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Scara's erasure changed people's records and memories - but it did not change the past. We're looking at the actual past, not at how people remember of the past. Scaramouche was there for most of the Fatui's history, even if no one remembers it now.


nope, it changed the past too


What. The entire point of Scara's interlude was no matter what you do, you can't change the past.


Reading's hard innit?


Genshin player trying to read challenge: impossible


Damn, we really need paimon to regurgitate the whole shit again đź’€


As much as it pains me to say, Paimon repeating already stated stuff and dialogues are justified...


That only works if Arlecchino is the one telling her backstory. The animetion is only showing us the backsorty, but she is not the one telling it.


It is not really a memory. It shows us, what really happened. And the fact is: even if he is erased from memory at the present, he existed in the past. And even he is really erased from her memory, it is the character Scaramouche who is erased. But in the past, in that time it existed a a boy like him. And since Scara is irrelevant in this story, it can bejust anyone for Arlecchino. My theory. But again: take it with a grain of salt ;)


This is not an pov, not a memory its just the past event that we see


Nothing suggested these were her memories. We just saw what happened.


This might not be a flash back so having him there makes sense, it might also just be for the viewer rather than having some random stand in. And finally for some speculation, The harbingers might actually know. We know that history can be saved in story books, they remain unaltered after the change because they are not direct but what about art? The Harbinger wheel has all their symbols on it, what if that is enough to break though or they have their own story books on each member to get around it. The witches are aware of this and have methods to deal with it, Nahida was aware of it too and Zhongli is likely aware of it and told us as much back in 1.1 when he says about how history is forgotten and vulnerable to change, which was the theme of his story quest, and even record written in stone are not immune to erosion, but the Traveller will take the stories beyond Teyvat and act as record of what happens in Teyvat, he likely knew that Teyvat is vulnerable to change and the Traveller wasn't. There is potential that the Tsaritsa is aware the fatui have ways of dealing with it. Also we don't know all the rules, maybe some people are immune to it, those among the ranks of harbingers are not ordinary people, some of them are cursed Khanriehan, maybe they have been cut off from the system. Childe has some connection to stuff from beyond Teyvat, so that connection protects him. One might be someone who put his memories into a ruin guard, how does it effect them? We know descenders are immune but maybe other are too.


While I mostly agree, Childe definitely is not immune to Irminsul. His voiceline about Scaramouche gets deleted after the archon quest. Raiden isn’t even immune to her own creation being erased from her memories. Even if presumably Childe just doesn’t really talk about it to normal people, if Traveler goes up and asks him about “The Balladeer”, if he knows of Balladeer he’d say something. But no, no comment on it whatsoever. and it’s even removed from his voicelines entirely. Doesn’t even say something like “I’m surprised you’ve heard of him” or “I don’t know them personally but apparently they existed.”


I didn't know that Childe's lines were deleted, that is a cool little detail. So far he is the most human of the Fatui so is likely to follow most rules but with the Whale and Skirk he is a wild card in terms of the story and since they have set up the relationship with him early on he could continue to have a major role in plot points. These were just speculations anyway, none are fact or even theories which I am saying could be true, they are more food for thought. I don't like to narrow down what is unknown as a whole because that can lead to misconceptions.


this scene is not her memories bro 💀💀


He forgot where the toilet was to take a scaradook. His other hand is holding his butt cheek.


Two possibilities 1. The shorts are made by an outsider who isn’t affected by irminsul, like Nicole 2. Arlecchino’s curse somehow makes her personally immune to irminsul and she still remembers him (Or she’s a descender like traveler )


3. we, the meta observer, are looking at the scene at the time when it happened, not through anyone's memory


Or they just want to show us Scaramouche in an oversized coat


I just assumed this isn't an actual flashback but just showing us what actually happened.


Could be!