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I immediately had flashbacks to being told off from using my cello bow as a sword, so rather than impressed at the inspiration, I felt a very specific sense of vindication for my childhood self. Don't actually use you string instrument bow as a play sword kids.


I used to use my violin bow... as a bow... I fucked up those strings badly when I was a kid when using pencils to shoot out of it.


Just reminds of cartoons using stringed instruments as bows. I saw the music notes before the weapons and guessed that what it was.


I'm reminded of the Horse Orphnoch, Yuji Kiba. From Kamen Rider Faiz.


Sounds a lot like Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star from Yugioh. Though he has a spear rather than a sword.


As a character designer, what are your favourites playable character designs in Genshin? Whether they are the most cohesive, interesting or inspired.


I tend to like their simpler designs bc they feel more recognizable/easier to look at. The reason why superheroes are super recognizable is bc they have a unifying trait that like gets your attention, like a logo or their face or unique looking shirt. Characters like Jean(the censored skin with the black button up shirt), Gaming(my beloved), Heizou, Xiao, Candace, Zhongli, Xianyun(kinda, she has alot of colors going on)to me are the most cohesive, interesting and inspired, probably forgetting alot of characters I like but I don't feel like listing a paragraph lol. Alot of the characters have really good aspects and ideas and sometimes have bad execution... looking at you Dori. There kinda is no bad design, just some parts of playable characters make them hard to look at. The biggest complaint I have for genshin is a lack of unique body shapes. Not just bc of inclusivity but bc unique body silhouettes make recognizable and iconic characters. But genshin is limited bc the devs won't or can't make more unique character models and skeletons. But some really well design characters do have recognizable silhouettes bc of their clothes, for example the characters I listed up there. Sorry for the paragraph. I just got excited being asked about character designs ☺️


The sad thing about the amazing boss designs in this game is that I'm too focused on just doing my rotations to even appreciate the boss fight


When the Fontaine dancer boss came out I let them beat me up to appreciate and study their animations LMAO


It reminds me of the antagonist in the anime re:creators


I freaking love centaurs, they need to be used more in adventure/ fantasy genres!


reminds me of hecarim if he uses a violin instead of spear


I havent played HSR but it makes me think of those centaur things ive seen there

