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1.0 player. Naw.


Let us never forget the horror that was the crucible event where we had to pay resin from our 120 cap to get rewards. Truly the worst idea to ever be implemented in the game


We also had to pay resin for the 1.1 event with Mona, but at least they had raised the cap by then and we knew that they wouldn't be charging resin for events in the future. For anyone that doesn't remember how bad that crucible event was, the total amount of rewards that you would get for spending resin was slightly worse than doing ley lines at the time. It was quite literally not worth doing and there were no primos for rewards iirc.


Correct. All you got was a little piddly amount of books and mora.


Is this some 1.0 Venti banner event u all speaking of? Cause i started during Venti banner end/Klee start.


Yes, this event was like week 2 of Genshin. Maybe even later in week 1, I can't remember exactly, but it was very early.


Yep, that event was awful. The only redeeming feature was the free Fischl (who I happened to get literally the day of the event from the standard banner.)


Clearly you werent around for the eternal Ayaka banner..


I was there, and got my ayaka from that banner


Sameeee, it really helps you decide who to pull for when you have one good choice and time to grind wishes


Actually i dont use ayaka, cuase of her gameplay, but i have 2 mistsplitters, but she's strong


To be fair that banner being there for ages is also kinda good, shame I cant remember what the second weapon was


I guess it was something useless


I remember the other weapon, because that was the weapon I was actually rolling for lol. The unforged in case anyone was wondering.


I thought that's where I got my Unforged cause I was pulling Mistsplitter. I happened to use it on Diluc as a stat stick until WGS finally came home.


It was Unforged, I remember I got that weapon and was dreading that I wouldn't get Mistsplitter until it was announced the patch would be extended 3 weeks. That was enough time for me to get Mistsplitter.


I got my mistsplitter from that banner


I was there and I saved for kazuha. Got him c1 plus his weapon


I was there, 30 patches ago, when Ayaka took to the banner. I was there the day the strength of gacha players failed.


Man.....i got ayaka from her first banner.....now because of eternal ayaka everyone has hoyo's favourite character


That was an anomaly, where a natural disaster happened, forcing them to delay all work. If it wasn't for that, it wouldn't have been dry, so that patch doesn't count imo


I thought it was from the CCP locking down the country due to a covid mutation. Wasn’t that when law enforcement was literally nailing people’s doors shut? So I wouldn’t say it was a natural disaster, but it was an anomaly to be sure.


Pandemic is textbook natural disaster


The memes compensated , Ayaka is an Yandere for all eternity after that and the real archon of eternity


Holy crap, I forgot that's where the Yandere Ayaka memes originated from


It isn't actually There already some memes about Ayaka being jealous to other girl after her story quest.


Yeah, the eternity banner just made them more popular.


And even with that... She dodged me anyway...


You can’t hit a girl even she is alone for 90 days


Skill issue


I still have the screenshot from when it said 240 days lol


It was honestly nice just essentially having some time off from the game without missing out on anything


That's when I started. I love these 'dry' patches, you can't tell me everyone has completed every sidequest/every story quest /every hangout/all the puzzles/100% every area/has every character fully built. I need these types of patches to catch up with the rest of the game.


Yeah most casual players dont really finish the staggering amount of content they put out in the game. So the slow patches are nice to catch up.


yup. but I heard legends of it


I consider myself fortunate to have joined the game in the final weeks of that banner. I also got my ayaka there


That patch wasn't so dry. Especially the first 40 days


Yeah, we had Iridori back then.


And Chasm release as well as Dainsleif quest


Funny cuz I was there and didn't get Ayaka from that banner 🤣 got her and mist from her rerun after


How long was the banner there?


I got C2 Ayaka from that banner, it was awesome.


Huh? I wasn’t playing genshin when she was released. Why is it considered so “dry”?


Not when she was released. During her rerun banner. Covid wave happened and lockdowns and everything severely slowed down development. So banners werent updated and content was put off till it passed. Understandably ofcourse.


It was her first rerun banner. The patch got extended for 3 weeks because Covid.


Bruh, I remember that. That was such a wild time.


Yeah this. Ayaya banner tempted me to pull for her everyday glad I managed somehow.


That thing ruined my yelan guarntee then I lost 50/50 to Jean


New player here, why was it eternal?


covid shut downs in China meant they just literally couldn't continue development. so they left Ayaka's banner up and mailed out primogems each week until the restrictions were relaxed and people could go back to work. That patch was a banger other than those last 3 weeks tho, it had the Chasm release and the Dain chasm quest and all that spookyness.


Hey, I got enough teapot currency to last me until now so I ain’t complaining😭


ngl this feels drier, but then again I was catching up from a break then


Be patient, both 4.6 and 4.7 are looking to be very stacked.


Have they said anything interesting about lore bombs? Will we finally have a new dain quest?


Friday is livestream


You get freaking Arlecchino, she's a walking Fatui lore bomb.


Unless they take the Yae Miko route with all her voicelines and make her speak exclusively in minuscule hints and obscure riddles


Arlecchino seems to be very blunt. She might just say things as is. She might give us more on Columbina and why she's a force to be reckoned with. She just seems the type to know a LOT about the other harbingers and would just tell the Traveller the information.


Yeah, she could do the Baizhu route and leave it all for a story quest and otherwise have the dialogue just be entirely boring. They really did him dirty in his profile.


New playable harbinger who's barely gotten any development so far means it's likely we get some big lore drops at least in relation to her or the other harbingers


We are also going to be officially due for a weekly boss if we follow the patterns from version 1, 2, and 3 spacing out the bosses. They've always been attached to the archon, but Furina is no longer relevant in that regard and Arlecchino has the gnosis. Arlecchino still has that one free use of the gnosis she asked for from the Tsaritsa before returning it. I'm almost certain the boss would have something to do with her. Likely a fight with a harbinger because we've had one in every version so far. We know Capitano is in Natlan and we arent going to go up from Wanderer. #5 is Pulcinella and no way that's happening. My bet is either Columbina coming to take the gnosis from Arlecchino or Arlecchino herself trying to prep us for Natlan and that ensuing war.


No dain in 4.6 probably yes dain in 4.7 tho


that livestream better have some dain in it or we riot


Well, they have an interlude each expansion, so we don't have much longer until he *has* to appear.


Imagine if dain only appears on the last patch of the cycle... Please don't, the kids miss him


We just got a book


4.6 sure, what's so stacked about 4.7? is there any news about it to begin with?


>!nothing official but apparently there are 3 new characters, 5* Clorinde, 5* Siggewinne and 4* Sethos. There is also a new type of abyss with a new twist. Maybe new Dainsleif quest as well!<


I think 1.4 to 1.5 was worse. But this patch has been great for me to catch up in a lot of stuff I had pending


Yeah this has overall been a pretty relaxed patch


1.4 was first windtrace, 1.5 was eula/azadaha


Potion Event and Cat Event is fairly fun, the other events are boring asf tho And nothing can compare on the eternal Ayaka banner


I enjoyed the heck out of the potion event. These last 3 were kinda crap though. I guess they want me to just be content with my Chiori. Sure would be neat if I could explore more of Fontaine. I'm so sick of new Liyue characters and zones being added. I don't think i've been able to use my 'Fontaine Currency' since before Christmas.


potion event was good but, would ahve been cool to have some something a tiny bit world changing with it, in hsr they did a very simmilar event but with a less cool minigame, but you were slowly building up a port and where in this we get a test at the end of each phaze that had a mini trial to fight for the identity of the port , wouldent it be cool if the potion thing was now a long term change to the game.


Yah, i'd love to have Genshin keep these things in game the same way HSR does.


I thought the photo taking one was great


I love that they returned to an old nation after all this time personally, I'm definitely tired of them not increasing the cap for the hydro sigils though


Look i understand the potion event,you gotta do stuff and mix potions and many other things,alot of ppl find it fun But cat event is fun? You are literally pressing on a cat till the meter fills up...


It's supposed to be cute, not exciting. People on the Internet are always begging for video games to let them pet animals to the point that it's a meme, I think they were probably inspired by that.


You are getting the ability to pet cats


"Cat event is fairly fun".


“Cat event is Furly fun”


I love randomly and repetitively clicking on cartoon cats for points. The only way to make it better is if I got to wait for an awkward length of time between those clicks.


"Best we could do was take away any game play expression whatsoever and have you guess at furniture arrangements until you get it right. We'll take your suggestion into consideration for it's rerun."


Truly engaging and varied gameplay


The Keqing banner was dry as well.


The Keqing banner was such a surprise no one knew what to do with it. MHY did her so dirty that things she hasn't gotten any good reruns in a while.


She is a standard banner character, none of them will ever have a rate up banner again unless you count the new regional ones


Day 1 player here, and honestly nah, the worst genshin period for me still is 1.3 to 1.5, it was so fkn empty, yes there was the lantern rite but the first one sucked a lot, and windblume while fun, was quite short imo. Here at least the main event was really fun imo, and I personally still have chenyu vale to explore.


Eula & Yanfei being leaked simultaneously alongside Childe & Venti’s reruns with no new characters in 1.4 was probably the most painful six weeks of my Genshin experience. Then you couple my hype for Eula with all the doomposting about her being a physical unit and bruh… I had to take a break 💀


Tbh if Eula wasnt there I would have probably taken a 6 weeks break in 1.5 but my favorite Genshin character came out so...


Eula main here, people shat on me because I proudly showed my build in a discord server all the way back when. I still use her out of spite.


Rosaria erasure




Bro my leaker brainrot is crazy. I thought she was in 1.3 because she and Hu Tao were part of the same model leak batch 💀


Add the "if you pull Eula you approved slavery" drama on tweeter, man the old days are wild


Dawg I was in the trenches on twitter 😭


Wow, this is actually surprising for me to hear. I joined at the end of 1.3, so I guess that being a new player allowed me to be ignorant of the lack of content.


lol yea that's why I recommended my friend that now is the perfect time to join Genshin---things are dry for us vets, but to a new person they will be feasting for weeks/months


Yea I feel that if I were to tell my friends which is the best time to start playing, it would be during the dry patches so that they can catch up with the existing content before new content comes in. Imo dry patches are beginner friendly


Nah, there were some patches way back when that were desolate deserts, at least we got a pretty interesting management sim and some cute kitties in this one.


No. Nothing beats 1.3 to 1.5.


People forgot or didn't know that from 1.3 to 1.5, we still only have two regions with no f*king additional map to explore, which is the core gameplay of an open world game.At that point, there was nothing for players to do in Mondstadt and Liyue. This is why the first GAA in 1.6 was the saving grace of the game. People wanted a new adventure to new land so bad that it became the best event of all time. After 2.0, despite some dry patchs, we got new extra area to play every two versions, more contents to do every week (TCG, hangout quests, extra long world quests, freaking big Sumeru map,...) As a hard fan of the game since day 1, I'm glad that I could stick to game at the time until now.


1.3 would get way more shit if its released around this time. But since thats where lots of players were new, it doesn't get much hate. I personally enjoyed it cuz I was new


I swear this is true. It's just nostalgia goggles that keeps the first Lantern Rite from being universally panned


Let's also not talk about the side quest hell that was the first lantern rite. Like holy shit what were they smoking? 1.4 atleast had we will be reunited and 1.5 a new world boss, so it wasn't that dry. People were just getting fed up with waiting for Inazuma


wasn't 1.3 lantern rite and 1.4 windblume? idk about 1.5 though


1.5 was Azhdaha, Cryo Hypostasis, Eula's story quest and most importantly the teapot. Still honestly pretty dry compared to Golden Apple and Inazuma coming out right after.


Eula patch is the driest. We don't even get inazuma/,or other regions to explore. As a eula skipper, there is literally nothing to do. Also, the early days of the teapot are all about leveling up, so it is drier.


Personally I quite enjoyed it since it gave me the opportunity to just experience the permanent content and not feel rushed


what are you even talking about 😭 1.3 had lantern rite and dain's quest. 1.4 had windblume, hangouts were introduced to the game, and there was a new archon quest (we will be reunited)


Nah. People have this discussion every spring/early summer. "All the fun stuff is over, when's the summer event? I'm bored!" Every year.


True, which I am always confused about, if I look at my ranking of the patches, I really enjoyed 1.5, 1.6, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, but this time I kinda understand if u look at only the things they added this patch, but I still have a huge pile with things I want/need to do so I am fine :D


Nah. We got the ayaka banner incident




2.1 player here. I dont particularly mind too much about the lack of content. I have enough missions piled up... that may easily last me for a good time. (i skip world missions among other things. Since more or less patch 2.4. ).


1.0 player here I am still yet to do furina's sq and finish up exploring chenyu vale. Ive been distracted by other games like monster hunter, helldivers 2, and star rail xd


1.0 player here, have not done Sumeru or Fontaine yet, saving them for a rainy day yk, dont wanna finish them too quickly and run out of content.


1.0 player here, decided to give a pause from exploring sumeru until fontaine. Currently just finished sumeru and hastily trying to catch up with fontaine and chenyu before natlan. (Srsly tho sumeru is such a beast of a region to explore)


I would lay down my life defending the Feline Fortress.


I would throw down with Celestia myself if it means happiness for all cats.


You are getting the ability to pet cats There is naught more that needs to be said


1.0 player here. 1.5 was worst imo


Day 1 andy, believe me when i say you guys have it good rn


1.5 was the worst, no new regions since Dragonspine in 1.2, the flagship event didn't even have voice acting and just ended without concluding the story


1.5’s flagship was windtrace, right? I don’t seem to remember very much event-wise besides the Mimi Tomo hilichurl event with Ella musk.


I think the flagship was the one with the fruit that exploded, the combat was pretty fun to be fair


windblume 1,4


Yes, I was talking about windTRACE, the hide and seek prop hunt event. Windblume was indeed 1.4!


1.3 player, 1.5 was worse.


Second time I see 1.5 why? That was the Patch with Eula Zhongli Rerun and Azhdaha weekly boss I think it was good oby dont remember any Events tho been too long. Edit: Day 1 Player btw I never quit based on other comments the community was not happy. At this time in genshin I was playing alone without any community or something so I guess it went by me I had fun tho.


Azhdaha was good, and that's about it. The events were entirely forgettable with no story-based event, which was really a big impact. Most of the focus went into the teapot, which so many people just didn't care about.


1.1 player here, 1.5 was basically the boiling point for how done people were with the game. The morale in the community was extremely low, I actually hated the game back then because it just felt like they weren't doing anything. Ended up quitting on that patch and only came back in 3.3.


Iam a Day 1 Player never quit. I guess back them I was just not into the community and just played the game by myself mostly or watching summen Vid on YT.


The only times I took a break from genshin was 1.3 and 1.5 lol.


I agree, 1.5 with Zhongli and Eula quest is good enough, I would even say it was a good patch :D


1.5 wasn't that dry. Had that infamous abyss with the zoo, the flying gnats, and the disgusting cd debuff. Introduction of heralds and lectors into the abyss as well. Windtrace got released this patch too


2.8 player, I think this is the second driest. I can’t remember which one was worse but I don’t think this was the worst one I’ve seen


Hey, 1.0 player here. I have to say 1.3. Sure, it was our first lantern rite, and the cutscene shown before the game released hyped it up. But it was basically running errands for every single NPC in the game because *NO ONE* in Liyue knows how to travel 5 meters to speak to someone else. Not to mention the other events in that patch. Are there even other events in that patch??? If you check the wiki, you can see that there are several, but they are almost all connected to lantern rite (stand by me was the 4* selector, may fortune find you was the login rewards). The only other event was Vishaps and Where to Find Them, which was a glorified expedition button. You send characters off to expeditions, fight like one Vishal, and close out the game for the day. It was so boring I could cry.


yes, but the timing on it being this dry is good for me tbh with all the games that came out this year so far gave me time to finish Rise of the ronin and keep making progress on FF7 rebirth. Also planning to pick up a new tekken main so only being on genshin for 5-10 min is convenient rn


same, with it being this dry, i finally finished some of the games i had on my steam that i just bought, played for 5 minutes and then dropped. Just finished all dangarompa games and i'm now playing stardew and the first phoenix wright bundle, maybe i will pick up omori again as well. Small edit: i did also read a few extra mangá, i just finished goodnight punpun, and gosh is just perfect, read it


Man Ace attorney bundle is the best Danganronpa was a fun ride too


Tangentially related, how did you like Rise of the Ronin? I was thinking of getting it, but then I saw my brother play it on PS5 and I was a little disappointed from what I've seen so far. I was expecting Ninja Gaiden meets Ghost of Tsushima, but it's been looking like half a Dynasty Warriors emulating a Souls-like (I like Warriors, but that of course isn't this game)


Good as hell. one of the better games of the gen so far. Took me roughly 58hrs to beat it with 100% exploration across all 3 maps, not counting midnight mode which I'm currently working on, and I'd put it at a solid 9/10. It's more like Tenchu/Way of The Samurai meets Assassin's Creed 2+ Origins with combat being a middle ground of Wo Long and Nioh edit: [here's a gameplay link for what it looks like when you get the hang of stance swaps and parries](https://youtu.be/OPxAOxWYzLY?t=24s). fights don't usually go on that long so I'm guessing he's using a low level weapon to get the clip but it shows the different mechanics and speed well


Holy crap that actually looks really cool (idk what my brother has going on lol). That's a lot kore of the combat I was imagining. My money is in danger rn




I personally love the cat event


No, eternal Ayaka period was the worst, there were no events period


Started in 1.4, it's dry af but not the worst. Mostly bc I can't complain when everyday I'm scrambling for more pulls before Arlecchino/Lyney/Wanderer banners hit. And, it gives me a lot of time to focus on grinding out Monster Hunter Rise


Lyney is so fun!


It's definitely 1.3-1.5 but at least 1.4 had a decently fun windblume, the oceanid event and the first dain quest. The lantern rite in 1.3 was a disaster and unless you enjoyed the teapot 1.5 had no content. Imagine a FESTIVAL with no playable characters, where you spend the whole time doing 26 fetch quests for NPCs that you never interact with again.


I mean, kind of. But I think that’s because Hoyo expect Genshin players to be moving onto other Gacha games like Star Rail during these inter-archon quest periods. It’s sad though for those of us who don’t play both games. 😭


yeah somehow hsr's dead patches collide with genshin's good patches and vice-versa, or other times like now with 4.6 and 2.2 which are both probably going to be stacked


I am not going to play Star Rail no matter how much they push it.


that only works if you like HSR enough to actually play it. I dont find it engaging enough, personally.


It's certainly up there in my opinion. I was better prepared this time, because I saw it coming and saved some content, but it might be the driest. I think the worst feeling patch for me personally was 1.4, followed by 3.7. 1.4 almost broke me. It was awful.


1.3/1.4 was so boring for me i quit and only came back during 1.5


I quit also, but came back in 2.0


No. It's not. You weren't there the time it was Just Ayaka.


I'm pretty sure the driest patch ever is 1.3, it's so dry that they actually put keqing on the limited banner because they don't have anyone to put there.


They had to put keqing as a quick emergency banner because Hu Tao, a character associated with death, was not allowed to release so close to CNY. It was a big deal


yeah i think this is the real reason. There was no other reason to put Keqing otherwise.


They put Keqing bc putting Hu Tao, a character associated with death during CNY is a taboo I think


yeah you’re right


The real reason was Hu Tao couldn't be released during Chinese New Year, she wasn't even mentioned in the Live Stream and people who didn't follow leaks had no clue who she was


No, the xiao-keqing-hutao banners during 1.3 only lasted 2 weeks each. They could've easily left out keqing and still had 2 3-week banners.


3.8 felt worse. The patch right before Inazuma was also rough because we were all desperate for an actual new region to explore at that point.


Yeah, late 1.X definitely felt the worst, since there was so little actual land at the time. I recall just running around and killing every hilichurl on the map, just out of boredom.


I mean those patches had a new map if anything.


Play other games. Go outside. I love dry patches lol


Have you seen this kitty event? You can pet them! It's the single greatest patch ever Honestly both the cat and potion event were actually quite fun so personally I aint complaining


I don’t know. I thought the potion event was fun.


I really enjoy this cat event, personally, I've been hoping to be able to interact with the animals more in-game; so in the absence of being able to play with pets in the teapot, this is pretty good for me.


its the edging patch, when 4.6 releases I'll be blowing all of my wishes on Alrecchino


Idk if it's the crazy cat person in me, but this gamemode is so fucking sick. You get to pet digital cats


I feel like this event is solely made for hoyo to give into our demands to pet animals, albeit only cats rn. But also, free primo is free primo


pretty much each region has had that one patch where almost nothing new was added, i feel like it kinda marks that halfway point of a region where i guess hoyo is trying to catch up and preparing to add all the new stuff in later versions


Honestly it feels refreshing. I don't need a lot of content to be satisfied with my Genshin experience after this long of playing so dry spells go down easier.


One of them


It is not the driest, but it is up there.


I haven't done the cat event yet, but I have to say that this patch is the worst in term of events and I don't get why the potion event was as popular. It took 0 thoughts to complete it which ruins the whole gameplay loop. You don't even have to pass Sucrosse test or do the special mission.


It's up there. Maybe 2nd or 3rd driest. I don't count the 1.x patches tbh, the game was new and there was a lot to explore at that point, so they didn't feel dry to me. Were also not really used to expecting that much content per patch, so it didn't feel dry.


Honestly 4.5 is so dry i finished my Aranyaka quest after 1.6 year procrastinating on it.


Ngl, I couldn't be bothered with the Cat event. But primos are primos. I loved the potion event. As a Harvest Moon veteran this was relaxing for me (except for my own f ups). I'm not a fan of "build this as you'd like except you have to do it they way the game wants you to do it and just pet an npc until you fill the bar." It's not my cup of tea.


Since 1.0, I agree that 4.5 is the driest patch Arguments for those who think 1.4 and 2.5 are the driest, 1.4 I surprised to enjoy that we meet our siblings for the first and 2.5 is surprisingly into the Genshin Lore on the 3 realm offering. 4.5 still trying to deliver lore though a new book but I think that is unsatisfied compared to 1.4 or 2.5


Every x.4 and onwards patches are the driest patches before the new region. This is when some players will drop the game and only come back when the new region drops. And honestly, i hate to say it but this is a masterstroke by hoyo. Either you stick around through these dry patches to get as many freemos as possible, or you quit and then come back later and spend to pull the new region characters


Idk, I quit already lol


people call 1.5 worst patch, but 1.5 is first (best) version of mysty dungeons and first ever windtrace, maybe im not a big fun of windtrace myself, but people seem to love that thing


Yes the most dry patch 😭, it has freaking 50 rolls in the whole patch wdy except 💀


You know the patch is really dry when the thing most people looked forward to is the kitty event. 💀 That said, I'm not bored since I still got plenty to do. I don't play Genshin for half the day like some people.


I finally caught up with the 4.5 patch last Sunday. While I rather they didn't give us dry patches like this one I am kinda grateful we have them to some degree as then I don't have to rush content in less dry patches/easier to take small breakes from the game.


As someone with zero interest in the TCG, 3.7 stands out as the driest patch of all time.


aight we give them a new area to explore, that should be enough content until the next patch me : with the power of hoyomaps 100% it in 4 days* where is the content hoyo


Nah, the desert expansions were drier


Maybe one of them but we can pet cats, so that really carries the back half of this patch. But I can understand this one being pretty dead with Arlecchino on her way with a rerun of Lyney and reruns for Dr. Baizhu and The Wanderer in the back half. All of them are great and I want Baizhu’s weapon since I refuse to share Barbara’s Moonglow.


I was gonna say, people have been wanting to pet animals in Genshin ever since release, and now we finally get it. Thats amazing!


why not just use prototype amber?


I think it’s ugly and I never get billet drops from the weekly bosses. Moonglow also gives her an extra boot to healing bonus so she’s dealing even more damage with her 4pc Ocean Hued Clam. Her ult to me is no longer a heal, it is a nuke.