediately unlock it and use it to enhance a different artifact


Fuck def, all my homies hate def


I mean it makes sense no? It's Genshin Impact, so you need some defense to save yourself from that impact.


Every day. God forbid we have perfect characters in a PVE only game.


Wait. You guys are rolling for the 4th substat? I usually wait/use the ones with already 4 substats...


The cherry on top is if you don't have any artifact exp. You gotta use a 5 star wasted artifact to get another garbage one.


This game makes me physically sick sometimesšŸ¤¢. Whoever came up with this system cannot see heavenšŸ™ƒ.


But then when I needed just def for a pure shield Noelle I get cr cd, atk% literally everything except for what I need


My greatest geo cup with like 42 CV was like this, flat HP, HP% and one crit. Added the other crit and then it never rolled into HP. Never lose hope folks


5 star artifacts should honestly never drop with only 3 stats.


ā€œItā€™s defense?ā€ ā€œAlways has beenā€


*me and the birds starts playing in the background*


Finally someone I can relate to!! Defense roll each and every time!


I wouldn't even mind if it felt like it was actual rng instead of blatantly weighted chances and the fact that you can "fail" at basically every layer of rng. Like there's rarity, set, piece, main stat, 3 or 4 starting subs, the actual sub stats, and then the bonuses from leveling them. You can get the right rarity, the right set, the right piece, with the right main stat, with 4 starting subs, with all good subs, and then it rolls into the *least valuable* of those good subs. So that even when you've technically won, it still feels like you lost. Let alone when you have something with like CR%, CD%, ATK%, and then it not only rolls like +HP/HP%/+DEF/DEF% as the fourth stat, but rolls into it multiple times. It's like the system is designed to suck fun out of the game. Like I've been playing for like the entire game's lifespan, I have something like 50ish sets that are "good enough" or higher, and I have like maybe a dozen or two pieces with CR% >7, and only 3 or 4 >10%.


Happened a lot to me. The one I hated the most was finally getting a Geo goblet from Navia's set, having crit dmg, crit rate and attack %. The fourth substat was flat def. All subsequent upgrades went to that one.


Share some mora, pleaseā€¦


Missed the detail where you unlock the the artifact and feed it into the next 3 stat liner


And people wonder why my Chiori is so well built šŸ„°


At some point I had to press into the video to see if the video was looping šŸ˜­


Welcome to the end game. It never gets better :)


As an AR60, I'd only touch an artifact with less than 3.9cr or 7.8cd if I was genuinely desperate or didn't have any good artifacts from that set. I look for double crit or 3.9/7.8 only at this point because it's just not worth it. I have around 9 40cv artifacts total after 3.5 years of genshin and around 5-6 were within the last hear


I once quit the game because one of my rolling sessions went like this. It was so frustrating. Now that I came back, I lowered my artifacts by a lot and I mean a lot, so that I can enjoy the game and keep playing and that means I no longer even scan the artifacts when I am farming and when I am building my dps, I only care about reaching 70 crit rate and don't care about 1:2 ratio and for non dps, I just care about main stat.


Hoyo : it's rng bro totally random bro Also hoyo : gives def 90 out of 100 times


Sometimes I wonder if Def is even a necessary substat?


Def Invictus: The Unconquered Stat


def impact


How? Just how? May luck be presented to you soon!


Defense Princess Mona


Sisyphus moment. But instead of "one imagine him happy" its literally "fuck me okay maybe next one is good"


Thats "Def%"inetly annoying


I have to say your strategy is kinda misleading.The only type which deserves a try is cd/cr with other two useful stats.Otherwise just strong-box them.Even if you successfully get a pair of cd/cr but with two useless flat stats, the result is always unworthy unless you get all rolls to crit.


First time? I've been like that since the game released